17 The Dalles Daily Ctoonisls. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLE9 CITY. AND WASCO COUlflT. National Republican Ticket. FOB PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. JFOB V1CK-PEESIIENT, AVHITELAW REID, of SewTorfc J. H G, D". -FOU PEESIDESTIAI, ELECTORS, F. CAPLES, of Tbrtland. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. M. IRWIN, of Union. M. DUNNE, of Portland. ARE ALL STRIKES FAILVRESt The defeat at Homestead, the disaster at Coal Creek, and the collapse of the strike at Buffalo provoke the inquiry: Are all strikes failures? Do great etrikee ever succeed? Workmen have gone out from all sorts of employment, confident, defiant, and loyal to each othor, only to fail. Other workmen have been found to take -their places upon the terms - -which the strikers refused to accept. 'Therefore many assert that strikes, not having accomplished the specific pur- pose which they set out to accomplish, should have "failure" written up against them. Bnt thia is a very narrow view to take -of the subject. Every strike has left its lesson and its impression, some super ficial and others deep, upon labor coh -ditiona. Strikes have served to mark the limits of oppression by employers' -and the autocratic demands of employes. They have demonstrated repeatedly to managers of corporations that there ie line m xrge slavery beyond which they cannot go. At the sanifl time innumer able failures have taught striking em ployes that there are demands which nannot tn, enforced, no matter how strongly- they are urged by strikes, boy cotts, and the intimidation of non-union men. Organized labor has a library full of experience acquired ' in striking tor more than the labor market would yield to it. Corporate monopolies have lost millions in acquiring the knowledge of just how far they can go in reducing wages or imposing restrictive condi itioiwi. "While strikes have perhaps failed as .slrlk'es, it canuot be assumed that they have failed as lessons. No statistics -ran be obtained, nor can any estimate -be made as to the number of strikes .-wh!cta have been prevented by the spec liicio of strike failures. Diseatisfied em ployes will learu from Homestead and Buffalo to be moderate in their demands xind prudent 'in the methods employed .to enforce them. Employers will like wise learn wisdom from these same ex periences. The world in general learns that an honorablo, fair and effective method of settling labor difficulties must lie foHnd, .... rThm to the right medicine, if you're a weak or ailing -woman. It's Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If you're overworked or ' run-down," - it builds you up ; if you're afflicted with any of the distressing derangements and dis orders peculiar to your sex, it relieves and cures. It improves digestion, invigorates the system, enriches the ' blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervous ness, produces refreshing sleep, and restores flesh and strength. '- In' the cure of all functional disturbances, weaknesses, and irregularities, it's guaranteed to give satisfaction," or the money is refunded. It does all that's claimed for it, or it couldn't besold in this way. It is-.a legitimate medicine not a beverage. Contains no alcohol to inebriate; no syrup or sugar to sour or ferment in the stomach and cause distress. As peculiar in its marvelous, remedial results as in its composition. Tb Ic .Wagon. The ice wagon of Cates"& Alilson is: on theatreets-evwy' morning tron 6 tot-8 o'clock. Any orders for. ice--left-with Will VanbibbeT's express prat the atoro-j 01 Unas, Lauer wUJ ta. promptly:, at tended to. ,-CaTP8;&' AtUBOS.' County Treasurer' SoMcisV '-"V;" . All countv warrants registered : prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, July 16, 1692.V -. William Michki,!., . - 7.18tf Treasurer Wasco Connty. Or, ICS! ICKt XCSI Having On hand a large- sudoIv of ice i -wir-anf prepareetXPfgjBttr oar- custom er wi,ii icw in any quantity at a reason able rate-.. 'We guarantee' we will supply thedpiaand without advancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at Cf.F, Laser's store, Second street.:.-. 5"St; feTj-..-. Oates & Atiisos. : GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF . ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, enf smd ee me ' "A Sellable .Man. . ' Z M. J. Grfnef, a Justice of the Peace at Print, Michigan, eays. one bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy saved his life.' He had been down wjth bloody flnx for three weeks when -he commenced using, this medicine. It soon cured him, and lie believes saved his life.- - He also savs it saved the lives of three railroad men in that vicinity. 'Squire Griner is a re liable and conscientious man, and what ever he says can be depended upon. For sale by Blakely A Houghton, druggists. ,r. AiLr'DatTes Citv warrants registered prior to October 7, 1S90, will be paid ii preseuted at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. Dated July 7th, 1S?W. ; . . .' .' L. ItOKDKK, " '' . tf- ' -Treas. Dalles CHy. A J. FOLCO, -DBA1.EK IN- Cafliies, FrulR Nuts, Soia.Water, Ice Cream, Toliacca and Cigars, v MArfUrACTTTXEB OF . " first Class 'Syrups fo? Saloons and Soda Fountains,, Ete. Second street. Next door to Wincalc s Hall HORSES GBLBRKTED ; AOpUSTBUCHLER Prop'k This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter eastof the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer havo been introduced and only the first-class article will be placed on, the markets . ' ., - .- -.. . . . . .. . -The jUafceh StPing is Always Out I SpriQ aijd Summer, SEASON 1S92. ISl ,0? r? OJn8,nd a small drop of ink. Famng. Likedew, vpon a thouKht. nnxfurm . ..- Tliat wtiloti loakea thousands, perhaps mlUJons, think. WK TRD3T TO tfStsf AKD DO VOtT GOOD. Buy Oui Shoes J, S. COOPER, Comer Barn, Union Stock Yards, Chicagd, Illinois. ihc Largest and Only Strictly Commission Dealer in Horses in the United States. ' ".t uommencini; the ord of xVutrnst arid evi-rv mf.ntli thrnnvhn.it .hi tvf umi i.nii ' bpwnal Kxtensively Advertised Sales of . JflZESTeRN RRNGE HiDRSES r. . -k ; St Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other gooas m proportion. P. FAGAN. Second et.. The Dalles. Bolo Agent for WANNAMAKEE & BKOWN, Phltadelphia. Pa. Reference J?jioiiui Uvo Stot-fc .Bank, 'Micaiju. til jseierence . ncago Nal5ollai j5atlkj Chicago,. HI. Write for Particulars. DEDAIvEJRS IN 5 Second St., Oppl Hood's S.taWe, '! THB. DALtES, v . - .; t : , : . OREGON. - 'Will repair your fine Buggies- ' and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do j All your blackemitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. L. FISHER. W. J. MONTAGUE. ' IhePhiladelphia Ledger suggests that " " inasmuch as this is the centenary year :0f the canal system of New York, the celebration of the event ehould be made ti, nrnortunity of bcotinning a monu ri.Jaent to Governor Do Witt Clinton, . -svhom more tban to any wu- inii. vidual, the state is indep ea for the ex " : iBtence of the Eria tana, and whose dis tinguished p'a1lic services have not been ysomniemorated, as have the deeds of many less deserving men, by an approp riate monument of stone or bronze, but the celebration i9 to take a less senti mental and more practical- form. The :-nnion for the improvement of the canals -of the state of New York proposes to - celebrate the centennial., by. holding; a . big canal convention this all, at whiph. anot only will the past usefulness of the - "canals bo celebrated, but steps will be taken to insure their further improve ment, so as to maintain their capacity or continued service to the commerce of the state, for the friends of the canals believe that the present is a critical period in their history. . FISHER & MONTAGUE, 1 PROPRIETORS OF THE : i- Klite Shaving Parlors "Rati- I ri-aTnT-. AArSAn Fir, Pine, Ash; groceries; gTOVES & RANGES, HARDWARE i? TINNING AND PLUMBlW'G A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third aiid Union,, cr 133 Second sli. THE DALLES, OK. x ? -.DEALER IX- H ay, Grai n , Feed & Flou r. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH: It behooves everyone, especially the workinsrman, ;to buy where he can buy the cheapest and eai get ,the most Jbr his hard earned money. We solicit a fcvhare. of your patronage! Cash paid for eggs and poultry. All goods dEtivered free and proniptSf Corner Union and Second streets The Dalles, Oregon- "V NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND Bffl ROOMS illO JfKONT 8TKEKT. . .OOITD STEEET. THE DALTiES, OE. After five months in the west Mr. Jay Gould has arrived in !New 'York and 'is reported to be "as- brown as a western cowboy." Is that aa augury of the color to which the lambs, will be done, or itre .we to expect that his; operations will make the atmosphere of Wall street blue? f 'T- Mr. -Depew is always fortunate enough f- to be abroad when his railroad is in volved in labor troubles. After H. Wal ter Webb has weathered the storm Channcey comes home smiling and as popular as ever. Mrs. Potter Palmer is to drive the last nail in the woman's building at the worlds fair with a "Nebraska-made ham mer. It is understood that two nails wrong one. Lottie Collins, the originaP'Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay" singer, is coming to Amer ica next month. Cholera, coming later, therefore, may find this country resigned to any fate, .'''.. Gentlemen will ' find THE ELITE fully up to the times in every respect. Hair Cutting in the best manner, in every style of the art..: Smooth Shaving and. Perfect Baths. . , .. . 1- Hours: - Every day and evening dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nings after 10 o'clock.- Open on Sun days from 7 a. in. to 12 o'clock noon. CHAS. STUBIONQ. OWEN WILIJAM8. Stublihg I Williams, The Gef mania, ::Y. SECOND ST., THE DALLES, - 1 OREGON CSTDealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. . Milwaukee Beer on iwaugnt. ffl J tt ) DJ 0 It a o s H ml 1 cn n- z 0 V c Rt the old stand of Hi litiaheir. Chas. Ffazcf, Pfop. I- W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and- Wine lta, The Dalles, - Oregon. Northwest Court Streets. corner of Second aud The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. will be used and that she will aim at the-jhaa been entirely refurnished, and every room has been, repapered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. .The pplied Kates house contains 170 rooms and is anpj with every modern convenience. I reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house. . Yer bus to and from all tramB. " . C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. H . O. INIEr LSe.N, Gf Beind Tailor -;'ggSl':rD SHOES, - !T f: -MANUFACTURfiD BY- WALTER H. TEN NY & CO., X . BOSTON, TOSS. . - , THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. : !!EW SPHIIiG flllfl SUmjTIER DRY GOODS ' v'' : COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. ,G6fits;fiishingGood v Boots and Shoes. Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. Cash Bayers mli I save money - by - exaffiining oar stock and prices before poreing'itfsw Herbring s k i:b:be hotel I. W. Ti. 1 s iff 8? Slll'-i .'; i l$$m$& mi i ;lniir f gas ' . --2 JS . . m . -g I - , mm&k lM it 1 Mir - s WM. & CO., Building -DEALERS IN Material, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Lime. Plaster, Hair and Cement. A liberal discount to the trade in all lines' handled by os. JEFFERSON STREET, between Second1 nd Railroad. s '. THE DALLES, OR ; Crortts' TiiixrTi YwVi ins OoodB, . . ; nAwWvi? JLSfiftGTON.: THE DALLES. OREGON Washington: worth Dalles at?- Washington SnrUAtED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. . Best Selling Property of -the Season in the North west. - -.-1 ' - ' ' r For'Further Information Call at.th Office pf 0. D. TAYLOU Tie Dalles. Or. mi r2 WasMmtoiL St. Fortlairft, Or. 7 - JX Jf' vOpQt firom July lst'tc? Oetobcf Isi. ' ' - - 4- Tbia mctareeone fiostlery. bnllt o silver fir Iocs, and rooted socurelv on the edge of a precipice on the north aide o Mount; Hood is 'within' fifteen minatea walk of the perpetual iee and enow;. of Eliot Glacier, 7,000 feet above the sea level, twenty -seven iHlles from Hood- River, over the finest roads in the United States. Fare for the ronnd trip fS.OO ; rates per day $3.50. ',r,TKe'TaTOeiitTn8 with everything the market afforda. -Hot and cold -baths, etc., the beet of guides will take you to the top of Monnt Hood b- the be practicable routes, which are from'tbe lnat r i'tp'-Ai-1 'w-v . W. A. LAyaiLl,E,-Manager. TME ; EUROPEAN HOUSE. Corrugated Balldlns est Door to Court Bouse. : .- N Heals . Prepared by a Fjrst CIassTEnglishnCook: TRANSIENT, PATRi)NAQ-E! SOTjICITED.1 4Joo ' .- Mixta sample -Kooms jior commercial jaien griffs J-. '? ; ' i-v- V