mi The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TBI DALLES OREGON TUESDAY AUGUST 30, 1892 Published Dnlly, Sunday Excepted. THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. Terms of 8ilcvipUoii - fei Year. ............ Per month, by currier. Single copy . . v6 00 . .. SO - 5 STATS OFFICIALS. GovernQt... Secretary of State. .' ' Treasurer Snpt. of Public Instruction. ntorn ' "3on?resBman State Printer . , ..... ....... G. W." McBrJde ...Phillip Metschan E. B. McElroy ( J. N. Dolph " J. H. Mitchell It. Hermann .. ....Frank Baker 'CSJTJNTV OFFICIALS. County Judge... Sheriff..... -T- . . Clerk Trevtrer,; , . . (ieo. Vliikeloy T. A. Ward ... . : . . . ..J. B. Croseen , ...Wm. Michell I 1j rVirniollo CWWHnhwfcmers .-. ... : . ) Frank Ktncaid Assessor, . i ............. . '. Joel W. Kwntz Burvfvor E.-F. Sharp Superintendent of Public sjehools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner .' K. M. kastwood - -i ' : ' ' " 1 "" OEEGON'S SHOWING AT CHICAGO NEXT YEAR llcniains in doubt, but there ig no -question about the Portland Industrial Ex position which opens Sep tember 21st and closes October 22d, being the best Exposition ever held on the Pacific Coast. So far as Oregon is concerned it will be the forerunner of the Exposition at Chicago in 1893. The principal attrac tions - are the magnificent American Band of Providence, Ji. I. An art .collection valued at $350,000, and em bracing some of the greatest pictures owned ihe . United States. Immeje ." Horticult ural and Agricultural exhibits, the result of the combined efforts of almost every county irVthe state. A mineral ex hibit exceeding .-all .former years. . A istock -Department showing tremendous progress To these are added a larger xfumber of exhibits than. ever before; including a magnifi- crit electrical display under the combined Thomson-Hous ton and Edison Companies. All manufactures in, full oper ation. Government models of Battle Ships. The wonder- . ful Hall of Mystery. The .marvelous "Little World," the . product of a mechanical rgenius; all inteispersed by novelties incident to the pop ular special days. Every thing new and nothing dead. Greatly reduced rates on all transportation lines. FRENCH St CO;, . BANKERS.- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUrilNESb Lett-erg of Credit issued available in .Eastern States. he Sight Exchange and " Telegraphic Transfers sol don New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco,. Portland Oregon, Beat tie Wash;, ana vanoas points in ur egon Mid Washington. Collections made at ail points on fav orable terms. ESTABLISHED AA4 C AYF 186. La CAYFATSv TRADE Ht" " .' 0EStCN5 Marks. . f 4 copyrights) glv apaeUl attotttfon to casts r)ctod tmotliar UtMidc, lo to fnterfersDMM, apfMaJs, seissMS, rA mark, th prepartvtion of optsian as t lafrliuraMSt. oop svad Vsvlidtty of patsnts, sa4 ths wosocmuo im dcfvjuM of suits for tntrlnmstts. 1 Omr oook oliostrBS tlons. Urmi, refarcnoss. stc. , sctfros. - KISiN KKOTUKRSvKiuitablp Bandings liru.i t etc.. wsjflntnnon. mj. sj. SOend thrum rtaaps lor postsgs om MsrUi U39 luM kkK " iBwatlvo rrocros,' pmbiiaksfs prla 6 oaats. mod oar qvarto-jcsatoamia pasopjiiot flpf tas Ml J. S. 8CHEKCX, H. M. BXAU. - , Cashier. frcsKIcnt. first Jlational Bank. "HE DALLES. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to-Sight . Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly ' .' remitted on day of collection.' Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oil New York, San Francisco and Port-. . 1 land. DIREOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. f- Jxo. S. Schksck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo, H. M. Bkaix. A. Likbb. . THE DALLES Rational k Bank,; Of DALIES CITY, OR, President - - Z.' -F.. .Moody Vice-President, Cashier, . - ". 'Charles' Hilton - .. -. . M. A. Moody General Banking. Business Traffsacted. . 'Sight Exchanged Sold on - NEW YORK, ' - . SAN FRANCISCO, - CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collctionsrnade on favoreble terms at all accessible points. . ; - City Wagon Shop, Second St., opposite Hood's Stable, TEE DA1.1.BS, OREGON, A. SANDROCK, Prop. First class Carriage and Wagon mak ing. General repairing to order, in a satisfactory manner, at - reasonable prices. Give me a call. ON SALE TO OMAHA Kansas City, St, Paul, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL POINTS East, North and South. LEAVE THE DALLES; No, 7, west bound. . . 4 :10 p. m. 3:05 a. in. 11 :55 p. m. 1:25 p. m. No. 1, " - " No. 2, east bound No. , " " PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS, and DINERS. Steamers from MLAND to SAN FRANCISCO EVERY FOUR DAYS. TICKETSEUROPE For rates and general information call on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Tleket-Agent, , II. HO RLBU RT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., 54 Washington St., Portland, Oeegon. From TEryfllHrUt op INTERIOR Points THE RHILROHD " Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOOTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through vestlDuiea Trains every aay in we year to pan! and dhicago (NO CHANGE OF CARS. Coinnosod of Dining Cars unsurpassed. Pull man Drawing Room Sleepers of latest equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Best that can be constructed, and in which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Seoond-class Tickets, and : ELEGAHT JAY COACHES - A continuous line, connecting with all lines, affording direct ana uninterrupted service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in aavanoe enrougn any agent or tne roaa. TUDftllf!! TIPtfCTC To and from all InnUUUll lluMIO points in America, Angmnu auu .urufe can do purcaasea at any ElCKec omce m me company. ; . u r.- Full information concernine rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Asrent D. P. & A. Mav. Co., Regulator office, The -. Dalles, Or;, or . l .' A. D- CHARITON. Aes't. IQeneral Pawerger Agt, Portland, Ogn. iniieni FaeihG PKOFKS8IOMAL OABDN. f SIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the IV. p lainless extraction of teeth. aibo teew et on flowed aluminum plate. Kooms: eign oi ate. k Street. ihe Golden Tooth, Second DR. G. E. SANDERS,- ' - - .. - a Graduate of the uTiversity of M.onlgan. Suc cessor to Dr. Tucker. Office over Frenchs" Bank, The Dalles, Or. " .-. . . . FM. BALYER7 Crvit, EKOiNBEirN'o, Survey- lug, mid Arehtietare.-.The Dalles, Or. . TF. SNKaAKER? D-D. S., has located per . miiTxitiv in ThW Dalles, and offern his -er- vioes to the public Uv n cd of dentistry. -Office in CbpmaWbiiU4WSk6ecoi-Btreet.. KoomaiS aud.87 gvet the Post office book storc ; : . TR.ESI1ELKAH (Hon .EOrATHICj PHYSICIAN I S flntl eOBGCON. i;aiis lUDwenw prwupuy. T dav or nieht. citv or country. Onue no. o. 3b and 37 Chapman block. . . . wtf n I Drt AN K THYSICTAH and bob- geon. Office; rooms a ana e (jnapiran Hlnt-k. Residence: B. K. o imer ourt ana Fourth streets, see nd door from the corner. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to P. M. B. B. DtjrOB. - : . V . TEAKS XBJIFEB. .tl-pTTR fc MENEKEB ATTORNrYB - AT- i J r. t w Rooms 42 and 43, over "Post Oflice BuildinR, Eotraneen Washington Stree The Dalles, Oregon. . WH. W I LSON ATTORN If Y-AT-LA W KOOIUS . 62 and 53, New Voct Block, Second Street. The Dalles, Oregon.. A a RFNKKTT. ATTUKMSI-AT-UW. UI- Am flee m Schanno's building, up stairs. Tha uaiies, uregon. F. P. MATS. B. 8. HUNTINGTOH. H. 9. W1L80S. MAYS, IiUNTlTUIN- J.J5VJ aTK-veth-it-lav. Offices. French's block over First National Bank, The IJ alii, ufegon. nK. ELIZA A. INGALLS, PhysiciaH, SDR OfiT i.t st. Omw: Uooms 40 and 47 Chapman Block. - . ' SOCIETIES. 1 BaPMRI V NO. 4S27. K. OF L. Meets in K A. 0f p. hall the second and fourth Wedues- days of each month at 7:30 p. m. TTTASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. IT. oe A. M. Meets T T first and third Monday oi eacn monui at i DALLES KOYAL ARCH CHArTtR ts. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday Of each month at 7 f. M. . . rODERN WOODMEN ' OF THE WORLD. Jit Hood Cams No. 69. Meets Tuesday eve ing of each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7 :S0 V, COLUMBIA LODGE, NO-6, I. O. O. . Sleets every Friday evening at 7:80 o'clock, in K. nf p. hall, corner Second and court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome ., .- FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. ., It. ot f. -ilea is everv Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in-, vited. w.u. ukui, . D. W.V1BSS, K. Ol K. SUO B. - .-w. TTTOXTEN'R CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE T T UNION wIll meet every Friday afternoon at S o'clock at the reading joom. All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. w. Meets at K. f P. Hall, CdrnefcBecopd and Court Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 :30s W. B Myebs, Financier. . - M. W. AS. NESMITH POST, No. 32, G. A. B. -Meets everv Saturday at 7:30 P. M., in the K. of P. UaU. B. OF W. E- Meets every Sunday afternoon In theK. of P. Hall. E8ANO VEREIN Meets every Sunday JT evening In the K. of P. Hall. i. OFLF. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the i. K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month, st 7:30 r. x. . THE CRl'KCHES. T. METERS CHURCH Rev.- Father Beons gbkt Pastor. " Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. X. High Mass at 10:30 a: x. Vespers at 7r. x. ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching in the Y. M. C. A. rooms every Sunday at 11 a. m. and tp.ni. SutMliy sohool immeoii kd.iv sohool i after morning service. J. A. Orchard, pastor. T. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Sutclifi'e Rector. Services every Sunday at 11 A. x. and 7:30 r. X. Sunday School 9:45 A. x. . Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:80 . - . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Key. O. D. Tat los. Pastor.- Morning services every Sab bath at the academy . at 11 a. x. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Praver meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi dence. Union- services 4n the court house at 7 P.M. ONGREGATIONAL. CHURCH Rev. W. C. Curtis-, Pastor. Services every aunaay aiii x. and 7 p. x. Sunday school alter morning tervice. Strangers cordially invited. . Seats tree. M- E. CHURCH Rev. A. C. SPKKCBB.pastor. Services every Sunday morning. Sunday Sohool at 12:20 o'clock P. x. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people to all. YOUR ATTENTIOli Is oalled to the faot that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrie, the Finest tine of- Picture To be frond in the City. 72 CElashington Street H Rockoned He Would Bon. " ' i to American history is General Zachary Taylor, "Old Rongh and Keaay,"Herool Buena Vista, father-in-law of Jefferson Davis and twelfth president of the United States. We all recollect how Darnel Webster sneered at him, before he was nominated, as a "backwoods colonel. and refused to Jet his friends pnt mm on the ticket for Vice president with Taylor for first, place, thereb missing his last and, as the 6rnel showed, best chance of becoming president Millard j.Fill- more, of New York, took the despised second place and- thereby had nearly three years in the White House. : v General Sherman used to teu an amos- ing little story of Taylor anent bis nomi nation for the presidency. At that time General Taylor was stationed at New Or leans. . He was a Kentnciaan ana tns Kentackians were very properly proud of bi-m. One day shortly before the conven tion met at Baltimore he was approached at New Orleans by an . old Kentucky friend, who said: . - "General, we want you to run for presi dent." "Who wants me to run?" asked Gener al Taylor seriously. "Why, we do all your old neigh bors." "Well, then, if that's the case," replied the old. hero, without changing the ex pression of his face, "1 reckon TO have to run." Detroit Free Press. - A. A. Brown, . . Keeps a full assortment gf . , "f . Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. : which he often at Low Figures. SPEGffili -: PRIGES to Cash, Buyer's. Higto Cask Prices for'Eis anj other 170 SECOND STREET. A NEW PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IK Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a Complete Undertaking .'Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with tne V ndertakers' Trust our prices wui be low accordingly. . - . Remember our place on Second street. next to Moodv's bank. The! Dalles FACTORY NO. 105. pTp A "DC of the Bert Brands VjllTAriC' manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. . The reDutation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Seoond Sreet, The Dalles, Or. This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. Butts, long a resi dent of Wasco countv, has an extraordi nary fine stock of : -. Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Distorkoce. In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines, Lienors and Cigars. Give the old man a call and you will come again G.W:Johnston&Son, CarDBUters ancf Euildsrs, Shop at rio. 112 first Street. AllJob, Work promptly attended to and estimates given on all wood work. Undertaking Establishment! Gioap Faetopy FIRST"CLHSS id fm ; vpta 0); 11 - CAN BE HAD AT THE C H RON I CLE Resonably Ruinous R aes. D. BUNN Pip WoffiKTlil B " ; 'MAINS' TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE, Shop on Third Street, next -- Blacksmith. bhop. . . - r : DEALERS IN: staple and Fancy Hay, Grain Masonic Block. Corner Third and flevu fS. Columbia THE DALLES, OREGrON. 1 Best Dollar a Day House on 'the Coast! ' First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. IS one but the T. T. THE Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles , and the surrounding country, arid the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and - Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re- gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week (Sundays excepted), at $6.00 per annum.. - The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of - each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc, address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISH ING CO., Tbe Tetlles, Oregon. f THE DALLES, -WasorxCoTinty, - - Oregon, ' The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros-. perous city. - ITS TERRITORY. ? It is the supply city foe an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching, as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. : ' . -.. The Largest-Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas- ' . ' cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from ' which finds market here. : The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, "about 5,000,000. pounds being shipped last year. 7 ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding - this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. . . . . The products of the beautiful. Klickitat valley find market ' - here, and the oountry south and easti has this' year filled the 'J "-. warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with . . their products. ' . : ". ITS WEALTH. - It is the richest city of its size on the coast and ita money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. - - - - . . , - . Its situation is unsurpassed. .. Its climate delightful Its pos- ; r . sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these ' corner jstories she stands. -- - '-; ,"' HI If ii. nn nn ffu m OFFICE door west of Young & Kuss' iGeis, and Feed:- Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregos. liest of V hite Help .Employed. Nicholas, Pfop. -