o : 3) Just Received ! . Til iilator Line 0: The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 'Knterodn the Poatofilce at The Dalles, ftregon, as seeoud-clnas matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear tae following; day. TUESDAY AUGUST 30, 1892 lOCAl BBKVITIF B . Next autumn will begin on Thursday of this week. : Dr. Logan returned from the Clatsop beach today. ,-Mr. James Kelley, of Kingsley is in the city today. Classes will be resumed in St. Josephs (Mt. Angel; college Sept. 7th. Panils in tba Public' schools will re- sume studies on Monday next. . The Sullivan-Corbett fight will be reported in The Dalles by rounds. ... Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson are visit ing with Dr. Vanderpoolat Dufur; Prof. Brown, of .Chicago, 1 principal of the Wasco Academy, arrived in the city Monday morning. ' ? - Mr. W. A. Cooper of this city, is em ployed on the Great Northern railway at Lake City, Montana. Mr. A. Goldstein of Fresno, Califor nia, a former resident of The Dalles, is now in the city on a visit to . his sister Mrs. Newman. All parties holding numbers in the crayon, at D.' C. Herren's gallery," are requested to be preseut Sept. 1st; at 2 p. m. at the gallery; ... The wheat giown next to the store of B. Wolfe, in this city this'season,' with out irrigation produced equal to eighty -five bushels to the acre. .. . . Trof. Corbett proposes to retire from the prize ring after his animated contro versy 'with Prof. Sullivan. He will prob ably receive a strong incentive to do so in about the ninth or tenth round. - J. L. 6hirley, one of the leading farm ers of the Inland Empire, at Union; passed through. The Dalles a few ' days sinceand while on the train sold his wheaearly 100,000 bushels, to Bork & Hamilton for 60 cents per bushel. Chief Engineer Judd S. Fish wishes the members of The Dalles City fire de partment to meet at the council cham ber at 8 o'clock this evening, to discuss the invitation of the Volunteer Veterans to attend with them on Firemen's day, Sept. 5th, in Portland. United States deputy Surveyors E. F. and F. HSharp, left for Columbia county today'-by steamer Regulator, to survey a new township west of Portland, near tlM-sunntit of the Coast range of mountains.rSrejexpect to' bo" gone about sffwr-veeksSChey took with them a new solar compass, purchased from W. andL..E. Gurley.-.Trpy,"?!. V. A correspondentriting to' the ..Her ald from Bake Oven, says Sherman county crops are anything .but good. About a half crop of wheat is expected, but it will prove to bo a great deal less. Threshing is now in full blast and will be over f With . about September 1st. Wheat averages ten and twelveTb'ushels perre and is. selling at the 'railroad at fromeixty to seventy cents' per - bushel. . Barley as scarce 'farmers ask, $1.26 and, upwards for 100 pounds. Oats is almost an entire failure throughout Sherman. ' ' Received today the following Laees: . Point d'lrlande, -Maltese feaces, Fancy Cotton Laces, . V Dentelle Orientale, Black Spanish, Normandy Valenciennes, Black Guipure, Pillow Case Laces, Etc. PEASE " & MAYS. : Mrs.' Capt. J. IL Burgy, of - Vancou ver, Wash., was a passenger on the Reg ulator last evening. She is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Hugh Farmer, In this city. Mr. J. S. Cooper, the Chiacgo horse salesman, says there is now a good 'de mand for horses in that market, and 5,000 head will be needed by the first of December. . . . Congressman Ellis held a reception in his car today as he passed through for Heppner. He still has his broken leg in a case, but is every other Way in fine physical and mental condition. -The Hood River base ball club failed to come to time this iorenoon, greatly disappointing The Dalles club, who were all ready co play. A practice game was played on the fair grounds, however, this afternoon., The teachers institute will hold even ing sessions at the Court house Wednes day and Thursday at 7:30 o'clock. There wilt lie a debate, and an old fash ioned spelling school tomorrow evening. The evening following Prof. Ackerman will lecture on: "The culture which the common ischools give," and Prof. Rigler;oni ,"The moral training of children.".- Good 1 music will be fur nished.; The public 'are cordially.- in vited. . '.- "The house : of , Mr. Isaac C. Matney about ten miles southwest of The Dalles was destroyed by fire yesterday fore noon.' ' Mr. Matney was at work outside on the farm, and Mrs. Matney had gone to a neighbors, so there was nobody at the house at the time, and the origin of the fire is unknown. Nothing was saved. The loss falls heavy upon Mr. Matney especially at this season of the year, winter coming on, and a new place to improve. : ' The 'Seed is hieing Sown. The Dalles cannot very much longer bo overlooked by ' capitalists who are seeking just such a place as this, in which to establish niills and factories. The editor of Wades' Fiber and Fabric, acknowledging the receipt of two photo graphs of wool scenes from - Mr. Linus Hubbard, writes for further information in reference to the building of a woolen mill here, and of the wool product of this section; which they wish to publish ia Wades' Fiber and Fabric, which has no doubt the largest', circulation among woolen and cotton . mills of any paper published in the United States. Mr. Hubbard ia now collecting these facts. and will be thankful to any' person who Las sucn miorrnation it tliey will aid him in the matter for the good of the city and county. . It may result in the erection of a woolen mill and kindred manufacturing interests here. - : FIBKS IN THE FORESTS. Considerable Damages Done The Cas cade Locks- Etc. Special to Tub Chronicle. ' Cascade Locks," Aug? 29. Daring the past week forest fites have been raging east and west of this place, and have de- stoyed a vast amount of- valuable tim ber, and the worst feature is, that reck less scamps : keep up firing the moun tains in ail directions. Yesterday, eith er through, carelessness or wanton dev il try? some one let. fire" get into a wood yard, which is about two miles east, and on the 'other side 'of tln river, and before it was arrested somethirty- cords of wood were puried. ToJayt" fires have been.set out about two miles southeast of this city in.jhe finest body- of timber there :is' inle Columbia reiver moun tains: Unless '. rain.: jcomes euon, "thou sands of acres will-be. burned --over, kill ing' and burning up 'million's offset of the best milling timber in Eastern Ore gon, and 1 might say , in Oregon and Washington. Our state and Uncle Sam ought to use active measures in au ef fort to stop this recklessness in firing the mountains, -k--.. .v . - ' As everybody,- arid hia ancles Snd his cousins and his aunts, are anxious to know about the cascade locks, and when and what will be the news of contracts for completion, as far as asking for bids with provisos, " etc, are Concerned, I will say there is but little known, now that the specifications are being pre pared. I believe some have been fin ished and sent to Washington for ap proval, and just as soon as all have been received by the "secretary I of ' war,- arid have passed the scrutiny of bis eagle op tics, then probably the order will go out to advertise for bidders on the work of finishing the great ship canal at the cas cades, and no sooner. ."Neither - you nor -anyone ; else need flatter yourself that because -congress passed an act authorizing government works to be let by contract, that the cascade canal will be completed any sooner than desired by railroad interests. - You- can bet on that, and that ia the only game of chance I know of that will. win oat. As far as those who are here in charge are con cerned, they are annoyed beyond meas ure, I imagine, . at "the accumulated amount of red tape constantly being un rolled at headquarters, in Washington. Cascade Locks, although we complain of dull times1? owing to there being noth ing done on the canal, is 'making . soiue pretensions to growth! Dr. Leavens is completing a beautiful residence oti a commanding eminence of ', the - city. which overlooks the cascade rapids and the rugged range of mountains north. Besides . this, ? there'v are several new houses ;being built,jand several more have been "completed ' during the sum mer. "The town of Cascade Locks con tains about seventy -or eighty families, and has a school . population of 156. They have a good school house, fitted with patent seats and have charts, globe and last, but not least, a fine organ. In uie Duuaing a nno Sunday scnool is also maintained. ' i : . Fishing for salmon is being carried on by residents here, who use deep nets and the book and spear with impunity, regardless of law or anything else. Gov. Penhoyer might look this way, iustead of watching Earl Taft, of Celilo, and be more successful, probably, in his effort, "by the eternal." - Major Handbury left Portland last eveningj so rumor has it, to meet the board of western coast engineers, which assemble in Sari Francisco on the 2d prox. By . the way, a Portland ..paper says : "The major must go." Go where? How tloes he know? Were a change made no doubt the same condition of affairs would continue. ' Would swap ping horses in the middle of the stream help anybody out? '--r- ; 1 A. Buchler, of your city, was in this city last Saturday. Justice Schuta , and District Attorney .Wilson came up .-from Collins' landing this morning, and left for home on the morning passenger train. -Mrs. Emil Schut is visiting Mrs. Atwell, of this place. , Mrs.Fraok Clark and famil f- of TiiS Dalles! are Jn camp at the west end of town. The Crura and- Michell; party, broke camp this morningand left for home in The Dalles by the Regulator today, having had a fine time for the past two months hunting and fiehiugon Herman creek. Mr. Brooks'' informs-us .h Will-break camp Wednesday- shot- return' to his home in yonr cityi with hia family hy the steamer Regulator.. ". ' - " Cass. Tie Dalles, Mans : and Astoria Navigation Co. FrcigHWasseisrLiue I -Through' dany,: service' .(Sundays ex cepted) between -The Dalles and Port land,' leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m., arriving at Portland 5 p.m. PASSENGER BATES. One way.'.; $2.00 Bound trip........ 3.00 Special rates for parties of six or over. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. FAST FHEIOHT. Fruit, per 100 pounds. '. . .' .40 Melons and Green .Vegetables .30 Through connection with steamers to Astoria, and - Ilwaco withont delay.. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland in arrival. Live stock shipments solicited. - Call on or address.. ; W. C. ALLAWAY,' -V.. Ocaeial Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN. General HaiUfeK r ' ' THE DALLES, - OREGON .ofOTHE DALLIS WILL GET IT. Possibility l!rbst the big Government Gun Eactorx-Wlll be Lbcated Sere. . The Dalles has a friend at .court,- and we are advised that ihere- la a very strong possibility that the "government gun factory for the Pacific coast may be located here. The jclimate at The Dalles is just What is required for work ing, steel ahd polished goods. Every point mentioned for. 'the factory -has . the fatal-objection of a damp climate, and none that haa beenmentioned which has. a climate- equal to thisNhave- the facili ties for transporttioirsueh asThe Dalles has.'. A . Washington 'dispatch - today says that before the Oregon senators leave for tePacific-oaBt they will probably i nipt that tbre boaVd of officers, consisting df Ahree army and three navy officers, be appointed 'to examine and report npoar a site, for the gun factory on the Pacific coast. ' : Heretofore it ' has been considered probable tpat this gun factory would be located at penicia, but the officers of the various departments assert that the Col umbia river and Paget sound are 'mak ing an effort to' secure the site. These officers say that a Pacific coast factory is absolutely necessary, on account of the number of guns ahd mortars needed . for coast "defenses, and the inability of Watervliet to supply them. They esti mate that the Pacific coast will require 500 guns, and say there' would be great military advantages ia.. having a gun factory "on the Pacific-coast .' -- The Oregon senators believe that the Columbia river will be selected as. the point for . the' location . of : this factory when everything is taken into consider ation, but of course California and Puget sound will bo, active ; candidates. . Al- ready these sections have -presented i claims for the location, 'but it isexpected that when the board '.is, appointed Ore gon will not be at all backward in pre senting the claims of the Columbia. It is said that eastern Washington ought really to bo more interested in'thel . Col umbia Kite than in a site on Puget sound, just as it is more interested in overcom ing the obstacles of Columbia river nav igation than it is in the construction of a canal at Seattle. ' . . - Destrnetire Fire. - Sunday night the 21st, about one o'clock, says the News, the barn on George Dot! son's ranch, six miles north west of Prineville, with Its entire con tents was burned. With the - barn was destroyed a mowing machine, reaper, two sets of harnoss, and other tools and appurtenances, besides a horse and about twenty tons of hay belonging to Isaac Lane, who has the ranch rented. The loss is aboot $1,500, covered by a $500 policy issued by the State, of Salem. Mr. Lanes loss is absolute, and embraces his entire portion of thisyear'shay crop. Mr. Dod son's hay was stacked, outside and escaped the fire, although the sparks from the burning barn fell thickly upon it. The fire was fir; t seen by Billy Tom- linson. who was aroused from his slum ber in a tent at Carmical's camp, about 300 yards from the building: - He noticed a light flickering at the entrance to the tent and on going to investigate found the light to come from the barn. The inmates of the camp and of the Dodson house were aroused; but too late. , to w rest the flanlea; f;The common theory of the flro Imputes its origin to' incendiar ism; but Mr. 'Dodson can think of no one who could desire to work him" so great an injury. He rather inclines to the belief.-thatv8omeone entered the barn on a predatory excursion and set the fire by accident. . Horsa tracks wero seen in the vicinity and the hoof beats of a running animal was the cause of Mr ToihUson'a awakening. " 'i-' T HOSIERY, ; UNDERWEAR, OVERS H I RTS, JOHH C 109 SECOND STREET, PAU L KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS And the Most Complete. and the J3PTractical Painters and Paper Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's the most skilled workmen emoloved. chemical combination or soap mixture. orders promptly attended to. . Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in Boots and Shoes. All goods we sellr we warrant, " A, Beau of ; 1838v 1 - When grandpa went a-wooing. He wore a satin- Test, -A trail of running roses " Embroidered on the breast. The pattern of his trousers, HiB linen, white and fine, Were all the latest fashion- - In eighteen twenty-nine. . Grandpa Vwa' a , fine-looking' young fellow then-eo the old "ladies say, . and he is a fine-looking old gentleman now. For the past score of years- be "lias "been a firm believer in the merits of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. iJ'TA renewed my youth," he fre"qaentlyi'ay8; It is the only .; blood purifier and liver invigorator guaranteed to?benefit-tr cure, or money promptly v refunded." It cures liver disease, dyspepsia, scrofulous eoree, skin eruptions, and alldiseasea of the blood.' For lingering coughs" and consumption (which is lung-scrofula in its early stages) it is an unparalleled remedy. ' ' ' Stock Holders Meeting. : Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wasco Warehouse company will be held at the office of French &. Co., The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday September 28th, 1892, at S :30 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the -ensuing year and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before it. : The Dalles, Oregon, Ang. I2th;i892.' G. J.-Fabxky, ' Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co. td8.12w Hoiut For Kent. Enquire of Mrs. Krause Fifth and Court streets. corner of ' 8.24tf Tanglefoot Fly Paper 40 cents a box twentyfive double sheets ;: at Blakeley & Houghtons, 175 Seeoni street. Washington Market For Rent. : For rent ;' the Washington market cor ner of Second and Court. For terms ap ply to Geo. Williams administrator ol the estate of John Michelbaugh. 8.3dtf Notioe. . Having accepted a position in the U. S. land office, my office hours at my own office la the Rnch building wili be from 7 to 9-.a. m. and from 4 to 8 p..inJ -d6t8.30 , i t . : J. M. HontixcstoS. Wanted. A man to clean closet "tonight or next night. Address Box 61, city. dlt8.30 1 1 1 . - A Traveling Man's ; Experience ' With Dlarrhosa. I am a traveling man and have been afflicted with what is called chronic diar rhoea for some -ten years. Last fall I was in Western Pennsylvania, and accident ally was introduced to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 ventured to make a trial and was wonderfully relieved. ,. I would like now to introduce it among my friends. II. M. Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by Biakely & Houghton. druggists. ', ,--:'-'. FOB SAIiE. : . My Photograph outfit. At a rare bar- gin. - Hunt, the photographer . 8.23tf i - , . Auction Sale '.. : . '. ... : In -pursuance' ot "an "order ' of ' the county court, of Wasco' county, dated July lBtn; 1832, X wtlfaeu at public auc tion at the stock vards ot W. iu. Sa t- marshe Sc Co... Saturday. September 10th, 1892,.twenty-'fivo or ' more head of horses," mares and colts belonging to the estate of W. J. Meina. ' Thev - are all gentle horses, eome-of -them : broke to work,-:They- will bo sold for cash or approved security : Sale to- begir at 2 . J. -CMbins, Administrator. ' 'orthe Estate of W J.'Meihs Dated, This Dalies, Or., Aug, 23, 1891 7.23dwlm. ' .. . . KLJLL, LINE OF GENTS' MM collars! and - and CUFFS. KCKRTTZ, . THE DALLES. OREGON. AN D GLASS, Latest Patterns and Designs iu ' Hangers. ' None but the best brands of the" Paints used in all our work, and none but A cents for Masurv Liauid Paints. No A first cla6s article in all colors. All - - " Washington Sta.. .. The Dalles, Oregon 1 XGCAIIOKAL. Waacn Independent: Academy, The lal ". - er OragoB. .-.;'..; ' ' ..'.. The next session.of Wasco Independ ent Academy will commence on Monday, Sept. 5th. A full faculty of instructors has been secured' with professor- Brown -of Chicago, Illinois-r as principal. For catalogue or particular, address, S. L. Brooks, Secretary, -i - ;- - - Kotfee. '.':-:''' The' Dalles, Wasco county, Or., Aug. 23d r 1892. I hereby notify all business -men,, and the public generally , that I ' will' not. be responsible for any debts contracted by my wifer Mrs. F. J. Davis, she having left my bed and board. 8.24d5twlt Ed. Davis. Saved Ilia Cnild'a X.if. A. N.' Dilferboughr York, Neb., says: "The other day I earns home and found my little boy down with cholera morbus, my wife scared, not knowing what to do. I went straightway and got a 25 cent bottle of Chfunberlaia's Colic, Cholera -and Diarrhopa Remedy, and gave it ac cording to directions. You never saw such a change in a child. His limbsand body were cold. I rubbed his limbs and body with my bands, and after I had given him the second dose he' went to sleep, and,. as my wife- says, :'from:a! death-bed he was up playing in three hours It saved me a doctor bill of 1 about three dollars, and what is better,: it saved my child. I can " recommend it with a clear ; conscience." For sale by ' Biakely & Houghton, druggists. ... PHOTOGRAPHER. instantaneous Portraits. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. - .COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Saccsssors to . 8. Cram.) , ' Slanttloctitrcrs of the finest French and Home Mnde . O J 1ST JD Jl S S , East ol Portland. DEALERS IX Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and To to,' Can furoteh any of those goods nt Wholesala or Retail -. . ' - In Etctj- Style. ice Cream and Soda, Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. C. F. S.TEFHENS, DBA1.ER IN. 1 : X-LOTHING i -'"":'" Koo'ta, Shoes, Hats,. Etc. Sid., , .' Etc., , Ktc. 134 Second. St., next to Dallea Nat.ionaV Bank, Dallee City, Oregon.. Dry Goods ';