"..' o The Dalles Dally Chroniele. entered a the Postoffice at Tho- Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Advertising;. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long Uma notioea. All local notices received later than S o'clock rill appear the following day.. MONDAY - AXJGTJSX29V 1892 LOCAL BRKVITIK8. Gents Hoeery at John C. Hertz. See new ad today. Mr. C. J. Bright of Wasco, is at the fJmatilla house today. Those who are not convinced that there is always room at the top should consult a clerk at a summer hotel. A gray horse, branded with- a frying i pan, owner unknown, was killed on the tracknear Rowena Saturday night. Tho Dalles and Hood "Elver base ball clubs will compete at ibfl- fair, grounds tomorrow for a prize, ftt 1:130. p. m. . A general free for all invitation is extended to the public. , K The Omaha Bee reports a marked sub sidence of the third party movement throughout the middle west.' When the American- farmer puts bis thinker to work h? is sometimes a little hasty in his conclusions; but he can be relied upon every time to get' back into the right road. , Forest fires north of Spokane warped 200 yards of railway so tnuch "put of shape as to be useless, andconfaied several cars. The fire now covers aNgast expanse of heavily timbered country and ia beyond all control. A' fresh breeze is blowing and- no one knows where it will stop. ". Veteran Firemen. . rue state volunteer firemen associa tion issned the following circular to the officers and members of The Dalles fire -department: " " Gentlemen: You are cordially in vited to take part in the. First Annual Parade of the Volunteer Firemen's As sociation of the state of Oregon, which will'take place on the 6th of Sept., 1892, in the city of Portland. . -The line of march will be formed on "that day. at one o'clock p. m. " sharp. . The right hand of fellowship will be freely and heartily extended to alt volnnteer fire men to join us, each company, will elect three (3) delegates to the state conven uon, ana eacn company . mu ce repre sented by the appointment of one men heron the committee of arrangements. - Let every company- be fully fepre- sedted and make this one of .the ' grand' est parade! that has ever taken place in the state. There will be .a meeting . of the committee at the rooms of the -Veteran Firemen's Association on Saturday evening. i ' ; Last evening responding to the' . call, there and together at the council cham ber Messrs. Robt. Holman, A. D. Tuffts and Geo." Clark, of Portlapd, and Messrs. Judd Fish, John BlarortRichkrd Closter, Geo. A. Liebe, Aug. Buchler, Shm Klein, J. HWood.'.W, H. Batta, B. Wolfe, Lemke, A. J.; Mosesi Henry Whitmore, H. ClouRh,iBeiT Wilson," Geo.' Mtinger, Frank Eoach F. W. L. Skibbe, D. C. Ireland, Louis Payette, Jerome "Lauer, " and others. ; . " " ' - ' " '' ' It was moved that the veterans attend the 1st annual meeting, and that Chief Engineer Fish "caMt a meeting of "tho de partment Aug. 30th, Tuesday next, to consider the subject. " : -c-i. Received today. the following Laces: i : - - Point d'Irlande, - c Maltese Laces, . - -. Fancy Cotton Laces, Denelle Orientale, .... ". '.. Black Spanish, , . Normandy Valenciennes; ; j situ' S-flii tt Hi fait ytfMiHi!MUtX i fBlaclc (Juipure, ' Pillow Case Laces, Etc. PEASE & MAYS. Somebody sends samples of Oregon onyx to Buffalo. The reporter says : One of the most ' attractive, rich and costly displays is" the show of onyx and the uses to which it is put, made by Messrs. Lantz & Co. No. 861 Main street, Buffalo. Most prominence is given to valuable specimens of the rarely beauti- ful onyx discovered by Mr. Lautz daring his recent trip to the Pnget slope. The value of the precious stone lies in its translucency. - The specimens and many others on exhibition at their store are the most perfect in this quality of any onyx that has ever been found. And the fact that Messrs. Lautz & Co., control the output of the three most val uable quarries on this continent gives them absolute control also of the Amer ican market for the finer grades of man ufactured articles. . One magnificent slab over five feet in length commands much attention from those who are in terested in artistic and rich house-fur nishings, and this is supplemented by smaller slabs of great beauty, tables, lamps, workboxes, etc., all of which are taken from the ' regular stock at their retail store. ' The exquisite combination effect of onyx and brass is fully illus trated. Col. Chapman Bill. . . Tidings. Col. W. W. Chapman, of Portland, is out with the draft of a bill to be presented to the Oregon legislature, providing for the establishment of some arbitration to prevent labor strikes in this state. The question will undoubted ly come before the legislature at its next session, and there seems to be more hope of progress in the right direction by an at tempt at general arbitration than in any other way yet suggested. The strike is a powerful weapon, bat it is a two-edged one, and its execution is felt most sev erels by those who wield it. . The gener al public is always affected by a strike of any magnitude, and the subject Is one in which the state has the most vital in terest. If there be a practical remedy in legislation it cannot be found too soon Whatever tends to bring capital and la bor into closer unison and to lead to ami cable adjustment, rather than hostile contention over points' of difference, ia surely in the line of wisdom and true statesmanship. - Chicago Boras Market. J. S. Cooper, commission salesman of horses, Union stock ; yards, Chicago, says : "The market for the week end ing August ZCth showed " remarkable strength and activity, ia" the face of a strong counter attraction, such as the Northwestern breeders' association trot ting meeting, and the unfortunate rail road strikes in- the east. -'This, under ordinary circumstances, would have been sufficient, to make sv very quiet market, and some were : discouraged from buying, but the majority, bought, regardless of consequences, and the re suit was encouraging to sellers. Work horses generally, like the pre vious week, had the call in the follow ing order: Draft horses, streeters and general purpose horses, with fair. in quiry for extra good driving and coach teams. Every day brings new inquiries for branded range horses and thousands of these could be handled to advantage in the next couple of months. The supply of these has not at any time this year been- equal to one-tenth of the demand.' The following is a sum rnary of prices': : " Streeters. . . . :. ... '. '. . . '.'. '. Chunks, 1200 to 1400 lbs. . ...... . Draft horses, 1600 lbs. Exprrss horees . . . .............. Drivers.... Range none..., . I 05 to 1115 116 " 145 190 " 2 170 200 oi ." auo 80 " 60 - '4 u-. y. Death of Mrs. A. J. McLellan. 'Rest at last." Such are the words which announce the death of Mrs. A. J. McLellan of Victoria, B. C. - Her death occurred after a long and painful illness, during which her Chris tian fortitude and sweet patience, her constant thoughtfulness for others and her many generosities and charities seemed to give a glory . to the crown which the Master even then had placed upon her brow. No one entered that sick chamber as friend or comforter who did not. himself receive a blessins in strengthened faith as he beheld - the grace ot Uod which wrought through suffering the perfection of Christian character. Onejriro-was a guest in that beautiful home upon the Gorge Road, overlooking the bay and the snowy Olympic Range raising the horizon be yond, marvelled then, and baa marvelled ever since, that such cheerful hospital ity and desire for further pleasure could go on with such acute suffering as even men neia mat trail Doay in its grasp. But since then those who have gathered there have marvelled quite as much that her sufferings did not divert her atten tion from works of religion and charity, but rather give emphasis to her interest in what had for many years been the joy of her life. "We may not k now the glory and the goodness i o&( on tue spirit suine, That borne on earth its agony and sadness With patience so divine. We only know her weariness is ended Tha . J . That her pure soul has to its God ascended, . in joy ana noerty. " 'Tie oars to prize the nature we Inherit, vy men sue naa gionnea : - - - -Nor doubt the power of the immortal spirit, Dince sue naa uvea ana cuea. nr. ana Mrs. Aicxenan were at one time residents of ' our city,- and won for themselves a high and loving apprecia tion among us and-many.jwill be the thoughts of sincere8t sympathy which will go forth to the bereaved husband. Mrs.- McLellan was a sister to Mrs. A R. Roscoe, who with the husband and children are included in the sympathies and prayers of this community. ' C. High Old Cuessers. . Review. "The Tacoma News, which af fects to know all about the labor problem, says that "organized labor- 1b a compara- . ... '.kwa tiveiy new social force." iaoor was compactly and aggressively organized in and a powerful social and political factor in England for many centsries. - The News is one of these democratic papers which indulge in a great deal of guessing about politics and government. -, . Tmprtatlons In Order. Review. .The democracy don't en thuse sv bit over the row at Olympia and the ticket put forth by the quarrelsome crowd. It is time it were importing an other lot pf eastern speakers. ' - Died. . - '" In this city, August 27th , John Wurtz aged 27. ' Deceased was a native of Bo hemia and has been in The Dalles about five years. He leaves a wifo and two children- The funeral took -place yeter- aay irom tne.uatnouc cnurcu. - A '-Traveling - Maa's. Experience With ... V ' " Diarrhoea. " - " 1 I am a traveling man and have been afflicted with what is called chronic diar rhoea for some ten years. . Last fall I was in Western Pennsylvania, and accident ally was introduced to Chamberlain'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. l ventured to malre, a trial and was wonderfully relieved. Iwould" like now to introduce vt among my friends. .H M. Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland Ohio. For sale by Blakely & Houghton oruggws. .-. .-.:? W--,. 'iTlic Regulator Line" The Btp Fortlaifl aad iria . 2 " Navigation Co. .THROUGH ana PssenoerLine .Through daily service Sundays Ac cepted f. between The Dalles .and Port land leaving The Dalles at 6 a. in., arriving at Portland 5 p. m. PA8SSSCEE KATES. One way . ; . ; : . . r:: . . ... . :. . . . . . .$2.00 Round trip., . r:. . . .. .. 3.00 Special rates fo&parties of six or over. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. FAST FRKIOHT. Fruit, per 100 pounds. 71 .40 Melons and Green Vegetables .30 Through connection with steamers to Astoria and : Ilwaco without delay. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on" arrival. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address. . . - W. C. ALLAWAY, ' ' -;- General Agent. B. F. LAUGH LIN, General Malinger. THE DALLES, - OREGON The Black Flag- is P- The gifted and gallant Col. Henry Watterson, has touched once more the tangles of the star-eyed ones Nuciferous locks and h&s had the usnal shock ! We war against protection, pluto- eraey , and agrarian penstonmonogery. And we propose to carry tne war into Africa ; to shake the rotten citadels of unholy greed to their foundations and to make the robbers bowl, ine DiacR flag is up against corruption in high places. ' No dalliance with zealots: no quarter to thieves. If this be treason,- let the galled jade wince ana mate ine most of it: for when the battle is over and the victory is won, our withers will be found to be as ever, stancn ana true, us worsted and un wrung." - Whoop, hooray! Away with pluto cracy. Away witn pensionmogorvv whatever that may be. Shake the citi del, make Rome and the robbers howl, carry the war into Airica, put spurs into the flat flanks of the pampered jades of Asia, pile Pelion on Ossa and both upon the skvey top of old Olympus take arms against a sea of. troubles, eat ' -a crocodile, sit upon a monument, grin life the young-eyed cherubim, bite off winn.ttnA art,, A -A nnCA tMMT Mlfv JUUI UUUC W 0iVU JVU. IIVOV) Wtt.V,. f J to theVdog8, make the welkin, ring, fear not a painted devil, leavy thy vain bibble-babble, be smart as lizard's stings, speak startlingly and rash, envi ron with wolves' the trembling lamb, protection, fight till your eyelids will no longer wag, poor the sweet milk of con cord into hell, be as'-your old selves again, and let all splitl AJT let the pebbles on the beach fillip the stars and rainbows kiss the starry eyes. The black flag is up, and the jig is not. Hoorav for poetry: nine cheers and a Tammany tiger for the star-eyed god dess and the same number for. Henry Watterson. the generous, intrepid and Untiring leader of the war into Africa ; and may his withers remain unwrung forever. - - . Lih Applegate Snlkar Tidings. " General - Lisb, Applegate came up but of .his 'rural retreat in Jo sephine county last week, and was shaking hands last-Saturday with his old friends, neighbors and fellow' suffer ers in Ashland.- He was looking better than for years, and has fattened upon the contempt for public office and eccle siastical politics upon which he has fed during his retirement. The general is feeling well, too, and was effervescing with social and economic .philosophy and with Oregon political history, as of yore. He Is not playing the "bad man act in politics ripping the government up the back or shooting it full ol holes as sometf the local - newspapers have intimated, but has sort o' withdrawn unto himself." as it were, to allow tho world to run along without his "assist ance and see how she will make it. Some naners had said the jreneral would take the stump for Weaver, and-some papers had said he wouldn't, and so the Tidings sought an interview with him, to have the question of his position set tled at headquarters. The general explained that he had been griev ously misused, and doesn't attempt to conceal the fact that '' he had been one of the maddest men in America as a consequence, but he hadn't perceived that his views of great politi cal questions bad undergone any change in consequence." He has simply done as did Agamemnon retired to his tent to look out at the door and ace how the battle will progress without the 'aid. of one who has usually been in the thick of the fight. "Will you take any part in the present campaign in Oregon, Gen eral?" asked the reporter. "Well, I am, not yet fully determined as to that. I am ' going to make n journey down through Oregon to Portland, to see old friends and old familiar country, and I may make a few speeches before the election takes place. If I do, 'they, will be non partisan, you may Bay, - but strongly political ' - ' mm Just; Received HOSIERY, . UNDERWEAR, O VER S H I RTS, JOH H C i 109 SECOND STREET, PAUL KR EFT -DEALERS IN- paints; oils And the Moat Complete and the Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. - None but the beet brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents.for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in nil colors. .. Alt orders promptly attended to. - . -" ... .'" ' --; - Store and Faint Shop comer Third and 'Washington Sts., - The Dulles, Oregon . Stonemaw " Fiegf., dealers iri : Boots undVShoeT. 'All goods? we:sell we- warrant . . " ., The Least Important. Oregonian. The state of Washington got the better of Seattle in the demo cratic state convention, bu$ only after two days' sustained conflict, and appar ently by a small majority. "Mr. James Hamilton Lewis gallantly went dewn -with his town, refusing to accept the nomination for governor upon a plat form which condemned the Lake Wash ington canal scheme. How much of the virtue of necessity there was- in bis heroic abdication nothing but' a ballot could have shown, and the world-will nevorknow. After devoting two days to the transcendent question of indorse ment to the canal, the convention spent an evening in the less important busi ness of nominating candidates. KDCCATIOKAL. n'lKO Independent .Academy, .The. - Dal- i lea, Oregon. The next session of Wasco Independ ent Academy will commence on Monday, Sept. 5th; A full faculty of instructors has been secured with professor Brown of Chicago, Illinois, as principal.: For catalogue or particulars, address, Sv- L. Brooks, Secretary. Our dear little daughter vrns terribly sick," Her bowels were bloated as hard as a brick , .' . We feared she would die - - ' Till we happened to try ' Pierce's Pellets they cured - her, . remarkably quick. - ... Never be without Pierce's Pellets in the house. They are gentle and- af fective in action and give immediate re lief in cases of -indigestion, billiousness and constipation. They do. their work thoroughly and 'have no bad- "effects. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take.. One a dose. Best liver rill made.. All parties holding numbers in the crayon, at D. C. Herren's gallery,, are requested to be present Sept. Is at 2 p. m. at the. gallery. - -SALE. My Photograph outfit. At a. rase bar- gin Hunt, the photographer 8.23if Olssolotion of Co-parcneawlfeiB. Notice is hereby sriven. that the firm of Abrams & Stewart has barea dissolved bv mutual consent. -" - -- - : W. R. A brums is. authorized to collect all amounts due the firm of Abrams & Stewart, and wilt pay all demands against said firm. ' -';' W. K- Abhams. . ' Wm. Stewart. . Thb Dalles, Or. Aug. J5th, 1892. Notice is hereby given . to all persons indebted to-the late firm- of -Abrams & Stewart", of The Dalles, or W. R. Abrams, either by note or account to make, pay ment of the same immediately-- at the bank 'of French & Co. All notes and ac counts remaining - unpaid November 15th, 1892 will be placed in attorneys' hands, with instructions to collect. .Any claims against the late firm must be presented' at - the same.- place, with f-proper vouchers, on or before above date, i he business of tho firm must be closed up without further delay. " Res I - - - - xr T a . . . . . . - - - - 8.25dS(w3m - t 1 Saved n is Child's Life. A, N. Dilferboueh.'YOrk; Neb.. 6avs "The other, day I came home and found my little boy down with cholera morbns, my who scared, not Knowing what to do. I went straightway and got a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's '"'Colicf Cholera and Diarrhcea RemedypTud gave it -according to directions. Yon . never saw such a change in a child' His limbs and body were cold, trubbed his Uunbsand body with my handsr-and-after I "had given him the second dose he went to sleep-. and, as iny wife eaxs, "from death-bed he was up playing in three hours." It saved ine n doctor bill of about" three dollars, -and' what is better it saved my child. I can -recommend it with a clear conscience." For -sale bv Blakely os Houghton, druggists, - ! ;? : A. KtJL,lV rClttlS OF GENTS' COLLARS and CUFFS. H BRTZ, ; THE DALLES. OREGON. and glass, Latest Patterns and Designs in" fa. . - Hoih For Bent. Enquire of Mrs." Krausc' corner- of " Fifth and Court streets; 8.4tf '. Tanglefoot Fly Paper 40 cents - box ' twe'ntyfive' double sheets ; at Blakeley otHoughtons, 175 Second street. j ; City taxes-for 1892 are now due: and. pavahle within sixty days, at the office of the undersigned. A,. KOBDitN. uity Treasurer. Dalubs- City, July 6th, 1892. "' iWMhsiftos Market For Rent. For rentt .the Washington market cor ner of Second and Court. For terms ap ply to tieav Williams administrator of the estate of John Michelbaugh. . 8.3dtf Mock Holders Meeting;. - Notice is hereby given that the annual, meeting- of the . stockholders of ' the Wasco- Warehouse company will be held . at the office of French & Co., The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday September 23tb, isaa, at 5:30 p. m., for the. purpose ot - electing directors for the ensuing year and, the transaction of such other bust-' nees-as may come before it. The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 12th, 182. -. . G J. Farley, . - . -. ' . "' Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co-- tdSOSw- , . - : .. .- - v . - PHOTOGRAPHER. Instantaneous Portraits,' Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.. . . COLUMBIA : CAN DY FACTORS Campbell Bros. Proprs (Saccessflu to . l. Cram.5 - : i ' ' Slaaafactnrers of the finest French and Home Mad a East of Portland- "--' DEALERS IK Frcpical Fruits, Nut Cigars and texs. ' Can furnish any of these goods at Whoiesai or Retail .. .. ... '- . . j very Style. - - ' : leg Creatii and Sdda'Water. , 104 Second Street. Th.Dallee, Or. C. F. STEPHENS, ..IV. - DBAiBR IN ' : . ' ' Dry f Qlothing r-.-v (loots, Bhnes, Bats, Faiicfl tqood0, lotion?, :-J nt.,' Kte., .Etc. -. 181 Second "St., next to DaUos NaUonafc ' 4 ' ' Bank, Dulles City, -Oregbav v r " Goods - r