foQ ...V ?.!. ."-T 'Aw. St:'-J "'..i ;.v, .:-.. T.'. i'": . -', ? '.!Tho6.e,desiringp wear one of the latest New C York styles, should, call pearly. as I.iiave but a limited number of them. ' Navigation Co. k; GleveialQ and HaPPison Hats The Dalles DaUyvCtoniele. Kntcred i the Postofflee at The DaUee, Oregon, - as-second-class matter. Local Adrertisins;. 10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 6. Cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for lone time notice?. All local notices received later than S o'clock will appear tne following day. SATURDAY AUGUST 27, 1892 LOCAL BREVITIES. II. C. Rooper and family left for home at Bakeoven this morning. The Inland Star is the name given to Mr. Kennedy's new steam launch. Dr. Logan visits Astoria and Clatsop tomorrow'. He left by the afternoon traiu today. A Mr. F. M. Bixby, the new quill drive of the Wasco : News, called today en 1 route to Portland. The worlds wonder is a double calf, born ihKHckitat.county, now. on exhi- bitioain Tbratjle8i vT 7 ; -t ; -. County clerk J Bv Croesen leaves ")for ?Mr- Mullen, of this city today ship San Francisco oh.businesa this Mteirqo&v ped; ,ox; ofS sample peachea. to.i his San Mrs. C roe sen will return with him. "ZT Assistant Superintendent A t Borie, i who haa been in The Dalles for several days, returned to La Grande yesterday. The crowd which attended, the -Graat Celebration -yesterday-i returned , on Jhe early morning train. The. dance was enjoyed. . The work train, which noona and nights in The Dalles, is employed in filling trestles between Crates point and Chenoweth. .". . . . .-v. .. . ...... Mr. V. H. Brown the piano tuner and repairer, will be in this city in-- a .few days. Leave your orders at E. Jacobson A Co's. music store. - : It is said that a match game of base ball, for a prize, will , be played, in this city soon between the Goldehdale and Dalles clubs. . Now that the switchmen's strikers off, the question worrying the men who went out ia whether,; the railroad wiH take them back. . ' ' ' ' " The base ball game at Grant was not played yssterday as the Goldendale club failed to come to time The; ganae was forfeited to The Dallo nine. . ij t .5 - The Seattle canal scheiae, it is ex pected, will aid the democracy in elect ing J. N. Sniyely, of Yakima governor.,! It will be a. sectional fight. . . . A lamp explosion at the reeiderjceof W. H. Butts, caused afire alarnsVaSt jevening. Forlunatela the, servicest-pf the department were nbt needed. - . ' Congressmau Ellis ir in Portland'. having passed through The Dalles last! Jevening. lie is not able to walk, but ets about very well on crutches. ' : W. H.Wells and family, of Sherars bridge, were passengers to Portland by kteamer Regulator this morning. They twill extend their visit to Puget sound, . A. Fargher, the Portland cattle deal- Jer, is at the Umatilla house.; also Mr, JH. R. Duniway, tho Portland lumber Uealer, andvA. R. Lyle,of Hay creek. .- Lin consequence, of the mania for a ter ini at the moiith of vthi Colombia, iTanzy Point has been fobbed off the Clatsop county map udNTermnia: jsubstitutea. . -r. .i Mosier is. wt?ll represented today by the arrival m towireL.. v. ixer, jsobt, 'Denemore, Frank '. iieoea.nd yj. -Fred- arick. well .'knoi .farmers ;5t)f;t, that jyifaity. Received today the following Laces : Point d'Irlande, Maltese Laces, j . Fancy Cotton Laces, .. ;" Dentelle Orientale, ; , Black Spanish, " ' Normandy Valenciennes, - Black Guipure, Pillow Case Laces, Etc. PEASE & MAYS. mm . The Christian church edifice, at The' Dalles, will be 39x61 feet in size, hand somely proportioned. The , lot upon which it is to be bnilt was donated by Mr. Goo. Miller. Among those at Cloud Cap Inn this week are United States district attorney PiereeMays and family, of Portland. This is really the best season to- visit Cloud Cap Inn. . ' Among those registered at ' the New Columbia are Prof. Johnson, of the state university, V( -J. Woodford, of Portland, C. P. Ragsdale, of Moro, and A. Hard, of Devils Lake. ' Walhv Walla made her first' shipment of fruit to the east this week, .in a car load of exceedingly fine pear :. The re sult, of the experiment wiMype watched with much interest by the growers of that region. -. , , The first carload of new wheat to reach a coast shipping point from the Oregon Inland Empire, was haute from Pen dleton to Tacoma this week. Taken as an object lesson this is tf iTttrstration more forcible than words favoring, an open. Columbia fiver. , . . ' tatnerrn Wisconsin, it is sale to pre dict that ovjsry peach (n.that box, if the package reaches its destination in order, will cause longings-in the minds of those who partakaof the. fruit, to. east their lines in Buch jlea.ant places as The Dalleg. - '-' - . -;' : The Hood River Glacier of today, Tre- ierring to the Grant; barbequeand . cel- ebratioa on the location .of nr distillery at that point, "notes th that "a short tHe agqr.tbexgeners lentiment of the. county .-wasuchtht .saloons were refused licences, aqt Tthe' sale of liquor was considered, iO ' doubt 1 is, an unmitigated evl , he es- tannsning pi the industry of- rpanufac- turlng this- self-same Jiqupr for"" some one else to drink la. heralded: jvith-the blare of trumpet and, the concomitant speech making necessary in this land of the free.H? Oji the same page 175 names of Hood River citizens appear appended to a pension-to tneovasc eountyeourt fpr. a 4 wenf e to elL .Chtfrcn ?fotlce.- Christian cTjurcfi. services in the court houseat 3 p. na. Sunday. Elder J. Dillard Holman, i... .. Congregational church services in the court house Sunday a. m. at il o'clock ; Sunday -school at 12 :15; Young Peoples ociety of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. All oordlally invited. Union services at tthe cour t house Sun day evening at 8 o'clock.; Preaching by tiiker Jenkins. THXr itcCOY DITCH 9CHIRI. Kot One Clkose Aeeeptable to The Hood '.' River People. ;;That citizens of Hood River adopt the position of The Chronicle, on the sub ject! a corporation grasping all the rights of the public to the, waters of the Inland Empire, is pretty clearly attested by the, (.proceedings, pi rjthq ,: citizens of school district Ho.. ?, , aseembled ; at their echooV. house last-Wednesday evening to jcqnsider j .the propoeitioa of. .G- W. McCoy of Portland to construct an rrri gatng ditch and furnish water to the Ltmers of thoTalleii, BJybe was eecceq, chftlrma.n anp; J Arnje? secre tary o, ih$.'&elin&.,AiteTj tb: chair man had stateji the object ot ib imeet ing,hfl secretarxce.adUifl blank CQQtract furnished by ,Ja. MaCyv3 1 On motion, the secretary . ws asked to read the contract a, second, timo for the important points to be discussed be tween the reading, r -. :; ' ; The main points of the contract wero then thoroughly discussed, no part of the contract finding favor with the audi ence. The features of the contract most objectionable were the clauses embrac ing the agreement for ninety-nine years, the mortgage of the lands to be irrigated for that length of time, the giving to towns the precedence in the use of water when by any means the supply is limited, giving-the company, sixty-; feet . tight, of way over landa irrigated and -the right to come upon the land and say how the water shall be used, and the surrender of all rights; .wbether reparian or other wise, in exiating ater courses to : the company., This latter clause was. most objecUonablevf; : f . - ; The contract as a whole, wan - rejected by unanimous vote. On motion it was decided to have the proceedings of this meeting published in. the Glacier. On motion it was decided to meet at the same place Saturday evening, 8ept. 3d, to .further consider the. water question. At Oysterville, Wash., August 24th, to the wife of Henry Clark, a fine baby daughter. ": Weight 10 pounus. ' BBIGSTEK DATV bAWKINO. ' The Keg-lnnlng at Tne Dailea TTorebod- Ina; Future Prosperity to all. We are more than gratified, at "being told today by Manager Dunham of the Columbia Riyer,ruife'"(o.,7thji before fruit ripens in The Dalles another year, that company will havev a cannery con structed hef e, capablef putting; np In nrst ciass jtfltern styieaiutne, a,urin fruit o&iheir farms, and possibly Borne of the surplus of. other; producers. "-This is what the country needs. - Mills to grind our wheat intoHour; factories to work up out", surpjqswo jn ofb3.u. surplus leather into boots, shoes, belt ing, harness, etc., our coal and iron, minerals and precious metals into ar ticles of daily utility and the day- is not far off when ' these will come, after. the commencement, even, in small begin- njngs.. This year has witnessed unpre cedented prosperity to allintbe vicinity of The Dalles, engaged in Wool, fruit .and grain production, because of the liberal course to shippers .pursued by he Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co., aided by the best investment ever yet made by the state to the,, people, in the construction .-, qf; jth-'- littley portage railwayv.'at, the t caeeadeavo Jtt l is the Hope of Thje Ppeoniclk , that the human mind, which sometimes de fies analysis front. "its stupid stubborn ness, may see, from the things here ap parent, .the , necessity . for -.continuing these good works, and that, the assembly which is to meet in Salem next. January will be one of such wisdom, as shall. pro vide another portage, at the. dalles, ' in order that the productions of. our'neigh bora to the east of us may no longer .be compelled to seek the thousand mile circuit to the coast "With their "wheat, etcl, for shipment to foreign .porta. .BrjCCATIOHAW Waao Independent Aeadenay, .Tke Pal-. The next session of Wasco Independ ent Academy will commence on Monday, Sept. 5thi4ulHacuU.y?of, instruc,tor- of Chicago, Illinois, -as- principal. For caUlogsacarticiilara, a.ddres9, 8vT-L.' Brooks Secretary.; V mki ..s4s ni.,r 'Jss 1 " 1 ' " .Mia) FritaiijiPisssleFUls ; ' . - '- - - f. SI.V., - Through dall. service (Sundays ex cepted )"bet ween' The Dalles and. Port land, leaving llje Valles at a ' a., m., arriving at Portland 6 p, m. -. 3 .- FAHSCKGBK KATES. One way .,; . ... .... '. t. . . .$2.00 Round trip.... 3.00 Special rates-for parties of six or over. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. FAST FKSICBT. Fruit, per 100 pounds. .. Melons and Green Vegetables. .40 .ao Through connection with steamers to Astoria and Ilwaco without delay. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on arrival. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address. W. C ALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, ' General Manii(er. THE DALLES, OREGON - - FOB FUBK FOOD. , - Laudable Auction by' Boards of Uealtb. tpoa the Baking; Powder Question Boards, ox health, can, engage in no more , commendable action than the ex amination of our food supply and thej instruction of the to . those ar ticles which are. found. to. be pure and wholesome, nnd which', therefore, con sumers should uee. . . , -- Action of this kind with the baking powders -' is - particularly ..- opportune. There are quantities of baking powders in the market, to use . which is certain detriment to the. health; of;. the. cpn suiner, .; They ' areT made from alum, or improperly compounded ' from- other chemicals, so that they. leave a strong alkaline residuum - in the food. Many ofithese powders, having proved unsal able in the east, have been collected by J iqb XBanuiaciurera.irom sun ueiuor witn whom they wero left, on commission, and shipped to the Pacific coast.. In the effort to. gain. a foothold in this mar ket, unscrupulous '" manufacturers " of these cheaply made, low grada baking powders have indulged in extravagant statements, both with reference, to their own and other brands, claiming the most improbable indorsements for theirs and defaming the, .brands, best .known and longest used uponx the Pacific coast. ".The following extracts, fron. the re ports of some of our. well-known health authorities, will be of ; particular inter-J est:. .y. .. ,. . ;..... .. - The' state ' chemist 'of Washington, Prof. G A." Beth une, says : VThere'' isA therefore, no question but the Royal, is the strongest, purest' and most 'whole some baking powder in the market.'-'- L ;'T.TbeA' Seattle board - of health - says : -"Finding in analysis that it is made of the highest grade of cream, of tartar and t bicarbonate of -soda, and is entirely free from. any adulteration, - we - heartily recommend the Royal baking. pbwderi lor its great strength, purity nnd. whole- someness."' ;. ''' ' : " ;: ' The Tacoma . board of health says : In our judgment, the. Royal ia the best and strongest baking powder be fore the public We confidently' recom-J mend it because of its purity and care of preparation." t '.-.' The 8poksne city board of health, re ports : - "There Ts certainly no" baking powdor known to us equal to the Royal for strength and uniform quality, and J we. recommend it tor its absolute purity and wholesomene8s." ' The board of health of the citv of San Francisco, after-extended tests, said pf the Ryal,'ihat it Is -absolutely pure - - - and healthful, composed of; the beat inj gradients, of the highest strength and character ;" the health officer of Los Angeles . reported that "it was clearlyj aemonstrated ana proven mat tne itoyat baking powder is pure and wholesome, and that; it stands.'as' far as streneth and purity are concerned, at the headf of tho baking . powders ' of the United States;" vhile the state chemist of Cal-J ifornia, Prof. Rising, fonnd the Royal superior in strength and, purity to. all other brands'."' A Kellable Man. - M. J. Gri nor. a. Justice of the : Peace at Print, Michigan ; V Says one bottle of Chamberlain's Colic," Cholera and-Diar rhxea Remedy saved his life. He had been down with bloody flux for three weeks when he commenced using this medicine. It eoon-ured -imtnd7 he believes saved his life." He alio says it saved tne lives of three railroad men in tnat vicinity. 'Squire tinner, is a re liable and conscientious man, and what ever be eavs can be deoended noon For sale by Blakely . Houghton t. drug- gists ti-'i'i ij..jsiTiA w . JOHH C 109 SECOND STREET DEALERS IN- PAINTS; OILS I , . And the Most Complete and the - Practical Painters and Paper Hangers, None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J, W. Masury's Paints used In all our work, and none but the. most skilled workmen employed. . Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or Btap mixture; A first class article la all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washing ton Sti, The Dalles, Oregon 1 mi -s Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in Boots! and Shoes. All goods we sell, we warrant. - 1 Meeda Kxpeundina;. 'It was the Washington. Independent which developed the only advocate, in. the Tnliuu) Ktnnira tn rlianlav hoflfcllitv to tin ' . r J . ., . . . open river, ice eaitor or ina paper is now a candidate for the Washington, leg islature pi) the .democrat. tpVet.In. ft lata laano tf Kla nnnAi. Vi hva' ' " For the sake of the arreat mass-' ot. our laboring men7 women and children who have laid the foundation of a great state against whose granite vralls ' 1,500 iaiics of the mighty Pacific dashes" her;:crested foam, let us arise as one -man -and. hurl every, boodling candidate to the'ydu'st of defeat and support men tor the' legisla tive offices who; have the; nerve and ability if necessary, to grapple in death, struseles with our enemies on the floors of our state house and prove to the world that the common people of Washington have rights and dare maintain them in just demands. If Brp. Mays was left to interpret that expression on the stump he' would per haps say that it meant a vote for him self. The people, however, will inter pret the sentence differently, and snow him under on election' day ' with- clean whito ballots. ' Our dear little' daughter was terribly sick, Her bowels were bloated aa bard as a brick ,. ' ; We feared she would die Till we happened to try Pierce's Pellets they cured her, : remozkably quick. 5 Never be without Pierce's Pellets in- the house. - They are. gentle , and af- iective in action and give immediate re lief in cases of indigestion," billiousness and constipation. They do their work thoroughly; and have ; no' bad - efTects. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take, One a dose. Best liver rill made. Ali parties holding numbers in the crayon, at L). u. lierren s gallery, are requested to be-present Sept. 1st, at 2 p. m.rthe gallery. -. r TOB SALE. Mv Photosranb outfit. At a rare bar- gin. Hunt, the photographer 8.23tf XilHMolntion or Co-partnership. Notice is hereby triven that- lha firm of Abrams & Stewart baa been dissolved by mutual consent; 3 VK d :; s W. R. -AbrAOM is authorized to collect all atuouut&dae the firm f Abrams & Stewart, and will .pay all demands against said firm. ' tV-' M . - .- - ir-'t"--.i.i W. Stbwabt. The Dalies, Or., Aug. 15thr 1892.", V'V,?r ':j-;' a.2pdwS- Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the late --firm of Abrams ! & t - ct. - a. jm...n.)l...v.. Stewart, of Tho Dalles, or Wi'R. Abrams". either by. note or account, to make pay ment ot tne -same imoaeaiaieiy-'af tne bank of French & Co. AH notshd ae eountff remaining unpaid November loth. lBiBf, will t placed n attorn wb' bands, with instructions to collect.. Any ctaims against tne . taie . nrm- must oe presented at the : same place, with proper vouchers, ' on . or ''before ' above date. The business of the firm must be closed up without -further delay -Res pectfully, . - ; - w. k: abrams. ....... : g.2odiiw3m Saved Hia Child's illtoi :! t 'J A. N. Dilferboush Xork. Neb..'- says "The other day I came homeland - found my little boy down with cholera morbus, my wiie ecarea, not snowing what to do I.went straightway, and got. -a. 25 :ent bottle of Chamberlain's- Coljv Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and eave it ac cording to.-directions. , You. never- eaw such a -cbanee in a child. His 1 i m-hsnnH body; -were oold.' -L rubbed hi limbs and body with my hands, and after ' I had given him the second-doso 'he went to sleep; and) as ia-'Wifeysj:i,froiM' a death-bed he 'was up playing ia tb fee. hours." it saved we bill of about three dollars, and what ia better. it saved my child. ' I can 'recommend it twitn a clear consciocevt-4; or- gala . by HERTZ; THE DALLES. OREGON. I AND GLASS. Latest Patterns and Designs in ; Hoaae For Kent. Enquire of Mrs. Krause Fifth and Court streets. corner " ot 8.24U Tanglefoot Fly Paper 40 cents a boa: twentyfive double sheets ; at Blakeley & Iloughtons, 175. Second street. . ) City taxes for 1892 are now . due . and; -'payable within sixty days, at the office of the undersigned. : -.-':" 1 L. Robiew, City Treasurer.. Dallks Crrr, July 6th, 1892. . WaanrfsftoB Market For Kent. For rent ; the Washington market cor ner of Second and Court. For terms ap- -Divito Geo. Williams administrator of ihe estate of John Michelbaugh. 8.3dtf .. . Stock Holders Meetinaj. -. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wasco Warehouse company will be held at the office of French & Co., The Dalles, ' Oregon, on Wednesday September 28th, 1S9, at 3--.30 p. m., for the purpose of. electing directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before it. .... The Dalies, Oregon, Aug. 12th, 1802. " i ' G.J.Fa&lxy, " f . Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co. td3.12 w . ... : photographer: ; Instantaneous Portraits. , Cliapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. " COLUMBIA ; CANDY FACTORY' Campbell Bros. Proprs . (SucifWrs to w. s. cram.) : - Kaoufacturera of the finest French and - ; Home Made O 3D I E S . : . '.-. East of Portland. '. -. DEALERS IS rropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobaecs. t f ; ' w Can furnish anr of these goods at Whotoeala orKetall v . 4f piESH "" OVSTHtS . ! I.-,. .'.; IavZverjr Style. . Ids Cream and Soda; Water-J ! 104 Second Street. The Dalles.' Or. "' C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN 4' C XOTHING -- Boots, Shoes, Bate, Stc. - .f, -i-' Kte;,- Bsc;' :; IU Gai;$t4'x$ rto Dalles NationIL ( Bank, DeUesi Cltyk Oregen, ;; 1 )r-y Goods 4