- i Tts flaUss Daily Chronicle. TBI DALtKS OBEOON FRIDAY AUGUST 20, 1892 Published Dally, Sunday ExTtol. THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. "Comer Second and Washington Streets," The Dalles, Oregon. Ternu of Subscription Per Year. Per month, by carrier. . .Single copy ...000 50 5 STATS OFFICIAI.8. Oovernot : Secretary of State Treasurer . Bopt. ot Public Instruction. enators engressman State Printer 8. Ponnoyer .....G.Yf. McBride ...Phillip MetBchan .i....E. B. McKlroy I J. N. Dolph ' J. H. Mitchell B. nermann ...... Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge...., Sheriff. ..... Serk Treasurer.... Commissioners. . Assessor ..' ,....Ga C. Blakeloy ...i..:..' T. A. Wart J. B. Crossen ... Wm. Micbcll JJoa. Darnielle Frank Kincaid .;. .Joel W. Koon U Bnrveynr. . .E. F. Sharp Rnwrintndent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner ..... . N. M. Eastwood OREGON'S SHOWING- , AT CHICAGO NEXT YEAR, Remains in doubt,-but there is no -. question about the Portland Industrial Ex position which opens Sep- j lember 21st and closes October 22d, being the best Exposition ver held on the Pacific Coast. So far as Qrgo is .concerned it -will be ihe forerjiuner of the Exposition lit Chicago in 1893. The " principal attrac tions are the " manificent American Band.of Providence, R. I. An art collection valued at $359,000, and em bracing, some . of .the greatest pictures owned in the United States. Immense. Iprticult uraland Ag4pulturiexhibits, theresuiti' pf'the.combiiled efforts of almost every '- bounty in the state.' A mineral ex hibit , xpdiiig.,' ail.'j former yets.'-? A;; Stock Department slewing -emendous progress. T, these are' added "a larger niVinbex xf exhibit, than'ever befprei including a;;magnifi-T cent electrical-- display under the combined Thomson-Hous-toil: anddEdisonQompanies: All manufactures in.fullopeiv ation. Qoyemmnwodels of Battle Ships. . JXhe wonder ful .Hall of Mystery. The marvelous "Littjo World," the product of a mechanical genius; all interspersed by novelties incident to the pop ular , special- days. ..-.Every-. v thing new and nothing dead. Greatly reduced rates on all transportation lines. F?EJSCfi & CO., BANKERS. TBAKBACT A GEKEEALBAJJKISO B0BLNE83 Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. 61eb.t Exchange ' and Teleirrarjhfe TranefersBoldon New York, Chicago, St' Louie, San Francisco," Portland Oregon, oeaiue v asn.. ana Tanons points in ur cgon and Waabiirgton. - v J Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. - tsu. . jh ubei Marks. wwCc . .OPYRMUIT& Wm (iv. spMlal attoattea cwuHM Irnthn kmMim, alw U iMHhrani, iiuli, nlsnts, nuta aurks, to. prepuatlon ft aplaiiia u o laMasBMa. cjp. aad TXitr ofpttnti. wad tfc scoMMtlM aa2 l; i ifx ij k l i : s kt( M1 e BniWinK. v 11HJ3 F 8t. fraithiirton. I). C S7EU tan. itunp. for mtt am auilMaw UhaV trau bfwtfet. "lmtlnrn!nv,H p WUhwl arte " U omu, .ad wur whmiiCTnlU paaipkltt (or mtoatuakctarnaidtaafMU4 v,v ifioaj'. J. 8. BCHIWCK, President. n." M. bbaxl i . Cashier, j . first Rational iBank. THE DALLES, . - : -. OREGON ! A General Banking' Business transacted ! Graduate of the university ol juctugan. sno nmn;t. rai-A mMdM n csht censor to Dr. Tucker. .Oflice "over Prenchs' jcusiib ini,cu,Buujmi, .u oigni. . , Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly m. SA1A ER, Civil EKGNBMMo,8urwr v remitted on day of collection. i'J ing, and Archlticturo. The Dalles, Or. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRBCTOKS. D. V. Thompson. . Jno. S.- .Scmknck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. LrERK. II. M. Be.u-l. :TH E .DALLES Rational W Bank, : z pDAiXES crrY OR;. ,. i President," v 7j. 'p. 3Io6dv Vice-President, -i -r. nABi! Hjiros Cashier, "4-- - M. A; Moody General Banking Business. Transacted: ..Sight Exchanges -Sold on ;'' SEW YORK, -. i -v- -w. - SAN . FR AKd&X,---r -CHICAGO . and PORTLAND, OK. Collections made on favoreble tcrm9 at all acceesi bio points. -(. ; City Wagon Sliop, Second St., opposite. Hood's Stable, TBK ALI.KS, A. SANDROCK, Prop. First class Carriage and Wagon mak ing. General repairing to order, in a satisfactory manner, '. at reasonable prices. Give mo a call. OMAHA ( vKausas City,--St. Paulj y. AND ALUPOlNT8 EtrNartHnxiSbtH: '' ; - LEAVE: THE DALLES:-- - ,':2sp'. 7, west bound.". . 4:10 p. m. Nd..'l;;" . 3:05 a. m. " i No:' 2, east' bbnnd . .". :55 p. m.' . . No. 8, T:25 p. m. PL LLMAN SLEEPERS, - j COLONIST SLEEPERS, ; : RECLINING CHAIR CARS, V . and DINERS. ' X Stwmere from PORTLAND to SAN FRANCISCO EVERY FOUR DAYS. TIC KETS EUROPE ; Por rates and general information call on ' ' - E. E. LYTLE, : ' i " 'j . Depot Ticket Agent. W, it. nCRLBURT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., ' ,. . 54 Washington 8t . POKTLAKD, OnEOOK. From TERJIIIHAIi op IHTEIOH Points THE ' " : A -r2iJlathe line to taie TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOOTH. It is the Dining Car Boutc. It runs Through Vestibnled Trains every day in the year to paUl and Chicago ; - ISO CHANGE b? CARS.') V' Composed of Dining Cars' unsurpassed. Tull man Drawing Boom Sleepers of latest equipment. 1 TOCBIST SLEEPIN0 CARS . ? - Best that can-be constructed, and in. which aoeommodations- are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Second-class Tickets, and ILIGAHT BAY COACHES : A eontinuouB Unr connecting with all lines, affording direct and OBlnterrapted sercloa. PuTlman. Keeper reservations. an be seouxed 4 ,t;t.,n;.!.jy tj' Full iofortnition:ooncerniriff -r.tr tim if trains, routes and -other detaila furnished on application to .' , "' "- Agent D. P. A. Nav. Co., Repulntor office. The I Dalles, Or., or . .so ;: -.ijii-j -I nj Ch'.. fji ON SALE TiTm ah 11m C w 1 in auTOjica mrougn any agent ot tti waatL, ,-;. ill II 1 1 I g I U iiiiwvmii iiwtikiu poinw in America, I . England and -Europe oaji sopurBaased: at any I :? ticket office of the compajjy,.- - ftaWA'gma,;wtei2 CUcushioQtpo Street 1- SIDDALL DBNTisr.-Gas given for-the painless extraction oleetn. Also teeth I ton flowed aluminum plate. Rooms; Sign of die Golden Tooth, Second Street." . , D P.. o. F. SANDERS, 3D ,,... The italics. Or. . JF. SNEDAKER, D. D: S.,: has located pcr- mnnently in The Dalles, and often his er vices to tho pubUfl iu ued of dentistry:-, Office in Chapman building. Second street. Rooms 3a and 37 over the Post uzBce book store. -. ; BB. ESHEL3H AK tHOM lOTATBicr Physician and Soboeon. Calls answered promptly, (Ihv fir nifht. pthr roreoufltrv. "Ofiiefi So. 3& and 37 Chapman block. - : - - tvtf -4 DK.K-K DOANl: rHTUCIAK ' Kr' st7v GKOir. OfDos; rooms 6 and Chapman ;Rlock. - Residence: 8. B. , rmer -Oourt and' Fourth streets, seo nd door Irom the corner. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to & And 7 to 8 P. M. " s. b. cdfii, .... " rait kbkefbe. DU-FUR,. & MEKEFEE ATTOBXEY9 - AT : Law Rooms and .48,- over -Post Oflice Building, .Entrance on Washington Street., The Dalles, tregon. -, WIL Wrt.SOS Attorkkv-at-eaw Rooms . -'fie and 63, Kew Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. AS.-BENNETT, ATTORNE V-AT-LAW. " Of- Coeln 6channo'6 building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. - ' ' ' r . r. P. SCATS. ' B. S. HrSTISfOTOK H. 8. WILKOS. MAYS, KUNTINOTOF-a WILSON - ATTOa-krvb-at-law. Offiees, French's block over First National Bonk, The Dalles. Oregon. DR. KLIZA a: IN'GAIXS. Physician, Scb oeon and Occlist. Office-. Rooms- 40 and 47 Chapman Block. SOCIET1K&. 4 SSEJIBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L Meets iu K. i of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes days of each month at 7:30 -p. m'. w A SCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets nrst and third Monday of each montn at 7 r. ii. DALLES-ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. A Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each, month at 7 JV M. yr: ...... . MODERN rWOODMEN' OF THE WOBU. Mt. Hood Camp No. 59. Meets Tuesday even ingof each week iu the K; of i. HaU, at 7:30 P. jc COLOMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. - - - H. Clouoii, Sec'y. ' H. A.: Eiixs.N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., R. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 Vclock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited. . W. S. Ckam. r. D. 'W.Vafsb, K. of RandS. . C. C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock atthe reading room. Allare invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O.' TJ. W., Meets ' at K. f P. Hall, Corner Second and -Court Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 :30. . . . . .. . V GBOBOK Giboks, :W. 8 Myebs, Financier. , - M. W. TA'S:llN KSM iTH OST, No. 32, O. A. B- Meets l- i-ery Stiirijty .fc ?s30 j, in th.e K..of P. - - OP- L.B.j-tarry.S4ndify oteernoon iac f.EBAS . VB,EIN--Meets . every . .Sunday JT evening in the K. of P. Hall. v "" B . OF L. F. MV1SION, No. 167 MeeU in the . r K.'ot V; Hall the fiht and third Wedue day o each month, 7:3 . ..... ..-..ih i t ... "tHTK CHrBCHKS. ST. PETERS CHURCH-rBev' Father Bboss GEE6T Pastor.' Low Mai every Snnday at 7 1. M. , Ulgh Mass at. 10:$0 a-if. .. Vespers at A DVENT CHRrSTI AN CHU RCH.--PrwiChing XL in thc-Y. M.-C A. rooms everv Sundav at 11 a. in. and "7 p. m. Sunday -school immediately. oiitc niorxnng service, J. A. uren.ru, pastor.-. ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. BUD.SutoBffe Rector. -Services every Sunday at 11 A. u. and 7:0.P. JC Sunday School 9: t5 A. M. Evening Prayer on Fridav at FIRST BAPTIST CHCRCH--Rer. O. D. Tat ir, Pastor. -Morning -services every-Sabbath ' at the academy at 11 A. Jf. '. Sabbath School . Immediately - -after morning services. Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi dence. Union services in the court house at 7 GONGREOATIONAL- CHURCH Rev. W. C. C0BTI9, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. H. ud 7 P. u. Sunday School after morning service, r Strangers cordially invited. Boats free. M. E. CHURCH" Rev. A. C. Spkkcbb, pastor. Servioes everr Sundav morninov Sundav School at 12:20 o'clock P. m. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people to. art. YOUR flTTEllTIOJl Is tailed to the fact tsat Dealer 5n!Gfase' II me,1 I'afHAW, 'dement :i -and Bailding Material of .ail fcind.ji i'J' 3-"- Carrt. tt VUtkt ttne f- . fj'r. ';-j.r;'-J.V-'-' 1. lipfflti To 6 ioqikJ in the utfri&i ' " " t. ... .v . PROFESSIONAL CAltOS. T Ttts Greatest Huildlag in the We rid. - An astonishing feature of. the Coltun bian exposiUon will be onri of the palaces gronped in the heart of the fair grounds. It Is the Manufactures building. . It will bear the same relation to this exposition as the Eiffel tower did to that of Paris in 1889. and indeed its possible rise as a vantage point from which to see the fair grounds has terminated in the- negative, the discussion for and against the con struction in Chicago of a rival to the great tower of Paris. This greatest of all the exposition buildings, and of the buildings of the world, will present to Lake Michigan a facade of such a length as to suggest the wall of a city, yet it is so admirably designed, so light and graceful in its effect upon the vision, that its true extent can only be compre hended when its dimensions are ..ex pressed in figures and by comparisons. . it is one-third of a mile long, and to compass it round about is to walk a mile. The roof of it is 1.688 by 788 feet, and -. the span of the-dome. the largest ever attempted, is 388 feet. The roof is 230 feet from the ground, and the build ing has forty acres of ground floor, .'.Two of the vast machinery halls' of the Paris exposition could be wheeled through' it, and the Auditorium,- the . building of which Chicago is most proud, could be pushed under this great roof, tower and all. Julian Ralph in Harper's. ' - A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of . le i and Provisions. which be offers at Low Figures. SPEGIftli; :-: . PRIGES "to CasK "Buyers." .'v HiElest Casl. Prices for. and ' " otler Prote: v UO "SECOND STREEJ. A NEW PK1NZ; &;!NITS0HKE. . : .'i j.rj -r0--?-PJWi9 NwS rurnuure DtiU i '.if ft?: V - We Jbaveadded:itc? ouV 'business "' complete- Undertaking Establishment, aM as we are in no way connected with the IJndertakere'Trti8toiw'-tpriceeawill oe low accordirigiy , ., -; - '-- Remember our place on Second etriet, T:.j.i:.o5' -rro .isrfsi;y .'.-i f.'-:;. . : f aetoFV ". i FACTORY NO. 105, CTCt- A T? o the Bet3rands VllJilliO majiufactured, and oraera from ail. parts oi.the country nued on tne snortest nonce. " v' r The reputation of THE DAIXE8 CI GAR has become firmly established, and toe aemana lor tne Dome manuiaetured article is increaBing every day.: .. u A U LR1CH &"$ON. NUG. L ti.W. Hi BUTTS, Propi ; J IT?- 90 iSeWarl Breeti!Ltte''l411eflV Or, '' Thltf wel ft-idwn tnd.'keDtr bv' tlie well i known W-.t BJ-BHtt0( loOg Tesi-j otof AVaeco-covinity tiiaaart extraardi Sheep Bewri Mjdit asi liisk ftstarkecc. Ul In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines. Liauora and: Clear i. Give the old man a call and you will come again. rs. iSfecji at KII2 Rrsttrs Step and Fancy Gw;r mm s -5. Advance of the r f"TA Yes the Pipe is coming, to the Stjraj lW ( front never before. The high ?ijfv A "Pnce of. gooddgars is helping oSfe drive them out of user Millions jjpty Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking: Tobacco. It is the most popular Brand in the market Smoked for over twenty, five years its fame is still growing Quality always the same. . -; BLACK WELL S DURHAM TOBACCO CO . " DURHAM. N. C. ' ' BUNN Pipe Woit ' ; . i TAPPED' TJNpER -PRESSURE. Shop on Third. Street next "door- west of Youiig & Kuss ' ' ; Blacksmith Shop. ' JQL-ES BROS.. -A; laple and Fancy GmcedBS, Hay, Grain Masonic Block. Corner Third and 4. ; ; - ; TH .DAXiIjES, OKEGQN. " . . Best Dollar a Day Housq on the Coastf : First-Glass Meals, 2& CentsV - First ClassHotel "in ' Every :l6esjeetv: -V - - - ; ; i -' bNone tjut the Best o White Help Employed. T.T. ?EOTitONlSre j q ..press p,irpse pf faithiully represeRtjbQgaThci jjalles : and - the surrounding -Mmntry?,: aiid;the8atisfying: ! : 1 -: now leads : alt :6lher ;pnMicaions;!,i .' ; ;:7,;;nnvGaiiam'&'i:Jip'sb J of i.erbok-Mbrir6W and .s.;: :r '. ; ; eoiintieer as "well .as; iiljitf aKd 'i':-:98.f-n97AC-sTtP hence it. is the best ' " V mediiira for advertisers in i trie ;IhlaridErii'; . , - The Daily Chronicle isfpupli ; hlng tri' thp week :(Sunday:s' Excepted) at $6.00 per ;-' annum: The Weekly e - eauu weeK ai per aiuiiiiii, . -;. 7 For advertisingrJ'rateH,. TH E CH RQNICUE Dalles, Wasco County, ;;OregoV . r The Gate Oity of the Inland. Empire is situated at.the head " :; i-' of navigation on the Middle (Columbia, and is a trivingpros-' '' . i ": perous citj;'-w' .f-s-v"i;5 eiWeJi -;ai-ei.! - :; r'tf' rrs tokritory. ...JTr.-'ltistliers city for ah :, ..-,ana grazing; ooimu7;iwtraie.,reacning as tar feoutn as hummer j J . .vZlLakey a; distance of over two hundred miles. x -?r- snpw?;; - I - - 'u. ' 'The"'ricli'' gracing. couniry iildng the eastern slope of the Cas-r .: riji cades furTifeh psWr9 fof; thbusands of flheep," the wool from. .. . . -' Srhm;findnwei nerel8 'f' -" i "i-"r- itJi-' "'.Of" -;- - ; aI.i:XhevDlIe8 is the7 largest" ortfeHl-Mt sMppwijf " pofntIu ' ' '.' 7 Ui -r&rtiotd - 3ii oil .,v,':yp:, . PU'si.mr'''1-''11 n; r:--: -ibiivi i&cjrfefiS-,TTS ,PR0PXICJ3;i .kq -l ' ; r;i. .5iffloii&TeYie LC .'-y,; tbis year.M will be more - ;.ii'X- '' . than douWe in the near future. .. .. .7 -.-..,.-.!. .. , : 'XS "ioi Ttte i prodttcts-of the ' beautiful iQickitat tyJfin4 inarkeiJA' ,1,,; .2i.i.fier,; and-the Cottntry" south-arid -eait' has thisJ yer filled, the ; ' . t' ' j v aTousesVrand all available" stdrs'places tdJ'overflowIne" with' ..: rtheir pfeducfecf 8i.Mfei K sniaj fx5 u - : 1 and .Feed. Court Streets, Jfie Da!!es,Oregcn. fiicnolasy Ptop. Ghkonicle on Fridaj's of subscriptions, etc address -. PO BLISHl N G extensive i aad- rich-' acficultural ' . - - -j siaa V&sl&Q him itejjea -.. i.r.'.il -.' ;