The Ice Wngron.. -.-:""' -V. I The ice wagou of Cates Allison is onr the streets every morning from li. to 8 o'clock. Any orders .for ice left wih j Will Vaubibber's express or at the" store of Chas.. Laser wilJr be'promptlv ati ICEf ICEI ICB! . " Having on hand a largo supply of ice we are prepared to furnish our custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate.- We guarantee wo will supply the demand .without advancing, prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C. F.-LaaeVs store, Second street. A . ft-2tf . Catbs & Allison. C . :thb;cel.ebrhted COLUMBIA BREWERY - AUGUST BUCHLR, Prop'r. ; OFFICIAL VAI'EK OF DALLES CITY. , ; ."CD WASCO WXIV. f tended to.;; " , . Gatkb & AinsoS. National Republican Ticket. .:', County Treasurer' KolJcc- All county warrants registered prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. ' - - ' ;- The Dalles, Jnly 15, 1S92. , , ' WlLMAM MlCUELL, . - 7.18tf - TreaeoreF -Wasee Countv, Or. " ' NOTICE. Ail Dalles City warrants registered prior to October 7, 1890, will- be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date." - . ; Dated July 7tb, 1892. " ; .-."' L. Rorden, - v if; . - Treas. Dalles Gityt-- This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter V east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health fui Beer have-been introduced, and-only the first-class article will be placed on the market. " - ' The Dirties Daily Chronicle. ' . KOK PRESIDENT, ' ' BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. . FOR VICE-PRKSIDEST, " WHITELAW BEHV "... of New York. FOB FBKSIDUXT1AL ELECTORS', J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. H. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of Union. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. THE NEW TURF QUEEN. The press of the country is now tilled with talk of Nancy Hanks, the new queen of the turf. The story : of her mile done iu 2:0"K has circled the planet, and whenever a horse-lover is found he has forgotten the stirring con flict between capital" and labor, the change of.Englands ministry 'and the preliminary agitation of an American political campaign, and read of the beautiful mare that trotted 5,280 feet in one second less time than that distance had ever been trotted before. ' It was not so very long ago, in 1S2S, that a bet of $2,000 was made and lost that no horse conld trot a mile in" three minutes. Second by second the time was lowered until quarter-seconds counted in records. Finally Maud S in Cleveland trotted around the mile track in 2:08. Although Sunol a few months ago in California beat that rec ord by half a second, horsemen did not regard it as etrictjy the record for a mile, as Sunol trotted on a kite-shaped track. But Nancy Hanks in Chicago has broken the record on theelliptical track. Her flight was followed by 20,000 Chi cago eyes, and 10,000 Chicago voices did her honor when she flashed beneath the wire two minutes and eeven and one quarter seconds after the start. Nancy Hanks, Budd Doble and the pneumatic sulky made the grand com bination, and Chicago set the pace for the rest of the world. The venerable mother of Mr.. White law Rcid lives on' the old. Jleid home stead, near Springfield, O.- She is 'a woman of striking appearance tall, white-haiied and well preserved for her advanced age, for she is within a few months of 83. ' When a correspondent called on her recently she was dressed noatffy-but with great plainness, in gown'ofc black and white striped calico, witfWbM-fashibned cap of white lace on-herfieadrMrf!. Keid's memory, for thevfenWbiBT'youuger years is excel-' lentffnd'sh'eiteMa quaintly of her eon's departure; :dfT-college. '"When Whitc la"Wetit a.wby' to!:ti6ol," she said, "he had a hard tiSi&Yo get'along. One day IpkedMpfe hith ariJck df butter, a loaf of bread, a eack of nieal and a boiled hainlJJ wrqte.V Uyntp get some buttermilk to mix with the meal and make some cakeet; He wot; hie t;back that it was the -best meJ;tro-tiad eaten for.aiiia.tuni;V im'T .aJ, -SiFraQciscoidispateltt.iShyanliere are jbut.,t'0 UipWftihatjubjY, aiiy-probable . chance, coflld'rjng, jtojm-ilncisco -British... ship tessQJttii& :hich imwledi " A , .. " 7 A. new man can be made, out of one . that's "used-up," bilious and dyspeptic It's done by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. ' It starts the torpid liver into healthful action, purifies and enriches the blood, cleanses, repairs, .and strengthens the system, and restores health and vigor. As an appetizing, restora tive tonic,' it sets at work all the , processes of . digestion and nutri tion, and - builds " 'up "flesh and strength. ' It's the only Blood and Liver Remedy that's gutvrante&l, in every caqe, to benefit or cure. If it doesn't do all that's claimed for it,1 the money is - promptly , refunded. But it. keeps ..its promises -tbats the reason it can be sola , in this way. ., . ; -.'."..- Discovery "1 strengthens Wealc Lungs, and cures Spitting xf Blood, Shortness of .Breath,' Bronchitis, Severe. Coughs, and kindred affec tions. Don't be, fooled into taking something else, said "just as good," that the dealer may make a larger profit, ' There's nothing at all like the " Discovery. GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, all see me Shirts of all kinds to order, at nriccs which defy competition'. Other goods in proportion. jP. FAGAN, Second St., The Dalles 'Sole Agent lor VAJfNAMAKER & BROWN, Philadelphia. Fa- : . K aiihm thShnn vim iiitun r muiuu kjiiu lit ' Second St., Opp. Hood's "Stable, THE DALLES; " ' '." '-' ' . OHKGON .... - : -'-- .- - - '"-V - ' Will repair your fine Buggies . and Carriages, shoe your fine - Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksniitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed. - : ' ' GUfltfIiG& HOepiflJl .Props. J. L. FISHER IT W. j. MONTAGUE. PROPRIETORS OK THE Elite Shaving Parlors -AKD-- Bath Rooms. SECOND STREET. THE DALLES, 0E, iHiajr .Guttine eviery styjepf the art. VPeMectBaths. OWEN WILLIAMS. .Jf. .. . : -Adiiiinistra'torsSale o.f liht&ei. ' " In pursuance of an order of the county court, of Wasco county, dated July I5th, 1892, 1 will sell as a whole or in lots, aH the band of mares, .geldings and colts, also -bne'i "Black : Stranger" stallion, a line horao and good breeder, belonging to the estate of the late W. J. Meins. . These are good '.well bred horses, " many of them broke to work. They will be "sold for cash or approved security. - ' 'i J. C,Mjds, Administrator, : '; of the Estate of W. J. Meins. 7.23dwlni. . J. POLCO,, -DKALKK IK- Candies, Fmiis, Nuts, Soia Water, . Ice Cream, ToliacW an4Cigan. , v- -KAKVPACTCsaa or First Class Syntps for Saloons and Soda FHtains.Efc8-' Secoad Street, Next door to WluKte' Hall -v' ' ' . . . . -j.- : J. S. COOPER Corner Barn, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois .The Largest and Only Strictly ..Commission Dealer 7 in Horses in the United States. Commencing the 3rd Of August and every month throughout the year will hold Hpeitia! Extensively Advertised Sales of- - ; WESTSRN RHNGE HORSES, iNatioriat Live Stock Bank, Chicago',' 111.- J"..' n Reference : jchicago National Bank, Chicago. 111. ' Wflte fOf PaftlCUlarS, MAIER &.BENTON . DEALERS IN; ;. wwr if x y yjjjj and CRABAPPLE OG ROGER I ES, STa?rff Es, HARDWARE ' TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPlAiTV- Iieave orders cor. Third axxd tTnloja ,-0133 Second st. Hay, Grain, 4Pint.lempn vs'iU flnil 'THK TT.TTF! r-ruJIj.Up to the times in every respect. in tnu ueai manner, in Smooth Shaving : ana rei iect jsams. 'J - -- . j - . iirwnrsf !-Tiwry uay una evening aar-inEr.AhfitwPlCf.riC-Mnserl nn Rftt.nMflv ntrn. exprtitflVivitt,DfcojaVrt B&ddh&AbiKgs after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun- Bntish ship City of Athens, wirih;J;flys from 7 a o'clock noon. Twk...i.. cf;.. . ais.if. i vutitoti I tens tml Ihejj tijfliiiry Rftl9(JritileJ twiJdoetsuyrtes all dirty clothing, bedding or idHsUaaac orgw ' distittfilFISittSaWl ifijPi9Airibi:dThJtiia'-i jj 1 of,t,ioI,f.w1..,Ji.-:,i,i.J:'Sar9. Milwaukee BeeT.omDMwaitti" Wl beett&tggfttai ttZtr-m Wttnle i"tfcoiiISl aril Cleveland aA)fretSBd6. srfSBocasiiahd k-il their money arc soon pftrTea"," the old V .ioiiiraa sti' in snlvK ?od . Si Fl0Lir - HEADQUARTERS FOH POTATOtS. . TERMS CiTRICTLYPASH. p- ; It beliooves ti voryone especially, the workingman, to buy where '.he can buv the cheapest and aV get tlie noot pr his 1 3 1 - TIT- 1 A' '' - . ; ' uaiu earutju money. vve houch- a snare OI your patronage Cash paid for eggs and poultry. AH goods dslivered Ires jnd promptly Corner Union and Second streets, The Dalles, Oregon. '" NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATU: 1 10 FhONI STKfiET, THE DALIES. OKEOOK. 11 J K w a o w o N K a T . Jfc.: -r nr. : nnr m -i en .0 r z 0. c Rt the old stand. of tl;Liushetr. Chas. Fi?azetr, Prop. : -v., ..... ,. r.-: s. V tanfieao d Tailor,! banot d oi 9 ii. BOOTS AND SHOES, den 6Jngi i atoBdaor dl.Krglfepittt r i i v a wiuiirrivj - . . -. . ti . 1 1 .7. daiiFmtW noi.4 .This nniiswfeiioiiMiwwk OirijfeiodffiSl,rt Streets- by thai labflii aignwiiiatioiis if tho miky - : 1 : i i .. . . l ; . Mr. Frielri;,ro4i?;fSry ftVfHfttIr0 flffffrf bv and let MichiL'aiu towns boveott. JiL. ' 11U v Ult VllUULO lllRUJ. mateIeMtScwfi lol. ff. first tJ,T the man wiro s' and pailj oy won 7if n iri-soiiiJS si il ,"ffv' .TOlinbId IHSgte. ggdj Gaj3s, UnKs ' and 1 Valises, -11WJ HUH liigllSl BJllUI MS I. sltU iv 3aT "TtTwr"Jsw Emrr'nrri boj i vThc Uateh' String is Always Out I Spripd and Summer, "v 'it t SEASON 1592. . orM Bre "llnss ana a small drop of ink, ' - ipon a xocmgnt, produces tmmsaads, perhaps millions. Usinli:.- Falling, like dew, u: i nai wmcn macea KIT8T TO ISTEKK8T AICI DO' vorcoos. MANUFACTCilKU BV- ' . - ',. .' - V ; ' -, WERH.T5NNY4 60:(i f THE DALLES MNTILE CO. AGENTS POR THE- DALLES.' . , i r; SOLE IN N. Open irbtri July 1st to Oetobep 1st. r This pictureaqno ltoetlery , hoiH of silver fir loge. and rooted securely on the edge of a precipice on the north side of Mount Hood is within fifteen minntea walk of the perpetual- ice- and snow of Eliot Glacier, 7,000ifcet above the sea level, twenty-seven miles from Hood River. over the' fineet' roads in the United States.... Faro for the ronud trip 8.00 ; rates per Jay f 3.60. -. -y ... i;-. . '"' The yeble at Cloud Cap Inn ia supplied with everything the market affords... Hot and cold baths-, jete the best of guides will take yon to the ton of Mount Hood by the best practicable routes, which are from the Inn, v 'i s . : ? . W, A.XAKaiIE,.maagrj, Clo tblho . 7 4 Gents' piiPnlsbingGoods,; Hats, Gaps, Full Assortment of the JeaiuSianufacturers:- Cash Bayers caiU save rndhey ; jty )mini sbold: f.rii;l!aiii piieesiteforepuhasin ;:. , : " -: ; Hi e r iBm rig ; I't' 7r " ' '"C. ''Xj-;; SKXSBB. 'I'ir'Ojx-i'''' ''-'' . , -:':iV: ':.".; - . i . ' -. . .. ' ' ' n - "'- ' f" ''It ;i I -rlV ' '::'i'tff-' :uS-r.i1 u i ' 1 - ji. fill 7H5I-' 63 WM. BUTLER-SrG -DEALER INr- Building Material, Rough no6Jml3er-Xime. Plasterj Hair and Cement Ml -4- THE. DALLES, OREGOK. lWnlraMI BOW I B1UJ douui si tesT TKJtTJtlOO. h o CflFffi 1 m ulaag auiwoTg io j 4 111 ILJVL "KI'I 1 ! All H I r ; .sf f 3afff twrfVT p,OF NAVIGATION. strte? against lonaT roo) 5 w1 W. Ve'- iL W. UliMk uwwmI UF It anJte-.iMinctedVbrx;ugtioi: wan ort, fcL ' ' ' OFH f snddenljj!.iyii iyjiJ prl- ably paid all he was worth and the long hours served ndm f .""'f li'fT ' of inlechief. ' .Wmr m ' Anwrnijii rrftad nfid IlollaSS OltJna the Inland Empire. .satrf elia a tef itit,TSi shed jerj andA-i.inctedr.Ugtsbu.-f Th i ho0TOtainsI7(iw-W-ndir tphef i .iv-onvenje Rate reaWabw?.' ii4J estannferf attaohetti8 to the house. - Frer bus to and from all !rttWIJE5, Prop. A liberal discount to the "4rade;- mifllll.m;:li8ndle4ji;iis. JEfFEKSON STREET, betweeivSecoad and RaUroad. THE DALLES, OE The Corrugated Bnlldlns next 1oor to Court Home. v -1 ranasomely vEnrBtsiiet jLfiaojna "i to: Bsnt if tie Day.-Weei or JofltfiL ,4MW"f trUHT Ii 'ol baa K-.r f-'iithfr Infornatin C Best SelltMBfXrfeJbf r y iho Qnacnn In tha Nnrfh. .BTOh:oilHiBS3Mfepared by a Firstjfassf fiigp ..CcpkJ all at the Office of -00,5St 4oq litw if sufl oognidaB'W I -joiaab Ja&JaEea ii3 lo -nail 9d3io3bo 0. Irmtfra? lJffiTJnMgiSbfrt!aiii. Or. Koomsfor SOLICITED. Commerelal-Menu i: -iVi i v'.- irttt rr fir rrrt SL2J ' T r . .. ,.r . .. .