The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 25, 1892, Image 3

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" Those desiring to wear'oueof the latest New
"3 York etyles ehoild '""call early. s 1 nave bub a
limited mimher of tberti. - ' " "
Tie Dalles, -Pprtlaiii aiii AUoria
Navitipix Co. -
Gleveland and
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
Knterrda the PostofHce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and S Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices. - .-
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear tue following day. r - .j
AUGUST 25, 1892
The city is billed for the Tennessee
jubilee singers, from Goldendale.
Mrs. J. J. Wiley expects to leave
Shoal water bay for her home tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. .A. H. McRoberts, of
Malta Bend, Mo., arrived this morning.
Mrs. Wm. Pickett returned to her
home in Prineville by ,stage this morn
ing. Visitors from The Dalles to Grant to
morrow leave here on the early morning
train. - u
Mrs. Judge Scbutz was a passenger for
Phelps Springs by the steamer Regula
tor this morning. - -
John G. Maddock and wife, of Golden
dale, and Hiram Tyree, of . Moro, regis
tered at the Umatilla house today.
The Astoria newspapers run entirely
out of capital letters setting up a list of
names of those attending the Elks clam
Mrs. Judge Liebe and Miss TillieLiebe
of The Dalles are at Sea view, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Liebe, of
Mrs. Jeff. Hardy is visiting in Califor
nia now, and Jeff is baching. In order
to kill time he takes his eon along when
he goes fishing. '
The prodigal never thinks of return
ing to his aged parents or of even writ
ing to them until the gaunt prairie wolf
. gets after him.
It has been estimated that Paul F
Mohr has railway iron enough out, now,
to lay the Ceiilo-Dalles portage. There's
big money in it. . "Why don't he do. it?
TrotJt ate reported to be very scarce in
the mountain streams ' this summer.
Thoso of us who took our vacations
early, says Judge Thombury, might
tell the reason .why, if we would.
People in The Dalles want the Regu
lator to make a few. Sunday trips now
There is not a doubt but that the big
gest excursion of the season would go
out next Sunday, if the people had the
boat. '"..... .. .
- Justice Schutz made his maiden plea
yesterday before Justice Clark. It was
in the defense of Johnson and Mann, a
state case, and although defendants
. were brought in guilty, they were pro
If any body has any real estate trans
actions to show to the advantage of The
Dalles, we shall. thankfully make note of
the same. - Tdk Ciieokicle has the in
terests of The Dalles at heart, and .any
thing that pertains to the prosperity of
the place meets.with a hearty response
in this office -at all times: ' -
. Mr. T. A. Rossey, of Bode," of Iowa:
called at The Dalles yesterday, to take a
few notes, on his summer outing. -He
has taken in the sound, the Willamette
- valley, and left yesterday morning ' for
the most delightful trip of all, a steamer
ride to Portland from The Dalles, via,
Regulator and Dallea Otty on the Col
Received today' the following Laces; "V 'h'-::- '.
. Point: d'Irlandej ' : .!
Maltese, Laces, . - ' -:"-;' T.4;-
Fancy Cotton Laces' v . ' ' -
. -.'? ".' ... '-. .
i. Pentelle Orientale, -;'' :"y , "
." j. . -
. . Normandy Valenciennes, : -
Black Guipure, .". . r . '
... -. , .- -r . . ' .... . .. ..i .
'. -. " JMlknv: Case Laces, Etc. r ...t
. . . - : , t'. ' , . .. : -) a. :
.-' . " .t '-v .,- v:' ..? ' - ; .t.fS?W!r.fe ' tft-:.' ' '
; f.scy''(;'i:r.
wi . - " " UXiV yf&wi K'-;
, ! . ' '. '.'' e-i f:-KY" ".
Capt. Kennedys yatch' Alligator made
her trial trip this afternoon. The river
was very' calm, and she eteamed over
the surface of the water like a fat duck
along the pearly edges of prosperity.
Mrs. A. E.-Bills, of Portland, mother
of Mrs. Fred A. Young, accompanied
Mr. Young on his return to Youngtown
itOday. Fred has made quite n trip, to
Yakima and. back bv way of Tacoma,
Portland, etc. ,
D. C Herrin is taking, views of. every
thing worthy preserving in. the "photo
graphic line in this upper country. His
collection at the Columbus fair will be
something remarkably fine, copies all of
which may be obtained at his Dalles city
gallery. . ".'-- ;'-.'
Messrs. Page and Anderson have re
turned from their hunting trip. It was
anything but a pleasant1' otiting trip for
Mr. Page,' who accidentally cut his leg
badly soon after leaving The Dalles, and
the wound troubled him considerahlv
all the rest of the trip. He is getting
along nicely now, however.
Councilman Paul Kreft was .in his
seat in the council last evening, having
returned from; his official visit to Denver
as a representative of the local Woodmen.
He made Such a flying trip that some of
his nearest neighbors .didn't know.- he
had gone until he came back.
Our grain producers should bear in
mind that in order for them to derive
benefit from existing conditions, thev
must see to it that their crops are placed
on the transportation tine possessing
the advantages of cheap handling charg
es.-which cut a decided figure in the
nnces naid for grain bv the exporters.
That line here is the Regulator.
Dr. Nichols, of Portland, came up to
day to hold consultation with Dr. Eshel-
man and on the case of Mr. . Roberts,
two miles south of the citv. who has
been in poor and declining health for
six years past.
We do not want anybody to "borrow"
ins uhbonicxk. 11 a man is too poor
to buy it we will give it to him : if he
will read it. Nor do we want any man,
able to pay for it, to take it home and
then say he hasn't time to read it. and
throw it into the waste basket. The
Chronicle is printed to be read. Read
it and you. will profit by it. Daily 50
cents per month. Weekly $1.50 per
ine eastern Washington railway ar
gument that Puget sound possesses
superior advantages in the matter of
towage and pilotage charges between
shipping ports and . the eea, over that
of the Columbia river route, is nurelv
mercenary, but we notice, as deceptive
as it is ; that the press of the Inland
Empire which is opposed to an open
river; hugs the delusive snare. Their
readers do not so unanimously' hug it,
xesterday little Miss Genevieve" Fish
wan me recipient, oi a party given in
honor of .her, third birthday. All her
little invited guests, who were . three
years or younger, report a. delightful
afternoon. A jollier or better behaved
crew of young children never met. The
rooms were profusely decorated with
flowers. Refreshments . were , served.
After baving wished their little hostess
many happy returns of the day, the lit
tle ones took their departure. Those re
ceiving invitations were: Misses Flor
ence Hollister, Neta Bennett, Geraldine
Kellep, Lois Taylor, . Karmel - Bolton,
j-Mable Mclnnis, Adallerbring and Mas
ters Jamie Kinersly, Theodore Prinz,
Teddy- Seuferb, Phillip Sharp, Harold
Catee, Clifton Condon, -Isidore Genres,
Karl Herbring,- Frankie -Hill, Alfred
Thompson and Dicky Hint on.
HBiiE;; 78-:- THE . DBOlfGBi;
Uncle Toby Writes s Fcn -Llnw to lar.
quire A bo tit It;,'K,?""'v7'
epeclaj jto.Tbe Chronicle,.- - -.'
"'""VVAMicAug. 23:' As itTras frequently
been reported that Eastern T-Oregon has
experienced another drought tbis- year,
I would, liker to give- the- public a few
facts' 'concerning - ebniV of v the ' drouth
crops of amie. . : , . ..
Mr. Brazil Savage had twentveight
acres little . club wheat that yielded
him thirty-two-bushels of wheat to the
acre; which -he "supposed would be the
leader this'ye6rj"but to his surprise, Mr.
Michael Kennedy, '.came '.to . the. front
with 17)4 acres that yielded him ' forty-
four bushels per acre, (tad-he cuttwefc-X
ty-efght acres': of the heaviest of it for
hay, which he says was enough heavier
than the' wheat that lie threshed' to
make the other six bushels per acre;
which would be-, fifty buehels per acre.
And Mr. Kennedy claims that he has
not received the benefit of any artificial
rain either. Unclk Toby.-
The Fossil sensation ended in the ar
rest of - Alderson qnd the girl at Port
Townsend on- Monday. They are now
waiting in Portland for the sheriff to
come from Fossil and take Alderson
home. The .girl ' is in charge of her
father, Newman. She says that she will
yet marry Alderson, who loves her as
devotedly as she loves him. 'Sbc ; said
that when they reached Port Townsend
they went straight to the office of the
county clerk and -got a marriage license,
which statement is borne out by the fact
that the license was found in Alderson's
pocket. Had the officers found the run
away pair an hour later they would have
found Scott Alderson and wife.i
Oregon Press Association.
Officers of the Oregon Press Associa
tion have fixed the 4th of October as the
time for the meeting of the association
at The Dalles, in doing which, they say :
" We believe the date ' selected for the
meeting of the association will prove
satisfactory to all its members and not
interfere with any previous or more im
portant engagements. It is also desira
ble that all newspapers in the state be
represented at the meeting of the asso
ciation, and those who have heretofore
been members shall consider themselves
such until the future action of. the as
sociation, whether they have complied
with all the requirements of the consti
tutiqn of not. .Let us have a full repre
sentation; of the publishers of Oregon
It will do us all good to meet" together,
and we also hope that this session,
whilewe do not propose that it shall be
exempt from pleasure, will be one of
business as well." .- - - -
An Interesting Meeting Held Last Night
General .Discussion.
Pursuant to adjournment the common
council met last evening. Mayor Mays
presided and the following members and
officers present : Councilmen Dufur,
Haight, Joles", Kreft -and Maier, Record
er Menefee and Marshal Malohey'.
Petition of "voters of . the first ward
that a license be granted to L. C. Sher
wood to sell spiritous liquors, granted
iyir. itaight from the special com
mittee appointed to make. tan '.investiga
tion concerning stock running at. large
in the city, reported that the ordinance
providing against -such matters was suf
ficient to prevent the same, if enforced
and the committee recommend that the
council" provide a suitable podnd. horse
high, boll strong proof, and
Through daily-service" (Sundays ex
cepted) between Hie' Dalles and Port
land, leaving The' 'Dalles at J3 n. m..
arriving at Portland 5 jj. m. .-
Otoe' ray. : , . . .-!":': -.$2.00
RoundV trip.-.-?v; : . . . '. 3.00
Special rates for parties of six or over. -
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
, ; .FAST ITBEreHTi , ; '
Fruit, per 100.. pounds. . .'. "AO
Melon9 and Green VTegetables ' ,; .30
Through COTnectionjwitlrsteairier'a to
Astoria and Ilwaco - without delay.
Shipments received. -.a wharf any time,
day or night. Tinf"deiivered at I'ortland
yn arrival.-' .Live etocfc shipments
fioticiteu. . gall on or address.
":: " W.-C, ALLAWAY, .
' -. '.. ' OBrl Agent.
B.; F.: LAUGHLIN j : ' ; . . -
. ; ' Gtneral Manager. -'1 .-
that the z&arshai be then authorized to
enforce, thJw. Adopted. . V.' .
lhe committee on fire and water re
ported favorably on the matter of en
larging the house of Mt." Hood hoe com
pany , by moving the . present- structure
baek and erecting one of equal size in
front for meeting purposes, etc. .
r'jThe report was adopted. .and the com
mittee was authorized to -proceed- with
the work.- - . ':. :'
This brought up 'an" informal' discus
sion about other needs of - the' fire de
partment, which resulted in authorizing
the committee to make inquiry as to the
expediency of commencing n permanent
tbrick structure, for :the use of the depart-,
m.(?nt, housing the steamer, etc.
Mayor Mays joined in with the coun
cil in this discussion, and citizens pres
ent were invited to take part. The dis
position on the part of all seemed to be
to.da.the.very best possible to be .done
for the benefit of the city, without incur
ring needless expense, N
After the discussion, of- these, matters
the subject of rubbish accumulations in
alleys, such as may be found in ..certain
places, the danger of fire from them, and
the carelessness and neglect of certain of
the merchants and business men' of the
city, was brought up, and it was the
general expression that tiy-re were ordi
nances existing sufficiently strong to
cause a proper regard for the safety and
health of the community in matters of
this kind, if they were enforced, as they
should be. One place was pointed out
where the speaker said there -was how
at least three express ' loads of -rubbish
exposing the city to a conflrgration, un
der a favorable wind as disastrous as
was that of Sept. 2d, 1891. . V
The codifying and publication of the
orninances, so they be more readily un
derstood and enforced was brought np,
and on motion the recorder was author
ized tp proceed with such work. .
Oh motion the city . marshal was- in
structed to "adopt vigorous- mearures if
necessary to enforce all" the ordinances
relating to nuisances, cattle roaming at
large, dogs unlicensed, connecting cess
pools with sewers, etc. -
On motion the resolution doing away
with the steaming up of the engine was
reconsidered, and indefinitely postponed.
Mr. Dnfar, from the committee of
three on the ;subject "of improving by
laying sidewalks in certain portions of
the city, recommended a general ordi
nance providing for all walks where nec
essary to be improved within a reason-
abje time. - ' . ; ':'.'"'."'.
The recommendation called out con
siderable discussion concerning the gen
eral welfare, and was finally adopted.
The immoral element in the city was
discussed, and that the fair name of The
Dalles might not be smirched by scenes
such as are present in - Denver, and
other cities far' oft, certain ; existing
menaces were called to the attention of
the city marshal with, instructions.
Mr. Joles called attention to the neoes
sity of certain work on tlfe streets,
traveled by farmers coming- in to the
city. ; During the discussion which fol
lowed, Mayor Mays stated that- he had
traveled over a good many hills outside
of the'eify, but would say that from the
postoffice to his house in . the city the
road was worse than any of ; them. . He
urged. the Bubject of a rock crusher upon
the council,' and ; some., practical, road
building. '
t Mr. Joles suggested that the hobos be
put to' work breaking stone for the
streets. ; , ."
-.After -some discussion upon .tills ques
tion the council adjourned.
jpHH :c
109 SECOND STREET v'i -'- - -
. - And the Most3oraplete:nnd thevLatestPitterns and ;',",".
' fiST't'iTictical Bainters and Papen Hangers-.- - 5?6"he bat the best brands of the -Sborwiar
Williams and Ji W Maaury's Paints used in all oar work, and ncrnebnt
themost skilled workmen employed,-. Agents for .Masury-i.iqnidr-PaiintBi.Wo -chemical
combination or soap mixture.1; A--first" class artiele in .alVoYsvwAH
orders promptly attended-to:'; " . ''.; ..- -' : ..
Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., ,.Th PaUipa I
CrroNEitAN ife.FiEGK, dealers ii .;
Boots aiid Shoes. .. All '. goods." '
we sellvVvc-Avari-ajrt: . . ' .' .
Our dear little daughter was terribly slck,v
Her bowels-were bloated as hard as a brict . -
Wo feared she would die ... "
Till we happened to try
Pierce's J'eliets thejr cured her, rcmaxkably
quick. - .
Never be without Pierce's .reltets" in
the ; house.; They ' are ': gentle ' and : af
fective ut action and give" Immediate re
lief in cases of indigestion, . billiqasness
and constipation. ,;Tb.ey"do .theiir ttark
thoroughly - and hS've. no .bad -effects.
Smallest, cheapest j ef&oet Co take--; One
a dose. Best liver piB made. r,'J.
Returning Alaska prospectors- report
the "discoveries -made in the northern
districts this year as being very rich.
Were the mines less ittScceeslble they
would astonish the .world w-itfo their
outputs. .
The Dalles, Wasco county, Or., Aug.
23d, 1892. - hereby" notify- all business
mn, and the public generally, that I
will not be responsible for any debts
contracted by my wife,. Mrs. F. J. Davis,
she having left my bed and board. -.
8.24dotwlt . Ed. Davis.
House For Kent.
Enquire of Mrs. Krause eorner'of
Fifth and Court streets. 8.24tf
Wasro Independent Academy. The Iial
. lea, Onfon. -
The next session of Wasco Independ
ent Academy willcommenee on Monday,
Sept. 5th. A full faculty of instructors
has been secured with professor Brown
of Chicago, Illinois, as principal. ' For
catalogue or particulars, address, P. L.
Brooks, Secretary. '
Tanglefoot Fly Paper 40 cents a box
twenty five double sheets; at Blakeley
& Houghtons, 175 Secon! street. -
: . City taxes for 1892 are now due and
payable within sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned. - . - - -
L. Rorden, City. Treasurer,
Dau.cs City, July 6th,. 1892. :
The Old: Times are "Not In It.
While at our other store at Big Island,
Va., Ia9t April, X was taken with a very
severe attack of diarrhoea. : I never had
it worse in mv life. I tried several old
time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine,
Pareeoiie ana Laudanum without get
ting any relief. My attention was then
called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
nnd ' Diarrhoea, liemedv bv Mr. It. O.
Tinsley who had beeirhandlin'g it there,
and in less han five minutes after tak
ing a small dose I was entirely relieved
O. G. Bukpoed, Harris Creek,
Ainnerst uo., vt. -uor sale by tilukelev
&-Houghton , druggists. " " d&w
,. . Notloe. ..'
Those knowing themselves indebted
to Ward and Kerns will please call and
settle up, as they have sold their stable
business to Burham and Robertson and
must have all outstanding accounts set
tled. - .-, ;
Stock Holders Meeting..
. Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting - of the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse company will be held
at the office of Freuch & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday September 2Sth,
1892, at 3 :30 p. m., for- the purpose of
electing directors 4or the ehsaiug year
and the transaction of such other , busi
ness as may come before it. -
The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. I2th,l92. --
, . . G.J.-FARurr,
. ' Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co.
td3.12 w - .
;.:";' FOB SALE. . -. .'
" My Photograph outfit. "At a rare bar
gin. Hunt, the photographer . . 8.23tf
' -"
- ;". ' - : . ; - ,'".
: : ; ".' '. ' " "
To The- Public.
I have no hesitancy-in recommending; . -
Chamberlain's - Coho; ' Cholera . .and : -
Diarrhoea Remedy to the"'Iido '
to my friends and patrons.. I used it "
myself, after other well-known remedies
had failed, and it cored me in a few
minutes. 1 recommend it candidly andr
cheerfully upon it merits, .not, from a
nnanciai stana-pomt,- oecause x nave- s
others in stock on which I make larger
profit, but because Chamberlain's is the .
beat remedv I know of for bowel com
plaints. Tbercfisno doubt abotttitV it
does the work James Forqy, Druggist, -
jucveyiown,- jrenn. . - ror-.-..saie oy
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w
A rare ODportuoity-foT. the ladies is
now afforded by Ms. Philips, who is of-
lenng millinery a one third less, aa she
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. ; ;;;; 6.18dtir ;
Washington Market Por 'lCen.- . '.; : .
For rent : the Washington market cor-
ner of Second anrJCourt,kvJE!bT"terms ap-'
ply to- ,Ge0u :L 'iHiamsiardministrator or
the estate of John Michelbaugh.: 8-,3dtf
: TTT- : .
. ; t-..Savd a, Woinam-a-litre f t . , :' ..
. " i:' :'--i: . i l. . - :
Mr. J. E; Tliorbiighgood, HTkinc frbin .
Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two tea- .
spoonfuls.- of .Chamberlain's - Colic.
Cholera' and -Diarrhoea Remedy saved
the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas,, of- thif
place." -He also states that several
othff very bad. eases of bowel complaint
there bave been cured by this-remedy.
For sale by . Blakeley &.. . Houghton, -:
druggists. .. . d&w
t. .vi,4,-i.. .;
Instantaneous Portraits.. . Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon. . - .
Campbell Bros. Proprs
. - (Successors to W. S.'eraa.J'. '"'y.
. Mi nufacturers of the finest Frepch and "
Home Made -' ' . '
C A. IT D X B S ,
. . Kast of Portland.
: ': -1 DKALEKS-IN , ' ;"' ;' i- .
Tropical Fraife. Nuts; Cigars and ToMcco.
- Jbad furnish any of these '-"gnods at'-Vholcsala
l Retail . - 1.-. ; .
-FfvESH ". OYSTEnsrl-
In Every Style." --.
Ice Cream and Scda Water. . :
; 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
'- ! iiK';?'. ''" : ' ':."'
. "";- TOiot," Sheet,' Hats, JStc. "'
134 Second: St.; next- to Dalles National
- Bank, Dalles' Oity, Oregon.- -