TO ...J fiji. Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFIC IAL I'AVER OF DALLES CITY. - AND WjifcCO COCJiTY. National Repullican Tickfet. FOB I'JIESIUENT, - BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. : W H 1TEL1 AVfc vli'tUD, : of New York. -.' . . ,J; f- VOli 1'BKHIOli.NTlAI. KLKfJWHH , . 'J. F. CAPLES, of Portlana." ' H. B. MILLER; of (jintrit'e Pass. G. M? IBWlrf; 6f UiionV IX I. DUNNE, of Portland. - THE 11AHNAVLE LOOSENERS. ,. ,. The Herald cornea to the front with a demand for a fresh water harbor for Tacoma. It favors the conversion of Gallagher gulch into the desired barnacle destroyer, and declares the iniporve- inent can be made with one-fourth the outlay that- would be required in the construction of the Kirklaiul canal at Seattle. . It has also been seriously proposed to create a fresh water harbor by dredging the Puyallup river, which, there flows into Commencement, bay. If it is so highly 'desirable to- have, a barnacle loosener and toredeo anniliifiator on the sound the more of them the better. If one will do so much for the state,"two ought to do twice as much, suggests the Review. ' But the Tacoma enterprise would bring more benefits to the interior than would the Seattle scheme, for the reason that the bulk of the grain shipped to Pugefc sound goes to Tacoma. It is not likely' that the democratic conven tion will adjourn without taking advpn tage of this excellent opportunity to bid for the votes of the countless thousands who have so long and patiently waited for a fresh water harbor tEat -would knock out the barnacle and Gil with ter ror the heart of the all-powerful toredeo, It is difficult to get too much of a good thing. - A We6t Superios paper says that it ia a moral certainty, that the new. whale- back 'steamer Pathfinder and consort Sagamore will make a sensational rec ord for cargo carrying before the season is done. It is estimated that the pair ' will easily transport 275,000 bushels of corn and correspondingly great cargoes in other commodities. Some adverse criticisms concerning the hew whale back Washburn having circulated rather freely over the lakes, the West Superior paper was moved to investigate them, and it found that- they emanated from grain trimmers who find nothing to do on them, and from coal ehovelers who are able to unload them more quickly than other vessels. Whalehack owners ought to encourage such criticism. No matter how much a democratic pa per may rave or a democratic politician orate against the tariff the cold fact re mains that the democratic house, with 150 majority, sat for eight months this year without offering to repeal the Mo Kinley taiiff law. The democratic par ty is now before the country withont i suDsunue tor tne present law. it is in the attitude of the man who criticised the creation, but who had to admit that he could not make a better world, al though he thought he could offer some valuable suggestions. The question be fore the country is whether it desires to exchange the existing tariff for a "pig in a poke" brought to market by the deru--ocratic party. ... This is the description given of them selves by the- employes of the Home stead Iron works. "The employes in the mill of Messrs. Carnegie, Phipps & Co., at Homestead have built there a townwith its homes, its schools and its churches ; have for many years been co workers with the company in the busi ness, and have invested thousands of dollars of their savings in the ?aid mills." Just put next to this a descrip tion of the free trade English iron work ers and you will have the difference be tween protected and tree trade laborers. A dispatch from the transcontinental . association meeting yesterday in New . York, creates the impression that the SoDthern Tacific company will be asked ' to pay the entire amount of the P. M. S. S. subsidy.". The question as to the re duction of east-bound rates is oneof con siderable importance. Chairman Tim ing presided at the meeting, nt which ' were represented nearly all the conti nental lines. ' The average dumocrntic editor is si t-t ting up nights trying to trace some .con nection between the switchmen's' strike and the Tennessee revolt and the Mc Kinley law'. But s the railroads in ho way figure ia the tariff", and' ihe- insur rection at Coal. Creek' was distinctively against a democratic law,, they have as yet been unable to evolve any sophistry - that will cover the trouble. " . - . I j I - -Keep rut "diseasSTt)y keeping ' in healthy ac-, tion the liver, stomach and bowels. There's a pleasant and a' sure way ,0f doing it. It's with .Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Jellets. They're the best Liver Pill "ever made, and a prompt and effective " remedy " for Sick. 'Headache, Bilious "Headache, Con stipation,, indigestion, uiuous At tacks, and all derangements of the stomach," liver and bowels. They cleanse and renovate the system, quietly but thoroughly. They , reg ulate the system, too they don't upset it, like the old-fashioned pills. These are purely vegetable and per fectly harmless. One "Pellet" a dose. They're the easiest to take, and the mildest in operation the smallest in size, but the most effi cient in their work. They're the cheapest pill you can buy, because they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more ? That's the peculiar plan "'all Dr. Pierce's medicines arc sold ' on." GENTLEMEN! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH -.. ING LINE, (Ball smd $e,e me Shirts of all kinds to order, at rjrices which defy competition, -Other goods in proportion. : P. FAGAN, Second st., The Dalles Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa. Seoond St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THE DALLES, - - - OBEGON, Will repair your fine Buggies . and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the . finest style. Satisfaction gtiar ' anteed. J. L. FISHER. W. J. MONTAGUE. FROPIUETORS OF THE Elite Shavinsf Parlors AND Bath Rooms. SECOND STEEET. THE DALLES, 0E. Gentlemen will find THE ELITE fully up to the times in every respect Hair Cutting in the best manner, in every style of the art. Smooth Shaving and Perfect Baths. Hours : Every day and evening dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nings ' after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun days from 7 a, in. to 12 o'clock noon. . CHAS. 8TUBUNG. OWEN WILLIAMS Stubling & Williams. The Gepmania, SECOND ST., THE DALLES,. - OREGON 43 Dealers in Wines, Liquors ' and Cisars. Milwaukee Jt5eer on Draught W. F. Wiseman, . Saloon and Wine Room, The Dalles, Oregon. Northwest Court Streets-. corner of Second aul The . St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. , " This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every "room has been repapered and repaint ipered and repainted and newiv carpeted throughout.. The City Blacksm th Shop house contains 170 rooms and is-supplied with every modern convenience. Bates reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. ." , -. C - C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. " .The lee TBjfoiivB. The ice .wagpif of dates j& Allison ia on the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. Any orders, for. ice left with Will Vanbibber'a express or at the store of Chas. ,ucwIH. be promptly at tended. ,tO. - r J UATES & AXI.TSO.V.- . .f County Treasurer's . Sol Afegift' All fnnntr ..wnrrarrts4-etristered' urior i- to March 131SS9'SviIl be pmd if pre-! sented at mv office, corner Third- and !" Washington etrcr-ts. Interest ceases on and alter this-date. A ' " ' The Dalles. July 1(5, -mv2. , : ; . .7.1 Stf ' Treasurer AVascoCountv f)r. 1 - ' - .- J j; .Jfr"' AdininistXators Sale oT: 'Horses; - ; . "In parsuarice of air-order of the county court, of Wasco county, dated July 15th, 1892, 1 will sell as a whole.or in lots, all tne oanu: oi mareu, . geiaings. and colts, also , one "Black Stranger" stamon, a tine horse nna- gooa -Dreeaer, belonging to ine esiaie oi me rnie y . Meins. . -.xneee i .are. ,gopi4 w eij urew horses, man v-ef-them troke: to.. work. They will be sold for cash or '. approved security. " J. C. Meiss, Administrator, of the Estate. of WW Meins. 7.23dwlm, - ... - . J j;S.C00PER; Commencing the 3rd of August and every Special Extensively WESTeRN RTXiSOE morses: jXatioual Live Stock Bank, Chicayu, III. Chicago National Bank, Chicago, III. . Reference MAIER & BENTON ' . . ." DEALERS ITS! .... Gord Wood GROCERIES, STOVES a. RANGES, TJNNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor: Third and iLtnion or 133 Second t. ThJ JZ tA.LI-IS, OK. -DKALES T$-t- Hay, Grain, Feed & Flour. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES;' TERMS STRICTLY CASH.. - It behooves everyone, especially the workingmau, to buy where he can buy the cheapest and can get the most for his hard earned money. .We solicit a share of your patronage; Cash paid for eggs and poultry. All goods delivered free and promptly Corner Union and Second streets The Dalles, Oregon. - - ?-, -; Xi. SSZSSB. lropr. NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLOKS AND BATH ROOMS :- :? ' r - if HO FRONT STUEET, THK DALLES, OKXOOK. -. : J " " 4&-ZL -BSZs- , : : '",: - ' - m - . . ppw icfv i-tvC!,77n 13""" r ' I" 0mm . .; i!f I:. " ' : AM RUTLFR & CO fit the old stand of f. Lmsheir. Chas. Ffazeir, Prop. H.aNi Giotliean BOOTS ip SHOES ' Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, , Gronts' j'txilsliiia.i5 . Groods, . ------ COENEK OF SECOND AND WA-SHINGTON, THE DALLES, OBEGON. - ' ' - ; j -1 - ' - - . Washington fJofth jDcll6S SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. - For Further Information Call at jthe Office of O. D. TATLOIl Tie Dal ICE I - ICEt ICE 1 ;Having on hand a large eupplv of ice we are prepared to furnish our custom ers with ice in anv Quantity at a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply r llie oemana -wimoui. uuvaucuijj prices J till UllUU 1 I. ulmuv... ' " -J . . . . F. Lauer's store, Secondi street! 6rCtf - . - 'OXtes & Ai.fiisox. ;' . NOTICE. All Dalles City warrants registered prior to October 7, 1S90, will be paid if presented at mv olfice. . Interest ceases from and after this date. . Dated Jnly ,7th, 1892.:. ,- ; . . - u 5 tf. ' ' ' ': - - ' Treai. Dalles City. j:r - - t - t -- ---- - 4 J. FOLCO, -deaLeu Cantos, Fitt:Niits,SoJa later, Ice Crep, Totecq anfl Cigars. - MAWUFACTC1USROT jf iFst '-, Class Syrops for Saloons ; and " ;: Soda Fountains, Ete. . fetrect. Next door -to Wiuufttes Hall. Corner Baro,' Union St)ck Yards, Chicago, Illinois. The Largest and Only: Strictly Commission Dealer io Horses in the United States.- - mouth throughoat the year -will hold Advertised Sales of . " -j , Write for Particulars. Fir, Pine Ash AND QRABApPLE HARDWARE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling -Property of the Season In the Northwest. THE O EL COLUMBIA : PS. '' .- if J : AUGUST BUCHLER,J Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning" out the beet Beer and Pbrter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market. ' - . ; - ' - ' . .. -; , . ; The IiatehStiring : 3 -..T "Bnt wrdt are thin its. -and JFallins. like? dew, up That which makes V WE' TRUST TO IJfTERKST THE. DALLES MERCANTILE CO. " - SOLE AGENTS . FOR TFH E DALLES. r- '. ' CLOUD CHP I M N v: . . Opcn.fpom tJctly 1st to October 1st. . Thl-picturene rxotlery,. built "of silver fir logs; and rooted securely -on the edge of a precipice orX -the north eidejof Mount Hood is within fifteen minutes walk of the perpetual ice and enow of Eliot Glacierr 7,000 feet above' the sea level, twenty-seven, miles from Hood River, over the finest roads in the United States. Fare for the round trip $8.00 ; rates per day $3.50. - -The Table at Cloud Cap Inn is supplied -With everything the market affords. Hot and cold baths, etc., the best of guides will take you, to the, top of Mount. Hood, by the beet practicable routes, which are from .the Inn. pl"' . .4- . W, A. LANGIIjLE; Manager IIEH SPffljlfi kid COMPLETE 'IN EVEBV " DEPARTMENT :: Clothing, Gents'i picphishing Cdods Hats, (ps, ; : r : . :Boots and Full Assortment of theXdaxlifig ManiifactuferK. Cash Bayers mill . save" money by examining oup sto6k HtSf - SKI BBE -DEALERS JN- Building Material, Rough: and Dressed Lumber. Lime. Plaster. Hair ajid Cement. A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us. JEFFEESON STREET, between-Seoond THE -EUROPEAN Tlie- C6rrng:ated Building ; ; Handsomely. FnrEishcfl. Rooms to Rent Dy 'the Day, Wee! or-Montn;' -Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. " Good Sample Rooms- for Commerciar Men. ' - j ' E B RKTE D BREWERY,,' is Alxxiays dat t SEASON : 1892. una email drop of ia a thought, pfwinerfc a email dmr of ink.. AND ttO-. :. TfVB OOOD. yvittMnmmm uy co.,: iBOSTONvimSS.- " - -v. - . Shoes, y tHOTE and Railroad. THE DALLES, OR next Door to Court Honse p.