The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 25, 1892, Image 1

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    . -
NO. 61.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or.
Kraoich and Bach Pianos:
Recognised as Standards of the, high
est grade of manufacture. . '. .
you tak$ pills it is becaum you hare never
J U1W IUC - ...
S. B. Headache and liver Cure.
It works so nioely, cleansing the liver and
Xirtneya; acts as a mild physio -without earning
-pain or sickness, and does not etop you from
wating and working.
To try It la to Iweam friend to It.
I Jfor-BSleby alldnlRgtsts.
annie VMght Seminary,
Bearding &sl Diy Skol for 6iria.
iftiath Yea begins Sept. , $tb 1892.
For Admission, Apply t the Principal
Mrs. Sarah sc. White,
Annie Wright -Seminary,
Notice is hereby given, that the .undersigned,
JaaJi- UDarr, the duly appointed,, acting and
qualified administratrix of the estate of William
A. Obarr, deceased, hus filed her .final account
and petition in said estate, and that Monday the
6th day of September, 1892. at the hour of ten
, viuck, u. m. ei saaa aay, being the first
day of the next regular term of the County Court
for Wasco county, Oregon, at the County Court
, wui mjc vjumy court nouse in v aiies City,
Wasco county, Oregon, has been duly appointed
by said court aa the time and place for hearing
said petition and final account.
li pi
ncrsons interested in KntVi -ntfu t. .M v... .....
notified to appear at said time and -place and
show cause if any there be. why said netition and
final aeeonnt should not in
allowed, ratified and rcnfirmrt
ail things be
S.6w5t2td . JUIJA A. OBARR,
Administratrix of the estate of William
Obarr, deceased.
Jtufur d: Mencfee. Attorneys for Estate.
CU. H. Young,
General Blacksmitbing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Sboeeing a Speiality
TiM JStrest, opposite tie old Lielifi StaniL
Has Opened the
In the . New : Frame Building oil'
SECOND STREET, Next to the
-Diamond Flooring Mills.
First Class Meals Furnished at all Hours.
- Only White Help Employed.
Worth 25 Cts., going for: 12 1-2
Jrist Received, an immense ' Shipment
- of the Celebrated
Ioyal Uoreester Corsets
nn, irin"
Wine and Retail Druggists.
: H;"0" 3E. 3E3 "n XT C3L-
HamHed by Three Registered Drust&S-
Patent fltedieines arid " Braggists Sundries,
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
the City, for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints.
The Largest Dealers
Finest Line'-of Imported Key
, r i . guii JUI -I. tljiotll x Lilian. -
129 Second Street,
Finest Wines
Second Street,
Prenchs Block,
Sold on Easy Payments.
Musical iDJstrumeiits and Miisic .
Booksellers and Stationers.
in Wall Paper.
West and Domestic Cigars
The Dalles, Oregon
and Liquors.
The Dalles, Oregon
The Dallr
Actios of tfee Cabinet on tie Retalia
v - tioB ProclaiatioBr
The Ideal Absurdity of Continuing tbe
Washington .Treaty. -
SHons or Act, si-kciai. kkxefii
Tbe Proprietary and Territorial Rights
or Canada lu the St. Clair Falls -Canal-
Other News. -
Washington, Aug. 25. Reports of a
meeting of the. Ottawa cabinet yester
day to discuss the outlook and the prob
able effect of President Harrison's proc
lamation on Canadian lake shipping,
made public through' the Poet, sho
that it has been decided that the Cana
dian government i will reimburse the
Canadian shippers this season for any
loss they may sustain through the im
position of tolls on freight going to Can
adian points through St. Mary's canal.'
It is said that no attempt at retaliation
would be made in the direction of im
posing discriminating tolls on Ameri
can vessels passing through the Wetland
canal, as had been suggested by some
government journals. It was" further
decided to carry to the notice of the
British government the absurdity of
continuing the Washington treaty in
force, in view of the fact that it has been
denuded of everr-clause by which any
special privileges were conceded to Can
adian citizen s,' and io urge ..the abroga
tion of the treaty at the earliest possible
moment. The question of asserting the
proprietary nd territorial rights of Can
ada in the St'. Clair falls canal where it
passes through Canadian territory, was
discussed,' the attention of the govern
ment having been drawn to the fact that
time would weaken their right to assert
jurisdiction in those waters. It was
contended that the fact that the Cana
dians accepted the use of the "St. Clair
falls canal on terms of equality with cit
izens of the United States did not . con
cede to the United States any exclusive
proprietary rights in the waterway.
tteporta From ' Various Centers In The
- East and West. .
Special to Thb Chronicle.
August 2o. The New York stock mar
ket continued the upward movement.
The Texas railroad decision influenced
prices and was potent in the' advances
effected. vt Gould stocks were; a strong
feature. V The grangers were - prominent
for strength, the whole list Bharing the
ipward movement.- The general market
Was : firnij the- close ; being rather active
and heavy to weaklr -; . ; .' ;
' In Chicago wheat was ' fairly active ;
opened . ig'c lower on -u Buffalo strike.
weaker cables,' increase ori." passage, in--
urease in ,ngiisn': visiDie," increase in
British stocks of wheat and flour : de
clined Jc more ; advance c on ' lighter
receipts in the northwest; firmer on late
cables and good buying by New York
and St. Louis; declined Jc on realiza
tions and closed steady c lower.
"How are potatoes?" was the question
put to a leading rancher of Wasco at the
Umatilla house this morning. The sea
son bas been almost an ideal nnn w
potatoes. A little more late rain would
have increased the yield, but at the ex.
pense of the quality." Probably less
ground was seeded to these tubers than
last year, but the yield will fall but little
below that of last fall. Considerable in
quiry has been made for potatoes to ship
east, but as yet no prices have been
quoted, as but lew of them are rine
enough to ship so far. Should any great
amount be' shipped to eastern markets
the consumers at home will probably pav
a good round price for them before an
other crop is grown. - . -
For fruit the season has been a good
one, very few'orcbards being injured in
the least. Berries are practically gone,
but apples and plums are ripening quite
freely now, and the abundant season.
coupled with the new orchards commen
cing to bear, will greatly increase the
total crop. .
.- Unlimited-Possibilities.
Press-Times. Mr. Harrison thinks he
can be elected without New York. :Mr.
Cleveland thinks he can be elected with
out New York. Mr, . Weaver seems to
think he can be elected without any of
the 44 states. - . , -" --.v
....',. Twa Dollar niacins.
Weuatchee Grapiiic.' The Columbia
is gold bearing ot any point, but none
but the;. Chinese seem to make it pay.
A Chinaman who has. washed the bars of
the -river Jor. twelve years tells us that
any of them bear gold; that under fa
vorable conditions bis 'onntryraerr can
make from $1.75 to 2 per day ; that the
reason the. white man can not 'succeed is
because' they do not use cafe-'enorigh In
saving' .the goldr which is; exceedingly
fine. ' The- Chinamen u?e'a great deal of
quicksilver and run water through the
sluices vers slowly ; the American is irk
tod big a hurry, and floats away the gold.
It is quite hard work,' as the dirt must
be lifted very high. " " . ;
' - Female Hunters. ' "
Idaho Free- Press. ' At -a hunting party
in the Elk city district the" ladies were
turned over to tin lady residents of the
camp and during their stay they enjoyed
a royal good time fishing and- hunting.
One day they caught sixty-seven hand-!
some trout. -The1 next night they am
bushed, at an elk lick, on tbe Red river
meadows, and succeeded in bagging a
cow elk with her calf." The" next day
two does arid a buck fell before "their
skill with the rifle, and it seemed . as . if
all the game in the valley knew of their
advent and were eager to stand "up and
be shot at by their fair, visitors.,'
. . (Lower California Storm.
8as Fkakcisco, Aug. 25. A terrific
rain, storm occurred at Santa-. Rosalie,
lower California, the 6ea of the -; great
. French copper mines of Bolero, on the
22d, destroying $100,000 worth . of prop
erty. " A. torrent' of water' .over half a
yard deep poured down the rocky hills,
carrying away part of the enstom house
and smelter, and rushing into tbe mines
doing considerable -damage to the rail
road, stores and houses. It wilt take a
month to make repairs. Had tbe storm
occurred during - the ; night probably
many lives would. have been lost..
t - . . ' '', 1 - .' '! ' - - i - 1
i Humid Idaho.
. Lewie ton Idler. -r-JL. study of tbe mete
orological data of Idaho leads to the con
clusion that the humidity of the atmos
phere is increasing year by year.. Never
since the settlement of Idaho has there
been such an immense crop all over the
state as during the present season. ' The
product of grass and grain has been
wonderful'. - Scientific estimates attrib
ute this .result to a change in climate
produced by the multiplication of irri
gating canals, which moisten a great ex
tent of country and create a humid at
mosphere. : A CltjrSluaingr..-; : I .-
-Jackson; Mich.,' August 25. Wood
ville, three miles west of this city, is in
danger of sinking bodily into , the earth
and the inhabitants are greatly alarmed.
About ten days ago the Standard coal
mine became flooded and had to be
abandoned, and since then several cave
ins have .occurred over the deserted
mine. '' ' " - ' ' '
. High Lands for Fruit. '
Review. - High up Oh the mountains
surrounding Wenatchee a's fine fruit has
been raised this season as can be pro
duced on the lower 'lands of that famous
valley. It is said that at ; these farms
the temperature is warmer in winter and
cooler in summer than in the valley bi-
. i
Whew! What Wheat.
Review- From a single grain of wheat
planted in the White river country this
spring, grew twenty-seven stalks, which
attained a height of six feet,seach stalk
containing an average of about 150 ker
nels. 1 The yield of this field is eetimat- i
mated at about 250 bushels per acre,
' - Lost In the Shuffle..
. Garfield Enterprise. Allan. Weir
shuffled considerably between a nomi
nation for congress and a renomination
for secretary of 6tate. He was lost in
the shuffle.
Mouth-organs are now legally classed
as musical instruments by Canada.
Into what musical class would Canada
put the tuneful stump speaker? -
The campaign of education
have been normally- successful so' far. !
Even Mr. Cleveland has learned that his
party claims about the unconstitution
al of. tbe tariff is both imbecile and
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. -
The Yiew of it as Talen by Senator.
-1- Qeorge F..Hoar Aeroai ) ..
the Hostility of the House of Lords,
the Press, the Queen, to Oppose.
America Should Raise Her Voice in. the ;
- Cnue or. Home Kale and
V, Counsel Content. - .
Washington, Aug. 20. A private let- '
ter from Senator George F. Hoar to a
Worchester divine, dealing with home
rule as he Bees it, traveling abroad, reads
as follows: "I think the American
friends of home rule for Ireland are in' a
condition to exercise great influence up
on the future progress of that cause and
to avoid- what seems ta me a very- great :
danger. Gladstone with his majority of
forty-two has to encounter a hostile
house of lords, a hostile press, and hos
tile sentiments of the upper classes and
nniversites, and it is rumored a hostile
queen. If Gladstone were to be disabled
or die, it is hard to see where the leader
could be found under whom the some
what disconcerted elements could be
united in any steady policy. If tbe Irish
friends of home rule make unreasonable
demands, or even if theygo to the" full
extent of what are clearly - reasonable"
and just demands, and. Gladstone should
in any way loose his majority or fail to"
accomplish .. any thing,,. the success of
home . rule - .roust . ' be '- postponed
to d very distant day, indeed. It seems:
to me, therefore, that America ought to"
raise her voice, which has been so influ
ential in the cause of . home rule, and
counsel the Irish representatives to be
content for the time being, with taking '
one firm forward step, eVen if they shall
not, for the time being, gain anything
which they desire,, Such a step once
taken will never be retracted." .
The Chicago and Northern. -
' CyiCAGQ,.Aug. 25. Within two weeks
the resignation of every Wisconsin Cen-(
tral and Chicago and Northern Pacific ,
official will be asked, for the sake of -economy,'
so as to throw the jurisdiction
of all Northern Pacific officials over
those removed. The titles of the .Wis
consin Central and Chicago and North
ern Pacific were then to bo merged into
that of the Chicago and Northern Pa
cific, with1 almost a certainty that this
title will eKenJ?d to cover the
Northern Pacific propeK. - ;
The Fragrant I.IJIum.
Telegram. This office has been made
fragrant all day with the odor of the
wonderful Lillum Auratum, grown at
Astoria, an which was described in
tfiese columns in yesterday's issue.
Such a floral 'specimen, is rarely seen,,
and'is a valuable tribute to Oregon's soil
and climate. Truly, nowhere else with
in the boundary of the United States
can such a lily be grown out of doors
It roust have been such a flower upon
which the eyes of the Christ rested wherr
! he said : "Solomon in all his srlorv was
not arrayed as oue of these." It would
be a hard and ungrateful heart, indeed,
which would not be touched with a
sense or the goodness of God by sight of
this sweet plant. '
Dakota limine Tnut.
Telegram. How will the farmers'
alliance view the great milling trust that
has been formed in North Dakota with
a capital of $ 1, 000 ,000? -Somehow trusts
and big syndicates don't sound well in
the Dakotas.: There is lack .of harmony
in tire idea with the' spirit of the people.
Sir. Kyle must now express himself so
that there may be official declaration of
of approval or disapproval.