The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 24, 1892, Image 3

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    "The Regulator Lino"
' TkAn Ar.ZZ rt nn. v a -I thA lot AO
. C York: styles should calf early as I have-
He Dalies, Portland aid Attoria
Navigation Co.
- 7- limited number of them. ' "
Glevelaiid and flaMson Hats-
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the PoetofBce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
Will appear tie following day.
Dr. Clement Milward, of Grant, was
in the city today.
Hon. W. Lair Hill was in the city to
day enroute to Seattle.
Mr. H . G. Knapp, of Buffalo, N. Y., is
registered at the Umatilla house.
The Columbia is getting down to its
boating level ; but it is very slow about
Mr. L. Rorden, city treasurer, return
ed from his outing last evening by
steamer Regulator.
Stages leaving the' city this morning
were all well filled. The Goldendale
stage, arriving at noon had several pas
sengers. The weather today rather intimates to
Summer : " Yonr back bone is about to
give way ; pretty soon your name will be
The Rockland-DaUea ferry boat has
been having more trouble with its cable,
but today everything is all right for un
interrupted trips.
Mrs. E. P. Koontz left yesterday for
Tacoma after having a pleasant time
visiting her parents, and many friends
on 5-Mile.- '
Persons having horses to sell will do
well to correspond "with J. S. Cooper,
Chicago. ' For address see advertisement
in another column today.. r-'.- .y .
All parties holding numbers in the
crayon, at D. C. Herren's gallery, are
requested to be present Sept. 1st, at 2 p.
m. at the gallery. ' ; ' ' :--
Mr. , Wyndham; one of . the beet bar
bers in Portland, expects to take an in
terest in the Neptune baths of this city
about the first of next. month.. ..... , ..
Mr. John Robinson has purchased a
lot on Tenth etreet, west, of Union, for
which he paid $800.00, an-advance of
4100.00 in less than, 80 days.
Master Chas.'P. Lewis returned from
his visit toBayvflle? -He was too ' busy
on the ranch to go to Canyon city He
-comes back weighing within two pounds
of hia father. - . -' .-'
Water in abundance is found by dig
ging a short distance almost anywhere
on the Grand Dalles tract. Mr. Wheal-
don is excavating an old eink which he
has every reason to believe will furnish
an abundance of flowing water-for the
proposed glass factory, and other pur
'poses. ". t - 'A.jr: :'. - i-.i'
A customer was hunting over files in
the county clerk's office today in pursuit
of some clue to the ownership of repari
an rights not yet jumped in the county j
i l u ' 1 , i 1 T . .
wueii u uuiu iiu gueaseu u u nave to
give it up, and the . man .when living
went under, "a consumed named"and he
had forgotten what it was. . , J i f V
Rev. T. W. Atkinson, of " Bickleton,
was in attendance at the camp meeting
last night, en route., to Portland.'; fie
informs ua that a ten days camp 'mee't
ing is to be held at Bickleton beginning
Sept. 8th. Bickleton ia situated on the.
extreme spur of Simcoe moantains, ou
the eastern timber belt, north of Arling
toHn a very prosperous region.
Received today the following Laces:
Point d'lrlande, .
Maltese Laces, .
Fancy Cotton .Laces,
Dentelle Orientale,
- Black Spanish,
Normandy Valenciennes,
Black Guipure,
Pillow Case Laces, Etc.
An active boy can learn of a ' situation
by applying at The Chronicle office.
A private note from Prof. Smith in
forms us that be expects to be at home
after this week. .
As the steamer Regulator was leaving
White Salmon for The Dalles yesterday
a horse attached to a buggy left stand
ing at the landing by Mr. Warner, took
fright and ran away. A little girl seated
in the buggy was thrown out, and the
buggy dashed to pieces.
The Teachers Institute is still in ses
sion. Attendants at the session at the
Court house last evening were rewarded
with some excellent singing, and a very
appropriate address of welcome by Mr
John Michcll, responded to by Mr. C. L.
Gilbert. A beautiful piece " Come to
me, gentle dreams," by six young ladies
of The Dalles, was the closing piece, af-
a lecture by Prof. Bloas. The daily ex
ercises in the brick school house,' are de
voted to the instruction of teachers.
Oregon Boys.
Thomas Mulkey, nominated for the
legislature in Whitman county, by the
democrats, is a son of the lata Johnson
Mulkey, : of Corvallis, who crossed the
plains iir 1847, from Johnson county, Mo.
he learned the printers trade in the Cor
vallis Gazette office,' and spent fifteen
years as a journeyman printer and pub
lisher. He is at present engaged in
farming. He never took an active- part
in politics, but has been a life-long dem
ocrat. The lata M. F. Mulky, the
Wealthy attorney of Portland, was a
brother, and. Senator J. N. Dolph, is
a brother-in-law. ; . .
. ' James H-. Price, republican candidate
for secretary of state of Washington, was
born at Oregon City, Jane 18th, 1847.
His father had the first - machine shop
in the state of Oregon.' ' During the war
ho served in the First regiment, Oregon
infantry. He saw-service pot on the
plains. ' On leaving the army Mr. Price
went into railroad engineeringand was a
member of the corps which set ' the first
posts on the first line .out of Portland
He went to Washington in 1874 and. was
in the customs service on the sound
for eleven years. ' He" then served as a
purser on the Oregon Railway and Navi
gation Company-steamers for a year and
q half. He Is; . now- serving his second
term as sheriff of Pierce county. He is
a brother-in-law. of Senator Mitchell; of
Oregon, and uncle'of the Duchess de la
Rochefoucault.-of France. ' His wife is a
relative of - the- vice-presidential . demo -
. r , ? . ,i r .
crane canuiaaie, auiui qtevenson.
. . . The, Columbus Souvenir.
'The'Dailes mighty feel'a" jdatifiable
gratification should the ' design, for the
impression upon the half dollar Colum
bus Boavehir coins come from a connois
seur of 4thls clty.Kilr.' Balfe Johnson
has succeeded' in producing a". 'very fine
and appropriate design for - the "reverse
side to the likeness. : - The model shows
a ship of the style Columbus sailed in
upon his'voyage of discovery, with a
statuette of the -voyager on board giving
his appearance . wnen scanning the ho
rizon for land. - Inasmuch as these coins
are bound to bo preserved and Cherished
aa souvenirs,-the head upon theuushould
be sketched and pictured and 'reproduc
ed in but one way. The coin itself can
not legally berimitated, but the likeness
thereon will doubtless be taken in some
way as authentic-, and, veiy likeiy will
appear more commonly .than, any -' other
portrait during the great Anniversary
year. In the popular eye, at least, this
design by Mr. Johnson might be taken
to be the man Columbus.
Association Entertainment.
Ienver has jnst concluded a grand
and expensive entertainment of the
Knights Templar, to the manifest ben
efit of the community. Kansas-City is
doing the same this week for the
Knights of Pythias. The next in line
will be the entertainment of the Sover
eign grand lodge of Odd Fellows, which
will convene in Portland on the 17th of
September, which will be one of the
grandest gatherings ever held in Oregon.
The programme arranged . for their en-,
tertainment shows the enterprise of the
people of the consolidated eity. ' One
thousand dollars in prizes will ' be
awarded for competitive drills, and ex
cursions have been arranged in various
directions. Ori Wednesday the 21st,
an excursion via Corvallia and ; Albany,
and return to Portland has been -ar
ranged for. .., Following this," in line
comes . the Oregon . Press .1 Association
meeting at The Dalles on the 4th of
October. The Dalles isn't quite so big
as Denver, or Kansas City, or Portland
but as a community' it is proposed to
show the press gang that we know a
thing two here about how to entertain,
and when - they get back to their
sanctums the boys will just say : "The
Dal es is . all right." There's nothing
small about The Dalles.
; The Dalles, Wasco-'county, Or., Aug.
23d, 1892; ; I hereby notify all business
in;n.. and -the - public generally, that I
will not be-' responsible for any debts
contracted Dy -my wite,- Mrs. j . Davis,
ene naving leit my Dea ana ooard.
8.24d5twlt- Ed. Davis.
Bouse For Bent.
' Enquire 6 ?Mrs.t. Krauee corner of
Fifth and Court streets. 8.24tf
OnTere of The Portland Exposition for
Special to Thx CHBOKicia.) -"- - - .'' J -.
Portland, Augr'; 24. Following is a
H9t -of premlama offered for fruit ex
hibits, according to class : ' : ";
i -f '" 1 " - ' cocntim. ': ;..-;. :, ''''.".'
' To the county making the finest and
largest display of fruit . grown in said
county, the Portland expositiojl" offers, a
diploma and $100 in cash. - The Pacific
Farmer offers 25 worth of advertising ip
itscotarhnsri: ;v':? '
1 To the county making the second
finest and largest display of fruits grown
in said county, the Portland exposition
offers a'diplbmi find $50 cash: The Pa
cific Farmer offers $10 worth of advertis
ing in its columns. - - ''...r .
To th county making the most artis
tic display, F. L. Posson & Son offer $50
in cash.' . s'J .
To the individual making the finest
and largest display' of "fruit 'grown by
said Individual, the Mitchell, Lewis and
Staver Co., offer one No. 5 Bean spray
pump with steam gauge, one 8ft. rod and
nozzle and 23 foot Monarch hose, valued
at 45. -. . ;-
. !To tbridi4dulirHSklir thelnest
and largest display of Italian and Petite
prunes grown by said individual, and put
up in 10 and la pound boxesthe Pacific
Land rand 1 Investment compahy,vofrer
one town lot in Dundee, valued at $100.
Size of lot, 50x100 feet,, , . - ,
To the Individoial Inaking the 'finest
and largest display of driM-f raits, grown
and prepared by 8aid individual, iW. F.
Beck & Co.,' offer 75Q pounds v I. ' X. Lt
compound, valued at $37.50.
Freigut aatf Passeager Line
- Through dally service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m.
One way .... : $2.00
Round trip 3.00
Special rates for parties of six or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit,' per 100 pounds . .?.
Melons and Green Vegetables.
Through connection with steamers to
Astoria' and Ilwaco without delay.
Shipments received nt wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address..
General Agent.
General Manager.
To the iodividuaj making the fin
est and largest display of apples,, grown
by said individual, Pago & Son, Battin
& Co., Mark Levy & Co., Levy, Speigl &
Ricche, Dross & Bell offer $25.00 in cash,
To the individual making the finest
and largest display of pears, grown by
said individual, the above firms offer $25
in cash.
To the individual making the finest
and largest display of peaches, grown by
said individual, the above firms offer $25
in cash.
To the individual nlakiug the finest
and largest display of grapes, grown by
said individual, Knapp, Burrell & Co.,
offerone No. 6 double lever all steel
horse hoe and cultivator, valued at $12.
To the individual -making; the finest
and largest display of plums and pruneB,
in glass, the fruit to be grown and pre
pared by said indvidual, Knapp, Burrell
and Co., offer' one No. S combination
plow, Vineyard,, valued at $10.50.
To the individual making the second
finest; and largest display of . apples,
grown by said individual,. W. F. Beck &
Co., offer 250 pounds of I. X. L. com
pound, valued at $12.50.
To the individual making the finest
and largest display of fruit put up in
glass, the fruit to, be raised and, put up
by said individual, the John Poole Co.,
offer one farm bell valued at $5.00. The
F. W. Mil er Co., offer seeds or other
merchandise, from their store, valued at
$5.00. ; - ;; ':
, To the lady making the finest display
of preserved fruit, Hegele & Co.,. offer
one natural stone filter, valued at $3.50.
The F. W. Miller Co. , offer seeds or other
merchandise' from-their -store, value,
$3.50. ."'.';: 'r '-.: '..,"
J To the individual.: displaying . the six
best plates of apples, different varieties
allowed, grown by 'said.' person, the .F.
W;- Miller Co., offer seeds pt other mer
chandise from their store td the valuo of
i To the "-person -displaying the1 six
best plates of pears, . different varieties
allowed, grown-by said . 'person, the F.
W. Muler Co., ofler same as above. , ,
i To the person displaying, the six befit
plates of peaches, different varieties al
lowed, , grown br said person, the F W.
Slillcr Oo.', offer same as.abovei U
1 To the person displaying the six .best
plates of plums, different varieties al
lowed, grown by said person, the F. W.
Miller Co., offer same as above.
To the person displaying three plates
of the finest and largest varieties of ap
piesigrorij by4;rsoo the Fr.'W,
Miller Co.offer same as abovo, J '4 1
? To the person displaying three plates
of the finest and largest varieties of
pears, grown by said person, the F, W.
Miller Co.,-offer same' as above.' '."- ''
To the person displaying three plates
of the finest and largest - varieties of
peaches, grown-by said person, the Pa
cific Farmer offers one 3 year subscrip
tion to the Pacific Farmer.
- To the person displaying the finest
and largest bunch of grapes in glass,
grown by-said 'person; two years sub
scription to the Pacific Farmer.
To the person displaying the largest
one pound, pear;. in' glass, , weight to be
marked brfjarj and grown" by said per
son","' same as above.' ' '" ' ."
'i 'To the person displaying the largest
peaches in glass, (Bize to be marked on
jar,) grown .by Lsaidi person,, same as
To the person displaying tho largest
silver and Italian prunes in glass, grown
by maid person, same as above.
To the person die play Lug the betv one
pound of figs,, grown by said per eon,
same aa aboveu. -- f J -" . 'i
; V DEALERS IN- . -'
- . And the Moat Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in
Xj . ; HE A. 3E 3EtL
JDejPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. - None but the best brands of the
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints UBed in all oar work, and none bat
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. '"No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. ' All
orders promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon
Stone-man & Fiege, dealers iii
Boots and Shoes. All goods
we sell, we warrant. -
AVe are prepared right now to wager
$5 against a hairpin that there are more
people in Mars than there are in Belva
Lockwood'8 party. . .. .
The true test of &.: baking., powder, is
well known to every housekeeper- It is
to try it making bread, cake, etc., and
we are of the opinion that it will be im
possible to remove from the minds', of
our housewives the conviction long ago
formed from the application, of j this
practical test, that the Royal nioea make
the best, the most, and the most' whole
some. - McKinley and the McKinley bill are
so well thought of .in Oiiio that the gov
ernor will be able to manage the demo
crats in that state single handed, leaving
other Buckeye orators at liberty to in
vade other states conquering and to con
quer. Onr dear little daughter was terribly sic,x
Her bowels were bloated as hard as a brick ,
Wc fearcdshe would die
. Till we happened to try .
Pieree'a Tellets they cured her. rcmarkuWy
quick. .
Never bo without Pierce's Pellets in
the house." They are-gentle and . af
fective in action and give immediate re
lief in cases of indigestion, billioosness
and constipation. They do their work
thoroughly and have no bad effects.
Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. One
a dose. Best liver pill made.
Wasco Independent Academy, The IJal
lea, Oregon.
The next session of Wasco Independ
ent Academy will commence on Monday,
Sept. 5th. A full faculty of instructors
has been secured with professor Brown
of Chicago, .Illinois, as principal. For
catalogue or particulars, address, S. L.
Brooks, Secretary. - '-.'- ''
!. . Tanglefoot Fly Paper 40 cents a box
twentyfive double sheets at Blakeley
& Hough tons, 175 Second street. ' ;! .'
i City taxes for 1892 are now. due and
payable within sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned; :. . ; s :. :.
-."!) tt y L. RoRDBsCity Treasurer.
Dstus "Ct'tVJo1v 6th, 1892.
I The Old-Tlwes re Not In. It.
. - ysri j a--.- -Zj---'"
While at our other store at Big Island,
Va., last April, I was taken with a very
severe-attack-of diarrhoea. I never had
it worse in my lifci'A I tried several-old?
time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine,
Paregoiic and Laudancu without get
ting any relief. f My attention was then
called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
an4-Diarrhoea i Remedy by Mr.'R. C
Tinsley who had been handling t there'
and in less ihan five minutes after tak
ing a small dose I was entirely relieved.
O. G. ' Bcefohd, Harris Creek,
Amherst Co., V.-7 For sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists.' ' ' ' d&w
, r, i- . ' .
' xotlee."
Those knowing 'themselves indebted
to Ward and Kerns-will please call and
settle up, as they haye sold their stable
business to Bnrbam and Robertson and
must havo all outstanding accounts- set
tled. , .... -
-;,-..,',. Stock Holders; Meetlng.'-,:..':''
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting - of the" stockholders of the
"Wasco Warehouse -company--will- be held
at the office of French & Co., The Dalles,
Oresro'n. on Wednesday Sentemher 2Rth.
1892, at 3 :30 p. m., -f of 'the purpose of
electing atrectors ror tuo- ensuing year,
and the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before it.
- The Dalles, Oregoni-Aug. 12th, 1892. .:
. . .,- ;. . G. 5; Fablsy, '
Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co.
tdS.12 w . . .' ' . . .
fOB 8 AXE.
My Photograph outfit. At a rare bar-
gm. Hunt, the photographer 8.23tf
To The Pnbllc.
1 nave no hesitancy in recommending Vi.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera- andT
Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do
to my friends and patrons. I used it
myself after other well-kuown remedies
had failed, and. it cared -me in a few
minutes. I recommend it candidly and
cheerfully upon it merits, not from a
financial stand-point, because I have
others in stock on which I make a larger
profit, but because Chamberlain's is the
best remedy 1 know of for bowel com
plaints. There ia no doubt
does the work James- Foboy, Druggist,
lacveytown, 'enn. Kor safe oy
Blakeley & Houghton., druggists, d&w '
. A rare opportunity for the ladies is
now. afforded by Mrs Philips, who is of-,
fering millinery at one third less, as she
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. t.18dU
Washington Market For Kent.
For rent ; the Washington market cor
ner of Second and Court. For terms ap
ply to Geo. Williams administrator of
tho estate of John Michelbangh. :. 8.3dtf
' Saved a. Woman's Kiife. '
i a '- - ' - - '-' .- ,-
Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from
Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two tea
spoonfuls of Chamberlain's Oolie.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved,
the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this
placed Y-'He-; also states - that' several
other very bad cases of bowel complaint
there have been cured by this remedy.
For sale by Blakeley . & Houghton,
druggists : . - . d&w
' Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Cam p be 1 1 B rbs. Pro p rs
(SnccHMrs to T'. s. Craia.) v..
Mdnufactnrcrs of the finest French and
. - j , HcuneMade ,
"" ' aet of Portland.'
' .' ,"' A-i .; " - -
Tropical Fruife',Nu'
Can tumlsh' any of these goods at Wholesale
orBetail- : , . , -.Ts":;
rPlESH; rfOYSTEtqtS-f
la Every Style."
; " Ice Cream and Soda Water
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. '
C . F . S T E PHENS,
- -v ' . - 'i i. -j
- DEALER IN - ';
; . - B oot, . Shoe, Hats, Kte. ' - .
c: v ; -Etc, - r l Ki.
134 Second St.,-next to Dalies National
Bank, Dalles City, Oregon.