V Tsetalles Daily Gtoohiele. OFFICIAL lsiPER OF DAIXE3ITY. National Republic! BF1 Olt VlCK-PRKSUMtNT, ' WXIITELAW REID, of Nevv York. ' FOB rBESIDJiSTl.U. ELECTOKS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. II. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of TJniou. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. THE COST OF POOR HOA VS. An interesting contribution to the dis cussion of Americau country roads cornea from Prof. Richard T. Ely, who affirms that "poor roads cost this country on the average over $20 a horee." He is sus tained by Prof. Jenks of Knox college, who thinks "$15 a horse is a low esti mate for this loss." The board of trade of KKOxville, Tenn., has laso mado the suggestive computation that bad dirt roads cost the people of that one com monwealth more than $7 ,000,000 a year. From tables made from other etatistics it is also declared that on a gravel road a horse will draw nearly one and a half times the load, and ou McAdam over three times the load lie can draw ou the common dirt road. The . losses from time cousuuied, from . wear on beast and vehicle and from repairs in indirect ways, fall principally, of course, upon those engag ed in agricultural pursuits. The average cost which produce -carriers bear in haul ing fo the ICnoxville market from the surrounding farming region is estimated at $7.50 a load. This average it is authori tatively stated, could be reduced one half upon good dirt roads and five-sixths ever good McAdam roads. That is to say, one of the chief expenses borne by farmers is doubled through the extravi gant economy which perpetuates poor roads. 'It is, comparatively speaking, a saving of cents anda spending of dollars. Tho amount of money annually lost in this country from coast to coast through badly kept highways can only be guessed at, but it is something enormous. After detailing many public nuisances in Chicago, the News closes its list as follows: "Hilt ihp worst jannt .vp Here conies the' great prizo howler of the west side. He can be heard as soon as he turns the corner of the second block. There is no music in his voice, tar from it. It is impudent and exas perating. It makes one mad to hear it. It is pitched in the key in which he can make the most noise and produce the most discordant yell. With mouth dis tended from car to ear he. frantically shouts: "Wa-hoo wa-hoo wa-hoo wa oop wo-oop wo-op wow!" Hisinfernal lingo has no more reference to the gar bage he peddles than the wail of a west side street-car conductor has to the names of tho streets. He has the gift '. of continuance and keeps it up until it . dies away in tho distance, and , - Sllenee the p- ultice comes To heal the woes of sound." In securing a $10 fine against the Cicero policeman who clubbed a peace ful cyclist the other day, tho League of American wheelmen did more than pun ish a brutal officer. It advertised the fact that men on two wheels have as much right on the public highway as - men on four wheels. These rights, how--ever, do not give wheelmen the special privilege of racing at full speed through the down-town streets. The intelligence that President Har rison had issued a proclamation against Canada created no little excitement in Ottawa. The members of tho Canadian -government are not disposed to express tiny decided opinion as to what action -Canada will take, but it is the general "Impression that the Ottawa government MvlH call an emergency meeting of the cabinet and abolish -the rebate system altogether. - . The British Commons have voted no confidence in Lord Salisbury. The day is not far distant when, upon a "fair -trade" or a protectionist jlatform, like that of our own republican party, Lord Salisbury will have the confidence of the British Empire; Free trade is in the-i throes of dissolution in the land of its birth. Because of the stjike bttthe Eji and Lehigh valley raTtro'adf' fhfepriceT'of meat i iv New York city is rising. Chi cago dressed beef is held a Buffalo, and Father - Knickerbocker must either , go without his succulent porterhouse or . pay more for home-made-" sieafes. : : Washington is entertaining a congress of florists. Over two thcmsar uortienl turista are in attendance, and the silver tongued oratory of . the' TJttitCd" Slates "congress has given way to thV flowery speech of the authority on jack roses and bewhiakered chrysanthemums. i Ml. 1 J4r Il.wv' '" ...... Like another, woman the one who's used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. She's a' j stronger and a happier woman j and a healthy one. The aches,! pains, and "weaknesses, that made life miserable are gone the func tional disturbances or irregularities that caused them have been cured. Face and figure show the change, too. Health has restored the charms that rightfully belong to her. For all the weaknesses and ailments peculiar to womanhood, " Favorite Prescription " is a posi tive remedy. No other medicine for women is guaranteed-, as this is, to give satisfaction . in every case, or the money is refunded. It's pro prietors arc willing to take the risk, j What it has done, warrants them in guaranteeing what it will do. It's the cheapest medicine you can buy, because it's guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. ' You only pay for the good you .get. Can you ask moro ? That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Piorec'a medicines are sold on. GENTLEMEN ! BEFOKK YOC ORDER (iOODS OF ANY KIND IX THE FURNISH ING LINE, off nd e:e; m& Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in -proportion. P. FAGAN, Second st.. The Dalles, Sole Agent for WAKKaMaKKB A BROWS, I'hiladelphin. Pa. City B lacksmitli Shop, Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THE OALI.ES, OREGON, . Will repair your fine Buggies and Carruwfy hni yon r fin Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed. GUflSlHG&HOCpiflHops. J. L. FISHER. W. J. lONTAGUE 6 PBOPEIETORS OF THE Klite Shaving Parlors " ' AUD-- " Bath Rooms. SE00HD STEEET. THE DALLES, 0E. Gentlemen will find THE . ELITE fully up to the times in "every respect. Hair Cutting in the best manner, in every style of the artV Smooth Shaving and Perfect Baths, : - Honrs : Every day and evening dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nings after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun days from 7 a. m. to 12 o'clock noon. CHAS. STUBUKG. OWEN WILLIAM?. Stubling & Williams, The Gepmania, SECOND ST., 7 THE DALLES, - OREGON 0Dealers - in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 'Milwaukee Beer on Draught. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room, The Dalles, - . Oregon c .. :J i . '.'- C'Northweat corner of Second aud Court Streets. , , 4 The St. Charles ; Hotel, ::t PORTLAND, OREGON. . .This oldj . popnlar and. reliable honse has been eritireljr refurnished; and every room has.beenrrepBpednd repainted and. newly carpeted . thronghont. r The house contains -170 rooms andis snnnlied with every modern convenience. - Bates reasonable.. A pood restaurant attached to the house. Frer 'bns to and from all trains. . -: . C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. XTjo Ice Wagon.', -' The ice wagon of Cates & Allison ia on the streets every morning from-6. to 8 o'clock. Any orders for ice left with Will Vanbibber's express or at the store of Chas. Lauer will be promptly at tended to. Cates & Allison. County Tfcaur' Jfotlcc. ; All county warrants registered prior to March 13, 1SS9, wiil be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington strefts. Interest ceases on and after this date. , The Dalles, July 16, 1892. William Micheix, 7.1SU Treasurer Waeeo County, Or. Administrators Sale of Horses. In pursuance of au order of the county court, of Wasco county, dated July 15th, 1892, 1 will eell as a whole or in lots, all the band of mares geldings and colts, also one "Black Stranger" stallion, a fine horse and good breeder, belonging to the-estate of the late W. J. Meins. These are good well bred horsee, many of them broke to work. They will be sold for- cash or approved security. J. C; Meins, Administrator, ' of the Estate of W. J. Meins. 7.23dwlm. . HORSES. I ft OflfiDCD Corner .Barn, j. o. uuurtn The Largest 1 in Horses Commencing the 3rd of August ar.d every month throughout the year will hold Special Extensively WESTERN RHNG8 HORSES. Reference : Chicago N;tioual Bank, i x i i : w- i. i... l. MAIER & . I EA L,ERS IN OOR n Wnnn Pir, "Pine, Asm VLJiXLJ V UUiJANDCRABAppLE GROCERIES, ST8ZxE&, H A ROW A R E TINNING AND PLUMSlNS A SPECIALTY. , ' i Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second st. - :VMIC DALLES, OK, . . ' ar. sac. o-ojsss PEALF.B IN - . Grainy Fe6d & FlBur. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It -behooves everyone, especially the workingraan, to buy Avhere he can buy the cheapest and can get the most for his hard earned money. We solicit a share of your patronage. Cash paid for eggs and poultry. A!l goods delivered free and promptly Corner Union and Second streets,:The Dalles, Oregon.,.. ; mr d HO FKOM STltKKT, 01 J tt w .: a o n ' w SO M'.N At the bid stand of f? liushcr. Chas. Ffazeir," Ptrbp. I Glbtni and Hats and Caps, iSninks and Vases, CORNER OF: SECOSI. AND. WASHINGTON . THK DALLES, OKEGOS. Washington i'UhiJSEV.AXiESi AT THE Destined -to be the Best Manufacturing Center in ..the Inland Empire. - - .'"" For Further Information Calt at the Office ot . - i.' .srs.c . . ....... - - -" - - O. TAYLOR Tie Dalles. Or. - . v ICE!" ICJBt ICE! . Having on hand a large supply of ice Vfo are "prepared to furnish oar .custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. . Wo guarantee' wo will supply the .demand without advancing prices throughout the season. . Leave orders at C F. Lauer's store, Second street. 5-2tf - Gates & Allison. -v- ; . V . NOTICE. "' All Dalles City warrants registered prior to October 7, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. ' i Dated July 7th. 1892. ' . - ' - : L. Rordex, v tf- - - Treas. Dalles City. J. FOLCO, -DEALEB IS- Candies, Fniiis, Nuts, Sofla Water, . Ice Cream, Totacco and Cigars. ' ; j MAMUFACTUBBR OF- First Class Syrups for Saloons and Soda Fountains, Ete. Second Street, Next door to Wlngate's Hull Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois and Only Strictly Commission Dealers in the United States. - Advertised Sales of - ' . .. ' " ; Chicano,!!!. ' ' WflfS fflf PartiCUlafS. ru.: BENTON IRLORS AND BATH ROOMS. THK DALLES, OKKOOX. o n z D Tailor, -i j Washingto HEAD OF NAVIGATION.. Best Selling Property of -; the Season In the North-. - west. 4 1'- 4 .i. r BS ... -.i-K. 72 lasliitoi St'Portlani. Or. COLUMBIA AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery ia now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of tho Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and, only -the first-class article will be placed on the market. ' - The Iiateii String a nd Summer. .'" season - . - ' : "But vords are thincs. Falling. Uke dew, upon a thought, produces ' That which makes thousands, perhaps milllona, think. WE TRUST TO IXTEBEST AND o TOC OOOI. Buy Ou Shoes?- THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE . AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, CLOJD CHP INN. .Open fpom July 1st to Oetobet 1st. - This picturesque hoatlery, built of silver fir logs, and rooted eecurely on the edge of a precipice on tho north side of Mount Hood is within fifteen minutes walk of the perpetual ice und snow of Eliot Glacier, 7,000 feet above the sea level, twenty-seven miles from Hood River, over the finest roads in the United States.- Fare for the round trip $8.00; rates per day $3.50.'.' f The Table at Cloud Cap Inn is supplied with everything tho market affords. Hot and cold baths, etc., the best of guides will take you to the top of Mount Hood by the best practicable routes, which are from the Inn. W. A. LANGrlLLE, Manager. HEW SPBIK6 BJID SlIjnfllHf fDHY tfiOODS . , : COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Clothing, Geib Farnisbing Goods, fats; Gaps, Boots, and Shoes, i Full Assortmant of the Cash tijtjeii mlU save money ;by examining our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. H SKIB BE . W. Xj P4 jlf v. ... - y p ;J, v: 3Fg I, f-i - - - . r- ' i - p, .-'."' t.-I Vc"v -.7- WM. BUTLER & CO., -DEALERS IN Building Material, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Lime,; Plaster Hair and . Cement, c A liberal discount to the trade hi all lines handled brus. v f JEFFERSON SliaiJET, &t ween Sehd''aiid Railroad. THE DALLES, OB THE cicEtlROPEAISr HOUSE. . Iha Csnigated BsUdii( next Dpat to Uwt HnH.- - nealscPrepared by a FirsflSiiHiililh f (BSBk: 1 O aTRANSIENTPATRQlTAG SQIuIOITED. Good .Sample Rooms for Commercial Hen. - BREWERY, is fitauays Oat I J. 1SOO -t and n Einnli -MANVFACTURED BY - ' A ' ' WALTER TEN InV d. CO. BOSTON. Leading Manufacturers. . Her br i ng HOTEL.. Bi Iropr. ; St3?'. ': B? &popq