The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 24, 1892, Image 1

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    i i
NO. 60;,
.4? I I
Leadiag - Jeweler.
AIJ Watch Work Warranted.
jewelry Made to Order,
1 38 Second St.. The Inllca. Dr.
Kranich and Ikli Pianos.
. 100 Dozen TOWEItS.
. , " .... '" . : " '- .'
', - ... . : . . " ' '.; ' f-X
"Worth 25 Cts., going for 12 1-2 Ct&j
Sweeney Doing all That lie Can fio to
Force an Overt Act.
Just Received an Immense Shipment
of the Celebrated
4 -
- . " . - - .- v . . . -.
i-v i l i t s ; Kclief That the - Conference,
RoyaL JJuoreester orsetsi s
When it
Feae. '.
itccogniscd as Standards- of the-high
est grade of manui.tcture.
:3F:0.3.S5 ?
J you bike jiiMs ft in because yuii Iiavc never
trictl t!:e
S. B. Herilachs and Liver Curs.
It works so nicely, cle.mMnp; tho Liver iuiu
Kidneys; nets as a mild pliysie without causing
pnin or sickness, and does not Rto you I'ruin
e&UiiR and working. ...
To ti-y it in to become :i friend 1o IS.
?or K.fle by all druggists.
J . .
ter Sweeney, of the switchmen's union."
He said, as far as be knew, the con
ductors hare no grievances to right. He
thought the demands of the switchmen
were just, but strongly condemned law
lessness. Clark was accompanied by
grand master Wilkinson, of the order of
railway trainmen, of Galeeburg. V "
rA dastardly attempt was made to
wreck the express on the. Pennsylvania
road duo' at Heading from Philadelphia
a,t S o'clock last night. ' The train
dashed into four heavy timbers placed
across the track. . Fortunately only the
rear wheels of the locpmotive jumped
the track. The lives of 100 passengers
were imperiled.
- -v Curxent Toyfcs
fihriie Wright "Seminary;
k Boarding and Day School for Girls.
Ninth Year begins Sept. 8th 1892.
For Admission, Apply to the Principal-
A1 ks. Saha h K. White,
Aunie WriRUt Seminary.
TACOMit, - - WASH.
Notice is hereby given, that ttia undersigned,
Julia A. Obarr, tho duly appointed, actintr and
qualified administratrix of the estate of William
A. Obarr, deceased, has filed her final account
and petition in said estatd, and that Monday the
Ath day of September, 1892, at the hour of ten
o'clock, a. m. of said day, said day being the first
day of the next regular t?rm of the County Court
for Wasco county, Oregon, at the County Court
room of the County court house in Dalles City,
Wasco county, Oregon, has been duly appointed
by said court as the time and place for hearing
said petition and final aocount.
All persons interested in said estate are hereby
notified to appear at said time and place and
show cauBe if any there be, why Said petition and
final, account should not in all things-be
allowed, ratified and oonfirmed.
8.5w5t.2td JULIA A. OBARR, "
Administratrix of the estate of William A.
Obarr. deceased.
Dufur Sc Menefee. Attorneys for Estate. -" " .
rju. 8. Young,
B!3cKswm& wagon SfiOD
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
J guaranteed. ; ' ,
Horse Shoeeing a Spciality
fM Street, opposite tte eli Lieoe Stand.
Has Opened the
. ! the New Frame Building on '
SECOND STREET, Next to the
EHamond Fleming MUk.
Piret Claa Meala Furnished at all Honrs.
Okty White Help BmpJoyed. ;
Handled by Three Rsgistefbd Druggists.
Patent iDedieines .
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents i
the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints.
.Made a !:ud licginulng And The Pickets
j Slirl Slcolklng In THe Darkp?B9.
! ?.lior Tojicp. ' - "
-, Bii'f.ilo, J?. v., Aug.. 24. The eknik-
i ing strikers, under cover of darknefcs
i continue cta of lawlessness, but it is
the belief that if a conference is held,
I which Sweeney is working so hard to
Itrtnn nlxitt- tilt rucnlt. tiil o- oiioi.
I donment of tho etrikc. The plan, it is
I" now F;:id. is to lut tlio Ftrika down easv.
The conference will ndvise pcac.". Grand
blaster Sweeney will yield grracefally ;
and the striking switchmen will go back
to their places. if they can, cr will seek
work f Irfewliere. . This ia admittedly a
critical point of the trouble. Sargent is
i macio oi clillerent stuli lroui that ot
Sweeney. lie Bays that no matter if the
I vote was unanimous to strike, he would
not approve il iijn his judgement ho did
; not - consider jt prudent; and farther
; more, however mnch ho may be in favor
: of going put .with the switchmen," the
j .firemen will not do so unless- all other
'. railroad organisations go out.
A loaded freight train waS-pulling out
.l'roin Niagara falls, when the switch east
(."of Lewistoi) avenue was thrown open.
' Tbc engine and .four' cars' bad already
; passed, ho the train " broke in two and
tbtt rear and grtHiter portion sped toward-
srMieiaierQ CentratrrgnEit
- j As soon a9 .jJie-gate-mtOT-fSaW" the train
l '"pjowrifTgia made a hnrriad effort to open
' the gate, but before he could do so the
. i cars dashed into it and ho was struck
The Largest Dealers
in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars.
.Agent for Tansill's Punch. "
129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon
Finest Wines and Liquors.
Frenohs' Block,
. The Dalles Oregon
Sold on Easy Payments.
-. . ' - j.-'"' '"' ' '
Musical Instruments ai Mrisic. ?i
V- Booksellers and Stationers.
! and had two ribs broken, his hand hurt,
and otherwise injured. The train was
running eighteen miles an hour, and
' when it came to. a stand it wa- all on
'the bridge. After tho -collision, the
' switchman bad his lantern kicked out
! of his hand by a bystander..
1 Gov. Flower, referring to the strike,
I says : ;'The strikers made a bad 'rfiove at
the beginnintr. If they had gone to
work and had the president of the Cen
tral arrested for.violatingone of the laws
of tbe state," they could have had him
convicted arid fined $500 oi" imprisoned
f for ono year.. Last winter the legislature
passed a law; malting it obligatory lor
railroad companies to giye a day's pay
for ten hours and to pay -.extra for all
Qyer .that. I signed the bill - and the
strikers had a. good chance to make - a
test case.- - Why did they not do . that?"
Vice-President Web-by of" the New
York Central, said v'The strike, in my
oDinion, is broken. It cannot extend
eastward ; There ir' .'elllght chance of
Sweeney ordering a strike in the west,
but even that is a elim" chance. The
men acted rashly and hastily, and have
lost tbe fight. The sooner they : recog
nize that, the better." - " - -
The board of moderation and arbitra
tion baa decided to begin investigation
into the cause of the switchmen's strike
today.. Summoning of witnesses began
yesterday-. ' Grand ; Master -Sargent, -f
the firemen's organization js awaiting
the arrival af the executive officers of
the other raflwayuhions, whom Grand
Master Sweeney has Invited here in con
ference.- -, y : v" '' z ' "'"
E. B. Clark, grand master of
der of railway conductors, arrived this
morning. "I. am here," said hej. "in
.response to the invitation of grand mas-
. Hon. J.- II, McGraw, repulilican can
didate for governor of Washington, in
an interview at the Portland yesterday
said: "Onr" c.impaign will be fought
out on the protection lines. The stats
of Washington, with its greet unde
veloped natural resources, is practically
undeveloped, nid the people are very
earnest on the protection proposition.
I think this-will be" our winning card."
Tho silver question in Calcutta is
creating quite ' a tumult. . "A- difference
of opinion exists in "regard to the adop
tion of the gold standard, but the con
viction is growing that the time has ar
rived for the government to take , the
public into its confidence and prevent, a
further fall of the rupee, by closing the
mints to free silver coinage.
Cholera continaes to claim a fearfully
large nniulr of victims in Teheran.
Sanitary . regulations are .almost iin
know, and the fatalistic tendency of the
people makes it'nlmost impossible to
combat- the : Eiht hundred
persons died yest'rdiiy in the. city alone,
which has a population of but 140,000.
Mrs. Henry 51. Stanley has not yet
decided whether she will permit Henry
to adhere, to his" determination never
again, to visit. America. We suspect
that if she wants to come her spouse
will have to give in. "His defeat is quite
sensibly felt by Mrs. Stanley.: ' Nearly
ail tlie votes he did leceive came through
the tact of his Charming wife rather than
to any personal popularity to which he
nootea oy tho mob on one occasion,, she
cried out: "Two years ago I voted for
Henry Morton Stanley in Westminister
abbey and I want you all to vote for hinr
now." . During the whole of his .canvass
he displayed his essentially British ten
dencies. He is British in that roving,
irresponsible disposition of his, British
in his acquisitiveness. British in -his
disregard for human rights and . hmnan
life, British iu his hatred of the United
States of America and British in his se
rene impudence in aspiring to political
aggrandizementSin tbe mother country,
which for many years he disowned. So
let the British keep him and care for him,
for he ia of them, truly. .' . -
. , A Wonderful Romancer. -
Review. Ignatius Donnelly is out in
a long interview in which he airily
prophesies that he will be elected gov
ernor of Minnesota. The interview is
probably a cryptogram,- and when Ignat
ius has been snowed undei in November
it is likely that he will come forward
and reading between the lines show con
clusively that he predicted his own de
feat and foretold the failure ot the entire
Weaver campaign. Ignatius' ia . a won
derful romancer..
Weatner Buesg. Report. .
Portland, Aug. 24. The weather
bureau report of yesterday, speaking for
Eastern Oregon says :.: "More reports of
the excellent condition in which the hay
crop is being pn up are being, received
daily. Fruit is ripening, fast and the
trees -arc" -reported as being generally
well loaded.'.' :
the or-
Not A jKafg- Money Community. " . .
. : Helena' Independent." "Weaver's'Mon
tana tonr has lost him votes. - He is la
boring under the mistaken impression
that the people pf-tbis'state, like those
of his native prairies, Want greenbacks..
This, is not a rag-money community V
A Quiet Warfare; WMch has -Been Go:
.. ing on forSomc Time. ,
Thc Alton Management Getting Down,
, , : . ; to a 2-Ceni. Kate. . ; .
1 -
Mr. ToLiter's NotiScalion to ' CUairman i
Viulng CoiiCfrnIn(j the l'oiiit at
- VlUcrt to Jlcct This Week.. . '
' Sr. ftivi, Mo., Aug.. The quiet V
warfare that has -been going on -for- a
long time between the Chicago and Al
ton railroad managers and .the western :. '
passenger association is made- interest
ing by a peppery letter from Gen. Ticket j
Agent Charlton'to tho association. Mr. "
Charlton acknowledges the receipt ofyt'jX"
letter from tho association notifyi nar -tho" ' jf.
Alton road tiiat the association made a . . ;
round-trip rate fur tho Kniglifs of Pyth- - .
iae from Chicno to Kansas City, of ,3.--' -".
Tartly replying to this, Mr.-Charkon
gays : "But" yon have. faUed - to 'adviws ; - "
mo that the lines in yonr -association--. 7 -have4laced
on the Chicago' market re
turn coupons of the Christian Endeavor ."
tiekets at rates which ' 'cut the regular " -.
rates from Chicago to Kansas f ity to an -indefinite
figure.-' . .'" : .' .' - - "
Furthermore, Mr. Charlron asks -why,"
out of S.50 for a ticket from Kansas city
to Chhtago, $3.50 should go" to " middle -- .
men'.'wlio do nothing but selUhe tickets. - .
Mr. Charlton 'theii .- adds ': ' 'These -ar-"-" V.r"
rangement, howver7 public and private,
more especially private, niade by mem
bers of your association, made' it abso-:". -.
3.nt-lv nei-essarv -fcr ilw ..Cldcnifrt '"orid ' '"'.'" '
ntOnTaiTrOad to prOtccTnTserr ry opt'n .. ' 7
rates over its own ticket counter." -This
announcement is followed np hy a
list of trfj rates calculated to cause end
less anuoyaht-e to-the' association and ;
the ticket brokers. It has been -understood
for some time that the Alton man- '
agement is "inclined toget down to u 2- . .
cent basis. In inviting ; a warfare on ' -' ...
rates with the" Alton it- may be -doubted
whether the western passenger" associa- -tion
has acted with discretion. - - . ; . T- .. .
The Gould lines will not be represent--
ed at the general meeting of . the trans- :.-.';
continental association in New York to-"'
day. Manager Packer, of tbe Missouri. : -- ''-'
Pacific aud Iron Mountain, not i tied .
Chairman Vining that he believed the- -transcontinental
association, headquar- "
ters in'St. Louis was the proper place to . '-'"' -call
the meeting. - That he was opposed ' -!
on general principles to an association
meeting 'away from its headquarters. - : ' ,
That the transcontinental headquarters " ' '7
are centrally located, and yet it is the
exception and not the rule to call meet- ' .'
inge here. ' The Missouri Pacific, it will
be remembered, - cast negative vote ' ; -against
tbe proposition of the. Southern
Pacific to reduce all-rail rates, west and .
east-bound, for 'the purpose of meeting
water competition 'of the clipper lines, ;
taking the ground that such competition
was directed against the Southern Paci
fic's local rate to California points. At :
the meeting today, the Pacific Mail sub-'
sidy and the notice of withdrawal of the -Rio
Grande Western will be acted upon -in
addition to the Southern Pacific troub-", :.
les.' .. .- ' '' - ; - - -r-' -' '"' "- .
I'olltlcn Acroas tho River. . .'
Cheney Sentinels . The political .aren r ' .;
is merging iroin warm to iiot.t..:.v itn
four tickets in the field,, the. ward boss
should be able 'to. 'earn-an honest-f?)
living, and even the country editor poor :
j devil, would be' justified in indulging in ; -
an occasional smile. . - . '; .
Thd Danes," Ot,
Royal Baking Powder
rior to
- JL
It is a' scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder Is .
absolutely pure. . ; 1 wilhgo still' further and state ;
that because of the facilities that company have for obtaining
perfectly pure cream of tartar, and for other reasons depend--ent
upon the proper proportions-of the same, and the method Z
of its preparation, the Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly .
the purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the
public. ; ' - - HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D.,
'.' ' ' -"--.'' -; ;; .. I ' :v;: ."'..; LaU" Chemist Jot U.SGavU '.-