The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 23, 1892, Image 3

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. -.Those- desiring to wearone of the latest New
. York styles should call early as I have but a
: S -: .;. - - J limited number of them. y
Cleveland and fiaiisoi
1 l
1 :
Tb8 Dallev ftrtW aif Attoria
Navigation Co.
'ilie Regulator Liiie"
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kntered a the Postoffloe at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matte.
Local Advertising;. -
10 Centi jier line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion. .
Special rates for long time notices. -All
local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear tae following day.
AUGUST 23, 1892
Laces received today. See Pease &
Mays new ad.
The Teachers' Institute will be in ses
sionbout two weeks.
"The leaves begin to fall" rather
lively today in the fresh breezes blow
ing. A prairie schooner, and several head of
horses, went down the Columbia by the
Regulator this morning.
"Grandfather's hat fits Ben" no bet
ter than the one ordered by John C.
Hertz for editor Michell, does him.
Mrs. Sullivan, of Portland and Miss
Fouch and Miss Crowlan, of Dufnr, are
at the Umatilla house.
The Columbia River Fruit company
are now shipping east from The Dalles.
Spokane takes most of the fruits shipped
at present.
Mr. and Mrs A. H. Hales, of Salem,
and Miss N. S. McKay of White Salmon,
were passengers out by the Regulator
this morning. ' , . - . . " !
The invigorating breeze that came
blowing along from Astoria'. wards -this
morning was gratefully acknowledged by
scores of people. .;, . . ri . .r,
Mays & Crowe received another, car
toad of wagon material and -hard wood,
direct from the east by steamer Regu
lator laBt evening, j . fi ...
The hearing of the application to ad
mit Bergfelt to bail, was 'postponed by
Judge Bradshaw at chambers yesterday,
until Friday next.,
Mr. V. U. Brown tho piano tuner and
repairer, will be In ; this : city' id a few
lays. Leave your orders at E. Jacobsen
& Co's. music store." . ,'H ,., 11
.Collector Taylor of Astoria, says the
railway iron cargo of the Abercorn has
been admitted free of duty because of
the lapse of time it has been sunken.
-, Horatio Wells blacksmith shop, near
Shearer bridge, waB destroyed by- flre;,,a
few days ago."Tt is not only a serious
loss to him, but is a great inconvenience'
to his patrons. -
Mayor Mays Isin the city fbday; When
asked about his wheat crop be replied
that he never saw better wheat' in his
life than he has produced this season on
irrigated ground.. : : . ,. . -;j
Mr. C. T. Goff, - President, and -Thos.
D. Williams, secretary of the Long Creek
gentlemen 'b Driving olobV will please ac
cept thanks for farori.'. The contests at
Long creek, 4 days, beginning Septem
ber 20th, promise to be very interesting.
Liberal purees have been hang up. . .
Mr. H. D. Cole, county commissioner
of Klickitat 4aty'a&d MK Richardson
C E., were at TheUmatilla' hdnse" last
evening. They came over ' to "make- ar
rangements for opening the road, now
buried in the sand, this side of Gil
more's, referred o last week- in Ta
Chsosiclk. i Mr; Cole -tbinka" a- trestle
bridge at that point would keep' the sand
c!sm. The deposit of the past year will
feae to be reduced by scrapers.
Received today the following Laces:
Point d'Irlande,
Maltese Laces,
Fancy Cotton Laces,
Dentelle Orientale,
Black Spanish,
Normandy Valenciennes,
Black Guipure,
Pillow Case Laces, Etc.
The blissful and inocuous desuetude
reigning at Cascade locks : at present 1s
depicted by Cass' letter in Thb Chon-'
iclb today. Read it. . . .,
In many places throughout the Inland
Empire, we hear of flocks of young
Chinese pheasants seen. If they are not
molested, the. country will soon be
well stocked with these beautiful birds.
The remains of Mrs. L. Clay pool, of
Prineville, wife of Mr. W. Claypeol, ar
rived yesterday from Eureka Springs,
Arkansas, where death occurred on the
16tb." They will be conveyed to Prine
ville for interment.
H. C.' Nieleon' returned from hia out
ing on the western shore of Washington
this morning. The fact that he rode In
to the city on a load of hay need not
necessarily imply . that he came home
broke, but his family is still at Ocean
Park, enjoying themselves.
Two gentlemen, Messrs. Shives and
Alnmabre, of California, have been in
Long Creek two weeks t Hiking with
miners relative to their dry process.
They left Sunday for Macy ridge, where
they will put their new process in opera-;
Hon for mining;. ; :- ' . . ... :.
Mining without water is a new wrinkle'
to the old time placer miners of Grant;
county, Nevertheless ' says the Long
Creek Eagle a new process has been in
vented whereby , a placer mine can be
worked with;only' two inches 1 of water
with almoBt as great speed as where the
hydraulic is used. .
Sheriff Ward returned f rdin his over
land trip; to - Portland hy train today,
having left the team below. - He says it
is a fine, drive after passing the rocky
road on this side of the summit. No
flies, no yellow jackets, and but one belt
of mosquitoes; that a narrow one just as
he left the summit, were encountered.
Mt. Hood 1b just off the road.
- SeVeral "private letters 'and telegrams
awaited Sheriff Ward on his arrival this
morning, but inasmuch as Thi Chroni
cle reporter, had kept ap with the run
of affairs in' 'that 'office pretty closely,
they were not of momentous public in
terest. Mrs. ; Ward's letters were
handed over witbont having the seals
Misses Alma and Annie, daughters of
Rev. .O. D. Taylor, " were the rlcipients
last week o one of the' finest pianos in
Oregon. It ,; was t-shipped direct from
Chicago, and was a great surprise.
Crandall A.Btfrget -reet the inetrument
up; also two .fine organs came at the
same time'from ' the same source, one
for the Baptist church, and one for Mr.
,..If everyonewho attended -the Elks
clam bake at Clatsop , were as delight
fully ; entertained, as Mr.; Hugh Glenn ;
the only Elk in The Dalles ; who was
-present, then it most have been a grand
Btlecesrr'' Th'ere was-eom'ething delight
fat in the surroUndiogs-wbich added an
additional charm -to' the -scenes.- The
cool, invigorating breeze from-the eea
and the lack of that restraint which is
felt in cities; served to render the occa
sion very enjoyable, j
The ins and onts of the Porflahd fire
department were- focused yesterday by
-the- retirement of ; Chief Morgan, the
ousting of Supt. Coffee,- and the appoint
ment, as his fluccesaor, 'of ' a-' compara
tively unknown man named Michael J
Duffy v The: board did not appoint a
successor to ' Morgan,' but: Dobel bower
will etlH continuo to tie first -assistant
engineer of :,lhe epartntentr and-will
act as chief ftntfl the board agrees upon
and appoints some one else.
Rev. Mr. Curtis is off for the day byl
steamer Regulator.: . .
The schooner Julia came into port this
morning with a big load of fuel, under
a' leading breeze, nnd. rounded to- just
above the ferry landings . ...
Miss Gertrude Rigby 6f Hood River
came up on the Regulator last evening,
and is the guest of her Bister Misa Ethel
Rigby at the camp grounds. I '
' Patrick Demody, an. old-time hand on
the river, is .off. duty. today, having
dropped -a hard wood plank onto -his
foot, while discharging the Regulator
last evening.' :
'The annual Oregon haze, angumen ted
with smokei rendered our an perb scenery
somewhat obsenre' 'yesterday, but" this
mornings breeze waited It gently away.
and only tbe-; delicate bane remained.;
Bierdetadt says this Oregon -haze .was
worth $10,000 to him on one painting of
Mount Hood which soldior $15,0001 " ,
CptJ' W.-Lewls, 'ol the land office,
is on the sick .list. He 1b able to be
about, If he takes things easily, but is
not able to attend-very closely to busi
ness. Without being ' qualified to pre
scribe, we suggest that a trip to Clatsop
is just about the medicine for a man in
the fix of our friend Capt. Lewis.
A Washington "dispatch says Senator
Mitchell will circulate in Oregon about
5,000 copies of his speech on, the anti-op-
tion bill, which was' delivered from the'
constitutional stand point.' Senator
Mitchell is a believer in the bill, and
thinks it .-will-be of-great assistance to
farmers in the" wesfe :' Besides his anti
option bill speech, he baa flubscribed for
quite a number of copies of Other valua
ble documents,' including Senator Aid
rich's great tariff epeech, which will be
scattered broadcast over the state.
United States Marshal Jameson took
Lee Gbar to Portland- today to answer
to the charge of selling liquor to Indians.
If thia thing keeps up the Indian appe
tite for tatlglefoot will burst the govern
ment.' -Buto long as the coitus Si wash '
is considered a ward -of the government,
and is not held - personally' responsible
fot crimes, the :deluded Individual
who gets caught in the trap must' pay
for It. Wait until Lo begins to sell his
vote9 for crisp $2.00 bills. Then a new
idea may be expected' to'get afloat in
congress respecting Indian criminals. .
The sportsmen who love to hunt -the
wily chicken and the more stupid grouse
are troubled in spirit over the multitude
of trespass notices that? adorn- the con
fines ef nrimerOus farms' in the country.
Deer may be killed in Oregon ' between
July 1st and November 1st; does be
tween August 1st and January 1st ; how
ever deer must 4iot be killed-at;any time
unless the carcase is used or sold for food.
Swan and ducks may be killed - between
September 1st and March 15th. All
trapping, netting, snaring or destruction
of eggs is prohibited. "
Mr. Joseph H. Hawley, of Seattle,loan
appraiser and Mr. I. Hill- Case, of Port
land, managing director for Oregon, are
in the city in the interests of the Wash
ing National building loan and invest-
ment association, which has a number
of shareholders among the leading bus!
ness men -here. , The association offers
to enter into a written contract with the
citizens to loan at least $1,000 per month
in ; the eity ;if 600 shares of its eapital
stocfc'is subscribed This will insure
the building of many new homes and
otherwise be of great advantage to the
city, and our-citizena should place their
shoulder to the wheel and help this en
terprise along. " Mr. R.'Cf Gibbon has
been appointed local agent.
Freignt ana Passsagar lihb
' Throurfr:daIlv ftarvifi"; (RnnAkvH r
cepted) between"Tbe Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. in.
Oneway.-.-:" ...... 1 ... r .... . .$2.00
Konna trip. . . . ..-... . . .... .-. . . ; . . .- 8.00
Special rates for parties of six or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
'-': FA8TFKEIG11T.
Fruit,' per iOO ponride. . . V .40
melons ana ureen vegetables ..... .30
" j Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and llwaco without; delay.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live1 stock' shi omenta
solicited. Call on or address.
-" -.-T--? - General A rent.
. eraersl Manager.'; ;
VitlEena or the Inland Smplre, Rend tho
: P611oWlnp.
Special . to JCBB.CHBOMICI.B.)
DtAtrrif, ' Afag. -. 16. Special to ' the
Btiffato Express:,.' The new . wbaleback
Bteamer Pillsbury 'is 'loading. 90,000
bushels of wheat today at 2 cents to
Buffalo.' - - -
; - BuAiiJAug; 16--TJrider the'head
ing ."Freights arid charters," the Ex
press say a: Canal freights were steady
at 2 cents on wheat and. flaxseed, and
1 cents on oats to New York. Lam-'
ber $1.80 toNew York, -'Here
is -the indisputable- fact that
wheat'is carried by whalebfick steamers
from Duluth to. Buffalo, distance -1025
mites for 2 cents' per bushel and is car
ried by canal-boats (Erie canal) ' from
Buffalo to New York, distance 494 miles
for 2XV cents - per bushel making 5J
cents per bushel for carrying wheat 1519
miles.-..-. - . ..h-... ..-
The producers of the, Inland" Empire
have been compelled to pay-the Union
Pacific Railway Co. 12 cents per bush
el for carrying wheat from The Dalles to
Portland, distance 83 miles.
What is the remedy for this gross in
justice to our people? -
Urge prompt action on the part of the
Un!ted States government engineers in
preparing -plans and -specifications for
the work of completing the cascade locks
as per action of congress, and the imme
diate letting of said contract. .
Our representatives in congress should
insist': that tne united Utates govern
ment engineers, and the contractors en
gaged in the work of completing the cas
cade locks, -should divote their entire
time and ability to aid and further the in
terests of the people of the Inland Em
pire, and at the earliest -possible day en
able our producers to obtain full value
for the results of their labors. L. H.
- Latest from Biffslo.
Buffalo, Aug. 23, 3 :50" a. "m. Since
two o'clock a. ni. bullets have been flying
about the Erie freight yards and it is re
ported - that- a regular engagement took
place in tho Erie' yards -one mile from
town', and -that four men were- killed
and two wounded.. The attack, was
made on the 12tb regiment by gangs of
strikers and their friends. They crept
up to - within - a -stone's' thrown of , the
camp, hiding under the cars and behind
trucks, and then threw stones and
pieces of iron at the eoldiers. The
soldiers answered the attack with bullets.
The troops ' will " remain, as property
valued at $1,5000,000 at a low estimate
would be entirely-in.-tbe power of .the
strikers, and the lawless element,.
Not a "Boom But If astaeas. '
ffbln Tdk Chhomcle. announcing
the sales of real estate by the city re
cently, asserted that - this 1 was the
time to "get in before the boom" and
secure some Dalles real estate,-we knew
what we were talking about. That prop
erty will never again be so cheap in the
Dalles as it is now, may be inferred from
another transaction today.
Forty -three days ago, Dr. Siddall pur
chased the Beezley property, corner of
Fourth and Laughlin streets for $800.00,
It was considered an evidence of his
faith, irr The Dalles; -.i" i ? :
Today ho has sold that very -' property,
to Henry Kuck for $1,200.00, an advance
of $400.00 in less than a month and a
What better indications are acquired
than these to prove, that The Dalles is
looking up.
Thia la the first transaction of the kind
for twenty years :'- -i
It is business not boom. -.-' - -
....... ...r ." .
" - And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in v ,
- J30T"Practical Painters and Paper HangeraVT- None butrTne best brands of i
Sherwin-Williams and J.W.'Masury?B Paints used in all pur work, and none baft
the Til6sV skilled workmen employed. Agents for ;Masury Liquid Paints. -Va'
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. ' AH
orders promptly .attended to. - :.: -.- .--. - i;v... . i.lvv., .':
Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington Sta., . The Dalles., Oregos
Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
Boqtsand Shoes. All goods
we sell, we warrant.
Teaehera - Instltnte.
Following is the programme of the
Teacher's Institute to be held- at 'the
Court house this evening at 7 : 30 o'clock :
Ladies Chorus:- "Thou- who : art
faithful." . .'. ...t-i-
Welooming lAddress. V Johu - Michell.
Response. 4 C. L. Ciloerts-V tlf'f
Lecture. Prof .'John ili-BloBSTfeslri
dent Of the State Agriculttiratsbllege.' .
Music, ; Ladles' Trio. ' f Come to 'me;
gentle dreams." . , C -.i-
. !By order of commitiee '$i6PC4i
Crandall, Miss Leora SluteiMiss1 Ma
tilda Holllster.
Our dear Kttle daughtier was terribiy sick,''
Her bowels were bloated aa bard as a brick,
Wi feared -she would die "
Till we happened to try
rierce's Pellets they enred her, 'remarkably
quick. ; ' -
Never be without Pierce'e Pellets in
the house. They are gentle and af
fective in action and give immediate re
lief in cases 'Of Indigestion, billiousness
and constipation. They do their work
thoroughly and have no bad effects.
Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. One
a dose. Best liver pill made. .
Persons having horses to sell will do
well to correspond with,- J. S. Cooper,
Chicago. For address see advertisement
in another column today.' "
Wasco Independent Academy, The Ial-
' lea, Orecen.
-The nekt seBsion of Waeco Independ-
ent Academy will commence on Monday,
Sept. 5th. A full faculty, of instructors
has been secured with professor- Brown
of Chicago, ' Illinois, ' as principal. ' For
catalogue or particulars, address, S. L.
Brooks, Secretary. . r
roR sals. ... v ,';,
My Photograph outfit. At a rare bar
gin. Hunt, the photographer 8.23tf
; Tanglefoot" Fly Paper 40 cents a box -twentyfive
double sheets; at Blakeley
& Hougbtons, 175 Second street. -
" City taxes for I&92 are -now -due; and
payable' w ithirf si xty .days, at , the office
of the -undersigned. .; '. ;'. ;- - ' . ;' -
L. Robden, City Treasurer.
Daxlks City, . July thc I.??2'..
1-ne Old THnea are Not In It.
While at out other s'fore at Big Island,
Va.; last April, I was' taken with a very
severe attack of diarrhoea. I never had
it worse iii my life, r-1 tried;several old
time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine,
Paregoiic and Laudanum without get
ting'&ay. relief, i My attention-was then
called to Chamberlain's Colici" Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy by Mr. R. C.
Tinsley who bad been hanalihg it there.
and in less han five minntea- after tak
ing a small dose I was entirely' relieved.
O. G. Bckfoed, Hams Creek,
Amherst Co.; Va. 5 'For sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists. - d&w
' '.;... ::,;v:vKoU.;.a:!:-1 :t.;,,.!,'-V
Those- knowing themselves; indebted
to Ward and Kerns will please, call T and
settle up, as they have sold their stable
business to Burham and Robertson and
must have all outstanding accounts eet
tied. . - '- ' - - ' ' - .
H Stock JBI14es MNUar.(...:.i';
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse comttkn v wilt h K1V1
at the officer of French & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday. September 28th,
1892, at S :30 p. m., for . the purpose of
electing directors for. the ensuing .year
ana me uransacuon ot such other -business
as may come before it. '
The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. f 2th, 1892.
- : - Gi J. FASiar.
" Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co.
W.O.IZ w ' -
.'- - i
Tor Tha Pnblie.
I have no hesitaa'c in reooiniiienidine
Chamberlain's ' ' Cohc, ' Cholera aoi
Diarrhoea Remedy to the jublie,-s-I dor
to my trienda' WfHyatrbnB.'-' I -'ti8eir::t':
rnyeef"6fter other well-known remedies)
Sad failed, and ltr'cuTed me- in ' few m
minutes. I recommend it candidly and .
cheerfully 'upon it merits," not from's.
nnaneiai : staDdpoint, because .1 tiavw -others
in stock on which I make a larger :
profit,' but because Chamberlain's is thm '
best remedv I knoirof -for .bowel un-
Slaints. .There is no doubf about Itj It ;
oes the work -Jambs Foeqt, Druggist.'
Mcveytown, win. nor sale ty
Blakeley & Houghton,7 druggists. dJtw
A rare oooortunitv . for the ladies 'Is '
now afforded by Mrs.'PhiHpa, who is of- .
fering millinery at one third
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. 6.18dt
-Washington Market For Rest. ,
; : For. rent ;- the Washington market cor
ner of Second and Court. For terms ap- .
ply to Geo. Williams administrator ol
the estate of John Michelbaugh. 8.3dtf
. Sared a Woman's Z.lfe.
Mri. J: E. Thorpugh'gpod, writifig frow'
Georgetown. Delaware, say s: "Twdte
spoonfals of Chamberlain's Colie.
Cholera and - Diarrhoea Remedy -saved
tne me ot Airs, jane l nomas, ot tots
place." - He also states that several .
Other very bad cases of bowel, complaint
tnere nave oeen cured Dy; this ' remedy.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
druggists. (L&w
1 - Instantaneous . Portraits. Chapman:
Block, The Dalles, Oregon. ' .
dam pbell Bros. Proprs
Hanofacturers of the finest French and .
Home Made .
G m. 3Sf 3D I E S
East of Portland.
.iimtxna m
fmfrmt&mm and Ti:
tOaa- iriifab; anyof thase goods' at WaoTinala
In Bvery ptyle..
Ice Cresa and Soda Water.
" 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
134 nacooa vK near&. va lmiim nanmsi
Baak, DsJlea City Oregon.