The Dalles Daily Chronids. i .; 4 ion icii -icki v Having on hand a large supply of ice we are prepared to furnish oar custom -ers.witbllce in -any quantity at a reason able' -rate-.'; We guarantee we will supply the demand without advancing pricee throughout the season. . Leave orders at C. Fv Lauer's store, Second street. -: : -; 5-2tf .- " Gates & Allisom. -' - ' . All Dalies City warrants registered prior to October 7, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office. . . Interest ceases from and after this date. - - Dated July 7th, 1893. i f v"7 '-' '"' ' ' L. IvOEDBX, - tf. ' Treas. Dalles City.' - The ioe wagon of Cafes & Allison is on I TH e CELEBRATED , pOfcpjfBfViBEfvm tne streets every morning irom a -to ; - 8 o'clock. Any orders forice left -With "Will Vanbibber's express or at he store of-Chaa. Lauer will be promptly .at tended to. . Catks & Allison. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. . AKD WASCO CO0KIY"7,. Coantjr Trtuuter'i Xotlce y. - All county warrants" registered prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. . Interest ceases on and after this date. - - - - The Dalles, July 16," 1892.-: " William Micmsll," ' 7.18tf ' Treasurer Wasco Conrity, Or,' ThU well-known Brewery to now taming oat the beat Beer and Porter east of toe Oaecadee. The .latest appliances for . the manafaetare of good haKfr-J ful Beer have been introduced, and only the flrat-olaee article will be placed oa FOH PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. wo marasec. ODalnepnbl Tilt FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, WHITELAW REID, of New York. .. FOB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of Union. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. PL A N FOR A RBITRA TION. Uol. W. w. I'hapmnn submitted a plan for arbitration which appears in theOregonian of the 20th. If the as smbly would adopt this measure it would settle- any trouble in Oregon arising from disputes between employer and employe. It would be simple in its op eration. To illustrate : The employes, the laborers, think their wages ought to be increased, and they send .a letter to the employer uiakins the request in res pectful language. The employer looks . -over his books and accounts and thinks he cannot afford it. He writes a respcciui letter to the employes that he cannot afford it, and gives the reasons. Tho employes do not think lie is correct and are will ing to refer it to be decided by disinter ested neighbors. They then select three arbitrators and appoint the time and place of meeting, and send notice to the employer informing him of these facts, and he appoints three arbitrators and notifies the laborers. They all meet and the question i9 settled without any dis turbance. During this the business is carried on, and neither party suffers the slightest injury. It is said the Duke of Devonshire goes to sleep in the house of lords. What else is he to do should that august houso sit late, as it does three or four times a year? Besides, it is the custom to go to sleep iu parliament when you have a mind to. The rules forbid the perusal of a newspaper, a magazine or a book. If a peer or a member of the commons desires to read he must go to the read ing room or the library. Therefore, when a boro is on his legs about ten or -eleven.o'clock, and his diffuse and unin teresting commonplaces arc running out in turgid verbosity, what better thing can a statesman do than go to elecp? When in the lower house as Lord Hart ington, the duke was a confirmed sleeper, with his legs against the clerk's table, his hat tilted down over his eyes, his mouth open and arms folded, or balanc ing his body upon his seat. At times his lordship was guilty of an approach to snoring. People who go to bed about two or four in the morning must take their sleep somcwhero Concerning the report that President Hill of tho Great Northern was about to come into possession of the O. R. & N. properties, a Chicago special says : The . Great Northern is xrctically complete to Spokane, where it connects with the . Oregon Railway and Navigation com pany, (U. P. R. lessee). It would cost less tifiin half as much to secure it as to build a new lino to tho coast. Besides a new line would not in ten years have the local traffic of the existing line. With a transfer of ownership would go the steamship lines plying to all coast and river points between San Francisco and British Columbia. It would also put the Union Pacific and Northern Pacific at the mercy of the Great Northern as re- gards trackage rights and rate making to tho coasts President Hill will in any event will add largely to his steamship lines between Buffalo and Duluth, run ning them on a schedule with his rail lines to beat any possible rail time by 12 noura between Uuualo anai'ortiand. On Saturday last at just five minutes of 7 a. m., the first through train of the Great Northern completed its journey at . 6t.Paul from Spokane. Although this train pulls out of tho Union depot at Spokane an hour and a half later than tho Northern Pacific express, it lands its passengers in St. Panl five hours in advance of its southern rival, making a cut of nearly seven hours on their . time, The train made schedule time all the way through, and the passengers.: ex pressed the satisfaction with the service. magnificent scenery and smoothness , of the track. The Chicago passengers, es pecially, wero gratified i to learn, that they had reached St. Paul in ample . time to catch the: day trains '-for' their destination, 'thus avoiding a day's- stop over. ' ' r; ; -' ' -' : - It is said that the highest salary ro ceived by any. officer in the Salvation arniyls $6 per week, and the average is less than ojjo-half that; sum. Many of tho salvation lads and lasses live simply on bread and water, and daring the self denial week $100,000 was raised for mis sion work. - ' It isn't the, tisttal vay -r-it's . juat the reverso -to pay a patient when you can't cure .him. jNeverthelesa, that's what's done by the . proprietora of Dr, Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy ',' They, promise , to pay you $500. if they can't . cure your catarrh, ho matter how bad the oase. It isn't mere1 talk- it's business. ' You can satisfy yourself of it, if you're interested. And you ought to be," if you have catarrh. It's faith in their medicine that's behind the offer. It has cured thousands of the worst cases, where everything else failed. You can be cured, too. 'If you can't, you get the money. . They're willing to take the risk you ought to be glad to take the medicine. - It's the cheapest medicine you can buy, because it's guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You only pay for the good you get. . Can you ask more ? That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines are sold on. GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER. GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, (2alf Gind $a& me Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, second St., The Ualles. Sole Ageut for WANNAMAKEE & BROWN, Philadelphia. Pa. Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, TUB DAIiIiES, OEEGON. Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving- Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed. .. GUWlflG & HOCpifllt ,Props. J. L. FISHER. W. J. MONTAGUE. 4 MONTAGUE, -PEOPEIETOES OF TIIE- Elite Shaving Parlors AXD- . Bath Rooms. SECOND STEEET. THE DALLES, OS. Gentlemen will find THE ELITE ally up to the times in every respect. Hair Cutting in the best manner, in every style of the art. Smooth Shaving and Perfect Baths. Honrs : F.vorv day and evening dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nines after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun- davs from 7 a. in. to 12 o'clock noon. CHAS. 8TUBUNG. OWEN WILLIAMS. Stubling & Williams. The Gef mania, SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OREGON 33F"Dealera in Wines, Liquors and (Jigars. Milwaukee Heeron Urangbt. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and ; Wine Room, The Dalles, - Oregon. Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. : '- - - . The St. diaries Hotel PORTLAND- OREGON. 7 ? , Administrators Sale of Horses, ': In pursuance of an' order of" the county court, of Wasco county, dated July 15th, 1892, 1, will soil" as a whole or in lots; all the band of mares, geldings and colts, also one ."Black Stranger" stallion, a fine horse and good breeder, belonging to the estate of the late W. J. Meine. These are good well bred horses, many of them broke to work. They will be sold for cash or approved security." ; ' J. C. Meixs, Administrator, of the Estate of W. J. Meitss. 7.23dwlm. J. FOLCO,i ; - " ':' 1 r ; DEALER IN - . - . - Candes, Froiis, Nuts, Soda Water, lee Cream, Tokcca ana Cigars. ':- JCAUUFACTUSBB OT-. First Class Syrups fop Saloo&s and Soda Foantains, Etc. Second ctreot, Kcxt door to Wincate'a Hall MAIER Sz BENTON DEALERS IN ' . " V V UCJU AND CRABAPPLE GROCERrES, STRX$Bz. HARDWARE TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY; Leave ol-ders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second st. j THE DALLES. OR; 7 NEPTDNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. HO FEONI BTItKET. T ti K DALIES. OBEOON. :; ,v'-:'.Tbe (tavefo Stiriog is Alutays Oat I SDrinA nrA Simmoy s SEASON w 5 ttSnff. and a naaU dronoi Ink, 1892. . Fallinsr. Uke dew, upon a thonght. prodace. Thai watoh makes (houiaiida, petbApa mUiioBs. think. WE IEC8T TO mBE8T A0r DO YOU OOODi - Out SHOEsBiiS : : JSi'&y WALTER H. TENNY & CO., l, ' ilf-;VV , BOSTON. TCRSS. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CQ., SOLE -.AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. ' ' ;' SPBg filiflt LS0paEft DBf GOODS ' COM?jT8 IN. EVERT DEPARTMENT. J K o a w a o N K a II 11 ' IIM'IK ,"ir H (ft 01 o z D C fit the old stand of f?. Ltushep. Chas. FirazefT, Pf op. iT- .CROSS -DEALER IN- Hay, Grain, Feed & Flour. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It behooves everyone, especially the workingnian tov buy where he can btiy the cheapest and can get the most for his hard earned money. We solicit a share oi your patronage: Cash paid for eggs and poultry. All goods delivered free and promptly Corner Union and Second streets.The Dalles, Oregon. FRUIT JARS. .: JELLY GLASSES. WHOI.KSAI.1J Oil KKTilL-W " ' ' ': ' t Crockery and Glassware, : ' '" Platedware. Cutlery, Ijamps, oys and Notions, Hammocks, ;""' t ' Fishing Tackle, Stationery, Etc Agent for NEW HOME-and MHITErSEWING JVIACHINES. Iteedlcfi and attachments for all mociuus. C3isrJcs and ; Tbtoaood. ." , . & : y . 18 Second St L. RORDEN & CO., 181 Second St. BOOTS AND SHOES:;i S ; Hats and Caps, Trunks and realises, biotmng, uents' tapiiisDifig Goods, flats, Caps, ? 1 C; JBoots and Shoes. i v '''" , .: . ".":'.''' !f '" ' - Ti f 1 A l A-' J . " T i . -. r . run iioouiuueui ui mo jjeauing wauuiactUieTB. ' ; Cash Buyers rail! save monev bv ex aminina onr stock 4 It - 4 J- 4 . . ana prices oeiore parenasmg eisecanere.! Hi Hesrbring Open from July 1st to Oetobetr 1st. ' - This DlCtarSeaae hoetlerv. built of silver ' fir loirs, ami rnntjA uivnmlr rin thiti edse of a DreciDice on the north a'ttla of Mount HmiiI ia sritJiin fifbtan mImImi walk, of the perpetual ice-and enow of Eliot Glacier, 7,000 feet above ibe e. States: ' Fare for the round trio ts.00 rktoa r dir ix .sn. " " awv.w aw v.vuv. vc. u id buejuucu wiLfi nvKrvftiiMiir III. ntHrKHL Mill in i m xiu. uua Boia oaing, etc., iuo cestot guides wUHafce you to the top of Mount iooI vy mo we. Dracucaoie rounw. wnicn are iram tne inn. ... W. A. IiAIGTTiTiFit Manager. KI B B E ' MOT E L- .'Cut o ts H H . CO . I ' .X. W. Xi.' SKI HHJJ,- Fropr. ' - " - ' V: w , 3 WM. BUTLER & Cd- -DEALERS IN- COSNEK OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OREGON. Washington flOftl) DallBS; WaskinitD " - - - I ? SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION, v ;This old, "popular and reliable house haa been entirely refurnished, and every room has been repapered and repainted aiid newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every .modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house, trer bos to and from all trains. - . ' ' C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. -' Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Em pire. Best Selling Propertylaf the Season in the North west. , , . . - A For. Further information Call at tha Office of tt D. TAYLOR Dalles. Or. 72 tfasiiiton St,Fcrtlaij. Or. Building Material, Rough and Dressed ' Lumber, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us. -t .; JEFFERSON STREET, jbet weea Second and Railroad. THE DALLES, OB i f'l F' J1 ( .'( ''- - .';.-- - - - ;V -TTIT T-T T RHPrTAA WO! SK The Cormgatd Building-next Door to Court Hotite. - - -' ' - '.' 7 ' '1 :. '";) ' . 'A ';t .-' '. ,t anil0ie5?E Day; f esi or MontjL t - Meals, Prepared by a First; Class I Ejigjjfeh Cook: XRAN3IENT PATHONAGE SQtlCrprb, ' " " ' '' -Cood' Sample Rbomsfor Commercial Mea..r .lA-c ,