2-3 Tie Dalles Daily Chroniola. OFFICIAL TAPER OF DAIXE3 CITY. ANI WASCO COUNTY. , " National Republican Ticket. FOK I'ltESlOKNT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. FOU VICK-l'RKSIDKXT, WHITELAW REID, of New York. FOK WIKSIUBXTIAL ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. II. B. MILLER, of Graut'e l'ass. O. M. IRWIN, of Union. t. M. DUNNE, of Portland. The Ice ffaio. - J; The ice wagon of Cat& Allifion; id on the streets every" looming frotar t 4q .8 o'clock. Any orders for - ice left- with Will Vanbibber's express or at the store ofXChas. Laaer will bo promptly at tended to. Cates & Allison. - - ' A building vp of the entire system follows the use of . Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion, It's an invigorating, restora tive tonic, soothing cordial and bracin&r nervine and a certain remedy for all the functional de rangements, painful disorders -. or chronic weaknesses peculiar to wo men. It improves digestion, en- Conaty Trfcawnrer'H Notice. .- All countv warrants registered prior to March 13, 1SS9, will bo paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington strerts. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, Jolv 16, lb92.- . ; - WiLUAM MlCHELL, 7.18tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. ICXt ICKJ ICS! : Having on hand a large supply of ice We are pTepaTed'td furnish our custom ers with ice in any .quantity at a reason able rate-. We guarantee we will supply the demand : without advancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C. F. Iaucr's store, Second street. - . ; 5-2tf Gates & Auisos.- . 'r-" - ;: ' . SOTICE. . All Dalles Citv warrants registered prior to October 7, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office. ., Interest ceases from and after this date. Dated July 7th, 1802. - - Li. koedex, tf. TreaS. Dalles City. Administrators Sale of Horses. ' In pursuance of au order of the county court, of Wneco county, dated July 15th, 1892, 1 will sell as a whole or in lots, au tue nana 01 mares, guiuinga rlnripa t.hfl bloods disnels achea and I nd rolts. also one "Black Stranger" pains, melanoholy and nervousness, stailion, a fine horse and good breeder, belonging to the estate of tne late . J. flesh and strength. For periodical THE V. I'. AT ASTORIA. The business people of Astoria do not ioii onw mni'li stork in the rumors of benefits likelv to be conferred upon them v. tvo TTnmn P.irii'ic companv. In a re cent interview, Mr. Thomas Eyrie, manager of the C. II. Cooper Mercan tile house, said : "The movement for - tinnosition is heartily indorsed by this rirm. In fact we have always placed the -.stamo of our disapproval on the treat ment received by local merchants at the hands of the Union Pacific company, and in consequence during the past eighteen months all our eastern freight iias come over the Northern 1'aciuc ana by the Telephone from Kahuna. The smallest package we can get by the Union Pacific from San Francisco costs $1 while the rate per 100 pounds is 75 cents. If .n independent company is organized, or if arrangements arc made with any other company to bring freight here, we will support it to the extent of our patronage in that line.'" Mr. A. Reed, of the linn of Griffin &Reed, was emphatic in his views, and was willing to pledge himself to do all in his power to further the interests of the company that had the interests of the business men at heart. A number of other mer chants were spoken to on the subject, and all seem unanimous in the opinion that the business men and .citizens gen erally should unite for the city's good and at once and forever do away with the power of the monopolies that have worked the city such persistent injury for so many years past. pains, internal lnnammauon ana ul ceration, leucorrhea and Kindred ail ments, it is a positive specific a guaranteed one. If it fails to give satisfaction, in any case, tne money paid for it is refunded. No other medicine for women is sold on these terms. With an ordinary medicine, it can't be done. That's the yay its makers prove their faith in it. Contains no alco hol to inebriate; no syrup or sugar to derange digestion ; a legitimate medicine, not a beverage. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. World's Dispensary Medical -Association, Proprietors, No. 663 M&in Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Meins. These are good well bred horses, manv of them broke to work. They will be "sold for cash or approved security. J. C. Meins, Administrator, -of the Estate of W. J. Meins. 7.23dwlm. J. FOLCO, THE CELEBRATED . GO LUMB1 A BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLERV Prop'r. This Well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for. the manufacture of good health-, ful Beer have been introduced,' and only- the first-class article will be placed oa- the market. -DEALER IN- Canlies, Fruixs, NutiSofla Water, ; Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars. . - -MANUFACTURER OF first Class Syrups for Saloons and Soda Fountains, Etc. ' Second Street. Next door to Wingute'B Hull 1VIAIKR & BENTON DEALERS IN Cord Wood Si Ash bApple GROCERIES. STOVES 4. RAfTGES, HARDWARE GENTLEMEN ! TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave order's cor. Third and union, or 133 faecona St. THE DALLES. OK- BEFOltE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. 3R HO FKONT SIBKET, TUB DALIES, OTCKtSOy. Shirts of all kinds to order, at nrir.es wmcti aeiv competition, uiuer goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, Second St.. The Dalles Sole Astnt lor WANNAMAKEK & BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa. . The Iiateh String is Ahxiays Out I Spring -apd Summer, SEASON 1592. WIS tKCST TO INTEREST AND.' millions,, think. , do;tob good. Shoes MANCFACTUKEDi BY-r ' . ,. , .. , . , . WALTER H. T E N NY & C I BOSTON. JVTASS. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. City Blacks Tb situation at Buffalo remains un changed, but other organizations, in close accord, are liable to take a hand in the fight, and bring about Jurther com plications. A Detroit dispatch yester day states that an attempt was made by the Michigan Central to 6end switch men to Buffalo to take the places of strikers, but the conductor refused to take the train out with the men on board, so the men were taken to a hotel. Any further attempt would doubtless have resulted in a Etrike at Detroit. The men will he sent by way of the . Grand Trunk. Second St., 0pp. THK PALIUS, Vt ,i "'" - -I'll vyfrntiTOinHnrinoS' - '' '''3 jr'- II "'" - " ilShop, I' Ll;. -MmL J. ; I ? "Altir " ',' . ..-.,t e Htl SPBIIIG BP DttflOSfi J COMPLETE In'kVERY DEPARTMENT. Glotbing, Gents' Famishing Goods, Hats, Gaps; Boots and Shoes. Fill Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. . Cash Buyers mill save money Jby examining - oa stock and prices before purchasing elsecuhere. H. Herbririg; CLOUD CKP inn; ; Open from July 1st to Octobctr 1st.. Hood's Stable, OEEGOX, The Telegram has information that the Chicago, Bnrlington and Quincy, is fast reaching out for a Pacific coast termi nus. This road is perhaps, the most aggressive in the western association. Its business lust year showed a prosper ous growth, and recently it borrowed $12,000,000, to be used in extensions and betterments. Inside of the nest Tear the Wyoming extension will be pushed as far as Helena, and will be only a short time when surveyors , and engineers will be scattered along the line between rteiena ana i-ortiana. Will repair your fino Buggies and Carriages, shoe your tine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guaranteed. GtiflfiltfG & HOCKTOJ ,Props. J. L. FISHER. W. J. MONTAGUE". At the old stand of 1. liusheir. Chas. Fraze, Ppop. -PEALEit IK Hay, Grai n , Feed & Flour. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It behooves everyone, especially the workingman, to buy where he can buy the cheapest and can get the most lor ins hard earned money. We solicit a share of your patronage. -PROPRIETORS OF THE Elite Shaving Parlors Cash paid for eggs and poultry. All goods delivered free and promptly Corner Union and Second streets, The Dalles, Oregon. -AND- FRUIT jars: JELLY GLASSES. .VHOLESALK OK K1CTAIL- Bath. Rooms. SECOin) STEEET. THE DALLES, 0E. fuiiy up to the times in every respect. Crockery and G-lassware, ."..Hfi" iie b,fnenvfri Platedware, Cutlery, Lamps, CtC! V BbVIC VI t. LiKJ Ullfi UlUWVli V auk I Toys ana JNOtions, mmmoco, ; ; Pishing Tackle, Stationery, Etc Arant fnr NEW. HOME, and WHIIL btWIlMU mrtnmto. The Elks clam bake at Clatsop today will be attended by at least 5,000 people. What a great rollicking crowd that will be. What an Opportunity ' to see t humanity at its best. It is a well known fact that few people on earth know how to make life more enjoyable than do the B. P. O. E. boys and it is a settled fact that whoever attends these festivities have a good time. The local branch of the order in Astoria are the prime mov ers in the affair. - "With yesterdays issue of the . Wasco News Mr: J. M. Cummins stepped down and out. In turning the News over to Mr. Frank M. Bixby, his successor, Jio says : "I will watch with gratification every step of progress made by the pa per upon which I have labored the past year, and will always hail with genuine delight the success and prosperity of the hospitable people among whom I have lived for that time."" ' The controversy between the Great Northern officials and the owners of the property on -which the railroad company, intended to erect "their shops, and other buildings in Spokane, necessary to the repair of cars, engines, ect., is at an end Work on the new buildings will be com menced as soon as the plang, which are now being examined at ht. Paul, are approved. A Washington dispatch of the 10th, says a magnificent model of the Oregon has been, com pie ted by. the bureau; of construction and repair, and sent west for exhibition. It will have to bo re turned in time for the worlds fair. every stvle and Perfect Baths. Hours : TCverv day and evening dur ing the week,. Closed on Saturday eve- nintrs alter iu o cioctc. upen oa nun- days from 7 a. in. to 12 o'clock noon CHA8. STUBLUTG. OWEN WILLIAMS. NEW . HOME and WHITE SEWING Needles and attachments for all machines VI ctxxc3L : Tobacco. Stubling S Williams. The Cigars 18 Second St L. RORDEN & CO 181 Second St. Germania h. c. ni SECOND ST., THE DALLES, - OREGON Clothier and Tailor .7- I jff"Doalers ia Wines, Liquora and Cigars. : Milwaukee Beer on Draught. - W. F. Wisemaiv: Saloon and Wine Room, The Dalles, - '' - Oregon. - J BOOTS ANP SHOES,: ; B Hats and Caps; Trunks and Valises, This iictureeoue hostler v. bulit of tilver fir loea. and rooted securely on the-" Ige of a precipice on the north side of Mount Hood is within fifteen minutea.v alk of the oerDctual ice and snow of Eliot Glacier. - 7.000 feet above th aeaf : level, twenty-seven miles from Hood- Iiiver over the finest roads in the United ' States. Fare for the round trip $8.00; rates per day 3.50. .. . , . ,. .. ; The Table at Cloud Can Inn is suDDlied with overvthinsr the mafWet affordai' Hot and cold baths, etc., the best of guides will take you to the top of Mount Hood : by the beat practicable routes, which aro from the Inruv ; . .... " W. A. LANGILLE, Manager. S KIB BE t HOTEL, Propr. PC r. e o ' H O CD w a H' X. "W. 31. SKXSSEI. g S 3 S , e ts r Q a B . S3 M 1 WM. BUTLER do CO; -DEALERS IN- f H Building Material, Rough and Dressed Idmwr,1 time, Plaster, 1 Hair ami Cement Northwest Court Streets. corner of Second aud The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON." This old, popular and -reliable houso has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been repapered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The houso contains 170 rooms and is Supplied with everv modern convenience. Kates reasonable. -: A pood restaurant attached to the house. Fref buB to and from alt trains. i 0i-i IQ'L O-?.'.: iVC j C. W. KNOWLESProp. COBNES JOF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OREGON. SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. " Destined to be the Best : Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. ' Best Selling' Property of -the Season in the North west. ... vv .. ,, rr For Further Information Call at the Office of ' 0. D. TATLOR Tiff Dalles, Or, K'fasMii Or. A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us. 4 i ' i ; : . ... .. JEFFERSON STREET i Second, a-nd. Railroad. THE DALLES, OR THE The Corrugated Building next Door to Court flo- Handsomely: Mqs Prepared by a First ;jCIass; j English CBoSS -.TRANSIENT? PATRONA(m:Sb . ISaVwl- Samole RooinsTor Commercial Mea.' 1 T