The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 19, 1892, Image 3

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iiiiaior Line
;t JThpee desiring tJ Wear one of tho latest New
He Dais, -lMfflvai iiHa
York .styles should call early as I have bat
ion C0.1
GlevelaDa pa JlMofl pts
1 11 n r
"We desire
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kntcrcd a the Postoffice at The Bailee, Oregon,
Local Advertising-.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and S Cents
per uue lor eacn BUDSoqueui insertion.
Special rates for long time notices. -All
local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear tae following day. -. . ;
AUGUST 19, 1892
The M. E. Camp-meeting is now in
session in this city. . ';'
Officer Jackson occupied a seat in the
Wapinitia stage this morning. " '
Senator Charles Hilton has taken
leave fo California on business.
Capt. Richard Fisher took charge this
morning as first officer of the steamer
The Regulator wharf boat bus been
" taken over and moored at the landing
for Klickitat wheat.
Mr. E. Sichel of Prineville, left on the
stage this morning on'his return from a
business trip to Portland. ' --'
'i ( s .
Dr. Snedeker has changod his efBce to
rooms 36 and 37, Chapman building over
tho postoffice book store. - '
Hon. E. B. Dufar, and a party from
Dafur, are whipping the trout streams
' south east of Mount Hood. "
The November term of tho Circuit,
court will bo an active one, judging from
the entries being made in new suits. -'.
-Mr. Bones, of Hood River, will be in
the market buying wheat at Grants. He
: will have his his. scales J n next week.' j ,
Thk Chsoniclb cartoons hung in the
show window Weekly, are becoming so
popular that we think of changing them
semi-weekly. -j -r-r.. j,,)flr.J..-; tjrf
M. A. Christiansen, agent tor Mitchell
5c Lewis, left at noon today for the east.
He is out .on the road closing old affairs
of the company.
Dr. Doane has changed his. .residence
to the new double house, southeast cor
. ner of Court and Fourth streets, second
door from the corner." ' !" " :
Mr. S. L. Brooks paid the city a flying,
visit' last night,"and returned to his
camp near Cascade leeks -by -steamer
Regulator this inorn.; wt
Mrs. Geo. P. Morgan visited Hood
River yesterday; wltitlhe little ones""of
Mr. Hibbards, household, who have been
visiting aunt and uncle in the Dalles.Jv, ;
- Beetles and beetles. The ' bushels of
beetles taken out of the electrioiJigUt.
globes weekly in The Dalles, causes the:
-question to-. : rise,: ., Where do . they .. all
come from? ' .' ; .'.n :
- The special session of. the COtnmon .
-council for the, 24th will, be for the dis-,
cussion of matters pertaining to the firo
department; and possibly a new city
ball building., j i. t-
" We are pleaeed r to learn that i Mr;
Joseph Beezley is resting much : easier
today, he spent a good night, -a'nd it" is
hoped he will be able to bearpund again
soon. .. " i.;- - y ': , ':- -
Snipes & Kinexs.have.msde such a
tempting displaye pi ' obacpQ--inf tbeir"
show window,. tht, mai.wJfto always
smoked now smoke the more, and others
smoke who never smoked before .TT' ?
Mrs. Fish returned iron Moaier by Hit
noon passerigeE today.-'. aLItti3Iis8e-'
nevieve says she had adood time. ' This1'
is the season for young and old to enjoy
respite in the country
to "cair'ybur attention to our
Dress 3o638, consisting of . t '.T
-; Outing Flannels... .". : ..............14 yards for $1.00
Ghailies-,..; : .:;...20 yards for 1.00
Swandow 8 yards for lJob
Chevalior-i31otii... .... ..; 6 jyrards for 1.00 .
Bedfo trds 8 yards for 1.00
Satinet Blaek.-.. :-.u:.-.;.-.-...-.:.;..:..6 yards for " 1.00
Dress Oitighams . . .. - .10 yards for '. 1.00
Nainsooks... .. . ... ..". : . .....8 yards for -1.00 '
We have marked all of these at prices to sell them as
we need the room for our immense Fall Stock now on the
Meagre. E. P. Ash and A. R. Tozier,
of the Cascade fishery, are In the city
today. We acknowledge calls "from
them. ....
,.: -, : . -.-f
Some settlers are apparently unaware
that the old pre-emption law has been
repealed and that fourteen months' res-
idnce from time of filing is now needed.
Mr. Wm. Sheffield, well known" in
The Dalles, where he- was -connected
with the Sun, has entered into partner
ship with Mr. Pollock in tbe,publication
of the Mount Vernon, Wash., Democrat.
A line earn Die of wheat wan nrirfoi to
The Chbokiclb samples today, from the
farm of A. J." and Maryf Mv Dufur; of
Dufur, just ns. it was taken! from the
freaper ; without -any assortment,' ? .3 It
looks fine.
Dalles fruit. reaehKnir Portland bv tho
Regulator transferred immediate
ly to an Astoria steamer. -I.n Portland
the market is well supplied with all
kinds of fruits and vegetables. Water
melons anu cantaloupes are in bic -enD-
George McKinney, vSam Thurston,
Charley Hall andJaB.Covingtoh'return
ed from -Little fialmon, lastrevening.'
They have surfeited on fish, berries, owl
and ice water. Jimmy skilled a bear,
but the monster fell in such a jungle
that they could n't get him out. '
A 40-flcro field pf . wheat, owned by
Howard Smith in tho Waldo hills,
averaged 44 bushels to the acre. An
other field, owned by W. W. Brooks,
averaged 42 bushels to the aero, and a
field 'of oats in the same, neighborhood
averaged eighty bushels to the acre.
--.Deputy" Jas. A.' Crossen again put in
an appearance at the county .clerk's of
fice this morning. He was one of the
party who undertook to eat upi tho oys
ters - oyer ut . Sboalwater bay. They
could not appreciably diminish the sup
ply, so abandoned the, work to others.
Mr. Hugh Chrisman was seen.driving
tip Court street faster than a walk today.
The city police , was about to . call a
halt, but wiser councils prevailed, after
explanations as Hugh has a; bounoing
baby boy in his family today, and was
perhaps bo absorbed in thought of home
that he-forgothlnaMelt:"'
. JXist conteftt'with;.! the k prospects of
gobbling up all the" wate.r rights in the
southeastern portions the company
with a high soundinggiamerganf zed in
Portland for the purpose,, today filed a
couple of voluminous documents in, the
county clerks office which calls, for all.
tre water, andrmore than there really is,
Iri the- east and' west forks of Hood River.
Isn't It aboqt time .for people most di
rectly interested tp get in and protect
themselves from such rapacity as this?
j, HeyicTbardsoirgofc :himself into
serious., trouble Jait night, by purchasing
whiskey for an Indian in the East End.
He, was, jaoon after wards , arrested and
placed, in jail. , Today, at on examina
tion before Com. ' Huntington he was
held for trials -He will now go to Port
land and lay in the jail for two or three
weeks-to-repent of his folly, alongwith
Kerr. - There is thts difference between
Richardson and Kerr ;'r The latter didn
fcavo cent when arrested,"-' and was
possibly trying to make a, raise -while
Richardson had about I30.0O in coin.
He is a smaller man, bat a bigger fool
than Kertv- : s. - -
i ' In this city Aug. 19th , to the wife of ,
Hugh Chrisman, a son. j
sale of Summer
iui orrsiE PARTY.
A Glorious Occasion Filled With Mirth
and Jollity...-
; Daring the summer months the young
people of The Dalles are generally very
quiescent ; but this year will be stamped
as an exception. An order was Bent out
summoning all the gypsies to meet 'at
Wind river ; springs, Collins ; landing,
W ednesday evening. In pursuance of
the summons- the-'-following " delegates
attended:. .-.-.. .
Cascade Locks- Misses IvaBrooks and
Eva Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. AYiley and
Mr. Kendall,. .. ., : , -v " '.. 1 . .
; Collins Landing Mis6es Beula Pat
terson, Daisy and Maie Beall, Fulton,
Caddie Booth, Mrs. Booth, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Booth, Mr. N.-': J. Sinnott . and Mr.
Charles Green. a. V.'.-t: .1.. : .
The Dalles Misses Rose, and Nettie
Michell, Annie and Laura Thompson,
Ruth Cooper, Aimee -Newman, Clara
and Ettle- Miorf'i Kat' DeHnffi Caseie
Wiley,' Florence Lewis, .Winhifred
Mason', drace CampbellV Grace Mirdenj
Messrs. Frank French, Roger B. Siryiott,
John L. Booth, Fred Clark and Frank
Garreteon -tf...-: ...
At Collins landing, the difl'eront tribes
were met by . the reception committee,
and escorted to headquarters, where the
hours passed rapidly until evening,
when the procession formed and pro
ceeded to the open :, air meeting where
the ceremonies 'were.; conducted; ' Vocal
and ' instrumental music," dancing and
social interc Jurse. Alter this long to be
remembered evening had past and Mars
was beyond thevmeridian the Gypsies
adjourned, realizing fully that it was the
most successful meeting that ' could . be
held-by any tribe.' ' ' -
J i tht Life of Stark Twain.
No living American has had such' a
varied and interesting, career as the
famous humorist, Mark Twain. His
life is a romance. Will M. Clemens has
just completed a large volume entitled
"The Life of Mark Twain," which is
published in two editions,' in paper at
fifty cents, and in cloth at $1.00, by the
Clemens . Publishing company, V San
Francisco." It is a charming volume of
romance and adventure. It is as funny
as anvthinc written bV-Marlr himsfilf
and as entertaining as Innocents Abroad.
AstneJtutnor says: Mark Twain .is -a
sort of human kaleidoscone. Interest.
ing particulars" are given concerning his
1 1 . -.- . . . ?
cany unju, ni.8, cqeeHf rea career ;Ke
vada and California ; bis entertaining1
trip as pno of the innocests, bis first lit
erary success and auspicious marriage,
his amusing adventures in England and
Germany, his varied eiDeriefice on the
lecture platform ,'and his success as a
Dusm'iss man, and a line descripton of
his pleasant home at Hartford. Mark
Twain will fee read and re-read by lovers
of humor. Send postal , note direct to
Clemens Publishing Co., Box 2329, San
Francisco, Cal., or order of your news
dealer; .. .. : :. . ,.. y. , ..-p.,, .. . :
Tbere is some talk of a civil action for
damages, to compel Elmore, Sanborn A
vx). to sustain this statement concerning
the salmon Ipack ,-The total 'pack,;
however- exceeds that' of ' last year bv
43,000 cases. This increase is largely
due tor the: tlareer s sroductiori in. the :
canneries ab the cascades and thfe dalles,
wnere tnree-lourths of tho pack ere
steelheads and bluebackB." Soiar as
the. dallefMcahneTy):a7inecnedt. that1
statement is wholly and solely a lie out
of whole cloth. That ougnt to be flat
enoagh. "
Freifi&lano Pass Lip,3
Through -daily ! eerviceMSundays excepted)-
between' The 'Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p.m.
" '' PA88BNOEK RATES. . ' . '.-
One-way . ..... : . . . .$2.00
Round trip. .'... 3.00
Special rates for parties of six. or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit, per 100 pounds. . . . .'. .40
Melons and Green Vegetables .30
Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and Iiwaco ( without delay.
Shipments received at ' wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
7 0iienl Agent.
. - Gmerd Manager.
A Xeligrlitd Tourist Party from l"trt--.lanct
to the Cascade Lockfu
From-the Portland Dispatch, ISth.l -
Yesterday . : morning an excursion
party, of about a dozen persons, boarded
the steamer Dalles City for a trip np the
Columbia to the cascade locks. Among
the party., were some tourlstssrf rom New
York, South Carolina and Texas. ' To
these people,- the" scerlery along the
Columbia was grand,' and they were loud
in praise. - .The Kodak; was brought into
use at every noted point. At Bonneville
the 'boat -.was hailed by some tourists
that had gone np there on the .train.
They bad been -misinformed abont.the
trip.- The wanted to see the .cascades,
but had . been, told . that., there was no
boats -running , that . far up the river.
For the benefit of tourists we will state
that there is a line of boats rnnning from
hero to The Dalles. That the steamer
Dalles City leaves here every morning
(except Sunday), at 6 o'clock a. m., for
the cascade locks There is a transfer
by rail of about three-quarters of a mile,
and then the eteamerRegulator conveys
passengers and freight to The Dalles. '
At this season of the year a trip up
the Columbia is one that can never be
forgotten. iThe different water-falls
pour down. the mountain side, "glisten in
the sunlight like a bright flow of silver;
the gigantic rock formations, Rooster
rock, Cape Horn, Castle rock ; in fact,
all the places of note show themselves
off just now to good advantage. The
long mosses and lichens - which hang
gracefully down the face of these rocks
and greatly to their grandeur. .. One of
the tourists remarked that he had been
in the Ybsemite valley;" visited the Big
Trees,. but saw nothing in, all his travels
that could be compared with the scenery
ub the Columbia river ; and his trip had
more than repaid him for the distance
he had traveled. .'' i . -v.1" -.
r One old gentleman from ' Kew: York
expressed the wish that he wonld like
to have Castle rock in his back yard at
home, but when told that, the - base of
the rock coveted over forty acres, he de
cided not to take it home with him, as
it took np more ground than he sup
posed it wonld. The party returned in
the evening Well pleased with fbJbi .trip,
and the rnany courtesies shown them' by
Captain Short and Purser Butler will
commend all tourists to take the steamer
Dalles City for the Cascade locks, i The
boat goes every morning except Sunday,'
at 6 o'clock a. m., from the foot of Yam
hill street. .4' "ifS . - . )
i-- H s "1 -'i X t,
H i4 Carrest Twiel" ir
:- f f AJi,, ' i-: . :r..u.
Things look pretty bad in '-the coal
creek mines. Several have already
been killed. .' .-. .- .,r'.r ' -'
., Hon. W. J. McConnell was fshosen for
governor of Idaho on the second ballot
in the republican convention at Moscow
yesterday. " - "
The Galveston - News, leading demo
cratic newspaper of Texas, has this to
say in a recent issue : "Allegiance to
the democracy of Texas as constituted
in the approach nig state convention, is a
mockery." Evidently that brutal major
ity is in danger;' of -serious impairment.
Other "Cities"' Should do Likewise. ' 1
S7 ' 'I
'";tEugene Register. Many of our ex
changer still persist in calling this
"Epgene Cit J'iWc i.wonlH inform
them that there is no such , place. Oar
amended charter' is now nearly four
years old, and according to that the
name of this city is plain and simple
"Eugene." - . , ... ,-, - -' ' . ..- , ; i
-- -And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in t: " -
.'CtSprpimcUcal PaintetaandTaper Hangers; 'Non'e but the best brands of it-ShOrwin-Williams
and J. W: c&Iaiirirv'n PnJnto nnnl Wall
the most skilled workmen employed. .
chemical combination or soap mixture.
orders promptly attended to. , ,
Store and Faint Shop corner Third and
Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
Boots and ShoeSi . - All ..'goods '
we sell, we warrant.
Nineteen to' Thirty-four.
-Tacoma . Ledger. -" There " canbe no
question of the Btrong sentiment in the
state opposed to the canal. It is espec
ially strong in the river counties, and
there are 19 of them in, a possible; 34,
The people of these counties" know'; very
well that the canal job defeated the very
necessary appropriation for the improve
ment 'at 'the.' dalles, that 'Voulcj rbave
maue tne uoiumoia river an open - mga
way, arid thus certainly delaye'djihe re
alization of their hopes of heapf trano
longer." By'sending the joblo the" front
with the indorsement of the state be
hind it, there enrf ber' no doubt that it
will take psEcedence.pver every genuine
and deserving improvement; and so de
lay them indefinitely. - J
' A Hard' Corner..,,' , . .
i The age of 30 is a hard corner for a
woman to tarn, and S5 is still harder.
She feels that she is fast leaving her
youth behind her. But there Is no rea
son why a woman should be faded and
passe at 35, or even 45. The chief cause
of the early fading of American women
is found in the fact that many of them
suffer from some form of female weak
ness or disease that robs the face of "its
bloom, draws "dark" circles , about the
eyes, brings early wrinkles and sallow
ness, and stamps the face and figure
with signs of ill-health. Dr., Prices Fa
vorite Prescription will cure all these
troubles, will bring back tho lost bloom,
and remove the pains 'and ailments
which make" women - grow old before
their time. . Guaranteed to give satis
faction in every' case, or price ($1X0) re
funded. - -:
To'Tne.Vnblle. '"",'",'
i I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Colic, .-. Cholera o and
Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do
to my friends and 'patrons. I used it
myself after other well-known remedies
had failed, and it- cured me-, in srfew
minutes. I recommend it candidly' and
cheerfully upon it merits, not from a
finanotak -.etaud-point, because . I have
others in stock on-which i makfefa larger
Erofit,? but becausd Chsmberlahi'si is the
est.remodv;i'know efi for' 'bowel lefam
plafn' 'Tbere isotdoabt: bout it, it
does the ork-i-Jan-FoKOT-; Druggist;
McVeytown, Penri'' For -sale -by
Blakeley & Honghton'. drnggistsa . d&w
' . .Notice.- '
Those . knowing 'themseUes tihdebted"
to W ard and Kerns will, please call and
settle np, as they have sold their stable
business to Burhajn and Robertson and
must have all outstanding accounts set
tled. , -r rr ' -.' .; . v
. - -.-. 'f , - -..--:,.- ' ' It '
Parties desiring- advertitiiug space on
the sprinkler wagon may have -it by
applying to . .7 i.-.8. 'E. Feuri?. ..
Tanirlefoot Fly Paper 40 cents a' box
twentyfive double sheets : at Blakelev
& Houghtons, 17o" Secot!" strcot.
-TStoels Holders lVteetlnB tii'w.Ts
. - "-.wv. ..V.UI ftWU ,UA, 1,LIV ttUUUUI
meetinof the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse company will-bo held
at the office of Freneh & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday-September 28th.
iv o :ou pi-m. ior- ine'pwrpose 'Ot
electing directors for the ensuing year
and the t ransaction of -such other busi
ness as may come Derorejt.rr
ine uaiies, Oregon, Ang. -lSlh.'ISDS.'1
' - ; G. 3. Faslky,
Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co.
wtd8.12 . .
City taxes for 1892 are now due and
payable withhvebctyays.-at the office
of the 'undersigned.- " - --' ' -- ' ,
; ' - L. Rosoen, City Treasurer.
Dalus City, July fit h, 1892.
Agents for Masury liquid Paints. No
, A first class article in all colors. AH
. . . .,.,."-.:.. J
Washington Sts.f The Dalles, Orege
The Old Times are Kotv In It. " """
While at ear other store at Big Island,
Va., last April, I was taken with a very
severe attack of diarrhoea; I never hai
it worse in my life; I tried several bki
time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine,.
Paregoiic and Laudanum' without get
ting any relief. My attention was then
called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera '
and Diarrhoea Remedy bv Mr. It. O.
Tinsley who had been handling it there.;
arid in less ihan five minutes after tak
ing a small dose I was entirely relieved.
O. - G. BoBPORrr ; Harris Creeir,
Amherst Co., Va. . Forjsale by Blakeley -&
Houghton, druggists.. ; - d&w .
' A rare opportunity for the -ladies' Sm '.
how afforded by Mrs. Philips, who is of
fering millinery at one third less, as sho
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement.4 ' "r 6.18dtf
WuhlBgios Msrket tr Bent. " '
r For rent ; the Washington market cor-. .
ner of Seeond and Court. For terms ap
ply to Geo. Williams administrator of
the estate, of John Michelbaugh. -. 8.3dtt
' Saved a Woman's X,ife. .
: rf XT.l rhrirniwrBwTi1 wvtf ine '(nun '
Georgetown Delaware, says: ."Two tev- -
r -.1 i i - . . , .
Cholera and Dinrrhnpn Kniwili wul
the life of- Mrs,;: Jane Thomar, of tbis
nlnm." TTa nlsn statu that. aanaMl
other, very bad cases of bowel complaint
mere nave oeen curea ny tnis remedy.
For sale by; Blakeley & "-Houghtoo,
druggists. ' w , ' . d&w
Instantaneous Portraits. Chapmanr-
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Campbell Bros. Proprs
(SKcessoigja: ir.' aw.) I-' ';'
l Manufacturors of the finest French an$. .
O -A. 3iT X I CE3 S ;
n :." ' -st of Portland. '
... . -v-.-,
rlifAIBa I
- Can forrOah,'. aay ol these r"-1if it "Wh'nlfi
pr.efaU . -. -
Ice Cream and Sofo Water. ;
. 1fY4 CnAAvtil fiWt TVa Ttll lV-.
DBA U3$ R 1 1 J
134 Second St.; nextto DaUee NaticHsa',-
Bank, DaUea City, Oregon.