fiis Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WAHCO COONTT. , Nati t FOR PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. FOR VICE-PKKSLDENT, ' WHITELAW REID, of New York. FOR PRESIDENTIAL EI.KCTOR8, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. II. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of Union. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. That the present industrial order may meet with sweeping changes iu the fut ure may le granted, says the Review. But no industial change will put brains in the head of a fool or prudence in the conduct of a spendthrift. . Poverty is not to be abolished by act of congress, but by individual exertion, and not al ways then. Its abolishment is an irri descent dream. So long'as there are in equalities among men, and there always will be, just so long will there be differ ences in their condition. . Where one man is frugal and another .prodigal, one man thrifty and another idle, one man wise and another simple, one man sav ing and another wastefut one man sober and another viscipus, there must be differences of reward proportioned to their industry and economy. No legis lative legardemain can alter these facts, no readjustment of the social structure, no cunning jugglery of the reformer, will circumvent this, the degree of nature. It is mere folly for labor organizations to talk about boycotting Carnegie steel. Such a thing is too absurd to think about. To boycott the steel would necessitate boycottins nearly every dealer in hardware or implements and every user of machinery in the United States. The men would be much better if they had displayed the wisdom of the workmen in a similar establishment in IUinoisr who were doing the same kind of work and receiving the same pay. They say : We like to see our employer make money. ', It is to our interest for him to do so. We are better paid than men in similar positions - in any other part of the world ; our families are well cared for. No, sir; we have no disposi tion to strike, but prefer to leave well enough alone." .These nien know when they are well off. There is a decided dullness in the wheat market on, this coast, and the general opinion among the dealers is that the price will be very low for some little time, or until reports can bo ob tained from other counties. ; None of the dealers seem to be anxious to. buy although the market in the east and in England seems to be firm at the prices quoted. In the valley about sixty-five to sixty-eight cents on board the cars in Eugene is all the dealers seem justified in giving. It is hoped the market will bo better later in the season. General Weaver thinks the republican party is dead. There are no degrees of deadness, since one object can not- be deader than another, but there are de grees of liveliness, says the Review, and this professional candidate will find the republican corpse about the liveliest that he ever ran afoul of. In fact it will very complacently attend the funeral of the third party just as it has those of a dozen other third parties in its day and generation. ...... Some of the papers in eastern .Wash ington are publishing records of big wheat yields for the season. A farm in W hitman county heads the list with a return of eighty-two buBbels and eleven: pounds of red chaff wheat to the acre. A farmer in the same, county : threshed seventy; acres of wheat and got from it 4,000 bushels, while eight acres of oats on the same farm gave : ninety -two bushels to the acre. - A specimen weighing - seventy-five pounds' now . on exhibition , at the Redding bank, covered with gold visible to the naked eye, is causing great ex citement among mining men in Shasta county. It was taken from the bottom of en 80-feet shaft in an old Tellurium claim, worked many years ago. ' At Pnllman the wheat market opened at fifty-four and fifty-seven cents, the latter price being offered for Backed wheat. Farmer's' generally "hope for bet ter prices soon-- ru . J: s,..: The prohibitionists have placed' a ticket in the field in Walla Walla "conn ty. There will be four - ticket a ; in that county this yearu' -if'::yi A ranch neaTCayuee station yielded fifteen,, thousand sacks Of -wheat' .and averaging about twenty bushels to tho acre. The grain in that section "Is eaid to be of fine quality. onal Republican T ,. ... fkopgdl the -progress of ' CoDBurnption. The best authorities agree that it's a crofulous affection of the lung. If taken in time, and given a fair trial,. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will effect a care. - Thou sands have been saved by ib thou sands more are putting it off til too late. For every forn.of Scrof ula, Bronchial, Throat, . and Lung Affections, Weak Lungs, .,. Severe Coughs, ' and kindred ailments, it is a positive remedy. It's guaran teed to do all that's claimed for it. If it doesn't benefit or cure,' in every case, your money is returned. The " Discovery " is the only Liver, 1 flood and Lung Remedy that's sold so. Think what a medi cine it must be ! ' . ' '" . Especially has it manifested" its potency in curing " Tetter, " Salt rheum, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, Makers, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo,. N. Y.- GENTLEMEN! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH . '. . ING LINE, c off aind &&& me Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion. f . iAUAN, Second St.. The Dalles Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BROWNr Philadelphia. Pa. Second St., Opp. Hood's Stable, HIE DAUE8, ' - J"-" . 7 ' -" 7 . . OEEGON. . Will repair, your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses,' and in fact do all your blacksmitblng in the finest style. Satisfaction guar- .. . anteed,- . . ;;. . GUHNUiG & HOCpiflfi ,Props. . J. L. FISH ER. W. J. MONTAGUE. FISHER & PROPRIETORS OF THE Elite Shaving Parlors and - Bath Rooms. SECOND STEEET. THE DALLES, 0E. Gentlemen will find THE ELITE fully up to the times in every respect. Hair Cutting in the best manner, in, every style of the art. Smooth Shaving and Perfect Baths. .... . .. '., . Hours : Every day and evening dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nings after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun days from 7 a. in. to 12 o'clock noon. CIIAS. 6TUBUNO. . OWEN WILLIAMS. Stubling & Williams. SECOND ST., . THE DALLES, 7 r OREGON JgXT'Dealers in Wines, Liquors . and Cigars. Milwaukee' Beer on Draught. - . , tW. F.: Wiseman, ' Saloon and Wine Koora, : The Dalles, Oregon. V- Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. " "' - , TheSc PORTLAND, OREGON, .-'"A- This old, popular and reliable bouse has. been entirely refurnished, and every room has been, repaperedand repainted and newly" carpeted , throughout. : The1 house contains 170 roomsand is supplied wit h "every modern convenience. Rates reasonable. , A good restaurant attached to the house; Frer bus to and from all trains.' ' " " " ; The GeMaiiia C. W..KNOWLES, Prop. .The ice wagon of Gates A.AlIison is dot the streets every morningf roin : 6 to 8 o'clock. ' Any orders for fee ' left with Will Vanbibber's express or at tho store ol Chas. Lauer - will . be promptly at tended to. - ,;543ATaa t.4i.i.i8os. County Trtaamrer' Hothfe.l" ?'-' All county warrants restereijr'prJor to March 13, 1889,.wiir iie paid if pre sented at my office,', corner ' Third and Waehlt-gton streets. Interest ceaees on and after this date. The Dalles, July 16, 1892. .. .WiixiamJVIichkxj,, - 7.18tf . Treasurer Wasco County, Or. v Administrators Sale ef Horses; . fin '. pursuance . of ; ': an'7 order of "the county court, of Wasco county, dated July 15th, 1892, 1 will sell as a whole or in lots, all the band of mares, geldings and colts, also one "Black Stranger" stallion , a fine horse and .' good . breeder! belonging to the estate of the late W.' J. Meins. These are good well bred horses, many of them broke to work. They will be sold for cash' or approved security. -J. C. Meins, Administrator, . of the Estate of W. J.. Meins. 7.23dwlm. MAIER & BENTON - .' j's't. 'v -5 DEALERS IN - ' rTrT AAnrr FIR, PlNE, AFt WWX-LV v V -JKJ GROCERIES, 81Wf A. H A R DWA R E TINNING AND PLUMBING A, SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second t. ; TH E DALLES" OR! " v- NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. HO 1' ItOJfT STKEKT, (0 J K W tt o u. w o N K I. $ 1 At ttie oid. stand of f.'liusheir. Chas. Fazcff 1-Vpp; r. S .-r ' DE.LER IN- Hay; Grain, Feed & FItfur: HEADQUARTERS FOH POTATOES. TERMs'sTRICTLY CASH : It behooves everyone, especially the workingmari, to buy where he can , buy the cheapest and can get the; jnost for his hard earned money. We solicit a share of your patronage. 7 ' ' ' " " 7 " '.V. .7 . 7; - ..'' Cash paid for egs and poultry. All goods delivered free and promptly ,. Corner Union and Second Btreets, The Dallesj Oregon', i ' FRUIT eTAHS, rilOLEHALK Crookerv and ; Glassware, Toys and Notions, Hammocks, i. ; J,? T " 7' Fishing Tackle, Stationery Agent for - NEW , HOME and " tf Needles nnd attachments for all machines, Clothiei- and ft A-".!.-- iwMlfiOOTS-JfiLN SHOES, Hats, an Caps, Tyimks and Valises ' ? si;' V2S'"'-J CORNER Of SECOlrt) AJTP WASmKGTOWrrHJi'DALLEg'.'OREGOSr SITU ATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATlpiijrfi -j Destined to toe the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. ..... . u-y. .-.' . . "For' Further Information i ' AAA JL ,:,l.''.T.fV..s.i'''f-?'-(-.-. a D. TAYLOR Tie Dalles, Or. . , icsi TOJtt icrci ..i.Having on hand a large, supply of ice we are prepared to furmefi our custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply tho demand without advancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C. I, iauer'e store, Second street. . s. - 5-2tf ,. : Catss & Allison. . ';..:;';', .. v, j ; i"5 .r ' ' . "tick.- ... i- 4 ' x .;' City warrants registered prior toi October 7, 1800, will be paid if presented at my office. .Interest ceases from and after this date. Dated July 7th, 1892. '- ' I.. Robxkv, "".tr. , ; U i.f Treaa. Dalles City. J. FOLCO, -DEAI.EK "rjf- Caiules, Frais, fiiti Solai Water, , Ice Cream, TooaccQ and Cigars. MANCrACTTJHER OP first Class Syrups f op Saloons and Soda Fountains, Ete. Second Street, :" N'ext door to Wliiijate's Hall AND CRABAPPLE TUB lAl,I.K, URVCO.V. M 7 H , to. - r. . cn ' o z ; , C ;,,'!:in";sss! ' . ..lit - . M ' Til ' i r jr. jELLGLASSES. OK liFTAII.- ..WHITE SEWING MACHINES. . NIELSSN. '-w.''.. jo- Best Selling Property of ' the Seasoih-Northij west. " ' ." Call at th Orftoe ot-4 0 ".'"'- jjs1 vMVJU Wit V ft ' ' 72 WasMniitoS5WiMarDfc f XMJE CELEBRATED GOLtJMBIA BREWERY .. . ;' : . - - . - r. r . :V; g'.AuqUBUCriLER, Prop'r. ; " This Wfll.bnnorx Uraatnvn ! " " .v-t. . j o wn fcuiuui vuv iuc urai xfwr quu rttruu east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good healtB- iui xteeroave oeen introduced, and only themarketr --'- - . . . The liatcfe Stfing 'f'i', t- Sprip aijhd Summed "But word are a small drop of ink. - - "- JaUlng, Mke dew, upon a thought, prodiicea " That which makes thousands, perhaps miUioni, thick. WIS TRUST TO ItiTERtBT AND DO TOV OOOD. J. swawff---- ',77 7 . - j r.BOSTQN, ' TUfTCSS. . 7 . . "i '.. : t--tk7! rri ' " : ' ; " "'" '' 7'" ' "Vi:.. k..h.-? '-T. W.v 7.; ; THE DALLES M ERC AN T I LE CC- SOLE AGENTS FOR..JHE DALLES. ; : IIE17 SPHIJiB HUD Xm iviv,-: . COMPLETE" IN., EVERY ' DEPARTMENT.- bioming , uents7 fUFiiisiiiftg Goods, flats, Gaps, r Boots and Shoes, Full Assortment of the Leading Manufactui-ers. . ; Cashi .Bayers jaiU sayerooney bySpifiSuiJ oup stocfc and prices. before ' ." ' . - ' iO. open from July x ' i; . :'V his ju6tarsqtie iioatlery, built of ease Of a Crecioice on the north Rirln walk of the perpetual ice and Bnow of Eliot .Glacier, ,74000 feet above' the sea level, twanty-Beven miles from Hood River, over the "finest roada ia the' Unttedrt' Varefor fchepaitripr8jiies per day ' T .77 v'i93ie Table' at-tSknia'CapTnn Js su'ppfled with everything the market affords. Hot and cold baths, etc.the best of guides will tafte-you, to the ton of Mount Hood i by the best pxaeticable rootce wbieh are frooa. Ihtf Inn.' V -.; : ;- W. SK I BB E F g-- a-...2p. gste WM. BUTLER & CO., -DEALERS IN- , " - suiiaing it i laieria LunrtjerrMme, Plasterj Hair arid Cdmerit . S , ' 1.1itoIiseo'ta8-tfad8-tnv all lines handled by us. JEFFERSON. STREET, between Second and Railroad, " THE DALLES. OB THE EUROPEAN - Eailsoiely Furnished Rooms to Rent liEie hiyMkl orJoniiy J Ueals Prepared by aTirst;ClaEQg!tsh:-;Gdok... TRANSIENT PATRONAaE SOLICITED 7 . : Sl''CJi-' ""'"' ox Sample Roomrfr-iComoMctat Me4'i i .a.. i ' if ; fW I rlt4Hfer5"'7 V- 1 i X i the first-claae article will be placed on ... is Aluuays. Out li V-V-t- 1592. SOBWIEa DBT GOODS fT 'V' a-. ' ' f parehasjDg elssoihsre -i z -., T- r T-'Y ll.iil-l'M--''1 'VkV r latTto October istli'j. i) - - - f V-r---; -s-.:A. e-.-y.tfl "-:.. .fr eilver; fo-Aogs, iuidTbotaeieturiliI,'.(S4'f& '' nf Mnnnt'nnul'ia irtin fiffiun " A. LANGILUE, Manager. MOTE opr. - Iff' I; ' ... ft&ss- as tr.n s tv7f?I Si' i Rough, - and Dressed