The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 17, 1892, Image 3

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    v :;".;v4
..y.7r-t?.:..mtJf -'t.- ,-ei''','wtj: r"Vja
i'.'"r,v ... " OAs'V- fl''' ' l.i - ...P.. . r :-'---0 s
C ' ; ". r i ' . .. . J ..Ft
XQoae aesinng to wear one ot t
t Kew
" Yorfc styles should" Call eariy a9 I haveliot
"" x J jiorited jiinmber of them. w .
; Navigation Co. .
Outing Flannels...
Challies . . . . .: . .
, Swandowns
Chevalier Cloth...
Bedford Cords. .. .
Satines Blaek: .....
. . Dress Ginghams. . .
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
Kntereda the Fostoffice at THe DaLlos, Oregon,
- -- as necond-cless matter.
Local Ad vertlslnf- ,
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
AU local notices received later than 8 o'clock
will appear tie following day.
WEDNESDAY - - 'AUGUST 17, 1892
Frank Irwin left for Antelope yester
day, v
Mr. Smith French has returned; from
'iiwaco. :vvii "
Prison officials are disturbed about
Caroline, in jail.
I)r. Siddell is again in the city, and
mar be found at his office as usual.
J. W. Jackson left the city yesterday
to take a position in Prineyille. ' .
Master A. L. Hudson of Portland, is
in the city on a visit to his father, Mr.
T. A. Hudson, and family. .
Mr. J. P Weberg, formerly of this
county, has located near Salem, bat
still has a yearning for WascO,' his first
love. 1 " : .' ' - .' "
Three or four stages, including one by
steamer Regulator for White Salmon,
left The Dalles at 6 a. m. yesterday. . 'AU
loaded. ' :
Mrs. J. C. Baldwin and 'children will
remain at Tekoa, Wash., during the
present month, and will then return to
their home at The Dalles'. -.
Mr. and Mrs. A. b. Macallister were
in Fossil on the 11th. Mrs. Macallister
was to leave there for Tho Dalles on the
following- day. Mrs.. Macallister "re
turned to his ranch at Cbntention wir t-
Our good old time friend. Rev -W;";R,
Bishop, has re-established the Salem
woolen mills agencv - in Portland. He
"paid The Dalles a cheerful visit yester-
. day, and didn't forget Auld Ireland.
Three schooners left port this morn
ing early for points down the river.
Soon after leaving one of them dropped
anchor midstream, and sent a boat back
to the city for help. The crew had mu
tined. A new crew was shipped, the
strikers landed, and the craft proceeded.
C. S. Miller, owner of the Monument
al mine, passed through' the. city last
. Monday on bis way to Portland. He
has just made a great strike in the Mon
umental of a vast body of ore, much of
which will go three thousand dollars to
the ton.
a. 4u-acre tract oi ridge land upon
which the crop was considered worth
less the middle of Jane, Mr. Clark Brown
tells ns threshed 276 bushels of as fine
wheat as man ever saw. That's a great
: deal better than to have cut it for hay
V,hen everybody was blowing about ru
ination in Sherman and Wasco counties
The cheekiest thing yet in dead bead
aavertisine schemes comes from
political song publisher down in Georgia.
lms isummer out bums anyKeeleyln
statute manager : listen to what he savs
"The words speak for themselves, while
the music is catchy and SDirited ; just
what it ought to be to set all the' bands
to playing and everybody else, to Sing
ing, wnistung or ehoutins. Please
print the words of the sonz in the nert
issue of your paper, and put at the bot
tom the toilowing (or some - original)
' notice." The same which we don't nut
; . for anything less than the regular rates,
fo.uu cash, witn the order in this case
v - V"e desire to caUaur attention to our sale of Summer
Dress Goods, consisting of - : . ; V '
....;.....14"yards for $1.00
20 yards for 1.00
:.-...8 yards1 for 1.00
, . ..6 yards for 1J)0
.. ....iB yards for 1. 00
.6 yards for 1.00
i.lO yards for 1.00
:..8 yards for 1.00
We have marked .all of these at prices to sell them as
we need the, room for our immense . Fall Stock now on the
wav. . '. -. : ' '
Wheat has commenced to arrive at
Grants is to have a newspaper estab
lishment next week.
Mr. Balfe Johnson will join the elks,
in search of clams at Clatsop on the
21st. -, . . i . .
One d. d. and two hobos were set free
this morning when they should have
been set to work on the streets.
ProL. Clark. Brown, teacher of the
Grass Valley public school, is in the
city.- Weacknowledge a social call., '.
Messrs"." Sell McLeod, and M. Black-
man, of Grants,' were in the city today
on business. They report the new town-
flying with its own wings. ' ;'
Mrs. Briggs returned frora her visit '.to
the vallics of the Chehalis and7 Willam
ette Monday night. Mr. Briggs joined
the family in McMinnyille.
Uncle Jimmy OUver, of Chilled plow
fame, South Bend, lad., has no more
affable gentleman on the road iu his in
terest than Mr. Adam Appell. . '" ' :'
Going, going, third and last call, made
a pretty rounded period to several short
speeches by auctioneer W. " H." Butts
yesterday at the sales of city lots.- '
Goldendalo first nine havo challenged
The Dalies first nine to meet them on
the diamond field at Grants on the 26th
The Dalles boys are requested to confer
w'ith'Mt'Bert Phelps. , i.i ' : .-'-. ""
'The position of the aristocracy in the
Buffalo strike is more apparent than in
Homestead. -The figures in the rise are
more for the aristocrat than for the
plobennin the union.
- - Yaquina Bay wUl have another Dalles
representative this week,-Mir; TFlbyd,' of
Floyd &"Shown,',havingleft by steamer
Regulator yesterday morning for ' New
por, 't6j be absent two weeks. '
".Work alongsjiore is "pretty lively of
late, and the river front presents an act
ive appearance from the Regulator
wharf down, amidst the ship carpenters,
longshoremen, lumber and wood barges
The Dalles is all right. .
Mr. Nicholas J. Sinnott left by steam
er Regulator yesterday morning. His
mission is to inspect a coal mine with a
view to the development, in the near
future, of one of this "long felt want" in
dustries for the Inland Empire.
The ladies of Booth-camp, at Collins1
landing will' give a Gypsie party this
evening. About twenty ladies and gen
tlemen from The Dalles left bv steamer
Regulator this morning to attend the
novel and interesting entertainment.
Mr. E. Jacobsen, who was in attend
ance at , the . Turner's festival in Port
land, says it was the biggest thing that
ever took place in the consolidated city,
Mrs. Jacobsen returned with, "Mr,
Jacobsen from a visit to her people in
lacoma, . . . ,
: A farmer in the vicinity of Monkland
who was bemoaning his. situation for
wheat a short time ago, and fearing, the
fate of buying borBefeed, threshed 2,514
bashela from the ruined field last week
Two, months ago be would have sold
straw and all at $1.00 per acre. - ..
James Kerr, who claims to be a news
paper' man, from Spolrene, goes to
Portland a prisoner today in custody of
Deputy U. S. Marshal Jameson... He is
heldfor trial on a charge of seUing liquor
to Indians. If it were not for . feelings
of kindness to those young men connect
with Lira here in business, . we . should
dress the impostor off without" gloves.
showing that he is far from, being what
he has represented himself.. He is per
haps an unfortunate carv-. '
It is a remarkable fact that the Ohio
State Food Commissioner, in his official
examination of ' baking powders, ' after
excepting the -Royal, found no one to
contain less than ten' per cent, of im
purities. The Royal was found prac
tically pure. .- .- - - -. .. - 1
Mrs. Turner ,'an aged lady from; the
Harney valley country, who has been an
invalid for about, hree creeks . past :at
the Umatilla,, house " 'ial'this ity; ' was
considered able to travel today; and left
on the noon train for her home. She
was carried to the car in alfbair. " .'. . '.
The PendletonJBast. Oregonianvmail-
ing man persists ' In ' addressing us :
Chronical.''' ' But we much rather he
would do thus, than to wrap, the. paper
np in such a wad as we find the Astoria
Examiner i pasted and glued all to-
together: so' that'jt 'can be read' some?
C. M. Cart wright has left for the east
without passports of any kind. 1 - Some
say he has gone to join,Jer;Eu8k,
Cleveland, but the ctis be ..went to
some that he. is. to i6ump Missouri for
make a raid'' oil some blooded sheep
rancnana ne aoesn't propose to return
antil he has corraUed. the .best bucks in
America. - -:. . ;
.There are always a few grains oL, com
fort to be derived from the direst ca'am-
ty. The great conflagration- which so
nearly destroyed The,. Dalles, last year.
left us without1 public hall: J. tBecase
of that circumstance we' sha"il 'be'erea
tlio infliction of a yisit, now pretty soon,
from Bill NyeiB'nd A."-P. Burbank, al
leged Tunny ', ; ' ;- ';
The dear girls 'are dressing more like
the horrid men .every, season, ' but we
have not noticed any of those suspenders
the sweet things are wearing this sum
mer, fastened with, a'- shingle nail, be
cause; , w. . .- ... ,
When the Eammer girl's suspenders break
She's not at a loss what to do.
She knows not the use of the ten-penny nail,
But the spot where the -recreant galluses fall
She mends with a hair pin or two. ; ;
rne address oi Ur. Allen Urimtbs, a
the Court house last evening on theoso-
phy, was attended by about seventy-five
intelligent people, thus. making up in
quality what was lacking in quantity
Dr. Griffiths handles the subject with
an evident relish, and in a manner con
vincing of a thoroughness resulting from
patient study. Theosophy, to be intelli
gently understood, requires study. . The
lecture last night, to be properly re
ported, would occupy much more space
than we want to spare today; and, as
there are books upon the subject, we
commend a perusal of them
A Sample Letter 'Which Ooei a I.onsr
Way to Bnlld np the Country. .
Last evening the Dufur stage brought
us a letter with a check in it. Checks
are always welcomed in Thb Cheoniclk
office, and so are words like these, en
veloped with the check : .". ,
Farmers are busy threshing their
crops which are yielding more than was
expected, and the quality of wheat in
Wamic and Tygh is No. 1. Fall . wheat
yeilds frora twenty to thirty bushels
peracre..., fT, . . . :
Philip Khowles " Cyclone ' thresher
against the world for good work. PhU
knows bow to please "the farmers and
millers. .' : y ' . '. '.-.
l no Lygn roller nour mill is running
on full time, making flour equal tcr any
in the market. ?- . f i . ; f
No body is eick in these parts. - Yours
Truly. NW,M,M.-
"- " NM - -
;; through --7'-
'Through daily.." service . (Sundays ' ex
cepted) between The tallee and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 8 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m. -
One way: ....... .'. . . . . $2.00
Bound trip. .'. . . 3.00
Special rates for parties of six. or over. .
freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit, per 100 pounds. . . .
: .40
Melons and Green .Vegetables : . .. . ."30
. "Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and ' Ilwaco without delay.
Shipments-received at wharf any time,
day or night, an,d delivered at 'Portland
on arrival. - Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
- - " General Agent.
General Manager. " " f
Realized Snow m Healthy Ad
vance in JBeal Katate. . , - ,.
! Yesterday "nineteen Dalles , City lots'
were sold, described Dy Kecoraer
Menefee in the official notice of sale, as
"Beventy feet off from the south side of Lot No. '
. Block 18: Seren'tr Ifeet off from sonth Fjde-of
LotKo. 2.Bloek Mo, 18 the south one-half of
tots No.-8,4,.6 and 6, in Block No. 18 loU Nos.
X, O, 1, O, O, t O, 9 buu wi muvn ... v. 47. nuw
lotsNo. 7, 8, Hand 12, ln.Block No, 14- -. .
me appraisea value oi saiu ora ana ioc tesa
than which 'they will not be. sold is fixed as
follows, to-wit: - ":,-' -70i-et
oft the south end of Lot No. 1, in
Bloek-No.lft -.-r.-.: . .:.-.125.)
70 feet off the south end of Lot No. 2, in
Block No. l8..-.,.1,..-,vs.i........-..-.-ia).w
The south one half of Lot No, 3, in BJoak -.
No. 18 100.00
The south one-half of Lot No. i, in Block '
VJIOi'B.v..': ....'(..- " -.!-. -,. JW.WI
The south onc-hAlf oi Lot in Block -
i Nn.n. ioa.00
The south one-hail of Lot No. 6, in Block
r0. IS tV. r...- U.VO
Lots numbered 2, 3, 4. 5, h-78, 9 and 10, in . . . .
jsiocKto. 1, ami iju' uuoi)KaL o, . .
. Hand 13, in Block ."No. .14, ach ap-
-prai9edat.:r..:.T. -J00D0
EachHSt was solcTseparately, at. auc
tion,. to the highest- bidderJ -y .WT'H.'
ButtSr.auctionoer. . The sales were made
to the following persons 1
Name ..'.,
. . No lots bought.
MT Nolan.. v.;.'
Jos T Peters .
G APhirman. : .
J'Mellquist. ........
John Johnson..;'.-...;
Peter Johnson ........
CO Johnson.-.-. . . '...
J W Cottingiiama i .
Total aumber eold" .' -' i9
f.liiaggregate sales amount to $3,223.00
an average- of a; -fraction, less than
$170 per lot,T. which," when taken as a
straw to indicate the direction of the
proverbial financial wind," . shows - that
quite a stiffening is apparent tn the real
estate circles'of this city, "-The .day. for
purchasing property in The Dalles, "be
fore the boom,'.' is;at hand. Property
will never 'again bo" ko ".cheap as it is
now on either side the Columbia river,
below the dalles.- Stick a pin right
here. ' . ..
A Public Meeting;.
A public meeting of the citizens of
The Dalles will be held at the Court
house Wednesday evening, Aug. 17th, to
devise ways and means for the entertain-.
ment of -the editors and publishers of
the state of Oregon, who will convene in
this city Sept, 26th, holding sessions for
VWO days. lUIS euiwruu aoowiauuu unu
do a great deal of good to the future
pospects, and will materially aid the
work at the Locks and the prospective
portage road on the Oregon'side. ;
Eobibt Mays, Mayor.
' Set m President. '
Telegram.': '. Whatever else ' may be
hsaid about the present congress, it has
one distinction : It is the first congress
that appointed a committee on jags.
- - Forging Ahesd." '
Milton Eagle. There are twentyfive
men at work on the distillery plant at
Grants, and the building will be com
pleted at the earliest possible date,
Already there are signs of great activity
in the little town, and it may be expect-
en that the advancement of manufactur
ing interests will be of. great benefit to
the vicinity. -
: The McKensi Klyaiaan. .
, Eugene Guard.' ' Cbas. Hadley now
wears the. medal pf the champion', trout
fisherman. Yesterday while fishing on
the McKenzie with two flies attached to
his leader he caught two 18-inch trout
at one cast and succeeded - iri landing
them. He says they were not as much
trouble as one fish -as they, apparently
pulled against each other and were
hampered in their actions. ;x
109 SECOND STKEETfc. -. -.
' ' . ' DEALERS" IN-
; And the Most Complete and the
flf"Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bat the best brands of the --
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all.onr work, and none bst-
the most skilled workmen employed; ' Agents for .Masory liquid Paints. - Mo
chemical combination or soap mixture.'- A first class-' article in all colors. . All
orders promptly attended to. ";- - T ' ''
Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sta., The Dalles, OrsgenT-
'Stone'man & Fiege, dealers in
Boots, and Shoes. All goods
we sell, we warrant, "
' . A Strlke tn Bmbrro. " '
Fossil Journal. Dave Pyethill, the
Indian, was in town Monday with a
piece -of pure galena, with" the exception
of a smaU piece of silver 'quartz embed
ded therein. He would not tell where
he found it. a piece of information the
49nBrs of this eity "are . .powerfolty -ajox-
ion's to possess. Uncle Tom' Watson, a
miner xt many . years' experiencei, says
the ledge from which, the' nugget caBQOA
insures. a. fortune to the finder jthe.
Indians are' camped at ;thei.mpBtrt of
Salmon Fork, on 30-Mile. g.
The age of 30. isa hard corner for a
woman to turn,- and 35 is still harder.
She- feels that she is fast leaving her
youth behind her. . But there is no rea
son why a woman should be. faded and
passe at 35,. or even 415. . The chief cause
of the early fading of American' women
is found in the fact that many of them
suffer from some form of female weak
ness or disease that robs the face' of its
bloom, draws dark circles . about-. ibe
eyes, brings early wrinkles ajnd sallow-
noss, . and stamps the face and figure
with signs of ill-health. Dr. Prices Fa-
vorite'Preecription will cure all these
troubles, will bring back the lost bloom,
and remove the pains -and ailments
which make women, grow old before
their time.' Guaranteed to give satis
faction in every case, or priced $1 .00) re
funded. - "
To The Public.
I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Colic, . Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do
to my friends and patrons. I used it
myself after other well-known remedies
bad failed,-and it . cured me in a few
minutes. I recommend it candidly and
cheerfully upon it merits, not from a
financial stand-point, because 1 nave
others in stock on which I make a larger
grout, but because Chamberlain's is the
est remedv I know of for ' bowel com
plaints. There is no doubt about it, it
does the work James t orgy, Druggist,
McVeytown, enn. . or sale by
Blakelev & Houghton druggists. d&w
. . Notice. -
Those know ins themselves indebted
to Ward and Kerns wiU please call and
settle np, as they have sold their stable
business to uurbam and Kooertson. and
must have all outstanding accounts set
tled. ., .
Cabinet photographs for $1.50 to $3.00
per dozen' at Hunt's gallery .on Court
street, thit -week only. - 7 .'-
Stock Holders IWeetins;.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting . of the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse company will be held
at the office of French & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon; on Wednesday Septemberl&th,
1892, at 3 :40 r. m., .for the purpose of
electing directors- for the- ensuing year
and tne transaction oi sucn otner busi
ness as may come before it. " - - v
ine lialles, Uregon, Aug. i2tb, .
G.J. Fablky,
Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co,
wtd8.12 . . -."-'--.'
Notice.' "Y ''
Parties desirine advertisine sbace on
the sprinkler wagon may have it by
applying to . . . o. ruKBls,
Tanglefoot Fly Paper 40 cents a . box
twentyfive double sheets; at-Blakeley
& Houghton 8, 175 Second street. ' '
Fresh stubble pasture at- Sharps, on
Three Mile. ' ' .'-,..'.-..--.'.. '"
City taxes for 1892 -are now - due and
payable within sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned - - - " .
- v ; L. Rosdek, City Treasurer
Dalles Cttt, Jnly 6th 1892. - , -.'
nr Corner. 'jr-
H BRTZ, Z- '
&. CO.,
Latest Patterns and Designs in - - -'
The Old TiMM are Not U It.
While at our other store at Bitr Island.
Va., last April, I was taken with a very
severe attack of diarrhoea. I never had.
it worse in my life.'. . I tried several old-:-time Blackberry Wise, 1
Paregoric and Laudanum without get-.,
ting any relief. ' My attention was then
called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea' Remedy by Mr. R. C.
Tinsley who had been handling it there,
and In less ih&n five minutes after tak
ing a small dose 'I was entirely relieved.-
ttO.' G- Bubfohd, Harris Creek,"
Amherst Uo.j- V. J; or sale by Jiiakeley.
pt Mongotonptlrngglate.
- A rare ODDorturii'tV" for the ladies is -
now afforded by MrsPfiflips, who is of-,
ferine millinery at one third' less, as she '
has decided to retire from the - business.
See advertisement. ; . ... i - - 6vl8dtf
Wnahteston Market For Rent.
- -. .- ' t
' For rent ; the Washintrtoa market cor-.
ner of Second and Court. For terms ftp4'
ply to Geo. Williams administrator of
the estate of John MichelbaBgh. . 8.3dtf
. Snved a 'Woman's Life; - ,r
" Mi;. J.' EM'horouitheood. wri tine from
0eorgetown, Delaware, says: "Two tea-" f
spoonfuls of tjnamber jam's : uoiicz J
Cholera and ' Diarrhoea Remedy saved
the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of thi
place." ' - He also - states . that" several
other very bad: cases of bowel complaint
there have been cured by this remedy.
For sale bjr . Blakeley i. u Houghton, -druggists..-.
'-: ? - " ' i d&w .'...
Instantaneous Portraits.'.- . Chapmaa -;
Block, The Dalles, Oregon. ,- ' . V
Campbell Brosi Proprs
-: (Siecessors Vn W. s. Craa.) . ' . ' '
' Manafactnren of the finest French and . ,
. ' Ilome Made -
: ' East ot Portland. ;" '";.i '-
Tropica! Fruife, Sufa, Cigars and Tobacco. :
Can faratab ny of tbese goods at Wholoaale
or Retail . - -..
In Kry Style. -- '.'
1 Ice Cream and Soda- Watetv;
' . - ".-
- 104 Second Street! The Dalles, Or. .
I ry
;J-" ' ; Biota, Sbo'es, Bata. 'Bte. '. '
Fapic Iqoodg, lotion
: .' .'. ' Kte., .-. i Eto., . "' Kte.. ". .. .',. '
134 Second fit., next to Dalles National ;:'
'- - Bankf Pallet iCity, Oregon. ; , V