Tne Dalles Daily ChroMsh. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DAIAE8 CITY. ; ASD WA.8CO COUKTY. National Re publican Ticket . FOR PRKSIDKKT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, - of Indiana. .-, FOR VICK-PBKSIDEST, WHITELAW REID, of New York. - - FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. -H. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of Union. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. ARMY REUNION. The 23d annual re-union of the society .,c a mp nf the-Cumberland will nlftoe on the battle-field of Chica manga, September loth and 16th. The occasion will be a reunion of the surviv ing irtfirnnB of the Army of the Cumber land, both officers and privateB, as well as of the society. All surviving com rarli.n are cordially invited to attend. Half-fare arrangements have been made with the leading railroads of the coun try. The local committee at Chatta nooga is arranging for reduced hotel and lodging rates, and for reasonaDie trans riortation to and about the various bat no fii-la Thn famous "Wilder Brigade" will be .present 1,200 strong n niKtHl Hint a laree number of prominent ex-Confederate officers be present, also. will The Portland newsboys were out on strike yesterday. One of them explains it tKiia- "Ye nee. we was a-eettin' our papers seven for 20, see? (seven papers . for 20 cents) and now dey want free cents straight. We ain't a-goin' to fay I it. We struck, and we're going to get what we ask for. and more, too. We want de paper for 2&, see?" They went for the scabs iu a way that would put t vale foot ball team to blush. The man aeer of the Oregonian thinks that if it is worth two centB simply to sell the paper it should be worth three cents to make it. The boys, besides, are allowed to return unsold copies and get their money back. The Oregonian people maintain that the affair is a huge joke, and say that no advance has been made what ever. The boys can get their papers the same as they did before. The Buffalo Express of the 13th is at hand with particulars of - the beginning of th lntnut strike. Frank Sweeney of Chicago, grand master of the switch men's mutual aid association "of North America was present. The workmen were being paid 19, 21, and 22 cents per" hour, according to places. They want 23, 25 and 27 cents per hour, ac cording to places. Other associations on other lines, agreed to stand in with thein. in ease of a strike, and refuse to handle'freight. Grand Master Sweeney addressed' the meeting Frida August 12th, and Grand Master Sweeney ordered the strike at midnight. Fifty -thousand dollars worth of property was burned up and otherwise destroyed ' The end is not yet. ' COPTjOSMT-ltM " Worn-out, run -down," feeble 'women, need Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It builds them op. It's a powerful, restorative tonic, or strength-giver free from alcohol and injurious drugs. The entire system is re newed and . invigorated. - It im proves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, gives re freshing sleep, ana restores nesn ana strength. As a soothing nervine, it allays ana subdues nysteria, spasms, and all the nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organic disease. It's the only guaranteed medicine for women. It does what is promisea or it asks nothing. It gives satisfaction, in every case, or the money - paid for it is refunded. That's the way its makers prove their faith in it. Contains no alco hol to inebriate ; no syrup or sugar to derange digestion ; a legitimate medicine, not a beverage. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. Tbe Ice Wjo. " " : The ice wagon of Catea & Allison is on the streets overv morning from &-AfyS o'clock. Any orders for jo leffc with! era wrtq Bny H""""? Will Vanbibber'i of-Chas. tended to.. express or at wie -store- rf-iChas. Laner will be promhtty'-'at- ; Cates A'AL-tiso, i ; County Treasurer's Jfotfte .;' v"- s : Ail county warrants registered' prior to March 13, 1880, will be paid if pre sented at my office," corner -Third-. anl Washington streets Interest ceases on and after this date. - . . - The Dalles, July 16, 1S92. : -. .Wiuiam MicnEu,, - 7.18tf Treasurer Wasco. County, Or. - Having.n hand a large supply ot ice,to furnish our custom able rate; - We guarantee we will supply the;- demand without advancing prices throughout the Beaeon. Leave orders at C. T; Lauer'e store, Second street. " 5-2tf -v . Gates Jc Aixisox. ;' . . . - : - '- ; - -. 'V- ; THE COLUMBIA BREWERY, V, 5fOTlCB. prior to October 7, 1890, will be paid if presented at my omce. interest ceases from and after this date :-. Dated July 7th, 1892. . ... L. Roses,- tf. sr " Treas. Dalles City. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good healtflf-1 " ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on ; the market. - ' - ----- : ". . : : .- " . :.' ". Administrators Sale of Horses.' In pursuance -of - an order of the county court, of Wasco county, dated July 15th, 1892, 1 will sell as a whole or in lots, all the band of mares, geldings and colts, also one "Black Stranger" stallion, a fine horse and good breeder, belonging to the estate of the late W. J. Meine. These - are good well - bred horses, many of them broke to work. They will be sold for cash or approved security. . J. C. Meins, Administrator; - of the Estate of W. J. Meins. 7.23dwlm. J. FOLCO, -DEALER IN- Candies, Fmiis, Nntx, Soda Water, ' ice Cream, Toliacca and Cigars. . MAKl'FACTCaER OF First Class Svraos for Saloons and a Soda Fountains, Ete. 7 Second Street. Next door to WInsate'8 Hall NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOTJ ORDER GOODS Or ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, oil See me flt the old stand of 1. liusher . Chas. Ffaze Shirts of all kinds to order, at Drices which defy competition. Other goods In proportion. - - P. FAGAN, second be.. ia muiw Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BBOWN, . Philadelphia. Pa. City Blacksmith Shop Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THE DALLES, OREGON Will repair -your fine Buggies: and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed. . J. L. FISHER. ; W.J. MONTAGUE. - The Sentinel has dug up a tossil in .- John Dav. in the shape of a farmer who cannot afford to take his county paper Why, man alive! pick you out one good hen and save the proceeds from the eggs. She will lay about 200' eggs per year, : and these sold at the average price per dozen will bring you .nearly $3.00t We v will fnrnish The Chboniclb two years Jor that amount. PROPRIETORS OF THE Elite Shavirisr Parlors '. AND . : - Bath - Rooms. " ". SECOND STEEET. THE DALLES, OE, Gentlemen will find THE' ELITE fully up to the times in every respect, Hair Cutting in the Best manner, in every style of the art. Smooth Shaving and Perfect jtSatns. . Hours : ' Every day and evening dur ing the wee"k. Closed on Saturday eve' nines after 10 o'clock; Open on Sun days from 7 a. in. to 12 o'clock Jioon,.t t It turns out that Private lams, while suspended by his thumbs, "asked for a chew of tobacco in an arrogant and in solent manner." This proves him to be a first-class American citizen, and one of the boys, and will excite the sympathy . and admiration of all the devoted lovers of the weed. There is no password like . "gimmechaw."- Xt's not likely that an ordinary Fahrenheit thermometer will be of any service in taking the temperature of the coming campaign in the state of Wash ington. - ' - -Cuban patriots think the only hope for that island lies in annexation .tQ the United States.' The ..'United'. States would however, rather be excused. So far as occidental Europe is con cerned the present cholera scare seems to be a ercat deal more scare than '. cholera. ' 1 v ' The crisp and persuasive eloquence of the $2 bill will not excite interest this year in states having the Australian bal lot system. : The chief industries of Honduras and Bolivia are prospering afr usual." Both have lively insurrections on hand. . Sir. Cleveland right hand and pen holder appears to be busier than ever. CHAS. STCBL1NG. OWES WttUAMS, Stubling & Williams. The Gef mania, SECOND ST., THE DALLES, - OREGON f50Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. W. F. Wiseman, Wine Room The Dalles, Northwest Court Streets.- corner y i - - Oregon. of Second and The St. Charles Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular' arid reliable house has Vieen entirelv refurnished, and every rnnm haa been reDarered-nd repainted and newly carpeted throughout. - The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable. . . A good restaurant-attached to the house, lrrer bus to ana irom an trains. - - -'-,!' y- i - C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. HO FRONT ST1CEKT, THE DALLES, OllEfiON". ID J K 10 tt O 0. w a o N a t fcti-. riKiri ii jthi 'lint sS'-1'- , ,H -r. - in ' o M IS. "P c MAIER & BENTON DEALERS INT UORD Wood Fir, Pine sx Asm AND CRABAPPLE GROCERIES, STF?AvrfSf HA R DWA RE :t The Iiateh S tiring is : Aluiays Out t Sprii) arjd Summer, SEASON 1892, 4 X "Bat word are things, and a small-drop of inkv" -. Falling. Like dw, upon a thought, produces "i That whleh nutw jhouaanrta, perhaps millions, think. wk ram to nrmm DO YOT7 SOOll. Obn Shoes Afe -MANOFACTURKD BY . - ... . . - . WALTER H. TEN NY d. CO., . BOSTON. 7nmss... THE DALLES MERCANTI LE CO. - SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, ie: 8PBIII6 fljlD SDmUlBt DBY GOODS r COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPAKTMEtNT- GlothihgV Gents! Fuffiishing Goods, Hats, Caps,: ' - y Boots and Shoes. , Full Assortment of the lieading Manufacturer : ' ' . .- " - - -'v. '- Cash Bayers mill save 'money jby examining-;po j stocky -y ls : and prices beforeTpupehasing elsiwherej H- " . TINNING AND PLUMBING; A ! SPEC I A LTV. ; : Leave orders cor. Third and union; or 133 Second st. ' ' THE DALLES, OR.' - - 5" , .&7"a! -DEALER IN- Hay, Grairi, Feed & Flour. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH fiV" : It behooves evervone, especially the wox'kineman, to buy- where he can buy the cheapest and can get the most for his hard earned nioney; "We solicit a share of your patronage! Cash paid for eggs and poultry. All goods delivered free and promptly Corner Uriton and'Secdm streets, The PalIes,Oregon. FRtFIT JARS. JELLY GLASSES. .- : WHOI.ESAI.K OIC. RETAIL . Crockery and Glassware, : . "Afv y-- ? Platedware, CuUery, iiamps, y . Toys and Notions, .Hammocks,'" - ' ' . Fishing Tackle, Stationery ,,Etc Agent for NEW HOME and WHITE SEWING-MACHINES. jKeedles ana attacnmeniB ior au-macninee... wji - . 18 Second St RORDiENcSO.riol Second 'St H; C. NIELS6N, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, COKNEB OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, ; THE DALLES, OBEGON. Open from Jaly 1st to Oetobeir-lst. "iThia pictaresoos boettery,"built of silver fir- logs.-and rooted securely on Uwr edgeof a precipice on the north Bide of Mount Hood ia within fifteen minute walk of the. perpetual ice and enow of Eliot Olacier,' 7,000 feet -above the flea , level, twenty-Beven miles from Hood River, over the finest roads in the United outieB. inre lur tut) uuuu vriu fo.wi raiiea per uy o.uv. . ... . . The Table at CIOudtTaD lhfr ia euDDlled with evervthine the market affor Hot and cold baths, etc., the beet of guides will take you to the top of M,our Hoo by the best practicable routes which are from the Inn, -'At & 'v.'.-",-. si:', h- A. LANQOEJJIiE Manager, S KI B BE fHO TE L-. -w- V u" - - ?3 3 .lit a -1 WM : BUTL E R & GO., -DEALERS IN: Washington re ... .. . SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. Best Selling Property of the Season In the. North-" ; West. . ": .-. ' l -: Building MatiBn Lumber. Lirne. Plaster, Hair and Cement - k liberal discount to the trade in ail lines handlsd by us. JEFFERSON STREET, between Second and Railroad. THE DALLES, OR " For Further Information Call at the Otfloexf- i- jli .;. ' a b. TAYLOR, His Balss, Or: 72 f asMjEra, SL. PcrflanJ. Or. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE.;. -? Tfco Combated BnUdlns next Door tbCoort House. " ' Haadsomsly nisliea looms to Rent ty tbs Day, y eet or MoatJL. : - Cleals Prepared fay -First Class En ; 3 ' 'TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOIilCiTllD. - Good Sample Roomii'fori CommerciarMenV i, v