The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 16, 1892, Image 3

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. - O :
' riThoee desiring to wear one of the latest New - , ;i-r-fV.r.-V
.. '- iij.-j York styles .should call early as I have Lot a " " ,
- ' -" limited nnmber of them." ."j j- j . Tii '-
GleMand and HaFMsbn fla&
Tie Dalles,' Portlpi ana Astoria
We desire
The Dalles Daily Ghfoniele.
Entered n the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first Insertion, nnd 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
AUGUST 16, 1892
Blakeley & Houghton eells Tanglefoot
Cor 40 cents a box.
Mr. D. M. French is again on the
streets, "at home" today.
Miss Kelley daughter of James Kelley
of Kjngsley, is in the city.
Mv F..A. Abernethy, of Roalyn, is
-visiting friends in the city.
Hon. J. C. Lucky, Warm Springs In
dian agent, is in The Dalles today.
Forty cents buys a box of Tanglefoot
at Blakeley & Houghton's. - ' ; . '
Dr. Esbelman was called to. Heppner
this forenoon. He expects to return to
morrow afternoon.
Dr. James Sutherland was in the city
yesterday. He registered at the Uma
tilla honse, from Portland.
Blakeley & Houghton sells Tanglefoot
for 40 cents a box. .
Dr. A. C. Bnell, of Cleveland, Oh io,
arrived this morning. He i8 the guest
of the Columbi aRiver Fruit company.
Youngtown, eleven miles from Rake
oven, is getting to be quite a village.
Hon. Geo. A. Young has been elected
mayor by a large majority:" - " -
"Nansone for fish'-' said Brenner as
the Regulator rolled out this a. m., with
himself, family, driver, team and
thorobrace on board, bound for White
Salmon. " ' '
In writing from The Dalles always add
this i it is true and truth should be spok
en at all times : The mosquito cannot
thrive here. The air is for too fresh and
healthful to be congenial either to him
or his associate, the ubiquitous malaria
microbe. - ,t ...i
Mining interests have been greatly de
veloped this year ' in' Eastern Oregon.
Many new discoveries have been ' made
and old ones have proved worth working.
The outlook- is very promising in that
direction. The latest party to leaveThe
Dalles is Messrs. Clark and Gil more,
-who go to develop a mine discovered
last fall by Messrs. T. Cartwright, Clark
nd Lewis. The prospects are rich.
rBK-nisioBic man. .
. Whit the Pioneer Fossil Hunter of the
Inland Empire Has to Bay. ' J
Messrs. G. C.Duncan and T. A. Mitch-
ell-Innee, of Pasely, Lake county,. who
have been stoppings at the Umatilla
house for several . days leave for Jume
. tomorrow.
Mr. Duncan baa a national reputation
Jill thn H tSrviT-nl V.f f AddII tn tf.j.!'fin
fields of the Inland Empire.:- He has
been in the pursuit of thia aneciaT ncin-
jjation for more than eighteen yeaii,. a
great portion of the time 3n the service
of Princeton, and Yale colleges, and many
of the erudite expositions on pre-historic
i 1 , ' ' -
- animator uy leaumg . proteesors, ' have
originated from his research, - As he has
progressed it has become to him a fasci
nating employment. He cannot resist
its influences sacceasfully. He ba dis
to call your attention to our.
Dress Goods, consisting of :. .J. ,
Outing Flannels... 14 yards for $1.00
Challies. .. 20 yards for 1.00
Swandowns ........... 8 yards for 1.00
Chevalier Cloth . . . 6 yards for 1 .00
Bedford Cords. .". 8 yards for 1.00
Satines Black. .. .6 yards for 1.00
Dress Ginghams .10 yards for 1.00
Nainsooks. :. ...8 yards for - 1.00'
We have, marked all of these at prices to sell them as
we need the room for our immense Fall Stock now . on . the
covered an almost perfect kit of tools
which could have been used by no other
than human hands, which accompanied
the horse, cow, dog, hog, and other ani
mals supposed to have been domesticat
ed, then as now. But man is missing.
In answer to a question as to how he ac
counted for this fact the old pioneer
said : . - ,
"Well, I'll tell you ; as near as any
body can ever find out, its just this,
when tho fearful crash of worlds oc
curred in those days, man took to the
hills ; the animals took to the streams ;
and the altitudes did not . contain the
elements of preservation that the low
lands did, and the trace of man was lost.
While relics lead us to know that the
animals did exist." These tools of man ;
pointing to some very valuable fossils,
including a saw, a knife, etc., "are all we
have to reveal to us his existence in this
region then."
The old man is about right; and it is
not quite creditable to Oregon to. say
that on his visit to'Portland last week it
was impossible for him to enlist any in
telligent . action to aid . him in his. re
searches. If our fossil beds existed in
almost any other portion of the civilized
world, some sort of an educational insti
tution would spring up from it, and be
come as acknowledged source of intellect
or perspicuity upon that subject, as the
Lick observatory has demonstrated its
usefulness to us- during Mars' "opposi
tion." But what can be expected of a
state, even with such fertile resources,
that would dismiss as Geologist, such a
brainy man as Prof. Thos. Condon, be
cause of a calamity howl about his sal
ary being too big 1800.00 a year, we
think it was. r "
. . An Exciting Incident.
In this day and age of the world
when our young men . have not the op
portunity to shoulder the musket and
march forth to fight -for their country,
we do not realize how many, brave war
riors we have in our midst, nor how
much real rbravery . ties latent on." the
breasts of. our society young, men. For
instance, a little reminiscence of camp
life at Collins " landing would not be
amiss, July one of the
aforesaid young men . sallied forth
through the woods, the while scraps of
poetry in keeping' with the- situation
were running through his mind, and
every vestage of common things W6re
swept - aside. " Suddenly, on looking
ahead, coming , right toward him,
what ' should he behold but,
what 'to ,' "his .""poetical .mind
was a huge black bear," which calmly
gazed on him with an air that plainly
said ''Johnnie get your gun," and in
less, time than . it takes to telL it, the
camp, was .surprised t by a, wild-eyed,
bare-headed fellow" running into .camp,
: grabbing h &TO : and . . disappearing.
Fulfilling the.; bible- induction to "bear
one another burdens" his comrades im
mediately followed, the joung ladies
(ex Zoua'vesji bringing up the rear;, fully
determined to do their part should any
wounds heed dressing, ' As they came to
a halt hear the place where the young
'man's poetical reveries were disturbed,
one'of the young ladies ran ahead and
grabbed up what she " termed ; 'a dear
little . puppy" ; and started, for camp,
leaving the young braves gazing ; wildly
around in search ' of the hugh . grizzley
which the poet had" described, but in
vain; and to this day he declares that
he was not the victim . ofan hallucina
tion, but that' bruin, becoming fright
enedhad skulked away and the "cub"
had got in the wrong Booth. -
sale of Summer
How the News of the Contract System
was Received.
Special to Tns Chosici.k.J. , -...
Cascade Locks, Aug. 15. The day
the news, came -that the cascade lock
completion.was to be let by contract en
tire, groups of. .men could be seen all
over the little city discussing the situa
tion and the probabilities -following. A
general dissatisfaction.,' was. developed,
regardless of the .advantages to be hoped
for; t The inhabitants, as you know, as
a rule, with the exception of a few old
residents, area class who are. here as
laborers, who are, while here, dependant
on employment ,..on t the works. The
prevailing opinion of: the people is that
contractors will employ cheaper . labor
than that utilized by the government. ink that work will not be inaug
urated under the new" regime before
Christmas, and in that event the burg
will be depopulated by those who are
here now aa they cannot wait on un
certainties. The townsite is claimed by
the railroad compapy, and the occu
pants are lessees, paying the company
$12 per annum for building room during
their stay. The company I understand'
cannot sell, as there is a cloud on the
title. '
The fish wheels, traps and nets kept
up their catch till 12 o'clock midnight
on the 10th, which was; very large the
last few days. Much to the regret of
the fishermen, all the .wheels are high
and dry since the close of the season not
withstanding report says some violate
the law by running after dark..
Quite a largs number are rusticating
here, and at different places along the
river, from The Dalles : and, Portland.
The success and enjoyment of the rusti
cators this season will undoubtedly in
crease the number largely next year.
The fishing attractions and inducements
offered to the Isaak Waltons, and the
scenic beauty of the wonderful Colum
bia, region which captivates . all who
hayo availed themselves of the advan
tages and pleasures afforded them, when
pulled away from the cares and rush of
a busy -life. The invigorating moun
tain atmosphere and the cool gentle
breeze is restful, in exchange for the
summer heat. ' The continual roar of the
cascades in the heart of the Cascade
mountains, conduces to make life en
chanting and rapturous,, rjiot tp. 'say
The Knights of Pythias gave, an en
joyable reunion, on the , anniversary .. oc
casion of the foundation of that order at
this place, in the Leavens hall., C. E.
Wyley, esq., superintendent of con
stuctiori of the lodes, delivered an ap
propriate and eloquent address, follow
ing which the seats were removed and
the mazy dance, to the strains of music,
kept up to a late hour; . .."
Misses Caddie Booth and Annie Fulton
made a short visit to Brooks' camp, last
Monday, from Collins landing.
Your old friend Brooks while out
fronting," in "addition-to : a successful
catch, caught a fine duck-ing by going
all under and coming out wet all over.
Mr. Crum, of Herman creek camp,
was a guest at the of P. reunion.. He
returned today to join his camp mess.
He reports having fine sport trouting
and hunting.
Speaking of fishing. Eagle and Ham
ilton creeks are the favorite streams, and
anglers from Portland are frequently on
tbem. ......
The great rush for the clear mountain
streams has- lessened the catch largelyf
ana oiuer resorts are in quest. -
This section was visited by a fine light
rain this morning, which made the air
very refreshing. ; - Cass.
i through: .: :.
Freight and Passenger line
Through dallv service " (Sundava ex
cepted) between The Dallea and- Portland,-
leaving The Dalles: at 6 a.m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m.
One way: ........ . .$2.00
Round trip.. 3.00
Special rates for parties of six or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit, per 100 pounds. .. . : . . . . . .40
Melons and Green Vegetables .' .... .30
Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and Ilwaco without delay.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. " ' Live stock - shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
General Agent.
General Manager.
What Is Theosophy?
Of course, to get a more complete idea
of the subject you will attend the free
lecture at the Court house this evening,
In answer to the question, howfever, Dr,
Griffiths said to a representative of The
Chbokicle today:;.
Theosophy is a? rational, philosophy,
which appeals to that ever. increasing
number of independent students and
thinkers. who, because dissatisfied with
current conceptions as to . mans orgin,
development, and - destiny, search -for
more light thereon.. .Theosopy -offers
knowledge ' upon . many, perplexing
problems of life, and Jiuman . existence
which are either not considered by other
systems, denied, relegated to the. un
knowable, or to that weakest of all
subterfuges,' - a special.;, providence
From a theoeophical standpoint nothing
is ; too sacred - for. investigation. ' The
gods -themselves are questioned ; rev
erently, but still, questioned.' It is be-;
lieved that whatsoever the human mind
desires knowledge upon, is a demand of
the ever expanding soul, which calls
never in vain, but shall be satisfied and
supplied - from , out the unfathomable
depths of our own being, and from the
inexhaustible resources of our common
mother nature. Theosoptiy is the root
essense of the philosophies and religions
of ail peoples of whatsoever age. All
have origin in it, Universal brotherhood,
Karma and Reincarnation are the fun
damental teachings of theosophy and
constitute the basis and rational of all
human conditions and processes of evo
lution. - ; .
In the lecture to be given here, Dr.
Griffiths. Will consider the questions of
adepts, cycles, a personal god, vicarious
atonement and Physical Heredity. The
lecture is free, and all are cordially in
vited, especially students and thinkers.
40 cents buys a .box of Tanglefoot at
Blakeley & Houghtons. - - i
Our young friend II. J. Green of Port
land, offers us a valuable assistant in
his proffer of one of the beat bred v and
handsomest bulldogs in the world, if
the term handsome can be applied to
this species of canine, but as we are get
ting along very nicely-now: with one re
volver, think we had - best ' let weH
enough alone. If we owned that dog
here in The Dalles, we should be obliged
to keep a well stocked magazine to stand
off the owners of other dogs that our dog
licked, every few minutes, every day.
. Portland papers speak highly , of .The
Dalles delegates to the Turners festival!
About 5000 people attended the exercis
es at Rohse's park. Sunday, evening, the
grand male chorus of over one hundred
trained voices under the direction of
Louis Damasch, the popular tenor, -were
listened to. The effort was well receiv
ed. . Then came the prize singing be
tween double quartetts from Portland,
Seattle and The Dalles. Among the
pieces rendered Harmon ia, of The Dall
es, Carl Gottfried, director, sang, ?Vas
its des Dentschen Vaterland?" ' '
-; ; -. . . - BOBX.
'In this city, August 13th., tot the .wife
of John Pashek, a daughter." ' ' ' ."" "
Tanglefoot Fly Paper 40 cents a . box
twenty five double sheets; at. Blakeley
& Houghtons, 175 Secon.l street.
Fresh stubble pasture at Sharps, on
Three Mile.
: . -!s ' ,:And the Most Complete and the
JpnPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the
Sherwin-Williams and J.W. Maaury's Paints used in all our work, and none but
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. - All
orders promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts- The Dalles, Oregon
Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
Boots and Shoes. AH goods
. we sell,, we warrant.
A Sard Corner.
. . The age of 30 is a hard corner for a
woman to turn, and 35 is still, harder,
She feel 8- that ehe: is fast ' leaving !her
youth behind her., -. But there ia no rea
son why a woman should -be . faded . and
paste at 35, or even 45. The chief cause
of the early lading of American women
is found in the fact that many, of them
suffer from some form of female weak
ness or disease that robs the .face of its
bloom,-draws dark circles about the
eyes, brings early wrinkles and -eallow-ness,
and stamps the face and figure
with signs of ill-health. Dr- Prices Fa
vorite Prescription will cure all these
troubles, will bring back the lost bloom,
and remove --the pains and ailments
which make women grow old before
their time. Guaranteed to give satis
faction in every case, or price ($1.00) re
funded. ' - ' :' '
; - " To The, Public. "
:- I have no hesitancy in' recommending
Chamberlain's ' Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do
to my friends and patrons. I used it
myself after other well-known remedies
bad failed, and it cured me in a few
minutes. I recommend it candidly and
cheerfully upon it merits, not from a
financial stand-point,' because I have
others in stock on which I make a larger
profit, but because Chamberlain's is the
best remedy I know of for bowel complaints.-
There is no doubt about it,, it
does the work James Fokgy, Druggist,
McVeytown, . Penn. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w
- Those knowing themselves indebted
to Ward and Kerns will please call and
settle up, as they have sold their etable
business to Burbam and Robertson and
must have all outstanding accounts set
tled. -
Cabinet photographs for $1.50 to $3.00
per dozen . at Hunt's gallery on Court
street, this week onty.' '
Stock Holders Meeting.
; Notice is herebv given that the annual
meeting 'of the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse company will be held
at the office of French & Co.; The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday September 28th,
at 3:3U p.-nw tor -the purpose ol
electing directors for tho ensuing year
ana tne transaction otsacu other busi
ness as may come before it.
ne .uauee, uregon,-Ang. I2tn,iz.
Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co.
' ' Parties desiring advertising space on
the sprinkler ' waston . may have it bv
applying-fos : ; ; -. .St Ei Fxrbis. ,
Wedding; Pay at th Fair. ,
The Portland exposition, management
is now ready-to -receive, applications
from candidates for marriage at the ex
position on wedding "dayV October. 5th.
These ceremonies will "be performed ki
a proper and fitting manner.- r d3 -
T. -A.; Van " Nordeh.'the expert 'watch
repairei.-at- U0.HIO6 Second street; The
Dalles, appears to liave a happy Knack
for holding the confidence of his patrons.
The secret, of course, is the usual one
skill in repairing even the most, compli
cated watches: 7-13-lm
':. i . Catch the rues. , ..
12,500 double sheets-of Tanglefoot fly
paper , just r received ; 60c -for box 'of
twenty-five double sheets at Snipes &
Kinersly's. -; V. :i .:'.d2t
Horse.-wagon " and "harness, together
or separate. 'Must-, be cheap for cash!
Send full particulars to ''Express,"
Cbbosicub ofliice.'u'.U.T $f:;-.
' ' ', . --t V-v. .,.-5-.-ii.-
City taxes for 1892 nref now due and
payable within sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned. .
L. Roeden, City Treaanrer,
Daxles City, July 6th, 1892.
Latest Patterns and Designs in
The Old Timea are Hot In. It..
; w nne ki our otner ecore at uig isiana,
V A T IL.. :.i.
severe attack of diarrhoea. I never had;
it worse in my life, I tried several old-.
time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine,
Paregoiic and Laudanum without get-''
n .. . .11
called to Chamberlain'eu Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, bv Mr. ,R. C. .
Tinsley who had been handling it there, '
and in less ill an five- minutes after tak- -ing
a small dose I was entirely relieved.
p. G. -' BuBPOED," Harris : Creek, ',
Amtierst Co., V4. tor sale bv Blatelev
& Houghton, druggists, r, '- - l&w
) - -
: A rare opportunity' for the ladies is -now
afforded by Mre. Philips, who is of fering
millinery at one third less, as she j
has decided to retire from the , business. .
See advertisement. - " : "'6.18dtf '
WuhlnrtoB Market For Kent. '
" For rent ; the Washington market cor
ner of Second and Court.. For terms ap
ply to "Geo. Williams administrator of :
the estate of John Michelbaugh. - -8.3dtf
I , -!- r c..:..- --
i Saved a Woman' X.lte. . J..
Mr. J. E. Thoroughgoodr writing from
Georgetown,: Delaware, saysi' Tw6 tea
spoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, saved
the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, . of this- -place."
He also states that several
other very bad cases of bowel complaint
tnere nave been cured Dy this remedy. ,
For. sale; by Blakeley, & . Houghton,-,
druggists.' d&w
.Instantaneous Portraits.. Chapman.
Block, The .Dalles, Oregon. -
Campbell Bros.' Proprs
-.' (Successors to 5.. Ciaa.) ..
Manufacturers of thei finest French and
Home Made
;,: 1 4 - i: .'J ;? fiast ef Portland. jl -
- " DKALER8 IN ? -1 V. '
Tropkal Freits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
' Can furnish any of these, goods at Whotesala
ornetau . . , . . ... ., .
' -;. C. Bvery .Style.: , 'r-- -
tea Cream and Soda Water.
" 104 Secobd Street. The Dalles. Or.
:"4 .Boot, hoe, Hats Kt. ; J .; J"
Fancipf . ood, poiongs,
, ' ' ' Ktc, .. ' Kte.. Ktc. ' '
134 Second St., next' to Dallea National
Bank, Dalles City, Oregon,