The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 15, 1892, Image 3

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ulator Line
- ' " Those desiring to wear one of the latest New '
- - '- York styles should call early as I have . but a ' -
. ' . . limited number of them. . ' .' - .
Cleveland and Jtoison Hats.
Tke Dalles, Portland anfl Astoria
Navigation Co.
Outing Flannels..
Chevalier Cloth...
Bedford Cords
Ratines Black
Dress Ginghams. .
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
tutored a the PostoSice at The Dalles, Oregon,
aa second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
- AUGUST 15, 1802
Blakeley & Houghton sells Tanglefoot
for 40 cents a box.
HonG. M. Cartwrieht.of Ilav Creek.
is in the city.
Geo. W. McCoy, of Portland, is at the
Umatilla house.
Forty cents buys a bos of Tanglefoot
- at Blakeley & Houghton's.
Hp. and Mrs Sanford have returned
from their outing.
"Kil-deer and plover make the air joy
ous with their notes now.
Fish wheels 'Alpha: and ' Omega are
now beached on the sands; :
40'cents buys: a box of Tanglefoot at
Blakeley & Houghtons. .
The plate glass for Keller's modern
front to the store now occupied by
Prinz A Nitschke, has arrived.
The wool packers Davis, Russell & Co.,
have packed their machinery and moved
away from The Dalles for another year.
Tanglefoot Fly Paper, 40 cents a box,
twenty-6ve "double sheets; at Blakeley
-& Houghton's, 175 Second street.
Hon. N. G. Blalock, ol Walla Walla,
called at the land office today to leave
another wad of his well earned money. '
A burned bridge on the Short LinS
demoralized ; trains again yesterday.
Those bridge burning locomotives are
. just immense.
Judd S." Fish returned from Mosier
last night. Mrs. Fish, and little Miss
Genevieve, remained the guest' of -Miss
Dollie Mosier.
A handsome French plate bevel mir
ror mantel piece for J udge Condon's new
residence, came up by steamer Regula
tor 'Saturday evening-.
Messrs Baxter, Campbell and Wood
worth, U. P.' E. officials, are in the fcitys
-today. . It is understood that the Grass
. ioiih.j io uuoui me cniei topics.
Mrs. Brown and Miss Annie .Petefi
for Ilwaco; Mr. John Filloon and fam
ily for camp, and Mr. McCartneys fam
ily for some point below, were among
the passengers this morning by steamer
' Regulator.
Another white cultus was nipped in
the act of putting whisky where and In
dian ceuld get it Friday night." This
business might be very easily stopped if
the U. S. Courts would 'only sinch the
-culprits a few times.
Mrs. Harry Bulger wsb summoned to
the bedside of her husband, Saturday.
When the dispatch came Mrr Frank
Roach started out in to the country for
her and they arrived in time to take the
afternoon train.
Mr. Adam Appoli;- the South Beiid
chilled plow representative, . with his
. . .greenback machine for "turning out"
one dollar bills, came into competition
- here with J. B.Foster, of Chicago, who
patent ieg into which he puts hy-v
drant water.-gives the keg a torn or two
and draws off a cocktail: -. These gentle
men much Tnore lhar pay their way in
fon ; wherever'they go.
AYe desire to call your attention to" our
Dress Goods, consisting of r
,: . 14. yards for $1.00
....20 yards for 1.00
-.. .8 yards for 1.00
..... G yards for 1.00
. .. .8 yards for 1.00
G yards for, 1.00
.10 yards for 1.00
.8 yards for 1.00
. We have marked all of these at prices vto sell them as
we need the room for our immense Fall Stock now on the
Blakeley & Houghton sells Tanglefoot
for 40 cents a box.
E. P. Koontz, of Tacoma,. is visiting
his father and family in The Dalles.
F. G. Connely has just arrived by bug
gy overland from Portland. He passed
a lot of camps of people outing in the
mountains near Mount Flood.
Messrs. M. A. Moody, Judge W. Lair
Hill, Fred Bronson, II. J. Green, W. K.
Smith, Jr., Lieut. Taylor, Fred and Lon
Joslyn, returned yesterday from a -hunting
trip in Klickitat. Mr. Moodys four-in-hand
was the conveyance.
Judge J. L. Story, Hansen Butler and
JudgeS. C. Clark returned from. their
opal mine yesterday; They have struck
it Tich, and are satisfied. Judge Story
says he is confident that it pays to send
out honest prospectors in this country.
W. E. Garretson's little boy, Lyndon,
had a fine present today from Alex Go
fish, of 15-Mile. It was a young lynx,
and is as playful as a young kitten. W.
E. thinks he will keep it as an assistant
night watchman for Frank, in the etore
at night.
A band of horses -for the Regulator
this morning missed ton account of a
charge of horse stealing preferred again t
the owner, who has a clear bill of Bale
for the animals, but the case had to be
adjudicated.. Justice Schutz dismissed
the case for; want of sufficient evidence.
. Mayor Maya was in the city today.
Ho has called a meeting of the citizens
to take some action respecting the com
ing meeting" of the Oregon press associa
tion. The meeting, will be held Wed
nesday evening. ' He will not be able to
be present, as his farm work is pressing,
but hopes it will be a success. -,
The regular teachers examination for
certificates, conducted by Supt. Shelley
last weak, resulted ,in granting second
grade certificates to J. M. Carroll and
Julia Hill ;, third grade to Nellie Butler,
S. H. Miller, Agnes LeDuc, Hattie L.
McKay, Lillian Reavis, W.-. Laughlin,
Dollie Mosier and Josie Hansberry..
The trial of John Green for the "mur
der of WiHiam Dunn eet for this week,
will, begin tomorrow at Goldendale. -The
Leader says J "If . rumor is to be relied
upon, and we-have every-: reason for be
lieving it, then it seems that some per
sons are trying to influence the wit
nesses in the case. Now if this is so,
they should be made answerable for try
ing to influence the witnesses, and who
ever it may; be should: receive the
utmost extent of the law for their interference.--
This case demands justice on
either' side, the impartial public demand
it also in fact, the case will be watched
exceedingly close to see that the money
influence is not playing an important
part In the case. - , ' " - .
'Headers in a few days will be super
seded by threshers, .so it will not be
many weeks before wagons, to the num
ber of one hundred and oven every 'day,
says the Leaderrwlil be 6 the -road to
TJ Dalles with the produce . of the
abundant harvest.' Every year a. won
derful improvement is made in Klickitat
valley, which is no doubfe owing to the
certainty of a crop.- If is the industrious
and painstaking farmers that came to
thi county without .any .means that
hav,e made themselves comfortable
homes in a lew years, and in a Tory few
years longer there will , be bat' a small
number but what .have built a substan
tial farm residence. . May they live long
to enjoy the fruits of their labor. : Klick
itat ;.will: ' be : a ; prosperous . and j busy
county from: how ori, for the hard and
struggling times; with the majority of
farmers, is a thing of the past. :
sale -of Hummer
Remember the sale of city lots at auc
tion on the premise's tomorrow morning
at 10 o'clock.
Mr. W. Lord is home temporarily
from the beach. - He proceeded to Gold
endale this a. m., to attend the murder
Mr. and Mrs. Branner, of Nansene,'
are off for a pleasure trip, fishing, hunt
ing, etc:, in the regions of White Sal
mon. ' .- ' , -
Sheriff Ward and Wilbur Kerns left
overland for a drive to Portland today
via. the Barlow road. Mr. Ward's fam
ily accompany him.
The funeral of Mr. Thomas Oleson
was largely atended from Masonic hall
yesterday afternoon. The' solemn and
impressive ceremony of the fraternity of
which he was an honored member, was
observed. Mr. Olesen was one of The
Dalles most highly respected citizens.
The Dalles City Directory 1892-1893 is
being pushed forward rapidly by its edi
tors and pubiiehers. It is a home pro
duction,' printed by a local printing
house; and, on that account, as well as
by reason of the manifest convenience
It . will prove to every citizen, shonM
meet with a generous patronage. The
price has been placed "at the low figure
of $1 per copy. No pains will be spared
to make it a credit to The Dalles in
every respect! The editorial work, the
typography, and the- alphabetical and
classified business directory will be' pre
pared most carefully, so as to present to
the public a ready reference book, relia
ble, well-a'rranged and statistically ac
curate. - A doable canvass of, this city
and of Grand JDalles-ill be made by
the canvassers, so that, "ho names of
male or female adults shall be omitted.
It is a necessary and meritorious work.
Let us give the publishers every aid in
our power. One of them is a local type
setter and the other- an old-time news
paper man.
A rabllc Meeting. .
.A -public meeting of the 'citizens "of
The" Dalles will be held at the fVmrt
house Wednesday evening, Aug. 17th, to
aevise ways ana means for the entertain
ment of the editors and publishers of
the state of Oregon, who will convene in
this city Sept. 26th, holding sessions for
two aays. This editorial association can
do a great deal of good to the future
prospects, and will materiallv aid the
work at the Locks and the prospective
portage road on the Oregon side.
. Robebt Mays, Mayor
.. . Cre:Tiio:. ' ;".
The whale which stranded 6n North
Beach recently is still there. The taxi
dermist "for Washington, for the world
fair commission ,:U endeavoring to mine
the Bkcleton, but makes slow progress.
When they arrive says a correspondent,
a tunnel will . be driven through, the
smell, which can be easily cut with a
spade, and then a vigorous attack will
be made on the blubber;-: If a band of
Indians from Cape Flattery ' or there
abouts could have been turned 'loose, on
the whale when it firBt grounded," there
would have been nothing but the bones
left in a short time," bnt "now : there is
much morer-much , too much, more.
Prof. Hudson has procured a lot of giant
powder, and will endeavor to blow the
smell away from the whale..." Cottagers
hope ; that the next, whale may go: off to
some sequestered spot to shed his Incar
nate carcasB, or put off his chantre till the
seaside season is ov.eiv
- On 15-Mile, Aug.: la V 1892V to the
wife of U. J,. Hurst, a 9) pound boy -
Freight and Passeier Line
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between 'The Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m.
Oue way. ... . . . I. . ...... ;.".' . . . .$2.00
Round trip. . .'. . . . : ..... 8.00
Special rates for parties of six or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit, pe&100 pounds. . . ........
Melons and Green Vegetables. . .
Through connection with steamers to
Astoria . and Ilwaco without delay.
Shipments received at yfharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock, shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
General A gent.
' General Manager.
Lict of Autmala In Training fur the
Coming Circnit.
Learning incidentally that the stalls
of the Second Eastern Oregon District
Agricultural Society, in this city, held
some thoroughbred stock, in training
for the circuit, -. including, city view,
Salem, Independence, Walla Walla, La
Grande, Baker City and The Dalles, we
applied to some of the "boys "interested
in the Btock for transportation to the
grounds, that the outside world might
learn that The Dalles no only has the
biggest and finest and fattest -berries,
fruits and babies, the best and the most
wool, wheat and salmon-) and the great
est attractions for tourists ; but, further
more, this being the natural' home of
the horse, we have something in that
respect to be proud" of. :
It was not long until Mr. J. J. School
ing, the noted horse trainer and veteri
nary surgeon, drove up to the Umatilla
house at a pleasant evening hour and in
vited us to a seat behind "Amanda," a
pretty little filly, well educated in tricks,
and as handsome aa one of Beauty's
lithographs'. Soon we were bowling out
through the East End up the terraced
bluff side, and then to the fair grounds.
Thiswas a new drive to us, and the
revelation, as we ascended,' would be a
wonder to the most confirmed globe
trotter. It gave us the best view of the
dalles, the rapids, Dalles City and
Grand Dalles, that wehave yet pictured
in : the recepticles of a well stored mem
ory of Columbia's majestic scenes.
After a spin around the matchless half
mile track,' which is kept "in the 'finest
condition ,we stopped at the headquarters
and made the" acquaintance of Andy
Allen, Mike Welch and Jack ; Parker,
and were next introduced to "Nehalem,"
"Sierreta," "Mamie 3.," "Anieta,"" Joe
Wood," "Rockland Boy," "John L.,'
and other' noted , animals owned ' by
J. O. Mack, Mac Inerny, Strickland,
Lena Wood, John Larsen, et. al.; as the
court would have it,, which- includes the
Allen boys colt "Poddy." ' f-
No speeding was seen, but we learn
that this stock,' which lias a record, will
maintain it on the circuit. . A few even
ings since a spirited daeh was witnessed
on the: track between flyers driven by
M. A.' Moody, Senator Hilton and Chas.
Haight, time 3:10; 3:16, 3:25 won by
Moody. We shall refer to this subject
again, and to other stock Which it is ex
pected will appear when the proper time
comes. It is now time to begin prepa
rations tor the exhibition of October 11th
which is to continue five days onlyv :
;A Rant Corner. '
The age of SO is a hard corner for a
woman to turn, .and 35 .'is still harder.
She feels that she is fast leaving her
youth behind her. But there rea
son why a woman should 1)6 faded and
patae at 35, or even 45. The chief cause
of the early fading of American women
is found in the fact that many of them
suffer from some form of female weak
ness or disease that robe the J ace ot its
bloom, draws dark circles about the
eyes, brings early wrinkles and sallow
nesSj and tstamps ;the. face and. figure
with signs of ill-hetrHh. Dr. Prices: Far
vorite Prescription' will cure- all these
troubles, will bring back the lost bloom,
and remove the pains and ailments
which make -women , grow? old .before
their time. Guaranteed to give satis
faction in eyery case, or price ($1.00) re
funded. ' - " - - -
Fresh stubble pasture at Sharps, on
Three Mile.- ' ";
And the Most Complete and the
ErTractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the -Sherwin-Williams
and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none but."" "
the most skilled workmen employed. -Agents" for Masury Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or Bonn miitrirp. A first, r-lnaa nrtirl in oil vl (M-a All .
orders uromptlv attended to.
Store and Paint Shop corner Third and
Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
. Boots and " hoes. ; A1H "goods
we sell, we warrant.
A Free Lecture I'pon the Subject At
: , tlie Court House.
Mr. Allen Griffiths, of San - Francisco,
Pacific coast lecturer on Theosophy, ar
rived, in The Dalles yesterday ; and is
registered at the Umatilla house.- He
is making a lecturing tour of the -coast
and has already visited the principal
cities. During his sojourn in this city
he will give anaddress' upon -J'Theo-sopby,
Karma and Reincarnation,?, in
the Court house tomorrow evening, Aug.
16th, at 8 o'clock .v f -
Dr. Griffiths has been most cordially
received by both public and press where
ever he has been. - Cultivated and in
telligent people have composed his au
dience elswhere, and we bespeak the
same for him here. '- 'v
Notice. '
' Those knowing themselves indebted
to Ward and Kerns will please call and
settle up, as they have sold their stable
business to Burham and Robertson and
must have all outstanding accounts set
tled. . - - .
, Cabinet photographs for SI .50 to 3.00
per dozen-at Hunt's gallery on Court
Street fnext week only. -' ,
Stock Holders Meeting;.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the" stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse company will be held
at the office of French & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday September 28th,
1892, at 3 :30 p. m., for the purpose of
electing directors for the ensuing year
and the transaction of such- other busi
ness as may come before it."
The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 12th, 1892.
Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co.
Parties desiring advertising space on.
the sprinkler wagon may have it by
applying to-.. . . XL.. fBRls.
' Wedding: Hay at tho Fair. ,- -
The Portland exposition management
is now ready to receive" aDolications
from candidates for marriage at the ex
position on wedding uayf October eth
These ceremonies wili. be performed in
a proper and fitting manner.';
.T. A. Van Norden, the expert "watch
repairer at No. 106 Second, street, The
Dalles, appears to have a happy Knack
for holding the confidence of his patrons.
The secret, ofcourse, is the usual one
skill in repairing even the most - compli-
cated watches. 7-13-1 m
Catch the flies.
12,500 double aheets of Tanglefoot fly
paper: just . received ; 50c , for box . pf
twenty-five double sheets at Snipes &
ri-inereiy's. ; jjt
;- Horse, watron - and ImrnMs fnoulho,-
or separate. Must be cheap for cash.
Send full .particulars . to - 'ExpTess,"
WHKosictuomcc.- - ' - d2t
;.-.' .To The Public. ' ..','.'-''.
I have ho hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's V Colic, : ' Cholera--j rand
Diarrhoea ; Remedy to the public, aarl da
to my friends and patrons. I used it
myself after other well-known remedies
had failed, and it cured::me in-a few
minutes. I recommend it candidly and
cheerfully upon; it. merits not from a
financial stand-point, because I . have
others in stock on which 1 make a larger
profit, but because Chamberlain's is the
best remedy I know of- for bowel com-:
plaints. There is no .doubt -about it. it
does the work James- Forgy, Druggist,
icuu; igr eaie Dy
Blakeley A Hough ton druggists, d&w.
fli-A nrw tlna onil
oavahle within tirire rlnva- at tha nffioo
of the undersigned. ' '.''. . . .
-i. ' l.. KosBm, City . Treasurer.
Ouus Crrrv July 6th, 1892. :-. .
Latest Patterns and Resigns ire -.' .
. - ' i
Washington Sts.,' The Dalles, Oregon
The Old Times are Xot In It.
While at our other store at Big Island,
Va., last April, I was taken with a very
severe attack of diarrhoea. I never bad
it worse jn my life. I tried several old-;
time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine,
Paregoiicand Laudanum without get
ting any relief. My attention was then
called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy bv Mr. R. C.
Tinsley who had been handling it there,
and in less ;han five minutes after tak
ing a small dose I was entirely relieved.
0. G. - Bukkobd, . Harris Creek,
Amherst Co., Va. For sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists. ' " d&w
A rare opportunity for the ladies is'
now afforded by Mrs. Philips, who is of
fering millinery at one third less, as she -has
decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. - :- . 6.18dtf
Washington Market For Rent.
'. For rent; the Washington market cor
ner of Second and Court. For terms -apply
to Geo. . Williams administrator of
the estate ot John' Michel baugh. 8.3dtf
. Saved a Woman's Life.
Mr. JE. Thordughgood, writing from
Georgetown, Delaware, says:- "Two tea
spoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy-saved
the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of thip
place." He also states that several
other very bad cases of bowel complaint
there have been cured by this remedy. .
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton,
drugeists. . diw
. Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Campbell Bros. Prop rs .
(Successors "to W. s. Craa.)
" . Uanufncturerw of the finest Frencb and
. HomeMwie .-''"'
O & OCsT Xi I B S ,
- East of Portland.
Tropical FruKNots, Cirs:and Tctacce,-
r : : - - - - - - :
"Can farnUh any ot these rood at-WhtsteoaU
or Ketall
: ' ' j . to Kverji' Style,- " - .-
Ice Cream and Soda , Water. ,
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
iP?: Clothing:
t- BoU, Shoes, Hats, Etc. ' '
- Etc., ... Xte., - Etc.
134 Second ' St. next to Dalles National
Bank.-Dalles City, Oregon..