2 1)133 Daily Chronicls. TBI DALLES . OBBGON SATURDAY AUGUST 13. 1892 ' . -'- Published Daily, Sunday Excepted. Jy -THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Ocrner Second and Washington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. Terms of Subscription Per Year. Fer month, by carrier. . ttingle copy -. .-. ....id 00 .... 50 5 STATE OFFICIALS. Governor Secretary of State. ...... Treasurer Bupt. of Public Instruction. . enators . Congressman.' mate Printer. -..a. Pennoyer ...... W. McBride ..Phillip Metseban E. B. McElroy I J. N. Dolph " j. If. Mitchell B. Hermann Frank Baker COUSfTT OFFICIALS. County Judge..... Geo. C. Blakelcv flberiu... ..T.A.Ward Clerk Treasurer OommiEs oners Assessor..:.. J. ....J. B.Crossen ...Wm. Miehell l.Tasr. Damielle Prank Kincoid .Joel W. Koontz Borreyor E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .'Troy Shelley , r XT VT Vo-t verts Ml uoroner FRENCH & CO., v BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENEBAJLBANK1NG BDSINE83 Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. . THE DALLES Rational Bank, - Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - - - - . Z. F. Moody Vice-President,.. - - Chaki.es Hilton Cashier, - - - - ' - ' M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, " SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. The Dalles Gigai7.: factory FACTORY NO. 103. f-Xf A TJOof tne Best Brands VvJ.VJT-iA.AXO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reDUtation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the noma manuiacturea article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. So. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles, Or, This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. Butts, long a resi- dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Disturbance. In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Give the old mafi a call and you will come again. SAN FRANCISCO BEER" HALL. Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon. FRED LEMKE, Propr. Visitor a to the Snn Francisco Beer Hall will Unci the best of everything, and are sure to crill egain. Choice domestic and imported Cigars, Wines, Xiquors, Beer, Etc. . ESTABLISHED w-AA4 CAVFAT Trade jT " .DEJiGHSi Marks. ''4CopYiaiHT W tirt ipUI attration to ctta rct la ethw u&r. a . uw prrpamioM ci opuusn vo miring. cop ud validity of p&teats, awna Un proM dSuie of nuts for loiringeient. Our book eflBStne tu, tormi, rfernof tc, sent froo. EDSON BBOTHETtS, Kui table BnlldlBfl 1003 V 8t.t VUin(fton, I. C HTSb4 tkr oteaH fr-potg om hnom 1DS rac booklet. ;iaviitiTyroeri." yvbHslwr'strio . ats, and r oLartiF-ooDteiinlai punpsit Cor Is Keeps a full assortment of Cit 1 1 11 rt mm;: IF. and Provisions. ', which he otters at Low Figures. SPECIAL :-: PR1GES . to Cash Buyers. Highest Cash Prices' for Ems and otter Produce. , 170 SECOND STflEET. JOHN PASHEKV t - Tailor, Next door to Waaco Sun. . Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, Pants Patterns, etc., 'of all latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. repaiiuncj and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. City Wagon Shop, Second St., opposite Hood's Stable, TBB DAU.ES, A. SANDROCK, Prop. First class Carriage and Wagon .mak ing. General repairing to order, in a satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Give me a call. . OMAHA Kansas City, St. Paxil, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, . AND ALL POINTS East, North and South. LEAVE THE DALLES: No. 7, west bound.. 4:10 p.m. No. 1, " " 3:05 a. m. No. 2, east bound ..... 11 :65 p. hi. No. 8, " ... 1:25 p. m. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING HAIR CARS, aod DINERS. Steamers from PORTLAND to SAN FRANCISCO EVERY FOUR DAYS. TICKETS EUROPE For rates and general information call on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent. W. H. UX'RLBURT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.. M Washington St., Pobtla no, Oregon. From TERjBlHrlli of ItfTEtyOl? Points THE RKILRQKD Is the lino to take ' TO ALL-POINTS EAST AND SODTH. It is the Dining Car Route. A runs Through vestiDUtea i rains every any in uie j tsar w pi pan! and . Chicago ISO CHASOE. OF CARS.. T - s"awi rf TiinivKv i"'a-ft nnail yiri conH Tn11 man Drawiug Room sleepers of Hitest equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Best that can be constructed, and in which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Eccond-class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, connecting with nil linos, affording direct and uninterrupted service. . Pullman Sleeper reservations can be- secured in advance through any agent of the road. . TUDnilPU TinifCTC To and from all innUUUIt IIUIM.IO points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket office Qf the company. .... . " Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on applications -. W. ALtAWAY, Agent D. P. & Ai Nav. Co., Regulator office, The Daues, or,, or- - A. D. CHARLTON,- ' Ass't. IGeneral Passenger Agt, Portland, Ogn, pier cnan (Pnl ONSALE t AJ S,L ill TO PltOFKSSIONAI. CARD- gan. Suc cessor' to Dr.' Tucker.- tlfltee over trench Jiahk, The Dalles Or. :vi,-. ; V " ' - -';J f. SAI.VER, Civil. EKsiXEtmso, Survey injr, and Architlcturc. Thet)alles, Or.. - T -1". SXEDAKER, 1): D. has located por- uianently in TnirfaUes, and offers his er i vices to the public Iri nted of dentistry. Office ' in. Chapman building, S?cond street room 12, over The Dalles rnttODai.-Doua,. .- - DB. fcSHELMAN (noxoPATHic'PHlrsictA.x nud Sukobox. Calls answered promptly, day or night, city or country- Office So. 36 and 37 "Chapman block. " ... ftf - DR. O. I. DOASE-physiciak and stbm UKoy. Office: rooms 5 and C Chapmarr Block. Residence No. 28, Fourth street, one block south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. 2 to 5 and 7 to P. M. DslDDAIJ. Dektist. Gas given for the . painless citractionTjf teeth. -Also teeth 4et on flowed aluminum-plate. Rooms: Sign of 5be Golden Tooth, Second Street ... , I.B.DUFCR. GEO. ATKIKS. FRANK MKKEFXE. D CFUR, WATK1K8 & MENEFEE ATTOB- mc vs-AT-LAxr Room Jio. 43. over rost Office Hullding, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon.' , -, - - WH. WILSOK ATTORN EY-AT-LIW EOOD18 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second 6treet. The Dallee, Oregon. ... a j5. BENK ETT, ATTORKE Y-AT-LAW. Of :Y. Bee in Schanno'a building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. . r. T. MAYS. B. 8. HCNTINGTON. B. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTIKGTON & WILSON ATTOB-kets-at-uv. OfficcB, French' block over Firbt National Bank, The Dallee. Oregon. T-vB. EUZA A. INGil.LS. PnvsioiASf-. -Svr JLf oeon and OrtJHST.- omce: itooma wamn 47 Chapman Block. SO-CIKTIES. A SSEMBLY NO. 4S27, K. OF I Jleets in K. V of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes days of each mouth at 7:33 p. m. ITTASTO LODGE. NO. 15. A. F. & A. M r-Meets W first and third Monday of each month at 7 r. x. DALLES BOYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets In Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mr. Hood CamoNo.59.MeetsTuesdayeven- bigof each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:30 r. X. -lOLTJMBIA LODOE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets .j everv imaav evening at 7 :au o ciocz, in n.. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers .are welcome. .. li. clocuh, eec y. . a. dills,:, it. FRIENDSHIP LODOE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets everv Mondav eveninr at 7:90 o'clock, in Schanno's building, .corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited. W. 8. CRAV. D. W. ausb, K of K. ana d. v. v. WOMEN'S . CHRISTIAi .- TEMPERENCE ' UNION will meet every Friday afternoon it 3 o'clock at the reading room. A 11 are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. TJ. W. Meets at K. f P. Hall, Corner Second and Court Streets, Thursday evenings at 7:30. W.8 Mtbbs, Financier. . X. W. J AS. NE8MITH POST, No. 32, G. A. H. Meets every Saturday at 7:30 P. x., in tho E. of P. Hall. B. OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon In tho K. of P. Hall. ESANG VEREIN Meets every . Sunday JT evening in the K. of P. Hall. - BOF L. F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the . K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each-month, st 7:3u p. M.- THE CHCBCHE8. ST. t'ETERS CHURCH Rev. Father Bbons ' oessT Pastor.- Low Mass'every Sunday at 7 a. X. High Mass at 10:30 a.m. Vespers at 7r.it. ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching In thn V. M. CI A. rooms everv Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school immediately alter morning service. . J. a. urciuiro, pasior. ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D.Sutaliffe Rector. Services everv Sunday at 11 a. x. and 7:30 p. x. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:30 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tav iob, Pastor. Morning services every Sab bath at the academy at 11 a. K. Sabbath School Immediately after morning--services. Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi dence. Union services in the court house at 7 P.M. - CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. Ccbtts, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 L. X. and 7 P, H. Sunday School after morning service. 'Strangers cordially invited. Seat free. ME. CHURCH Rev. A. C. Spbncbr, pastor. Services every Sunday morning. Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock p. x. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people to all. YOOH flTTEHTIOll - 13 called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glaes, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrie the Finest Line of- Picture To be fotjnd in the City. 72 CUashington Street ti'rfae i department of sgricnltara at i Washington has received from Ooasnl Jones, located at Chin Kiang-, China, a jgmall: bottle containing specimens of a enriona fungus that actually grows from a species of" caterpillar. - Dnlitely as it may seern, this . fungus literally, trans forms the caterpillar "into a vegetable, making the unhappy -insect -serve the purpose of a root. The caterpillar itself is the larva of a moth peculiar to China and Japan. When the cold of winter approaches, this moth bores a bole- in the ground to a depth of three to seven inches and curls hiniself up to wait for spring. - , ' '' While taking his winter sleep he is of ten attacked by a remarkable disease, which causes him to send forth shoots like a sprouting vegetable. These shoots appear and fructify above the ground like any other species of Mushroom. This remarkable animal vegetable has no other means of growth than the curi ous one above described. St. Louis Re public. - ; " - . . A Study of Eye. ." A story is told of the courtship of the late Sir (Jeorge Airyj the famous astron omer. By reason of his timidity, he seemed doomed to be a bachelor for life. But fortune favored him and he drifted into matrimony in an unexpected way. An intimate friend remarked to him one day: "Have you ever observed Miss ' eyes? They have' the property of double refraction. ' "Dear me, that is very odd;" he exclaimed; "1 6hould like to see that. Do you think 1 might ven ture to call?" And call he did, and begged permission to examine the young lady's eyes. - . - The novelty of the situation may have fascinated him. At any rate he begged the privilege of a second, look at the eyes in a clear light; the problem grew so interesting that he at length came to the conclusion to make it a life study. The boldness born of scientific curiosity enabled him ultimately to propose. He was accepted, and the strange courtship ended in a happy marriage. London Tit-Bits. S1G Head Aches. Siok-headaches are the bntward Indications of derangements of the stomach and bowels. Joy's Vegetable BanaparlllS) is tho only bowel regulotlng preparation of Sarsapaxllla, it is seen why it ts the only appropriate Barsaparilla in sick -headaches. It is not only appropriate; it is an absolute cure. - After a course of it an occa sional dose at intervals will forever after prevent return. - Jno. U.hl.'ox, of 735 Turk Street, San Franciscot writes: "I have been troubled with. attacks of sick-headache for the last three years from one to three times a week. Some time ago I bought two bottles or Joy's Vegetable Barsaparilla and have only Lad one attack since and that was on too second day after I began using it." . inn's Vesetable illiy a Sarsaparilia For Sale by SNIPES St K1NERSLY THE DALLES. OREGON. A NEW Dndertaking Establishment! PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IN Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business complete Undertaking . Establishment, ana as we are in no .way conecta wwn the UnderUkers' Trust our prices win be low accordingly. ' Keinember our place on Second strfcet, nest to Moodv's bank:. . - J. S. SCHKKCK, H. M. Bkalj. rresiaent. Cashier. First Hational Bank. HE DALLES, t - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, suDject to bignt Draft or Check. . Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on uay oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange eold on New York, Kan i-rancisco ana.rort . - .land. . : PIREOTOKS. D. P. Thompsost. :": Jko. S. Schejjck. Ed. -M. WrLLiAMS, Geo. A.. Liebe. . - .' II. M. Beali.. G W. Johnston & Son. Carpiers sun Euitt. Shop at K0vlj2 First Street. J 1 All Job . Work, promptly attended to and estimates given on all wood work. ; K EIRST"QLHSS Pin if CAN BE HAD AT THE C H R O NICLE O F F I CE ' . treasonably ; Ruinous tates. " I l i D. BUNN Pipe Hit TIr Baiis aitf goring MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSTJKE. Shop on Third Street, next lilacksmith bhop. Columbia THE DAUES, OREGON. .-' Best Dollar a Day First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. . First Class Hotel in Every Respect. . ." ; . : DEALERS IN; Siapie ana Fancy Grocsfies. Hay, Grain Masonic Block. Corner Third and THE Daily and Weekly Editions. . THE CHROISICLE was established for the ex- -press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and Ihe surrounding country, and the satisfying ... effect of its mission , is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and ' -Grant counties as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence" it .is the - best medium' for advertisers in the Inland Empire, j The Daily , Chronicle is published every eve- , ning in the week (Sundays excepted) at $6.00 per . annum. " The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. ' . For advertising" rates,' subscriptiSs, etc., address THE CHRONICLE :::.;k;1THE: ;DALLES::; Wasco County, '. ':f ;.-' " ' .:Orego4j?.v The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at tae hea.d of Tioyigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriying' pros perous city. " ; -- -H '-- ' , .... . v : . v ITS TERRITORY. - . It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural ; and grazing country, its trade 'reaching as far 'south as Sunimer - Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. - - - ' ' '; The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing' country along the eastern .slope of the Cas- . . cades furnishes pasture for .thousands of sheep, J;he wool from which finds market here. . " '' " ' . - The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year:' '. : : ITS PRODUCTS. . .. ; . The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this, year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. - ... " -. ' .'-.- The products of the beautiful 'Klickitat valley find market -here, and the country south and- east has . this year . filled .the , warehouses, and all available- storage places to overflowing with their products. -r . ''. ITS WEALTH. --W- It is the richest city of its size on the coast .and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country ; than is tributary to any Qther city in Eastern Oregon. ..... Its situation is unsurpasse'dl1 Its climate delightful. . Its pos . sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. - And on these corner stones she-stands. : , ' .- m: jJ v - i door west of Young tSrKues O House on the Coast! Hotel None but the Uest ot White Help .Employed. T. T. JliGholas,- Ppopr and Feed. Court Streets'. The Dalies,Oregoii. '- 4 C HR ONI C li " PUBLISHING CO. Dalles, Oregon. ( 7