The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 13, 1892, Image 3

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    . Z-V fVS3SW2 V3&-r mt-J? --T--.- V- .
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; , J Those desiring to wear one of the latest Sew
'.-""'.--. "t York' etyles shouldeaU" .early ii8I-b.ave but';a.'
:.. t limited number of tleni;' -en : - .. i. '',- .-
Tie Drti M AUoria
. - ;IT?iTigation CJo.
ri rv ? p
... . . . -v.
Gleveland and Harrison
'm . -Mi i a '
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We desire
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered s the Post fCce at The "Dalles, Oregon,
as seooud-class matter.
Local Advertising
10 CenU per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
rill appear the following day.
SATURDAY- - - , AUGUST 13, 1892
Blakeley & Houghton sells Tanglefoot
for 40 cents a box.
Mr. Folco is adding an ice cream par
lor to his East End resort.
The Condon region 'was visited 'by. a
heavy rain shower Wednesday.
The Oregon press association will
meet at Th6 Dalles September 26th.
40 cents buys a box of Tanglefoot at
Blakeley & Houghtons.
About fifty - Dalles German - citizens
are with the singers in . Portland today.
Ed! to' Brooks, of tho Dufur Dispatch,
paid Tin Cubwxicle a fraternal Visit
today. . ."; j 1 i '. t ' - i 1. '
Mrs. OBarr is preparing for winter by
adding plastering to the walls of her
Mays & Crowe are making room on
their premises today for a car load of
hard wood, and a car load of stoves. .
Tanglefoot Fly Paoer 40 cents a box.
twentyflve double sheets; at Blakeley
& Houghtons, 175 Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarland and
Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, of Heppner, went
up to Cloud Cap Wednesday. , . . . .
J. C. Parker, for many years justice of
the peace for Burns precinct, died at bis
home there last week, after an illness of
about one dav. - -, - -
Mr. Clarence O. Bunker is on a visit
to his father in Portland, taking in Os
wego. Miss Ouida, his sister, has just
returned from n similar visit.
A London dispatch says members of
the cabinet met at noon yesterday and
formally agreed to resign. Most of the
ministers will leave town today. - , :
New wheat is being delivered 'at sta
tions along the line of the Union Pacific
The receipts are yet small, but before
many days teaming will begin in ear
nest. -.v.-..;,'
Forty cents buys a. box of Tanglefoot
at Blakeley & Houghton's.
The county exhibit of fruits from
Wasco is in the hands of a committee
consisting of the secretary, Mr. Raw
son, Frank Creighton.'Alex. Anderson,
Joel W. Koontz and N. Whealden.
Notwithstanding reports to the con
trary it is authoritatively stated that the
output of grain in Umatilla county will
be greater this year than ever before,
the yield in many localities being en
tirely satisfactory in quality and quan
tity. C " ' ;. -; . '
An entirely new element appears in
American politics this year, and it Is
me likely to grow in importance. It is
khe Indian vote. ' Few people realize
jthat the Indian, under the Dawes law,
if he shall take land 'in severalty,"
jani this year, for the first time, the red
ks well as the hlack wards of the nation ,
Jill help elect a president. Across the
bolumbia the Indian has made his ap-'
pearanco in politics - already. Peter
Stanup attended the state convention in
Washington as a delegate from Pierce.
unfy.. : ' "' ' .
to call your attention to our
Dress Goods, consisting of
Outing Flannels.! ......14 yards for $1.00
Challies...: 20 yards for J 1.00
Swandowns.. .....8 yards for 1.00
Chevalier Cloth....: ... 6 yards for - 1.00
Bedford Cords :r. ...... .8 yards for 1 .00
Satines Black .'. 6 yards for 1 .00
Dress G inghams , 10 yards for 1 .00
. Nainsooks, ".. ... .8 yards for 1XX)
. We have marked all of these at prices to sell them as
we need the room for our immense Fall Stock now on the
Mr. and Mrs. E. Jacobsen are in Port
land today.
Blakeley & Houghton sells .Tanglefoot
for 40 cents a box.
The popular bathing place in The
Dalles is now off the Regulator wharf
The breeze is refreshing today. Old
Sol sends his rays straight down upon
us, however.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Phelps are in the
city,' visiting Mrs. Phelps' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Johnston.' ' v '
Capt. Robert Grant, one of the expert
Beining fishermen of the Columbia, is at
Celilo, near which ; place he thinks it
will be profitable to introduce this
method of catching salmon! : : ;
A disturber of the peace and quiet of
The Dalles, late last night, was made to
sheath his revolver and his angry moods
at once and wend his way to the Hotel
de Cross Bar for accommodations. He
will plead this evening.
. JSomeof the Condon girls just now do
not follow the injunction of the doggerel
about "hang your clothes on a hick'ry
limb, butdon'tgouearthe water." They
are just as fond of a dip in the Colum
bia as the members of the whiskered
sex.'k-- - - :
Cass Rogers, the well known Umatilla
stockman, left for Dixon, South Dakota,
yesterday, with a carload of well-bred
horses. He expects to find a ready mar
ket on account of the. heavy grain crop
to be handled in that section of the
ceuntry " i ;
' Noting the arrival of the headquar
ters paraphrenalia .of'" the Third regi
ment, which have been moved from
The Dalles to Condon, the Globe says :
"CoL Lucas has. received' his commis
sion, and as soon as the .large armory is
completed, our city will present a very
respectable military appearance."
The idea of a league ball-player riding
through Portland streets on horseback,
in uniform, carrying a banner and blow
ing a fish-horn to attract attention and
to try and draw an audience to witness
the game. Verily, the national game
has not mauy admirers this season in
the consolidated city. . .
Elmore,. Sanborn . & , Co., whoai .- we
quote today on salmon, are grossly in
error in their statement that the excess
of 48,000 cases this season , as compared
with 1891 is due to the large pack of
steelheads by the Cascade aitd Dalles
canneries. . The fact is that the catch of
steelheads at the cascades and dalles
was considerably smaller than last year.
The, steelheads running poorer than
either the blueback or the Chinook.
Elmore Sanborn & Co., should study
their lesson better before reciting it in
public. ,
Yesterday Judd S. Fish, of the Uma
tilla house, set a man to work in the ice
cave to sift over the saw dust prepara
tory to receiving another car load or two
of ice this week. As the work was pro
ceeding Judd happened in to see how
things wete going on when the shoveler
informed him that he had dug up a half
a ton of ice, a pair of ice tongs, a shovel,
and some other , things, that had been
losti'That's about as -1 expected,"
aid J add, "Keep on perhaps you may,
be able to dig np an express wagon and
a pair of horses next ; nobody can. tell
what, may have been lost in this cave."
;"' Church Notices. ;::-
' Elder X W. Jenkins will preach in the
Court house Sunday at 3 p, m.
sale of Summer
"Dalles to ISoston.
Have yo u seen the . photos in The
Dalles, Portland and Astoria navigation
company's office window in this city?
It illustrates the all water route from
The Dalles to Boston by photos : 1st, of
the steamer Regulator : 2d, ' of the
steamer Dalles City ; 3d, of the Ameri
can ship Tillie E. Starbuck, laden for
Boston with wool from The Dalles. It
is only a forerunner of what is to be.
Oar Favored Climate. .. .
Pullman Tribune.. :. The great valley
of the Mississippi, prior ' to the settle
ment of the Pacific states, was consider
ed the finest and most productive in the
United States. - During the present year
it has been devastated by floods and
during the past months has been scourged
by heat, followed by severe and disast
rous storms of rain and wind. Many
persons died of heat prostration, and life
and property were destroyed by the suc
ceeding storms. The Pacific states are
free from such climatic changes as the
Eastern and Southern states have ex
perienced during the present season, and
our people should be thankful that their
lines are cast in pleasant places, that
health and happiness dwell beneath its
genial sun, and prosperity comes with
the balmy breath of its invigorating
climate. -" -;
They Play The Same Tricks Resorted to
Here and Get Caught.
The Portland Oregoriian gives the JoT
lowing amusing account of a lady ex
pert, or canvasser, who was playing the
house-to-house sample test dodge in
that city . ! ' '
The city for" several days has been can
vassed by a. company of ' women who
have called at private residences for the
ostensible- purpose of explaining the
superior merits of their baking powder
through a' series of alleged chemical ex
periments. A lady who .has been an
noyed by the agents determined to tesff
the efficacy of the experimentsand she
brought out some of the baking powder
they are advertising. The agent sub-"
mitted the substance to the usual tests
and called the lady's attention to the
presence of alum, ammonia and various!
other alleged ingredients, which could
be distinguished by a peculiar odor, the!
residuum, etc. The lady of course saw
all these unmistakable signs of socalled
impurities, and allowed. the agent full
swing to expand upon the merits of her"
own cooking powder. . The "agent finally
inquired of the lady what brand of bak
ing powder she had been experimentin'g
with. "That baking-powder," replied
the lady, is the eame that yon ' have
turned all colors, and beat a hasty re
treat. Our informant has not been
bothered with baking powder agents
since. '"''
Advertised Letter.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for, Saturday, Aug. 13th, 1892.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised."
Brigtof, Miss Brita Hadley. Miss Lena
Benton, W G ' Howard,. JamcsV
Bertwell,Miss Elsie Hudson, C O'
Bennett, G A - Levens, Mrs E S -Condon,
R W. McCleary, R S
Condon, R - Mahoney, J J, ':' ,":
Croton, C E ' . v? Newhouse; J j Si - -Cooper,
Miss Nellie Ross, Mrs Caroline"
Dickinson.Miss ME Sexton, D
Elliott, S M, 6 St Clair, Mrs J H
Glasgow, FC M v SimmonsrA i'i -'
Harper, J C " J J Sunshine, Mr
Hadley, Mrs Dora Smith, Charlev
M. T. KoLisr, P. M.
FTBMt audi passeosr Line
Through dally --service (Sundays ex
cepted) between .The .Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 8 a. nYT,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m.
One way.'.'. ...... .... . : $2.00
Sound trip. . . . . .'. . . . : -3.00
Special rates for parties of six or over.-
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
FAST FRKIOHT., per 100 pounds.
Melons ana Ureen . vegetables.
' Througli""i)onnection" with steamers to
Astoria and Ilwaco'. without delay.
Shipments received at'' wharf any time,
day or. night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
- Gnrl Ajjent.
B. F. LAUGHLIN, '",, v.", ..,.,;.'
Ouertl Miuiagr.
Gen. Weaver Holds a Levee at the IIol
ton Teterdy .
From the Telegram.
L .Gen. James B. Weaver, -the peoples
party,, nominee ; for president, arrived
here this morning, accompanied by a
small party , consisting of Mrs. Weaver,
Mrs. Lease, W O. . Strickler and C. O.
Strickler, representing the national
committee, Mrs. Strickler and C. A,
Powers, of Terre Haute, Ind. " The
party took rooms at the Holton house,
where -:- temporary headquarters '- were
opened. When the general arrived he
was met by a largo number of peoples
party : adherents, - who thronged tha
headquarters till lunch hour. During
that time a general conference was held
between the general and his Oregon
managers, who informed 7 him that this
state would send peoples party men to
the electoral college beyond any doubt.
"I am sure of election," said General
Weaver to a Telegram reporter, "and I
will be elected, too, right in the electoral
college. I do not think the election can
possibly be thrown 'into the house.
During the past two weeks a wonderful
change has taken place in the political
situation of this country.' By virtne of
this change," tho republican party stands
not a shadow of a chance for success.
The Homestead matter has caused a
study of republican principles and
methods. Therefore, the battle lies be
tween the people's party and the demo
crats, and the former has every advan
tage. "' ' ' ' ': -
" 'Ve wiil carry the solid south. We
can do that easier than the democrats
can carry a single southern state. ' The
people of the south are taken with the
Omaha platform. It " suits them. The
elimination of the republicans has em
ancipated the south, and the colored and
white people alike will vote their choice
of tickets. We will carry the entire
west solid. Our party will get the entire
silver vote, since there is no choice on
that line betweeu Cleveland and Harri
son. -The republicans lost nine states
in 1890 which they held two years before.
To win they . must regain those states
and carry all the silver states, and this
they cannot do. . -
The recent election in Alabama gave
us half the legislature, and but for fraud
perpetrated by the democrats we would
have carried- everything. From 95,000
-Jones fell to.7,000 majority. During my
campaign, which began in Indiana, I
have - seen . wonderful demonstrations.
Thousands have flocked to hear me
speak wherever I stopped. j No ; there
is no power on earth, that can. .defeat us.
Providence is behind this movement.
It has been coming for years, and the
people will no longer be oppressed. "It
is a fight between labor and capital, and
labor is in the vast majority. I want to
say that we have been asked, to divide,
our electors with the democrats, but we
have refused. This is not a campaign to
be dropped just before election. We are
in it to win, and we will win or suffer
defeat." '
Funeral Notice.
A special, communication o;. Wasco
Lodge ; No. J5, A. 1 & A. M., will be
held in Masonic- hall, on Sunday, Aug.
14th, at 10 o'clock a. w., to conduct the
usual ceremonies of the craft over, the
remains of Past. Master Thomas Olesen,
who died in' this city August llthr A
full : attendance of all . members and
visiting brethren is earnestly requested.
The public funeral services will take
place at the hall at 1 o'clock p. m.
DEALERS IN . . -.-a
' Xrid the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in - .,
"JWvJ -jsl :ep e; bl
gj&'l Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the
Sherwin-Williams and J. Wi Masary's Paints used in all our work, and none bat
the most Bkilled workmen employed. , Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture: . A first class article in all colors. All
orders promptly attended to. "
Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon!
Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
Boots and Shoes. All goods
we sell,: we warrant.
Current Topics.
Modern Miracles.
A sinner fb'rbreath was distressed, '
And the doctors all said she must rest.
But she took i. M. P.
For her weak lungs you see.
And now she can sins' with the best.
An athlete gave out, on a fun, .. '"!"'-.
And he feared his career was quite done; '
- .i -iG. M. D., pray observe, ,- .-, J .:
-" Give back his lost nerve, " ' : - . .
And now he can lift half ton: ; j , . ' , . '
A wrtter. whowrote for a prize, - : - . '.'.
Had headaches and pain in the eyes;..
; G. M. D., was the spell ' : ' '' ' ' 'S u
That made him quite well, . . . -'... '- .?.
And glory belore him how Itohr .jrfJ'S. V1:-;'?' i-
- These, are only examples f ,lh& daily
triumphs of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, in "restoring health and re
viving wasted vitality. Sold by all
' " Notice.
'. Those knowing themselves indebted
to Ward and Kerns will please call and
settle up, as they have sold their stable
business to Burham and Robertson and
must have all outstanding accounts set
tled. v.
Cabinet photographs for $1.50 to $3.00
per dozen at Hunt's gallery ori Court
street, next veeh only.
Stock Holders Meeting.
Notice is herebv civen that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse com nan v will be held
at the office of French & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday September 28th,
1892, at 3 :30 p. m., for the purpose of
electing directors for the ensuing year
and the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before it.'
The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 12th, 18W2.
G. J. Faki,ey,
. "' Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co.
wtdS.12 -
Fresh stubble paeture at Sharp?, on
Three Mile.
Parties desiring advertising space on
the sprinkler wagon mav have it bv
applying to S.. E.. Feihus.
Weddinar ly at the I'alr.
The Portland exposition management
is now ready to receive applications
from candidates for marriage at the ex
position on wedding day, October 5th.
These ceremonies will be performed in
a proper and fitting manner. , ',-; d3t ;
T; A. -Van Norderi, the expert "watch
repairer at No. 106 Second street, The
Dalles, appears to have a happy - Knack
for holding the confidence of his natrons.
The secret, of course, is the usual one
skill in repairing even the most compli
cated watches.. , . , 7-13-lin '
Catch the Files.
12,500 double sheets of Tanglefoot fly
paper just received ; 50c for box of
twenty-five double sheets at Snipes &
Ktnersly'8. - d2t
norse, wagon and harness', together
or separate. cheap for cash.
Send full particulars to "- "Express,"
CnRONicLK office. r-. ., -d2t
- - To Tho Public.
I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's ' Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do
to my friends and patrons. I used it
myself after other well-known remedies
bad failed, and it. cured' me in a few
minutes. I recommend it candidly and
cheerfully upon it .merits, not from a
nnanciai stand-point, because i . nave
others in Btock on which I make a larger
profit, but because Chamberlain's is the
best remedy 1 know of for bowel com
plaints. - There is no doubt, about it, it
does the work James- Fobqy Druggist,
Aicveytown, - jrenn. .-. -. or sale by
Blakeley & Hough ton, -druggists, d&w
City taxes for-1892 are now due and
payable withib sixty days, at the" office
of the undersigned.--.'-.'-. '.
ij. jkobdbn, iity xreasurer.
Dalles City, July 6th, 1892. . .
The Old Times are Not In It.
While at our other store at Big Island,
Va., last April, I wa9 taken with a very
it worse in niy life---.ll tried several old-
time remeaies, sucn as isiacKDerry wine,
Paregoiic and Iandanum without get-"
ting any relief. -. My attention was then '
called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ,
iind Diarrhoea Remedy by Mr. R.' C
Tinsleywho had been handling it there,' '
and in less :han five minutes after tak
ing a small dose I was entirely relieved.
O. G. Bubfobd, Harris Creek,
Amherst Co., Va. For sale by Blakeley
cS Houghton, druggists. . , d&w
: ; . . . .
A rare opportunity"' ior the ladies ia.
now afforded by Mrs. Philips, who-ia of-
fering millinery at one third less, as she
has decided to retire from the business. ' . -See
advertisement.' 1 6.18dtf
Washlneton Market I"or Kent, -'
For rent ; the Washington market cor
ner of Second and Court. For terms ap
ply to Geo. Williams administrator of
the estate of John Michel bangh. , S.Sdtf
" Saved a TVoman'a Life. ..
Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from
Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two tea- s
spoonfuls of ' Chamberlain's -. Colic.
Cholera- and Diarrhoea Remedy saved,
the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of. tbie
place." ' He also- states that several
other very bad cases of bowel complaint
there have been cured by this remedy.
For sale by Blakgloy '.& - Houghton
druggists. " d&w
- Instantaneous Portrnite. Chapmaa.-"
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Campbell Bros. Proprs
, , . : . (Sicccssors.M W.. s. Craa.) . "
MunufncruTent of the finest French and .'
' . . . Home Made .. , f.
'' -. ' East of Portland.' , '"-.'. '
- -:r ' DEALERS IS - :-
1 Anina
Can farniab any of these xoods at Whoteaala
or Retail :. ... - :. -. - .- 33
- In Every St jl.
Ice Cream and Soda Water. '
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. .
,lj f f - Bootat Shoe. Bats, Kte." . , 'r ..
134 Second St., next to Dalles National
Bank, Dalles City, Oregon.