The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 12, 1892, Image 3

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.''. -' ; r Those desiring to wear onc-olilhelates.tJfew , ', , .
: -- - . York styles should call early .as T have but n -'- : . : - ".'- '
' ' ' limited number pf tljera,-. "V'-r:h?-'c - -. '
Cleyeia$ and aMsbfi
TIb DalfevTortlM M Mm
z, -... Navigation Co,
..t"f ..." -C-St'.-'.r
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofflee at The Dalloa, Oregon,
as scoond-elasa matter.
Local Advertising;. ' '
10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day. .
AUGUST 12, 1892
Isaac Joles has returned from his trip
to the mines.
. Dr. and Mrs. Eshelman arrived in The
Dalles lastvflight.
Blakeley & Houghton sells Tanglefoot
for 40 cents a box.
P. 6. M. Briggs is taking in the scenes
of his bachelorhood in Yamhill county
thi8 VMti .'
Fre$A. Young returned from Yaki
ma -today. He disposed of his band of
2,500 ewes and lambs at fair prices. -
Ralph Rowland, Charley Corson and
John Weigle left for, Corneill creek to
day, near Mount Hood, to be out about
a week. , " . .
The county court room is " a scene of
busy study just now, where a score or
more of teachers are undergoing exam
ination. - . -
Senator F. Q. Reed, of Astoria, came
up today and proceeded to Celilo: He
will stop over at the Umatilla . house to
night. . ' ;
Tanglefoot Fly Paper, 40 cents a box,
twenty-five double sheets; at Blakeley
& Houghton's, 175 Second street. ' ' .
Queen Victoria lost a subject this
forenoon, when Donald McFaddyn ap-'
peared before County Clerk- Croseen
nnd declared his intention to become a
itizen of the United States.. '"
' Mr. C. B. Hungerford, of Saginaw,
Mich., has been spending a few days
delightfully in and about The Dalles,
In company with his wife he took his
-departure for the east today. .
A. E. Dunham, of Cleveland, Ohio,
has arrived in The Dalles and will be-,
come identified with the place hereaf
ter, as general manager of the Colum
bia river fruit company's farms "and
business interests in this region. , ' j
Fred A. Young speaks in terms of
glowing admiration of what is to' be
seen over in Yakima. He didn't try to
keep his eye on Pasco, the exploded
boom town, but all over Yakima his
eyes feasted upon the fairest scenes of a
paradise. It is certainly a great coun
try. .
Ir. Jackson, of Klickitat; who left for
the east with a lot of horses for sale on
the 20th of May, has just returned.
The horses were poor sale, and for -want
of a market they pressed on to Rich
mond, Ind., where he left them in
charge of his partner, Mr. Day, and re
turned to Klickitat. ; i .
Caroline, the dusky maiden who has
been , indulging in the whisky traffic j
with the sterner sex of . her own race,
was returned to the county jail yester-1
day, on sentence of $15 fine, by Jndge j
ueauy. ne will probably stay in
about thirty days and then be released,
nnder the provisions of the pauper act.
Rev. A. O. Spencer will preach his
farewell sermon in this city next Sun
day in . the . court house, at 8 p. in., to
which all are invited. He - expects to
leave, jrith his family, for Pennsylva
nia, on next -Monday, at 4 p. m., by the
Southern Pacific railway, via Portland.
, We desire to' call your attention to our sale of Summer
Dress Goods, consisting of ' -. ' :
Outing Flannels.:.;: ;. :. ... ....-14 yards for $1.00 ;
Challies....:.....:. .. ..... . ...... ,.r...20 yards for 1.00 .
Swandowns .... ... 8 yards for 1.00 -
Chevalier Cloth ...... :......:...,., yards for 1.00
. Bedford Cords.. w ::... .
Satines Black, v: .. .... . 6 vards for 1.00
Dress Ginghams , .. .10 yards for. ;1.00" - : ,
Nainsooks .. . .. . ...8 yards for , 1.00
. -We have marked all of these at prices to sell them as
we need the room for our immense Fall Stock now: on the
Forty cents buys a box of Tanglefoot
at Blakeley & Houghton's.
Some really fine colts are in training
at The Dalles track, notably ' Nehalem,
owned by J. O. Mack. '
The railroad commission has ordered
the Union Pacific to put on another
brakeman between Portland and Hunt
ington. They thought the traveling
public not sufficiently protected with
only one brakeman on the train- -
The Oregonian again - reminds us to
day that Paul F. Mohr is getting out
the railway iron from the . wrecked
Abercorn, north of Grays harbor. Over
a year ago it was anuounced that this
iron was to be laid down as a portage
around the dalles of the Columbia.
"What has become of that project?" in
quires a reader of The Chbosicle.
Gone to seed, like similar promises. If
anything is done at the dalles, it must
be done by the state of Oregon. ; j
A board of engineers has been ap
pointed, in accordance with the terms
of the river and harbor act, approved
July 13, 1892, upon the obstructions in
the Columbia between 3-Mile- rapids
aud Celiro falls. . It will :mieet:'' in San
Francisco about October 17th," and will
come up here shortly" after. The board
consists f Col. George H. Mendel,
Lieut.-Col."- Charles It. Sutter, Lient
Col.. Wm. R. King and Major Charles J.
Allen, all of the corps of United States
engineers, and Messrs. AVm. R. Hntton,
E. Porter 'Alexander ' and . Virgil " C.
Bpgue, civil engineers. The people of
Eastern Oregon will be much interested
in the report they. may make.' . r . -
One of the very best things to do,- when
a visitor tomes to The Dalles, is to show
him around. The first impressions of
The Dalles and surrounding country' -is
not flattering to the beholder, but we
have yet to learn of the first. case .where
the person has gone away from here dis
pleased when the least bit of ; attention
was paid to him. As a -writer -recently
said, the world ought to .know more of
Oregon so as to prepare to come here,
The trouble is they generally go to Puget
sound first, spend all their money , in a
vain effort to make a living there, and
then come here, dead broke,. to find a
country where a living can be made.
B. C. Towne'8 Portland artist. Mr.
Davis, succeeded in getting a series of
ten handsome views of the Columbia
river fruit companys farms up Mill creek.
They show the old orchard, killed out
from too much irrigation, and the ,new
plants growing grapes on the very top
of the highest hill, without a drop of
water, in soil that was covered with
brush and stumps. last January. , The
plants were set out in March lastl It
is the idea of Mr. Linus Hubbard .'that
if yon have anything worth seeing pho
tograph it. From a whaleback steamer
to a grape vine ; and his idea is working
a wonderful benefit to The Dalles. These
views of the Mill Creek fruit farmers
will have a similar effect no doubt in at-'
tracting attention to The Dalles'. A
photo can never be disputed. It speaks
for itself. .'- ' - -.
: Funeral RoMee. -
A special communication of AVasco
Lodge Ko. 15, A. F. & A. M., ' will be
held in Masonic hall on Sunday, Aug.
14th, at 10 o'clock a. m., to conduct the
usual ceremonies of the craft over the
remains of Past blaster Thomas Olesen,
whodied in this city. August 11th. A
full attendance of - all ' members and
visiting brethren is earnestly requested.
The public funeral services . will take
place at the hall at 1 o'clock p. m.
Columbia River Traffic.
Major Handbury's annual -report on
the improvement of the Columbia river
and bar has been received by the depart
ment at Washington. The report con
tains a very graceful account of the
early history of . improvement work
along, the Columbia ..beginning with
1887, since which time $649,805.97 has
been expended on the proposition. The
amount of money now available- is $15,
686.88. ' ' ' . :-
For" the' purpose of 'enlightening the
department upon the question of traffic
on the Columbia ami Willamette rivers,
the report contains the following state
ment of business done . during the fiscal
year ending June 30th, 1892 :
.' Tons.
Passengers, No. 32S,!: .. V . . 242,132
irrain ;.. eo.tai
Limner, 180iJS,aU2 leel ......... c
Live stock. . . i .v.-. .-. .
wool :. ........:
General merchandise'. .. . . .
, In Trinity Church, Portland, Wednes
day, . August 10th, by the Rev. Dr.
Powell; Dr. G. C-Eshelman and Eva M.
Waters, of The Dalles
40 cents buys a .box'of- Tanglefoot at
Blakeley & Houghtons. ! '
-VablDKton Republicans.
Folowing is the ticket placed in-nomi-nation
at Olympia : ;
: RepresentativesJohn L. 'Wilson,
Spokane; William H. Doolitle, Pierce.
I Supreme judges-J. J. Anders, Walla
Walla-;' El'mon gcott Whatcomb.
Governor John H. McGraw, King."
Lieutenant Governor F. II. Luce,
Lincoln. - 1. .
Secretary of state James H. Price,
Pierce; Auditor L. R. Grimes, Kitti
tas. Treasurer O. A. Bow'en, Wahkiakum.
Attorney general W. C. Jones, Spo
kane. , ' : . '
Superintendent of public schools C.
W. Bean, Whitman.
. Commissioner of public lands W. -T.
Forrest, Lewis.
State printer O. C. White, Columbia.
Presidential electors G. V. Calhoun,
Skagit; J. S. McMillan, Jas Juan; J.
A. Navarre, Okanogan ; C. . F. Whi.te,
ChehalU.- ' - - '.
Tanglefoot Fly Paper 40 cents a box,
twentyfive double sheets ; at Blakeley
& Houghtons, 175 Second street.
Xotlee -
Those knowing themselves indebted
to Ward and Kerns will please call and
settle up, as they have sold their stable
business to Burham and Robertson and
must have all outstanding accounts set1
tied. ' - -
Blakeley & Houeb ton sells Tan clef oot
for 40 cents a box. V;
Cabinet photographs for $1.50 to $3.00
per dozen aT Hunt's- gallery on Court
street, next week only. . , .
. Stock Solders Sleeting. -' .
Notice is hereby eiven that the annual
meeting "of the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse company will be held
at the office of French & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday September 28th,
1892, at 3 :30 p. m., for the purpose of
electing directors for the ensuing year
and the transaction Of such, other busi
ness as may come before it. . '
The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 12th, 1892.
G.J. Farley, -Secretary
Wasco Warehouse Co.
wtd8.12 ...
.. . .- : . --. 'i'V '
- - THKOUGrH . .
FreioUt ana PasseassrLine
Through daily service Sundays-; ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a.' m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m.
One way.-. . .......... ... .$2.00
Round trip......'.....'..........:. 3.00
Special rates for parties of six or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fro it, per 100 pounds, -.-i . AO
Melons and Green Vegetables,'. . .-. .30
. .Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and ' Ilwaeo - withoat delay.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night,. and delivered at Portland
on arrival. - Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address. -
" ' ' W. C. ALLAWAY,
. ' '''T-; j-V. ' General Agent.
General Muager.
Cash Premiums Offered.
' With a view of making the finest and
largest horticultural display possible
this fall, preparatory to sending it east
to the worlds fair next year, the manage
ment of the exposition has. decided to
give a cash premium for the county
making the finest and largest display of
fruits, including - canned, dried and
green, grown in the - county exhibiting ;
the canned fruit to be put up by indi
viduals growing it.' A cash premium
will also be given to the county-making
the next finest and lajrgest display, the
same rules to govern as in the above. A
cash premium will be given to the county
making the most artistic display. The
merchants and others in Portland fully
realize the importance of the fruit in
dustry, and of having it, if no other, rep
resented at the worlds fair ; and to en
courage fruit growers to make an unu
sual effort to collect the . very finest spec
imens possible, they . have energetically
joined with the exposition, and will of
fer premiums to the individuals making
the best displays of fruit' grown by the
exhibitor. About $500 has been ' sub
scribed and I think more will come.
The county displays will in no way inter
fere with .individual exhibits. A fine
display at the exposition this fall will
do much towards advertising the fruit
prospects of Oregon, as the management
will make special days for visiting Odd
Fellows, and others, who can, but- ad
mire and talk of the Oregon fruit, seen
at the exposition. ; A competent and
impartial committee on awards will be
appointed and all courtesy possible will
be. extended by the management. Ap
plications for space should be made at
once, for. this will be by far the largest
display ever made,' and it is the desire
of those in charge to arrange the whole
display in the most artistic manner. A
knowledge of about what to expect will
aid them greatly. The lowest possible
freight rates have been secured for ex
hibits. :
Telegraphic flashes.
; The Washington republican conven
tion, is in session at Olympia. Col.
Howlett, of Yakima,' was chosen tem
porary chairman yesterday. Spokane is
making a strong anti-Allen fight. - It is
a curiosity in the convention line.,
Denver tourists and Knights Templar
are having a fine tlyie in Colorado.- The
Templar drill yesterday was contested
between St. Bernards, of .Chicago, . and
California No. l. A bicycle parade' last
night was a big success-. Today the
knights were to be treated to a parade
exhibition by the Denver fire depart
ment. ' The routine business of The
grand, encampment was'-handled ex
pedionsly. -
The reports showed a total member
ship of 92,791, with cash resources of
$25,325.97. . The report of the special
committee on the ritual of the Red Cross
and Templar orders were unanimously
adopted. . . ' . . .. - ,
. : ' Aldricn on. the Tariff.. '. " '
, -. Washington-, -Aug. 1 1 . The first
copies of Senator AWrich's speech on
the tariff appeared at republican con
gressional headquarters to-day. The
document is considered the strongest re
view of the tariff question ever written.
Republican senators from' all over the
country' are ordering thousands, of cop
ies for distribution in their respective
states. : .. - -
- And the Most Complete and the
Sy"Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bnt the best brands of the.
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masary'a Paints used in all onr work, and none bat
the most skilled workmen employed. " Agents for Masary Liquid Paints. Hoi
chemical combination or soap mixture.: A first class article in all colors. AH
orders promptly attended to. - . - '. , : 1 . -''
Store and Faint Shop oorner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon
: Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in ,v .
Boots and Shoes.., All goods "
we sell," we -warrant. - . '.: ;
Tired by m Tramp. . "
Sax Jose, Cal., Aug.' Hi The elegant
country resident of ' Mrs.' Colombet, on
the Monterey road, has been burned
The fire was evidently of n incendiary
origin. The man who was refused '25
cents at the San Jose home of " the fam
ily, was recognized passing by the win
dow a few momenta before the fire. The"!
loss of. the furniture is $4,000, and dwell
ing $6,000, half covered, by insurance :
. . Smallpox In !te w; York.
' iNEW YoBK'Aug. 11. So -many -cases
of smallpox have appeared ' here dur
ing the past three .weeks that the health
authorities fear .there may be a general
outbreak of the-disease during the com
ing fall unless energetic measures are
taken. The infected district has been
divided into subdistricts, and a sanitary
inspector assigned to each of the latter,
Current Topic. - V
. i . Modern Miracle. . t
A singer for breath was distressed,-- -. : , -And
the doctors all said she must rest,
. But she took G. M.D. - . -.
- For her weak lungs you sec
And now she can sing with the best. ;
An athlete gave out, on a run,
And he feared his career was quite done :
G. M. D., pray observe,
' Give back his lost nerve; , - ": .
And now he can lilt half a ton. .
A writer, who wrote for a prize, . - , . '. -Had
headaches and pain in the evei; "'
. O. M. D., was the spell
That mndehim quitewell, -And
glory beiorc him now lies. . ..
, These are only examples of the daily
triumphs of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, In restoring . health 'and re
viving wasted vitality.. Sold by all
druggists. - . -;- '-'
- Fresh stubble pasture at Sharps, on
Three Mile. . '
. Parties desiring advertising- space on
the sprinkler .wagon may have "it. by
applying io . : cs. Hi. rKHKis.
Wedding Day at the Fair.
The Portland. exposition 'management
is now - ready to receive- applications
irom candidates for marriage-, at the ex
position on- wedding day; October 5th.
These ceremonies will' be: performed in
a proper and fitting manner. .. . d3t V
T. A. Van NordenV the expert watch
repairei at No. 106 Second street, The
Dalles, appears to have a happy Knack
for holding the confidence of his patrons.
The secret, of course, is the usual one
skill in repairing even the most compli
cated watches. .- 7-13-lm
Catch the Flies.
12,500. double sheets of Tanglefoot fly
paper just received; 50c. for-box ; of
twenty-five double sheets at Snipes &
Kinersly'g.- --j. ,-. - . - A . d2t
.i--. Wanted.
Horse,' wagon and " harness: together
or separate. Must be cheap for cash.
rsend tuil particulars to "Express,'.'
Chronicle office. ; d2t
To Tke PabUe.:
I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Colic, - Cholera " and
Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as Tdo
to my friends and ' patrons. ' ' I used it
myself after, other well-known remedies
had failed, and 'it cured me in a few
minutes. I recommend it candidly and
cheerfully upon it merits, not from a
financial stand-point, . because I have
others in stock on which I make a larger
profit, but because Chamberlain's is the
best remedy I know of for bowel com
plaints. There is no doubt about it, it
does the work James Forgt, Druggist,
McVeytown, Penn. For -sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists., dkw
City taxes for 1892 are how due and
payable within sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned.- '.
L. Roeden, City Treasurer i
Dalles City, July 6th, 1892. . ,
Latest Patterns and Designs in ..v .
- ' - The Old Time are Not In It. -' ' ".
- - -,- .- -v- - v v- C.-.-
' While at our other store at Big Island, .
Va.', last April,-1 waB taken with a very ' "'. .
severe attackxof diarrhoea. '' I never had -
it worse in my life. I tried several old
time remedies,- such as Blackberry Wine,'.
Paregoric and Laudanum without get-;
ting any relief . My attention was then'
called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera -and
Diarrhoea Remedy, by JJr. R. - Ci ;
Tinaley Who bad been handling it there,'
and in less ;han five minutes after tak- -ing
a small dose I was entirely relieved.', -
O. G. Bcrfobd, '.Hams Creek, .
Amherst Co., V. - For sale by Blakeley :;
& Houghton, druggists. d&w " V
; A rare opportunity;- for the ladies is
now afforded by Mrs Philips, who is of--fering
millinery at one. third less, as she " ,
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. , --.-. , 6.18dtf .
Waahtncton Market For Kent.' .': "
i For rent ; the Washington market cor
ner of Second and Court. For terms ap- "
ply to Geo. Williams administrator of -':
the estate of John Michelbaugh.-- 8.3dt -
't. " SaTod at Woman's tire. -' ; "x 't
Mr. J.' E. Thorougbgood, writing from" ,
Georgetown, Delaware, says: -"Two tea-'
spoonfals of ; : Chamberlain's '.Colic.--.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved
thelifeof Mrs. Jane Thomas, o thif
place.'.'- , .He also states that several -other
very, bad cases of bowel complaint
there fave been cured by this -remedy."-.-For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton, -.-druggists.
. -: , .:-.'r.) d&wr-v i
. Instantaneous Portraits:
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Campbell Bros; Proprs
csaccessors to . s. Craa.) - ; , :
- Manufacturers of the finest French and
- . Home Hade
O -A. 3SJ "D I IB S , :
.'-'"' East of Portland. "
... . - v y r
' ; " r- DEALEBS IN- H".-;-
rropical Fruity Nnts, Cigars and Tobacco.'
i'i., - ' ' '"
i-ita' ,fiirnlab any of these goods at Wholesale
or.Rtii . .- . . - . .-
In Every Styles"-' " , . . . . '-.'
. fee Cream and Soda Water. -
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
C . F . S TEP H E NS,
" DEALER IN ' ; "'.':.'
Boota, Shoes, Hata, ate. -
FanciJ oodjloMon?,
' 'il C;- KtO., ' . Ktc.,"' StCr'r
134 Second St., next to Dalles National
Bank,. Dalles City, Oregon.