The Dalles Daily Chronicle. . The Ic Wagon. . V ' -The ice wagon of Catea & Allison is on the streets every morning from 6, to 8 o'clock. Any orders for., ice left with Will Vanbibber's express or at the store of Chaa. Lauer will be promptly at tended to. - ' ; Cates & Ai.Li9o.v. ' KEI icki icxr . -Having on- hand a large supply of ice we are prepared to furnish oar custom ers with ice-in airy quantity at a reason able rata. We guarantee we will supply the demand without advancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C. F. Lauer's store, Second street. . 5-2tl t, Gates & Allison. NOTICE. All Dalles City warrants registered prior to October 7, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. - . Dated July 7th , 1 892. - L. EOBDEX, - tf." -Treae. Dalles City. THE CELEBRATED CQLUM Hi A BREWERY; " w AUGUST BUCHLEFSrop S : OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WAHCO COUKTV. County Treasurer' Xotl'ce'. - All county warrants registered prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington 6trefts. : Interest ceases on and after this date.. The Dalles, July 16, 1S92. William Micheix, . 7.18tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. Thia well-known Brewery is now turning oat the beet Beer and Porter J? . east of the Caecadee. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health--' " ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed qtC the market. . - . : V . -i- "f . - i. : MniiATini ttAnnhlinnnninl7rA'f nauuiidi iwpuuuui 1 haw KOK PKK8ISKKT, BENJAMIN HAIttU&ON, of Indiana. . ... - FOB VICK-l'RKSIDKST, - WHITELAW EEID, of New York. ' FOR TUKSIDESTIAI. KLECTOttS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. II. B. MILLED, of Grant's Tuee. G. M. IKWIN, of Union. . D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. THE DALLES SHIPMENTS. Reports of wheat shipments from The .Dalles during tbe seasons of -1890 and "91 ehow a big inc'reuse in the business ' of the place, which is not apparent to the casual observer. To illustrate: In 1890 the total shipments of grain, flour, feed and mill stuffs was -162,150 pounds. Last year it was, of wheat alone, 10,313, iJ95 pounds, requiring 516 cars for transportation. Tn 1891 . 3,000,000 pounds of wool' was shipped frpm The Dalles ; this year it will exceed 5.000,000 pounds. Careful estimates place the prospective shipments of wheat from The Dalles this, year- at 90,000,000 pounds, an increase of 79,224,555 pounds over the aggregate shipments of the two previous years. That does not iook very much like a crop failure" this. yeardoes it?- The gentleman from whom these facts lire obtained, has based his calculations upon a very care ful survey of tbe situation. It is quite refreshing - to be able to fnrnish such data as this at the present time, in view ,6f the contrary statements sent abroad concerning the, crops of Wasco and Sherman counties. Albert Ku-ble, agent of tbe California state board of horticulture, was sent to Australia to collect parasites' that would destroy the scale bng, which is such a pest in California. 'He has returned, aind was very successful. He brought 'UD a large number of parasites' which ;the state board of horticulture will . dis tribute, and he thinks by their means will be able to eradicate the scale bug in "California. - '"The phylloxera is very bad all over Australia. Down there they do not know anything about resistant stuck and their only cure is to tear up the whole vineyard. All over the blight is playing terrible havoc with the fruit. In Fiji the cocoannt palms and tbe ba nana trees are all eaten up, and the same -can be said in a measure about Tonga, Tongatalow and Samoa. The leaves are eaten off the trees and the fruit 'fall to the ground. The orange trees in many Instances have been attacked by the scale and the quantity of fruit exported from the islands has fallen off very much. Goldendale, a fine little city of 900, and back of her a large portion of Klick- - itat county, shipping 500,000 bushels of 1 1 . i . is clamoring for a railroad. She has no rail, and this fact is keeping her from developing into a hustling young giant, while thousands of acres of land which, under irrigation, would prove fruitful, are still untouched by the plow. Hay and produce are among the more profit Able products of the county, while the -assessor's books show that there are over 12,000 horses and mules in the . county, valued at more than $250,000; over 46,000 Bheep, valued at $115,000; ..$180,000, and more than 6,000 hogs. Astoria has a flour mill-. It is not of the latest and most approved pattern, with a full roller process and middlings purifier attachment, but is of the an tique order. The student of ancient history wonld recognize it as one of the household articles in common nse at the time Pharaoh's daughter adopted Mo ses, but this mill was imported from China by Sun Yuen Lung, a Chinese merchant of Ocosta, for the purpose of grinding rice. It is not stated whether he will do custom work for the natives and take toll, or simply keep it for his Individual nse. Sf Cyrus W. Field, had not believed in life insurance he would have died a bankrupt. .. When he came home from his trip around the world ten years ago his yearly income was $300,000. It is 'doubtful whether his five children will succeed to anything but his life insur ance of about $275,000. " - Wheat is reported as being quoted at 65 cents per bnshel in Corvallis, 64 cents in Albany and 63 cents in Salem, bnt as yet very little is coming in from the 6ur- rounaing uistrict. - A tin lode of considerable value has been located in the mountain south of Cle-Elum. u It makes me tired People ask "me is marriage a fail ure? Of course Vaint ; s'pose I don't know my-"biz what am I here for?" If the women only keep healthy they keejJ in good spirits and cupid is in demand. Let every enfeebled woman know this there's - remedy, that'll" cure her, the proof's positive. . Here's the proof if it .doesn't do you good within reasonable trrne, report the fact, to its makers and get your money - back without a word but you won't do it ! The remedy .is Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription and it has proved itself the right remedy in nearly every case of female weakness. It is not a miracle. It won't euro every thing bnt it has done more to build up enfeebled and broken-down wo men than any other medicine known. GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNTSH ING LINE, off smd $ee me Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, second st., ine jjaiies. Sole Agent for WANSANAKEK & BROWN, Philadelphia. Pa. Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THE- OALLES, . r - - OREG Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksraitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed. GUflflltfG & HOCKTO ,Props. J. L. FISHER. W. J. MONTAGUE. AV MAN1 -PROPRIETORS OF TUE- Elite Shaving Parlors AND Bath Rooms. SECOND STEEET. THE DALLES, 0B. Gentlemen will find THE ELITE fully up to the times in every respect. Hair Cutting: in the best manner, in every style of the art. Smooth Shaving ana rertect uatiis. Hours : Every day and evening dur ing tbe week. Closed on Saturday eve nines after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun days from 7 a. m. to 12 o'clock noon. CHAS. STUBLING. OWEN WIlrf.IAMS. Stubling S Williams. The Germania, SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OREGON jC0Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Clears. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. W.F.Wiseman,. Saloon and Wine Room, : The Dalles, - Oregon. Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. The. St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND,' OREGON. This old, popular 'and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been re papered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern 'convenience. Bates reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. . C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. Administrators Sale of Horses. - In pursuance of an order of tbo county court, of Wasco county; dated July 15th, 1802, 1 will sell as a whole or in lots, all the band of mares, -geldings and colts, also one. "Black Stranger" stallion, a fine horse and good breeder, belonging to the estate of the late W. J. Meine. .These are. good well bred horses, many of tbeni broke to work. They will be sold for . cash or approved security. - J. C. Meixs, Administrator, ' of the Estate of W. J. Meins. 7.23dwlm. NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. llO FROST STKEEI, ffl J K W K 0 K o N K a Sv1 fit the old stand of F?. Ltushef. Chas. Firazeir, Pvop. 1VIAIKR & DEALERS IN rT t--, A A wwirr v v yKij and CrabApple G ROC E R I ESr-:?rmBA. j HARDWARE; TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second st THE DALLES, OR. -DEALER IS- Hay, Grain, Feed & Flour. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It behooves everyone, especially the workingmah,: to buy where he can buy the-cheapest hard earned money. " We solicit a share of, your patronage. Cash paid for eggs and poultry. All goods delivered free and promptly Corner Union and Second streets, The Dalles, Oregon. FRUIT JARS. . - WHULliULIS Crockery and G-lass-ware, Platedware, Cutlery, JLamps, . : . Toys and Notions, Haminooks, Fishing Tackle, Stationery, Etc Agent for NEW HOME and Needles and attaenments for all mactunes. , : . . t , Cigars and Totoaooo. 18 Second St L. RORDEN & CO., (81 Second St. H. C. NIE LSN, Clothier and : BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, G-oxa.'ts' Fumlsnlne CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OREGON. Worth Washington SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in , the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of , terstate Inimst a D. TAYLdH The Dalles. Or. 72 ,W asMnitoa, SL;Pcrfl& J, FOLCO, " .. : DEALEE IN : . -A Cantos, Fmiis, M Ml Water, '" Ice Cream, Tobacco aM Cigars... A " "J - , MAKCFACTCBER OF first Class Syrups f oi. Saloons and . "Soda Fountains, Ete. Second direct. Next door to Wineate's Hall TIU-: DALLES, OICKGOK. H o M Z D C TJ I : .loo. BENTON Kir. Pine, Ash and can get the most for his JELLY GLASSES. - OK K ETA 11.- '' 1 - - - WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Washingto HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. r., - ,: -- Tailop Dalles .The It&teti Stiring Sprii? apd Summer, .-- ' "But vordt mze Uxlngs, Tliftt whleh makes thousands, perhaps millions, think. -WB TKFJ TO ISTKBIST AND 0 TOV GOOD. Buy Out? Shoes -MANCFACTUHED BY- THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. - SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, IEH SPBIIIB flllD SOIfljnEa DBY' gflflDS ; ; ' COMPLETE. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. '." ' v Clothing, Gents' Finishing Goods, Hate Ps "---r'- Boots and Shoes. ; Full Assortmont of the Leading Manufacturers. Cash Bayers mill save money : by examining oop stock : and prices before purchasing elseiuhepe. H . Herbring. C LOUD CH R I N N . Open ivom July This picturesque hoetlery, built of silver fir logs, and rooted securely on the edge of a precipice on tbe north- side of Mount Hood is within fifteen minute walk of the perpetual ice and. enow of Eliot Glacier, 7,000 feet above the. eea level, twenty-seven miles from Hood Eiver, over the finest roads in the United States. Fare for the round trip $8.00 ; rates per day fS.tO. The Table at Cloud Cap Inn is supplied with everything the market affords. Hot and cold bathe,, etc., the best of guides will take you to the top of Mount Hflbd -by tbe beet practicable routes,-which are from the Inn. . .' :-' : - -- --- ... .W. A. XAlfGrTTiT.K Manager. SKIBBEi HOTEL. . W. Xi. wm: butler'"& cb:, -DEALERS IN Building Lumber; Limev Plaster," Hair and, Cement. A liberal discount to the trade in all. lines handled by us. JEFFERSON STREETi between Second THE EUROPEAN HQUSE. TW Corrapitwl BiUdlnf Mit Door t Cort Hoo. --; -; - . Hanfisomely;: MsM Rooms to Rent by tlie Day, -Week or. Mpatn. " Meals Prepared by a First Class; English : Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE BOL1CXTED, , , : ' Good Sample Rooms is Aluuays Oxit i SEASON -and a small drop of ink. WALTER H. TENIMY A. CO., . boston, jumss. 1st to Oetoberr 1st.. 'ropr. S 5-3 IT - S3 S3 ' , - and Railroad. . TE DALLES, OR Rough for. Commercial Mearv i : v ..' " f 1