The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 09, 1892, Image 3

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. -Those desiring to wear one of the latest New .
York styles should calt early hp I have but a
limited number of them. " - "
Tie Dalles; Portland aM Mm
iTavigation Co.
Gleveland and Harrison
Outing Flannels.......
- S wand owns
Chevalier Cloth
Bedford Cords
Salines? Black
Dregs Ginghams.
. Nainsooks
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kutorcd ii the Fostoflice nt The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising;.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices. -
AH local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear t.'ic following day.
AUGUST 9, 1892
Driving at the fair ground track is
said to be excellent, now.
Mr. Josiah Marsh, the Wasco drug
gist, is at the Umatilla bouse today.
A. J. Wall's 8-Mile place was attached
by Lang & Co., of Portland, on Satur- j
.day '-j '-- .-..'-'V-'
Mrs. Powell is making fine progress
the past few days, and her friends hope
to see her up eoon.
Miss Nona Rowe and Mrs. Collins, of
The Dalles, are visiting Mrs. R. J.
Young, dh Fifteen Mile.
Miss Jennie Waterman of Eight mile,
left o?f"the afternoon train to join a
camping party at Hood River.
Mr. B. R. Tucker, of the mill above
Hood River, is preparing to enter upon
the fruit business extensively.
Mr. M. B. Harrison and family and
Mrs. Champlin, the Hood River P. M.,
were in the Bridal Veil party on the
7 tb.
C, L. Phillips and Woo. Butler
cleaned Eight Mile out of mountain
trout on the 7 th. No use to go there
fishing any more. -
. The DeMoss family are expected in
Oregon in time to participate in sing
ing at the Hood River camp meeting on
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. B. F. Laughlin arrived in the city
from North Beach laat evening. He
says The Dalles colony are enjoying
1 1 ' i . 1
me season very sausiactoriiy.
The Dalles Citizens Band boys bad a
fine picnic up Mill creek according to
programme. They wish toretnrn thanks
' to Mr. Mesplie for numerous favors.
Prospectors from Spokane have located
a placer claim up on the mountain side
back of Canyon. City. "Good pay" ex
ists up there, but water is difficult to
Mr. McCoy informs us that the new
roller flouring mill near Boyd, is now
ready for wheat. The miller, Mr. Kor
kerline, says : "Bring on your wheat,"
after this week. ,. - -
At Yakima the thermometer has been
ranging between 100 and 106 degrees for
a week or so past. While this is slightly
tropical residents do not complain since
it helps the fruit.
-Samples of golden chaff raised on the
Linton place, up 10-Mile, shows heads
fully 65 inches long, fine, plump berry,
estimated to thresh 45 bushels to the
acre. The straw is not over 32 inches
in length.- . -
, The camp meeting . at Hood .River is
still in session.. Rev. J. F.Ford, of
Des Moines, Iowa, is among .the minis
ters at present laboring at Hood River,
witff peoplo, and much good is being
accomplished. .
Af iewiston ntty-two cents per offered for new wheat. There
are few takers, as it is thought prices
will advance later. It is estimated that
We desire to call your 4 attention to our
Dress Goods, consisting of ."'"'-
...14 yards for $1.00
20 yards for 1.00
8 yards for 1.00
. ..0 yards for .1.00
.V.. :8.yardsforl 1 .00
". .. 6 yards for' 1.00
... .10 yards for- 1.00
- 8 yards for 1.00
We have marked all of these at prices to sell them as
we need the room for' our immense Fall Stock now on the
Mr. Olsen is still very low today, and
his recovery is doubtful.
"The leaves began to fall" along
Union and Second streets to-day.
Mr. H. F. Hinman and Hoc. Dan
Butler, of Tygh, are at the Umatilla
Mr. Allen Grant, and Mr. Frank Ir
vine, of Antelope, are at the Umatilla
house today.
County school examination and
teachers' institute to-morrow, by Supt.
Shelley, at the court house.
Mrs. Handley and Miss Belle Hood
were among the passengers for Portland
by steamer Regulator today.
Hon. CM. and Miss May Henderson,
of New York city, W. W. Hale of Penn.,'
and L. B. Hefter of Chicago, are in the
City today i '
' Several delegates of an eastern excur
sion dropped down on The Dalles today.
They are enjoying themselves at the
Umatilla house.
The drawings of his transit, sent by
Christopher Fitzgerald to his father of
this city, shows that he selected a pur
suit especially adapted to his taste when
he chose to become a civil .engineer.
A. W, Branner, the popular stage
man, was in the city today. ; He drove
in free from dust, but expects to be
chocked down this afternoon as he is
obliged to go out with the wind to his
back for Prineville.
Sherritt & Wagonblast start their new
thresher ' tomorrow. Beginning on 3
Mile ridge they will work this way, for
the next sixty days. They have a full
gang of web footer 8, with J. E. McCor
mick and Frank Wagonblast a& feeders.
Deputy Sheriff Puir man says Bonne
ville mosquitoes are not a patchin to
those on the Tygh. But, he says, the
moonlight drive "homewards, after
whipping the stream for trout, as he
finds it, compensated for every blister
produced by the peste.
A private letter from Murray, writ
ten by H. C. Johnson to his father, A
G., in this city, quiets all apprehension
as to his fate. He is neither dead nor
wounded, and seems confident that the
results of the late unpleasantness will
be satisfactorily adjusted.
Fred W. Young and C. F. Hinkley, of
Union , were out five days last week on
a fishing, hunting and prospecting trip
to tne uranae Konae lases. . .1 hey
found two promising quartz ledges, an
antimony ledge and a meadow of about
sixty acres that prospects well in ; gold.'
You can break tho new silver half dol
lar without shoving1 it into a glass of
beer and getting the change back. It is
so brittle that a solid "blow of a hammer
will shatter it. . The most pleasing way
to break it, however ; is to buy your girl
forty-five cents worth of chewing gum
and get back a nickel.
The Long Creek Eagle eays that a
great mining excitement prevails at
Spanish gnlcb, a noted mineral belt' on
The Dalles - and Canyon city road
Mines have been in operation in that
locality Eince the '60's but until of late
was there any particular attention man
ifested in its mining enterprise. Only a
few weeks since, miners found that the
entire country was rich with placer gold,
and proceeded to locate claims and water
right. Others followed and today over
1,000 acres are held as placer ground
Several parties from Portland and The
Dalles are interested in the camp, and
it is anticipated, tbat qaite' a stir will
take place in that mineral belt.
sale of Summer
"What could we do "without : Ferris,
and the sprinkling wagon," said ore
lady to another passing The Chronicle
at 2:30 p. m. today. "Use our hose, of
course;" "Not mine," was the rejoinder,
'at 3.00 per pair."
Christopher -Fitzgerald has .sent, to
his father, Mr. E. P. Fitzgerald, of this
city,' the diploma awarded to him at
Notre Dame. ' It is for first premium in
surveying, and second in Christian doc
trine. . industrial drawinsr, analytical
geometry and English literature.
Don't forget the fourth annua exhibi
tion of the second Eastern' ' Oregon dis
trict agricultural society," embracing'tbg
counties of Wasco, . Sherman, Gilliam,
Crook, Morrow and Umatilla, to be held
at . The - Dalles, . commencing . Tuesday .
Oct. 11, 1892, and . continue five days.
iet a list from j. U. Muck, secretary
As Caroline, the dusky queen of fthe
West End, went V to Portland today ", in
company with the Duputy United States
marshal, the belles of that division of
The Dalles have' waved their premedi
tated assault upon ns. ": But we are down.
upon our bended knees in abject apology
for having, in the remotest 'Way, intend
ed to create the sensation which followed
the announcement of the 8th.
Mr. and Mrs. Garretson and their lit
tle Txy,-received a -sudden visit from a
large brown bear on Wednesday, while
fishing, about eight . miles from
Dufur. As the bear was paying most of
his attentions to a cow and caff, rushing
away after them, Garretson couldn't
catch him. But the family tried hard
not to' appear frightened. They were
armed for bear, bat the gun was in the
carriage about a mile down the creek.
ICeal Estate Sale.
The following deeds were recorded to.
day: ' " ' ' - .
Mary and J. B., to J. W. Condon, lots
10, 11, and 12, blocks 9, Laughlin 's ad
dition, $2,200. ... . 1 - '
J. W. Condon and wife to Mary Con
don, lot 10 and west 42 feet of lot 9,
block 7, Dalles City, $2,200.
A. Urquhart to Wm; St. M. Barnes,
1.35 acres, Wasco county, $1.
Current Topic.
The Washington . Republican state
convention meet in Olympia tomorrow
Many delegates to the state league are
are on hand, and President Tom Cava
naugh expects about 350 will be present
when the league meets tomorrow. The
principal work will -be reorganization
Cavanaufrh, who has been president
three years, does not want the office
again. DLreider, the secretary, says
mere win oe a cnange an around.
. Whales at The Beach. . . .
A ruturned sea aider says there is great
competition between Clatsop and North
Beach this year." He ; says the ' North
Beach people secured s whale early; but
it proved to be an elephant on account
of the excessive flavor,, and a worlds
fatr exhibitor was next secured to boil
the wbale. and pack the bones in a box
for Chicago. Not to be outdone, the
Clatsop, people employed. Captain Man
son. the famous trout and salmon fly
fisher, to coax a school of whale np to
tho beach. That - he was successful
may be inferred from this paragraph,
from ' the Astoria Examiner: "An
interesting sight presented itself yeater
dav at Clatson wnile the tide was flood
ing. TCight large whale' were counted
sporting around just outside the surf, so
near, in fact; that one could almost cast
a stone out to where they were playing
about. Later in the evening two more
monster whale were seen, almost in
the same spot. Sea lion are very nu
merous around the beach now, and it is
a common sight to see a score of them
sporting about in the water near the
Freipnt ana Passenger Line
". ; Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and" Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. in.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m. -
no .way. .$2.00
Special rates for parties of six pr over.- u
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. '
Fruit, per 100' pounds ......
Melons and Green Vegetables . ..
Astoria and Ilwaco without delay."
oiupuieiiis remvuu t mian any tim,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on" arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
" Oenernl Agent
Cieneral Manager.
A Popular Monment Is Absolutely
Needed to Start the Work at the
A gentleman in Portland, who" is au
thority upon ..the subject, . informs us
that nobody about the United States en
gineers office consider; that they have
anything further to do with' the Cascade
locks on the Columbia. : " - -
'They seem to think they are left like
Othello, since the passage of the general
appropriation bill. - Th -clause trans
ferring the completion of the locks to
the contract system left the engineer de
partment without funds, as certainly as
if no bill had passed. - - "V
That is the proper view to take of it.
That is just as it'is but the engineers
have a work to perform,- nevertheless. '
Nq contracts can be let, until the plant
and apecifiedtioria are prepared.
Bidders are now waiting lor these;
hot only in Oregon, but elsewhere ; and
there need be no solicitude' expressed
fearing that these gentlemen have any
doubts about the ability of the gover
ment to meet its share of the obligations
imposed by the contract under the act.
It has been intimated that' there are
some knotty points at issue, which re
quire time to sttaigh ten therij out. " -'
How much time? -
The.river is falling, - .
Time is precious... '
People are on the anxious seat; and
want to know whether they are to wait
another decade or bo for the plans and
specifications? ; If so, a little dynamite
must be used to get a move on those in
authority. :
The Inland Empire has been bottled
up aitogetner too long. When our
readers see what the rest of the world is
accomplishing by their God-given rights
of water transportation, as set forth in
our Buffalo dispatches today ; and by
what has been done by -the famous
Sault Ste.Marie canal, 'they become
clamorous for an open Columbia river.
The Dalles is no more-. deeply inter
ested in this matter thau the balance
of the Inland: Empire; but of one fact
the people may rest assured, if The
Dalles and the Inland Empire" do not
force the matter to a prompt and decis
ive issue it will not be forced. That's
all there is about that. The only help
that can be expected below the Cas
cades must come from Vancouver and
Astoria. Portland does not want the
river opened, any more than does the
Union Pacific railway company.
Keep Toir eye on Clatsop.
Dispatch. Tr". Mullinnix, "of Astoria,
is in the" city. . If every-county in' the
state was under the management of such
a working democrat as the doctor, Cleve
and Steve would have the electoral vote
of Oregon.
Modern Miracles.
A singer for breath was distressed,
And the doctors all said Bhe mast rest,
But she took G. M. D.
For her weak lunesyou see,
And now she can sing with the best
An athlete garc out, on a run,
And he feared bis career was quite done:
G. H. O., pray observe.
Give back his lost nerve,
And now he can Hit half a ton.
A writer, who wrote for a prize.
Had headaches and pain in the eyee : ...
G. M. D., was the spell ' ; - : ,
That made him quite well.
And glory before him now lies. - .' -
.. These are only examples of the daily
triumphs of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, in restoring health and re
viving wasted vitality. 8old '. by all
druggists." ''
Lost. A pair of eye-glasses. " Finder
please leave at Chboniclb office.
"fca" ''ll "f t
' Jy entire stock will be
closed out at the above figure.
"Stoneman Fiege, dealers in
Boots and Shoes. All -goods
'we sell wfe warrant.
Thi rente of the Future Utility. Kcnn
omy, Keauty.
Especially adapted to this climate,
soil and demands of the peopje "horse
high, bull strong and rabbit tight."
"He is a public benefactor , who' causes
two blades of grass to grow where but
ona had -grown " before. V. The "advan
tages of the Tuna hedge are: " ' " '' :
1. In two years it makes a fence that
will turn rabbits, sheep and bogs, and
in three years it turns everything.
. . 2. ..It is .the cheapest fencing ever
used, as it supplies the material ior all
time to come.
3. It does not sap" or impoverish the
ground, being strictly an atmospheric
plant, and wilt not grow " from the eeed
or by cutting the roots, and hence will
not spread.. ' . s" .
- 4. It grows only from cuttings, and
will grow in the dryest ground, drawing
its sustenance from the air.. , -
5. It requires no trimming, growing
in perfect shape and height for a fence.
6. It has been thoroughly and satis
factorily tested in climates more rigor
ous than ours, and does not 'winter-kill,
having been successfully grown in
Ohio, Kansas, Texas and Colorado for
the last nine years for fencing purposes.
: 7. It can be planted any time of. year
except in mid-winter.
8. It ornaments your homes, being
an evergreen and blooming through the
months of May, June and July.
9. This wonderful plant opena its
bloom just aa the sun crosses the me
ridian line, making it a timepiece.;
10. It also has a small, pear-shaped
fruit, which is red when ripe and quite
delicious, hut, being hard to gather, it is
not much used.
It will be delivered about October 1,
1892, and in order to ' introduce it in
this country extra inducements are now
offered. f We respectfully solicit investi
gation, and invite you to call and ascer
tain folly, in; regard to itfl - merits, as
this is an opportunity to secure fencing
material that has never before been
equalled. - It does away with the mutil
ating barbed wire, gives the old posts
and rails for firewood, and: supplies
fencing material on the farm. ; Address
Johnson & Moon, The Dalles, Or; -'-
A rare opportunity for the ladies is
now afforded by Mrs. Philips, who is of
fering millinery at one third less, as she
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. . 6.18dtf
City tases for 1892 are now due and
payable within sixty days, at the . office
of the undersigned.'
L. Robbkjj. City Treasurer.
Dalles City, July 6th, K92.
Washington Market For Kent.
For rent; the Washington market cor
ner of 8econd and Court. , For terms ap
ply to Geo. Williams administrator of
the estate of John Michelbaugh. ... 8.3dtf
Situation Wanted.
By a cook." Hotel, boarding, house,
restaurant or with a family. Apply at
this office. . 8-8d3t
''.' ' ' Loit.
A small, slate-colored puppy. Finder
will be suitably rewarded by. leaving it
at this office. 8.8dtf
Household Goods.
For sale at corner of Eighth and Lib
erty streets, bed room - set, , carpets,
kitchen chairs, cooking stove, heating
stove, and other articles too numerous
to mention, will Bell at private Bale and
must be sold this week. A. C. Stbsqek.
To Let.
A nicely furnished . bedroom, with or
without board, apply at this office.
7.14dlm ;
. The Old Times are Not In It. ;.
While at our other store at Big Island,
Va., last April, I was taken with a very
severe attack of diarrhoea. I never had
it worse in my life. I tried several old-- :-time-remedies;
such as Blackberry . Wine,
Paregoiicand Laudanum without get
ting any relief. My attention was then; "? .
called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera .
and Diarrhoea liemedy by -Mr. .R.. C. -
Tinsley who had been handling it there,
and in less :han five-minutes after tak- .
ing a small dose I was entirely relieved. - -
O. G. Burvord, Hams Creek,
Amherst Co., Vi. For sale by Blakeley -&
Houghton, druggists. . . d&w
Valuable Farm for Sale.'e--'--(w.-.rvT
A highly improved 400 acre farm, on
Tygh Ridge, convenient to wood, .water '
and range, in n district, where crops ' i
never faiL For .sale - at a reasonable .
price, and on .easy. t?rmsv . Apply . at
this office. ' ' . , .
Saved a Woman's Life.
Mr. J. K. Thorough good, writing from" .-'
Georgetown, Delaware, says: -"Two tea-r-.
spoonfuls of Chamberlain's '' Colic ' '
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved
the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this
place." " Ho also states that ' several : '
other very bad cases of bowel complaint -there
have been cured by this remedy.
For sale by .Blakeley & Honehton, V
druggists. d&w . -
... , Notice. ' '. . . .
' ' - ' . ; . .- .- -Parties
desiring advertising space ot '
the sprinkler wagon may have it by "
applying to S. E. Ferris. . V
..." r .To The Public,'' .' '..'
I have no hesitancy in recommending;
Chamberlain's Colic,. Cholera , and .
Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do
to my friends s nd patrons. . I used it .
myself after other well-known remedies
had failed, and it cured me in a few
minutes. I recommend it candidly and."
cheerfully upon- it merits, not from av '
financial stand-point, because X have , ,
otiiers in stocK on wmcnx maKe a. larger
profit, but because Chamberlain's is the
best remedy 1 know of for-bowel com- - -plaints.
There is no doubt about it, it '
does the work Jamks FohgV, Druggist,' -;
McVeytown, Penn. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. . d&w
- Instantaneous Portraits. Chapraan.
Block, The Dalles, Oregon; - -
Campbell Bros Proprs.
(Ssccmors to Tf. s." crao.)
Manolocturers of the finest French and
. . . ...... Home Made -
' , K&st ot Portland. - '- .
Can furnish, any of these goods at Wholesale
orBetaU - ' . : .
. . '.. ...,1b Kvery Styled - ; "
Ice Cream and Soda Water,-'
104 Second Street. The Dalies, Or.