i- i 1 i The Dalles .Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. National Republican Ticket FOlt PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiann. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, WHITELAW REID, of New York. yOU PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. - IL B. MILLER, of Grant's Paes. : G. M, IRWIN, of Union. 1). M. DUNNE, of Portland. The rainmakfcig craze has about run it9 course. In a little w hile it will be laid away on a shelf with the blue grass craze, the Brown-Serjuard elixir and the Keeley cure. After five dava of futile effort, representatives -of the Good land artificial rain company, of Kansas packed up their traps and left Hermota South Dakota, without taking with ' them the $500 that was to reward a sua cessful demonstration. Within that Ieriod the 'conditions were, exception ally favorable. The air was charged with moisture and electricity, and rain fell at various points in the surrounding country, but none where it had been contracted for, and although the rain makers demanded pay for the distant showers, the people of Hermota quite effectively replied that thev ' were not buying rain for other communities. The report of Commissioner Carter shows that Oregon has had 200,313 acres of land surveyed during the pres ent administration.' Washington 166, oo , mano ud,wii. mere is still in Oregon 24.1GG.334 acres of vacant sur veyed lands, and 14,269,500 acres vacant unsurveyed lands. Washington and Idaho combined have but 9,602,138 acres or vacant surveyed lands. With such a showing as this Oregon's moss back (conservative) ways ought to make her rich. She hasn't fooled away any of her acres on a boom, and now it is coming into a bona fide market at an advanced cash price. That's what made many a webfoot wealthy, why should it not work with the state? " A report from London yesterday states that the Cobden Club devotes a great deal of its review to Lord Salisbury's celebrated Hastings speech. The re Dort laments the effect Salisbury's lan guage must have on the European coun tries bavins high protective tariffs. "and which were hanging out signals of distress" at the very moment Salisbury hoisted the protection flag. The report says the speech will have a baneful ef fect on free trade in the United States. So would any similar sensible speech. Spokane ia testing a case to see - whether that city has given away all of " its rights to street railway combines. In the complaint the city alleges that "during the progress of a fire on Boone avonno Nov. 11, 1891, while the fire de partment had a section of hose stretched across the street railway tracks, a car was run over the hose, ruining two sec tions." The plaintiff has demanded . payment for the hose, and as the de manda have been refused, the suit for $20 damages is a matter of principle. -Stock cattle are selling in Montana at $20 per head, while two-year-old beef - cattle bring f30 per head. There is a vaet difference between Montana and Oregon. The Grant County News shows that in that valley stock cattle sell for 12 per headt and it takes a heavy four-year-old to bring unto his owner $28. In order to better, this condition of linings the News says : "Let ns encour age a railroad; the building of one in our county would .stiffen up prices in our products," A. feebh woman ia restored to health and strength, by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. If you're overworked, "run down," or' debilitated, you need it. It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, and a soothing and strength ening nervine, imparting 'tone and vigor to the whole system. It's a legitimate medicine, too carefully compounded by an experienced phy sician, and adapted to woman's deli cate organization. For all. , the chronic weaknesses, functional de rangements, and painful disorders peculiar to the sex, it is an unfailing remedy. It's because it is unfail ing that it can be sold under a posi tive "guarantee. If. it fails to give satisfaction in any case for which it's recommended, the money "paid for it will bo promptly returned. It is a legitimate medicine not a beverage. Contains no alcohol to inebriate no syrup 'or sugar to sour or ferment in the stomach and cause distress. As peculiar in its marvelous, remedial results as in its composition. Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, The lc Wagon The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. Any -orders for ice left with Will Vanbibber'a express or.at tho store of Chas.. Lauer Will be promptly , at tended to. - : - Cates & Almson". .' r. tmn . V "' jt. - - County 'Trcanrcr,cSofi;c? V. - ' Ail cotmtv warrants registered ' prior to March 13", 18S9, will bf-paidf pre- sentea at my omce, corner : intra unci Washington" stref la. Interest ceases on and after this date. - . The Dalles., July 10, 1S92. , ' WlIXIAM MlCHEIX, 7.18tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. T. A. Van Norden, the "expert watch repairet at No. 106 Second street. The Dalles, appears to have a happy Knack ! iur uuiunig me uuuuuuiivuoi hib patrons. The secret, of course, is the usual one skill in repairing even the most compli cated watches. 7-lu-lm ICEI ICE! ICKl Uayiug n, hand' a largo supply of ice 'we are prepared to furnish our custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply the demand without advancing " prices throughout the season-,:. Leave orders at C-."F. Lauer'e store, Second street. " 5-2tf . -. - Cates & Almsonv "''..v-'.;.-'-L.stice:;. - : All Dalies" City warrants registered prior to October 7,-lSW.will be paid if presented at my-onice. Intereet ceases from and after this date. " Dated July 7tb, 1892. - ' . . ' ' LVKORDESC, . . -r ' Treae. Dalles City. .- Administrators Sale of Horses. ' In pursuance of an order of tlio county court, of Wasco county, dated July loth, 1892, I will wll as a whole or in lots, all the band of mares, gcldines and colts, also one " "Black Stronger" stallion, a line horse unci good breeder, belonging to the estate of the late W. J. Meins. These are good well bred horses, many of them- broke to work. They will be sold for cash .or approved security. , T' . , J. C. Mkixis,- Administrator, of the Estate of W. J. Meinf . 7.23dwlm. "-." J. FOLCO, - j"- . . dkalek' in Candies, Fruiis, Nuts, Soda .Water Ice Cream, Tobacco anil Cigars. - ' " .-t-MAJtl'FACTVllEI'. Ol Finst Class Syraps for Saloons and V Soda Fountains,- Ete. -; : fc'etoml struct. Next door to Wiueatc's llall THE CELEBRATED s ' COLUMBIA BREWERY ' AUGUST BUCHLER,: Prop'rv:' - - This well-known Brewery is now turning oat the best Beer .and Porter east of the Cascades, The latest appliances for the manufacture of goodi health ful Beer have been introdnced, ajid only the first-claes article will bejIaced oa - , The Iiateh String is Aiuiays Oat f Sprii6 and Summer. season ' '. .. - . - .1H92. C. STEPHENS, -' Examination of 'Teachers. Notice is hrebv irivpn thnk fr ilit. purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this countv. the conntv eohrw.l annorin. tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at his office in The Dalles, be ginning Wednesday, August 10th, 1S92, at Oneo'clock t. m. All tenehprHplicrihlo for State Certificates. State Dinlomaa and Life Diplomas must make applica tion at the quarterlv examinations. Dated this Aug 3d. 1892.- 'rrn- Kiitt v - CJounty School Snprintemlttt of Wapco j s . . . . . . vuuiiiy, jregon. . , -KIAWtd THE DALLES, OREGON. Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmithing in the finest style. - Satisfaction guar anteed. ' GUflflltfG&HOCKMflN, Props Im0! a5e tUnfB' nd "noil drop of ink, - -v FaUlng. Uke dew, upon a thought. orodaoM ' That which makes tSouaands.lhaSrSS??.. .ki- ' ' . WK TKITST TO fNTERKST AND DO ,IOF OOOD, ' MANUFACTURED-- BY -' -' - -':.' - A J- WALTER H. TEN N Y & CO., I )rv OnnH THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. X J VI WVAO SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. (Clothing Kootn. Sjlioen, flat. Ktr THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. "e -o"-nSatMl Building; next Door to Court Rouse. H 1 ml iiDuaug next Door to Court Rouse. r &n ClJ QO 0110, plOtlOn, Hanflsomely Fqrcis'nea Eocms to Bent ty tie Day, Week or Mini UU Second fit., next to Dalles National Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. NEPTONE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. n 110 FKOM STkEKT. THE UAI.LK. OUJifiOV. J. L. FISHEK. W. J. MONTAGUE. I PROPRIETORS OF THE Elite Shaving Parlors AND Bath Rooms. SEG0JTD STREET. THE DALLES, 0E, Gentlemen will fina THE T "ET.ttk luiiv-up' 10 me times in every respect. Hair Cutting in the best manner, in every stvle of the art. Smooth Shmrint. .1 f C . Tll . O Hours : F.very day and evening dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nines after 10 o'clock. Onen nn Snn aays irom a. m. to vi o'clock noon. CHAS. STUBUNG. OWEN WILLIAMS, Stubling Williams. The GermaDia, SECOND ST.', THE DALLES. - OREGON CT"Dealer8 in Wines, Liquors and witwa. I'juwiiutra jeer on uraugnt. Gronps of resectable looking men may occasionally be seen roaming over our mountain passes, says the News, claiming to bo prospectors. In this age of progress they are just as apt to be surveyors looking out a railroad eito. Treat them well, anyway, for in either case their aim is to advance the interests of ourglorions county. The assessor's roll shows that, thn total-value of property in Clark county, v nanington, amounts to more than 6.- OOdiOGO. A large part of this increnro over previous years is due to the recent planting of large orchards which have rendered valuable lands formerly of more account. ' ' W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room. Tho Dalles, - Oregon. W Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. There is just this about ' the labor question : When a man wishes to work and another wishes not to work, all things should centralize on giving the work to the man who wants it, and all tlie force of the government should be used, if necessary, to protect him in his choice between idleness and labor. The Long Creek boys are still at work on their Marysville placers, and with good results. The St. Charles Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON. Xhlfl nld. nrtnnlnv onrl vaIi'oKIa S.a.a - 1 iT tviiauig UVUOD has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been rnnanonul onrl mnoSntA X . - u.av . V ,'tWl and newly carpeted throughout. The nuurc tumainB iu rooms ana is supplied with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A tmnA - f- - 'WW V MWMAWJa to the house. Free bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. J. S. 8CHEHCK, President. H.M. Beau. Cashier, First Kational Bank. VHE DALLES. - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check Collections made and proceeds promptly : remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. ' DIRECTORS, D. I. Thompson. - Jno. 8. ScsEKnir. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbz. H. M. Bsall. fU J tt m o 0) o N tt 7 .. 01 , o z D : c u Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED r" Good Sample Rooms -for Commercial Men.' I B B E HOTE At the old stand of t. Ixusheir. Chas. Fpazeis tPpp. MAI ER.1& 33felSTGN ' '. DEALERS IN ' ' , " ''.' rTrT A'"A TVvirx-r FlR. PlNE. ASH W WXJ v V AND GRABAPPLE GROCERIES, STBA. HARDWARE TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor.: Third and Union, or 133 Second st. , . THE DALLES, OR? - :- v Sir if mmms. - .-.'.. . ?s f ... , i .' .- ' ; . ' - T. IEsE. CROSS . ' . i ' dealer is v -...f-' ';.; - Hay, Grain, Feed & Flour. HEADQUARTERS TOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH.' . It behooves evflrvnnfi. p.srfnialTv thi mM-h-lntr-rnn-r. K,,r j 7 r r rM ifcmwti. V 1 1 1 ll. i J . a . -,.' wueio ire uiiu uuy mo uea,pesG aim can sez tne most lor nis 1. i .1 -rxr .-.l! -i 1 . . .r iiaiu. traiueu money. w e Honcii a snare oi your patronage. Cash pajd for eggs and poultry. All goods delivered free and promptly Corner Union and Second streets, The Dalles, Oregon. FRUIT JARS. JELLY GLASSES. -WHOLESALE OK KETAIIi- Crockery and Glassware, Flatedware, Cutlery, Lamps, Toys and Notions,' Hammocks; Fishing Tackle, Stationery, Etc Agent for NEW HOME and WHITE SEWING ' MACHINES. Needles and attachments for all machines. Clears axid Tobaopo, "V L IS Second St L. RORDEN & CO., 181 Second St CHP INN. Open ffom tJcily 1st to Oetoberr 1st. This Tt?Ot.nrOBI1lla linilMllnr ttnilt r.t aTlAn- 1 J '. . VV "V.' ,, -. , "i"?1 ux--wgB, una rootea securely on tb f0', -Jrodppe on the nerth side of Mount Hood is within fifteen minnte level, twenty-seven miles from-Hood.Eiver, over the finest roads in the- United States. Fare for the round trip $8.00; rates per day $3.50. . :-. C- The Table at Clond Cap Inn ia supplied with everything the market afforda! r. rr - -. .v.., uvm 6um mj jruu vj ine top ox mount ricnxt by the best practicable routes, which are from the Inn. .. . . " v 7: v-r - ; 4 ; W. A. LANQ-ILLE, Manager, ; HEW SPRIJIB PS0JIl DB COMPLETE . IN EVERT DEPARTMENT." v- ' Clothing Gehts' planishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes ; Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. Cash Bayers will save money by examining our "stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. H. Herbring. WM. BUTLER & CO., -DEALERS IN PAUL KR EFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- Building Rough and Dressed PAINTS, OILS AN D . CLASS. Lumber, Lime, Plaster. Hair and Cement. And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in : A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled fay us. XXST'Practical Painters "and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen emnloved. A cents for Masurv Liouid Paints. No cnemicai comDination or soap mixture. A tlrst class article in all colors. . All orders promptly attended to. - - .i.' . Store and PaintShop oerner Third and Washing toaSta., The Dalles, Oregon I JEFFERSON STREET, between Second and RaUroad. ...THE DALLES, OB