The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 08, 1892, Image 3

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    mi n
i i i
.- t. .. .......
. ; rv ; Those desiring to wear one of the latest New
. York styles shodld -scair early aa I have tui a;
. limited nnmber of them.
fc Dalles, PortM mi Aitoria
.Navigation Co.
Outing Flannels.
Chevalier Cloth..
Bedford Cords...
... - - ---.-- . .
Satihes Black ....
Dress Ginghams
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear tiie following day.
AUGUST 8, 1892
Misses Pearl and Jessie Butler left
for Collins Landing.
Mr. and Mrs. Farley returned from
Hood River last evening.
Lost. A pair of eye-glasses. Finder
please leave at Chronicle office.
Mrs. AiKeller and family left on the
Regulator for Portland this a. m.
Messrs. Halght and Wilson spent
Sunday in camp with their families, be
low Hood River.
May 'p & Crowe received a stump pul
ler for K. T. Higby, see it and make
V9UT, own comment.
The Regulator, Baker and ferryboat,
were ofScialy inspected yesterday by
Messrs. McDermott and Edwards.
Capt. Coo's new steamer, the Irani,
was inspected yesterday, on the return
of Messrs. McDormott and Edwards.
P. W. DcHuff left for Ripari this
morning, to look after the steamer ser
vice of the U. P. R. Co., on Snake river.
Messrs. M. A. Moody, Green, Joslyn
and others, returned from a fishing
jaunt last night, saturated with satisfac
tion. The fire department will not have it
as Judd S. Fish wants it. hence have re
appointed him chief of The; Dalles de
partment. :. -. '.
According to quotations of the Chicago
cattle and horse market, given today,
The Dalles would be a good place to
reach out for a supply of either.
Col. John McCraken "returned from a
trip to . the interior on Saturday. He
says the weather was extremely warm
1n Utah. At Huntington on Saturday
the thermometer registered 104 degrees,
northern exposure.
Prof. J. M. DeMoss has decided not to
ive a concert ia The Dailea by bis fam
ily, in consequence of the lack of a suit
able hall. Theirlast concert was given
in Chicago June 27th, and the family are
now returning to their home in Oregon:
The J. P. 4 A. NJ Co., having dropped
the way freight business between the
Cascades and Portland are now enabled
to land passengers in Portland and The
Dalles much earlier than formerly. Dur
ing the summer months this route should
be patronized by all.
Hon. Van B." DeLashmutt, ex-mayor
of Portland, passed through Saturday
on his return from Boise .City: He
thinks matters will soon be al right
gain in Cceur d'Alene, as justice will be
done to both sides. This will
tate the hancrinv frf tfcWa nr fnnr 'titin.1
ureu people, probably; - but justice
should be done, certainly.
Even the circus brought nobody good,
in Portland last week. It was a caravan
of thieves. Persons living in the neigh
borhood of the performances hope never
to 6 so afflicted again'. The mob of
thieves operated extensively in a small
-way rifling cellars and kitchens of pro
Tisions, stealing garden hose and in fact
J J ' -
anyming else that could be carried away
without attracting much attention.
We desire to call your attention to our
Dress Goods, consisting of
......14 yards for $1.00
......20 yards for 1.00
8 yards for. 1.00
. . . .v: : .6 yards for s 1 .00
.....8yrdsrfqr IJOO
... . . .6 yards for . 1.00
10 yards for 1.00
;:v....8 yards for 1.00
We have marked all of theseat. prices to sell them as
we need the room , for pur immense Fall ", Stock now on -the
way. " : -: " " ' i:: : :r. '
The Tuna Hedge; the future fence of
the country, which is described today,
may be secured of Johnson & Moon, at
the Umatilla house. Orders should be
sent in as soon as possible, as there is
no permanent office here. Mr. Johnson
is well known in The Dalle?, and will
furnish any recommendations needed
Portland is the dustiest city on the
west side of the continent at present
There is not the slightest effort made to
surpress the dirt. On the other hand
taxes continue to be levied to increase the
slock of dirt on hand by opening new
streets which are not needed, and turn-
ning them over to the winds to be blown
in with the unreconstructed nuisances
everywhere abounding.
So Mars is not peopled after all. This
verdict from the Lick astronomers does
away with the last hope of marshaling
blocks of five from that quarter. It is
hardly probable that the patience of the
good Lord" great as 'it is, could tolerate
another inhabited world. The decision
that there are no canals there, also dis
poses of the fanciful theory that the in
habitahts of Mars were advanced enough
to provide against railroad combines.
The canals are not parallel lines, the
observers now ' say, but broad bands.
That the astronomers are making hay
while the sun shines is very evident.
Telescopes on both, hemispheres are
pointed to the beautiful red planet
nightly, and observations of great in
terest and scientific value are ' being
made. The Lick telescope has brought
forth discoveries of great importance.
Latest Information Through the Spicy
Columns of the Herald.
Last and this week were the hottest
experienced "in the Antelope country
this season. Last Saturday the ther
mometer registered 104 in the shade.
Although July and August are the ex
tremely dull months of the year in this
country there is more business done here
right now than there is in most towns in
the busiest season.
Where drummers are to be found "in
abundance" there is where an "abnnd-
ance otbusineas" ia transacted! Ante
lope has been swarming with drummers
all summer.
- The demand in ' British Columbia for
Oregon mutton, has somewhat, stimu
lated a great interest in ' this Minn
amongst stock commission dealers. '"" "
- On Friday last Frank Irvine became
very ill and the Drs. Beers, who hap
pened to' )io passing through." at the
time, were called in." It was discovered
to be an attack of pleurisy, and while
under the doctor's examination Mr. Ir
vine fainted away and remained uncon
scious for considerable time. Finally
he was resuscitated and is now gradu
ally getting ; better. Mr. Irvine; wrote
down for his partner, E. M. Wingate,
who has been visiting his relatives in
The Dalles for several weeks.
Seventeen years ago while Wm . Hinkle
and Johnie Clarno were bringing a- bran
new freight wagon belonging to Mr;' H.
over the John Day river oa the ferry
boat run by Mr. Cfarno. one of th
wheels came off the wagon and sank in
the river. The wheel was never , dis
covered until last week when' Johnnie
Clarno saw it sticking out of the water
about 200 yards below where it had sunk.
The wheel, having always been, under
and. preserved by the water, was found
to De soiia and sound as ever, with the
exception of a little wearing by the
water. ' - -
sale of- Summer
l . : : ' .- mmm
Some Local Motes and Pertinent Re
marks by the Way.
Special to Ths CHKOMCLK.1 -
Cascade Locks, August 8. This place
is very quiet since Uncle Samuel has
snut down on canal construction. All
the surplus men and hangers-on are off
amy. speaking of the suspension, in
looking over the plant.-evervthirie is
cleaned up and stored away as neatly
ana carefully .as it the thing was put
away in its little bed. to eo to steer for
a long repose. In conversation -with an
authority I leaan that : those in charge
here are in waiting for orders - from the
engineer, who is in ' waiting for orders
irom neaaquarters. One cannot but bo
m pressed with the feelinor that th
slumbering delays of the past are a
precedent tor tears ot a repetition of the
former fifteen years, wbich has wea
ried the patience of the Inland Empire.
The contract clause, aa internreted hv
some, means wearisome years of fooling
and a lingering construction of the locks.
One thing must be corrected, which has
gone aDroad through the press, and that
is the charge of recuttine stone. Onlv
in a few instances has it been done and
that, was when a certain dimension
stone was needed to finish a certain
courBe which had not been cut as di
rected. Your correspondent is not an
apologist for the engineer in charsre if he
does give you the item.
The discovery of coal on Tanner creek
has resulted in running a tunnel in on
the vein nearly one hundred feet whirh
does not show any geat encouragement
w ine discoverers however. The vein,
is twenty-two inches thick, and does nnt.
appear to be of much value in quality.
Th Chronicle of late had something
to say about The Dailea and Rnd
wagon road, which .is impassible be
tween uood Klver and Wythe. We Cas-
caders think Wasco countv should AAA
that it is put in a traveling condition.
And, since the railroad ' company des
troyed it, they should be made to nut it
in as good fix as they found it. We
have hopes that our new "county judge
will look into the matter.
There is a nartv of gentlemen from
Portland in camp, a few miles from the,
river on Herman creek, where they are
having a good time hunting and fishimr.
Messrs. Cram," Shontel, and Wm.
Michell are in camp near the railroad on
this stream. - ; . . -,
.The Misses Lane of The DaUaa. .
the guests 6t Lieut.,' Taylor of the en
gineer corps,: and 'are chaparoned by
Mrs. A. L. Newman.
Messrs. 8. L. Brooks and LLW. TTnnn.
her, with their families, are in camp at
a lovely spot opposite the Regulator
landing. Thev are delighted with tha
Cascades as a summer resort and ex
press themselves as beintr surprised at
the idea of . going to the sea coast when
m luuauty anoras sucn attractions in
the Wfl.V: of mnrnififvvif a
a cool, bracing atmosphere.
.ine steamers juaiies Uity and .Regu
lator arrive on railroad time. ' The
Dalles Citv arritrna at. ttia
at '12 o'clock sharp every day, and the
Regulator at the upper locks at 10 a. m.
daily. Ca8S.
. There is no improvement in the con
dition of Mr. Thomas Olennn. A
sultation of three physicians was held
this morning, and fears are entertained
as to his recovery. He is being kindly
cared for by many friends of long years
standing. . ' . '. , . .
. Lost. -: .
A Small, alatn-nnlnrnd
wilt be suitably rewarded by leaving it
Freignt sua Passenger Lins
Throthrh flail V 'mrvfoA fKnrwlni-a i-
ccpreuj ueiween xne uaiioe ana Port
land? leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m..
arriving ai rortiana o p. m.
One way.-v. ...... . ... . . :.$2.00
Round trip. . . . . r. : 3.00
special rates for parties of six or OTcr.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
. .. '. " .
Fruit, per 100 pounds. . . . . ; " .40
Melons and Green Vegetables .30
. Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and Ilwaco without delay.
day or night, and delivered at Portland1
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
General Agent.'
B. F. LAUGH LIN,' r ; '
litiiersl nuafer. . -, .
A singer for breath was distressed,
And the doctors all said she must rest, - '
But she took G. M. D.
For her weak lungs you see,
And now she can sing with the best.
An athlete gave out, on a run,
And he feared bis career was quite done;
O. M. D..iray observe.
Give back hi lost nerve.
And now he can lift half a ton.
A writer, who wrote for a prize,
Had headaches and pain in the eyes;
G. M. D., was the spell
That made him quite well.
And glory betore him now lies. . ' . - -
- These are only examples of .the daily
triumphs of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, in restoring health and re
viving wasted vitality.' Sold by all
druggists. - - ; ; V
People went from The Dalles to Hood
River, outing, yesterday,. A party from
Hood River took in Bridal Veil ; and a
Bridal Veil party stopped off at Trout-
dale, where a " party stepped on board
for Portland. Once at Portland half a
dosten steamboats were ready to carry as
many as could go comfortably to Asto
ria, Clatsop and North Beach. Thus
do we rest on Sundays in Oregon.
Bro. John Michell couldn't stay at
home yesterday. He too had an outing
down in the direction of the cool um
brageous shades of Mosier, angling in
pebbly brooks for the speckeled beauties
like other disciples of Isaak Walton
Situation Wanted . jv .'
- By a cook. Hotel, boarding house,
restaurant or with a family. Apply at
miB omce. o-sdist
a Jtoatrn Mlracls, - A Cud From Hn
JBonthly meteorological Report.
Weather bureau, department of agriculture.
Station, The Dalles, Oregon, for the month of
July, 1892,
Latitude 45P 86' 18". longitude 121 Vt'li" west.
Altitude 118 feet above sea level.
"b a S 5 M
DATaXl pa'?- '3- v, -
. - . :. . crS
: : : '
67 76 69 - "
73 87 ,.:
3...:: r 78 95 60.
74 82 66
5....:. , 61 71 52.
6 62 71 62-
7......V 64 81 48
8 70 91 49
9., 67 76 57
10....... ...... i.-. 71 '82 60
U...: 1 68 71 66 T
12. ...... 60 78 47.
18.. ; 65 80 50
14.. 72 91 62
15 70 77 63
J''-' 64 71 58 ,27
17 J S3 75 M
18..., 66 80 - 62
19 ...... 68 75 60
20 ; 67 83 52
21 66 73 69
22...... ...... -63 73 . 53
23 .." 62 73 60
M i,... 69 81.: 58,
2o :-.J.-;..i.::. 69 81 66
26.. i.-j-I-'-S 71 87 66
27.. 74 91 67
S..z.:;i,...;...:...rsi 78 - 95 61-. V
29..;- .'..80." 95 65
50.1. ;., ........-..-....i 77 90 64
81 77 91 63
Sums..,"...; 2151 251f! 1745 0.27
Means 69.4 81.2 69.5 1-
mtsiu Barometer, h.wj; nignest Darometer,
30.826, on 7th ; lowest barometer 29.758 ou aid.
9a on 3, 28, 29, lowest temperature, 48, on 7th.
Least daily range of temperature, 13 on 16th.
1877 71.5
1R 71 K
1888,. .-.71.0
1889 74.8
1890.... 69.0
1891 70.8
1878 74.0
1883 67.5j
1884 71.0
1875 70 0
1S70. . : .nun
1880..,. 68.5
1876.... 75.5
1886 70.0
- - " "I - . . . w.w . . . iv.Viix... , tV.O
Total defiptehpv Ini'tetnnMwhiM riiinv ttu
month, 0.06
'lata! excess in temperature since January 1st,
1891, 11.9.
Prevailing direction of wind, westerly.
" Total precipitation,' 0.27: number of days on
which .01 inch or more of precipitation fell 1,
1873..,. 11878. ...0.08 11883. ;..0 O0H8s".:?.0.2-
1874 K879... 0.81 1884. :. 0-. 41 1889.... T
1875 0.14 11880 -..0.04 11885 iBQft n OA
1876 0.07 1881 0.11 1886.... 0.19 1891.... 0.24
1877.:.. 0.28 1 1883 0.12 18S7. ..0.07 1892 0.27
Average precipitation for 1892, 0.16. . '
Total excess. In - TtriMtfnitAtinri rinrlnf Tnnht-li
O-llinohes. . . " .
Total deflcloncy in precipitation since January
1st, 1891, 3.49. "- - -
Number of nlrtnd tna tlavm. OA nnrtlv rlnTnlt-
days, 4; cloudy days, I.
ii utk uaromeier reaucea to sea level.- X indl
cates trace ot precipitation.
- Voluntary Signal Vorpe Observer.
closed put ?tt the above
Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
Boots and Shoes. All goods
' we "sell, we warrant.
I see in the Oreitonian of Aue. 4th
statement that a report is being circu
laied nere, that -William Birgfeld, m
husband, was with mv- father in Oal
at the time of his death, and that certain
parties in The Bailee, are intimating
inai my nusDand nad isometnrng to do
therewith, - h ' . -?. - ;
Their story is as trhjus't and "without
fonhdation as are other stories that are
being industriously "circulated by mv
husband's enemies. - - : - -'-
The facts about my fathers death are
simply, jib follows: "In Mav 1888. mv
father, who. had been' ill for over a year
oecame so muci) worse, tbat tne aoctore
nere advised nim to go to UaU for his
health. He thought a great deal of Mr.
Birgfeld, and desired him to go with
mm to tase care or mm wmcn Air.
Birgfeld consented willinelv to do.
Mr. Birgfeld stayed in San Francisco
two weeks. .My father seemed much
better, and Mr. B. returned -to The
Dalies, where he remained but a short
time, when my: father got worse and
teiegrapned to mm to come down, as he
neeaea mm to tase care ot mm.
Mr. Birgfeld went at once to Califor
nia in response to the telegram, and.
upon. consultation with the nhvsiciann.
found my father in so dangerous a con
dition tnat be telegraphed immediately
for my mother who went down, and
Mr. Birgfeld came home, leaving .any
mother with my father, and did not see
him again until he was brought up here
for burial. He was not with my father
and did not see him for. nearly two
weeks before his death, my 'mother- be
ing with him all of tbat time.
It seems impossible that even a man's
most bitter enemies would start such
unjust and.' malicious reports against
him, and surely the object of all these
fabrications that are going around,
without any foundation, must be for the
purpose of deliberate persecution, and
to prevent my husband from establish
ing his innocence of the terrible charge
now pending against him. I know
that my husband "has many enemies,
but it seems to me that for my sake ana
for the sake of our little children, if not
for his own, people should accord him
common justice and a fair show to prove
his innocence, and not be constantly in
venting and. spreading theeo false and
unjust stories for the evident purpose of
- . A Lacka, E. Bibgfel'd
Fresh stubble pasture at Sharps, on
Three Mile. '!
Ilousehbld Goods.
' For s& corner Vif unA T.SK.
erty- streets, bed room set, carpets,
Kitcnen cnaira,. cooKing stove. Heating
move, ana oiner articles too numerous
tn.mantinn- will aaII a f nrlmta Mia an1
must be sold this week. A. C. Spkncks.
O-ttdZl ; . : . . . : : . -
To Tne Public.
I have no hesitancy in recommending
ham terrain's ... Colic' CCholera' and
Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do
to my friends and patrbnr.-: I; nsed it
myself after otver well-known remedies
had failed, and it cured . me in a few
minutes. I recommend it -candidly and
cheerfully . upon It merits, not from a
financial stand-point, because I - have
others in stock. on which I make alarger
profit, bat because Chamberlain's is the
best remedy 1 know of for bowel com
plaints. There is no doubt about it, it
does. the work James Foroy, Druggist,
Mcveyiown, renn. . if or . sale ty
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, ddbw
Examination of Teachers. x
Notice is hereby given that for the
DUTOOBe of makincf an-exuDiinntinn nf
all persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the echools of
mus count'," tne county ecbool superin
tendent thereof will hold a public exam
ination at his office in The Dalles, be
ginning Wednesday. August 10th. 1892.
at one o'clock p. m. All teachers eligible
for State CertiBcates, State Diplomas
and Life Diplomas must make applica
tion at the quarterly examinations. .
Dated this Aug 3d, 1892.. .. . -
'-. . ' -. TEOY SnKLLBY ' i
County School Superintendent of Wasco
vounty, uregon. . .. 8-ld4wtd
The Old Times are Not Ia It.
While at our other store at Big Island", -Va.,
last April, I was .taken with a very -"
severe attack of diarrhoea..' . I never had, ,
it, worse m my life. - l tried several old
time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine. '
Paregoiicand Laudanum without get- v
ting any relief. My attention was then
called to Chamberlain's Colic-, Cboler
and Diarrhoea Remedy by :Mr..R..C -
and in less han five minutes after tak
ing a small dose I was entirely relieved.
t - T T ! -t
Amherst Co., V: Fdr sale by Blakeley
. To I,et. . ' '" (-
without board, apply at this office." r'
7.14dlm f - -
Valuable farm for Bale.
A hitrhly improved 400 acre farm, on
Pygh Ridge, convenient to wood, water -
tnd ranee, in a district hm rmna
never fail. For . sale . at a reasonable
price, and on easy . terms. ; Apply at
this office.- v- : ' . ' . ' , - .
Saved a Woman's Life.- -'
Mr. .7 - V.. ThftrBmrhmwul. wnttni, fMiK .
Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two tea
spoonfuls of Chamberlain's Co He.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved,
the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this
place." He also states that several.
otner very Dad cases of bowel complaint . -there
have been cured by . this remedyi
For sale by . Blakeley A Houghton,
druggists. , . -r d&w .
Parties deairinir Lp(rfciAlncr onaM m -t"
the snrinklpr ujumn mnv itavA it Ka ,.
aPDiviDflr to 8. K. Fkrbib.
repairei at No. 106 Second street, The
Dalles, appears to have a happy Knack :
for holding the confidence of his patrons.
The secret, of course, is the usual one
skill in repairing even the most compli- -i-cated
watches. 7-13-lm - i
, Two Grand Kxcnrsiona. '
Two crand excursions 'to Eurone hv
the fast and elegant anchor lino steam
ships "Ethiopia" andFumessia.'-' The
first will leave New York. Amrast lath.
and the second August 20tlr, this is an
opportunity seldom offered to parties de4'
siring to visit . the old-country. - For.
fall particulars and rates, apply to T.-A.
Hudson, general agent. The Dalles, Or
Instaataneous Portraits. . Chapraai
Block, The Dalles!, Oregon. 1 ,. ,; ,,:
Campbell Bros; Proprs
(Stcwsion to W. s. Craa.) -
Hanufacturera of the finest French sad
Home Made
East of Portland. -r . x."
fropical Fraits, Nats, (Jr jimi Tobacco. ,
Can furnish anr of these roods at -
or Retail ' . ... .- ,
In Eiary Style.' , -.'-
Ics Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. . "