The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 06, 1892, Image 3

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-,' '.' .'." -.- ' ' -.'-" -
- Those desiring to wear one of the latest Kew
"' ' ' . v -' ' ' York styles should ''call early as I have but
- . . limited number of theiri. " ." ' ' -'-...
Cleveld pd
f t
Dallss Pertlaia aid Astsria
Navigation Cor
We'' desire
Tbs Dalles Daily .Chronlck.
Kntcrcd a the Poetoffice st The Dalles, Oregon,
as feecond-clasa matter. -4
Local Advertising.
10 Ccuts per lino for first insertion, ncd f Cents
?ct liue for each subsequent insertion.
Special rated for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear tie following day.
- - AUGUST 6, 1892
Tomorrow will be the last Sunday for
fresh salmon this year. '
F. J. Moffit and wife of Monklaridrare
at the Umatilla house today. .
There is quite a demand) in -The
UaUeajust now for bill posting. '
The boiler is ' in position, and the
fiouse well up on Kennedys new steam
D. C. Sullivan, Jas. Ferguson and II.
Bland'arrived . this morning from Ulys
ses, Kansas.. . . v - . "
Wood, lumber and building mater
ials pretty well cover the levee below
"the Umatilla house.
The two-and-a-half million bill for the
benefit of the Chicago fair, has finally
passed congress.
Space in the pavilion for the coming
'district fair may be had 'on. application
to J. O. Mack, secretary.
Read the "new ad. of The Dalles,' Port
land 'and 'Astoria Navigation Company
to-day. That means business. v
A pontoon bridge crossing Mill creek,
just below the railroad bridge, is quite a
handy scheme for the boat . builders.
C. W. Phelps & Co., of this cityoffer
to pay the toll of Sherman county farm
ers who buy from them. This is one of
the keys to success. . J- .
It is authoritatively announced Jhat
Mr. Blaine will soon go upon the stump
"in defense of the principles of his party.
The Dalles citizens brass band boys
will entertain a few of their friends to
morrow at a quiet little outing up Mill
creek. All the boye are invited."
Thirteen of the rioters at Daquesna
"have been arrested. ", Many others; have
left town. The thirty repairmen, driven
away by strikers returned to work; . 1
Mr. Hughes, late clerk of Washington
county, was in the city today, fie has
acquired 6uch a habit of hanging around
lerks offices, that everywhere he goes
he makes that his resort.
John Booth left by the Regulator this
morning for. bis camp down the Col
umbia. He had his instrument with
him, bo it is presumed there will be ser--.Sces
in that camp tonight. -
.Mr. As tor can draw a check based on
n income of $7.38 a minute, but it
shows the relative value of things that
just now it's doubtless more satisfaction
to him that he can draw his breath.
Looking at Mars is now the pastime
of famous -astronomers. The Review
suggests that when they grow weary of
searching, for tlio canals in jHars they
might t urn their telescope!? on Seattle.
Dr. And Mrs. Taylor have, just re
turned from a trip of two weeks country
iriving. Dr Taylor says they found
fishing fine . in the west fork of Hood
river. There tho. water wjis cold and
fie solid. Trout Juke wns warm and
fiaMr.c ilnnv for the peasovi. 'He eot the
I i .CT . Mv-. - C-
East block of ice at the cave.. Returning
Hor mmo via Glcnwood. Blockhouse
to call vonr attention to bur
Dre9s Goods consisting of .
Outing Flannels.......... .....14 yards for 1.00
Challies .. .... L 20 yards for 1.00
Swandowns-.. . 8 yards ibr . 1.00
' " Chevalier Cloth.,;...'.. 0 yards for 1.00
" 'Bedford Cords.;...' .......8 vards for 1.00
Satined ' Black.. '..S.T... ..6 yards for 1.00
Dress Ginghams 10 yards for : 1.00
Nainsooks 8 yards for 1.00
We have marked all of these at prices, to sell them as
Ave need the room for our immense. Fall Stock now on the
Both houses of congress adjourned
11:30 last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Egan have returned
fcom their Klickitat visit. ;
Rates at Cloud Cap Inn are-per day,
$3.50 ; per week $10 ; per month $15.
Mr. W. A, Davis, artist for Bert C.
Towne, is in the vicinity taking some
fineviews." : :;' '.. - i':
Mrs. Middleton arrived on the noon
passenger yesterday on a visit to Mrs.
Six car loads of hoises arc being
shipped from the East End. todny for
LJCansas city, .
Mr. J, M4 ,Patter3C-n left . to-day. ior
Wind River, to be in camp with his
family over Sunday. .
i Mr. HugK"5ourlay, late editor 'of Tns
Chesiclej' has accepted the "Warm
Springs - Indian agency clerkship. He
will leave for his new field next week.
One hundred thousand ' pounds of
nails, piled up in one thousand kegs of
one hundred pounds each, makes a fine
appearance at Mays & Crowe's to-day.
Hon. Polk Mays, of Wallowa county,
was recently in the city en route to
Portland, for the purpose of disposing of
some beef cattle for himself and neigh
borhood. A big combined harvester at work
near Pendleton is attracting much at
tention.' If is' capable of turning out
750 sacks of two bushels each per day,
besides grading the wheat. It! is the
first machine of the kind employed in
that" vicinity.
At a special meeting of the common
council Thursday, chief engineer Judd
S. Fish tendered his resignation, which
was accepted, and Recorder ' Menefee
was instructed to notify the fire depart
ment, and request the board to name a
successor. ', i.-; V1-' l. rt
Senator Charles Hilton has informa
tion from Pine Creek, Gilliam county,
that, on the 4th, there was born to the
wife of F. A. Hale, on the Hilton ranch,
a bouncing baby bov' that tipped the
beam at nine pounds averdupois. This
is the first boy born on the ranch......
F. A, Young, of Bake Oven, is ii the
city, cn route to Klickitat to look after
a band of sheep he has over there. He
thus combines business with pleasure
and enjoys the vacation after the busy
season on the ranch, which has just
closed by securing the hay crop. '
-We learn that Mr. and Mrs. Stevens
arrived safely at- Condon on the 30th,
from The Dalles. ' Mr. Stevens was car
ried on a bed all the way, but stood the
trip better" than wan expected. He
is yet about the same as when at The
Dalles, but hopes are entertained of an
.improvement after resting.
feupt. Misener, of tho state board Of
charities, publicly mentions in the Tele
gram, referring to the receipt of live
children from this city, that county
Judge Blakelcy and other Dalles officials
gave all the aid and encouragement they
possibly could in the efforts and pur
pose of the . society to' have these ' live
children, sent to Portland and placed un
der the protection of the home.
A. W. Sweeney, of Athciia," reports
that ho has 2600 acres jn -wheat,, off of
which he is certain' to bbtain 50,000
bushels. Seven hundred; acres of this
is full wheat, which will make an aver
age of forty bushels, so he 'thinks. .He
says that if the blight had tiot occurred
this same field woaM have gone over
sixty bushels, it was the finest stand
he ever sp.w in this or anv other oonn-
sale of Bummer
Caroline, Ihe Dusky Queen of 'West
End, languishes in jail today on a charge
of selling, or giving liquor to Indians.
All members of German Gesang Verein
Harmonic are requested 6 be present at
the regular time of meeting at theithall,
on the 7th," as matters , of Importance
will come before the meetings f- J
The members of the state militia, are
delighted with, the project; of procuring-;
possession of tb Fort Klamath military
post, one square1 mile, '1o the" state of
Oregon, for the purpose of usiug-i.t' as a
permanent ruiiijtia .camp ground'; The
proposition meets with the approbation
of all but the fellowt .who have been'
looking forward to the time when they
would be, able to gobble the. property"
for a song when sold by the general gov
ernment. A half a dozen Indians on a big booze
yesterday started the officials at work to
ferret out the source of supplies. Jack
Andrew one of th&Indians being v. d.d.,
Recorder; Menefee fined him $10.- An
old man on Front etreet named Her
man, was arrested, for furnishing the
liquor to them, but on examination be
fore United States Commissioner J. M.
Huntington, the case was taken pndef
advisement, as he was proven to have
sold them cider, only
It will be well for parties who are run
ning ; Steam threshers ou I the public
highways to remember that there is a
law to the effect that any one run
ning a steam traction engine over a
bridge on the. public highway shall be
fore crossing such bridge,' place a two
inch plank lengthways for the engine to
cross on, and in case this is not com
plied with, are subject to a heavy fine or
imprisonment, or both- But the worst
of all iH picking the machine up out of
the gulch or creek bed.
The Hotel de Cross Bar contained a
couple of prisoners' yesterday n route
to Portland, in enstody of a deputy
United States .marshal, on charge of
selling liquor -to : Arlington Indians.
One of them was 'asked-by-The Chron
icle representative Ire thought the
authorities would make the., charge
hold. "Hold! you bet ; I don't deny it.
I bought the whisky .Aiiid . put it in a
woodpile and the Indians got it." It is
about time for Judge Deady to punish
these fellows. : A' nominal fine' Is not
sufficient. .
Mr. -
Shearer Making his Wool
Shipments East by Sail;
The experiences which Sir. J. II,
Shearer has met with in shipping his
wool the past two seasons by rail, es
pecially last year, has induced him to
try the all water route this season from
The Dalles to Boston. The Dispatch
"Mr. J. II. Shearer, a resident of t the
DcsChutes, and the-owner of a large
Hock of sheep, hna concluded to do away
with middlemen in handling his Wool,
and is having it shipped to this city and
placed on board the A merican ship Tillie
E. Starbuck, for Boston!. Mr. Shearer
has 218,000 pounds of choice wool. The
steamer Dalles City brought down last
night 286 bales from' the Cascades aiid
will bring the remainder down this and
tomorrow evening. . Mr. Shearer will be
in Boston when the ship arrives and will
superintend the sales himself.
In The Dalles, August Gth, . Wni.
Glenn, eon. of " Wjn. C. Glasins, agdd 2
years. 2 mon thx f n ji tn- ,ll' r-r-i'
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 r. m.
wsso KATES. .
One way . . . . . . . . . . $2.00
Round trip. . , . 3.00
Special rates for parties of six or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit, per 100 pounds .40
Melons and Green Vegetables-..:'.". .30
Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and Ilwnco without delay.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. lave. -stock, shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
0aral Aa-t.
1 .. . . Maa$jr. . .. !
The Farmers JFrlni.
Grant County News. In convereation4
with one of our enterprising farmers the
other day, the Jsews man-was informed
that Grant county, instead of offering a
bounty on squirrel scalps, which Mor
row -county 1 tried" and " found " ruinous
aliould protect "badgers, skunks, wild
cats and even coyotes, by tnaking it a
miedemehor to kill .theni,' " These ani-.
mals are,all.great.deetroyer9of squirrels,;
and before their wanton destruction be
came so. common thd farmer's grain
Ufields ; .and. 'gardens , ' grew : 'nn moleetetL
ifow,., if ..they are. destroyed" it-is the
farmer's own fault, for he has been in?
strumental in the death-of the- animals
that destroyed thousands of squirrels
ever- season. This farmer also said that
he had often met his neighbors, who
would boast of having just been instru
mental in -the. ignominious death of
some unoffending. badger jbrlskunlr and
who in""lhe next breath' would whine
about the squirrels eating "their crops,
and want the county court to fix a boun
ty and pay them for killing the squir
rels. Farmers . and sheepmen, protect
the badgers and skunks, as well as other
useful animals. ..They will not be apt to
eat your chickens while squirrels are
plenty. ..... -
m k -Church Nttc. .
Congregational Church- services in the
Court house tomorrow (Sunday) a. m.
at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 12.15.
YoUDg peoples' society of Christian En
deavor at 6.00 p. m. All persons not
worshiping elsewhere are cordially in
vited. ; ' ;;..-.-
Christaih church services at the Court
house at S p. m. Sunday. '. Preaching by
Elder J. W. Jenkins. ;
.Union ' services in .the. Court .house
Sunday at the usual hour, preaching by
EldeT Jenkins.
JS HMfference lseeraable. . .;
Press-Times. To the naked eye, the
warm weather has had no appreciable
effect upon the coolness between . the
Telegraph and the enemies of Any Good
Eastern Washington Man.
Oeorc Is no arMBkna. -. ' T
Baker City ; Democrat.' The visit of
Mr. Geo. W1: Weidler 10 Greenhorn
promises to be of great advantage to the
dietrict. Mr. Weidler is. a wealthy gen
tleman and being interested in the mines
of that section he will probably exert his
influence in the proper direction.. .
- Baking l'swdcr War.
The envy shown by other baking
powder manufacturers of the great pres
tige of the Royal Baking powder is not!
at all surprising, tor thirty years the
Rovnl has been the standard for uuritv
and strength in baking powder, and j
has been '. placed at' the. head of every
board; of; official' examiners whether
state 6i-Zi)atrorial.vTl.e Royal BakingTP'-v eo; vviiuamy aaministratorof
r j , -i. i the estate of John Michel bauah. 8.3dtf
Powder company controls its own cream ! - . -Jt"-'
pf tartar factory and the processes fd !
making the onlv chc'inically pure xreaml"-
of tartar. It sends its product to -mil-f
lions of homes all. over, the world, snp
plies the , army and navy,- tho great
trans-Atlantic steamers, the finest hotels
and restaurants, and is recommended
by- tho beft cftej
and authorities
! cuisine in every land, vlts sale is larger
ihau that of all other ctcani of tartar
baking powders-combined ; it-has more
friends nmopg housekeepers than any
other eimilar article. Theso facts arc
My entire stock will be
closed out at the above figure;
Stoweman & Fiege, dealers in
Boots and Shoes. All goods
we Bell, we warrant. - . -3;. ... i
S3. SI
Change. ' '
-Galveston News. The belle of a sutri
mer or so ago whose beautiful train drew
after her a score or 'so ot fashionable
beaux now ties the end of to the baby
vtiggy and pulla two'chabby.pasejigers
Ap life's steep Kill 5n the evening.
J ' .. . :.-' ,.. ''J. -S
1 No one doubts that Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy really cores - Catarrh wlietherj
Poiaease w rcceni or 01 longstanding,
ause the makers of t -.clinch their
faith in it with a 500 guarantee, which
isn't a; mere newspaper guarantee, but
is one that is. "on call" in a moment.
That moment is when you prove that
its makers can't cure you. 'The reason
ior their faith is this: Dr. Sage's
remedy has proved itself the right cure
for ninety-nine out of one hundred cases
of catarrh in the head, and the World's
Dispensary Medical Association can af
ford to take the risk of you being the
one hundredth. '. ; ,: . . '
'The only question is are yon willing
to make the test, if the makers are will
ing to take, the risk? If ep, the rest is
eaEy. You pay your druggist 50 cents
and the trial begins. If you're wanting
the $500 you'll get somethingfetter a
ewe,' , . .-; : ','''
' Fresh stubble pasture'
Three Mile. ....... '
at Sharps I on
Steamer -4Netie.
' The steamer Dalles" City will leave
Portland for Cascade-Locke, with Dalles
freight at 6 a. m. Saturday, July SOth.
The 'steamer. Regulator will" leave
Dalles daily at 6 a. m., making through
connection with."Dalles City" at Cas
cade Lock a j on Monday,- August 1st.
For further information apply to B. F.
Laoghlin, manager; orW. C. Auowat,
agent. . .
A rare opportunity for the ladies is
now afforded by Mrs. Philips, ho is offering-millinery
at One third less, as she
has decided to retire from the . business.
See advertisement.-'- - C.18dtf
i Xo The l'oblic. - - '
I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do
to my friends and patrons. I used it
myself after other well-known remedies
had failed, and it cored me -in a few
minutes. I recommend it candidly and
cheerfully upon it merits, not from a
financial stand-point, because I have
others in stock on which I make a larger
profit, but because Chamberlain's is the
best remedy 1 know of for' bowel com
plaints. There is no doubt tffkmt it, it
does the work--JAMES FobgyJ Druggist,
McVeytown, Tenn. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w
- City taxes for 1892 are now tlue and
payable within sixty dayaat the office
.of the undersigned.
L,. Kobdkn, Uitv Ireasurer.
Daw es City, July 6th, 1892. ;
Washinarton Market for Kent;
For rent ; the Washington market cor-
ner of Second and Court.
For terms ap-
r . . c
Examination of Teac-liern.
r 'Notice is hereby
civeu that for tho
purpose of making an examination of
all persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county Fchool superin
tendent thereof will hold a public cxara-
ori-tlnau.ou PTn'3 OIU,ce l f'lcs' 5e"
giuuiug eunesuay, vngnsi luin, iay,
at one o'clock p. m. "All teachers eligible
for State Certificates, State Diplomas
and Life Diplomas must make applica
tion at. the quartcrlv examinations.
Dated this Aug 3d ,,1802-.. . . '-" i. -
- The Old Times are Not In It.
While at our other store at Big Island1,
Va., last April, I was taken with a very
severe attack af dlarrhrea. I sever had
it worse in my life. I tried several old
time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine,
Paregoiic and Laudanum without get
ting any relief. My attention was them ;
called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera.,
and Diarrhoea Remedy by Mr. R. C.
Tinsley who bad been handling it there,
and in less -ihan five minutes after tak
ing a smnH'.dose I ws entirely relieved.
4-0. G-- Burford, Harris Creek,
Amherst Co., "Va. For sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists. . " " . d&w
A -nicely furnished bedroom, with or
without board, this-ofrVee
7.14dlm.; , s' --'i j. - - :- 1 -
: .i. M 't - -
7 Valaable Fsnr for 8ale -"'..- 'X .
A highly improved 400 acre farm, on
Tygh Ridge, convenient to wood,- water .
and range, in a district 'where crop
never fail. For sale at a reasonable
price, and. on . easy terms. Apply -at
thlsofbcc - . - - - , - - "-. '
Saved a Woman's Life.
Mr. J. E. Thorougbgood,' writing from
Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two tea- ,'.
spoonfuls 1 of - Chamberlain's Colic.'
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved. r'
the life of Mrs. Jaue Thomas, of this
place." He also states that several
other very bad cases of bowel complaint
there have been cured by., this remedy. '
For sale by -. Blakeley . Houghton, ,
drugsists. . ' '; . v ;..",'. . , d&w
- ' Notice. . ' . ' V . ' .
Parties desiring advertising space Xjif5
the sprinkler wagon -may nave'. it" by i .
applying to . EFeebw. 3
' T. A. Van Norden, thtf" expert 'watch
repairei at Mo. 106 Second street, The
Dalles, appears to have-a -happy Knack,- . "
for holding the confidence of his patroaa. " j
The secret, of course, i the usual one-1-'- -".
skill in repairing even ihc most compli
cated watches. . r - 7-13-lm ; ;.
" i .; Tw.o Grand Bxenrsions-
'iwo grand excursions to-Europe by
the fast and elegant anchor line steam
ships "Ethiopia" and "Fomessia.V The
first will leave New York, August 13th,
and the second August 20th, this" is . an.
opportunity seldom offered to parties de
siring : to visit the old country. For.
full particulars and ratec, apply to T. A.'
Hudson, general agent, The Dalle, Or.
Instantaneooa - Portraits. - Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon. ...'-
Campbell Bros. Proprs q
' ;- -"' '"' 'V' '"-
i;. v MMnufBCUirOrs of tio finest Frcncii Vui.l ;e '
. .. , Home Made i:,' '- ; . .
m A "NT T "R R
- East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. ; ; "
Can furnish" any of tliese R.nxts at Wholesala
or Retail - .
i :
In Bery Style.
' ' " l. n.. .r'w r' . H r -'' i