The. Dalles Daily Chronisle. OFFICIAL VAMSR OF DALU',8 CITY. ISO WXBCO. COUSTY. National RepuMican Ticket BKNJAMIN 1IAIIRISON, of Indiana. . rOU VJCK-rKKfcJOEST, AVHITKLAW KKIT. of Xew York. FOU l'UUSIDENTJAJ- KLECTOKS, J. F. CAPL.ES, of Portland. H. B. MILLKK, of Grant'e Pa. G. M. IKWIN, of lTnion. D. M. DUNSK, of Portland. The trial of the Cumr d'Alene miners " iit Boise city, charged with contempt of court in violating the injunction issued last May hy Judge Beatty, is attracting 'general attention. Twenty-five of the prisoners were arraigned yesterday. By order of the court Clerk Richardson read the complaint, charging the prisoners with violating the restraining order is sued May 28th, by making an attack ou the Frisco, blowing it up with dynamite, firing into the mill with rifles and driv ing the employes of the Frisco company out of the mill and out of Shoshone county. In answer they set up for the most part that they were not served with injunctions, and did not make any attack-on the mill or men employed in it. Some of them set up the plea that they were not citizens of the United States, and hotjed by such plea to escape. The answer set up further says that the organization known as the miner's un ion was not an incorporation duly incor porated under the laws of Idaho, but was merely an association of . persons. Each prisoner, as his name was called, rose in h.'s place and pleaded not guilty, flawley made a motion for the discharge . of all the defendants on the ground that in face of the answer it proved them in nocent. The motion was overruled, and . a large nninber of eminent legal gentle men are in attendance. Frcemont Wood, United States attorney, is assisted by Hagan, IJeyburn and Crosthwaite. The suit will continue for at least ton days. President Harrison is very anxious for congress to adjourn, as lie wishes to be at tho bedside of 'Mrs. Harrison who is an invalid at J.oon lake. As the presi dent's arrival lias been postponed from day to day, the strain on Mrs. Harrison's nervtis has increased until the most seri ous renlts are feared from her present exhausted condition. Early in the week the president declared he would have to go to Loon lake whether congress ad journed or not, and notified the speaker that he would be willing to return at any time to a halfway station to meet a messenger with bills requiring his signa ture. The prospect of an immediate ad journment, which has been daily pres ent, has served to - keep the president here until yesterday. In his interview with the speaker yesterday morning, he offered to spend Friday night at the cnpitol if necessary, in order that busi ness might lie dispatched and an early adjournment effected. There may bo spots on the sun, and !Mars may be dangerously near the earth, but still we have here in Oregon, day siftei day, week after week, the linest, most comfortable climate to be found anywhere on the globe. !Not too hot' or too cohl, too wet or too dry; simply just perfect. So sun-spots and planetary movements have no terror to us. Mara will 1e neaTttt -th-Carth on . the 16th .-Inst., when its distance will be abont -.36,000,000 miles. The inner aatelite 0f Mars, Phwbns, was observed at Dart mouth college obsen-atory last night. Hon. Wm. McConnell, ex-U. S. sena tor from Ididio, is talked of for governor of that state. - He is not ; an active can didate but will accept it if the Moscow convention shall see fit to tender it - to him; nnd we suppose he will look. over the field to learn, as nearly aa possible, how the community would be disposed toward him in case of las name being placed on the ticket. There is . quite a general impression that he will be nomi nated. He would be a strontr candidate, and a strong executive officer. The Walla Walla Union-Journal 'lias made n tlisMirprv. "nno of f lm frioivlo of Senator Allen,' it 6ys,. "believes that any vonnection exisla between the Lake Washington canal and the ojening u: . ... i. ... , uic vAiiuiMiim nver. .ue snomu say not. The two are entirely incompatible. ' " - Ktlwarti P.ellainy regards the events at . Homestead, as'rt nioveiuent towards! na tionalism, and Jtihann Mosst tegarda them as a step towards anarchy.'' , Other people have looked into a mirror before now and thought' they were looking out of a window instead. (a'UiiuIujs discovered America,' but it i-t '.vi(lei;t iioiit tiie dispute going on over the burial place oi Christopher that An;eric is miable todiscover Columbus. An vntiaual offer -too one loat made by the propri etors of Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy. Unusual, but made in good faith. It's a reward of $300 for aa incura ble case of Catarrh. If yon have one, the money's for yon. But you can't know whether yon have one, till you've tried Dr. Sage's Remedy. What's . incurable .. by any other means, yields to that. By its mild, soothing, cleansing ana healing properties, it. cures the worst cases, no matter of how loner standing. That's the reason the money can be 1 onerea. i nere s a rule abont it, to be sure. But it's so small that the proprietors are willing to take it. The symptoms of catarrh are, headache, obstruction of nose, dis charges falling into throat, some times profuse, watery, and aorid, at others, thiok, tenacious, . mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offen sive ; eyes weak, ringing in ears, deafness ; offensive breath ; smell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be present at nee. v Second St., Opp. Hood's Stable, Till: OALl.KS, - - - OKKGl Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages-, shoe your fine Driving Horses,' and m fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed. GUMltfG&flOCKflflN, Props. M0XTAGUE. -PiiOPRIF.TORS OK THE- . Elite Shavinrr ; Parlors -AND- Bath Rooms. SECOND STEEET. THE DALLES, OK. Cientlemeu will find THE ELITE fully up to the times in every respect. Hair Cutting in the best manner, in every style of the art. Smooth Shaving and Perfect Baths. Hours : F.verv day and evening dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nings after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun days from 7 a. in. to 12 o'clock noon. CHAS. STTF.L1NG. OWKN WILLIAMS. Stubling S Williams, The Germania, SECOND ST., THE DALLES, - OREGON 45"Dealers . in Wines,- iiquoiv and Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Iranglit.- .1 W. F,. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room, - The Dalles, -Oregon. ' 'Northwest corner ot V ;'; sl- Second and Court Streets. - Tk-St. CharlesrHote, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tlua old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room haa been repapered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is Supplied with every modern convenience. -Kates reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house. Free bus to and from, all trains. ' - aj v C. y. KNOWLES, Prop. . h. hCUJiSCK, I'rpsident. . M. ISeau. Ctifchior. first Rational Bank. :he dalles. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. . Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Kew York, Ran Francisco and Port . land. DIRECTOKS. . D. P. Thompson. Jko. S. Schkmck. Ed. M. Williams, -" Geo. A. Libbs. ' .'H; M. Beam-.. City Blacksmith Shop, J.L.FISHER. W.J. FISHER & MONTAGDE, Til Ic Wagon. . ': Trie iwagon of Cater & Allison is on the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. Any--orders for ioo left with Will Vanbibber's express or at the store of Chas. Lauer will be promptly at tended to. Catks & Allison. I'onnty Treasurer Notice. All county' warrants registered prior to March 13, 1B89, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third- and Washington streets. . Interest ceases on and after this .date. The Dalles, July 16, 1892. William MicHKLi., 7.18tf ' Treasurer Wasco Countv Or. Administrators Sale of Horses In, pursuance of an order of the county court, of Wasco county, dated July loth, 1892,-1 will sell as a whole or in lots, all the band of mares, geldings and colts, also one "Black Stranger" stallion, a fine horse and good breeder, belonging to the estate of the late W.'J. Meins. These are good well bred horses, many of them broke to work. They wilr be sold for cash or approved security. , JT C. Mmjis, AdministrafcOT, - of the Estate of W.- J. Meine. 7.23dwlin. COLUMBIA ICE (1, 104 Second Street, ICE! ICE! . ICE! Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive ordere, wholesale or retail, -to be delivered through the eummer. Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without advantj! ix price, and may depend that we have nothing but PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE Cut from mountain watery no slough of slush ponds. Leave orders at the Columbia Candy Factory, 104 Second street, or Ice Wagon. . W. S. CRAM. Manager. IT i ii JIO yiiONT 6TKETCT, At the old stand of t. Ltushetr. Chas. prazcp, Prop. MAIER & Cord Wood GROCERIES, TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third, 3d: Union, or 133 Second st. thedali.eSvOr; , J- CROSS -DEALER Hay, Grain, Tee& Flour. ; HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It behooves everyone, especially the workingman, rto buy where he can buy the cheapest hard earned money. We solicit a share of your patronage. Cash paid for eggs and poultry. All goods delivered fres and promptly Corner Union and Second streets, The Dalles, Oregon. FffcUIT JAKS. ' JEJXY GIJASSJES. Crockery and Glassware, Flated-ware, Cutlery, Lamps, v V Toys and Notions, Hammocks,: s s Fishing Tackle, Stationery, Etc Agent for NEW HOME, and WHITE SEWING MACHINES. f9 Needles nnd attachments for oil machines. - - - ' Olgars and Totoaooo. 18 Second St L, RORDEN & CO.,n8i Second St. PAUL KR EFT V'. DEAJERS IN I'AIN'IS. OILS AND GLASS, And the Most Complete and the and Designs in . . W j&l. Xj L P P B R. r . . gj"I'x-aotical Painters and Paper Hanger.-).. Koue but the' best brands of the Shci vvin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and nonelsut the most skilled workmen employee!. . Agents for Masury Liquid Paints.. No chemical combination or soap mixture! A first class article in all colors. AH orders promptly attended to. : - . ' . Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington St8. The tnlTes-Q,r-i;gJL JCMl 1CKI ICB! "' - Having oh hand'tftarge'iupply of "ioe we are prepared to furnish our custom-ers-with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate.' ,,-Wjb. guarantee we-vci 11 supply tho demand without advancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C. F. Letter's store, Second street. &-2tf . : . - : Gates & Aj.usox. "Ail Dalles City warrants registered prior to October 7, 1890, will be paid i presented at my office. ... Interest ceases from and after this date. ; ' : Dated July 7th, 1892. ' ' " -' L. liOBUKV, ' ti. . Treas, Dalles City. J. FOLCO, -DEALER IN- Candies, Fraiis, Nuts, Ma Water, : Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars. .. HAHlTiCTOIIiBOF First Class Syraps- for Saloons and Soda Fountains, Etc. Sticond Street, Next door to Wl.ncatc's Hall C. F. STEPHENS, IlEAt.ER I?i Goods Qlothing 1 V. Boots, Shoe, Hat. JClc. ' JEtc, lo-L.Sectrid St, a:tc. r.ext to Dalles 2ationnl Bank , Tulles Ci ty preson , AND BATH ROOMS. THK DA11SS, BENTON Dry ORKUO.V DEALBKS IIST ': '" ".- '- Fik, FirMifc, Ash AND CRABAPPLE HARDWARE IN and can cret the most 'for his CO., THBCELEBRHTED CODUMBli BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. J t This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and PdWr east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture, of .good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article Vill be placed on the market; . v . ? . . The Ltateh Stfripg J Sprii? 1 ;. ai)d Sumtier, "Kilt irorrfi are tbinfrs, and BTnal! drop of ink. . - FaUiiH;fUkeUew, up6ntliot.-pjdmw-- ' - f Tbat which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think. ' - WK TKCST TO IMEKm AMD DO TOr GOOD. Buy Our Shoes W THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE . PALLES, : , . T H E-EURO P E A N HOUSE. Th 5"'"at KnUdinr Uo, t Court Hnir. -. fianttsomely -Faraislied Rooms to Beat Ij? Hie Day, Weei or MontlL .v: Wegls :-Prepared :bya First Class English CddSC TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITEX Good Sample Rooms SKIdBE w. Open fiom July tSvs waSPt5 SSS-rP t This picturesque hostlery; built of silver 6T:'l6g4hno6'Siey oa'lfa edge of a 'precipice on the north side of Mount Hood ii jwtbifr fifteen tninatea walk of the perpetnal iee and enow of Eliot Glacier? 7,000 feet above the se level, twenty-seven miles from Hood River, over the fineet roads in the-United 8ttes. Fate for the round trip $8.00; tates per day &Jto.;-s,'J':'?' The Table at Cloud Cap Inn is supplied with everything the market affords. Hot and cold baths, etc., the best of guides will take you to the top of ount Hood, by the beet practicable routes, which are from the Inn. u -- - .- i 5 7 ; Z J - J- ' ' -': ':..-. -;,,: i;r-T-.-i'' IE? SPBI.rS HIIO COMPLETE iNV. EVERY Glotbing, Gefits' Finishing Goods, flats,' Gaps; "'Boots'" Jind':SibdS' .;i5Uf Full Assortment of the Eeading Manufacturers. J-- .: . .. , c . '' Cash Bayers mill - save money by examining oof -stock ana prices oeiore parenasmg eiseconere. MS WM. BUTLER; & CO. DEALERS IN- Building Material, Rough and Dressed . -t i -its' ' ' :: ' .; . --j ' ' ' , ; ",' T Lumber Lime. Piaster, Hair and Cement. A liberal discount to the trade JEFFERSON - STREET. hftwPfTl S"nr,n?r,f;3-.T'vnn is Alcuays (Hit I SEAOW -MANUFACTURED BY - . . WALTER H. TENNY & CO. BOSTON, 7VTPCSS. for Commercial Men.. HOTEL, opr. "r .? .-rum ST e -. 1st to Oetcrben-lst SUpIEa DBY 0! DEPARTMENT. Herbring. in air lines handled by us.