C. P.:; S TEPHEN S, . ' ; :' DEALER IN - Wo Those desiring to '.wear one of the .latest New ; - .;. , ..; . . ; x orx styles nouiacoij. rorijr .us x uv uut a . - - .. -1 -j :'r: limited -number of them. - ' '-" :':. '."IV. " Cleveland and Harrison Hats. SPECIAL ! ! fS0 (xothing Dry Goods Outing Flannels.... Challies.. : S wandowns '. .: . . - . -. Chevalier - Cloth. . . . . Bedford pords. Satines Black Dress Ginghams. Nainsooks. . ... The Dalles Daily (onie.; Bntcrcdn the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, aa seoond-claM matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cents per line for Bret insertion, end 5 Cents per line for eaoh subsequent insertion. Special rate lor long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear tae following day. THURSDAY AUGUST 4, 1892 LOCAL BREVITIES. Found. A lady's right hand glove. At this office. Fresh stubble pasture at Sharps, , on Three Mile. . r . Julius Fisher has returned from his farm. Mrs. Fitzgerald and children returned from their visit up Mill Creek yesterday. Mr. Dfetzel is pretty weak from loss of blood, but is otherwise improved today. WliAnt. will onnn Via mminff' infn- t.Vin warehouses. Wool has about all bean shipped. , .. '. ,V Jud. 8. Fish has tendered his resigna tion as chief engineer of Da,llea City fire department. . - Pure bred silver spangled Hamburg roosters for sale by D. C. Herrin the photographer. Senator J. H. Mitchell has. the hearty thanks of Tub Chuonicuk for many val uable public documents. ' The first shipment of green corn from The Dalles, was made to the Portland market on Monday last. " Mr. Wendell Hall, of Spokane, who has been attending the examination of Bergfeld, expects to. return home today. A limited quantity of potatoes, wheat, or wood will be taken in payment for photos by D. C. Herrin, photographer, near postoffice. ..--.-v.-v ,-; - From the Buffalo Courier,. we learn u xwov. kj. u. xayiur uwcmuiu on iu 31st in Rev. G. R. Rurnside'fl ..church in that city.- . - :'. ;'; : ? Hatch Smith, of Canvon Citv. left The Dalles with a band of horses. Tuesday. which he had sold to deliver at JCalama, at a very fair rate. '' l' ' Thk Cbbqmiclk force waa placed un der obligation to Mrs. C. Covington this morning for a box of fine plums. They are greatly relished. Thanks. - ' One real estate transaction- of $1,600, conveying a tract of .land from Frank York and jvife jto Ricbaiid Fenton , , was filed forxecor4 jresterday ", j ; ; Mr. If. C. iolpi and family left for the beach yesterday-., morning.: f Thir camp will be near sea land, on the -line of the railway, at Ocean Park'.j : .' v"' - Thanks to Mr. O. J. Mack, for a. copy of the premium list for the -4th' Annual exhibit of the district falrt'to be held in The Dalles, Octaiberlith, 1892. " ; ,At the chapef on 9th street, there will be German Evangelical Lutheran ' eer vices next Sunday, 10 aO. m., and 8 f 1 1 -M . . . I - viuv& jj. uj.- jc.TeryDoay .nearmy .wet ome. . . .. - Anotuer outing party left Wednesday for bans creek to be gone' thren weeks; The party consists of LeoSchanno, Wm, TFredden, Fred Weigels and Ist', but not fleast, Joe Bonn:. ; : ; . .--. GiV- Lew Wallace, the author of Ben lur, will make a lecturing tour of the 'acific coast next winter and his roana ;er it -trying to arrange a date for The palles. It seems as if this- city could puuiu i,uo utuuuat necessary jcq tear to is alnted author. v m-- ,' c. ' ? We desire" to call your attention to our Dress Goods, consisting of '. , - ...;,il4 yards for $1.00 ..20 yards for 1.00 T ..... .8 yards for 1,00 4,.G yards' for. . 1,00 , . :.,.:..8 yards fort J.0Q . . ..6 yards for . 1.00" ...10 yards for 1.00 8 yards for 1;06 '; We have marked all of these at prices to sell -them as we need the room for our immense fFall Stock now on the way. . ; ; - ; .:'. . : PEASE & MAYS. ABOUT COIVS. AT LAIIGE. A rrtltlon Which Kreath the Vox . Popular Sentiment in The Dallea. To the Hon. the mayor and common council of The Dalles City, Oregon. Gentlemen: The undersigned, re spectfully represents that he is a resi dent of Dalles City, out of jail and a tax payer thereof, tinder protest., That your petitioner resides upon the bluff in said city, the headquarters of the champion hose team and of the fes tive bovine as hereinafter stated, that the time was, not long ago, when the impressible pound master was abroad in the' city; and peace and harmony reigned supreme in the ball wick of yours truly. Then,' the birds r twittered, the grass grew, the flowers bloomed, the waters laughed, tho gentle aephrys whispered and the lads and lasses strolled in the shadows and in the gloaming and talked and laughed and billed and coored and thought; of caught else, but loss, heaven, happiness and the most approved brand of Black Jack. ; Now, alas and ..alack, that important personage, the poundmaster is no more ; the town cow with a seven by nine smile, that once knew him, knows him' not at this time. Gone is the herbage, the birds and. their songs, youth,, beauty, quiet, peace, harmony forever gone and in their stead have appeared innumera ble cattle of high and low degree; sand dimes and general desolation. The air is filled with the lowing of beards, the tintintambulation of divers and sundry discordant bells, broken gates, fluttering night shirts, cobble stones and profanity against the peace and dignify of the un dersigned and against the ordinances of the city in such cases made and pro vided wherefore your petitioner prays that the city provide itself with a pound- hma8ter, whoseJduty it shall ,be to wrestle with these innumerable bulls of Bashan that the ordinary citizen may pursue the even"' tenor' of. his ; way without molestation. Respectfully Submitted, ' . i; Geo Watkins. Stoneman & Fiege advertise that they warrant all goods Sold by them. See advertisement. ' ;" ' the citx.s-athkks. .': An Appeal for a Koa-Cinr Ordiance. J ' - Beapeet o Peraona. ' " ;, :The regular monthly meeting, of the city council was. , held Jast evening. Present.: .. Mayor. Maya, and a- full councii. , . , . Petition of A, H, CurtiB ior correction of assessments was granted. i Petition of ;Geo.. W. Roland and others for construction of sidewalks was re ferred to committee- on " streets and public property y V ; On inoUon .it wa ordered that: when the council adjourn it be to August 24thv APPJ of E.1 P. " Fitzgerald .on taxes was referred Jo a .special committee. ", A communication from the chief sur geon of the U. P. R.'Co.; relative to car ing small pox . patients . that- might be brought to the city waa read. . i Councilman Haightr spoke upon the matter, and it aa 'finally decided that in r case .the JJnion .Pacific company should leave any case oi small pox in the city, the .city would immediately be quarantined and the company would not be allowed to leave any . passengers at The Dalles. - - I-Councilman .0. E. rHaight was em powered to tako .action relative . to the impounding of cattle running at large in tho city, " especially T50W8 with bells on them, -v.." ' ' ' " " sale, of Summer : r : V : - - ' James McCoy was politely informed that he must repair"liis sidewalks, or stand the additional expense of baving it done by tho city. -.. . . . An ordinance transfering certain un expended balances from the special sew er fund to the general fund, was enacted.. A xeport of the fire and water com mittee .was read and adopted with the exception of the recommendation. in re gard to the sale of the engine .house lot, and building of a fire engine bouse: Mt. Hood hose company's petition was referred to .the . committee, on 'ifire and water. '' ' ., Warrants were oidered in payment of claims as follows : - ' - - - F. Menefee, recorder. , . . 100.00 Dan Maloney, marshal 87.00 R. V.Gibons, 13.00 J. F. Staniels, street cdrd. 75.00 Geo. J. Brown, engineer ". . 80.00 J. S. Fish, fire warden . ..... 12.00 E. Jacobson & Co.; xndse . . . : . 1.25 Water works, water rent . ;'.'. . . . 32.00 " pipe for hydrant . . 200.00 John Blaser, labor ' . ; 5.50 Maier & Benton, one "cord oak H wood . . ... . :v 5.25 Ike Perry, labor .. . .. 'i 1.50 Farley & Frank,' mdse 3.15 W; Vanbibber, battling'. . ' 2.25 James Crate, labor... ....... ... 1.50 Geo. J. Brown, cash paid saw- . ing wood ............. .. v . . . 75 J. J.- Maloney, labor '. .5 . . 't.'.i : 1.50 H. H. Andre we, hauling hoee cart '2.50 A. M. Williams & Co., mdse 1.50 Fred Williame, hauling engine. 5.00 Dalles Electric Cot lights fire d. 4.35 f " - " lighting sis. 270.00 " " " " mar shal's office. . . . : ; . . . .... . . 1.60 J. W. Jamison, repairing jail. . . 4.50 Dr. O. D. Doane, med. attendance 2.50 J. W. Blakeney, special police. . - 2.25 E. B. Johnson, " ' . 5.00 J. K. Page, - - " . .- 2.50 W.Hill, " " .. 2.50 C. E. Haight, feeding prisoners. . 10.60 J.P. Mclnery, mdse. .50 Con. Howe, night watchman. : ., 75.00 G. C. Bills, " " . . . 62.00 R. B. Hood: hauling . , . J: : . . . . . 2.00 Dalles Lumbering Co., lumber: . 18.97 Mays A Crowe,- mdse .-. . .-. . . . i - 1.00 Geo. W. Johnson & 8on, Laugh lin at. steps. . .... . . . ;. . 95.00 F. M. King labor.. . 4.00 Maier & Beaton, mdse. .'. . . . . . .70 1202.87 L. Rorden, treasurer . . . : t r. -25.00 1 ' . 1227.87 Long & Scott, supplies for fire department;.."?.. 940.00 C. E. Haight, cash advanced. . . 2.95 Max Voet & 'Co. rent of hose . house . . . . ..:";.- 16.00 - ! I7pper Colunhla Steamers. i There is quite a fleet of steamboats now plying on the Upper Columbia, in the Big: Bend country.', A visitor : to Wenatchee recently witnessed the arri val there of the Nixon, 4 days from Pasco, up through Priest, Rock; Island and Cabinet rapids. ,185 miles,; which was considered a "very quick passage when the swift current and ; powerful rapids are taken into consideration,- The EUensburgh 'came jdown the eame even ing at the rate of twentyfive miles an hour, true, she had a very swift current to assist her. The distance from Port Columbia to Wenatchee is about one hundred miles, which she makes in four hours. She is a powerful little boat 120 feet in length J 22 feet - beam, five foot hold, is handsomely furnished, has 18 berths and sets an excellent table at 50 cents a meal. . She. - is in. command of Capt. M. S. Danaher. From her deck a grand panorama of lovely scenery is constantly viewed. Huge . mountains, masses of rocks and perpendicular . cliffs towering hundreds of feet above are always in sight. The trip to Port Col ombia is grand and exciting. . : Boot. Shoes, Hate, Bt. . . 134 Second St. next to Dallea National Bank,' Dallea City, Oregon. - J , J. FOLCO, DEALBR IN- K ' Ice Cream, Tqliaccoaa Ciiars.- first Class Syrops -fov Saloons and 1 " - Soda FooQtaias, Etc." ' Second Street, Next door to Wingate'a Hall ' Steamer " Notice. . . , The steamer Dallea City will leave Portland for Cascade Locks, -with Dallea freight at 6 a. to. Saturday, July 30th. : The steamer Regulator will leave Dalles daily at 6 a. .m., making through connection with "Dalles City?' at Cas cade - Locke, on Monday, August 1st. For further information apply to B. . F. La pohlin, manager; orW.C. Aixoway, - - - " '.- f A rare opportunity for .the ladies is nowaffordeA.by Mre.:PWUpjrho is of fering millinery at one third leas, a9 she has decided to retire from the business. Hee advertisement. . 6.18dtf BAVINO AN OVTJJTO. Scraps of Incidents Picked op Here - and There From the Camp. In summer woods its nice to.camp ' " And eat out tae, no trouoie Drooung; For then there are no cares to damp, v Unless yon have to do the cooking. Booth. There's one ding, It makes man content ' with his lot, ' ' When he looks at the stale bread In his kit. He'd be willing to give quite a sum on the spot - For a batch o his young wife's tea buscuit '......'..-, - . . Butler. . The kicker never has a word to say when the old farmer comes ' down and reads the riot act about trespassing on his property. r ' ; r .. -; ' :; When a fellow starts ootto supply the camp with fish, if vbu are only careful to fill bis flask he is sure to bring home a load. .... , . - rThe difference between the estimated expenses and the ' actual outlay .makes one believe that figures sometimes lie. Unless you know a man pretty well, never play poker with him by the light of a lantern. - -. .- -: From the way the enake-bita remedy disappears it would seem that, the boys believe-that prevention is better than cure..,::.,.;--; ...:.. '.. .,. .v-- Don't look for perfect seclusion. - The summer girl in. the country ca ferret out a man in the densest forest. ;. s .' The man who makes a failure of it is the. one who afterward writes' a book on camping out. . Because the rain comes in' a water proof tent is no sign that there is a hole in it. - ' . ".:. '. '.' Yoa will find it cheaper in the end to have an experienced man to put up your tent. . r . .; ' .. ." ',.." ."' ' ." '. . -. The member of the party who tries to make his expenses by introducing, a deck of cards is generally the -ono who' finds himself in. debt, when the camp breaks up. - -r Whenyou take back a borrowed tent the man always finds that some damage has been done to it. ' . .. ' . You never .pick up old bottles, pipes and cards so quickly as when the girls nay an unexpected visit to the camp. ; The fellow who has 'done the least, all day insists on. monopolizing'-; the : ham mock all the evening. - 1 -' ' ' ' :. ' :-' The night yon are very tired is the one the snake selects to .be caught in the tent; ' -: '';"" ' Never indulge in gratituitous insults, so don't ask the fellow ' who has been left in camp to do the cooking if he' has enjoyed lumeel.f.':- V ;i V ; '.'' ; , V - Washlnirtoii Market For Kent. ' For rent ; the Washington market cor ner .of Second and Court- For terms apply-to Geo. Williams administrator of the estate of John Michelbaugh. 8.3dtf . - Examination of Teachers. - Notice is liereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at his office in The Dalles, be ginning Wednesday, August 10th, 1892, at one o'clock p. m. All teachers eligible for State Certificates, - Stater-Diplomas aud Life Diplomas must make applica tion at the quarterly examinations. ' Dated this Aug 3d, 1892. TbOV SHEIXKY. County School Superintendent of Wasco . County, Oregon.- ' ; 8-ldwtd To Let. A nicely furnished bedroom, with' or without board, apply at this office. -7.14dlm : - - : johh c 10 SECOND STREET, closed oil H. 8TONEMAN. ll sl 11' aav 'Bltf ayKife- stock will Be Practlcal Shoemakers and Dealers in OOIS and S H O ES . 2X4 Seooacl Street. - ; V V-J': C?' Exclttsive Boot and Shoe' House in the City. v ; All Kinds of Footxvear Always on Hand. To The rnhlle. . . " - - - . I have no hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera '. and Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do to my friends and patrons. " I used it myself after other well-known remedies had failed, and it cured .me in a few minutes. . I-recommend it candidly and cheerfully upon it. merit; not -.from. a financial stand-point, because- I have others in stock, on which I make a larger profit, bat because Chamberiaiii'a is the best remedy 1 know of for bowel -complaints.- There is no doubt about it, it does the work Jahks Foaoy, Druggist, McVeytown, Penn. JAor sale by Blakeley & Haughton,rdrbggiat3. v. dAw: NOTICE. City taxes for 1892 are now due and payable within sixty days, at the office of the undersigned.' " Li Roedkh, City Treasurer. Dalles City, July 6th, 1892. - x The Old Times arc Mot la It. ' ; While at our other store at Big Island, Vs., last April, I waa taken with a very severe attack of diarrhoea. I never had it worse in my .life. . .1 tried several old time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine, Paregoiic and Laudanum without get-: ting any relief. My attention was then! called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy bv Mr. R. C. Tineley who-had beeiv handling it-.there, and in less ."han five minutes -after tak ing a small dose I was entirely relieved, Q. . G.. , Bubfokd, ;, . Harris ' CreekJ Amherst Co.:v Vi. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. - -' t d&w . Valuable Kann for Sale. ' ;' A highly improved 400 aero farm, on Tygh Ridge, convenient to wood, water and range, in a district where crops never fail. For - sale -at a reasonable price, and on easy trms. Apply at this office -, ; ' i : ' 8ved a-' Woman's Life. . Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two tea spoonfuls, .of. .Chamberlain's - .Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedyvsaved the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this place." He also; states. - that.-several other very bad cases of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For : sale by Blakeley & Houghton. druggists. , t - - ; td&w -; Beginning with j&.ug. 1st I will give a valuaVle premium to every' person' who orders j pne.i 4oZen' cabinet pictures. Photos to be as good, a a. .the very .best. Premium on. exhibition -after -Friday next. Call and see them. Only good for a few days. Hunt, the photographer. ' ' - Notice. - . : Parties desiring advertising space', on the sprinkler wagon may have it . by applying to rif -,' r S E. FjEBKisi-; " T. A. Van Norden, the expert wntcb repairer at No 106 . Second . street. The Dalles, appears to have a happy Knack for htilding the confidence of bis patrons. The secret, of course, is the usual one skill in repairing even the most compli cated watches. . 7-13-1 m . Two Grand Excanlons. Two grand excursions to Europe by the fast and elegant anchor ; line steam ships "Ethiopia" and"Fumessia." The first will leave New York, Augupt 18th, and the second August 20th, this is an opportunity seldom offered to parties de siring 'to visit the old country. For full particulars and rates, apply to T. A. Hudson, general agent, Tho Dalles, Or. PHOTOGRAPHER. Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. hertz; THE DALLES. OREGON. ':..' HENRY FIEGE. & piEGE, and Dealers in " COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Prop rs ' , . csaccessors :to s. Craa.); ; , " i . ' Manufacturers of the finest French and . .. Home. Mode - b-A-nsr zd x .El s , East of rortiand. , . ., - . ' DEALERS IS -.;;?-. ,77 1 Tropical Fruits, Nuts,Cigais and Tofa. "'Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesala . or Retail . . In Irerjr Style. :. ' .-,:t ' ' " Irr Hraam and Snrtv Watpr " W W S VM ! - WV MM VI M eVWI a - ,104 Second Street The Dalles. Or. v FOR CHURnHK ft Superior In tune to' Plpe'".Orerarv" easier-played' and cheaper, are the PHILHARMONICS i W. E. GARRETSONS - SOU AOKST fOR THE All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. .138 Second St.. The bailee. Or. ' Jtotice lskereby given, that hy- authority of uruioaucc no, which faseen us inmmva Council of Dallea City, June 30th, 1893. entitled "An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provider for the sale of oetain lots belonging to Dallea City," I will on Tuesday the 16U day of August, V&A, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, ail of the following; described lots and perts ef lots situated in Gates Addition to Dalles City, to-wit: - Seventy feet off from the sooth aide of lot No. Lot No. 2, Block No. 18; the south one-half ol Lots No. 3, 4, 6 and 6, In Block No. lit; Lots Nos. - n o A K. u a .. n A .a 4h n n l. in. .. tots nos. 7, 8, 11 and rs, in Block no. 14 ' i 1 tf V I) Oi 7 HUU AM. . I. u. u, im The appraised value of said lota and for less than which they , will not be sold is fixed as toiiows, to-wit: 70 f- et off the south end of Lot No. 1. in - Block No. 19 4125.00 70 feet off tho south, end of .Lot No. 2, in BIOCK 0. IS. . 1'A.UO loe souta one nau ox xjoi no. in jaioca NO. IS." 1MU.UU The south one-half of Lot No. 4. In Block - No. 18...... 100.00 The south ono-liali of Lot No. 5, in Block . .. no. 10. i.. nv.w The south oue-hHlf of Lot No. 6, In Block - No. W. w.. lOttOft1 Lots numbered 2, S, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 0 and 10, in . . . -x . Block No. 13. and Lots numbered 7. 8. 1 - Hand 12, in Block No 14, each ap- : praised at. .. . . 160 0t'; -Each of said lota will be sold anon the lot. respectively, ana none ox mem enuit pe sola ior : a less sum than the value as above stated. - - -- One-ttiira os tne price Dia on any ot. saaa iota snsu dc pmu in cssn at iimc-ox saie. oue-uira. on or before one year from date of sale, and oiio-. laird on or Detoro two years irora aate oj eaioj with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per : annum 'upon deferred ' payments, payable i anriualiyr-- " . above mentioned at ten o'cltck a. m. Augrust 16, : 1892, andcotinue with, eseh lot in the order as . herein named until all of said lo's shall bo sold. Dated this 11th day of July, 1892. FRANK MENEFEE, 7.13-8-13w-d, - lJecordcr of Dalles Ctty