OREGON TUESDAY AUGUST 2. 1892 Published OailT. Sunday Excepted. . r . t . .-T- ' : pE;CERONlCt rVBLlSHlJ CO. Corner" 'Second and ' Washington' Streets, ' The Dalles, Oregon. Term of Subscrlpttorj Per Year. ,...,..: t-.-.h . . Per month, by carrier. . .... . ... v . Single copy 50 ..' 5 feTATK OFFICIALS. dovernot Secretary oi State. treasurer apt. oi Public Instruction:. . . enatoxs. ........ .'-. . onajtamiisn.. 8te Fziatejr ......8. Pcrinoyer ...G.W. McBride .Pnilup Vetscban ...7E.B. McElroy 1J. N. Dolpb " J J. H. Mitchell B. Hermann . ... Frank Baker : ft " County Judge. Goo. C. Blakelcy Bbertff. T.-A. Ward Clerk . J- B-CTomen Treaaurer. .- Win. Michcll : Jaj. Darn telle Commissioners...... ... I Frank Kincaid Aeaessor Joel W. Koontz Surveyor. . . '. K. F. 8harp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner N. M. Eastwood FRENCH t CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT AiGENERALBANKIN BCrHNKSSl letters of Credit issued available in he y " . " Eastern States. ' . (' Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. ' Collections made at all points on fv- arable terms. " ,. THE DALLES r Rational it Batik, ; Of DALLES CITY;. OR. ... ' President" - - Vice-President, -Gaehier, - - ' - - r 25, F. Moody - CHARLES UlLTON r.- SI. A. Moody General Banking Busidcss Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on SEW YORK, . ' ; : ."SAN FRANCISCO, . CHICAGO .'"."' U, and PORTLAND, OR ".Collections inale:on favorable terms 't all accessible pointy. The Dalies ACTORY NO. 105: fTCir ADC0' the Bet Brands A vJT X vXV O man afac tared, and fdera from all parts of thexKiuntry filled The reputation of THE DALLES Cl- uAB has become firmly established, and we aeniana xpr tne nome manufactured article is increasing every day. '-.. . . A. ULRICH & SON. THE DALLE9 Giaac Faetory -a i T W; H. BUTTWProp- i ' f Jlo.-dO feoid flrefttj'The Dalles, Or. " This' well known stand, kept by the ' ' .."11 1 IT TV T)..li 1 ' " Tcii ;a4iuwu it . . xa. .dulb,- long u reai- : " v." dent of Wasco county, baa an extraordi--; nary fine stock of Swp' .Herder's Delight and Irish - Disturbance. -s In fact, all tbe leading brands of fine Wines,. Liquors and Cigars. Give the old man a call and you .will come again. SAN FRANCISCO g beer hall;; Second" Street, - The Dalles, Oregon' FRED LEMKE, Propr. Visitors to th'o Kan PranMo Divr Hall illl tai the best of everything, and- are sure to call " .. . . - . 'Choice domestic and Imported Cigars, Wines, jkad v J Designs. . Marks, rwi Copyrwhts. '.W firm iporiai attmtiaB to cua r0ctl in other . tnUrfermcM. appeal. nlm, trad d validity of patents, and tha prosecatioB ana dafenM of ntiu for lnfrtnement. Oar book of Instruc tions, terms, references, etc.. sent free. KOSON ItKOTHKIW, Equitable Butldtner, 1O03 ' St., Wswhinston, I. C. ATBend threo stasaps for postage on handsome lllas dated booklet. " Inventive PrOBrees,' pablisher's price accents, and onr quarto-eeatennial pampslet far la "acrtjjrSfaaaatictnrers and patentees. . ..Meof i.-n iLi tri I . ..-. Kl A- Brown, . . . - -Kcepe a full asaorxment of and ta tones and Provisions. f ; r iiUth he offort at low 'Figiirea. -j 3 SPEClflli PRICES to C3ash Hayeri. ; HilM M Prices for liis ani .. other Mn . y ' t70 SECOND ;TSTEitT.- T 'JOHN PASHEK, ; , i mm . loiioi, Next door to Wasco Sun. Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, Pants Patterns, etc., oi all latest ,- fitvles. at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, ana a lit guaranteed : - -'. - each time. - - fepaifing aind Cleaning Neatlr and Quickly Done. . City. Wagon Shop, - Second Sf:, opposite Hood's Stable, TBk? DAtttCS, OK BOON. A. SANDROCK, Prop. First clasa Carriage and Wagon inak Ing. General repairing to order, in s satisfactory manner, at ; reasonable pnees. uive me a call. : . , - .v.. OMAHA Kansas City, St. Paul,. CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, - - " AND. ALU POINTS Kast, North and Sleuth; ;. LEAVE THE DULLES: No. 7,: west bound. . . ."1 4:10 p. ni." No. 1 . " " .... . " 3 :05 a; m. No. 2, .east bound. .". . . .11 :55 p'. u.' No. 8, ," " , . . : .l:25.p.W- Pl'WUMAN -SLEEPERS, " : ; COLONIST SLEEPERS- . RECLINING CH AI K CARS, and. DINERS. ,5 SteAiiiere from P0RTL4ND to SAN FRANCISCO . . EVERY FOU R DAYS! TICKETSEUROPK Kor rates ajid general Inforniutlou call on' E, e; uytle, -4-s DopoC Ticket ARent. W. H. nUKLrJURT, As&t. Gen. Pass. A(,-t.;" -04 Washington St.," . - - 1 . PonTLaKx,' Oregon. ffom TERlBIflflli oit IKTERIPJI Points -THE RHI LROKD . I the line to take ' TO ALL POINTS MT AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Ronte. It runs Through Vcstibulcd 'l'rains every day in the.year to pad and Chicago . . b;o change of cars. - ; Composed of Dirflne Cars unsurpassed. " Pull man Drawing Room Bleepersof latest equipment, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ' Best that can be constructed, and In which accommodations' are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAT COACHES A continuous line, connecting with nil lines, affording direct and uninterrupted service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS England and Europe can b( To and from all nointQ in AmprlfHi. England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket office of the company. Full information concerning ratos, time of trains, routes and. other details furnished on application to " . W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent D. P. 3i A. Nav. Co., Regulator office, The Dalles, Or., or -. ,. . A. D. CHARLTON, " ' Ass't. General Passci get Agt., Portland, Ogn. FBOFBSnONAb CA EDS. T"v&. ELIZA Ai INGAIX3, PHYsiclAy, 6uu J qxox and Ocblist. . Office: Booms 10 and 47 Chapman Block. - - D R. G. E. SANDERS, firaduate of the Uuiverslty of jmcDlesu. suc cessor to Tr. Tucker. . Ollicc over r"rci)chs' Bank, The ynlles,. ur. 7 M. 8ALYER, Civit EnoiNkep.isq, Survey ing, and Archlticturc. The Dalles, Or. w -i 1 -- . " . JF. 6JJEDAKETR. D. D. S., has located per o manently in The Dalles, and oS'ers his ees viccs to the public in iu ed of.dentistry. . Offica In Chapman building, Second street room 1 Ji tB. 'EaHELMAN (HosiorAfntcj PHVStctAK Js and ou boron. uuu answered promptly. day on night; citv oroountry. Oflleo No. 86 and 37 Chapman block. - . ... . wtf DR. 3. SUTHERLAND FaXLOW OF TBINTTV Medical Collcgo, and member of tho Col lege of Physiciaua and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Surgeon. Oflice; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block.- Residence ; Judge Thornbury'a Sec ond street. OSice hours: 10 to 1'J a. m., 2 to 4 itnd to 8 p. m. . DKt-O.' 1), BQ A if-K vPHYBICIAK kSD 8C Osok. Offiea: rooms 5 and 6 chapman Block. Residence No. 23, urUi street, ime block south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 .M.,ato5and7cto4P. M. sv. ... -, - DijlDDAIX liKHTIST. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth t 00 flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of be Golden Tooth, Second Street. a.a.nrrra." oao. atkiks. FKANk kbkepbs. rvmniL WATK1NB & MEKEFEE ATTOB- J HSTa-ei-uv-Room No. , -over rost OiQce Building, Entranoc on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. 7 If. WILSON ATTORNRY-AT-laW RoOlDS II e and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. . . - . . - VS. BENSETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of o flee tn Schanuo's building, up ttairs. The Dalles, Oregon. , . .. r. r. scats, a. s. hoktinqtos a. R. WIL80H. MAYS, H X NTIXGTON & WILSON ATTOB-Navs-AT-taw. Ofnccs, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles. Oregon. SOfJIETIES. A S8EMBLY NO. 4S27. K. OF U Meete in K. i. of P. .hall the second and fourth Wednes day of each mouth at 7 :30 p. m. . : 7 ! ' ; lTA8CO IXDGE, NOi 13, A. F. & A. M: Meets T T 1 first and third Mondayof each month at 7 r. m. DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets In Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of oanli month at 3, P. II. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ingof each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:30 p. M. 'COLOMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets Kj every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers; are welcome. H. CLoyen, Sec'y.. ; . -.: a. A. Bills.n, G. FRIENDSHIP IX)DGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets - every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Oourt and Becond atroeta. Sojourning members are cordially in vited. . .. W.8.CaJsV . PW.Vabsb, Ki of R. and S. - - C. C -. ' WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN -. TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the reading room. .All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets at K. ef 1. Hall, Corner' Second and Court Streets, ThufMay evening at 7T30. .y-'ri-r - - Geobob G130K8, i - W.& Mtkbs; Financier.'' - " -' M. W. TAB. NESMITH POST,:No. 32,. A. IL-r Sleets every Saturday at 7:30 T. it., in the K. of P. Hall. OF t. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in the K. of P. Hall. tlESANO ; VE REIN Meets every T ' eveniug in the K.-uf P. Hall. Sunday BOF L. K. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the a K. of P. HaU the first and third Wl day of each mouth, t 7:3u r. x. . - THK CHCKCHK8. CT. fETERS CHURCH Rev. Father RaoKS' obbst. Paster. Low Mass -every Sunday at 7 A. M. High Haxs at 10:30 A.'tf. Vespers at 7P.M. -. - - .' . '' -' ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching -in the Y. M. C. A. rooms every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school Immediately after morning service. J. A. Orchard, pastor. ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. EliD.Suteliffe Rector. Services every Sunday at 11 A. at. and 7:30 p. jr. Sunday. School 0:45 A. sc.' Evening Prayer oil Friday at 7:30 . . 1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. TAY-. lob. Pastor. Momlnar services everv Hah- bath- at the academy at 11 a. H. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting Friday . evening at Pastor's resi dence. Union Borvicos in the court house at 7 P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. Curtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. v. and 7 P. sc. Sunday School after morning' tervlce. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. M E. CHURCH Rev. A; C. 8knceb, pastor. Services everv Sundav momimr. Sundav School at 12:20 o'clock P. af. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people to alL YOUR ATTE11TI0I1 is called to the tact tnat -y ' Dealer in Glass, Liuie, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. -Carrlem Ike rineet Line of- To be fognd in the. City. Hugh Glenn, 72 CUashington Stfect. Bow the Gad By Laya Ia Ecc-" An insect -known in the west aa the gadfly attacks horses, laying its eggs on the animals. The horso . licks itself and conveys the eggs to its stomach.. where they are hatched, theworms clinging to the stomach walls. ' Very often they bore: through the Btouiach and kill the horse. Washington Letter. .;The Place for Wicked' ttuyc " US lk1 little 1 boys Tvill relist thins "Henry, yoti aTo such a naughty Httle fel. low that you arc not 6t to. sit with those irqod boya rm the bencU. CVHne np hj nuu e. uesiue rue, oxuuuiueu an ezaspVrV ated teacher. Once a Year. Unrti of Jadgea. Ex-Judge Bearaen fiayfi tbat all law yers, have hearts' of mercy nntil' they become judges. In the superior court, during the brief term be served, he al ways refused criminal cases, because the mother of the young juan was Bure. to come around and sbovr the gray hairs under ;her aged-bonnet. Judge Jtfeatden says that on two occasions be saw Judge Levy weaken under ; the effect of an old western bonnet trembling with stuffed roses; Tfae -firsttiine -was uf-a taeeof grand larceny, .and the-old lady who called asked the judge fox a pass to the. Episcopal horde. -She. teaid that her son Fred bad declared - bia intention to steal because he. couldn't "get work,"- and whatever be had stolen was "for her sake and because be 'couldn't get work." "Why," said Reardon, " whenthe Id woman nnistied her story. Levy was cry ing as bitterly aa' she and the young criminal Went to the house of correction with the smallest sentence he could get. "Next year the same fellow came up on an outrageous charge of robbery, and the ancient lady turned r.p-as" usual with a full set of tears.-'. She ehed them -freely, but the judge' was familiar with her tactics and the young man went over to San Quenttn. ' "The old lady waa very ungrateful, for she rose in ber anight and cried: 'Say judge, you used to have a kind heart r " San lrrancisco Examiner. Bad Blood, Impure or vitiated blood is nine times out of ten caused by some form of oonstipatJon or indiges tion that clog up the system, when the blood naturally be- comes impregnated with the ef fete matter. Theold Saxsaparlllfii attempt to' reach this condition: try attackiag the blood with the drastic mineral " potash." The potash theory la Id and obsolete. Joy's VcgetablcSarsapariUa is modern. It goes to the seat of the trouble.- It arouses the liver, kidnevs and bowels to health ful action, and invigorates the circulation, and the impurities are quickly carried off through the natural channels. Try it and note- its delightful action. Cha.1ee, at;BeamIsh's' Third and Market Streets. 8. F.. writes: "I -took It for vitiated blocKt and while on the first bot tle became convinced of its mer its, for I could feel it waa work ing a chaneeT It cleansed, puri fied and braced me up generaUy; end everything's now working full and regular 'Vegetable w Sarsaparilla For Sale t)y SNIPES KINERSLY ' - THE t)AlXE3" OKKGON1. (GrENTEEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER iJOODS OF ANY. KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, (21T nd See: me Bhirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defveomnetition. Other goods tn proportion. Jr. rAuAN, - Second St., The Dalles Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BROWN) . , Philadelphia, Pa. f , A NEW PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IN- Furniture ,: anif Carpets. We" have aided to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly... Remember our place on Second street, next to Moodve bank. .-. - GiW; Johnston &on, oarDBotera au& Buimers, 1 .VirJobWork' promptly attend d to and eetimatesiriven on all .wol work,- tV I Joy ..... r I n FIRST'CUHSS CD r. - i:-'. - ' 'w iW U rV-v Uf)J ,:i.'-. t,' :'. ' y-i i ' : "VV;' - -- -.;-v- -."-l- ;. ' U;--'..-..U.?, till CAN BE CH RON I C D. BUIXS Pipe VVoit Tlit Repairs snja Uooring MAINS TAPPED Shop. on. Third Street,1 next j: . iilacksmith bhop. . : : DEALERS IN: Staple and FanGU Biocsiies. MELacy Grain and Fted. Masonic Block, Corner Third and v JTHE, DAIaXES, OREGON. Bestbllar a.Day - . ;. First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.' First Class Hotel in Every Respect. - . ; .- r" ; ' r ' Vhite Help Employed. Washington SIT tTATED AT THE - Destthed to&e the Best : Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. ' v For Further Information Call at the Orflcaj of ' "' ' Interstate tovesoent JoJ O.D. TAYLOR The Data Or. H. C, NIELS6N, Clothier :BOOTS AOT SHOES, v Hate and-Gapsj Tinmks and "Valises, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, v Daily and Weekly! Etf (tionsl r . -THE "CHROJ I.CLE-: v7asGstablUii .for: the e- . press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles ' '. and the surrounding country, and the satisfying ; . effect of its 1 mission is everywhere apparent. It . - now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher- man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grantr cdunties, as. well as -Klickitat and other re- V gions north of The Dalles,; hence it is the best . medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire, - -The Daily Chronicle is published every eve- - . ning in" the week (Sundays excepted) at $6.00 per . 1 annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of . ! each week. at. $1.50 per annum. 1- v : ' For advertising rates, subscriptionsvet.V address THE CiH RONiCLEjPU BLlSRING COM The Dalles,, Ore; n rf. HU HAb: AT, THE - J. ? TJNDER PRESSURE. door - west of Young & Kuss Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregon :Hons3t on the Coast? Washingto TEAD OF NAVIGATION . ; BestSelling Property of the Season in the North west. rr '72 Wasiiiatsii, St, Portlefl. Or. THE DALLES, OREGON. M:EL:L: lot? and IfllCl