Tiis Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLE8 CJTY - . WASCO. COUNTT. ' FOK PP.KSIDKNT, nniTTTUJTV National Republican Ticket, i The ire Wguu. 7 The ioe ttaaon of Cates & AIIisont JB u the Btreete every morning -from 6 to.S o'clock. Anv orders for ice- left with "Will Vanbibber's express or at the etore of Chas. Issuer ' wl !1 be promptly at tended to. Catkh & Ai!.raoi. FOK VICK-PKESIUEKT," WIIITELAW KEID, of New York. FOR PKESIDKNTIAI. ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. If- 15. MILLER, of Grant's Pnee. G. M. IRWIX, of Union. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. SINGULAR CONDITION OF Til I SOS It was not considered aa anything re tuarkaUe at the time, for the creat Daniel Webster to take the view of thi division of Uucle .Sam's domain which lie credited to him ifi Ken Perlev Poor's Reminiscences, from which he quote: "Mr. We4ter had a verv vague idea of the great west. On one Ot-caeioii w hen . K I - .1 . . . , . u us in uie senate a preposition was before it (o establish a niail route from Independence, Mo., to the mouth of the Columbia river, ,000 miles across plains and mountains, about the extent of which the public then knew no more than they did of the interior of Tidbit JIr. Webster, after denouncing the measure, closed with a few remarks concerning the country at large. 'What 3o we want,' he exclaimed, 'with this vaet, worthier area? This region of -aee and wild beasts, of deserts of shifting sands and -whirlwinds of dust, f cactus and prairie dogs? To what use could we ever hope to put these great deserts, or these endless mountain range, impenetrable and covered to tlicir very base with eternal snow? What can we ever hope to' do with the western coast, a coast of 3,000 miles, rock-bonnd, cheerless, uninviting, and ' not a harbor on it? What use have wo for this country?"' - Wlieu the above words were uttered, but little was known of this great coun try, and Mr. Webster was in a measure excusable for his sayings. But with the light of the present, what a violation it is to have an intelligent man assert that .this country is "good for nothing." "There Is not a bill in sight of The Dalles 'Init is of more real value, for fruit alone, Uu the hggt f-mtu rii MacenchueetlBr "Talk about the discovery of America; s.-.liy people are only just now beginning "to discover the real merits of this regionP We' can excuse Webster; but have no pology for the moss-backed webfoot, who save the hills are of no value. Without elevators, with which to get up to his plowing, they are no donbt "no isood" to the somnolent Oregonian whose tank account accumulates without . ex-' . 3$fon of any kiad on hia part. wmmm mm VOLOn,fj(S PREDICAMENT. . A " 1 "iC . nil.. tho one that's made bv thowonri etora of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Unusual, but made in cood faith. It'a a reward of 500 for an incura ble case of Catarrh. It' you have one, the money's for you. But you uau ii . ji.no w wneiuer you nave one, till you've tried Dr." Sago's Remedy. Hat's - incurable by any ' other means, yields to that. By its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, it cures the worst cases, no matter of how long standing. That's the reason the money can be offered. There's a risk about it, to be Bure. But it's so small that the proprietors are willing to take it. The symptoms of catarrh are, headache, obstruction of noae, dis charges falling . into throat, some times profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, , mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offen sive ; eyes weak, ringing in ears, deafness ; offensive breath ; ' smell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be present at once. Second. St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THJi UAl.I.ES, - County Treasurer' Notice. -AH countv warrants -registered prior to March 13, 1B8'J, will be paid if pre sented at bv office, corner Third and Washit-EtoiT strerts. Interest ceases on and after this date. The BaTlcs, July 1C, 1S92-; William Micsiell, i " 7. 1 Si f TrpsnrctAVOuiJitJst-XXi:. Administrators Sale of Horses, In pursuance of. an order of the county court, of Wasco- county, dated July 15th, 1892, I will sell as a whole or in lots, all the band of mare,--geldiHgs ana cons, aiao one mack totranirer" stallion, a fine horse and good breeder, oeionguig to tno estate oi the. late W. J Mcins. These are good well bred horses, many of thcui broke .to work. They will'be sold for cosh or approved security. J. C. Mkl.vs, Administrator, . of the Estate of XV.'J. "Meins; 7.23d wlm. : COLUMBIA ICE CO.. y 104 Second Street, ICE! ICE f ICE! OSKGOX. Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmithing in the finest style. Satisfaction guaranteed. GUNNING Props. J. L FISHER. W. J. MONTAGUE. I UlTl III, 1 -PROPRIETORS OF THK . . . . - fcJite Shavino- Parlors Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand. wo are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be delivered through the Eummer. Parties contract ing with us will be carried Ihroneh the entire season withoi.t advanck is pkice, and may depend that we have rothing but . PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE Cut from mountain water : no elnm'h nf slush ponds. Leave orders at the Columbia Candv Factory, 104 Second . street, or Ice Wagon. V. S. CRAM. Manager, l ' . . ICS t ICE ICE I v . : ., '. Having on hand s large' supply of ice wear& prepared to furnish our custom-, era with ice in any quantity at a reason ably rate. Y We gtiaranloe. w&will supply the -demand without -advancing.- prices th'rbvighout the season. - Leave orders at C;' Lauer's store, Second street. 5-2tf . Oaths & Aixieos. All NOTICE, Dalles - Citv warnintB registered prior to October 7, 18JX, will be paid if preaented; at my office. . Interest censes from and after this dato. , -. . . Dated July 7tb 1802.-,-.. Floyd Pi. Sfiown - Successors to C K. Dnubam. - v : Driiarists.andtlieniists. :hW Dpjail:lEtoEi 1 Iispen3ing rtysieiaDs' Prescriptkiiis a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor, Second rand Union TWK DAMiES, (IRKGON.- sts. ' :'THEj;;CECEB'R7?TEF; 6SEfliiA:BjfeEWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. This well-known Brewery irnow turning oat the beet Beer and Porter ciet of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been" introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on Spnpd aijd Summer, WE SEASON 1892. '""fctJ"11- ? drort of ink; i JT&limcr- lIKPnmc. i rmn n rKn,k 1 TKUST TO INTEREST AND DO TOIT GOOD. STAGY. SHOHIIl, Tfte WatcftniaRer, -CKAI.KE IS- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry; Etc! All kinds of rermiriue a sijecialtr. and nil work suanmmu anu prompuy R fie II two to. - - uau ana see his stock of clocks before leave an oraer elbewbcre e you NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS; HO EKJ?T STItEEI, THE UALI.KS, OREGON. -AND- . Bath Rooms. SE001TD STEEET. THE DALLES, 0E. Gentlemen will find . THE KT.TTE tally up to the times m every respect. Hair Cutting in the best manner, in every style of the art. Smooth Shaving and Perfect Baths. Hours : F.irery day and evening dur- x.1 -. St uk luB weeK. uiosea on aturdav re nings after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun ays from 7 a. in. to 12 o'clock noon. CIIAS. STUBUNG. OWEN WILLIAMS. People who are not. absorbed in watch ing the campaign as a whole will find opportunity for reflection in the interest ing predicament of Colorado. Here is a state without a presidential candidate whom it honestly admires.- It mnst'Le understood t hat for Colorado there is now but one candidate, one principle and one issue, ami all three are called Free Sil ver. G rover Cleveland is against free silver. So is Mr. Harrieon. Therefore there is no enthusiasm in Colorado for either. Whom can the Coloradian vote for? There is Gen. Weaver. But it is hard to get up enthusiasm for a man whose chances of election are, to' say the least, el ' pa. So Colorado grows apathet ic aud listless and waits for '96. We tender her people the assurance of our sympathetic commiseration. - ' Stubling S Williams, The Germania, SECOND ST., , THE DALLES, - OREGON Dealers- in Wines. : Liauors and Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. - The desire to be remembered ie a com- mon, ami not an ignorable ifeeTing, Whn we are dead and gone it will really make no difference to us whether we are remembered or -not. When the time oonei for friendship- and acquaintance and reputation to be translated into memory wi will be engaged In journey of discovery whose interest will take our whole attention. Even the most enter prising newspapers have ho subscribers in heaven. Even the ' meanest newspa pers, though well filed for circulation on earth, have no constituency in hades. So that the account of our funeral in either class of papers will make no difference to ue when once we have crossed the line.- We wil I never read it. Neverthe less we have, n- desire. to be kindly re jKMmbered. 4 v ' ' '-' ' ' v ' - . - ' The reduction in the tariff? on steel billets caused the proposed reduction in wages at the. Homestead mills which oc casioned the present trouble there and yet the remedy the democrats offer for vuch labor troubles is to remove the tar. iff entirely and make unlimited reduct ions in wai'ei necessary. Can any Mage worker figure out any possible benefit to himself from the adoption of the demo cratic anti-tariff policy ? W. F. Wiseman, and Wine Root The Dalles, - Oregon. Northwest .corner Court Streets. of Second and The St. Charles Hotel; PORTLAND, ' OREGON. ' This old, popular and reliable; house baa hoan am.waIm nr.. . room has been repapered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The Kamba -IT. j ... wuwuua iiv rooms ana is suppuea with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A good restauran t attached to the house. Free bns to and from all trains. . ... . C. W. KNOWLE8, Prop. : J. B. 8CHKNCZ," President. II. M. BBAiL : . Jahicr. It flatiohal Bank. vhe dalles; r OREGON A General Banking Business transacted deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made, and proceeds promptly Ac&uxbwu uii vi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. " D1RECTOK8. D. P. Thompson. Jko. S. Schencx. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Lixbe. H. Ht Bxall. - -in fSW& vli- r iirJi U l -Jul z At the old stand oi J. Ltushef. Chas. pirazef, tvop. MMKR & B EN TON DEJt,EJRS IN Cord Woon fir,; pine, ash VULi -; VV VUU ANrj CRABAPPLE GROCERIES, STOVES RANGES. HARDWARE -MANUFACTDKEjj BY ! 5 -jj.'J ;- ' V WALTER H. TENNY & - ix llf'i BOSTON, ; TWVTSS. CO. THE DALLES MERCANTlLE Cb. . SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. TH 11 EUROPEAN HOUSE. '' ' '' T" Co""1IKal Building next Door to Court Hnuu. ; j , I MuStimelyMsnh ..Boqins' tQ Rent ijp Day, Weei or Montfi. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOIACTTED. Good Sample Koonts ' for Commercial Meni ; ; - -. . ' : ; ...S . S K I B B E H OTE L. 7. , e o w K O. 0B H a a B . -. . i v :.; ; ! . 2..fB - TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. TMrd and Union, or 133 Second st. thk DAXivEs, or: ; ,. : : .DEALER IN ' ... - r.-i-i " l ;( i$ CXrz i r V ToH fir ITIii HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It behooves -everyone, especially the workingman; to buy where hd can' buy. the cheapest aiid can get the most- for his hard earned money. We solicit a share of your patronage. Ca$h paid for eggs and poultry. ; All goads delivered free and promptly Corner Union and Second streets, The DalleWoregon.- r: JELLY GLASSES. OR KKTAIt- FRUIT JARS. H . . . . Crockery vajadZGr ... U r. s Platedware Guttervv Ijarjitss: Toys and ' Notionsr. Hammocks, - - :::vr" 7:::r ' ;PisIdng Tackle, Stationery, Ete Agent for NEW. HOME and WHITE SEWING MACHINES. . - -f. XV :JNeeaies.asa attaonments for all machines. 3' " Clears and Tobaoob. 18 Second St IF?ORE E N SGO.? i g 5icond St. INN, Open firorri JaJy 1st to betobeir 1st. . : Tbi3 pictiireaqae hostler;, built of silver fir.'logsVpnd rooted 'geburely on th of a.PP'ce on the north ide of Mount" Hood is within fifteen minute walk of the perpetnalace nd Bno- of ; Kliot- 31acier,-7.000-feeb tiboTB the eea level, twenty-seven miles from Hood River, over the finest roads in the United 8tte8..ivFre.forthe4waid4ri48.004 rte nef'dk :t.Kft - ..- arket lifftwda. Mount Hoed tt . AnB. al.oa --ap mn is supplied with everything the m cuiu ium uaiue, cm., mo guiaes wm taKe you to the top of by the beet practicable routes, which are from iho Inn.' .- W. A. Ij AKidritiliE, Manager. HEW SFfil'IG (lilD SUIillHEfj WffiOiDS COMPI-ETK' IN VERY; DEPATkTMKtfT.; PAUL KREFT & CO., IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, - And the' Most Complete and the Lateat Patterna and lfesign's in ' " jF Practical Painters and Pamr Hantwra . Krra hnf. 1Vi KcBf fnTila rt Ihn Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masurv's Paints the moet skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No Chemical Combination or BOS It rnivtm-P. -A firt.t flaoa nr4ifl in nil mlnra All orders promptly attended to. 1 ' ' Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington Sta., ' The Dalles, Oregon Gents' Fofnisfiinf Goods, Hats; Caps; . Boots and Shoes. : Full Assortment of the Jldiiig&riucti; r ashersiU save rmonfbyf and pri Jre ch H. Herbring WM. f & CO -DEACERS IN- Building lterial, Otfigliant Lumber. Ume, Plaster, Hairhrj ment. A!liberal discount to the'tfaile in aH ! lines handled by 'us. JEFFEHBON 8TREET,' between Second and Railroad-. -THE" DALLES, OR