t V ! -J, X Cj Is Mss Daily Chronicle. IK DALLES OEEOOK NDAY AUGUST 1.1892 Published Daily, Bnnday Excepted. ':- ; . BY . .'- - - THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, Dalles, Oregou. The Terms of S nbcriritlon Per Year Per month, by carrier. . . sting le copy ... ..0.. .$6 00 . 50 5 STATE OFHCIAL8. Ooremoi. ...... Secretary of State.. Treasurer Sept. of Public Instruction. -tnatqrs.. 3ongressaMui -Btate Printer. ?.. .K. Pennoyer r. W. McBrlde . ...Phillip Metserian t. B. McEIroy J. N. Dolph " J. H. Mitchell ... .i. ...1. Hermann ... frank Baker COt:STT OFFICIALSI. County Judge , ' flherift- ' Cleric Treasurer ,Jeo. O. Blukeley T. A. Ward J. It. rrofn .VVm. Michell JuH. liKrnielle cominiscioners .......... jFmtik KincaM . Assessor . Joel W. KoonU Surveyor K. F. hrp guperinteudeiit of Public Schools. . .Troy Sholloy Coreue? -. X. Eastwood FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A ;tav'KRAl.BA:K!Xi Br.ipINKS5 Jjetters of Crcilit istW avails'htp in lie Eastern Stttt-s. Sight' Exchange and "telegraphic ! Trausferseoldon New York.-Chicago, it. . Louis. San Francisco, Portland Oregon,; 'Seattle Wash., and various .points in Or- -egon and aehinton. ! Colleetionii 'made at all poiiite on fav orable term. , THE DALLES Rational -fc Sank, ' Of DALLES CITY ,' OR. President - "- - - - A.'F. Moody Vice-President, - '- "Ciiaiii.ks Hilton Cashier, - - - .- - M. A. Moody General Banking Busiaess Ttansiicted. Sight Exchanges -Sold on 'EW YORK, . ' -SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND,- OK. j ,'. Colleotions made si lavoreble. terms! at all accessible points. .-. : The Dalles FIRST STBEETJ -FACTORY HO. 105. AJL vXx.XvO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the countrv filled j -on the shortest notice. ; ' .- JTlie reputation of THE DALLES CI xAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured Article is increasing every day. A. ULR1CH & SON." W; H. BUTTS, Prop. . 3fo.' 90 Second Sreet, Tie Bailes, Or. This well known "stand, kept by the .well known W. H. Bntts, long a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of Sheep Herder's Delight, aud Irish Disturbance! In fact, all the' leading brands of fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Jive the old man a call and you will come Again. Gmaf faetopy N . F R A N GI S COrTO ALL PWNMST AND SOUTH; BEER HALL. Second Street,V-v The Dalles, Oregcail FREO.LEMKE, Propr. A'iwitoT to. tlie.Siui Vram-isco Boer Hull will .-Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed, Pull . find tlie baitTuf cvari thing; nd are surelocall laairDrawingRoomBleeperaof latest eqliifxnwuL - again. - - .. - - - , . ., . 4 Liquors, Ueer, i-:tc. v . gtIS;:f TRADE t li Desigms. MARKS. T rTv-r?COPTRlCHTX- -s sva sptelal attention ta am njeotaa mthr aamU, tlw to interfereaces, appcaU, relun, traa Barka, tha preparatioa of opinion as to Infringes eet, aoopa ana validity of patent!, and tha promotion ud asfenM of sulu for infringement. Our book oliostrme aiona, terms, references, et.. aenafiroe. EhsON mtOTHKiw, KquitsblertnlMing. ' J 1003 1' St., WasliintrtAli, . C. Rend three stamps for posuure on haadaoma Ulns trated bookiot, Inventive Progress." publisher's prios. rns cents, and cur qsjLrto-cetttenniaJ yum'-hii tar ia- . pentcra. maiinf:,i:t.crrs and patentees. A; ABf-own, Koupa a full assortment of Staple and toy Groceries,iK: s and Provisions, f- wbtrsh he offers at Low Figure.. SPECIAL :-: PRIGES to Cash .Buyers. HigSest Cask Prices for lm i ; other froince; r 170. SECOND STREET. JOHN PASHEK, 11 - a 7 i Next door to Wasco Sun. Mi Tailor I - . c . v.1 . . '. .. .'. j fCrrR, WATK1XS & MESEFKE Attob i Jr.tst lieeeived, a. bne stK-k of hmtings, i I J kbth-at-law-Rooih No. 43. over Post I ' ' Pants Patterns:'; et-C of all latest I 'Mice imllding, Eutnaice on Washington Street j Styles, at W Prices. Th DcHefl Oregon. j Madison's Latest Svatcm used in cuttingr i r h. Wilcox attobmky-at-law Room's j trarmente, and a fit ffuaranteed and 65. Sen Vogt Block, SwJ Struct. !' : , -su:htiie. .1 nn.Dito.omw.- Repairing and Cleaning! Neatls- and Quickly Done. City Wagon Shop, Second St., epjiesite Hoed's Stable, T,,K nAI-1-KK A: SAND-ROCK, Prop. First class Carriage-ami Wagon mak ing. General repairing to order, in a satisfactory manner, , at -reasonable price?. Give me a call. -. ON SALE -TO OMAHA Kansas City, St. Paxil, CH ICAGO, ST. LOU IS, AND ALL POINTS T x T ' , . . ' liast, JNorth and bouth. LEAVE THE DALLES: No... 7, wett lxinnd. No. U " " . . . 4 :J0 p. in. . . 3:85 a. m. . .1 1::55 p. m. 1 -.25 p. in.- No. 2, No. 8, east- Invvind. PULLMAN SLEEIERS, C0L0XIST SLEEPERS, iurn ii-tvi rn rr r t i l- - - ami DI.VEKS. Steamers from iMTLASD to SAN FliANCISCO EVERY FOUR DAYS.', ' ! TICK KT5SS' EUROPE For thWs :md general information call on . " E. E. LYTLE, ' i lX'pot Ticket Agent. II. HURl-Dt'ltT, AKtit. Ocu. Pass. Agt.. v ' Washington St., PORTLAKD, OKF.tON. From TEKMlHHIi or IfiTERIOH Points -.- - - : - . - THE il ir RKILROKD Itls tlie Dining Car Roote. 'It runs Tlirough .- V'estibuled i rains every day in thejonr U - pi paiil and Chicago .(NO CHANGE OF CARS. i ; Kest that can be constrtictwlV nn4 in whicU ' I fltJoommodations are both Free and Furnished I ELEGAST DAY COACHES A contihuous' line, oonnectiDg with all liucs, afiordlng direct and uninterrupted service. IHillman Sleeper reservations can be sccured' iii auvance tnrougn any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS England and Europe can in To and from all DOints in America. igland and Eurone can hfi niirphnsivi nf n ticket ofTicc of the company.. - . ,.- Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and. other details furnished- on application to ,- - - . W. C. ALLAWAY,' ' Agent D. P. & A. Nav. Co., Regulator oflioc, .The Dalles, Or., or .. .-" A. D. CHARLTON, : r Ass't, JGeneral Paseer-ger Agt.; Portlnnd, bgn. rilOfKSBIOKAl. CARDS. -r-v rr p.r.iz A..iNOAwi. physician, jsun- 1 gkon anil Oct'MST. Office: '.Eoortis 40 and- 47 Cbapmau Block. ie University" oTiehlgen. 6c- i cessor to Itr. lucaur. ix,w wvrN - n-uiit j Dank, The Dalles, Or. v IT C SALVER, Civil. Ekuinkkrinq, SurceT ' . ing, and Arohiticlurc The DaLles, Or. TF. SKEDAKEIt, I. T. S., lias located por- mauontly in The Dalles, and oners his Mjr vices to the public in ueed of dentistry. Ofuce in Ubspraan building,- Second street,- room 13, over Tim iHUles National-bank. - . - s . DR. KSHEI.MAJf (HOJIXOPATRIC) PHYSICIAS ami Scrgbon. Calls answered promptly, dav or night, city or country, .Oiilco So. 86 and Chapman block. . .- . wtf r-vK. J. SCTHKKLAND FBLLOW OP TalNITY 1 t Medical College, and member of the t-'oi-VO l l'hvfficlaim and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy amfisunieim. OSioe; rooms 3 and Chap man blK. Residence; Judge Thornbury's S nnd street. Office, hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 nnd 7 to 8 p. m. M)1 H. O. I."r A N E mYMClAil A.M!- 8CB (icon. Oihce: rooms Ana 6 Ch&uzzian i OHVh,. l.CX-a'V-lVTV -.i. wuavu rawr - Mk w.iitb 4H' oiurt Hmim?. Otttoe hours ti 12 j a. jl.,if todnnd 7 ti 4 P. M-. : J .SJDu.vtJ. tK5TtsT in given for the palnhws extraction of tcet a. Also tectn t ou flowed aluminum plate, tiooms: signal Gulden Tooth, Second fitreot. , ' .B.ICFUB. GKO. ATKIKS. FRAN K KENKFKK. Of The . Hi in tii'hauuo's buiiding, up stairs. LileH. Oregon. . - ' . .v " F. T. XlTt. B. HrSTlSGTON. ' H. H. WILSOS. MAYS, HUXTIXGTOX t Wlt.SOK Attob-KKVS-At-Liw. Oilices, Freuch'a block ovw first National Bank, The Dalles. Oregon. SOCIETIES. SSKMBI.Y KO.-kLT. K. OF L. -Meets in K. i of V. hall the second and fourth Wednes days ol each month at 7:3 p. in- -TASCO 1X)DC,K, NO. i.-., Ai i fc "a. ir. Meets V lirst nud third Monday of each month at 7 P. X. DALLES ROYAL ARCH CUAPTEK SO. C Meets in Masonic llairtho third Wednesday of each month at " P. M.- - fODERN WOODMEN OF TIIE WORLD. ML 1 rood CainnNo. 59.MeetsTuelav even ing of tuch week in tlie K. of P. Hall, at 7:30 E. M. COLUJlBIA LODGK, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets everv-. Friday cveninc at 7 :3U o'clock, iu K. of P. hall, corner Secood and Court streets. itiojourningDroiners are wt-icme. . II. Cix)ugh, Sec'y. . H. A. Bills.N. , FRIENDSHIP lj-)DGK, NO. 9., K. of "P. Meets every Monday evening at 7: of) o'clock, in Schanuo's building, corner of Court and Second rreets. Kojourning members are cordially in vited.. W. H. Orix, . i, . D. W.VAUsk'.'K!. of R. and 8. -. . - C. C. : TOVEN"S CHRISTIAN TEMPEREXCE UNION Tv-ill meet every Friday afternoon. at a o Clock at trie reading room, a u are mmea. IiEMPLE LOIKtE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. Meets : at K. f P. HaH, i'orner Second and Court otreetn, Thursday evenings at 7:30. " ' - Oeotuib- OlBOXS. W. S Mvicas, Financier.-.... M. W. TA.S. NESMITll POST, No. 32, O. A. R. Meets every SsUirdiiy tit 7:30 r. M., in the K. of 1. 1J.UL OF I.. V McetK every Sunday afternoon in f the K. of 1: riau.. . ESANC, VEREIN-vMeets er-cry Sunday evening in the K. of P. Hall. I OF L. F. DIVISION, No. 107 Meets in the . K. of V. HnU the first and third Wednes day of each mouth, et 73 r. m. I" TDK CnCBCUES. CT. 'KTi:R9 CHURCH ReT. -Fatfccr P.boss- kj UKKST Pastor. Low Maya every Uundav at High Mass at 10:S0 a. X, -Vespers at I 7 r. M. DVENT flllRISTLtN CHBKCH.-Proaching in the Y. M. C. A. rooms every ?unday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday school immediately after morning service. J. A. Orchard, pastor. ST. PAULS CHURCH Uulon Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli I.8utclifie Rector. ' 8.jrvices cror-Suntlay t,t IV A. X. and 7:30 P. X. Sunday Sehool9:4o A. x. Evening Prayer ou Friday at 7:30 - ; ......... THIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. I. Tav P ton. Pastor. Morning services every Bab buth. at the academy, at 11 a. m. . Mibbath School immodialwly after - morning services. Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi dence. Union services iu the court house at 7 P.M.- t . . j . ., . : CONGtfKOATIONAL CHUKCHRcv. 'W. -t CUKTts, Pastor. Bervioes every Sunday at II A. u. aud 7 r. M. Bunduy School after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. . .Scats (rcc. M. E. CHURCH ReVA. C.ePBNcB, pastor. Services every Sundnv morning. -Hunday scnooi ac ij.jo o ciqck p. m. a coraiai invitation, is extended by both pastor and people to all. YOUR. ATTEliTiOH Is -called to the fact that - Dealer in Gla'ss, Lime, Plaster, Cement "and Building-Material of . all kinds. -Carrle-a tha Miit Lin of- ie Tojnt found in the City. , . ' " .' .. -. i 72 UUasbington Street.: nTniiTrTinnsi: PiCIU Goest (at restaurant in moifrt weameri Waiter. I can get any salt oat .of this ; . salt cellar.-:: v: , . . .y:- : '::.- , .-. WafterYo-tt'Teforgotftm-to unscrew the top, sir. New York Weekly. ' - . A Kail nay to the Sobree of the Amaaon. Tlie govorntnent of Bolivia lias granted to;; Fernando .Cerdena, an,;' Argeatino engineer.' an; important concession for the o instruction- of - a railway frenn Oruro, Bolivia, to-the head of navigation i oni the Amazon river, in the heart of the rubber region of Bolivia. The construe- tionoE this road will connect the inin eral regions of Bolivia with the Atlantic, and thns give cheap transportation to Europe.. ? r t '"v " f 5 ; . f-i ' ' The governjiietit o?T Bolivia hat gnar-a-nteed Senor Cerdena 6 per cent, inter- i est annually for tvrenty years on the capital invested, has given him nine miles on each side of the proposed line from twhich to take': materials -for con-, stnietioa purposes, and in. addition has granted him 100 square .leagues of land, to be taken at intervals from , the terri tory adj.-icewt. ti.tiercxid.Ijri(on En gineer. " ; . . - ' ;. ' :.i' A l'recsatloa ;Ag:Snt inflnenta." " ' " Of iail tbo : precantionsr-taken against the spread of -' infltienta none are more thoroughly good in intentions than those. which h&ve been adopted at Dover. "The authorities there have - posted up notices to the effect that a penalty of five pounds will be inflicted utiou persons ;exposing themselves ia-pnblio places when goffering- from the, malady. - But it is disputed whether the uialady is contagions, though that itls i has become the gen eral belief. London Tit-Bits. . : flf.y-oio Hearts in His Oy tr. -. .. , jb"ifty-one pearls,' eight Of thenjpale and almost whito, th.i others- brown or black, were found in ahxiyBtor served on thchalf shell to a ctartomer at Tonnili erVs ' restaurant yesterday. The cus tomer tried to eat the oyster-. . Suppos ing it to be full of gravel he made the interesting discovery. Pottetown Cor. Philadelphia Record... . . .'- Bad Blood. .Impurcor vitiated blood la nlna times out of .ten caused by some form ot constipation or indigea tlon that clogs op the system, when - the. blood naturally bo comes iciprcgncti-d vrith the ef fete matter Thoold Sarra par ilia attempt to reach this couditfon by ntlacting the blood with the drastic mineral " potash.'? The potaxh theory is old and obsolete, " Joy's VcetableEareaparillaia modem. It goes to the scat of the trouble. It arouses the liver, klducvc and bowels to health fnlactlon', ami invigorates' the circulation, and the Impurities- arc qttickly-. carried - off Urroiogb tuo uaiirrai cnanner -f,: . Try it and. note, its delightful . action. Chas.;Lee,:at Beamlsh's' Third and JImrtet Btrcets, 6. -F:, write: .- VI took it f or rltiatod bloo--, aad . while on the prtjt bot tle became courim-ed oi itsraer-. ita for 1 could feci it' vro" work.- Inga chaugc. It clcai'.sed, pari Bed and braced mc cri-cencraCly. - nrt.uyt:ry thing iauow,-!vorj;ir:sf ftljl aad regnja '.' Vegetable Sarsapar'slia For Sato by. SNIPES & K1NERSLY - THE DATXES. OREGON GENTLEMEN! 1 BEFORE YOU ; ORDER GOODS 01 . . ANY. KIND IN; THE FURNISII- ' !'vj; - : 1NG LINE, '-' ' ' ' (SqH qb fe me ...tSS Shirts of. all. kinds toorderat prices which', defy 'competition. Other goods in proportion. PFAGAN, " ' - 1 - Seeondst.-, The Dalles. iSote Agent for WASNAMAKBB CROWN, " '. Philadelphia. Pa. , -w-.- -t. A NEW A.sSn'- PRINZv & KITSCH KE. furniture;'' and;: Car y . - -Vj-?r-r-5s.-; . ..-::'-. U -,:We .havcrarided 'tooiir iMisinessa' complete Xjmlertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way .connected with the"Uudertaker8,'Trnst bur prices' will be low accordingly.'- ' - ' ' ' - Remember our place on Se4-ohd stitet, next to Moodv's bank. r- : G.W;;Johnstoiti&Son; DarpGniers ana Ruiiaers, .: Shop at No, 112 First Street v All Job Work promptlv--attended to and estimates given on alLwobd work. J' '-''i:'' and Comfort are by thelise of poor smoking tobacco The one tobacco that has held its own through all the changes : of time and against all competitors is Blackwellfs. Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco., a k'- ' A Question A Great Record WHY? Because it's ' always the same, always record tells more "talk.',' It's just For. You as ever ana re is roe lODacco ior.jo. If you smoke; you, should smoke BuliDiKam A trial is all. we ask. -BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. Good Advice DURHAM, D. BONN Pipe Worn Tin B MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE, Shop on Third Street, next door west of '.Young tfe Kuss' , , '.-., "Blacksmith Shop.- ; lDE.AIJERS.IN- Staple ag Fancy Hay, Grain Masonic Block. Corner Third and fiexjj Columbia ' ' . - v-THE DA TiT.ES, OREGON. Best Dollar ) a-Day- House bri the tSoast! First-Class( Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect.' v '' . " ; r Noiie but the Best of. White Help Emjsoyed. ? v T.'-T; Hicholas, Piop. Hoftb Washington SI'JLATED AT THE ' Destined to bo the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. - For Further Information Call at the Office of InteFstate 0. D. TAYLOB; TJis Dalles. Or. - Hv IS I , BOOTS AND SHOES, -Hats arid Gaps, Tninks.and.alises, CORNER OF-.SECOND aja-WAfeinGtONv.'; DUES , i ; .! Dally and : Weekly Ed itipns. : ; ; " v :"; 'THE:CHRt)IGIiEl press purpose, of faithfully oiuThlt-lalle. " and. the5 surrourfding ( cuitxy. ja'nd-.ctJieatisCjfing.' , .' effect of' its mission, is ' every where "apparehti It " ; . now ; leads, alL 1 others publications; in Wase6, ;5her- vt--manv;GilliaihJ alarge.'piirt of . Crooks Morrow vand Gant countiesras well, as Klickitat and - other. :re - gions north ' of The Dalles . hence it ;is ;th best medium foT advert . . The Daily Chronicle is, published every eve ning in the week, (Sundays excepted) at $6.00 per annum". The V eekly - each week at $1.50 per annum ;,. For advertising, rates, subscriptions, etc., address' THE CH RON I CLE PUB LIS HfN G CO., -. - . ' - .-. The Xalles, Oregon. ; - Against Tim . Fear Nothinr -' pure, always Unchanging ; ,, the best; Such a than pages ofi as -goodo-d3y Talk's Cheap ; N. C. , and flGOfifiQ -jig: .Vivisr,-: penes, and Fied. Court Streets. The Dalies.Oregop. jibtel, o VYashingto HEAD OF NAVIGATION. . Best Selling Prpperty of , ' , the Season in the North weet. .' . " - T. -l.-riV'.'V ' Go., 72 f asiiaiten, St, Portlan J. Or. V f . : ra--kar--l sea ' THED ALLES,. OREGON . Chronicle on Fridays of , m . a BWTatpw T' b aassaaa '' i' ?l Dalles lor EIROMIGLE.