The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 30, 1892, Image 3

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    G . P.. STEPHENS,
- DEALER ii '"".-'
Everybody seems to be complaining of
But if you only stop and see the fine line,,
' of Gents -Furnishing Goods and Hats of
You will find that he can save you con- '
' . siderable money. ' ,
Give him a call and be convinced.
109 Second' Street, - The Dalles, Or..
Boot, Shoes. H arts. Etc.
Fancg IQod potion
Etc.,: Etc., Etc.
A Full Line of the
1 13-1 Second St., next to Dalles National
! Bank. Dalles Citv. Orecon.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
M Cents ner line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
l-per line for each subsequent insertion.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
I wiU appear the following day.
JULY 30, 1892
Fresh stubble pasture at Sharps, on
Mr. J. W. Howard of Prineville, is
at the Umatilla house.
Rev. A. C. Spencer announces that he
I will officiate at the M. E. church at 8 p.
m., tomorrow. -
Hon. Henry Due tin of . Goldendale,
!who has been in the city on business,
left for home this morning.
Hon. C. W. Cartwright returned from
I Hay'" creek yesterday: : He ' found the
road pretty hot and dusty.
Mr. J. W. Berry, warden of the Ore-
Igon state penitentiary, is sojourning in
The Dalles, at the Umatilla house.
The Herald says Henry Steers, in
1 lower Antelope, has a hay stack measur
ing 100 feet in length, 16 wide and SO
Among the passengers for the north
today via. Goldendale stage, were Mr.
land Mrs. Frank Egan, of A.M. Williams
There is one beauty about The Dalles
ruit. You can eat it after - dark, - witb
but the aid of a candle. There are no
orms in it. ? ";: -(
Chicago and Dubuque are represented
n The Dalles today by a couple of gen
lemen who seem to: be interested in
hat is to be seen.
Mr. Phil Uroean, sr., is building a
esidence on Third street, between
ashington and Court,' which will be
huite an ornament to that portion of
jthecity. '-: ' t
Mrs. Powell, the lady who was so
badly injured by the runaway accident
near Dufur, and was carried to this' city
tor treatment, is very low, and hopes for
fer recovery indeed are faint.- - -The
Gutird says it was Messrs. X." A
McNary.of Portland and H.- N.-Cocker
line of Eugene yhor carried on the con-
Wersatlon :with- The Dalles party from
the summit of Mt.Hood on the 24th.
MivGhtt&i Qualman, ' reptesenting H.
." Crbcker'-A Co", of''thV'ilailroad
azetteer, is teki'ng in-Thfe'DallesV' Mr;
Dual man feels quite at home at the
Umatilla house. Year ago he was one
bf the clerks in a large establishment
Carried on by a brother of Mrs. Sinnott
.fan Cline'B. patent fan Rocker ;' a real
uxury, in which' the recliner fans him-
lelf for herself) by a rotary fan; worked
by the action of the chair. ; was in oper
ation in front of his store this , morning,
Countv' Clerk -Croesen' Busrzests that 'it
noma se iKen to tjnicago, as a repre-
entativexf Oregon genius. We second
he motion. ' . . '
Chas. O'Niel informs the Antelope
lerald that the land and live stock com
any have 23,000 sheep which yielded
Ln average clip of 8X pounds this vear,
fhis immense number of sheep requires
he employment of forty men " the year
round and -some parts of the year it
takes no lees than fifty or sixty men to
tage them. Grass ia fine in the
laoantain ranges.
Campbell Brost soda fountain has a
purely summer fizz on these days. '
Messrs. D. M. and Smith French left
for Dwaco this afternoon.
Mount Hood Hose company have a
special meeting this evening at 8:30
Mr Wm. Hendricks, assessor oi Sher
man county, is In The Dalles posting up
on the work before him.
A bunch of six keys have been left at
The Chbonicle office for the owner, on
payment for this notice.
A'young lady from the country de
sires a situation in the city to do general
housework. 'Apply at this office.
This is what the- trnck farmer calls
his tomato' weather. It is indispensable
to ripening so it may be seen all
seasons have their own.
The schooner Wasco, Capt. Donovan,
left yesterday for Chenoweth. She will
be back to port on Tuesday, and will
then make a trip to wind river.
The board of trustees of the M. E.
Church say that if the new minister ar
rives services will be held at 11 a. m.,
and 3 p. m.", tomorrow. Otherwise not.
Sam Tburman is in correspondence
with some friends in the east, and it is
thought another cannery will be es
tablished at The Dalles in time for next
seasons salmon fishing.
Jakey Kamm says Us a poor rule that
will not work both ways, and if the U,
P. R. Co., don't let him land his steam
ers at their dock, they shan't land their
steamers at his Ilwaco dock. Kamm is
all right.
We never tasted a green fig until to
day, and the beauty of ' this fig was its
ripeness. It grew in Mr. E. Schanno'e
Dalles City orchard;' and certainly no
fig 'could be better flavored nor more
perfectly ' matured in any Country.'
Good for The "Dalles; figs of the white
Adriatic vanetyurf' ,
The Regulator made a special trip to
Cascade Locks today, to try her; machin
ery. Since repairing she looks fine and
sits on the water better than when she
was launched, haying had her chains
cigansaeu up ana ui-aer exterior im
provements made ; not saying anything
aDovu.,uie new ana a rustic paint .wors ;
18 mucn improved.
The Oregon Pomological Society is in
session in this city today. The subject
of 8afl Jose; scale, which infest s nearly
rerj.(ciuwl,,4x:.Xhet.,DaJleaJ (wja. Jthe
principal topic of: discuasioivand owing
o tie difficulties-'in the waY-6f"a-feeneral
summer spraying, was suggested mat
foj the jwdt-kt; It is a matter -wnicB we
are-'confident the' council would take a
hand' iu if-, proper representation of the
facts is omciauy made to them.
:' , Xr Advertisoia Ifttera.
: : Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postpffice a,t: The, Dalles un-
called for, . Saturday, July 30th, 1892,
Persons calling for same will' give date
on which they were advertised. -
Alkin, J Mrs Martin, Mattie Mrs
Acton, Mamie Miss Montgomery II
Brown. Annie Miss Ransen, Wn
Brown, Henry ' ' Ramey.CE
Cochratj; Dan Mrs Starke Wyatt
Gruber, John " . Staac Oil 2
Heridl(k8oh, J T Sawrtson; J H
McKenzie, C E
Sim, G A
Sturmah C
: Smith, Jacob
Woove; Frank
M. T. Nolan, P. M
McKmght Jo -McDonald,
Mageri , Frank
, Valuable Farm .for Sale.
A hijrhly improved 400 acre farm, on
Tygh Ridge, convenient to wood, water
and rangej in a district where crops
never- fail. For sale at a reasonable
price, and on- -easy terms. Apply at
thia office.
Conslderabio Interest Taken in The Case
: i-;''::i-'-'fcy "Tnie People.--'
Justice Schutz'. . court room was filled
to eufibcajtiori last n5ght at 7 :30, by an
ansjous crowd to listen to. the testimony
taken in the.caae of the state of Oregon
against Wm. Bergfield, accused of the
poisoning' of his - mother-in-law,; Mrs.
Matilda' Rogers.
The prosecution opened by calling Dr.
Hollister, the physician who had been
called to attend deceased on the,, morn
ing of her death. .He reached the house
about 6 o'clock, or a little before, and
found the woman dead.' There were no
unusual appearances to indicate that
death had resulted from poisoning. Con
siderable time was taken up by questions
relative to the action of poisons on the
human system. Conversations between
witness and Mr. and Mrs. Bergfeld, re
garding the funeral . were detailed ; and
the condition of the body was described,
as the witness found it. Tbere was
nothing apparent by which he could tell
the cause of death, and all that he knew
respecting the case he had learned from
Mrs. Bergfeld.- It was ascertained that
the poison Rough on Rats, and some
laudanum, was in the bouse. Witness
sent an undertaker to the house by re
quest of Bergfelfl. No further: instruc
tions. ' There was no glass nor nothing
in the room to show that deceased had
taken a dose of any nature. No signs of
frothing at the mouth. ' Body appeared
natural for a corpse. Telegrams and
messages were prepared to notify friends
at a distance of the death. The time
necessary to keep the body until these
could arrive was discussed. Conditions
of the stomach in cases of poison were
explained by witness. Had never heard
of a case of death from taking chloride
of zinc.
D..L. Cates was called by the prosecu
tion. . Witness had, a. .conversation with
defendant on the 'street , the 'day of the
funeral. In his capacity as sheriff he
had previously served some papers on
deceased, and Mr. and Mrs. Bergfeld, in
a suit of the First National bank. Mrs.
era told him that she knew . noth
ing bi the c&usV- of action ;. that she
waa living in dread of Bergfeld ; that he
had, threatened, her life; that he had
drawra revolver pn her son, etc.. These
fhtng8 vithess" tpW to. defendant that
day ; defendani said if deceased said she
didn't know ;of the suit;, she .was a
old liar'; said his" family was wealthy
and would prosecute any one circulating
damaging reports about his character.
Told the coroner what . Mrs. Rogers had
saia, ana iota otners who asKea mm
about it.
Joseph Nitschke was called by. prose
cution'.'' ' Arrived at the house at 7 :30 a.
m. as undertaker, lound the body in
the bed, covered over, and a handker
chief over the head and under the face
to keep the chin in place. 'After talking
with Mr. and Mrs. Bergfeld about keep
ing the body" four or five days, proceeded
with an assistant to em halm ' and pre
pare the body for keeping it. Used 3
quarts of embalming preparation. One
qm wa4 placed Iri the "stomach . " Found
the corpse natural ; no signs of froth at
the mouth; arms and legs natural or a
corpse.' "jUad taSeh a sample of the fluid
from' he same bottle need that day and
gave it to the coroner. The fluid comes
in bulk, 5 gallon kegs, and is drawn off
in pottles foj-use , V; ..,;,
After the testimony of this witness
had been taken court adjourned until 9
a.m. today.
On reassembling this morning await
Exml OUT ' L.'JaL-'
It shows bow all " ik& t:'
Waicrly Stes, " I
Candies, Fmits, Nuts, Sofia Water,
- Ice Cream, Tteco an. Cikars.
first Class Syrups for Saloons and
' Soda Fountains, Ete.
Second Street,
Next door to Wiugate's Hall
' Steamer Notice.
The steamer Dalles City will leave
Portland for Cascade Locks, with Dalles
freight at 6 a. m. Saturday, July 30th.
The steamer Regulator' will leave
Dalles daily at 6 a."m., making through
connection with "Dalles City" at Cas
cade Locks, on Monday, August 1st.
For further information apply to B. F.
Laughlik, manager; or "W. C. Allow ay,
agent. -
A rare opportunity lor the ladies is
now afforded by Mrs. Philips, who is of
fering millinery at one third less, as she
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. 6.18dtf
ing wituesses J. H. Fisk,-and L. V.
Hampton, from Portland, and F. Ni and
Eve Splcer from Antelope, the court
admitted. defendant to bail in the sum of
$2,500, with the understanding that , he
is to report to the sheriff twice a day;
morning and evening, and court ad
journed until 2 p. mv. . .
Pursuant to adjournment court met
at 2 p. m. . Witnesses having failed to
reach the city, the case was again post
poned until 9 a. m. Monday.
Church Notices.
Congregational Church services in the
Court house tomorrow (Sunday) a. m.
at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 12.15,
Young peoples' eociety of Christian En
deavor at 6.00 p. mt All persons not
worshiping elsewhere are cordially in
vited. .
Union services jat the Court house
Sunday evening aiS o'clock. Preaching
by Elder J. W. Jenkins. .
Christain church services at the Court
house at 3 p. m. Sunday. Preaching by
Elder J. W. Jenkins.
The Kojral and the Soldiers.
Army and Navy Journal, v
Durinir the last year, including the
March contracts recently awarded, the I
, , , virtwv j , I The stage stood before the door, and bid-
phed over 212,000 pounds, or 106 tons oti.. . . . . ',.
baking powder for the United States
government . and its army and navy
For many years the government has
given its orders for Royal Baking Pow
der in preference to all othera, . it being
found superior to all others in etrength
and purity by the official examination,
and the only baking powder that will
keep and retain its strength in the var
ions climates to which it is sent by the
The Dalles. . Chbomcle . under the
management , of . Oregon's ; . pioneer
journalist D. C. Ireland, is one of the
best exchanges that comes to this office.
D. C, has. 8311 the rise and fall of hund
reds of newspapers and newspaper men,
but through all the vicissitudes of anon
usually eventful life; his facile, pen has
lost none o't'its canning, and he.-is still
doing yeoman duty in agitating the open
river question. Like Banquo's ghost, he
will not down, and we are glad of it,
Stay with 'em old man. We are with
vou neart ana soui. Vancouver
Register. ; . ',-' '
1 br Tankeahercb at Home. '.
i t :.' i i u T :! r. ! j;
Buffalo . Courier. Chemist . Frank P
Vandenbergh has returneid . to Buffalo
from his western trip, and is again at
work in his laboratory ; His mission; in
Oregon, it will be remembered, was to
make assays of,ore8,'and. tq study geo
logic formations. Somewhere ' on the
road between the Pacific coast and this
city are three big boxes of rock speci
mens, aggregating perhaps a ton, which
on arrival as his laboratory he will re
duce in bis crucibles, and, report' upon
their value to those interested in-the
lands inspected. Dr. , Vandenbergh
looking well and hearty and; reports
pleasant and profitable western journey
Citv taxes for 1892 are now due and
payable within sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned.; :, j ' '.r
Li. Rokden, Citv Treasurer.
Dalles City, July 6th,' 1892.
Parties desiring advertising space on
the sprinkler wagon may have it by
applying to S. E. Febbis.
ON "Ti m.
closed out at the above figure.
Practical Shoemakers and Dealers in
214 Seoo'xicl Street.'
Only Exclusive Boot and Shoe House in the City)
All Kinds of Footwear Always on Hand.
To Cloud Cap Inn.
Continued ffoni JPtige 1.
cumgyrating arms and legs enabled
to mark his cours. The- professor.
gardless of all consequences to his Prince
Albert could not resist the novelty i of- a
tobboggan ride in July,, Soon all joined
in the .exhilarating (rportr.nnmindful of
any damage te wearing apparel.'. : 1
The dark shadows cast by. , the moun
tain reminded us that the sun was sink
ing fast, and not relishing -the prospect
of a nights experience in snow -and ice,
we left the scene of our late toboggan
slide.. v "'';'' "
The sight of a large gray wolf disap
pearing behind a bank of enow : recalled
to minds the stories of George Ken nan's
Siberian adventures., But . before we
had gone far, we heard the sounds of a
human voice, as if it came from the
very clouds above us. Looking up we
saw on the extreme summit the minute
forms of the two climbers who had left
Cloud Cap Inn earlv that morning.' We
shouted to them and received answers
from their lofty position eorae 2,000 feet
above us. -
On returning to the Inn. supper was
already prepared for us, and we soon
succeeded in overcoming the almost
ravenous appetite causedvby our climb.
'ding good bye to ail, mucn to tne evi
dent pleasure . of our ancient maiden
friend, who, learning of our departure
cancelled her orders for the driver to
call the next day, we left the snow banks
of Mt. Hood, feeling well repaid for our
trip. The drive homeward was unevent
ful. . We met Malcotab Moody's coach
ing party from The Dalles. Mr. Moody,
among his other acquirements being
very adept with the ribbons, had driven
from The Dalles in remarkably fast
time. - - ' ; L
As the grade was now down bill we
very soon reached Hood River, arriving
in . time to get. aboard the-10:30 p. m.
train thuB making the round trip the
game day. - . -
Cloud Cap Inn . ia.. bound; to. grow , in
favor as summer reabrt, ,and it-will
not be long before; it will acquire; si na
tional reputation Within a few hours
ride from the railroad it is by no means
inaccessible. The scenery -there is pro
nounced by. all artists and connoisseurs,
far, superior to , any afforded . by the
mountains of. Europe;. . iqvers j of ; th4
beautiful in nature need no longer seek
the .Alps , to .gratify their . desires .for
mountain -' grandeur.' A rri p to Cloud
Cap Inn will not. disappoint the-most
expectant-lIiLiillS I '.
T. A: Van-Norden.-the--expert watch
repairei at No. 106 Second street, Tbe
Dalles, appears to. have a happy ; Knack
for holdine the confidence of hiB natrons.
The secret, ot course, itf the usual one-
skill in repairing even the most compli
cated watches. . . .. . (-liS-lm
, Two Grand Bzcaraloaa.
Two. grand excursions to: Europe by
the fast and elegant anchor line steam
ships "Ethiopiannd"Fumessia." The
first will leave New York; August 13th,
and the second August 20th, this is an
opportunity seldom offered to parties de
siring to visit tbe old country.': For
full particulars and rates, apply to T. A.
Hudson, general agent, Tbe Dalles,
' Instantaneous ' Portraits. ' Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon,
Campbell Bros- Proprs
(Sacctssors to . s. cram.)
Manufacturers of the finest French and.
Home Made
33 S
, , East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Whoieaala
or Retail ? ... .-.."
T la Kfery Style v. , .'
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dallee.'Or.
Superior in tune tor pipe Organ,
easier played and cheaper, are th
' 9Ji.E"A;SErr rOK the
All Watch Work Warranted.
JeWelry Mad to , Qrder.
- I 8 Second St.. The DallM. Or.
IjJotJeef:; Sale, of ATltjr'.i
:fce til heeoy rivea thit b-y 'antioi
Ordinance VS. Sii, whieh. passed the Cp
wuoua ui I'm uny, .urn. -t "
An nnljnuin entitled aa imLCBanae to orovlde
for the 8ale',';certain lols -beloaainir to Dalles -City,'
Twill on Tuesday the IBtb day of AtHttust,
all of the folLowing- described, loto and prrts o.
sen at pqduc anmon vu uui uigum inwn.
lots ntoateq in uacen Aoaiuoa w ny,
Seventy feet off from the south side of Lot No.
1, Bloeltfe: Seventy ffeet off frotn south side of
Lot No. 2, Block No. 18; the south one-half ot.
Lots No. 3, 4, S and SI In Block No. IS ; Lota Nos.
i, 8,4.5, 6,7, 8, 9 and 10. in -Block, No. 19; and
LoU Noe.7, ; 11 and.12, in Block No. 14.
lUVBppWWl fWUC NJU una nuu V
than which they will not be sold is fixed as
foliows, to-wit:
70 feet off the soath end of Lot Ho. 1, In -
Block No. 18 ....... ..ia5.
feet off the soath end of Lot No. 2, in
Block No. 18'.-;.- :.. 125.00
The south one half of Lot No. JLjn. Block ,
No. 18;.. 100.00
The south one-half Of- Lot No. i, in Block
No. is.. '..........:.....aoo.oo
The south one-half of Lot No. fi, ia Block
No. 18 100.00
The south one-half of Lot No. 6, in Block
No. 18 ................ IOOjOO
Lots numbered 1, 8, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in -Block
No. 19, and Lots numbered 7, 8, ,
. Hand 12, iu Block Ho. U, each ap- '.
praised at. - ilDO Ob
Each of said lots will be- sold upon-the lot,
respectively, and none ot them snail be sold for :
a less sum than the value as above stated. .
One-third of the- price bid on any o said lota-
shall be paid In cash at time ot sate. 'one-tniru.
nn or hpfvtrp nn. ttpjii from lint1 Ci snle. nnd riTHV v
third'nh nr bcifora tyktii vears from - date of -sale.
with interest at the rate of tea per . cent, per
upon aeierrea - oaymcnui payaote
iv..' - . -.- '--,
The sale will" begin with'
the first lot herein
above mentioned at ten o clock a. m. August m,
1892, and continue with each- lot in the order as
herein named -until all of satd lots shall beisold. .
Dated this llth day of July, 1S92. '
7.13-8-13w-d. Kecorder of Dalles City,