( SCHOOL PEASE & The Dalles Daily ChirMe. Kntcred a the Postoffice at the Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each Hubsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear t-o following day. FRIDAY JULY 29, 1S92 LOCAL HKKVIT1KS. The Dalles common council have a regular meeting on Wednesday next. . A female inebriated is a more pityhil sight to look upon than a drunken siwash. ' Mr. Howard L. Rcfob takes the posi tion of freight clerk on the steamer j Dalles City. Hon. J. C. Lucky, agent at the Warm Springs Indian reservation is in the city. Snap shots, taken by special traveling .artists, are illustrating The Dalles pro fusely the past lew days.' Mr. Alloway, Dalles agent of The Dalles, Portland and Astoria -Navigation -company, is in. Portland today. Fisheries about The Dalles are busy today laying up gear, and preparing to close operations for the season of 1892. Mr. Vivian. French has returned to his studies at Berkeley, California, after a very profitable vacation with his parents and friends' in The Dalles. City Marshal Maloney had his hands full this morning taking .as woman to jail who was alsofull, ;i ;Re5orde Menefee disposed of the case like' 'an ordinary drank this afternoon. ... Senator Mitchell,' in a private note, under date of the 23d Bays: "The- clos ing days of congress are upon1 us, and we are fearfully busy... ' We.shairproba bly come to a conclusion next week or the week after at farthest." ; In a private letter to a gentleman of The Dalles, Hon. J. F. Dolph says he has taken an active part in securing for this place a weather bureau station. He was sojourning at Vineyard Haven, on . the 20th', where Mrs.Dolph ejected ti join him in a few days. Staging in an out of The Dalles .this season has been much better for the drivers; passengers and teams, on ao -count or tne moderate weather, but, un- . lu nwuuj, . yut lew passengers nave ;en learned. ! TheWB&eB?. fy w seerajr o.be picking up oofiaideritblyi . -tx--f'ar--f it i Wjrj.' ljm . i . v ' roou. a. niooay returnea irom Cloud Cap Inn last eveninz. ' with his coaching party.' They 'madeJth"d?ive from Cloud Cap to The, Dalles leisurely, in less than ele ven ' hours', cam pin ti and resting by the way. "All 'report' one of the finest outings in the history of past seasons. ' . It was -rather1 trying to sit 'at'Armony' f ball lftst night, Vas some 1 ;did ,-ont' ;;of courtesy to the militia ; and listen to the .Dan Lewis barn', storniers. 'He'ia'tne waist thail travels. The : Dalle is done with him, and his kind. . There is not one redeeming feature in the perform -ances he gives. ; - f - Reports ffrbm Portland are to the re lief of friends of MKrVVall, whose disap pearance last week caused them5 great f uicbj utoatmpreuDuaiuu mr ilia safety. He had simply left the city on businesa without the least .expectation thai his departure' would' be coheidered - rnyeterions by hia associates. He is all right.; : ' ' ' A. -Frill .Line of the CELEBRATED WAVERLY 7averly School Shoes. Examine ou CUT SHOE. It show bow fell WaYerly SHOES ARE BIADX. II . Mr. Lem Burgess, of Bake Oven, is registered at the XTmatilla House. Mr. Geo. 'Herbert, 'mine host of the Hood River hotel, was in the city yes terday on business. Meeers.'Wood Bros., have not yet de cided what is to be the name of their new and elegant market on the north side of 'Second street. . 'Mr. Harry Adams, one of the popular drivers on the Prineville line, has laid clown the ribbons for a short time, and will enjoy a Veil earned vacation. The dove returned to the county clerks Office exactly on time yesterday, appreciating the kind treatment which was extended to it the day previous. Messrs. J. L. Story, Judge Clark and brother, left yesterday for a saddle trip to Crook county. They go to prospect, and expect to have a royal good time. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wyndham former residents of The Dalles, return to their Portland home today, after a pleasant visit among friends here, convinced that Wasco county is among the best places in Oregon for a summer outing. ' The' outing'' party which have been enjoying themselves about Collins land ing,' on the Columbia, returned last evening.. The party, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Hostetter, Mr. Lou. Aina worth, Miss ' Mary Roland, Mr. Ed. French and others report themselves' greatly pleased and refreshed by the trip. For the ' past' few days ' salmon have crowded Seufert Bros, upper ' large -wheel pretty lively. The average daily catch being about thirteen tons. This will be cheering to the projectors,1 as this wheel cbst a verv considerable sum of money', and the returns from it have not heretofore been as satisfactory' "as was desired. , . Mr, S L. Brooks is in receipt of advi ces from Rev. O. D. Taylor, stating that he has engaged as principal of the Wasco Independent "Academy, Prof. J. Stanley Brown, a deeree graduate of Dennison University, and for some time president of Arlington College: rIt is' the judgment of Mr. Taylor that the Academy has never had ' so excellent a teacher as he will prove to be. . . !. ;A?)4eer tI J8;45 calls' our attention to the fact that no wagons crossed the plains to Oregon until 1843. There ehoilld be a hand-book'of early incidents in Oregon history, -convenient for ref erence.. The t snow, scenes ,of. 1884, on exhibition in Tb Chbokicls ; window, fiavtf befen Bxfed'at various tlnfes. ' fit is ditEcuU.Wremember incidents that are crowded. bj aSly routing 4abor. ,-4rli8aWafltil who tdppled" a " heavy iron 'eaie overon H the fire plug, from the sidewalk at the corner of Washington and Front streets, oug'ht to be punished severely ,for'. their mischief. The safe was one that had passed through1 the &kd( nti odt to it;J snd it com pletely capped theplug. It took several men. with jack screws an hour to "re move it. Fortunately the plug was not injured. '.';' ' . Mr.Thos. Olaen was taken quite ser iously' ill yesterday morning. It wasre ported tb.be a case of cholera morbus. but' it Vas more from:faigue and over- beating the day.previous. He has been attending to Mr; M. T.Nolan'R business, in the post office store, since the depart ure' of the 'latter, and "being well ad vanced in yeara, and not accustomed to close confinement, together with the unusually warm weather of a day or so past;-was' overcome. His-condition is yery.much improved today. . AYS. 0 Ste ' 0( After 3 struggle and much hard work yesterday the Union street ferry cable was stretched across the Columbia," and the boat was attached to it last evening. But on account of injuries, which the cable has received during high water, probably :6.rjf account of jagged',' rocks on the bottom ; it parted ihthe center of the river on the first trip across and the boat la again compelled to run loose. . Dr. Hollister, Rev." Curtis, and Mr. 8 tiles .returned from their Cloud Cap inn trip joyously delighted . with ' the same. They secure a lot of" experience in the short time at their disposal. Were stood np on the stage, a huge joke from Mrs. Middleton's camp ; got lost in the can yon, in the night.and were hunted up by the guides, lost the combination, 'etc.: "but, after ail," as Dr. : Hollister says : "everybody ought to go and take it in. It is the most 'delightful ' outing in America." ' DEATH OF MATILDA KOOKB8. Verdict of tbe Coroners jary -William Itergfeldt tbe Accused. The sudden and somewhat mysterious death of Matilda C. Rogers, June 30th, at the Rogers farm on Mill creek, lead to an; investigation by a coroners jury, about which our . readers are familiar. That phe jury found evidences sufficient to warrant the arrest of William Birg feld,' son-in-law of "deceased," is shown by the verdict, ' from which we quote as follows: We the jury empanneled by the coroner of Wasco county, Or.; to inquire into the cause of the death of the late Matilda C. Rogers, find that her death was caused 'by poison administered by some person ; that we' have, from the testimony Jtakehand-'rpreetited to us, good reason! to believe that Wm. Birg- feld is the person who is guilty, and who was . instrumental v in . procuring the means of producing her "said death' by poison. - ' ' Signed ; 'j3.''; B."' Adams, Charles '' F. Mitchell, H.'H: Smith; Hugh Gourlay, Charles W. Harter, Geo. A- Liebe. Dated Dalles City, July 29th, 1892. : ' Soon after the signing of the. verdiet the accused was placed under arrest, and at " p. rn..' was arraigned . before Justice' SchutV for1 examinatlbri r od the charge of murder, attended by Judge A S. Bennett as 'counsel. Hon. W. H. Wirsbrii'dist'rictattorney. appearing for ii.iif'iii;'l,',J::-?':'-'"-v' . " ' ''' t &iC(onS's'f':ir8eiAed the" case, "and peddihg'the question" of bhdS under the statutes','. which was taken under advise- ment'' by","khe icourt, the matter postponed until S p. m. today. was : The "defendant was remanded to the custody of the Bheriff. " A riylng Vlait. ' Gov." Moody arrived on'the11 noon pas senger with a party of Kansas City, Fort Smith and Southern railway gentlemen, and ladies in their palace car Bird -in - Hand. The car was 'dropned off here. and the party eujb'yiBd" a'ibotk:'"'at . The uaiies ana surrounaings. jonn n. Stevens, jr., president of the company, says that when heleft the east six weeks ago. he. expected to make the circuit in two weeks, , ' put the more ' Tie -sees t he- more there is to see of the Pacific coast,' which is a great revelation to him. ' Cn'rrent T6plCs-' Wilson, the demon who murdered Mamie Walsh, ended , his villainous career by using the bandages of hia arm as a rope" with which he hanged himself In the Oregon City jail. " i .-. DEALKR.' IN Dry Goods fLOTHING Koota, Shoes. Hat. Etc. '' Stc., Ktc., .Ktc " 134 Second St., nest to Dalles National Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. J. FOLCO, . -umiB IN- Candies, Frniis, Nuts, Soia Wate r, Ice Cream, ToTjacca ani Cigars, MANUFACTURERO- First Class Syraps for Saloons and Soda Foontains, Etc. Second Street, Next door to'Wingate's Hall Steamer TTotice. The steamer Dalles -City will leave Portland for Cascade Licks, with Dalles freight at 6 a. m. Saturday, July 30th. The steamer Regulator will leave Dalles daily at 6 a- m., making through connection with "Dalles City" at Cas cade Locks, on Monday, August 1st. For further information apply to B. F. Lacghlin, manager; orW. C. Aiaoway, agent. - - - " . ' A rare opportunity for the ladies is now afforded by Mrs". Philips, who is of fering millinery at brie third less, as she lias decided to retire from the business. See advertisement. ; 6.18dtf A DEADLY POISON. The Trafflo Wlttalndianiln tbe Vilest of Decoctions Called" Whisky. Some time ago a party of Warm Spring Indians in The Dalles, were approached by a half breed opium fiend known as Charley Hermon, who told them that if they would give him money at the rate of $2.00 per ' bottle, he would supply them with whiskv. An Indian will give anything he has for abottleof fire water. They of course could not let ruch a prop osition as that, go by default, so they raked np enough to secure" two bottles and a flask. . This was not enough whisky, however, ' and they raised an-; other dollar and a half. They gave this to Charley, on his return to the rendez vous, and he left them to get another bottle, but did not again ' show up, and the Indians started' homeward. Before reaching tbe agency those who had drank of the stuff jbecame very sick, and soon after getting to their homes three of the Indians died. A fourth one is yet lin gering on the verge of death. As soon as Agent Lucky heard of the affair lie obtained one of the bottles which still contained some ' of the poisonous mix ture, and sent it to Portland. The- an alysis showed that it was' composed ' of alcohol, prussic acid, fusil oil and chlor oform. His next move was to trace the culprit who had been - the cause of the trouble.' After securing sufficient infor mation he came to The Dalles, and last night succeeded in arresting the wretch, who was taken before Commissioner Huntington today' and after examina tion was remanded to jail in default of $500 bonds. During the past year the - periods of druhkenes8 amongst Indians in this sec tion have been of altogether too fre quent ' 'occurrence. '. When a 'fiend in human shape,; who 'would sell them liquor has . been apprehended, he' has been let toff with a nominal fine which was really no - punishment at' all, as" the" 'fine ' could, " 'be'.0 reimbursed by ' the-' "sales : of '; a J lew "bottles of the vile decoction pat up for Indians, and' the traffic did hot cease. ,In the present 'case the' cuTpit' Seems to deserve the very worst punishment that can be inflicted upon him. Mr. Lucky is de termined, if possible, to break up these abuses, at least so far as thev relate to Indikns uhaer his charge'. '' Tbe prisoner will be taken to Jfortiana tor trial, in the United States court, and it is hoped that not only upon him alone, but upon any others connected " with him, in this nefarious business, justice may be meted with unstinted hand. 'It i time the whole ffreteWwas 'changed 'rand f,nferited punisnmeni innicju. j - -. Grafton-Alaska Excursion. Dr. Nicholas Dunn, of Chicago, a sur gebn'of world wide reputation, PrbfesBor of surgery in the Rush Medical college, accompanied by a party of forty leading Chicago . capitalists, with their wives, passed through The Dalles this morning on a special train; en route to Alaska Their train was fitted up with all the modern luxuries of travel. They spent about twenty minutes at The Dalles, and seemed to be enjoying the trip splend idly. Havine an acquaintance with Dr. Lokahf livwae' called.' fpbhr and Drt. Logan'' and Wane'cntertained -him here to the :be8trof their kbility during the short stay of the party. Citv taxes for 1892 are now due and payable within sixty days, at the office ot tne unaersigneu. -. - L. Roedex, City Treasurer. Dallks City, July 6th, 1892. v Everybody, seems to be complaining of -; t ;But ifiyou only stop an see the fine line . of Gents' Furnishing Goods. and Hat of J OH N O. HERTZ, You will find that he-can 'save.you con- v siderable money. , Give him a all and be convinced. 109 Second Street, - The Dalles, Or. i l' ll li THE DOLLAR ON entire out at the above figure. n. STONEMAN. STOjERr & FIEGE, Practical Shoemakers and Dealers in AND 2X4 Seopxxd Street. Only E occlusive Boot and Stoe House in tJie City. ' , i All Kinds of Footwear Always on Hdnd. Koss Island: Tbe Place. Dispatch. There is a quiet movement on foot to have the bridge commissioners locate one of the bridges that are to be built accroes the Willamette in the near future at this end Of Roes Island, where it will not interfere with navigation and be of more benefit to- a greater number of people than if it wwas" ideated ;at a point below the steel bridge. Tne v'citi zeris fap'there claim hht' to .'"locate a bridge at the foot of "Ross- island "would not interfere with-vavig'at least, as there will b'hof haftdlin'g of deep water ships as- big'itea'm'ers do not come that high up the river, "wBile the amount of people it .'will accommodate will be of untold number. Don't read ! Don.'t think ! Don't be lieve! Now, are you better? You women who think that patent medicines are a humbug, and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the biggest humbug of the whole (because it's beet known of all) does your lack-of-faith cure come? It is very easy to "don't" in this world. Suspicion always comes more easily than : confidence. But doubt little laith never made a sick women well-and . the "Favorite Prescription" has cured thousands of delicate, weak women, which makes us think that our "Prescription'Vis '" better -,: than' your "don't believe." We're both honest. Let us' come' together. You try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If it doesn't do as represented, yon get your money again. ' Where proof's so easy, can you afford to' doubt. Little but activeare Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Beet Liver Pills made gentle, yet thorough. They regulate and invigorate the liver, stomach and bowels. An Important Frnlt Meeting:. The Oregon' Pomological society meets the last Saturday in each' month in The Dalles city hall, at 1 o'clock p. m. : At the 'next "meeting, July '30th, it is ex pected tbe district inspector, Mr. lleald, will be in attendance. 'Also a represen tative' of the. fruit' department "of the Portland exposition 'jkli fruit ''grbwers as' well' as others interested are requested to be present. 4tdltw ..... . , ., .. i , Two Grand Kaenrslons. Two grand excursions to Europe by the fast 'ftnd elegant Anchor line steam ships "Ethiopia" ttnd"Fumessia." The first will leave-New York, Auguet 13th, 'and the second Autru?u20th,- this is an Ojipbr tunit selddm, offered to parties de Sirinir 'to "visit the- old country. For full-particulars and rates; apply to T, A. Hudson, general agent,-'l be Uaires, Or T. A. Van Norden, the expert watch repairer1 nt o. 106 Second' street, The Dalles, appears to nave a nappy Knack tor noiainc tbe connaence or bis patrons The secret.'bf course.'ia the usual one skill in repairing even the most -complicated watches. 7-1 3-1 in - 1 " Valuable Fihrf for' Sale. ' A highly improved 400 acre - farm, on Tygh Ridge, convenient to wood, water and 'range,..in - a district "-whei crops never'fail. Forsale at a reasonable price, and on easy trme. Apply t this office. . . " . - . . : " PHOTOGRAPHER. ' Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. - - stock will be HENRY FIEGE. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (JwcessoR lo -W. S. Craa.) Manufacturers of the finest French and ' Home Made ... , East of Portland. . -DEALERS IX- Troplcd Fruits, Nats,' Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these Roods at Whotesmla- orBetaU OfFHESH OYSTERS In Krery Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. FOR CHURCHES. easier played 'and cheaper are the ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. W. E. GARRETSON. . - y - .... - Jeweler. SOU AGENT FOIC THK All WatclxWork Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I :tK Second St.. The llles. Or. " Notice: Hals orClty .Lota. Jlbtice Is hereby given, that by authority of Ordinance No. 2o3, which passed tbe Common Council or Dalles City . June 30th,' 1892, entitled "An Ordinance entitled an Ordinwnoe-.to provide for the-sale of certain ' lots belonging to Dalles Ciry,"l will on Tuesday the 16th day of Aueust, 1892, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, all of hci foUowinjr' described lots and pprt.s of lots-situated in Gates-Addition to Dalles City, to-wit: - - Seventy feet off from the south side of Lot No. 1, Block 18: Seventy feet.oft" from- south side of Lot No. 2, Block No. IS; the south one-half of Lots No. 3, 4, & and 6. in Block No. IS : Lots Nos. 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, S, 9 and 10, in Block No.lt; and Lots Nos. 7, S. 11 and 12, in Block No. 14 The appraised value of said lots and for leaa than which they , will not be sold is fixed aa follows, to-wit: ' 70 Itet off the south end oi Lot No. 1, in Block No. IS . : . . . . 1125.00 70 feet off the south end of Lot No. 2, in Block No. IS 125.00 The south one half of Lot No. 3, in Block No. 18 100.00 The south one-half of lxt No. 4, in Block No. IK 100.00 The south one-half of Lot No. S, in Block No. 18. r. 100.00 The south one-half of Lot No. 6, in Block ri. is, ..... . . .... .... jw.w J-ots numbered 2, S, 4. 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 and JO, in Block No. 19; and 1Ots numbered 7, 8, -11 and 12, In Block No. 14, each ap- - praised at -. .. 100 06 - Each of said lots will be sold Own the lot, respectively, and none of them shall be sold for a less sum than the value as above stated. - vuviuira ui lac i i uu uu, ' i naiu jum shall be paid in cash at time of- sale, one-third on or before one year from date of sale, and one third on or before two years from date of sale, with interest ot the rate of ten per cent, per annum upon ' deferred ' payments, payable annually. ... The sale will begin with the first lot herein above mentioned at ten o'clock a. m. Atigust 16, 1392, and continue with each lot n the order aa herein named until all of said, lots shall be sold. Dated this llih day ot July, 1892. , . FRANK MENEFEE,