The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 28, 1892, Image 3

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    G. P.. STEPHENS,
7i lv
Everybody seems to be complaining of . .
But if you only stop and see the fine line
of Gents' Furnishing: Goods and I lata o
You will find that he can save you ccn
4 sidercible, money. '
Give him a call and be convinced.
109 Second Street. -' The Dalies, Or.
Dry Goods
Boots, Shoes, It.ata, Etc. . ...
FanciJ Ejoodg, "JSlotiong,
' lie., Etc, Etc.
A Full Line of the
1 134 Second St., next to Dalles National
-Bank, Dalles City,. Oregon. t v
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofficeat The Dalles, Oregou,
as second-class matter.
- Local .AdTertialnff.
10 -cnt per linc for flrst insertion, arid 5 Tents
per lin for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long trae notices.
All local notices received later than 'A o'clock
will apiiear the following day.
- - JULY 28, 1892
The court houae lawn ia like a man's
hair. It needs constant clipping.
Recorder Menefee has remodeled -his
office somewhat, and it is now very con
veniently arranged. .
Virgie Buroell ia a guest ot the Uma
tilla house. She is one of the famous
Arlington Opera, company.
Get on to Maier & Bentons combina
tion. Cord wood, cook stoves groceries,
etc. That fits to a notch.
Mr. G. Detmering, of Hay Creek,
passed through last evening, from a visit
to his brother at Dayton, Or.
Mr. D. M. French is taking advantage
of the absence of hia family to renovate
and paint his residence inside and out.
Dan iiewis' worlds' fair colored ser
enaders give an E Pluribus Unum ex
hibition at the Armory tonight. See
ad. and small bills.
Sichel & Co., of Prineville, have
adopted the patent double duplex back
action cash register. One of them went
out on the stage this morning. '
Young Mr. Phelps, of this city, left
for RnTus yesterday to take a survey of
the ruins of the late fire, and decide
what is to be done in the future.
Iu his orchard in this city Mr. Emil
Schannp has produced as nice white
Adriatic figs, as large and fully develop
ed as any produced in California.
P. W. Delluff, and inspectors Mc
Dermett, and Edwards, returned from
their Snake river trip yesterday. Peter
says the water up that way is pretty
yellow. -
Mr. O. C. Stevens and wife have gone
to Gilliam county for the benefit of Mr.
Stevens health, who is very feeble, and
it is thought the mountain air may ben
efit him.
Maj. and Mrs. Ingalls returned from
a. jum. uigni. in a snort time Jiaj.
Ingalls hopes to have sufficiently re
covered from his recent injuries to be
able to resume his duties. ' "" '
By order of the county court, Dollie
Howard, a little girl of The Dalles living,
without a home, has beerl- transferred to
the care and enstody of the boys and.
girls aid society -of Portland. Dollie is
a bright, intelligent girl, and there is no
donbt those in charge of the home will
.give her proper care and treatment.
4 Mr. Beers, of The Dalles Mercantile
companjinourns the loss of his favor
ite pussy. She was ruthlessly poisoned,
along with several other -cals in the East
lTnrl . t. 1 1 ' ' - f
-i-iuu, man ;nc .eaves several .orpiians oi
tender age. It seems too bad to poison
the useful cat, and let so many worth
" less dogs run at large in the city with-,
out tag or tax.
The farm which is offered for sale to
l"y in this paper is one of the most de
sirable locations in "Wasco countv. A
man can easily earn a good living on
the place and an animal interest on
from $S,000 to $10,000, on the invest
ment of less than half the lowest sum
Euiaiii our
It shows bow all
Waieiiy Shoes
See J. H. Cross new ad today, and try
his pencil plums and apricots.
Win. Turnbow was adjudged -insane
today, and will be taken to the asylum.
The report of the coroners inquest in
the case of the Mrs. Rogers post mortem
in not yet ready for publication.
Judging from the Oregonian today
Major Handbury is about to "institute
an inquiry" respecting the cascade locks
wark, and then await definite instruc
tions. B. F. Laughlin goes to Portland to
day arranging for resuming the business
of, The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation company on Monday next.
David Hood will be the local agent in
Fortland. Truman Butler will be pur
ser on the Dalles City. John Hampshire
will go as purser on the Regulator, and
E. H. Merrill as steward.
K. F, Wickham, whose place is twelve
miles south of The Dalles, has some
wheat which would thresh forty bushels
to the acre, and rye which stood seven
and a half feet in the stock. He cut it
all for hay, on account of the. difficulty
of threshing. He may not need it all
for hay but it will be useful on the farm.
. Yesterday noon a beautiful young dove
made its appearance at the east wiudow
of the county clerks' office, and claimed
protection from the free trade occupants.
Deputy Ed. Martin suggested that it be
given a receipted bill, as an inducement
to call again, and let it go. Jimmy
thought it best to until he could
get another one like it and have them
served on toast.
J. F. Howarth lost the tip end of the
fore ringer of his left hand in his paper
cutting machine. It was necessary to
amputate the finger, after the accident,
nearly to the first joint. It is fortunate
that it was no worse, as he can set up.
type without any great inconvenience
now, while if it had been the right hand
he would be compelled to take a vaca
tion. Mr. H. (ilenn, give in his expert tes
timony to the adjuster today settling
the losses on the building of M. A.
Phelps, destroyed by-fire at Rnfus. The
building was worth from 1,900 to $2,000,
and was insured for $1200. The losses
on the residence of Sylvester R. Brooks,
destroyed last Tuesday, ten miles out on
the Gilpin road, are also being adjusted
today. '
Judge Blakeley has a noble large dog,
which is his constant companion in the
city. Stepping into Haight's a few
days ago for a meal, the faithful friend
followed his master, and laid down un
der one of the tables. When he at
tempted to get up his back was loaded
with the table and contents, and the
surprise lasted, with frantic effect, un
til the upper deck was swept to the
floor in utter confusion. He is a trifle
shy of Haight's tables now, when he
wants to rest.
Mr. John McKernau, an officer of the
boys and girls aid society of Portland,
lias been in The Dalles for a- couple of
days past on business. It is his first
visit here in 32 years.- He was then a
child, living with his parents across
Mill creek, not very far from the garri
son. In company with Mrs. Doherty,
vho was here at that time, , and Mrs.
Judge Blakeley, he visited the locality
and recognized his old home. He was
regretting last evening that his mother,
now Mrs. Groner of Portland ; was not
here with. him to review the scenes of
more than a third of a century past.
ly ' School Shoes.
S r
Backed by Millions Thouanl r OBttr
ea Opened up.
Mr. "N. IVhealdon, of this citv, has ac
cepted . the local agency of the con
sumers' commercial company, a eorpor
tion organized under the laws of New
Jersey, with an authorized capital of
$000,000. Simultaneously all over the
United States twelve thousand offices
were opened up on July 1st, and the
pulse lieat of a new commercial move
ment is already vibrating, that will be
far-reaching in its power for good. The
object of the consumers' commercial
company is to "obtain and. distribute - in
formation of every kind to the mercan
tile world, and general public. It is es
sentially a medium of information, hav
ing no issues other than the delivery of
information in response to direct inqui
ries. Information- will be furnished
from every part of the United States. In
cities of over 15,000 inhabitants, the
company has its own offices, and iu
every banking town there are at least
one and some places two competent and
reliable correspondents who are under '
contract with the company to furnish all
information sought for in their respect
ive localities, to the patrons of the com
pany when requested so to do, under its
rules and regulations.; .
Any person desiring information may
purchase one or more tickets at any of
the company's offices, and receive with
the ticket the name of the correspond
ent in the city or town from which he
desires the information. This ticket is
then forwarded, together with the pur
chaser's letter of instructions or inquiry,
to the correspondent of that city or town,
with any question or series of questions
he may desire information on, whether
relating to credits', hunting up a friend
or relative, corroborating a statement or
report prices of real estate, etc., etc.,
common to Bradatreot,' Dunn, or any
similar general - information ' bureau.
Telegrams may be sent in place of a
ticket, as the company has a cypher
code, so that questions and answers may
be transmitted confidentially and econ
omically. .
The company keeps no stored informa
tion, so in every case information will
be latest. ... Merchants and others re
quiring eredit reports will early see the
advantage, of their system. Among
those connected with the company are
the following: , President, N. & H. Har
old, M. D., Newark, N. J. ; Vice-President,
Jerome Taylor, firm of 'Taylor &
Seeley, hat manufacturers, New York
City ; Treasurer, Leopold Hess, firm of
M. and S. L. Hess, real estate. New
York city; Secretary, S. O. Nichols,
New York city; R. G. Salomon, leather
manufacturer. Newark, N. J.; Joseph
Steiuer, firm of Joseph Steiner &
Brother, teas and coffees, New York
city ; "Walter H. Graef, firm of ' Walter
H. Graef & Co., importers, and others.
Ocuoco Review. D. C. Ireland has
become editor of The Dalles Chronicle.
Mr. Ireland is one of the oldest news
paper men in the state, is an able writer,
is wide awake to all ideas of progress;
and is the right man in the right place.
May he and The Cilhomclk live for ever.
Valuable Farm for Sale, v."
A highly improved 400 acre farm, on
Tygh Ridge, convenient to wood, water
and range, in a district where crops
never fail. For sale at a reasonable
price, and on easy trms. "Apply at
this office.
To Maj. Handbury :
Caniies, Mis, Nits, So Ja Water,
. Ice Cream, Toliacca ani Cigars.
first Glass Syrups for Saloons and
Soda Fountains, Ete.
Second Street. Kext door .to Wingate's Hall
Are You Going Camping?
If ho buy your outfit from John
Booth, the grocer, who makes a
specialty of putting up line appetizing
goods. . . ;j
A tine line of lunch and picnic
goods just received.
UN 1 500T H, . The G rocer,
62 Second Street.
Power of tlie Preas.
Klamath Star: "The power. of the
country press" was not even perceptible
in the defeat of Lionel R. Webster. In
spite of the fact that the people's party
vote went solidly against him and as
solidly in favor of Chamlrerlain, he got
more votes than any other state candi
date on either ticket. There is not a
more poplar man in, the 'state than
Webster and the power of the country
press arrayed against him is not. worth
shucks. Even the press must have solid
facts against the candidate it would j
Can Cleveland Get there? .
Telegram. Here is the majority vote j
in 1884 and in 1888 in four democratic j
states : ;
West Virginia
North Carolina .
Maryland. . 11,118
It is really doubtful if Cleveland can
get next November the vote, he received
four years ago in these states.
: : '
Oregon Butterflies.
Klamath Express. Edward T. Owen,
French professor of the Wisconsin state
university, in company with Burt Cun
ningham, has been chasing butterflies
in the Wood river country for four weeks
past. The professor has enjoyed his
outing thoroughly. "When not adding
to his entomological collection he has
been casting the fly in the northern
crystal streams with splendid success,
in one instance taking - six speckled
beauties from one pool, the half dozen
aggregating thirty pounds in weight.
On bis arrival here he jealously watched
a box on which was marked, "value,
$250." It contained about 2500 butter
flies and moths which he will add to
his collection at Madison, "Wis. The
professor has secured -winged .beauties
from India, Australia, Borneo, South
America and European countries, num
bering in all fully 30,000. It" is one of
the most complete collections extant.
Current Topics.
The condition of the poor, iri the un
burned section of St. Johns, N. F., is
worse than those in the burned, as they
are without means of subsistence and
can get none of the relief contributions.
They are actually trying to burn their
few belongings so as to get help. Nearly
7000 persons are encamped in a large
field,' housing being the worst feature at
present. There is no . want of clothing
or food. The coming fall and winter
will, it is feared, realize ihe famine. that
succeeds the feast.
Orders have been sent to the captain
of the cruiser Pinto to take the body of
Senor Rosa to his country for burial.
Senor Rosa was one of the signers of the
declaration of independence of Chili
against Spain. He died in Argentina
and will be taken to Concepcion for
Milaroff, Popoff, Ghorghloff and
Karaguloff, conspirators, found guilty
by a court-martial of, plotting against
the lives of Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria
and Prime Minister Stanibulotf, were
executed yesterday at Sofia, Svaboda
publishes a dispatch which it claims
was sent by the Russian government to
its minister at Bucharest, ordering him
to pay $10,000 to the plotters concocting
plana to murder Prince Ferdinand, ruler
of Bulgaria, which is virtually a reward
for murder.
. Commissioner Sperry, of East Port-
! land, will pav a cash prize" to anybody
Get a move, on who will tellliim what he went to Wash
ington for.-. "
i My ftttif e stock will be
closed out at the above figure.
Practical Shoemakers'and Dealers in
214 Seooiid. Street. '
Only Exclusive Bool and Shoe House hi the City. . .
' All Kinds of Footzvear Always on Hand.
Don't read ! Don't think ! Don't be
lieve! Now, are you better? You
women who think that patent medicines
are a humbug, and Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription the biggest humbug of the"
whole (because it's best known of all): j
does your lack-of-faith, cure come? j
It is -very easy to '"don't" in:.this
world. Suspicion always-comes more
easily than confidence. ' But jloqbt
little taith never; made a siefcf women
well and the "Favorite 'Prescription"
has cured thousandsof del iffite. weak
women, which makes us think that our
"Prescription" is better, than your
"don't believe," "We're both honest.
It us come together. . You try Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. ; If it
doesn't do as represented, you get your
money again.
Where proof's so easy, can you afford
to doubt.
Little but active are Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets.
Best Liver Pills made; gentle, yet
thorough. They regulate and invigorate
the liver, stomach and bowels.
An Important Fruit Meeting.
The Oregon Pomological society meets
the last Saturday in each month in The
Dalles city hall, at 1 o'clock p. m. At
the next meeting, July oOth, it is ex
pected the district inspector, Mr. Heuld,
will be in attendance. Also a represen
tative of the fruit department of the
Portland exposition. All fruit growers
as well as others interested are requested
to be present. 4tdltw
Begtnning with Aug. 1st I will give a
valuable premium to every person who
orders one dozen cabinet pictures.
Photos to be as good as the very best.
Premium on exhibition after Friday
next.- Call and -see them. Only good
for a few days. Hunt, the photographer.
Steamer Notice. ..
. The steamer Dalles City will leave
Portland for Cascade Locks, with Dalles
freight at (5 a. m. Saturday, July 30th.
The steamer Regulator will leave
Dalles daily at 6 a. m., making through
connection with "Dalles "City" at Cas
cade Locks, on Monday, August 1st.
For further information apply to B. F.
Laitgh-lin-, manager; or W. C. Ai.i.oway,
agent. . "
" Two Grand Excursion.
' Two grand excursions to Euro)e. by
the fast and elegant anchor line steam
ships "Ethiopia" ond"Fumessia." The
first will leave New York, August 13th,
and the second August 20th,- this is an
opportunity seldom offered to parties de
siring to visit the old country.- For
full particulars and rates, apply to T. A.
Hudsongeneral agebvThe Dalles, ;Or.
T. A. Van Norden, the exjiert watch
repairei at No. lOfi Second street. The
Dalles, appears to have a happy Knack
for holding the confidence of his patrons.
The secret, of course, is the usual one
skill in repairing even the most com pi i-
cateu watcnes. -la-lni
A rare opportunity lor the ladies is
now afforded bv Mrs. Philips, who is of
fering millinery at one third less, as she
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. - 0.18dtf
-" Citv taxes for 18V2 are now due and
payable within sixty days, at the office
ot trie.nnciersigneu.
Li. Rokden, Citv Treasurer,
Dalles Citv, July 6th, 1892.
Instantaneous Portraits. V'hapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
College Serenaders
This celebrated company of Ooloredr
Minstrels will give a perform
ance at the Armory
iy Evening My 28
For the benefit of A and C
Companies, O. N. G.
Dan Lew is as a musical composer anrt
author, and his inimitable songs and
character delineations will crowd any
hall on the Pacific coast. .
The company is composed of good art
ists and will furnish 'good support to Mr.
Dan Lewis. v, "J ... "' '
' ;; . 1 ' ' i '. : ' ,''"
Vclzniaiailoxi BO oenta
Come One, Come All.
Superior In tune to Pipe cfrgrans,
easier played and cheaper, are the
Campbell Bros.-Proprs
- (Succsssors ta W. s. Craa.:
Manufacturers of toe finest French anil"
Home Made
O .A. 1ST D I B S ,
East of Portland. ,"
. , -
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacca.
i;u fnrulah any of these gnotta at Wlioicaala
or Retail -
In Krerjr Stylo."
. Ice Cream and Soda Water.
. v .
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
!AH Watch Work Warranted.
. ...
Jewelry Made to Order.
- 133 Second !t.. The lalle. Or. '