WW C. F. STEPHENS, - 0: DRALEK IN Kverybody seems to be complaining of . HARD TIMES ' lint if you only stop and see the fine line of Gents' Furnishing Gooda and Hata of JOHN O. HERTZ, You will find that he can save yon con siderable money. Give him a call and be convinced. 10!) Second Street, - . The Dalles, Or. ' Dry Goods 1 & JUST RECEIVED (LOTHING Hoots, Shoe, Hts.Etc. Fancfl ood, lotion Etc., Etc., Etc. A Full Line of the CELEBRATED WAVERLY 13- Second St., nest to Dalles National Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. SCHOOL SHOES. EASE & The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kntered the Postofllee Rt The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Advertlslng- 10 Cents i-r line for first insertion. Hurt 3 Cents yer line (or each subsequent insertion. Special rates lor long time notiecs. A 11 local notices received Inter than 3 o 'clock will appear the following ilay. WEDNESDAY - JULY 27, 1892 I.IICAl. KKKVIT1KH. The Union Pacific wharf boat is today resting on the sands at the steamboat landing. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Shown have re turned, and will make their home in this city. Mrs. Wm. Floyd left for Seattle last night to be absent two weeks visiting friends on the sound. The loss of W. A. Phelps store at Kufus, which was destroyed by fire on Saturday, is quite an inconvenience to to the public there. Samples of wheat from several Watnic fields, collected and left at this office by Li. L McCarty, are very flattering in deed, considering the exaggerated stor ies in circulation concerning the de struction ; which don't materialize. The Oregon Portage railway company's wharf boat, used at the foot of the cas cade locks, is now in place for business. Through traffic and travel by The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation com panya steamers will begin next Monday. Harvesting of winter wheat and oats is in full blast through the Columbia river valley. Wheat is turning out from 70 to 85 of the average except in a few localities. While the farmers are not enthusiastic over their crops, the ma jority of them are not despondent. Calmness was becalmed today at and about The Dalles. Old Sol took advan tage of the occasion to warm up things, and the "is it hot enough for you" fiend sported in ghoulish glee. In view of the past nobody has any kick coming on the weather side. It is very fine and might be a great deal warmer. ' Union Pacific officials have about con cluded to abandon the hope of any pro fit from running the Baker, and it is now possible "she may not turn a wheel this summer," except in some such emer gency as the loss of railway bridges by sparks from the new f angled locomotives, or other accidents along the line down tho river. ,: The Teacher's normal county insti tute for Wasco will be held in the brick schoolhouse, Dalles City, beginning Augnst 22d at 1 :30 p. in.; and continue in session two weeks. Able instructors will be secured, and no effort spared by Supt. Shelley to make it a grand success. Teachers please remember the time and bring your text books with you. One of the eights from Cloud Cap Inn is the egg-shaped Chitwood lake. It is not far from Lost lake, one of the sources of Hood river. The late S. G. Skidmore, and Cant; A. P. Ankeny, made a trip to these lakes, some' time in the sixties, 'and it .was Capt. Ankney's idea to pipe the water to Portland. Chitwood lake has no visible outlet. There is a cliff on one side, though the other is open, and t 100 feet from the bank is marshy. N , boat has ever been on the lake, and its depth has never been sounded, though it is believed to be very deep as it harTsay, in their judgment "it is impossible no doubt been the crater of a volcano similar to Crater lake. Waverly Bramlm our CUT SHOE. It shows how all Waierly MAIS. T. J. Driver and Mr. Steele's family were passengers out on the Dufnr stage today. Geo. McKinney's band of whistlers were in The Dulles last evening. Today they are agaijtv'idely separated. It is only once in a; while that they can be rounded up' at The Dalles, but when they come they make music in the air. Mr. C. A. Franks, who has been in business at Arlington, is about to change his location. The Chrqnici.k, he says, will be greatly missed when he leaves Arlington. We quote: "It is now, in my estimation, the best paper published in Eastern Oregon, and it deserves a large circulation." We try to merit such approbation from all sources, and intend that The Chronicle shall al ways lead, until it becomes the chief factor in the development of this won derful Inland Empire. Only $1.50 per annum, weekly. The McCoy Ditch. Fossil Journal. As the work of sur veying the McCoy ditch is in progress, it seems appropriate to give some facta in connection with the project as found in the location notice filed with the clerk 'of Crook county on the 27th of of April last. The enterprise is the con ception of the Oregon Land, Irrigation, Lumber and Fuel Co.; with principal office in Portland, and incorporated un der the act filed with the secretary of state on February 18, 1891, providing for the appropriation of water from the lakes and running streams of Oregon for irrigation. The act will make the pro posed ditch when completed real prop erty in Crook county. The point of di version will be at or near the upper rapids on DesCbutes river and its general course will be northerly ana as far as possible in a northwesterly direc tion, traversing the arid lands on the east side. From the headgate will extend a system of ditch or flume, or sections of each, of the following , dimensions : Flume, fifty feet wide, and ten feet deep ; ditches at bottom 150 feet, at the top 160 feet. The capacity will be sul ficient for 200,000 inches of water. miner's measurement, under a six inch pressure. Six reservoirs are to be con structed in connection with the ditch, and provision is made for enlargement of resources as business will justify. It is to be known as the McCoy irrigation ditch, of which H. McCoy is president and G. W. McCoy secretary. Although the survey is now in progress, it is im possible to learn when or on what scale the work of construction will be cyu men cod. It has been said that the ditch wilIA when completed, render service to the Haystack and Agency plains country, northwest from Prineville. Current Topics. The stallion Palo Alto, who held the stallion trotting record, died at Senator Stanford's farm Saturday afternoon of pneumonia. Now that the McGarrahan claim has passed both branches of congress in one session after waiting thirty -four years, it is evident that justice, albeit a trifle tardy, is open to this great free country. The reports of the San Francisco Board of Health, and of the Tacpma, Seattle and Spokane Boards of Health, - are unusual tributes to be paid even to an article of so high a character as the Royal Baking Powder. These boards to make a purer : or stronger baking powder than the Royal." School Shoes. Shoes 0 - Ilalles Uustness. Merchants, and business ' men gener erally, in The Dalles, inform us that daring July and August they expect dull times ; that while business seems inac tive liecause the farmers are too busy to visit the city, trade keeps up about the same, and mail orders ' increase. The wool business is about closed for the sea son, and wheat will soon be on. Vegeta bles of all kinds are plentiful and values are a shade stronger. Cantoloupes and watermelons are arriving from Califor nia, per steamers principally. In dairy produce there is a firmer tone to the market for choice fresh butter, and deal ers are asking steady prices for a strictly first-class article. The demand for sum mer fruits is steadily maintained, and the moderate receipts tend to sustain values. There is considerable specula tion among dealers . as to actual condi- i tion of the apricot id peach crop, owing to the fact that the driers and packers are offering unusually high rates for the green products. Berries are in moderate demand and prices are fairly steady. l'oor Fire Apparatus. How often it oecurs, wheu things are joing along smoothly, that some particu lar necessity for the common good is neglected, and a fire, or a flood it may be, comes along and destroys hundreds and sometimes thousands . of dollars worth of property, besides, oftentimes sacrificing lives. In Portland recently an entire block of buildings was destroy ed, in the verj' heart of the citv, which it is said might have been avoided with a little better management. In Walla Walla, last Saturday, the Stine bouse, the French restaurant, ancUMeyers cigar factory, were destroyed becauee of a de fective steam fire engine. The engineer was suspended, but if the statement of Chief Engineer Blalock is true the en gineer of the engine should be reinstated and the council men hauled over the coals neglect of duty. Chief Bl&lock says : for "I was within a half block of the engine house when the first cry of fire was given and I ran to the engine, when I found the gnage on the boiler marked twenty pounds of steam. When the engine arrived at Fourth street and was set the guage showed ten pounds of steam. Engineer Thornton opened the throttle to give the fire a draught when the steam dropped down to nothing. The flumes of the engine were leaking very badly and it was almost impossible for the stoker to keep the fire going. This goes to show that it was not the fault of the department's paid officers, but of the engine and proves what I have been contending with the council for, that the city needs more and better apparatus. I make this statement in justice to the paid members of the fire department who naturally will be the recipients of considerable censure from ! the public." The Clover State. Ella Higginson.. During my clover campaign 1 have already heard of four dffferent gentlemen in four different por tions of the state, each of whom "sowed the first tame clover seed in Washing ton." But God sowed fourteen different wild species a long time ago. Sue In Grant County. News. As the summer speeds along, and the number or hunters . in the mountains : increases, the man who thought another was a deer and killed him, may he expected to turn up any day. J. FOLCO, -DE A LEU IN- Candies, Fruiis, Nuts, Soda Water, Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars. MANUFACTURER OF First Glass Syrups for Saloons and Soda Fountains, Ete. Socond Street, Next door to Wingate's Hall Are You Going Camping? If so buy your outfit from John Uftoth, the grocer, who makes a specialty of putting up fine appetizing goods. A tine line of lunch and picnic goods just received. HN l iOOTH, The Grocer, (52 Second Street. Tillamook K I.lRht. A few days ago head keeper R. Peter son, of the Tillamook rock light-house, set his foot on the main land at Astoria, after a protracted exile of nine months on the lonely sea-girt rock. Petereon for five years has performed the duties of light-keeper with only three persons, two assistants and a cook; for company, and a patch of sterile rock 75 feet square, surrounded by the bounding main, as his dominion. Of all the light stations on the United States coast, Tillamook rock is probably the most lonesome. The rock is 83 feet in height from the water and the tower rises 48 feet, mak ing the J total bight 136 feet from the ocean to the focal plane of the light. The lamp is an immense circular five wick, and is revolved by machinery ; a system of blank lenses making it a flash light. A l'romislne Kecruit. Tacoma News. Colonel Will D. Jen kins, ex-republican office holder, has joined the people's party. If he is as successful in counting votes for the Weaver party as he was in taking the Seattle census in 1890 Weaver will have more votes in this state than there are men, women and children. Washington In Clover. . Bellinghain Bay Express. Clover and rhododendron are now the only candi dates for state flower. The sweet, modest clover still leads. The rhodo dendron is recognized as pretty, but all style and buncombe. When it fades and withers there is nothing to it. Not so with the clover, it is good at any stage of the game. An Important Fruit Meeting. The Oregon Pomological society meets the last Saturday in each month in The Dalles city ball, at 1 -o'clock p. in. At the next meeting, July 30th, it is ex pected the district inspector, Mr. Heald, will be iu attendance. Also a represen tative of the frnit department of the Portland exposition. All fruit growers as well as others interested are requested to be present. , 4tdltw The senate has confirmed the nomina tion of George Shiras, jr., ae associate justice of the supreme court. T. A. Van 'Norden. the expert watch repairei at No. 106 Second street, The Dalles, appears to have a happy Knack for holding the confidence of hiff patrons. The secret, of course, is the usual one skill in repairing even the most compli cated watches.- i-ii-im A rare opportunity tor the ladies ia now afforded by Mrs. Philips, who is of fering millinery at one third less, as she has decided to retire from the business. See advertisement. 6.18dtf The Ice Wagon. , The ice wagon of Gates & Allison is on the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. - Any orders for- ice left with Will Vanbibber's express or at the store of Chas. Lauer will be promptly at tended to. Uates & Al.l.ISOX. County Treasurer Notice. All county warrants registered' prior to March. 13, issy, win De paid it tire' sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets.. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, July 16, 1892. William Micheli,, 7.18tf :, Treasurer Wasco County, Or, . To I.m. A nicely furnished bedroom, with oi without board, apply at this office. 7.14dim SO ON THE DOLLAR. My entire stock will be closed out at trie above figure. H. STONEMAN. " STOr4EVIAr4 & pIEGE, Practical Shoemakers and Dealers in BOOTS and s H O ES 2X4 Second Street. Only TSxelnsivc Boot and Shoe House in the City. , All Kinds of Footzvear Ahvays on Hand. Don't read ! Don't think ! Don't be lieve ! Now, are you better? You women who think that patent medicines are a humbug, and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the biggest humbug of the whole (because it's best known of all) does your lack-of-faith cure come? It is very easy to "don't" in this world. Suspicion always comes more easilv than confidence. But doubf little faith never made a sick women well and the "Favorite Prescription" has .cured thousands of delicate, ( weak women, which makes us think that our "Prescription" is better than your, "don't believe." We're 1oth honest. Let us come together, r You try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If it doesn't do as represented, you get your money again. Where proof's so easy, can you afford to doubt. Little but active are Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Best Liver Pills made; gentle, yet thorough . They regulate and i n vigorate the liver, stomach and bowels. Beginning with Aug. 1st I will give a valuable premium to every person who orders one dozen cabinet pictures. Photos to be as good as the very best. Premium on exhibition after Friday next. Call and see them. Only good for a few da vs. Hunt, the photographer. Prof. L. Mitchell, chiropodist, has located in the Chapman block, room .50, where he will skillfully treat' corns. callouses, in-growing toe-nails and bun ions, without pain or subsequent sore ness. Office hours froip 9:30 a. m. to 12 :30 p. m. ; 2 to 5 p. m. ; 7 to 8 :.0 p. m. Charges reasonable. Steamer Notice. The steamer Dalles City will leave Portland for Cascade Locks, with Dalles freight at 6 a. m. Saturday. July 30th. The steamer Keeulator will leave Dalles daily at 6 a. in., makin? through connection with "Dalles City" at Cas cade Locks, on Monday, August. 1st. For further information apply to B. F. Lacghi-ix, manager; or W.U.. At.i.oway, agent. . j Two Grand Excursions. Two arand excursions to Europe , by the fast and elegant anchor line steam ships Ethiopia and r umessia. lhe first will leave New York, August 13th, and the second August 20th, this is an opportunity seldom offered to parties de siring w vioitr me wu ixiuuiry. x ur full particulars and rates, apply to T. A Hudson, general agent, The Dalles, . Or. w , To The Public. I have no hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do to my friends and catrons. I used it myself after other well-known remedies had failed, and it cared me in a few minutes. I recommend it candidly and cheerfully upon it merits, not from a financial stand-point, because I have others in stock on which I make. a larger profit, but because Chamberlain's is the best remedy I know of for bowel com plaints. ; There is no doubt about it, it does the work James Foegy, Druggist, McVeytown, Penn. For sale by Blakelev s Houghton, druggists, d&w NOTICE. Citv taxes for 1892 are now due and payable within sixty days, at the office of the undersismed.- L. Rokdenj City Treasurer.. Dalles City, July 6th, 1892. - PHOTOGRAPHER. - Instantaneous Portraits. Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Chapman CeMTS HENRY FIEGE. DAN LEWIS' WORLD'S FAIR College Serenaders This celebrated coinpauy of Colored Minstrels will give a perform ance at the Armory . Thursday Eveniog July 28 For the benefit of A and Companies, O. N. G. C. Dan Lewis as a musical composer and author, and his inimitable songs and character delineations will .crowd anv hall on the Pacific coast. The company is composed of good art ists and will furnish good support to Mr. Dan Iewis. iVdxrilaaioii BO oen -tarn CHILDREN 25 CENTS. Come One, Come All. F0K CHURCHES. SuDerior in tune to Pipe Orxans. easier played and cheaper, are the ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. r COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors 10 W. S. Cram.; Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made . . . OUST DIES, East of Portland. DEALERS IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Gun furnish or Retail any of these goods at Whoiesala In Every Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. W. E. GARRETSOM. Leading Jewciei. SOLE AGENT FOlt THK . All Watch Work Warrantee. Jewelry Made to Order. 13S Second St., The Dalle. Or.