The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 22, 1892, Image 3

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    C . F. STEPHENS,
V-tlll .11' AA-cTat m (tli'ttf
school; shoes:
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
(entered a the Postofflee at The Dalles, Oregon,
ax second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first innertton, and 5 Cents
,ier line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
AH local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
.Jou. Ho we is -confined ut his home by
-sickness. ' ' - ' : ' '
Win. Butler goes to Portland this
evening on buslnea.
The warehouses are nearly empty of
wool in The Dalles.
, Mr. J. W.Zumwalt, of Tygh,-retuvned
from Montana today.- ; -
Mr. L. O'Brien, of i KlwkltatSiscnfr? by Multnomnh's sheriff.
uniatovcul n , TTmotilln Tmnaa Ki V?;t)
"-6'ol"vu """'r',,,r"rtS-;S?
. Mr. Ftirlev is expected homo -f rows his;
trip through the Inland.- Empire next'
Mr. and Mrs -Nye, of Prineville re
turned from '-a trip to Portland last
night. -;
Mr. John Moffett, of Chicago, is visit
ing The Dalles, and taking a look at the
country. j
Mrs. W. C. Johnson, of Oregon city,
arrived at noon today on a visit to her
eons Balfe and "Nello". j
Conductor Mitchell brought No. 1 in
-on time this a. m. with a fair list of pas
sengers, mostly through.,
Plnrus are selling at fifty cents per
box today retail, and they are the finest
on this whole'lPacific coast.
Mays & Crowe have been awarded the
contract for S00 additional feet of pipe
for Dalles City water mains.
Hon. M. A. Moody and party are pre
paring for a four-in-hand drive to Cloud
Cap Inn, near Mount Hood.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford, Mrs. E.
Wright, and J. L. Stamp, leave to
morrow for a two weeks -outing at Trout
It took Gov. Pattison some timeo
wake up, and we are wondering now
whether it wasn't a freak of somnambu
lism, after all.
Kj. Li. Philips, district deputy of the
K. of P., left at noon today for Wasco,
.for the -purpose of installing the officers
of a new lodge there.
The bright bales of "wheat hay put op
in this vicinity are so attractive that the
very sight of a wagon load of them
"enough to make a horse laugh." .
Among the freight by the first trip of
the Regulator will he 1,000 kegs of nails
lot Maya & Crowe. - They have just got
a sample of the lot by rail 100 kegs. :
A new throughbrace coach appeared
on the Prineville line yesterday. It
came in as clean and nice as if there was
no dust on the road this side of Bake
The orrlylnstrnment filed for record
today was a tjuit claim deed to Lucretia
A. Huntington, for lot 2, block 2, Neyce
o - taibons' addition., froro J. M. Hunt
. ington and wife. - '
If there is any s uch thins as gratitude
eome of it will he shown when the farm
ers of Klickitat geV ready .to ship their
wheat next month. They may well rer
. member what The Dalles, Portland .and
Astoria Navigation company have, done
with the Regulator to release them from
Arbitrary freight tariffs. -
A Pull Line of the
It ahows how all
Mf.- E. P. Fitzgerald
hits returned
from a weeks sojourn in
the consoli-
dated cify.
.V. C. Brock', the affable gentleman
who presided over the destinies of the
Sherman county clerks office with such
marked ability the past term, is -.enjoying
his otium cum dig among his friends
now. He was in this city yesterday.
The people of Astoria are much alarm
ed that the government improvements
now being made in the river are going
to effect their, water front near the
month of the river, and have coin plained
to the local United States board of en
gineers. ml
Sheriff Kelly of Portland, has re
warded John T. Carter, for having cap
tnred the child murderer, Wilson. The
reward consisted of $300, in addition to
which Constable Carter was given a
jJtrandBome revolver and a pair of hand-
lrof. Frederic J. Liscomb. of Notre
University, Indiana, surprised
Messrs. Nicholas and Roger Sinnott by
visiting them here today. ,Prof.. U. is
filling in life time of his vacation by a
trip to the Tacific coast, which would
not be complete without this visit to
The Dalles.
Mr. Warner, of White Salmon, cut
ll0 acres of wheat for hay that if left
Standing would have, threshed forty
bushels of wheat to the acre. At Fil
loon & Co's. this forenoon we examined
samples of this wheat. It stood five
feet high, atid the heads vary from o
to inches in length, well filled.
The wind yesterday passed through
The Dalles seemingly in great haste to
overtake the procession of the day
previous before it should strike Omaha.
If the two should get there together they
would be apt to make things somewhat
lively, if the distance did not reduce the
The Dalles Mercantile -joinpanv, 390-
394 Second street is composed of men of
both leading parties, hence they never
do anything by halves. Their latest
importations of silks, etc., contains some
eleganl handkerchiefs with the portraits
of Cleveland and Stevenson, handsomely
bordered and inscribed, also of Harrison
and Held. . You! take " vour choice.
Prices are not in it.
me nuinprjacn wnale winch was
stranded some days ago at North Beach,
is to be stripped of the flesh and the
skeleton is to he placed on exhibition in
the Washington 'building at Chicago. J
G. Megler, one of the worlds fair com-!
missioners for . ' Washington, h'as in-!
structed Professor Hudson to preserve
and prepare the skeleton and a force of
Indians are now at work upon it.
-Mr. Geo. Krauss has returned from a
buggy drive to Mount Hood by way of
the Barlow road.. . He was accompanied
by Mr; Korten; of Portland, and in
company with Messrs. Arnold and Mc
Cartney. -They found' in. camp Messrs.
Yillard Vonderpool, T. II. Johnson and
Louis KHnger. Also a party from Port
land who .have this year made their
third annual-failure to reach the summit
from the south side of the mountain.
In 2890 they visited the place in Sep
tember, last year in August and this
year in July. Only for a slide of ice and
enow near the summit they could have
made it this year. ..Mr. Krauss says tho
-crops along the route traveled look -fine.
His best fishjug was in the Tygh. The
distance from The Dalles to his camp on
the south side of the mountain, is about
Ca miles. - . . ' '' "
School Shoes.
If you want to put money in a 6ofind
investment buy lots in Thompson addi
tion. Master Charles, son of Capt.'J. W.
Lewis of this city, Is enjoying himself
on the Dayville ranch, . -Grant county.
Ho goes out driving daily, using a" sulky
rake, and by mixing business with his
pleasure has racked nearly all the hay
on the ranch. He went prepared to
en joy himself.'
Sam Thurman has found out why it is
that no salmon are caught in July on the
Oregon side of the Columbia at this
point. An Indian told him that many
years ago, before the Bostons came here,
a woman ate of-a salmon that came up
on the Oregon side, and died. Her In
dian waxed wroth at this and went down
to the mouth of Three-mile and cursed
tlie-fish.;- This so scared them that ever
since that time the fish have dodged
over, to the opposite sida of the river
every July. Sam says it would have
been dollars to him to have known this
Phelps & Co. sold a hay press to Mr.
Williams, on Eight Mile yesterday, and
a thesher outfit to Mr. Jackson of Hood
River. 'One might naturally inquire:
"where is the wheat, at Hood River, to
thresh," but investigation proves that
Hood River is one of the nicest little
creations of small homes on this coast.
The people, there are generally' small
farmers, but they, all have more or less
of wheat, barley, oats, etc., and as show
ing their good judgment in other things
they usually prefer The Dalles markets,
both for buying and selling, hence Mr.
Jackson came here for his outfit.
Their Hoard of Trade Keapostf tu
Colombia Alliance.
Columbia Alliance in The Dalles, hav
ing communicated their wishes to ship
cargoes direct from that port, and wish
ing to be properly advised the Astoria
board of trade took the matter up at
once and reported as follows by com
mittee :.
We, your committee to whom was
reported the communication from the
Columbia "Alliance, of The Dalles,
would most respectfully report:
I. That we, a number of oar citizens
who are owners of water front, property i
are willing to -give, free of., coat, to the
Columbia Alliance, or any firm or cor
poration the amount of frontage neces
sary for grain warehouses or elevators,
provided that t bey construct and main-'
tain the same for the purpose of loading
grain from this port. .. .
. 2 ; We find that quarters can be secured
from owners of said water vessels for
loading at the port of Astoria with grain
cargoes from 2 shillings "6 pence to 5 ahil
lings sterling per ton less than for the
same class of vessels, either at Portland,
Tacoma or Seattle. :. " ' - r
3. ' We find that grain is worth from
5 to 10 cents more per cental afloat t
the port of Astoria, as against any other
port of loading on the Pacific coast north
of San' Francisco. ' We find that this
city offers superior inducements in the
matter of warehouse facilities for the
storing and handling . of grain at 'the
minimum cost of storage rates and
rental. . '
."VCe, your committee, would recom
mend that the Columbia alliance be so in
formed, and that a committee from the
Columbia Allianbe invited to visit
this port, and that the board of trnde of
this city, assist such committee to its ut
most ability fti establishing grain ware-
1 houses in thecity of Astoria.
Dr' Goods
Boots.. Shoe.' Hats, Ktc.
Fancg foods, flotiong,
Etc., Ktc, " Ktc.
134 Second St., next to Dalles National
Bank, Dalles City, Oregon.
Candies,' Fruiis, Nuts, Sofla Water,
' IceCream, Tobacco and Cigars.
firsts Glass Syrups for Saloons and
Soda Fountains, Ete.
Second Street. Next door to Wingate's Hall
Are You Going Camping?
If so hay your outfit from John
Uooth, the grocer, who makes a
specialty of putting up fine appetizing
A fine line of lunch and picnic
goods just received. .
! JOHN BOOTH, The Grocer,
1 02 Second Street, j
Press Association Meeting.
The question of entertaining the edi
torial fraternity of Oregon, at The Dalles
for about three days next month, is be
fore the people. It is the opinion of
Thk Chkoxiclb that nothing else, just
at this particular time, would result in
more general good for all The Dalles
and. the Inland Empire than for the
Press Association to meet here and be
come familiarized with subjects so great
ly ignored and yet of such decided im
portance to the public. Outside of The
Dalles it has not yet been publicly ' an
nounced that the river and harbor bill
has become a law. Let us get together
here at The Dalles, and impress upon
members of the association why this is
thus. .- '
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at . The Dalles tin-
called for, Saturday, July 23d, 1892.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised.
Adams C. :
Kelsey John j
Kink O. W
larsen John
Lathrop A
Gane Louis Mrs.
North Chas.
Parker Jack
Pratt R.
Paroda Jo. .
Richmond . Frank ie
Robbineon S. B.
ArquettC. H. Mrs.
Ahera Steve
Allison E. E. K.
Bovd J.
Bu'fhns G. W. Mrs.
Crane Bert
Fowler A. J.
Granalnm E.
Hadley W. O.'
lioran John
Johnson E. W, Mrs.Sutherlin Owen 3
Johnson Allen Tibbits W. E.
Ward Harvey
M. T. Nolax. P. M.
A Change May Be Reneficlal. .
Walla Walla Spectator. , A free river
would' relieve us of exorbitant freight
rates. The lake Washington canal will
not do it nor will it add a quarter - of a
cent a ton to the value of any product of
this great, interior. .Senator Allen
labored zealously for the former and
negleeted the latter, and yet he and his
friends urge upon us the advantage of
having a representation in the United
States senate for our town. In view of
this neglect of our interests and the be
trayal of the trust reposed in him by his
eastern Washington constituents, it
would seem a change might be bene
ficiaLh "
. ot Hi Man.
Deputy Sheriff M. A. Lester, of Sher
man county, paid The ' Dalles a hasty
visit this forenoon. He came after Z. P.
Jones ; who is wanted upon a charge of
obtaining money under false pretenses
II happened that Jones "passed the. hat"
around among ' the - people ' to raise the
wherewith to establish a sawmill on the
Dfea - Chutes, " somewhere" kiettr the free
bridge. He then took advances from the
farmers-upon timber he intended to 'saw
He failed to carry out his schemes, and
skipped. The mill, at least what there is
of it, was attached, and will be sold at
sheriff sale tomorrow, and J ones' friends
want to attest their appreciation of his
services-by-giving' him an opportunity
to save himself fronvservmg a term at
Salem . ' " r ,
-. . , , ,
Mr. W; M, Terry, who has been "in the
drua business- at Elktoj,-"Ky., for the
past twnlvo years,- ay:J:. ";".Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy irfvea better satis
faction than any other cough medicine I
have ever sold.'"' : There is good reason
for this. - jNotuor wtil cure- a cold so
quickly ; no other iff so certain a pre
ventive and cure for croup; no other
affords o much relief in cases of whoop
ing cough. For, sale bv Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. d&w
'. Ti Let; '
' A nicely furnished-bedroom,-with or
without board, -apply at this office.
. Everybody "seems to be complaining of .
But if you only stop and see the fine line
of Gents' Furnishing Goods and Hats of , '
you will find that he can savycn con
siderable money; - .
Give him a call and be convinced.
109 Second Street, - The Dalles, Or.
My entire stock will be
closed out at the above figure.
- , Practical Shoemakers and dealers in
Only Exclusive Boot and Shoe House in the City.
All Kinds of Footwear Always on Hand.
Queer world! Queer people! nere
are men and women by thousands suf
fering from all sorts of diseases, bearing
all manners of pain, spending their all
on physicianB and "getting no better,
but rather worse,'!, when right at hand
there's a remedy which says it can help
them because it's helped thousands like
them. "Another patent-medicine ad
vertisement." you Say. Yea but not of
the ordinary sort. The medicine is Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and
it's different from the ordinary nostrums
in this : It does what it claims to do,
or it eotlt you nothing! The way'is this :
Yon pay your druggist $1.00 for'a bottle.
You read the directions, .and you.follow
them. You get better, or you don't.
If you do, you buy another bottle, and
perhaps another. If you don't get bet
ter, you get your money back. And the
queer thing is that so many people are
willing to be sick when the remedy 9 so
near at hand. -
Having on hand a large supply of ice
we are prepared to furnish our. custom
ers with ice in any quantity at a reason
able rate. We guarantee we will supply
the- demand without advancing- prices
throughout the season. ' Leave orders at
C. F. Lauer's store, Second street.
5-2tf Gates & Aixisox.' :
Steamer Regulator Notice.
account of needed repairs ' the
Regulator will not make n trip on Sun
day July zotn. -
7-lSOut '.AY. u. Ana way, Agent.
Citv taxes-for 1892 are now due and
payable within sixtv days, at the office
of the undersigned. '
Li. Kobdkk, Citv treasurer. City, July 6th, 1892.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de
pended upon, it is pleasant to take and
will cure cramp, cholera morbus, dysen
tery and diarrhoea in their worst forms.
Every family should be provided with
it. 25 and 50 cent bottles for. sale,by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. ' d&w
T. A. Van Norden, the expert watch
repairet at No. 106 Second 6treet, The
Dalles, appears to have a happy Knack
for holding the confidence of his patrons.
The secret, of course, is the usual one
skill in repairing even the most compli
cated watches. - . 7-13-1 m
County Treasurer's Notice. -
All countv warrants registered prior
to March 13", 1889, will be paid if pre
sented at my office, corner Third and
Washington strefts. Interest ceases on
and after this date. ;
, The Dalles, July lGlSOS.'
William Michkm., ; -'
7.18tf ' Treasurer JWasco. Count vOr.
nisaolatiun Notice. - '
Notice- is- hrebv given that the law
partnership heretofore existing between
E. B. Dufur, George Watkins and Frank
Menefee, under the firm name and style
ot Iftnnr, Watkins & Menefee is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. George
Watkins retiring from the firm. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said firm will please call at once and pay
tne same to .crans jueneice, ana ail per
sons having claims against said firm will
present the same to him for payment.
isusinees will be continued at the old of
fice, under the - firm name of Dufur it
Menefee. ' E. B. DrvcK.
j.. . . . ... . -.v. - -Geokgk Watkiss.
'' ' Fka.vk Mknevbk..
Dated this 25th dav of June, 1892..
6.25d4w ' . - '
Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
id Street.
The Ice Wagon.
The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on
the streets every morning from 6 to 8
o'clock. Any . orders for ice left with
Will Vanbibber'e express or at the store
of Chas. Lauer will be promptly at
tended to- Cates '&. Aujso2.
Campbell Bros, Prop rs
(Successors to w." s.'Cram.? v"
.. s
Manufacturers of the finest French and
Home Made
' Eat.t of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furulah any of these goods at Wholeaala.
or Retail - - . .
In Every 8tyjle. "'.
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
Leading - Jeweler.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
1 3 Second St. The IHiHes. Or.
. .. Notice: Mala. f City JLot. "
notice is hereby Riven, that by authority of
Ordinance No. 253, which -puased the Common
Council of Dulles City. June :th, 1892, entitled
"An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provide
for the sale of certain lots belonging to Dalles .
City," I will on Tuesday the 16th day of Auirust,
l.SM, (tell at public auction to the highest bidder,
all of the following described lota and perta of
lota sltuuted - in Oaten Addition to Dalles City, '
to-wit: ...
Seventy feet oTTfrom the south side of Lot No. -
1, Jllock is; Seventy (feet off from south aide of
Lot No. 'J, Block No. 18; the south oue-half of
Lota No. 3, 4, 5 and 6. in Block No. 18: Lots Nob.
2, 3, 4, 5, C. 7, 8, t and 10, in Block No. 39: and
Lots Noa. 7, K, 11 and 12, in. Block No. 14
The appraised value of said lots and for lean
than which they will -not be sold is fixed aa
follows, to-wit: ,';- " -
70 hot off the south end of Lot No.1, in;
Block No. IS. -. . i .:. ; . . . .$ 125.00
70 feet ou? the souf h end of Ixt No. 2, ia-
Bloek No. 18. ........... i : .Ci- 125.00
The south one half of lxt No. 3, iu Kloct
No. 18 ......!'.... ;.. 100.00
The south one-half of Lot No. 4, in- Block
So.18 5, ...J...:......... ..,100.00
The south oue-hnlf of Lot No. 5, iu Block '
. No.lS. ... i.100.00
The south oue-hitlf of-ot No. 6, in Block
No. 18....... -.: .......i. ,100.00
lts numbered 2, a, 4. B, 0,7, 8, 9 and 10, In - ,
Block No. 19, and Lots numbered .7, 8,
11 and 12, iu Block. No. 14, each -ap-V
praised ot .x .-'......;.. . 100 0b
Vu.k ...Ill I... 1.1 .1
I respectively, and iiotie of rbcm shall be Sold for
I a less sum than the value as above stated.
I One-third of the nrice tiidAnanrnf ulri lrt
i shall be paid in cash at time of. sile. one-third
1 on or before one year front date, of sale, and one-
tnira on or rjeiore two years trom date ot sale,
with interest at the rate of "ten per cent, per
annum upon deferred payments, payable
The sale will becin with the Hint" lot herein
uuoveueiiuoueu m len o ciock u. m. August io,
1S92, and continue with each lot in the order as
herein named until all of said lots shall be sold.
- Dated this 11th dav of Julv, 1;2.
7.13-8-13w-d- Recorder of Dalles City.