C. P. STEPHENS, ; r' - DEALER IN ." ' ' ; Everybody seems to be complaining of '- ; HARDTIMES But if you only stop and see the fine line of Gents' Furnishing Goods and Hats Si JOHN O. HERTZ, You will find that he can save yon con- ' " siderable money. '.-'"' Give him'a call and be convinced. " 101) Second Street, , The Dalles, Or. JUST RECEIVED Clothing Boots, Shoes, Rats, Etc. ' ' Etc., i Etc., - Etc. 131 Second St., next to Dalles National , Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. A Full Line of the S CELEBRATED WAVERLY 4H Dry Goods 1 zJ t2LX& f m mm- SCHOOL SHOES. PEASE The Dalles Daily Chroniele. Entered a the Postoflice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and fl Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than s o'clock will appear tae tallowing day. THURSDAY - - - JULY 21, 1892 LOCAL BKE1ITIKS; Frank Malone left The Dalles yester day for Antelope. ..' Judge Condon returned from Arling ton this morning. Grover Cleveland writes his letters on ineu jiijeii pupcj , F. P. Sargent, of Terre Haute, Ind., is registered at the Umatilla house. I Temple lodge No. 3,. A O. U. W., inect at K. of P., hall this evening. Mr. A. S. Baty, one of the popular young men of the road, is again regis tered at the Umatilla house.' - Sirs. S. R.- Babcock, of Berkeley, Wash., is at the Umatilla house, Visiting -her sister Mrs. C. H. Brown. . " The directors of the Wasco Independ ent Academyhave secured the services of an able principal from the east,, ." A model market is to be opened a t No. "SO Second street; AVbrknien are now employed putting in a modern fronts Justice Schutz, contemplates a trip to his Camp Vatson ranch, - .Jas. Blakeney has let him have an extra pair ,of horses for the drivesaw horses. xne yarn engine ot the LU P. K. (Jo. at ' The Dalles had a; test of .her ; strength last night. A string of cars, - six :block long, were sidejtracked at one push. There is a chance for a combination be tween Athena and The Dalles. The ladies of both places threaten to. organ ize hammer brigades ani drive, the nails - down .in the side walks. Conductor Fowler-came in two hours Mate with the early passenger , today, bound, west. -He. took the train four hours .late, but he is something, of a flyer, and generally .gets in at the termi nal on time ,r.' A fine job of painting on the Regulator v. mm s 1 IS. U U. .111.1 ; who, while not. a. professional,.. isT about i as handy with the brush as any one - trained to .dexterity Tin4he art by years - of experience.'; i ; i; J; : jpr.-jJohn.; Mesplie has,: 15 acres of whettjOh JiisMHi erisek sranih; which - will thresh 30 bushels' to the acre. It is -a fine berry, plump b& clean. He cut, -some wheat for hay recently which went - a ton and a half- to the acre. '- The variation of the ' oinrpasB - af The Dalles, which; is given , at i 2915','v Is. an evidence of the. existence of material hereabouts to enable The Dalles to be- - leading Minneapolis ; ' , ... Mr. W. R. Menefee, of . Dnfur, was in : the city yesterday: 'He came in; with his daughter, Mrs. : is. W Emerson, of Baker city, who '.was ; leaving for her . home, atteri very pleasant yisit wjth iaY,-, inciamng ner - brother, Recorder FfankrMenefee,vof this city . MrvIiOrd returned froni-Ilwaco vm. terday, but expects to remain only a few days. . The Dalles colony is doing line rn North, beach. The number of visitors 'is legion. Some of the finest steamers i in the waters of theUnitfid tntaQ .'- making regular trips on the route, but .mere nas oeen as yet no cut-in rateavv f -k -' - Examine onr' -. CUT y SHOE. It shows Waveriy Paymaster Boire and his assistant Dunn, came in last night, and the boys Of the U; P. R. Co. are, correspondingly happy. Next Wednesnay is the day fixed for steamers Dalles City and Regulator to connect again, on the through Peoples line between Portland and The Dailes. Mr. D. M. French, whose imprison ment at Ilwaco is mentioned in another place today, is out on parole. He came up to The Dalles last night on a visit to the few of us who are left at home. The excursion this morning was an unusually large one by the Regulator' Amongst ; the number was little Miss Helen Hudson, and a. host of young friends, accompanied by their parents and guardians, the occasion being the celebration of the anniversary of her birth. R. H. Norton, formerly of The Dalles s in Tacoma. - He positively denies the allegation of having skipped to Victoria, as intimated by the press- of- Portland. The work he mapped out here, if carried to completion, would be a good thing for the whole Inland Empire, and par ticularly for The Dalles. The famous painting of the "Voyage of Life ; was yesterday exemplified realistically by a large boat floating on the Columbia past The Dalles, from the Indian village above Grand Dalles to the Memaluse Indian burial grounds laden with the living relics of a once powerfal tribe, and ' the remains of a corpse for sepulcher. Yesterday afternoon Mr Stacy Shown and Miss Bernice Floyd were united in marriage, at the residence of the brides' parents on Ten-Mile,: and left on the evening. passenger for a bridal trip. The parties are well known and highly re spected in this city, and they will re ceive the heartiest congratulations-of the community on the assumption of their new relations in social life. " . Messrs, G. W. Jackson, "Win. Mon tague, Gus Bonn and Fred Pundt re turned from an outing to Clear creek, thirty miles from The Dalles,' last night. They were well stocked with dust, ex perience and trout. All report a jolly good time and fun galore. They lost a horse' which rolled down into a fathom less crevice -with a bare lashed to its back. Which one of them shot the bare our reporter failed to ascertain. The report dears abundant.. . . : From last weeks News of Canon cityj we find an account 'bf the celebration bi the ftth .near Day ville, and from.; private lettws team -feafc it was -oiiej f :2th m6et :i ) iui-cesfflfuK and ,1 , enjoyable Wcasibhs ' of "the' "kind ever' held " ia Gfanv'jconnty:,'.: There were about four hundred, people, present and all en joying themselves to the vtmost.- One tun n -donated, a heef and 7 another gave two, peaiaes mating lemonade by the barrel-fdlli-a -regular old fashioned-4th-of Julv and barbecUE-. .(.'...,'' " As the achooner Perhaps Capt. W; S. Cram , was hauled but ' into the" stream' last evening preparatory t0 . taking her departure, from; the, port, a. photographer chanced to come, along. A Wight idea struck" Capt.' CnreaV Say8 ' he ''I'll be Robinson Crnsp,';'(sp hewent to , an is land near by, and. while the .deck hands, Charley Phillips,' L.' Brown. A. S. and Jim,Davia remained on : board . carrying ont ine instructions of ,the Captain, the photographer got a fine' negative. Phillips -says.-that if they could have .secured a full, view of : the scene he in tended to have the nirtnrt Hmrwl ;n the gla?s ais a trade mark for " his eoUa ana sarsapariiia wortB it would be so fresh and nice. - ' ! " MATS Waveriy School Shoes. how n Shoes 'The Columbia is now too clear, for general fishing, but up in the rapids Winan's large fish wheel continues to scoop 'em up prettj' liberally. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Floyd are spend ing a few days in the city. Mr; Floyd has just returned from the east, where he has been engaged in the horse busi ness. . He reports a failure of crops in Iowa on account of too much rain. The story from. Ilwaco. that Mr. D. H. French of this city was a prisoner over there, is explained by the statement that he was one of many who had taken the regular steamer from Astoria; which is now the opposition ; and was . in . the warehouse on the wharf with his family, looking after his baggage, when the door was shut against him with a bang. ' Af ter a -somewhat forcible demand he was liberated. With the exception of the annoyances incident to the squabble be tween the Ilwaco and the Union Pacific companies, things are moving along-. in the even tenor of their way about Il waco and the beach. Mr. Linus Hubbard of The Dalles, never leaves a stone unturned if he sus pects there is a worm under it to entice another early bird to enlist in the cause of an open Columbia river. As an old time friend of Ex-President Cleveland, he recentty sent him a photo of Uhe whaleback8 coming to The Dalles,' and solicited the use of his influence toward opening the river. Among other things in his answer Mr. Cleveland says he is fully appreciative of the benefits to the farmers of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, resulting' from convenient and cheap transportation of their products to the markets of the world, and that everything which will bring about that end is of great interest to him. XHK DALLES MILLING IHTKRKST. .' .- - - . The Slt for Enterprises upon tne Min ,.r neatpolis Flan. Mr. H. J. Russell, of Valley City, Dakota, paid us a cheerful visit today. He ia looking for a location for a flour ing mill business. After inspecting the mill we have here, and the flour.it turns out, he concluded that the field at The Dalles was too well filled now for him to attempt to start in competition. He is tfeoroBghly.'5 practical miller himself, and ; bis v-Opinion ' oh - such subjects is worthy of : consideration. ' There is no better flour in the world than the flour manufactured by The :' Dalles Diamond Roller Mills. " Everybody knowing any thing about flour having tried The Dalles article mnet admit, this. It would be useless for any one to think of taking any of the business of Mr. A. H. Curtis ; nor should a mill of similar capacity be thought of. The mill to establish in The Dalles must be of sufficient capacity to enter largely into competition: with the present merchant mills of Portland, Or egon City, Tacoma, etc. The arguments advanced for' such an enterprise here .cover the scope and. magnitude of the business ol Minneapolis. - Here, within 186 miles- of - the ocean ; - with . an open river tributary to which, .last .year, tweity-fivfe; feQlipii bushels of 'wheat was marketed; is the place for grander possible achievements in the milling in terest thaii have ever resulted from Hke investments at Minneapolis, and-it is to such we look for the future develop ments of .the Inland Empire with mutual advantages to the J producer and the manufacturer.- - Here is to be obtained a great saving to the purchaser, and equal advantages to the producer in a hundred different ways. TRADE MARK REGISTERED. mmtm. J. FOLCO, -DEALEC IN- Candies, frMiKnts, Sofia Water, ice cream, ToiccaaiiilCiars. . ; , rlf NJTFACTCEER OF ' . First Class ; Scraps for Saloons and -Soda Fountains, Ete. Second Street, Next door to Wingate's Hall Are You Going Camping ? If so buy your outfit from John Booth, the grocer, "who . makes a specialty of putting up fine appetizing goods. A fine line of .lunch and picnic goods just received. JOHN BOOTH, The Grocer, .' ..' . 62 Second Street. If a Innmparat Thin Tear. At the meeting of the board of officers held Monday evening it was decided not to hold. an encampment of the O. N. G. this year. - This, however, was the first official decision in this respect, and up until within a few days of the . meeting the committee.appointed for that pur pose was still endeavoring to -devise some way by which the encampment could beheld. To the last it had been hoped that ihe state- military board would do something to assist them finan cially, but that body is overwhelmed with financial difficulties now, and does not feel like incurring any additional ex pense. . The . companies at Salem held encampments, it is true, but did so by the financial aid of the citizens aiid going into their own pockets1. This lack of funds-, together with the lateness of the season and the indifference which the members have at last come to feel, was the reason' of the final decision. A HOMK. INSTITUTION. ' Wlin t a. Building and Loan Association . Does for Astoria. People in The Dalles who thiuk favor ably of a local building and loan associa tion, are not obliged to leave Oregon ' to seek a reference as to the benefits con ferred by it 'upon the ' community in which it is located. The model of an as sociation for The Dalles to pattern after exists in Astoria. It is a young but vigorous institution, . about which the Astorian says : "The building and loan association held a meeting; Friday even-' ing, and resolved to Eubmit to the stock holders a proposal to build a brick build ing with the surplus funds. ' If . the stockholders authorize the directors to do so, it is their intention to erect a spaci ous building that will do credit to the city and yield a good income to the asso ciation. The indications are now that the plan will be ratified. The associa tion has positive offers which ensure that it can rent the proposed building on'good terms. " The public are likely to regard the' project with approval for it will put money in circulation and the building will improve the appearance of the city. The association is now flour ishing and is well managed. It pays as high as 14Ve;per cent, on investments, anct &vcn agrees to return deposits' with profits if people have other use for their money. The association has. already obtained 'options 1 ou several ' lots that would do for the building' which is to be erected in the bnsiness portion of the city. In one instance the directors -have been offered a lot for $15,tMX, which, the owner said, 'he would not sell to guv one els far less thjifi 20,000." ; The only fish wheel about The Dalles doing anything today, is the upper Wi nants' wheeli in 'the very edce of 'the rapids. It is a magnificent wheel f too, and it cost something. , There is 100,000 feet of lumber in this one wheel, and! the cribs supporting it are filled with 209,000 tons of rock. The wheel that first occu pied that site cost $2,500, but before, a salmon had been caught in the wheel the swift water of the Columbia washed it away as if it were a mere toy. Then Messrs. Winant .concluded to put in one that - would stand. They calculated rlgbtit has been a profitable invest ment. ; :- r ' - ;'..'. Mr. V'M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at ' Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy gives better satis faction .Jh&it afty other cough medicine I have ever sold.'' There is good reason for this.. No other will cure a cold so quickly;. no other is "so certain a pre ventive and cure for croup ; no other affords so much relief in cases of whoop ing cough . For sale by ; Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. . . d&w- j " ' Tw"r 0W THE entire closed out at the above figure: h. stoneman; STOHEIWRH .Practical Shoemakers and Dealers in -: , . 214 Second Street. Only Exclusive Boot and:Shoe House in the City. , . All Kinds of Foottvear Always on Hand. Queer world ! Queer people ! Here are men and women by thousands suf fering from all sorts of diseases, bearing all manners of pain, .spendiug their all on physicians and "getting no better, but- rather worse," when right at ..hand there's a remedy which-says it canU.help them because it's helped, thousands like them. ''Another patehtirhedicinB: ad vertisement," you saj1.' Yes-but itot of the ordinary sort. TJie medicine i is Dr. Pierce's Golden MedicaIa5iscoveryi and it's different from the ordinary nostrums in this: It does what' it-' claims, to"-do, or it cof?ott nothing I The way is this : You pay your druggist $1.00 for a bottle. You read the directions, and yon follow them; Yon get: better, or you don't. If you do, you buy another bottle,'' and perhaps another. IS you don't get bet ter, you get your money back. And the queer thing is that so many people . are willing to be sick when the remedy's so near at hand. ICE! ICEl ICE! ' Having on hand a large supply of ice we are prepared to .furnish our custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply the demand -without advancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C. F. Lauer's store, Second street. 5-2tf . Cates & Allison. Steamer Regulator Notice. On account of needed repairs the Regulator will not make a trip on Sun day July 25th. - - 7-18d6t W. C. Allaway, Agent. notice; City taxes for 1802 are now due and payable within sixty days, at the office of the undersigned. L. Rokdfs, City Treasurer. Dam.es City, July 6th, 189'i. Chamberlain's . Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended upon, it is" pleasant to take and will cure cramp, cholera morbus, dysen? tery and diarrhoea in their worst forms. Every family should be provided with it. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. d&w .T. A. Van Norden, the expert watch repafrei at No. 106 Second street, The Dalles, appears to have a happy Knack for holding the confidence of his patrons. Thj secret, of course; is the usual me skill in repairing even the rriost ' compli cated watches. - 7-13-lm . County Treasurer's Not lea. All county warrants' registered prior to March 13, 1889,' will be paid if pre sented at amy office, corner Third - and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, July 16, 1892. ' . - William. Michei.l, 7.18tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. Dissolution Notice.' Notice is hereby given that the law partnership heretofore existing between E. B. Dufur, George Watkins and Frank Menefee, under the firm name and style of Dufur, Watkins A Menefee is this day dissolved by mutual consent. George Watkins retiring from the firm. All persons-knowing themselves indebted to said firm will please call at once and pav the same to Frank Menefee, and all per sons having claims against said firm will present the same to. him for payment. Business will be continued at the old of ficer under the firm name" of Dnfur Menefee. . ' E. B. Dukub. . , (lEOROB WATKfXlS. Fkask Mkxefe.i Dated this 25th day of June, 1892. ... 6.25d4w . . ... ... PHOTOGRAPHER, Instantaneous' Portraits. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. '." . ( - - i " ". DOIvLAR stock will be HENRY FIEGE. & FIEGE, makers and D AND 3 ES - - Tlie lee- Waff on. .. . The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on the streets every- morning from 6, to 8 o'clock. Any orders for ice . left with Will Vanbibber's express or at the stqjp of Chas. Lauer will be promptly at-' j tended to. ' -. Catks A Allisos.. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros.: Proprs . . (Successors to W. s. Cran.- ' '- - Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made O 'jL ilsT 3D I ZB2 s . East of Portland. J. -- DEALERS X Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can fnrniBh any of these goods at Wholesala or Retail . .-- FfHSH OVSTEtS-rO- In Every Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street.-The Dalles. Or. W. E. GARRETSON, All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelrjr Made to. Order. 13ti Second St.. The Ialles. r. " . v "KotiW!; Kale rt City Lot..; . ,- Koticc is hwb- 'given. vtHt by 'authority '.of Ortlhisnce'No. 'Jo3, which passed the' (.'ornmon Council of Dalles City. June U)th, WVi, entitled " "An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provide' for the sale of Certain lots belonging to Dalles City, I will on Tuesdhy the 10th day of August, 1.hJ, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, all of the following described lots and pcrtx of lots situated in Gates. Addiliou to Dalles City, to-wit: Seventy feet oft' from the south side of Lot No. 1, Block IS: Seventy jfcet oft from south side of Lot No. 2, nioek Ko-,18;-. the south one-half of Lots So. :, 4, 5 and 6, In Block No. 18: Lots Nob. 2, 3, 4. "5, 6, 7, 8, ! and 10, -in Block No. 1!; and lots Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12, in Block No. 14y i The appraised value of said lots and -for less than which they wilt not be sold is fixed as follows, to-wit : -.'' 70 bet off the south end of Lot No. 1, In ' - Block No. 18. .. . . . .fliio 70 feet otl'the south end of Lot No. 2, in Block No. IS 125lH The south one half of Ltt No. 3, in Block N"o. IS. .v. j UW.dO The sonth one-hall of Lot So. i, In Block No.i8r..-. .. KW.OU The south one-half of Lot No. 0; In Block - No. 18. 106.00 The south one-half of Lot No. 6, in Block No. 18 , . v- 100.00 lxts numbered 2, S, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, and lOfin ,Btock No. 19, and Lots numbered 7, 8, ; -- 11 and 12, in Block No. 14, each ap- - 1 praisedat. ..i :..",.. 100 0b Kach of said lots will be sold upon the lot,, respectively, and none of them shall be sold for -a less sum than the value as above stated. - Une-third of the price bid on any of said lota' shall be paid in cash at time of sale, one-third on or before one year from date of sale, and one third on or before two years from date of sale, with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum - upon deferred- payments, payable annuallw. .Thesule will begin with the first lot herein above mentioned at ten o'clock -a. m. August 18, 1892, Hud continue with each lot in the order as v herein named until all of said. kh shall be sold. ,- Dated tbisllthdav of July, 12. , - Frank menefee. . . 7.1-8-liiw-d. Recorder of Dulles City. SOIB ACEST FOU Til K - I ......