.Tie Dalles Daily Chronicle: OFFICIAL PAPER OK DALLK3 CITY.. . . AJil r.isrn CflCKTY. . . National Republican Ticket ' FOK I'KESIDEST, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana." KOK VICE-J'KESjnKXT, WHITELAW EEID, of New York. FOK I'KKSJDEXTIAI. KI.EfTOltS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. II. B. MILLER, of .Grant's Pass. i. M IRWIN, of Union. 1) M- DUNNE, of Portland. JJO FARM KHS WANT DIRECT TAXATION. 1 discussing the tariff it should be -reniemlxn-ed that we liave to consider only duties upon imports. We levy no 'duties-oil exports. Whatever our people produce to sell abroad, says Congress man Milliken, goes.' out to our foreign customers free of any export tax. But why -should ' we levy import duties? Well, it cost during the last fiscal year ;)C!65,(00,000 to carry on our government. We raised $1-15,000,000 by our internal revenue taxes uixm alcoholic liquors iind tobacco, $4,000,000 by the sale of public lands, and $2:5,000,000 from mis cellaneous sources. These sums left $103,000,000 to be raided in some other way. How should this be done? By direct taxation on property? Have our farmers who are more heavily taxed than any other class of the community, considered what would lie the burden ipon -them? What would be the condi tion of that great industry which pro duces the prime necessities of life, and is more than any other the source of our comfort and wealth, ii obliged to pay in addition to its present large ehare in '.sustaining state, county and municipal government, its portion of $193,000,000 for national expenses? What, .then, vould be the value of farm lands, and vle would .the .farm mortgages, so much talked about, and lied about, by our political opponents be paid?. By incorporating that radical free-trade plank into their platform democrats have not only repudiated the doctrines of Jefferson, Madison and the lenders of jintu"ry ago, but they have scorned rtlie advice and spurned the memory of oiii' of the noblest, most disinterested :nud greatest democrats who has lived in the last twenty-live years Samuel J. .WsiiiiIhII. Since the new tariff became I -si !tvr, Rio coffee has deglined in price i4.3 per cent. Dun's commercial agency reports the average fall in the neces saries of life at 18 er cent. Dun's re port ttould have lieen a good thing to incorporate into the republican plat--form. - Jav Gould is now so near The Dalles ! ' that we should feel slighted if he doesn't come on and take a look at us. Satur day was spent fishing at Pagena, near the mouth of the Shoshone, with John -31. Thurston, general counsel for the Union Pacific. He is improving daily, - smd will remain for some time. George tiould and bis party 'arrived at Shoshone -falls about noon of the same day. !lt is understood that in neither of thejTHE DALLES, "two letters vecently addressed to Adiai ; K. Stevenson did Mr, Cleveland apply to him the sobriquet of "offensive parti san." This sobriquet was originally ap plied by Cleveland to Stevenson while i the latter was decapitating 00,000 re- j publican postmasters during the mug wump interregnum of $1884-88. "AmoiiK those persons selected with care for physical soundness and sobriety j . cthe -death rate is more profoundly af- j .fected by the use of intoxicating drinks than from any other cause apart from --heredity.," is the statement of the presir dent of -one of the oldest life insurance -companies ia England. .ZMajor James Lotan the newly appoint- j , ed collector of customs, will probably .assume ,tbe duties of office this week. .Acting Collector L. A. Pike is now clos ing up- accounts-, and by the time: Mr. Lotau is ready t hp office will tie in a con dition to step into it. Lithographic portraits of , AVhkelaw Keid, liarelootod and in overalls, are be ing circulatwl broadenat through south ern Illinois nod. have already Inaugur ated a republican renaissance which threatens to set the watermelon patches Afire with enthusiasm. I .Congressman Poet, of Illinois, has in troduced a bill in favor of a national highway commission in the interest of good roads. - It is better late than never, perhaps that this subject le brought up in congress.' i ' The steamer Thomas L.- Nixon has been purchased by- the , Great' Northern and will be used as a transfer boat at Wenoehee, across the Columbia, ' until the bridge is finished. r; .-; - The Oregon legislative assembly will meet the next session in January J8U3. WcaoexrtBso ' At tJte head of all blood-purifiers is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. But it's different from all of them. What ever is claimed for this, it's guaran teed to do. The money is refunded in every case where it "fails to bene fit or cure. It's because it ia differ ent that it can be sold so. All diseases originating from a torpid liver or impure blood yield to it.' It 'cleanses and purifies the system, freeing it from all manner of blood poisons, no matter from what cause they have arisen.' ' For Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Scrofula, Salt -rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, or any , blood taint or disorder, it is an unequaled remedy. Nothing else can take its 'place. - ' . ' i 'Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol to inebriate, and no syrup or -sugar to derange digestion. It's a concentrated vegetable ex tract ; put up . in large bottles ; pleasant to the taste, and equally good for adults or children ; : worlca equally well all the year round. Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, - TFI K DALLES, - OREGON. Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar- anteed. J. L. FISHER. W. J. MONTAGUE. 1 . 11 ITI II, 'J . , PKOl'lUKTOKS OF THE ' . Klite Shavinsr Parlors Bath Rooms. SECOND STREET. THE DALLES, 0E. Gentlemen will find THE ELITE fully up- to the times in every respect. Hair Cutting in the best -manner, in everv style of the art. Smooth Shaving and Perfect Baths Hours: Everv-day and evening dnr I ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve j nings after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun I days from 7 a. in. to 12 o'clock noon. CIIAS. STU1ILING. OWEN WILLIAMS. Stubling i Williams. The Germania, SECOND ST. i OREGON Dealers in Wines, Liquor! and Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room. The Dalles, Oregon. 'Northwest corner of - Second and Court Streets. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. , This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been repapered and . repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. - Ka.tes reasonable. - A good restaurant attached to the house. Free bus to. and from all trains. " C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. . S. BCHKNCK, President. . M. BliU Cashier. Ffet Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight , Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly ' . remiwea on oay ox couecwon. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port- - - -- - .."'i land.. . -., . ' ' DIRBOTOKS. 7 D. P. Thompson. ' Jso. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Gbo. A. Liebb. H. M. Bsall. A A'ew Kind of Insurance.' ' ' For twenty-five cents you' can- insure vonrself and" family against any bad re sults from an attack of bowel -complaint daring the summer. '-. One- or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic,T Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure any ordi nary case. It never fails and is pleasant and' safe to take. No family can afford to be without it. For sale, at 25. and 50 cents per bottle by Blakeley & Hough, ton, druggists. " d&w A rare opportunity for the ladies "is now afforded by Mrs. Philips, who is of fering millinery at one third Jess,, as she has decided to retire from the business. See advertisement. - ' f i (U8dtf NOTICE. All Dalles Citv warrants registered prior to October 7, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. Dated July 7th,-1892; L. ROBDKN, tf. . Treas. Dalles City. COLUMBIA ICE CO 104- Second Street, ICE! ICE! ICET! '. Having over 1000 tons of ice on band, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be delivered through the summer.- Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the eDtire season without advance - ix price, and may depend that we have nothing tout ' , PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE Cut from mountain water ; no slough of slush ponds. - . Leave orders at the Columbia Candy Factory, 104 Second street, or Ice Wagon . i " - W. S. CRAM. Manager. FRUIT JARS. ' JELLY GLASSES. ' WHULES.UK ok ketail Crockery and G-lassware, , Platedware, Cutlery. Lamps, 1 Toys and Notions, Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Stationery, Etc Agent for NEW HOME and WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Needles and attachments for all machines. Cigars ,xxcL 37o"bacop. ' IS Second St L. RORDEN & CO., g Second St. DID YOU KlNOiAT IX WE ARE-AGENTS FOR; THE ' ; Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves ami Ranges, Jemell's Stoves and Ranges, Universal Stoves and Ranges. We are also agents for the Celebrated Boynton Fnaee. ' 1 ; flmmanition and Loaded Shells, Ete. - SflHlTfiV PIiUOlBlflG FL SPECIALITY. MAIBR, & BENTON GHBLER"1EBSTER PIANOS AND ORGANS Sold on Easy Payments. Musical Instruments and Music. Booksellers and Stationers. E. Jacobsen St Co., 162 SECOND STREET. S K IBBE OF. TAT. Ii. STJKIBSS. 3Propr. PAUL KREFT & CO., FAIN FS, OILS AND GLASS, ' ' ' And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in : JTTlcUcal 'Painters and Paper the most skilled, workmen odd ployed. chemical combination or soap mixture. orders promptly attended to. Store and Paint Shop corner Third and The Dalles, Portland. Astoria Jiav.Co. . . SOU 1-1 1 LIXiE. - J. r , - '- TJiittrf uxther notice the Regnlator will make trips to the Cascades and, return on-Thursdays and Sundays, : leaving The Dalles at 7 a. m. Excursion ' rates. jiO cents -for the round trip. j j : o-23tf - FOR GHURCHES. Superior in tune to Pipe Organs, easier played and cheaper,' are the ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. Fioyfl wm, , ; ." -j ' y- , ..- ' ; r- S accessor, to C. K. Dunham. ' Druggists and Chemists, Pure Drills M Meflicijies! Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a .Specially. - ' : , -: Night' Druggists always in Attendance. Cor.' Second and Uniorv Sts.7 THE DALLES, OREGON.'- STAGY SHOttlN, -DEALER IS- Watches,1 Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kind of repairing a specialty, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Cull and see nis xtoclc of clocks before you leave an order elsewhere The' Dalles, Or. HOTL, a --3 ... Hangers None but jthe beet brands of th Agents for Masury: IaqnioVPiuiitart o A tiret class article m all colors. t- All -r . ..-i . Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon OUR CANDIDATES. . - . - - - -. V BENJ. UARRISON. V The Lit ate h Stfing Sprii?6 ,aid Summer- , '"; ' : . - "I3ut u-orrfs ar thinRS, tffid a sftall ! "But vcortlt are things, Follinc. like den-.' onou Tliat which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think. ' WE TltrST TO IXT4BE8T. ANl.Dft lot ,OOD f f ,5 " &uy Our Shoes -1- THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO- ? '" SOLE 'AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. ' THE EU ROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrolted Bnlldinir ncit poor to Coart !. ' ' 6 ' Handsomely FnrnisM - fiooms to Rent liy the Day, WeeX or Monti. ; . Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. ''. ' 111 111! i '; i"-'".S- " TRANSIENT? FATBONAGE SOLICITED. Good ; Simple Rooms for Commercial Men. : ;ir - ; ; . H. FRHSEH, Prop. H. C. NlfeLSSN Glothier BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, . - carexxtg ; Jevutm l wTi in ar o-oods, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, " THE DALLES, OREGON. 1IEW SPRIilG iD COMPLETE IN EVERY: DEPARTMENT- - Bqots: and p Sfiqes, ; Full Assortment of the Leading Aianufacturers-. ... Cash Buyers mill save money ; by : examining r poijstpck - and prices befere.parehasing elsewhere ' WIVI. BUTLER & CO., -DEALERS IN- Buiidiogi fcrialdffiup ahdOress&U : Lumbfer; Lime. 'Plaster, Hair and Cement; A liberal discount to the trade jn all Jines handled: by us. ;. - . ' iVmMVn ' -i!- fC-10;" JEFFERSON STREET, between Second Washington SI! U ATED AT THE -' . Destined to t the Best Manufacturing Center in .the Inland Empire. For Fyrther. Information Call fc the Offloovof Interstate 0. t TAYIOE: WD'ala Dr.' ' ' WHITELAW ItEJD, is jRLluiays Out I -; t.:v.1' tttid a sftull drop of ink, i . r a tbouirht. n -MAKCFACTCSED BY r- ..'. ,-. .. x- . . " f WALTER H. TENNYiiJco V BOSTON. . " '- ' , and Tailor, iOQBBS SO 1MB. H. Merbrinig. and Railroad. THE DALLES, OR Washingto 7 HEAD OF NAVIGATION. j Best;Sel)lng PrppeKQ"w ;the Reason ir theiloth-r .west. .'" "v ' '; -; " - ilDvestment Go., : 72 Waslinaton. St, Porflani. Or.