The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 20, 1892, Image 3

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    C . F : "STE PHE ITS,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kntercd a the Postofllce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cent per line for first insertion, and ft Outs
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special ratui for long time notices.
All local notices received later than ii o'clock
will appear tie foUapiiig day.
JULY 20, 1892
Dr. Tucker returned from a trip today.
Troops are preparing to leave Home
stead. Dr. Siddall will lie absent about three
The miners union in Cojur d'Alene is
a thing of the past.
The Dalles ltoyal Arch Chapter meet
this evening in Masonic hall.
B. of L. F.- Division, No. 107, meet
this evening in K. of P. hall.
J. D. Whitten and J. W. Kussell, of
Kingsley, are registered at the Umatilla.
Andy Lyle left for Cross Keys this
morning. The only passenger on the
Lippincotts, Cosmopolitan, and other
leading magazines, at the Postoffice book
A nice new sidewalk invites you to
the Regulator wharf today. No more
-dust in the path.
At the stand of .Strutting & Williams
may be seen a' beautiful pair of white
'Welsh-mountain goat heads.
-Mr. "and Mrs. H. P. Hanson, of Port
land, are at the Umatilla. Mr. Hanson
"thinks of locating in The Dalles.
Don't forget the social to be given by
the Good Templars at their hall over
Pease & Mays' tonight. Everybody is
cordially invited.
Elza Coon, who is in the county jail
on a charge of uttering counterfeit coin,
has part of the periphernalia of an out
fit for casting the queer.
The Chinese of this city have gone
into the business of producing vegetable
forks. Geo. McKinney left one at this
office today, four-tined, of the onion va--riety.
There was a long procession of wind
passtd through The Dalles yesterday.
It took it fqpr hours to pass the Uma
tilla house corner, traveling" at the rate
of steen miles an hour. '
The coroners jury empaoneled in the
post mortem case met last evening pur
suant to adjournment, but as no returns
'had been received from the chemist, ad
journed until Friday next.
Quite a delegation from Moro were
registered at the Umatilla last night.
Amongst them were J. A.. West and
wife, Jas. Frazer and wife, J. J. Thomp
son, T. M. Anderson and W. II. Moore.
. Mrs. Carter. wif of Hon. Thomnn TT
Carter, chairman of the national repub
lictirw'minittte, was once a young lady
ot 1?he Dalles. She accompanied her
Mrs. Carter.
Five land patents have been filed for
record with the county clerk the past
.two days.' They warrant landtf to H.
Kelley, of Wapinitia, Alva P, Jones,
Jdum Lohr, John Nachler, and Martin
.Beeder, of Bake Oven.
Mr, Hugh Gourlay is in today from
his Tygh ridge farm. He says the
farmers out there, for a scope of ten miles
-square have no kick coming on ithe score
of -crops. That the grain is of first-class
Aj.qalityr afad up to the i average . ' ' . ."
A Full Line of the
Examine our
It shows )ow all
As yet no quaranine has been es
tablished at Portland against small pox,
but this will be done should cases begin
to arrive either bv boat or train.
An attempt will be made to ascend
Mt. Rainier this week, when the advisa
bility of establishing a weather station
on the summit will be determined.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hadley, recently
of Aransas Pass, Texas, are visiting Mrs.
Hadley's mother, Mrs. I.. Clark. They
are going to make their future home in
Sissons, California, where Mr. Hadley
intends to engage in the mercantile
business. , i
The photo of a magnificent salmon
recently to have been taken by Herren,
hut he is no small fly ; was not taken,
because one of the two gentlemen who
were to appear in the picture, with the
salmon on a bar between them, objected.
He said his friends might take him for a
A San Francisco house, writing for in
formation ( without a stamp for reply, of
course) concerning the whereabouts of a
recent employe of the writer, isrespect
fully referred to the registers of the
Pacific Northwest penitentiaries. They
ought to be able to find him in souse one
of these, if justice holds its own.
Last week one day the express delivery
wagon stopped at the residence of Mr.
Norman and left a package labeled Bird.
As Norman had the promise of a rare
bird from a friend who had' gone ' east
he thought the feathered songster had
arrived. So it had, but it don't sing
it was a big fat frog.
Eugene city has a queer law. Listen
to this notice by the city marshal : "No
tice is hereby given to all property hold
ers that they are required to cnt all
thistles on their property, and in the
streets adjoining, immediately. If they
neglect so to do, the thistles will be cut
by the marshal, at the expense of such
property holders."
Secretary J. A. Armstrong, of the
Moro meeting of the peoples partv, held
on the ICth, sent us a set of resolutions,
one of which "denounces the laws of
any state of this union that permits
corporations to employ Pinkerton forces
to butcher men who labor for bread in
mills and mines." Most anybody, of
any party, would stand in with- such a
proposition as that.
; Mayor Mays arrived in the city yesi
terday from his Antelope farm. He
says the Saturday -shower spread out
over an expanse of at least .100 miles.
He has a header at work in a barlev
tract near Dufur which will thresh from
thirty to thirty-five bushels per acre
safely, that three weeks ago was pro
nounced actually ot eo little value that
it was hardly considered fit for hay.
The highest hills are our most produc
tive lands this year.
It is said that Wasson, the Polk county
farmer, who lost his orchard by an ap
plication of kerosene is alone to blame
for it,. He took the recipe literally, like
the fellow who swallowed the leach.. He
was told to apply it. He simply swal
lowed it. Was so n read the recommen
dation to use kerosene to destroy borers,
and accordingly procured a small syringe
and loaded it up with . the inflamable
fluid, injecting a small quantity into the
opening made by borers in the roots;
having first dug away the earth to ex
pose the roots. He has abundant proofs
that the borers are dead in 522 peach
and prune trees, chiefly prunes, but un
fortunately the 522 trees are all dead,
dried and shriveled up.
School Shoes.,
Shoes i
The Necessity of the Times Demand That
I'rompt Measures be Taken.
The last j-ears crop of wheat in the
Inland Empire has been nearly all" dis
posed of. But few lots are now held for
sale. The .last lot purchased changed
hands at 64 cents, which is equivalent
to 77 cents in Portland. In the Willam
ette valley, between Portland and Har
rishurg, there is still held probably 250,
000 bushels. Of this, 175,000 bushels in
the hands of half a dozen persons. . The
lot could be bought up for 84 cents per
bushel, but dealers are offeriug only 78
cents'. Some desire is expressed to get
the grain moved, to make room for the
new crop, but millers have a large stock
on hand, and are not anxious to invest.
As showing how the farmers in the In
land Empire are handicapped, for want
of an open river, we have been at con
siderable trouble to ascertain the differ
ence against them in the matter of trans
portation. Dnluth is 1519 miles from
New York 'city by way of the lakes and
the Erie canal . The Dalles has a straight
river stretch, with the cascade locks and
canal open, of but 188 miles to . the sea
port of Oregon Astoria. But onr grain
is carried to Portland, 88 miles by rail,
at a cost of 12J cents per bushel. There
it is stored until convenient to ship it,
or lighter :to Astoria for shipment ; when
another tariff is taxed Upon it. With
the river open at the cascades, many
vessels would come to The Dalles and
load here direct for Liverpool. It is a
fact that wheat is carried from Dulnth
to Liverpool by water, at 2 cents less
per bushel, than The Dalles shipper
pays by railroad to Portland. Here
are the actual and indisputable facts.
Preserve them for future reference.
Miles. Kate.
1025 3J4'c
494 . 2U.C
Duluth to Buffalo.
Buffalo to X. Y. via canal
instance and rate
New York to Liverpool
Distance and rate
Rate from Dalles to Portland.
5 c
..4505 10iC
.. S8- VJe
Excess against the Wasco farmer. 2c
A gentlemen who has carefully in
quired into this subject, taking one year
with another, estimates that since the
farming interest of the Inland Empire
has taken precedence farmers have been
needlessly taxed an amount on wheat
alone fully equal -to the total cost of
making the Columbia river open and
free to craft of every class, to compete
for the carrying trade of the country.
How much longer ' -' ' ' '
.Must the .people submit
To this system of extortion? '
Capt. J. W. Lewis shows that in Was
co, Sherman Gilliam, Morrow, Grant
and Cook counties there are 4,327,370
acres surveyed, and 371,800 acres un
surveyed lands. ' A total of 5,669,179,
acres, available to settlement. Last
year the Inland Empire shipped 25,000,
000 bushels of wheat alone, in addition
to Other cereals. There were also ex
ported from the river in the vicinity of
this improvement ; over 16,000,000 lbs.
of wool, together with ,a" great, many
other productions in proportion. To em
phasize this matter, let it be understood
that there is not a bushel of grain ; nor
a pound of wool ; nor any other pro
duction "for"' shipment ' from the
Inland Empire; which, does not
have to pay its proportionate in
crease to the above figures as the
distance increases beyond The Dalles.
It is therefore plain to be seen that it fs
high time the people were awakened to
a senseoi tDe necessity of timely action,
that this improvement may; not ,be de
layed one hour by the influence of any
one man or combination of men. It is
of much greater importance to the
people ot .bastern Oregon and W ashing
; ton than the election of a president.
tcP Qlothing
Basta, 8ho. Hats. Ztc.
FanciJ joodg, flotion,
' ' Etc., ' Etc.,' . Etc. . '
13-1 Second St., next to Dalles National
Bank, Dalles City, Oregon.- : -
Canflies, Ffniis, Hnts, Soda Water,
" Ice Cream, Toliaccd and Cigars.
V 1 ... . . '
First Class Syrups for Saloons and
Soda Fountains, Ete.
Second Street, Next door to Wingate's Hull
Are You Going Camping?
If so buy your outfit from John
Booth, the grocer, who makes , a
specialty of putting up fine appetizing
A fine line of lunch and picnic
.roofls rust received. '
JOHN BOOTH, TheGrocer,
62-Second Street,
Held to Answer.
A man who gave , the name of Elza
Coon, "formerly from Michigan," was
brought from Linn county yesterday by
Deputy Sheriff J. H. Phirman, charged
with passing a bogus 20 on" Mr. Mosier
last fall. He two and companions had
stopped at Mosier's over night, and after
breakfast ' the next day tendered the
counterfeit coin and received change in
exchange for it to the amount of abowt
$18. Mr. Mosier has kept his eyes and
ears open, to detect the fellow ever since.
Last week he heard of him at a point
near Spicer. - He was caught and re
turned as above noted. This afternoon
Justice Schutz gave him . a hearing, and
he was held to answer before the grand
jury. . .
I'vgsen' Orjn AdyerMeeineBt.
The Chbo.nici. suggests the above
name for the new seedling gooseberries
on exhibition at the N. P. R. ticket office,
in Portland. It is said they are of such
magnificent proportion as to make even
a web-foot inquire what they are. The
berries are as large as plums and of ex
cellent flavor. They were grown on the
trial grounds of F. L. Posson & Son, on
east side. This firm has adopted a novel
way to name and advertise this berry.
They promise to give $50 to the person
who shall suggest the best name for it,
award to be made bv a committee of
three prominent citizens. Samples of
the berries may be had at Possou's seed
store; also blanks to fill out with name,
etc. Just fill out a blank for The Chron
icle. Messrs. Posson,-and send up a
check for the name.
Knlogy on Archbishop lritland.
New York, July 20. The pope, re
ceiving the pupils of the 1 propaganda,
delivered an animated eulogy on Arch
bishop Ireland yesterday, praising his
many virtues, his vigor as a thinker and
energy in action. The archbishop he
said, was a true republican and a genu
ine democrat, and since "leaving Rome
had done good work for the church in
Paris. His remarks were received with
enthusiasm-by the pupils. They have
made a profound impression as showing
the archbishop has the confidence of the
holy father.
.A lively runaway occurred at Hood
River this forenoon. . A team attached
to a buggy became frightened at a kite.
They left without previous warning. The
driver jumped and let all strings go. In
their mad flight 'the buggy struck the
corner of a building . Mrs. Howlett and
a little-. child who -were in .the; buggy
were 'here thrown out, - Fortunately
neither of them were hurt. ' The buggy
was strewn all over the town.
There ia certainly no baking powder
so well known and generally used as the
Royal. Its perfect purity, as well as its
superiority in leavening power, arc
matters of fact no longer disputed by
honest dealers or makers of other
brands. Its virtues are so well known
to every housekeeper that the slanders
of the dishonest inakers of the , cheaper
goods fail to touch it,
Mr. W, M, Terrv, who has been in the
drug business at "Elkton,'," Ky.; for the
past twelw years,, says : "Chamber
lain's Cough- Remedy gives better satis
faction than any other cough medicine I
have ever sold." There is good reason
for this. No other will cure a- cold so
quickly ; no other is so certain a pre
ventive and' cure for croup ; no other
affords so much relief in cases of whoop
ing cough. For sale by Blakeley .
Houghton,. druggists; . d&w :
A farmers team ran away in the east
end this forenoon, wrecking-things gen
eral! v.
". ' .' Ev'erj-body teems to be complaining of
But if yoa only stop and see the fine line '
'of Gents' . Furnishing Goods and Hats of
You will find that he can save you con
siderable money.
Give him a call and be "convinced.
.109 Second Street, - The Dalles, Or.
; 5 c 0&y ) entire stock will be
closed oil tat the above figure.
Practical Shoemakers and Dealers in'
BO OTS and s H 6 ES
2X4 Seoond Street.
I Only Exclusive Boot 'and ' Swe
j -. All Kinds,
Queer world! Queer people! Here
are men and women by thousands suf
fering from all sorts of diseases, bearing
all manners of pain, spending their all
on physicians and "getting no better,
but rather worse," when right at hand
here's a remedy which says it can help
them because it's helped thousands like
them. "Another patent-medicine ad
vertisement," you say. Yee--but; not of
the ordinary sort. The medicine is Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and
it's different from the ordinary-nostrums
in this: . It.dpes what it claims to 'do,
or if cof you nothing! The way is this:
Yon pay your druggist $1.00 for a. bottle.
You read the directions, and yon follow
them. "You get better, or you don't.
If you do, you buy another bottle, and
perhaps another. If you don't get bet-
ter, you gel your molley back. And the
j queer thing is that so many people are
willing to-be sick when the remedy s so
near at hand.
Having on hand a large supply of ice
we are prepared to furnish our custom
ers with ice in any quantity at a reason
able rate. We guarantee we will supply
the demand without advancing prices
throughout the season. Leave orders at
C. F. Lauer's store, Second street.
5-2tf Catbs & Aixisox.
Steamer Regulator Notice.
On account of needed repairs the
Regulator will not make a trip on Sun
day July 25th.
7-18d6t W. C. Allaway, Agent.
City taxes for 1892 are now due and
payable within sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned.' "
L. Rohdkx, Citv Treasurer.
Dallks City, July 6th, 1892.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de
pended upon, it is" pleasant - to take .and
will cure cramp, cholera morbus, dyieh-'
tery and diarrhoea in their worst forms.
Every family should be provided with
it. 25 and 50 cent -bottles for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. d&w
T. A. Van Norden, the expert watch
repairet at No. 106 Second street, The
Dalles, appears to have a happy Knack
for holding the confidence of his patrons.
The secret, of course, is the usual one
skill in repairing even the most compli
cated watches. 7-13-1 m
County Treasurer's Notice.
AH county warrants registered prior
to March 13, 1889, will be paid if pre
sented at my office-, corner Third and
Washington streets. Interest ceases on
and after this date.
The Dalles, July 16, 1892.
William Miciikll, .
" 7.18tf - - Treasurer-Wasco' County, Or.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the law
partnership heretofore existing between
E. B. Dufur, George Watkins and Frank
Menefee, under the firm name and style
of Dufur. Watkins & Menefee is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. George
Watkins retiring from the . firm. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said firm will please call at once and pay
the same to Frank Menefee, and all per
sons having claims against said firm will
present the same to iiim for payment.
Business will be continued at the old of
fice, under the . firm name of Dufur &
Menefee. . E. B. Dcrvn.
Geokge Watklxs.
. Frank Mkkkfxe.
Dated this 25th dav of June, 1892.
6.25d4w " -
- Instantaneous Portnutfl. . Chitpman
Block, The Dalle, Oregon. " .
House in the City.
of Footwear Always on Hand.
The Ice Wagon.
The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on
the streets every morning from 6 to 8
o'clock. Any orders for ice left with
Will Vanbibber's express or at the store"
of Chas. Lauer' will ' be promptly at
tended to. . . Cates & Allison.
ft TT T nA t r TT ""T"V I t f
ampDen tiros, t-roprs
isuccessors to W. s. craa.
Manufacturers of the finest French and
Home Made , -
Et of Portland: .
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of tiiese goods at Wboicaala
or Retail . , . '
In Kvery Style.
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
Mao Jeweler.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
1 n8 Second St.. The Dalles. Or.
' Notice is hereby riven, that by authority of
Ordinance No. 255, which msaed the Common
Council of Dalles City, June oOth, 1392, entitled
"An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provide
for the sale of certain lota belonging to Dalles
Citv," I will on Tuesday the 16th day of August,
1892, sell at public auction to the highest bidder,
ail -ef the following described lots and pprta of
lota situated iu (rates Addition to Dalles City,
Seventy feet off from the south side of Lot No.
1. Block 18: Seventy ieet off from south side ot
Lot No. 2, Block No. 18; the south one-half of
Lots No. 3, 4, 5 and 6. In -Block No. IS; Lota Nos.
2, J, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block No. 19; and
lots Noe. 7, 8, 11 and 12, in Block No. 14 -
The appraised value of said lots and for less
than which they will not be sold is fixed as
follows, to-wit: ,
70 t'tet oft" the south end of Lot No. 1, in
Block No. 18. S123.00
70 feet off the south end of Lot No. 2, in j
Block No. 18 - 12S.W
The south one half of Lot No. 3, in Block
No. IS - 100.00
The south one-half of Lot No. 4, in Block
No. W , 100-00
The south one-half of Lot No. S, in Block
No. 18 loo.eo
The south one-half of Lot No. 6,ln- Block
No. 18 ... .-"....'....... 10O.0B
Lots numbered 2, S, 4. 5, G, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in
Block No. 19, and Lots numbered 7, K '
11 and 12, in Block No. 14, each ap- ,
praised at ........ MOW
. Kach of said lota will bo sold upon the lot,
respectively, and none of tbera shall -be sold for
a less sum than the value as above stated. .
One-third of the price bid on any of said lots
shall be paid in cash at time of sale, one-third
on or before one year from date of sale, and one
third on or before two years from-, date of sale,
with interest at the rate of tea per cent, per
annum upon deferred payments, payable
annually. .
The sale will begin with the first lot herein
above mentioned at ten .o'clock a. in. August 16,
192, and continue with each lot in the order m
herein named until all of said lots shall be sold.
Dated this 11th day of July, 1892. -
, FRANK MKNEFEE, -7.13-9-13w-d.
: . Recorder of Dalles City.