The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TBI DALLES OREGON MONDAY JULY IS. 1892 - It you want the news, You want The Ch koxiclk. If you are not a subscriber, please read his and hand in vour name. If yoa want a situation advertise in - Tub Chronicle. If you want to rent a house, advertise in The Chronicle. ICE! ICE ! ICE1 Having on hand a largo supply of ice we are prepared to furnish our custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply the demand without advancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C. F. Laner's store, Second street. 5-2tf Gates & Allison. A good gardener and farmer who well understands everything of the kind. A good head man. Wants a place to work. Apply at this office. fi.25dtf FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERALBANKING BUE1NE8H Letters of Credit ieeued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on ew York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - Z. F. Moody Vice-President, - - Charles Hilton Cashier, - - '- - M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on HEW YORK,.. SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. The Dalles Gigaf : Factory PIRST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. fT( A TJOot the Best Brands V-LJT-:jlXjIO manufactured, and orders from all parte of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. Ho. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles, Or. ' This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. Butts, long a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of Sieep Herder's Delight and Irish Disturbance. In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give the old man a call and you will come again. SAN FRANCISCO BEEF HALL. Second Street, ..- The Dalles, Oregon. FRED LEMKE, Propr. Visitors to the San Francisco Beer Hall will find the best of everything, and are sure to call gain. Choice domestic and imported Cigars, Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. ESTABLISHED 4i CAVFAT& Trade Marks- W5? Copyright fc W ffv Attention to eases r)ecUd la other . Mnda, (vlao to lntorfermces, appeals, reiwma, trado- marcs, tho preparation of opinion as to i&frlngemsvt, and Tlirtjty of pntnu, and tho prosecetion sis . dsfenss of Kite fop hifringcicent. Oar book of isstno tUm, tonus, references, ste., sentfno. taso IsuoTHKlLS.KquitableBnndlne. ' IOOH F Ht WMHtilufcton. I. C. 4t?Snl thro stamps for postago on handsonw Wtt . trstvd toooUst, Inventive Progress," poWlshsr pric xa MDit, aJ oar qaarto-osntonnial paaiphlot tor is vontors. nuwafitctarers and natsnisss. JOHN PASHEK, t - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, j Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest ; styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Hepaifing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. City Wagon Shop, Second St, opposite Hood's Stable, TBE DALLES, A. SANDROCK, Prop. First class Carriage' and Wagon mak ing. General repairing to order, in a satisfactory- manner, at reasonable prices. Give me a call. A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which be often at Low Figures. SPEGIfllt :-: PAIGES to Cash. Buyers. Highest Cash Prices for Eis anil other Miice. 170 SECOND STREET. ON SALE OMAHA Kansas City, St. Paul, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL POINTS East, North and South LEAVE THE DALLES: Xo. 7, west bound 4:10 p. ni. Xo. i, " " 3:05 a. in. Xo. 2, east bound 11:55 p. in. No. 8, " 1 :25 p. m. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS, and DINERS. Steamers from PORTLAND to SAN FRANCISCO EVERY FOUR DAYS. TICKETS!? EUROPE For rates and general information call on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent. W. II. HURLBURT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., !1 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. From TESJHlNJUt op INTERIOR Points THE RKILROKD Is the line to take TO ALL IMS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Vcstibuled Trains every day in the year to p. P&ul and Chicago . NO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. Pull man Drawing Room Sleepers of latest equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Best that can be constructed, and in which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, connecting with all lines, affording direct and uninterrupted service. -. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through any agent of the road THROUGH TICKETS points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket office of the company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent D. P. d; A. Nav. Co., Regulator office. The Dalles, Or.-, or A. D. CHARLTON, Ass t. General Pnsser ger Agt,, Portland, Ogn. Hp WTiCtt 1 J ntoti 1 11 to luilitiii F ;i i ; 1 1 1 1 ; PROFESSIONAL CABDS DR. ELIZA A. INGAI.LB, PifrsiciAit, Sur geon and Oculikt. Office:! Rooms 40 and 47 Chunmun Block. I I ll. VJ. .'I' , I -n-TT!-Nrrr,:r3-n ' Graduate of tht: University of Michigan. Suc cessor to Dr. Tucker. Oflice over, Ftenchs' Bank, The Dalles, Or. - ,j ' 7i M. SALYER, Orvu. Ekgirebrinq, Survey- m ing, and Architicturc The Dalles, Or. TF. SKEDAKER, D. I. S., nas located per . raancntly in The Dalles, and ofl'ers his cr vices to the public in nted of dentistry. Office in Chapman building, Second street, room 12, over The Dalles National bank. . S7 Chapman block. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Kbixow op Tbikitt Medical College, and member of the Col lege of 1'hs'sieians and Burgeons, Ontario, Phy niclan and Burgeon. Office; rooms S and 4 Chap man block. Residenoe: Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. , DR. 0. D. DO AN rHYSICIAH AND 'lis qkon. ' Offica: rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one block south of Comrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to & and 7 to s P.M. . . . DrllDPALL Dektist. Gas given for the vaintass extraction of teeth. Also teeth wt on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of he Golden Tooth, Second street. S.B.SCFBB. O SO. ATKINS. rUKX UKIFII. DTJFTJR, W ATKINS & MENEFEB ATTOB-kivmt-law Room No. 43. over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington 6treet The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WIl80N-AnoM.T-it-iiw Booms 82 and 63, New Vogt Block. Second Street. The Dalles, Oregon. . 4 8. BENNETT, ATTORNE V-AT-LAW. Of V tioe tn Bvhanuo'a building, up stairs. The UUes, Oregon. F. f. MATS. B. 8. BUKTIKOTON H.S.WILSON. AY6. HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attor sets-at-law. Offices, French's block over h irst Maaonal BanK, The Danes. Oregon. SOC1KTIKS. A SBEMBLY NO. 4827. K. OF L. Meets in K. 1. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes days of each month at 7 :30 p. m. w ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets nrst ana tmra Monaay oi each montn ac 7 TALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. U Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday oi eacn montn ai vr. m. -ICODERN WOODMEK OF THE WORLD. 1U ML Hood CampNo.aS.JieetsTuesdayeven ing of each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:30 T. u. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, comer Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. H. Clough, Sec' v. H. A. Bills.N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Bchannols building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited. W. 8. Ckak. . D. W.VaubE, K. of R. and 8. C. C WOMEN'S CHRIBTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday alternoou at 3 o'clock at tbe reading room. All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. Meets at K. f P. Hall, Corner Secoud and Court Streets, Thursday .evenings at 7:30. Gkorge (j'IBONR, W. 8 Mtbes, Financier. If. W. TAB. NE8MITH POST, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets every Saturday at 7:30 r. M., in the K. of P. HalL OF I E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in the K. of P. Hall. C" ESANG VEREIN Meets every J. evening in tbe K. of P. Hall. Sunday BOF L. F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the . K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month, st 7:3o r. m. THE CHURCHES. ST. J-ETER8 CHURCH Rev. Father Bboks gkest Pastor." Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. M. High Mass at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching in the Y. M. C. A. rooms every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school immediately after morning service J. A. Orchard, pastor. ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Sutclifte Rector. Services every Sunday at 11 a. x. and 7 :S0 r. M. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:30 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay lor, Pastor. Morning services every Sab bath at tbe academy at 11 a. m. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting Friday evening at FastorB resi dence. Union services in the court house at 7 P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. Cobtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. if. and 7 r. X. Sunday School after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. Beats free. ME. CHURCH Rev. A. C. Spbnceb, pastor. Services every Sunday morning. Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock p. x. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people to all. YOUR flTTEJiTIOH Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass; Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. sn-te tbe Pi&est Line of Picture JQouldiiigs To be fooiKj In the City. 72 LUashington Street. Tk Books of 1891. The last number of Tbo PablisherB Circular gives tbe usual anaiyUo table of books poblished in England daring 1891. Tbe grand total is 5,706, made np of 4,429 U9W books and 1,277 new editions. These figures show a ' slight decrease on those of the previous year, a larger decrease on those of 1SS9, and a very considerable decrease when com pared with the grand total of 1888, which was 6,591. There has been no material variation of recent years in the propor tion of the several classes, except that novels are still growing steadily. Since 1880 the total number of novels (new and old) published in a year has increased from 580 to 1.216, or more than twofold, and miscellaneous (including pamphlets) has increased from 333 to 731, again more than twofold. On the other hand, arts, sciences and illustrated works have decreased from 479 to only 116, or less than one-fourth; and theology has decreased from 975 to 627. The annual output of poetry seems to remain constant at between 100, and 170' volumes; while' the new editions of old poetry, which come into competition with contemporary verse, -also remain pretty constant between 40 and TO vol umes. London Academy. . - Tha Poatsts Stamp Hearty AS fesa Old. The postage stamp will be fifty-two years old in May. Its inventor was a printer, James 'Chalmers, of Dundee, Scotland, who died in 1853.' Rngland, fifty-two yean ago, introduced the new system of prepaying letter postage, and according to a decree of Dec. 21, 1889, issued the first stamps, which were to be put before the publia on May S of the following year. A year later they were introduced in the United States and Switzerland, and within three years had become common in Bavaria, Belgium and France. Charleston 'News and Courier. ' The Olrfeitt Voter. Nathaniel Laird cast bis - eighty- seventh vote at Oswego, N. Y., Tues day, Nov.' 2. He was bom 109 yean ago in Iceland and came to this coon- try at the age of fifteen. His wife is still living at the age of seventy-nine, but they have no living children. Exchange- ' ' Just 24. In just 24 hours J. v. 8. relieve constipation and sick headaches. After it gets the system under control an occasional dose prevents return. We refer by permission to W. H. Marshall, Bruns wick House, a F.; Geo. A. Werner, 631 California St., 8. F.; Mrs. C. Melvln, 138 Kearny St., & F.. and many others who have. found relief from constipation and sick headaches. G.W.Vincent, of 6 Terrenee Court, S. F. writes: "1 am 60 rears of age and bare been troubled with constipation for 25 years. I was recently induced to try Joy's Vegetable Sanaparilla. I recognized in It at once an herb that the Mexicans used to give us In the early 60's for bowel trombles. (I came to California In 1SS9,) and I knew it would help me and it has. ,For the first time in years I can sleep well and my system is regular and in splendid condition. Th e old M exican herbs in this remedy are a certain cure in constipation and bowel troubles." Ask for Joy a Vegetable w Sarsaparilla For Sale by SNIPES & K1NERSLY THE DALLES. OREGON. GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, (Sail &j $a& me Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, Second et.. The Dalles Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa. A NEW UndertaJdng Establishment! PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IN- Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust onr prices will be low accordingly. . . - - Remember onr place on Second street, next to Moodv's bank. G.W. Johnston & Son. Carpenters anil Builders, Shop at No. 112 First Street. All Job Work promptly . attended to and estimates given on all wood work. The Man in the Moon would be happier if he could htve a supply BlackwelFs Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco . For over twenty -five years the standard smoking tobacco of the world. 1 To-day More Popular than Ever. To have a good smoke anytime and everytime it is only necessary to get Bull Durham. It is all good and always good. - BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM. N. C. jNfeu Qolumbia . jotel, THE DAT.T.ES, OREGON". Best Dollar a Day First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. D: BUN N Pipe Won Till nepaiis. ancf (oofuig MAINS TAPPED Shop on Third Street, next door wes of Young & Kuss' Blacksmith Shop. , : DEALERS IN : Staple aqd FaoGy Giocedes, Hay, Grain and Feed. . Masonic Block. Corner Third and THE DALLES, Wasco County, - - - Oregorij The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in. America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and tbe country south and east ' has this year filled ' the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. '.;'. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stones she stands. THE DALLES Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex Dress Dumose of faithfully representing The Dalles M. A. A. X. J and the surrounding country, and the satisfying 3C J. a.' ' - " L 1 1 J. Ti kiiw.Ii in ii.s miKsiim i m 7 . . . rx i now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow a,nd ' , Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re-, gions ' north of The Dalles, hence it is the' best ' " medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. r The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week (Sundays excepted) at $6.00 per. annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum; . . For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., - Tla. Dalles, Cool w y. FraeTant of 7 and Soothing House on the Coast! JNone but the .Best of White Help Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Pvop. ELL UNDER PRESSURE. Court Streets. The Daltes.Oregon, KVKrvwnHrH annareui,. 1 1.