C F STEPHENS, JUST RECEIVED A. Full Line of the CELEBRATED WAVERLY , Vaverly School r Shoes. " SCHOOL SHOES. 1 diamine ni-: 1 CUT SHOE. It hOTTB how all waicriy snoes PEASF. Jk MAYS i. abb asjaaBitjOr k DEALER IN Dry Goods o Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats,- Etc. FanciJ Qood0, flotiong, Etc., Etc., Etc. 13-1 Second St., next to Dalles National Bank, bailee City, Oregon. J. FOLCO, DEALEK IX ' Caniies, Frniis, Nnt Soda Water, Ice Cream, Tobacco aM Cigars. . ? MANUFACTURER OF first Class Syrups for Saloons and Soda Fountains, Ete. .'. , t Second Street, Next door to Wiugate's Hull Are You Going Camping? If so buy your outfit from John Booth, the grocer, who makes a specialty of putting up fine appetizing goods. ... A fine line of lunch and picnic goods just received. JOHN BOOTH, The Grocer, 62 Second Street. Everybody seems to be complaining of HARD TIMES But if you only stop, and see the fine line' of Gents' Furnishing Goods and Hats of ' JOHN C. HERTZ, - You will find that he can save you con siderable money. Give him a call and be convinced. 109. Second Street, ; - The Dalles, Or. sass Jbj "5 ON THE DOLLAR. My entire stock :''"'will"be closed but at the aboye figure. H. STONEMAN. - HENRY FIEGE. STOJiEJVIRfi & pIEGE, Practical Shoemakers and Dealers in BOOTS and SHOES 314 Seoond Street. Only Exclusive Boot and Shoe House in the City. All Kinds of ' Footwear, Akuays on Hand. The Dalles Daily Chronicle; Entered k the Postofflee at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cent ier line for first insertion, and 3 Cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates ior long time notices. All local notiecs received inter than 8 o'clock will appear the following duy. MONDAY JULY IS, 1892 LOCAL BKBVITIKS. Crandall &. Burget have some very fine pictures on sale,. Mr. Y.A Martini denutv countv clerk. is expected home from his valley trip tomorrow. Prinz & NitschUe were loading up an other team for the country this fore noon. Mr. Nello Johnson today fully agrees with the writer that this weather this Dalles weather ; beats the sea const all .hollow. If they don't let up, the press of Ore--gon will out-demon Deeming with de mon Wileon. The cowardly son' of a gun. '. Judge Watkins was in the city today. Friends will be pleased to learn that Mrs. V., is steadily improving even though slowly. Janitor Fitzgerald was out with his lawn'mower this forenoon, and the court house yard looks' as smooth as "the pa per on the wall" this evening. -.' If The Dalles people expect to "'start tbe Cascade locks and canal, under pres sent conditions, they have . just got to get in and shout ! Maj. Handbury is in no hnrry. " ' - Hugh Glenn made a flying visit to the consolidated city yesterday. He left in the morning and returned in the even ing. He says he had thirteen hoars time at .his command. ' . Fisher's Elite baths, in The Dalles, -are nice enough for the queen of Sheba. "New tubs, new carpets, and clean white walls, invite repose while performing "the purifying ablution. . .. . . , :. One solitary d." d. 'was alP that answered to Recorder Menefees ' gavel call this a. m., and this was an old chronic which speaks volumes , for the morality of The Dalles on m quiet July Sunday j., , j ?",? '4 is ' -.' : -J 4 Justice Shuts had case this forenoon tha called for ft fetir qf iU a screw"driv er and4honkey',wrenc? Iln ''order, to wrestle'-wif.bifln view-of all' the cir cumstances" he dressed; himself '. in suit of overalls. r Portland citizens have 'set ah' example 4or work.T-ihey went' for" the privilege of free bridges and Secretary Elkins ha4 to grant their wishes. We want a .free -open river and no 'more darned non sense. But ' we've got, .to get ; in , and. hont- ri,; .;;.vi'j h There are certain . properties to . ice cream wHch frequently ronders the use of the delicious IdiEh ) dangerous. " J .....uu i. uv.uuf.yw. Lewistori, Idaho, on the 4th, many who, ate of ice cream flavored with pine apple wjre taken deathly sick.' The doctors liad a lively time for an heur or two, More than a dozen cases were reported in an hour, . ,Fortunately, however, none of them ;wer'e serious.' There, 'it is said, the trouble arose from the acid formed on the tin vessel in 'which! the ream was allowed to stand for so long.C "' Eight, more carloads of . .material for the distillery at Grants passed up the road this morning in the early freight. A change, has been made in the office of deputy United States marshal at The Dalles. v There is not enough in it to make an incumbent wealthy. Special Agent Richard J. Hintoivs report on irrigation throughout arid! America will be issued in a few days. The investigation was carried on under the direction of the agricultural depart ment at Washington and was authorized by congress in 1890. The wool business will be pretty well closed up at The Dalles this, week, , It has been the liveliest Reason ever' ex perienced in eastern Oregon- - The wool has been of very choice light staple, and the quantity, sold here will aggregate nearly, if not quite a million pounds in excess of any former season. The Dalles has wo splendid mill sites, with water power : available of the year, within the city limits, just waiting for somebody to come along and start something;.. one. .of which can be had free of cost, a donation from the city, and the other one can be purchased for little or nothing yet the little burg of Grants got away with the distillery, pork packing establishment and flouring mill. Why this was thus is beyond comprehension. . Dalles College Students. ADTKHTISK THE DALLES. The . Occident, Berkley's California university journal, has reached Thk Chronicle by courtesy of Robert Mays, jr. . A group, of. 15 members of the cham pion athletic team of '92 composes one of the leading illustrations, and fills a page. Mr. Ed Mays appears as one of the cham pions. . Another illustration, full page size is of Mr. Walter Henry, champion 120 yard hurdle racer. Time 15 sec onds, which beats the world's record of 15 4-5. . Another full , page' illustration shows the front , elevation of the new mechanics building, . for which the regents have appropriated .$65,000, with an additional $25,000 ,. for .equipments. In a .tabular statement of university records, we are informed, that eleven of the leading records . now belong . to the Pacific coast, .one of which was made by Mr. Ed. Maya, October 25, 1890, at an event.; at "the Olympic grounds .by ac complishing a . run pf.75. yards in 84 seconds- In four other events Mr. Mays established a fine record. 1 We are proud of our Dalles youug men and the various records they are making during their.college cburse.i $ f, 1- 1 l J ' : i' ' - ' i 7-1 i i i ,v HK COUNT J OLtSK CJKX.T " ' t 1 J. ?t ') j ThW Ca.Ac(U'.tbUcAnriiaW incijr- '-' The contest f J.'.M. Huntington v. J. B. Croqsen Jy whiclt -the; plaintiff ex pects, to oust, defendant from, the posi tion'of clerk of Wasccucounty,-by-' means of a recount of the ballots cast at the re cent state syid county election, began at two o'clock this afternoon, before Judge Bradsbaw,' ofv the -cireuifr court of the state of Oregon for Wasco county. , Mr. Huntington appears by his attor- I neys C. F. liord, of Portland, an3 B. S. Huntington of ...Maysv And Wilson, The Dalles,. , r VCl r..iri'.Un ' ' ' Mr. Crossen appears by his. .attorneys, Messrs. Bennett and Story,. .-.J. t , . The case promises to occupy . consider able time in the process of evolution, in cident to the unfolding and unrolling of about 2,000 or 8,000 ballots cast June 6th . ' ' Steamer n(.alstor Notice. On account t of needed repairs- the Regulator will not make a trip on Sun day July 2oth. i 7-18d6t W. C. AUaway, Agent: The Time Baa Come When This City '' Should be Inahed to the Front. .; Now that : there can no longer be a doubt as to the time for the completion of the Columbia river improvements be tween Th Dalles and Astoria it is time j for the" people: of this city, to1; begin a systematic work of letting "themselves and The Dalles be known abroad in the land. One way of doing 'this has ': been suggested in the shape of a pamphlet, descriptive of The Dalles, and ' the sur rounding country, in both Oregon and " Washington. ' None need be' afraid1 to tell the truth; about a location at the practical head - of navigation; for deep water craft on the lordly Columbia, only 180 miles from the sea, with'an ' area of country tributary" equal' to all 6? New England and the. most, productive .of any lands known to cultivators. Tell it as you please; gentlemen ; to a crowd of hungry millions thirsting for just such information, in some shape, and it will have a very desirable effect. . . , r- iv:..- . ' Only . '.; . i" Don't put it off";' i'i r ''-S :' Till after the crack of doom. A firm in Houston, Texas, has a very choice way of advertising. They first get a list, next send a circular, then fol low it' up' with a iiome ' paper ; with a not, appended, telling the person to whom it is addressed that the subscrip tion has been paid for, asking that it be read and handed to your neighbor. "It will do you good ; and possibly broaden your ideas of Texas." That is business.1-' The document -is self-explanatory. 7' We commend the example of Houston to the attention of Dalles City property owners as one of the best ways to adver tise and make people elsewhere convers ant with the growth and resources of this region.:' It - would be easy for our banks, merchants and others to prepare along list of persons who, on learning that the paper had been sent them at the instance of a friend here would, read it thoughtfully , rWheni that Dalles paper comes be sure to put it. on my desk," members of large firms that re ceive maify papcriswuld Bay," in order that they might take it home for quiet perusal in the evening. In this way people'an other cities would learn of the general progress: 'of the town. Special articles could be prepared upon subjects here, of which we .have a superabundant supply, and such information would set live men thinking, and if they desired more they would - write for" it, or come here - themselves' f Reduced. - rates for; papers distributed- in this way" would enable everybody to aid. in the good cause. The town is now ripe to consider the subject, and it shbuld. be. attended, to at once. Change In Expression. Seattle Times. The man who asks, "Is this hot enough for you?" has taken his seat, and his fellow idiot who wants to know if you've been vaccinated yet, has taken the right of way. ' Queer world! Queer people!- Here are men and women by thousands suf fering from all sorts of diseases, bearing all manners of pain, spendiug their all on physicians and "getting no better, but rather worse," when right at hand there's a remedy which says it can help them because it's helped thousands like them. "Another patent-medicine ad vertisement," you say. Yes but not of the ordinary sort.' The medicine is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and it's different from the ordinary nostrums in this : It does what it claims to do, or it costs you nothing! The way is this : You pay your druggist $1.00 for a bottle. You read the directions, and you follow them. You get better, or you don't. If you do, you buy another bottle, and perhaps another. If you don't get bet ter, you get your money back. And the queer thing is that so many people are willing to be eick when the remedy s so near nt hand. A nicelv furnished bedroom, with or without board, apply at this office. 7.14dlm ; SOTICB. City taxes for 1892 are now due aud payable within sixty days, at the office of "the undersigned. Li. Rokden, uitv lreasurer. Dai,lk,s City, July 6th, 1892. Special .Orders No, lO. Thb Dalles, July 16, 1892. 1. The members of the staff and non-commissioned staff,' "A" and "C" Co.'s will, assemble at their armory fully uni formed, armed and equipped, aa ; near as possible on Tuesday (evening July 19th, 1892, at 8:30 -o'clock for inspection by Brigadier-General Compson. . No ex cuses will be granted.i:By order . ; . Geo. T. Thompson,) Lieut-Col.' Com. Official: J. F. TiAvowu,bf-?tis : 1st Lt. anrfAdjt..fy h ' fc.V ' . . . . "' r"'4.;u-" , Will Want The Chronicle. After the Fourth the usual hegira to the sea coast and mountains will begin. Orders may be left at The CHnosiCLE office for the paper, which will be mail ed free of postage daily, and which : in camp, cottage or tent, will be found a welcome visitor from home. You will want The Ciiboxicle. Don't forget to leave your orders. . ; Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended upon, it is pleasant to take and will cure cramp, cholera morbus, dysen tery and diarrhoea in their worst forms. Every family should be provided with' it. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. d&w Fisher's Sharing and Bathing Parlors From and after this date my place of business will be closed on Saturday evenings after 10 o'clock, and open on Sundays from 7 , a., in. .until 12 .o'clock noon. Julius Fisher, Second Street, The Dalles, Or. Oil and watercolor -studies will1 be sold for less than cost for the next thirty days, to make room for new. stock to arrive soon. Snipes & Kinehslv, 7.9d6t ' -'"- ; " The Dalles. Or. HORN. " In Dalles City July 16th', to the wife of M.H. Allen, a on. - Weights 11( pounds. Grandfather , Cathcart . will County Treasurer's Kotlee. All iiounty warrants registered! prior to March 181889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date." '' ",'-.'.' V ' : , The Dalles, July 16J 1892. tiitV-t ";Vi William Michxll - 7.18tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. ' '' :. Ic! Cream Featirsrf.' , The Good Templars have decided' to bold an ice cream social at the hall over Fease & Mays' Wednesday evening. Admission free. Ice cream and cake 25 cents. - 7-18dlt Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in the drus business at ELkton, Ky., for the oast. twelve ..-years.- ayB:3s .."Chamber lairi's CoughrRcmedy gives oetteir satis-i faction than-any other cough medicine I have ever sold."' - There is eood reason for this. No other will cure-; a cold so quickly: no other is so certain a pre ventive and cure for, croup;, no other affords so much relief 5n cases of whoop ing cough. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton , .druggists. , diw T. A. Van Norden, the expert watch repairei at : No. 106 Second street, The Dalles, appears to have a nappy ivnacK for holding the confidence of his patrons. The secret, of course, is the usual one skill in repairing even the most compli cated watches. 7-13-lm At Cost. For the next thirty days we will sell wall naoer at cost. 10. 15. and 20 cents double roll to make room for new stock. Snipes & Kinersly. 9.6t leading Druggists, The Dalles, Or. . V . LOST. Between the postoffice and the Wasco academv cronnds. or on the grounds, two small gold pins attached by a chain with initialed bangle. .Finder rewarded at this office. ' ; Std . Notice. I have this day disposed of my dental ractice to Dr.'G. E. Sanders, late of Inmnaw. ATinhionn. Dr. RflnHffrs ifl A --"t!-" , . ' - - graduate of the dental department of the State university of Michigan and has been in continuous dental practice more man sixteen .'years.- lie comes very confidence in his abilitv as a first class operator and as such I take pleasure in recommending him to all mv friends; and former patrons.- ,xi. - i ;? . Jttlv th. :1S9"2 ,,. '3R1 P, TtTCEB. ,1 tion Notiee. :. The' lee Wagon.1 " The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on the streets every morning from. t. to 8 o'clock. Anv orders for ice left with ' Will Vanbibber's express or at the store of Chas. Lauer will be promptly at tended to. - - . "Cates sc Allison. COLUMBIA ' GANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs ' (SuccEssqrs to W. S. Crani. , Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Hade o nsr jd i is is , Kast of Portland. , . -IlEALERS IX- Tropical Fruits, Nets, Cigars and Tobacco, Can furnish any of these goods at Whoiesato or Retail In Krery Stylo. - Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street, The jDallesp!.: W. E. GARRETSOH. Leaoiog :, Jeweler S)LE A6KNt TH'K" - i ... " All Watch Work Warranted. National Republican Ticket. ' fos president," -BENJAMIN HARRISON, ". ' ; of Indiana. FOB VICB-PRKSIOKKT, - WHITELAW REID, of New York. FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. H. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of Union. : D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. "Dissolution Notice isTbereby-iriven that" the . law narttiershiD heretofore existinir between E. B. Dufur. Geome Watkina and Frank Menefee, under the firm name and style of Dufnr, Watkins & Mnefeo is this day dissolved by mutual consent. George Watkins retiring from the firm. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will please call at once and pay the same to Frank Menefee, tnd all per sons having claims against said firm will present-the same to hinv- for. payment. Business will be continued at the old of fice, under the firm name of Dufur & Menefee. . - E. B. Dtjfcr. ;. George Watkins. Frank Menefee. Dated this 25th dav of June, 1892. 6.25d4w Jewelry Made to Order'. 138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or. Kotleeu Sale of City Lot. I . if ' T I". Children Cry for- Pitcher's Castoria. Wbea Baby was pick, we rare her Caatori. When, she vaa a Child, she cried for Castoria,, When she becajMUIsm, she clang to Castoria, . VPhaashahsChJldreOjShsgaTe them Castoria 1! ... PHOTOGRAPHER. Instantaneous ;. Portraits. " Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. ' Sotice Is herebv given, that by nilthority e Ordinance No; 'JoS, wliich Raised tlic Common Council of Dalles City. June 5uth, i&yi. entitled "An Ordinance entitled an-Ordinance to provide for the sale of certain lot belonging to Dalles City," I will on Tuesday the 16th day of August, 18ft, sell at pnblic auction to the highest bidder, all of the fiiUowing described lots and perts of lots situated in tiatcs Addition to Dalles City, to-wit: .- r -. - ;- '" , - Seventy feet off from the south side of Lot No. 1, Block is: Seventy feet oil from south side of Lot No. '1, Block No. 18; the south one-haTT of Lots Ka 3, 4, 5 and 6. in Block No. 18: Lots Nos. 9 A R 7 ft CI nnH lf. in Ttlrel? Kn lo ami lots Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12, in Block No. 14 The appraised value of said lots and for less tban which they, will not be sold is fixed as follows, to-wit: 70 fct off the south end of Lot No. 1, in Block No. 18;,...:..... .. StsiSuBsv- 70 leet on the soutir end oi Lot o. s, u Block No. IS . ... 1S&M The south one half of xt fo. S, in Block ' No. is -. . . ..- 100.00 The south one-half of Lot No. 4, in Block . No. Uk- '... ... .-.-.... lO0.6 The sonth one-half of Lot No-.. 5, in. Block'. ?o. is .-. iw.un The soirth one-half of Lot No. 6, in Block '' So. IS -. 106.00 lts numbered '2. a. 4. 5. G. 7. R. 9 and 10. in -. Blwk No. 19, and Lots numbered 7, s, , a.' ' "wll and Vi, in Block No. 14, each op. . pratsedat. iuu o ' Each of Mild lots will be sold- upon the lot, respectively, and none of them shall be sold for a less sum than the value as above stated. One-third of the price bid on any of said lota ' shall bo paid in cash at time of sale, one-third on or before one year from date of sale, and one- , third on or before two years from date of sale, with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per' annum upon deferred payment", ; payable annually. . . . . . The sale will bi-sria wiUi the first lot herein above mentioned at Ipu o'clock a. m. August IS, 1892, and continue with each lot in the order aa herein named until all of said lots shall be sold. Dated this 11th day of. July, 1892. -r'KANK MENEFEE, 7.13-S-13w-d. Recorder of Dalles City.