The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DALLES OKEGON SATURDAY JULY 16. 1892 JOHN PASHEK, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. prop t - Tailor, DR. EI.IZA A. INGAI.I.S, PuysiciAS, Sun okon and Oculist. Ofliee: Uooms 40 and 47 Chapman Block. If you want the news, You want The Ciihonici.k. If you are not a subscriber, please read his and band in vour name. If you want a situation advertise in The Chronicle. If you want to rent a house, advertise in The OnnoxiCLE. ICE ! ICE! ICE! Having on hand a large supply of ice ve are prepared to furnish our custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply the demand without advancing prices throughout the season.' Leave orders at C. F. Laner'8 store, Second 6treet. 5-2tf . Gates & Allison. Next door to Wasco Sun. j Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, j Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest , i myies, ai ixw j. rices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Hepairdncj and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly-Done. DE. tfc'E: SANDERS. Graduate of the CiiiverMty of Michigan, snc pessor to Dr. Tucker. Office over Frenchs' Bank, The DHlles. Or. A good gardener and farmer who well understands -everything of the kind. A good bead man. Wants a place to work. Apply at this office. fi.25dtf FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL. BANKING BUSINESS Letters cf Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francieco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES Rational ir Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. President ...... Z. F. Moody Vice-Presid?nt, - - Ciiaelks Hiltox Cashier, ----- M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OH. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. City Wagon Shop, Second St, opposite Hood's Stable, THE DALLES, 7 M. 8.YL.YER, Civil Enuinkerino, Survcv , m ing, aui Architlcture. The Dalles, Or. " TF. SNEDAKER, D. D. feT, bus looitcd per . mnnently in The Dulles, and otters his er vices to the public in mod of dentistry. Office in Chapman building, Second street, room 12, over The Dalles National bank. A. SANDROCZ, Prop. DB.KSHEI.MAN (HoM xopatiiic' Pktbician and Si'bgeox. Calls answered promptly, day or night, city or country. Oi'ice No. M and 37 Chapman block. wtf DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow of Trihitt Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Residence: Judge Thornbnry's Sec- , ond street. Office honrs: 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 ! and 7 to 8 p. m. - First class Carriage and Wagon mak ing. General repairing ' t'p order," in a satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Give me a call. A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which he offers at Low Figures. SPEGIflb :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. Highest .Cask Prices for Eis mi . otter Prota. 170 SECOND STREET. i$mr The Dalles Gigaf : Factory FIHST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. fTrJ. A T G of the Best Brands VVA vJTrA)0 manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice." The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. OMAHA Kansas City, St. Paul, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND- ALL POINTS East, North and South. LEAVE THE DALLES: No. 7, west bound '. 4:10 p.m. No. 1, " " 3:05 a. in. No. 2, east bound 11 :55 p. in. No. 8, " 1 :25 p. in. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS, and DINERS. Steamers from PORTLAND to SAN FRANCISCO EVERY FOUR DAYS. I 1 I The Snug W. H. BUTTS, Prop. Ho. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles, Or. This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. Butts, long a'resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Disturbance. In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give the old man a call and yon will come again. SAN FRANCISCO BEER HALL. Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon. FRED LEMKE, Propr. Visitors to the San Francisco Beer Hall will find the best of everything, and are sure to call gain. Choice domestic and imported Cigars, Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc.. ESTABLISHED kAAMA CAVFAT& '86fe- jB&?fegk LABELS. JwV- "DESIGNS. Marks. tVvwsr4 Copyrights. WeglT. spw'tl attention to tun rsjscted is ataar 1 Bands, also to lntu?rnceft, appeals, rsissqes, trads saarks, the preparation of opinion as to lsf)rlnsmmt, acopo and validity or patent., and the prosecution and defense of suits for Infringement. Oar boon of Instrae uons. terms, references, etc., sent free. EOSON imOTHKKS.KaitableBuUdlne, oo3 r st.. wuihiugtoH, r. c. Mrona three stamps for postage on handsomo lUns tratodnooklet, Inventive Progress," pablishor'aprieo SSerata. and onr quarto-centennial pamphlet for la veil tors, maanfactnrers and patentees. Icntitiu this DMwrk TICKETS from EUROPE For rates and geucral information call on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent. W. H. HURLUUKT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., i Washington St., POBTLA.SD, OltEGOK. From TEHJWIHAIt of INTERIOR Points irtta Fan RHILROKD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Vcstibuled Train every day in the yaor to jft. panl and dhicago NO CHANGE OK CARS. Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. Pull man Drawing Room Sleepers of latest equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS . Best Unit can be constructed, and in which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY; COACHES A continuous line, connecting with all lines, uffordiDg direct and uninterrupted service. Pu'lman Sleeper reservations can bo secured In advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at anv ticket office of the company. Full information concerning rates, , time of trains, rontes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, . Agent D. P. t-A. Nav. Co., Regulator office, The Dalles, Or., or A. 1. CHARLTON", Ass't. General Passci ger Agt Portland, Ogn. D R. O. D. DOASE-PHTHCUK AKD STJK- gkok. Ouice: rooms o and 6 Chapman Bluet. Residence No. 23, f ourth street, one r.lock south of Court House. Offiee hours 3 to 12 A. M-, 2 to.5 and 7 to P. M. D.S1DDALL Drktist. Gas given for the o painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on Sowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of '.he Golden Tooth, Second Street. C.B.DUPUB. SKO. ATKIKS. FXIXI KENEPEK. DTJFTJR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE Attor-neth-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Otiice Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. T H. WILSON ATTOEKEY-AT-LAW Booms V . 52 and S3, New Vogt Block, Second Street. The Dalies, Oregon. H. BENNETT, ATTOKNEY-AT-I-AW. Of Ve lice in Schamio's building, up stairs. The JjrUes, Oregon. . P. UAYS. B. S. HUNTINGTON. H. X. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & W1I JsON ATTOB-SEYh-AT-LAW. Offices, French's block over first National Bank, The Dalles. Oregon. SOCIETIES. ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets In K. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes days of each month at 7:30 p. in. w ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. fc A. M. Meets nrst ana tnira Monday of each month at 7 DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. G. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mt. Hood Gump No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ing of each week In the K. of P. Hall, at 7:U0 p. K. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock", in K. of P. hall, comer Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. H. Clough, Sec'y. . H. A. BlLis.N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited. W. S. CRAJf , D. W.V ause, K. of It. and S. C. C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the reading room. A 11 are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. Meets at K. ef P. Hall, Comer Second and Court Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 :30. - George Gibons, W. S Mykks, Financier. M. W. TAB. NESM1TH POST, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets v every riaruraay at 7 :3U P. 1., in tne K. of P. Hall. - . B. OF I- E. Meetscvery Sunday afternoon in the K. of P. Hall. C- ESANG VEREIN Meets every X evening in the K. of P. Hall. Sunday BOF L. P. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the o K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month, st 7:3 p. M. THE CHURCHES. ST. PETERS CHURCH Rev.: Father Bkoks oeest Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 a. Jf. High Mass ut 10:30 a. M. Vespers at 7r.ii. A DVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching .1. in the Y. M. C. A. rooms every Sunday at 11 n. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday school immediately after morning service. J. A. Orchard, pastor. ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D.flutcliffe Rector. Services every Sunday at 11 A. v. and 7:30 p. u. Sunday School 9:45 A. m. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:30 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay lob. Pastor. Morning services every Sab bath at the academy at 11- a. u. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi dence. Union sen-ices in the court house at 7 P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. Curtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. w. and 7 p. x. Sunday School after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. ME. CHURCH Rev. A. C. Bpkkcbr, pastor, o Services every Sunday morning. Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock P. H. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people to all. YOUR flTTEJlTIOlJ Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. -Carrie, tbe Finest Line of- Picture To be found in the City. 72 UJashington Stf eet. A Kew Lireboat. ! A new kind of lifeboat has been con- tructed to the order of the Boulogne Humane society oa a model designed by one of it members. The construction of the new boat is simple and econom ical, and could be adapted to .any sea-, going rowing boat. The invention con sists in the introduction of air tight cop per chambers, broad at the' gunwale and diminishing at the bilge, placed on tbe outside of the boat, where they are equally distributed, so as not to interfere with the sweep of the oars. The tops of the chambers shelve down outward, forming a smooth gunwale, ten inches broad amidships and tapering away fore and aft. , - - . - These compartments are protected from injury by a casing forming double bulwarks, inasmuch as the shape of the hull xireserves perfectly its boatlike ap pearances. It means really a little more beam and consequently more sta bility. Tbe proposed new feature does not at all affect the speed of the vessel, in addition to these compartments cham bers can be fitted . fore and aft,-' It has been usual to place the air or cork Lined chambers inside lifeboats, especially on board of ships' lifeboats. .' The outward application of these air cases gives greater Bolidity to the boat's side in the event of being staved in, and will tend to prevent ' accidents such as happen through people bringing their weight to bear on one side of a boat when prilling a person ont of the water. A boat fitted as described has been tested with the combined weight of six persons assembled on one side. : . , , - All this weight failed to overturn the boat, the water tight compartments brought into contact with the water resulting only in giving the boat a par tial list arid so far proving its resisting power and buoyancy. The -new boat is 17 feet long, is built of elm and cost $125. London Graphic. The pickle industry near Pittsburg has assumed enormous proportions. The largest shipment in this line ever made recently left Pittsburg for a Kansas City firm. It filled eighteen refrigerator cars and included over 5,730,000 pickles. SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES. Just 24. In just 24 hours J. v. S. relieves constipation and sick headaches, After it gets the system under control an occasional dose prevents return. We refer by permission to W. H. Marshall, Bruns wick House, 8. F.; Geo. A.Wemer, 631 California Bt, 8. F.s Mrs. C. Melvin, 136 Kearny St., S. F., and many others who have found relief from constipation and sick headaches. G.W. Vincent, of 6 Terrence Court, 8. F. writes: "I am 60 years of age and have been troubled with constipation for 25 years. I was recently induced to try Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. I recognized In it at once an herb that the Mexicans used to give us In the early 6frs for bowel troubles. (I came to California in 1839,) and I knew it would help me and it has. For the first time in years I can sleep well and my system is regular and in splendid condition. The old Mexican herbs in this remedy are a certain cure in constipation and bowel troubles." Ask for S Vegetable Sarsaparilla For Sale by SNIPES A. KINERSLY THE DALLES. OREGON. JOU GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER CtOODS OF ANY KIND. IN THE FDRNISH . ING LINE, alf (and $ee me .EST" Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion. I. FAGAN, , second St., The Dalles. Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BROWN, Philadelphia. Pa. A NEW PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IN Furniture and Carpets. - We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our priees will be low accordingly. " Remember our place on Second street, next to Moodv's bank. . G. W. Johnston & Son. Gawters anil Boildeis, " " - Shop at No. 112 First Street. All Job Work promptly attended to and estimates given on all wood work, f '' " ; '-' ' iVr Of Wasco county, Oregon, claims allowed, disallowed and continued, at Julv term, 1892, published in accordance with an .act entitled ""an act to authorize the publication in county newspapers of the proceedings of county" courts; and fix compensation thereof. Approved February 21'8tf'1892"; ' ' NA31ES OF CLAIMANTS. ' Tony Wilhelm,- Ed Fitzpatrick, Hood River M'f'g. Co., J Ferguson,. Alex Kirchennie, Wasco Warehouse Co., Dalles) Pnb Co, S M Baldwin, EW Trout, ; C E Ilaight, . ' F Kincaid, , E H Merrill, A J Knightlv, 1 R P Grazin," " J M Filloon & Co, Joseph T Peters & Co,' - Olinger & Bone, S" Cox, R Rand & Son, J L Dimmick, D R Cooper, S M Baldwin, M V Harrison, Mays & Crowe, Dalles Publishing Co, Times Mountaineer, . ; AMI. AMT. CLAIMED. ALLOWED. rou WIUT PURPOSE. - Use of polling place and Meals"-. Hauling booths. . , . . . . Rent of polling place.. ..... .'. X . , Hauling booths. . ..." ... . Rent polling place . Storage and rent polling place. Printing ballots -.......".... Rent polling place.'. . . . .". . '. . Carpenter work booths. . : Meals for judges of election . Hauling booths '. .. v.-. . Cleaning school house .'.. .":.. .' . Work on polling place, etc. Labor, polling place, Dufur. , . . Supplies for road district No. 10. . Lumber for road district No. 7. . . Lumber for road district No. 10. . Approach Hood River bridge. Work on Hood River bridge Nails for road district No. 4. : . . . ; Labor, road district No. 23. Lumber, road district No. 23 Lumber, road district No. 23 Rope and nails " 5 75 Passed lot OK'i supplies for road district No. 23. $ o W 00 . 2 00 f 5 00" 6 50 161-40 '5W 7 00 ; 17 50 ' 4 00 1 00 3 00 2 30 3 50 2 88 7 56 2 50 " 3 50 2 00 8 6 101 64 35 90 2 50 4 00 5 00 : 2 00 2 50 6S50 - 161-40 2 50 . 3 75 . s . 00 00 7 4 00 continued 3 ". 7 2 3 2 8 6G 101 64 32 31 ot 88 56. 50- 00 12 00 19 00 34 00 1 00 146 00 7 50 24 00 J P Mclnerny, Leslie Butler, Geo D.Bernard & Co, Ward & Kerns, C K Haight, Dalles Water .Works, L Rorden, J Cates & Allison, " Maier & Benton, : Dr Doane, Maier & Benton, S E Farris', J H Blakeney, T T Nicholas, Sinnott & Fish, Wm Micbell, . . -Wm Butler & Co, Snipes & Kinersly, Johnston Bros, Chris Dethman, Rand & Dent, O Rhoades, Nicklesen & Luckey, M V Harrison, Rand & Morse, M O Deel, Wm Ehrcn. Wm Davidson, S E Bartrices, Henry Tomlinsen, ' N Smith, . WTHibbard, B R Tucker, A H Tieman, ' ' John W Henricks,' AHTieman, OR Hill, ' . J A Knon, GAR Relief Committee Road District No. 7, STATE OF OREGON, Supplies Sheriff and Clerk. .; , " Treasurers notice . . . . Publishing Del. Tax Roll. . . . . . . Sheriffs and Treasurers notice. .. . Supplies assessor Supplies school superintendent.'. Supplies for paupers -.- Supplies for paupers. Supplies for clerk. . . .".,...". . . . - - -Team for grand jury. .-.-.. Meals for jurors ; . . Water rent. May and June. ...... Lamps, etc , Ice, May and Jane :. . . Oil, etc... -l Visit child in jail 2 . Pumbling, etc., Court House. '. . .. - 5 Street, sprinkling. . ' 7 express, etc. .-. : . r.-. . : . ; Board and Lodging paupers. . ... ... Meals for jurors and judges of election Coffin for- Indian . . . . Lumber road district No. 25. ..... Election supplies. ...... . , -w . . .-. . Matches.. ; Supplies road district No.'lo. -. r. . . Work on Tucker bridge. . Hardware, etc., Tucker bridge.. . Carpenter, Tucker bridge Blacksmith, . ' Rope, etc., " Hauling iron, " Making stringers, " .. . . : - Mason work, " " Labor, " Cement, etc., -" - .............. Carpenter,. " . :t .vT. Labor, ' " Hauling stringers, etc., Tucker bridge . Lumber, . . Superintending, " ' planning, etc., " Carpenter Work, road district No. 23 . . Supervisor district No. 10 '. . . Wrencnes, brldire road district No. 23. Relief, J T Hood. .". . . 25 00 Proportion of two mill tax levy . . 12 00 12 00 34 00 1 00 146 00 7 50, 24 00 7-oo Passed lot OX'4 9 05 - 9 05 5 00 . 5 00 7 00 ' 7 00- 6 00 0 00 fi no ori 1U UU 10 TO 1 20 . 1 20 10 18 - 10 81 50 50 35 50 1 00 19 75 32 50 12 00 . 156 05 7 05 1 00 . 32 -49 89 50; 94 21 51 00 4 00 1 10 2 50 35 00 8 00 12 50 . 5 75 60 (K) . 12 50 43 00 124 84 12 00) 71 00f 6 00 21.00 56 00 3 50 1 2 5 ' 7 1 19 50 35 50 00 75 9 75 ; 12 00 156 05 . 7 05 1 00 . 31 00 89 50 !94 21 tii 4 00 1 ia 2 50 35 00 8 00 12 50 R 71 . CO 00 .12 50 43 00 124 84 60 00 3 00 8 66 56 00 3 50 25 00 12 00 County of Wasco. I. J. B. Crossen. count v clerk of - Wasco county. dr hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full and correct statement o'f all claims presented to the county court of said county at the Julv term, 1892, thereof, the paymeut whereof is not provided for by statute, and that it is a correct statement of the disposition made of the same. -; - Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court affixed this 13th day of July, 1892.. . J. B. Cbossbn,' .seal. County Clerk. ' . E. Martin, . . ' - Deputy. v ... D. BUNN Pipe WorR, Tiu Bepate " .... - . MAINS TAPPED TJNDKR PRESSTJRE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss - Blacksmith Shop. . Staple and -: DEALERS IN : Fancy Gmc eiiB8, Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregon. THE DALLE iile; Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHROM ICLE was established for the ex-' press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its . mission is everywhere ' apparent. It. lliH J.CbV10 All LA1J.X LIUllO 111 TV aoWf - kiAi . man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat arid other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Emrrtre. The Daily Chronicle is published every, eve ning in the week (Sundays excepted) at $600 ter annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of . each week at $1.50 per annum. ' ' v .. . .. - For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THF CHRONinLF PURI ic;wiMr; rto mm m m m w m -m m - r tw V Tlie Dalles, Oregon.