The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WA8CO COCKTY. .- Oil and water color studies will be sold for less than coBt for the next thirty days, to make room for sew stock to arrive soon. Snipes & Kinibslv, , 7.9d6t The Dalles. Or. Published Dally, Sunday Excepted.' ' if: '-' BY"'' ' ": THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, The Dalle, Oregon. Term of Subscription "r Year Cer month, by carrier. . . Single copy ...6 00 ... 60 5 STATIC OFFICIALS. rovernoi . Secretary of State Treasurer Snpt. of Public Instruction. . natora. State Printer. S. Pennoyer ..... V. McKrlde ..Philllr. Metschan E. B. McElroy u. N. uoinn " j. H. Mitchell B. Hermann Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge., KfaerifL ;ierk Treasurer Geo. C Blakcley T. A. Ward J. B. Croesen Wm.-Mictaell l las . 1 ur II ifl U Commissioners j Frank Kincaid x.wUUo Joel w. Koontr. Eurveynr - - FAh,?rP Superintendent of PubUc Schools. . -Troy Shelley Uoroner .N. M. Eastwood A new feature of the labor question cropped out m Corning, when the Amer ican flint-glass workers' union were holding a convention in that city on the llth, and such hostility was shown to it by the citizens that no regular hall could be secured, and a wigwam had to be built for the purpose. Permission to parade was refused the delegates and every uieans taken to show them that they were not welcome. They were t-aon said to fear that they would be as- ' exulted by the non-union men if they became very demonstrative, this is the kind of treatment which union men iiave for years been giving to non-union men. Is the worm going to turn at last? Does the non-union man propose to show that he, too, has a right to be re trarded as a workingman? The feeling was aroused no doubt because of the wtrike, which began two years ago and only terminated last spring, put a big Mack eye. on the glass industry of Corn Terrv'. who has been in the djcug business at Elkton, Mr; AT. M Ky., for the past twelve vears,' savs : . "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy gives better satis faction than any other cough medicine I have ever sold." lnere is gooaeason for this. No other will cure j cold so quickly ; no other is so cerfa.n a pre ventive ana cure lor croup ; no oiuer affords so much relief in cases of whoop ing cough. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggistSi d&w Dixgolutlon Kotle. Notice is herebv given that the law partnership heretofore existing between E. B. Dufur. Georee Watkins and Frank Jtfenefee, under the firm name and style of Dufur, Watkins & Menefee is this day dissolved by mutual . consent. - George Watkins retidiug from the firm. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will please call at once and pay the same to Frank Menefee, and all per sons having claims against said firm will present the same to mm lor payment. Business will be continued at the old of fice, under the firm name of Dufur & Menefee. E. B. Dcfwr. George Watkins. . Frank Menefee. Dated this 2oth dav of June, 1892. . 6.25d4w A w Kind of Insurance. For twenty-five cents" you can insure yourself and" family against any bad re sults from an attack of bowel complaint during the summer; . One or two doses of Chamberlain's . Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, will. cureny ordi-, narv case. It never fails and is pleasant, and' safe to take. No family can afford to be without it. For sale at. 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. d&w . A rare opportunity for the ladies is now afforded by Mrs. Philips, who is of fering millinery at one third less, as she has decided to retire from the business. See advertisement. ' 6.18dtf FOR CHURCHES. Superior "in tune to Pipe Organs, easier played and cheaper, are the ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. Flbyff & Sowu, Successors to C. IS. Dunhtiu. . "OUR CANDIDATES. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Jiav. Co. SCH33XTJIjE. Until further notice the Regulator will make trips to the Cascades and return on Thursdays and Sundays, leaving The Dalles at 7 a. m. Excursion rates. 50 cents for the round trip. 5-28tf . fit? DiaCKS mi th Shop ggists Fire DrEjs aii'Msditta. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. NighJ. Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., THE DALLES, OKEOON. STttCY BENJr HARRISON. 1? WHITELAW REID. . The'liatcsh Strung is Aluuays Oat I COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs csuccsssors to W. S. Cram.) Manufacturers of the finest French aud Home Made O-A-OST ID I East of Portland. IE S -DEALERS IN- It as practically settled now that the . xladatonian majority in the new house will be between 50 and 58. Official party estimates, put it at 56, and nothing but wildly improbable eains or losses iu the limited number of constituencies still out can much alter this. Assuming that it will be 56, and allowing the Parnell ites their apparent .maximum of nine thev may be able, by -mutiny, to lessen this .majority to 38. ; The United States steamer Uostori, 'now in San Francisco, has been ordered to Honolulu to relieve the San Francisco. : This vessel will return to Mare island navy-yard and have her bottom cleaned. If she was sent to the Columbia river, her bottom would clean -itself. And at the same time show there is no necessity for the lake Washington canal appropri- Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail eFnESH ' OYSTHHS-tO" In Every Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, TUE DALLES, ' - - - '. OBEGOX. Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your line Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blackemi thing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar- anteed. m COLUMBIA M 104 Second Street, . ICE! ICE! ICE! CHAS. STt'BLlN'G. OWEX WILIJAMS. ; Stubling & Williams, The SECOND ST., THE DALLES, - OREGON Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room. 'The wool clip of Montana will aggre gate 12,000,000 to 15,000,000 pounds this , year. It is of excellent, quality, and is rapidly going into the hands of Eastern "buyers at 17 to 19 cents a pound. All "Jands of stock are in prime condition. ' "Very large sales of beef and mutton will te made. The recent rains have pro- . -duced a heavy crowth of grass upon the .sreinees, and insured a magnificent crop, vOvrns I W. Field was a believer in in-! wvranee. At the age of 24 years he took outa policy of $10,000. When 40 years :.ld he took out another for the same amount. By doubled dividends and lotal premiums paid, his heirs receive the sum of 45,565. It is said at various . times during his life Mr. Field increased his insurance until the face value of the policies amounted to $250,000, The Dalles, Oregon. Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders; wholesale or retail, to ' be- delivered through the summer. Parties contract ing4 with us will be carried through the entire season without avanck in peice, and mav depend that we have nothing but PURE, HEALTHFUL (CE ; Cut from mountain water ; no slough of slush ponds. . . tave. ..orders at the Columbia Candy Factory," 104 Second ' street, "or Ice Wagon. - : W. S. CRAM. Manager. Waicti aKe Sprii apd Summer, "uax wora are inings, ana a small drop Falung. mcc aew, npon a thought, proa aces SEASON f 1S92. Bat word are things, and a small drop of ink, alline. like dew, neon a thought, nrodnces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think. ' , WE TRUST TO. INTEKBBT AND DO YOV GOOD. -DEALER IN- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry; Etclig O U ft SflOES 1- leave an order elsewhere. laity, and all work naea to. clocks before you W, E. GARRETSOH, I -MANUFACTURED BY - WALTER H. TEN NY 4, CO., BOSTON. TBIKSS.;- Leading Jeweler SOT.K AGENT FOR THE .... J THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE , AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrugated Building next Door to Court Honie. ; ' : Handsomely FiiraisM . Rooms to EBflt Bay ifeatf Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to ..Orders " 158 JWCona "8ii The Dllr,-1r. " .1 4:' TRANSIENT-; PATOONAaE SOULCITED. 5i 'Good "5 SaApi K00(ns orpojminerciai' Ment. ' ir : DID YOU KNOW IT WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Anrand Stoves and Ranaes, Garland Stoves and' Ranges, Jemell's Stoves and Ranges, Universal. Stoves atut Ranges, i . We are also agents for the Celebrated Boynton f araiaee. flmmanition and loaded Shells, Etc. snfiiTAHV Piiumsirc a sphciriitv. .MAIER & BENTON H. C. NIELS6N. Clothier 'A and Tailor BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Lts' Ftim 1 1 1-1 Northwest Court Streets. corner of Second and The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. CORNER OF SECOND, ND .WASHINGTON, THE DALLES , OREGON. f- j).t' :i; . K. :- 11E1 SPHIjlG 0I1D sow D3YG0GDS COMPLETE IN KVERY . . DElytlTr '1 lieuorts from Sitka say that an ap- irai8ement is being made of the value of . ttfae British steamer Coqaitlam and her 'rargo of sealskins and supplies, .'which vwero seized for alleged violation of the Ubited States laws. Captain Webster 0 .intends sending bonds sufficient to cover ,he appraisement so as to release the (Coquitlam. This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been re papered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. ' Kates reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house. i"ree bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop.' , GRBLER-WEBSTER PIANOS AN D ORGAN S Sold oii Easy Payments. GlOffimg, GeMS7 parniSDl musical Instruments . and Music. Booksellers and Stationers. en a . B. SCHINCK, President. H. M. BSAU. Cashier. first Rational Bank. HE DALLES, -, OREGON A member of. the Columbus Typo graphical Union, 'Ohio, has informed .Adjutant-Generai Peacock of a general uuovement on Che part of labor unions of all kinds to induce such of their mem Ijera as belonged to the state militia to ' withdraw from it as soon as possible. The versatile Denver News-is now seeking to. throw the election ' of ; presi dent into tUe lower house of congress. The Denver 3ews is owned by Col. Tom Patterson; who at the head of the free silver cohorts, marched into the Chicago . convention and then marched off again. A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, BUDjeci to aigni ' - . Draft or Check. . . . i Collections made and proceeds promptly remutea on aay oi coiiecuon. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on . JNew xoric, san c rancisco ana ron-land. D1REOTOK3. . . , D. P. Thompson. . J so. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Gbo. A. Liebk . H. M. Bkaj.l. ' While digging a well in Wenatchee the other day one of the residents - found that "whicli pleased hrm much :more than a plentiful supply of water would haVe'done j 1 ri' Ihe shape of a vein 'of -coal. "It liei atthc depth-of twenty five feet and its width has not yet been ascertained, ."-v . ,.. ; j. L. FISHER (6 W.J. MOXtAGUE. ... , l'ROl'KIKTOES OF THE . Elete Shavino; Parlors AXD Bath Rooms,;. SECOND STREET. THE DALLES, OR, Cap E. Tlxe Ij Boots and 'SHoes': '; ! ','5'-.;s.'".''-'X'"'-;,''' " - Full Assortment of .jthe LeaingMsuiUifaciurers. 162 SECOND STREET. V- "' ..; ' . -j ;.' :;: -. Th.e Dalles, .Or. r. . . ... ... Cash Bayers milf save money rby' examining oar stoek and prices before 'plitfcSJke.- ; tin S K1B BE f HOTEL, -ii '..sis! i ' '),.'. t-j y " j n '-i A - ' v ' ' - '. ' . .: , . ...... . J i : :. . .1 . U: ; . ( . , . . WM. -DEALERS IN & "V- S. Building Material n I. . i nougnianu 3f Dressed IiLpBerrLimirPfaster Hair and Cement. K : ? il liberal discount toihe trade in all lines JiandLed by us. JEJFFEBSON STREET, between SecOTdaad'jEni.""fTHE OR t - " PAUL TT-f -DEALERS IN- . . ... is. . .-re" 4. ' -f . ti -f f y - s lit niSErUATTED-AT THE HEAP OFiHAyiGATK)?? i Gentlemen' will find .THE . ELETE fully op to the Jtimes in every . respect. Hair Cutting in the , best maimer, in The world's Vair will be closed on Sun-Iievry style of the art. , Smootn bnaving ays. But the saloons will all be open, j nfify: and evening du r'. ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve- Kye grass six feet high is being cut ior hay irttlie. vicinity of Eockford. nings atter 10 o'ciock. wpen on Sun days from 7 a. in. to 12 o'clock noon. PAINTS, OIl:S ANni't(3l!lASS, d the "Mdsf Coin'plete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in .1 - Destined to be the Beet rAaWufatuVrriV Center in the Inland Empire. ': 'Besf Selling PropertjTOf. the Season in the North west. ' jBPractical Painters arid Paper Hangers, t Itoar but th best t brands trf the Sherwin-WUliam anl J.rV. Masury's Paints psed in all our work, and tom but the most skilled, workmen employed." -Agfentd'fk Maaury . liquid PahrtB.. .So phsmiml mmhination or floao mixture;. . A first .class article m all colors - , .441 orders promptly attended to. . ' "' v.- " Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington St., The Dalles, Oregon I O.D. For Further Information Call atrthe OfTlce of. cy.c CO., t Dais. 'Or. 72 f asteltoi St, Mail Or.