The Dalles Daily Chronicle. A Mew Kind of IniunHife.. OFFICIAL 1'APKR OF 1.VI.I.KS CITY. AND vasoi cocxtv. j Oil and -water color studies will be soia lor.iess tnan cost lor trie next tuny For twentv-five cents yon can -. insure room for new etock to j vourself and family against any bad re Snipkb & Kinkkblv, suits froua an attack of bowel complaint The Dalles. Or. during the summer. One or two doses i of Chamberlain's Cohc, Cholera and ' days, to make ! arrive soon. ! 7.'JdGt . Published Dally, SuiwIhv Kxeojitxi. BY - THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The CactKT Swoiul mid WushingU: Diillcx, UrcKir. Strifts, Termti of Siilcrlitlni Per Yr Per sntb, by cnrrier. . Stngie copy Mr. V, M. Terry, who has been in the j drug business at f.lkton. Ky.. tor. me past twelve years, says: "Chamber Inin's Cough Remedy gives better satis faction than any other cough medicine I have ever sold.'' There is good reason for this. No other will cure a cold so quickly ; no other is to certain a pre ventive and cure for croup: no other i affords so much relief in cases of whoop- 6 t ! ing cough. For sale by lilakcley & 5" I Houghton, drufrgiat9.' , d&w Diarrhoea Remedy will care, any ordi nary case. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. "o family can afford to be without it. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists, d&w STATE OFFICIALS. tiweraot.: fctaeretotry of State Treasurer '. . Bapt. of Public Instruction . waters OoogretiKumn State Printer S. I'ennoyor W. MeBrido ..PhHlip MetKChmi E. B. MoElroy U. N. lXilph H. Mitchell 1. Hermann Frank Baker A rare opportunity now afforded bi for the ladies is bv Mrs. Philips, who is of fering millinery at one third less, as she has decided to retire trom tne ousinees.. (sec advertisement. . C.lSdtf FOR CHURCHES. ' - i Superior in tune to Pipe Organs, j easier played and cheaper, are the I ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. OUR CANDIDATES. VUt'STt OrFHIIALS. Countv Judge Gep. C. Jilnfceley SMteriK "... .T. A. V art Clerk ...3. B. Cronnen Treasurer Wm. Miehell . . Uiis. -IMtrnicUf CommlKKionurs Frank KineHiii Aommor ... ..Joel W. Koontz unumr E. F. Mmro Hnperinteiideiit'of Publie ScIukUk. . .Troy Shelley CWuroucr .w.ujk- via- AKHlTUATTOy Oh PUT EH. It was Talleyrand who caid that speech was given to man to conceal his thoughts. Senator Palmer opines that speech was designed to demonstrate the possibility of irpetnal motion. We mufess our inability to conceive of the possibility of any har)eiiinj! or occur-? retire that would not serve 51 r. Palmer as an excuse for talking. The position assumed by him in his difciwiou of the iromesfead tragedy and, the questions ronnected with it, is certainly very far in advance of that occupied by any other cfMispicnous iiolitical leader. The argu ment by which he st-eks to justify and maintain it is quite as radical as any which the boldest agitators have dared t advance. Senator Palmer occupies a remarkable position. He is full of the; vigor of youth although an old man. j As things go he cannot possibly attain higher political honors than he has al ready won. A clone student of the higher theories and phases of govern ment, entertaining the same sentiments that made him raise bis voice and later on lift his sword in behalf of the manu mtssia5i -of tle slaves of the south, he is fitted to take advance ground on those graver ouostions which younger and narrower men halt at anil hesitate to encounter. !5ut is the senator's position really right? Were the men who de fended Homestead from the Piukerton invasion justified in the act by. that higher law to which .Senator Palmer eloquently : appeals?- Is it true that -uuder changed conditions such works as "rneeieV have become quasi public jimJ fnust therelore be in a measure under government direction? Seintor Palmer has raised a momen tous ijueation. A great deal has been said on tbe subject, and the many fine arguments in favor of arbitration have been met by as many fine arguments tgaiast it- Sweeping all these aside, rthe fact stands forth that the state is the -niHervaUr frf the peace of the citizens. It establishes and maintains . courts for ttie purpose of settling the rights of property which may be in the dispute. It seeks' to cover every question that may arise lietweeu one individual and another or one class and another, in or ler that resort to force to obtain or re gain rights may le averted. When the basis -of the present system of state gov ernment was laid labor and capital had aiot drifted into hostility. Had they done so the .slate builders would have dealt with the matter as they dealt with 6 her forms of disputes. It may be as sumed that so far as the state fails to provide a means for the settlement of quarrels b tween its citizens, to that ex tent is the state deficient in performing . fundamental dutv the preservation ofi order - j The ijuestion was brought up in the j senate on Tuesday, when Senator Voor- j hees offered a resolution declaring, that! in all disagreements and controversies i between employers and employes, the principle of arbitration should he put into practice for the settlement of diffi- IHriMolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the. law partnership heretofore existing between K. 15. Dufur, George Watkins and Frank j Menefee, under the tirni name ana style of Dnfnr, Watkins & Menefee is this day dissolved by mutual .consent. George Watkins retiring from the firm.. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will please call at once and pay the same to Frank Menefee, and all per sons having claims against said firm will present the same to him for payment. Business will be. continued at theold of fice, under the firm name of Dufur & Menefee..' E. Ji. Dufk. Gkokge. Watkins. Frank Mexekek Dated this 25th dav of June, 1892. C.'Jod4w-- ' . The Dalles, Portland & Astoria flay. Co. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to W. s. Cram.' MiinnfjK.'tnrers of the tinest French ami Home Made CAlsTDIBS, Hst of Portland. DEALERS IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts; Cigars and Tobacco. 'hii fnrniih any of these goods at Wholesala or Retail In Krery Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. SOU Until further notice the Regulator will make trips to the Cascades and return on Thursdays and Sundays, leaving The Dalles at 7 -a. in. Excursion' rates. 50 cents for the round trip. 5-23tf . iitvmacMiwMOi V 1 Second St., Opp. TUB DAL1.ES, , - FloyH. & SHown, Succeftort to C. K. Iranhuin, f Druggists and Chemists. Pure Drnsfaiii Medicines. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always Jn Attendance. Sts., Cor. Second and -.Union THE DALIES, OKKftO?;. STAGY; JiENJ. HARRISON. W HITEIiAW" REID, Hood's Stable, Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages", shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest etylo. Satisfaction guaranteed. GOHKIHG & HOCKJVIflH ,Props. me Waicti aue -BKAIJJK-IN- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. COLUMBIA JULI IE 104 Second Street, ICE! ICE! ICE! -has. sTrnLixi;. OWES WILHKLM Stubling & Wilhelm. The Gepmania, SECOND ST. THE DALLES, OREGON JT'ltealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. ' W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room. The Dalles, Oregon. Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, j we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be delivered through the Eummer. Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without advance is pkice, and may depend that we have nothing but PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE Cut from mountain water;, no slough of slush ponds. ' Leave orders at the Columbia Candy Factory, 104 Second street, or Ice Wagon. W. S. CRAM, Manager. All kinds of repairing a pecialty, and all work cuamiueea ana promptly aitenaea to Call and we his stock leave an order elsewhere. . of clocks before you W. E. GARRETSON. -Jeweler. Leaamp . SULK AOKXT KOK THE . n nun m ira... i-..ST7in. ... i J The Liateh Stiring is Alutays Out ! SEASON Sprir ai)d Summer, ,j "But mini are thinss. and a small dnou of nib. Falling, like dew, upon a thoahWrroduecM- v . , That which makes thousands, perhaps niiUSonx. Think. iltrSI TO ISTKEE8T AN1 IQ TOr Wn. I" v. Buy Oun Shoes -1- -M AXl.'FACTUREl BY r - 1 ;' . . WALTER H. TEN NY d. CO., . . BOSTON, 7umss. . THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. : . -" SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. ,1 All Watch Work Warranted.. Jewelry Made to Order. 1 38 8euU St.. Tbit Iall. Or. DID YOU KNOW IT WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and Ranges, Jeraeli's Stoves and Ranges, .Universat . Stoves and Ranges. We are also agents for the Celebrated Baynton Fowee. ' flmmanition and Loaded Shells,. Ete. SRfllTAHV PUUtTiBlHC A MAIER SPECIAliTV. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The foTrngiited Knlldfnfp next Door to onrt .Ifoawti '. ' --Y Handsomely FniniM Booms to Bent "by the Day. Weci or ML Meals Prepared; by a First Class Engliishr Cook- - . TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED- .Good Swaple .Koomk for Commercial "Men . ' ' JVERS. H- PHASER, Prropi. H O. NIELSSN Clot hiep and Tailor BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps,- Trunks and Valises, Northwest Court Streets. corner of Second and The St. Charles Hotel. This old, xpular and reliable bouse haa leen entirely refurnished, and every rdom has been repapered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A rood restaurant attached to the houne. Free bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. J. S. fiCHKNCK, President. H. M. Sisxu. Cashier. first Rational Bank. "HE DALLES, - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. failties: that a lein.-al to arbitrate and a i resort n vi.l. iu e for the solution of dif- I Collections made and proceeds prom ptlv .... , , . . i remitted on dav of collection, -faculties were methods inconsistent with the principles of-the existiiiE form, of ' Si?ht an..d Telegraphic Exchange sold ion 1 , . . . ev V ork, San Francisco and rort- goveiiuncnt, and instructing the com-: land miltee on education and labor to inquire j . into ehe expediency and propriety of j DIRECTORS. preparing mid reporting to the t-enate a; D. P. Thompson. bill muicinir lirovision for a commission i Ed. M. Williams, of Ialor. ; GKBLER-iMEBSTER' PIANOS AND ORGANS Sold on Easy Payments. Musical Instruments and Music. Booksellers and Stationers. ACOBSEN 8b Co., Lts' JFtj.jxi 1 ffrl xxgg 3-ooc3Lei. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DAI3LES; OREGON. HEW SPR1II& flliD SUIIimER DRY GD0D3 COMPLETE IN EVERY -x-." DEPARTMENT. 162 SECOND STREET. The Dalles, Or. SKI B BE IE. o a. ! cj "S H. M. .Ino. S. Sciiexck. Geo. A. LiKBft. tJ4 J. L. FISHER. W. J. MONTAGUE. Spuiisters need not despair. ' Cleopatra ! was 37 when Marc Anthony lell into her power. Josephine was 33 when she was married to Napoleon, and when Helen of Troy stirred up her great internation al row she was past ".0. It is never too late to ensnare. .!.... - .-.I From one of General Weaver's latest speeches it may be inferred that he linds it impossible to buv as. much as he would ! like to do. witk dollar. When he SECOND STEEET. THE DALLES, 0E. FISHER t MONTAGUE, I'KOI'UIKTDRS OF THE- iKletc .Shavinir Parlors AX1 Bath Roonis. a o .! .-fiai I iiii'MtT-Tlr If -i; : tt ' vy-t OT E i. Glotbing, Gents' f urnishing' Goods, Hats Gaps, Boots and Shoes, i Full Assortment of the Ieading. 'Manufacturers. Cash Bayers mitt save money by examining oar ' stock and priees before parehasing elsemhere. HJ Herbririg- BUTLER & CO., DEALERS IN- ; , S, " i 5' '"'1.1? 5 2-3-. . ! luilding Material, Rough and Dressed lumbehlime.fiaster ' A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us. : JEFFERSON STREET, between Second and Railroad. THE DALLES, OB -DEALERS IN- Washington Morth SITUATED At THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. has a dollar .worth 08 cents what stack? of things 'it will fetch him ! : "Peril. 1'rotection and Pirikertonism" is the motto with which some of oiir lernocratic friends are willing to.Burch ardi.e the republican campaign," but i will not work. . .. t (ientleuien will find THE ELETE j fully lip to the times in every respect. I Hair Cutting in the best manner, in i every style-of the art. .Smooth ShaTing ! mid Perfect liuthe. ! Hours; . Every day and evening dur ing the week.. . Closed on fcaturday eve nings after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun days from 7 a. m. to 12 o'clock noon. I PAINTS, OILS. AND GLASS, - And the Most Complete and the Latest I'atterus and Designs in ' gjT"Praclical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bat the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and .7. AV. Masary's Paints used in all our work, and none brit the most skilled workmen employed. . Agent's for Masurv Liquid Paints. lo chemical combination or soap mixture. A lirst class -article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. .. Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington Sta., Tho Dalles, Oregon Destined to be trie Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. - ; For Further Information Call at the Office of . e Investment Co., 0. D. TAYLOR, The Dalles, Or! 72 WasMmtci St., Portland. Or. s V