The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 13, 1892, Image 3

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' DEALER V-" ' o-T'V'
Everybody seems to be complaining of
But if you only stop and see the fine line
of Gents' Furnishing Goods and Hats of , ' '
You will find that he can save yon con
siderable money.
Give him a call and be convinced.
109 Second Street, ' - The Dalles; Or.
Boots, Shoes, HatsvKte.
Ktc, Etc., Etc. '
A Pull Line of the
134 Second St., next to Dalles National
Bank, Dalles City, Oregon.-
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofflee at .The Dalles, Oregon,
a second-class matter. .
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first Insertion, aud 5 Cents
per line for each tmbsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
AU lUW 11-". n ..... w .........
will appear the following day.
WEDNESDAY - - - JULY 13, 1802
Thanks to Capt. J. W. Lewis for
special favors.
Mr. D. M. French and family leave
for Ilwaco today.
Mr. N. Harris has gone to Ilwaco to
prepare for the summer.
- Have you seen that -elegant line of
Turkish slippers at Pease & Mays. ,
Mr. S. L. Brooks leaves for Portland
on business tomorrow to be absent until
Friday. .'
Mr. Schanno was in attandance at the
horticultural meeting at Hood River
MisB Lulu Bird, of The Dalles, left
for a visit to friends at Bake Oven this
morning. '
Mr. B. F. Laughlin returned from
Ilwaco last night, and leaves for Glen
wood tomorrow.
German Ev. Lutheran service will ' be
held next Sunday at 10:30 a.' in. in their
chapel on 9th street. "
All stages leaving The Dalles this
morning carried more or less express
-and freight packages.
Where did you "get those beautiful
ehoes? Why at Pease & Mays, their new
stock has just arrived..
C. J. Curtis has been appointed dep
uty prosecuting ' attorney,- for : Clatsop
county; by Hon. W; F. Barret.
MrsF. G; Toriey ; of Mitchell ,: ' arrived
from the east yesterday, and left on the
. stage for her home this morning.
That handsome home made California
saddle in "Farley & Frank's . window
has been purchased by Mr. Otis Savage.
Mr. Thos. Hudson of this city is quite
an inventor. His latest is a perfect fil
ter, which may bo attached to any hy
drant. The', body of , Mrs. r Rogers . . was V ex
humed this forenoon, and a coroners
inquest summoned to inquire into the
-cause of her death.
. Thanksare ; tendered io.'Mr Easter-,
brook j! of'Blakfelejf -xt Hoiighion, for a
bountiful Bupply;p fine Trout lake fish.
Ths;jr were excelieit? j v
Mr; 'O. Kinersly. who was to baye
served as a United States-juror in Port
land has been excused on account of
his inability' to leave his business."
The longest canal ia the world is the'
one which extends from the frontier of
China; to St.. Petersburg.., The .longest
time consumed in building a canal in the
world is at the cascades of the Coltirhbii.1
Hon; H, B. Parker of Astoria, about
two years age; built a handsome psiBsen
ger . steamer and named Tier AstorianV
Now another fleet little ' steam craft
takes thejwater bearing' the name Daily
Examiner, in honor of another popular
Astoria fourdal.
The skiff Typo "sailed away yesterday
with Com. French in command, and J.
M. Baldwin and S. J. Pressler before
the mast. They go in search of bear,
cougarj' and other wild beasts of the for
ests in the. Wind river mountain . coun
try. .All are lypds; . -:. . . .;....'
Enmiae on '-
Itabowsbcrvr ill"'
Two Mrs. Smith, one with a,daughter,
from Albany and Mrs.-Holman; of this
city, left on the stage this morning for
Goldendale, and Soda springs; on the big
Jud S. Fish sold 'his pacer to Thos.
Kelly, and now Tom has the fastest
mile horse in the country. The pacer
mixes his feet lively while ambling on a
jog, but he can't mix an amber cocktail
for a jag.
The Chronicle having worked up a
boom of business for the sheriff's office
on the ice .water and lemonade .'lay.
County Clerk Crossen is attempting ' to
offset it with a basket of free peaches
today. They are cling stones.
Deputy United States Marshal A. G.
Johnson, of this city, has a son H. C.,
an engineer in the Cajur d'Alene. His
place of business is in the midst of the
trouble, and as Mr. Johnson, does not
now hear from his regularly he feels
much concerned about the matter.
Will Michell, Frank Shontell, his
brother, and Mr. Cruni, are in camp on
Hermann creek, near the cascades, and
having bushels of fun. Pecks of trouble
with mosquitoes does not seem to mar
the crop of festivities.
Master Harry Parrott submitted man
fully today to the amputation of a leg.
It was taken off about three inches
above the knee by' Doctors Rinehart
and Logan, on account of sarcoma of the
bone. Considering his age, only 13
years, he stood the operation well.
. Henry Deerhake, a Prineville team
ster, is held for larceny of $43 from W.
Odell.' . Bonds were fixed at $250. His
team 8 were loaded for Prineville when
he was; arrested.. He is unfortunately
addicted, and about two. years ago at
tempted to commit suicide in this city.
. Major' and Mrs. Dr. Ingalls have re
turned, from Soda : Springs. Major
Ingalls was considerably, benefitted by
the trip. He is enthusiastic in praise
of the place, and says it can be made
one of the most famous resorts in the
United ' States. : The springs" are only
thirty-five miles 'from The Dalles, via
Blockhouse, on the Big Klickitat river.
c-A saddle' horse 'ran "away up Union
street yesterday ; waj headed off near
the' frame" schoolbouse j- cut across to
Court street by" the alley ; took a turn
up Court and finally landed on his back
dear over the fence into Mr. Houghton's
door yard. It was hard to decide which
wff the most ''surprised at" the in'ddeh
termination of th,e event Fred Vr," the
horse. .' .. ; '';' f ' ;.
! Mrl j. !B BiVeik of Bbykwas iuni
nipned to.; appear in - Portland on the
United States 'grarjd jury," a few days
slnpp; but" he enrprise'nii mOy by re
turning.; home . this, forenoon, . When
asked ' 'how he got' off so "soon 1 he said
business'On the farm was too." pressing.
H struck .a tender cord'm Judge
DeadyVanatbiny yesterday ancf he just
pulled it, -' ; ' ' ;-
- The steamer Dalles City made the foot
of the', canal yesterday iron?;TPortland,
but it was jtiip and, tack. The. .company
expect to be running' again 'wUhin two
weeks-..' :They: have lbst' !heavily from
this interruption but they have figured
out the" problem", .and ; will . never be
caught in this manner ' again. The
blame, if any, mast rest? with . Portland
who failed; to keep any of her agree
ments when this line was ready for bus
iness last " year-. It ' is . an in teresting
story, and The CaraoicLK will teU it all
to the public by and bye.'
Waverly School Shoes.
Worse nt Co ear d'Alene.
A special train, consisting of nine cars,
with government troops from Fort Van-r
couver, passed through The Dalles at
1 :15 p. m. today for the scene of -the
troubles at Wardner. ., They' expect to
get there early tomorrow forenoon.
Trouble is increasing very fast. The
mob took possession of. Wardner yester
day, and, now have .possession of the
mills of all the mining companies there',
and have issued an ultimatum that un
less the owners discharge all "non-union"
men. employed,'. before 12". o'clock today,
the mills and concentrators would be
blown up by dynamite. To protect
themselves the mill . and mine-owners
signed as wished by the strikers. Six
hundred strikers after 12 o'clock last
night surrounded the concentrators of
the Bunker hill and Sullivan, with an
armed cordon. Giant powder and dyna
mite was placed under the buildings
and fuses attached.' They then demand
ed of those inside the mill to surrender,
which they promptly did. Formal pos
session was then taken of the mills and
the concentrators by the strikers. Three
hundred men with . Winchesters, lay
concealed at the mouth of Bunker Hill
waiting for the onslaught which never
came. When morning dawned the
Bunker Hill people .-learned they had
been outwitted. The guards were in the
wrong place and $500,000 worth of build
ings and machinery can now be destroy
ed by the touch of a match. In order
to prevent the arrival of troops
today the strikers are burning bridges
along the line pf the railroad. Troops
are expect from Fort Sherman, Idaho,
Fort Missoula, Mont., , and,. Fort Van
couver, Wash. . They will he under the
orders of Gov. Willey and co-operate
with the state militia. The governor
says he will mass a regiment of United
States troops .and 200 militia at the
scene' of the difficulty He: has also
asked for troops from Fort Spokane and
Walla. It is feared .... the strikers will
blow up the mills ' today .
Current Topics.
This month may' yet be known as
bloody July.
Pinkertbns m.uet- go,; but vthey roust
not be succeeded by iuoh 3awi
Idaho now enjoys the same disagree
able distinction as that held by Pennsyl
vania.,. .
: A'.horoecope ","piild. . seem to. ' indicate
that this side' pf -the globe is directly un
der the malign influence of Mars.
At Quito, the only city in the world
on the line of the equator, the sun rises,
and sets at 6 o'clock the year round. . ;
: If an ordinary young man was rxiaecied
like a flea he could throw a peddler
three miles-. " ' -
: A couple of circus employes were; on
the skirmish after a justice of the peace
in Spokane yesterday. They were afraid
the menagerie owner had forgotten to
pay them. .
The promised "compaign Of reciprocal
decency and good nature' has '"been
opened , withv the ' ., trifling.-, ' innuedo
that Mr. Stevenson was at .one time a
Knight of the Golden Circle.
Stanley appears to great disadvantage
upon the hustings, and on. Bevera.. occa
Biona has 'turned tb his i wife Cfor , protec
tion from the sharp interruptions of the
crowd. y4"During the visit, of , the ..couple
to this' pjuhtry; we', ventured J to' .'suggest
that Mrs! Stanley !was the J gray mare in
that establishment.
Uonnelly for Governor.
St. Paul, July 13. Ignatius Donnelly
will be nominated" for governor on the
people's party ticket. "
. ' . . DEALER IN
Cantos, Fruiis, Nnts, Soda Water,
' , ice Cream, ToMcca M Cigars. .
First Glass Syrups f or Saloons and
Soda Fountains, Ete.
Second Street, ' Next door to Wingate's Hall
A BnBeatlnm to The Xalle Board of
' The committee of citizens from Port
land, who are to hear a conference today
in Washington city, it is maid are pre
pared, to show the secretary of war that
Maj. Handbnry, the United States en
gineer in charge of works in
in the private employ of -the Port of
Portland coinmission, and ia receiving a
salary of $250.00 per month from the
commission, for the use of such informa
tion as is on file in his office and belong
ing to the government. . That his policy
is against the wishes of the people, and
is unwarranted. In the event that these
charges are established it will go a long
ways toward confirming the suspicion of
very many people that perhaps the prin
cipal reason why the cascade locks, arid
canal have not been completed, years,
ago, may be attributed to similar influ
ences on the part of some of the corpor
ations which have used every effort to
prevent construction.: And this leads to
the suggestion ; inasmuch are some, who
.are known to be pronounced enemies of
an open river, yet declare that the canal
and locks "will finished ;" that
perhaps it would be a wise move for the
people to insist upon having a major pf
engineers secured for the work under the
contract system, upon whom : the breath
of suspicion could never rest. We had
him, once ; and he should be returned to
the work. " The Dalles Board of Trade
can name him. . :, '
Jacob sen Recovers His Buggy.
Last evening as Mr. E Jacobsen was
dininc at ' Haights a couple of tramps
came along and drove off with his horse
and buggy which had been .left bitched
at the post. As soon as the meal was
finished he was kindly loaned Mr. Free
man's horse and buggy, and taking Con.
Howe .with him started post haste after
the tramps. . They came up with them
out about Three-mile. . Judge of Jacob
sen's surprise when he discovered the
tramps to be a couple of his best Dalles
friends. He cooled off a. little ; but ' . was
yet pretty hot in the collar, untilthefuir
force of the intended joke struck him,
then he concluded that as the joke had
gone at feasj... two miles and a half too
far, ho would sit as judge of the court
and imposed as a penalty that the jokers
walk home. All parties were feeling
pretty; well over the joke this morning.
Telegraphic Flashes.
. All tl& hospitals in . Caracas Veneau-.
ela arej filled-, with wpnnded '. troops in
the last decisive battle between the gov
ernment and the insurgents, who were
almost utterly annihilated. .At Araus
the government troops 'were defeated
with tremendous slaughter.
An eroptiorr at Mount Efna from new.
fissures at the summit threatening the
villages on the eastern and southern'de
clivitiea appears about to cease, but the
crater shows signs of . renewed activity.
A broad stream of lava is flowing in the
direction of Nicplosi i
The Dominion authorities have art
dered, the government steamer'.Newfield
trpyi Halifax to $t. Johja'b, N. F., with
a carg9pf provisions for the 'sufferers by
the fire.
T. A. .Van Norden, the expert watch
repairet at 'No. 106 -Second- street, The
Dalles, appears to have a liappy Knack
for holding the confidence of his patrons.
The secret,- of -course, is the usual one
skill in repairing even the most compli
cated watches. 7-13-1 m
i iiiii tiiainian Jevjt itl
My entire stock will Be
closed out at the aBoye figure.
Practical Shoemakers and Dealers in
' ' ' 214 Boooud Street. '
Only Exclusive Boot and Shoe Hoiise in the City.
All Kinds of Footwear Always on Hand.
Szperieaees of a Party From I'ortland
at Tront Lake.
Special to Tut CHKOKICI.K.
Tbout Lake, Wash., July ll'.Think-
ing yon would appreciate a few items
from the vicinity of Mount AdamSj. es
pecially at this tma.when the. people
frqm'all parts of the pantry are '-spending
their vacation withus; I haye taken
the liberty of constituting' -myself your
correspondent for this pe tmei ';: iv:j.-.
Trout Lake is the favorite , camp
grounds, and it certain.;';is-J;aJl)ewitJful
spot, but no doubt the gnud opportuni
ties offered for trout fishing is the main
attraction. During the last week we
have had quite a number of well known
fishermen from The Dalles and Hood
River, among whom we noticed Messrs.
Thornbury, Haight and Cates. These
gentlemen caught upwards of 500 speck
led beauties, besides helping to save the
lives of three tenderfeet, from the city of
.Portland, who claimed to be 'railroad
men. I understand that they expected
to he brought to the lake .in a special
Pullman, but on reachine ; Jlood River
found tii at they would liave. t either
make the rest of the trip by dead-axe
wagon, or walk. , But as there was only
one of the party, Mr. Caseyj who was
equal to the jonrrey by foot,' he having
made quite a record for himself in his
famous walk around lake Washington,
the-party concluded to go by wagon.
Unfortunately they forgot their fish rods,
but Mr. Henliue, who represents the C.
P., had a reel. I believe it was formerly
used for reeling barbed wire. However,
Messrs. Haight, Thornbury, and Cates
leaned ihein their fish tackle, with which
-they caught a. few : trout. But the cli
max was reached when they discovered
that Casey had furnished mosqdito net
ting instead of blankets, and the ther
mometer liable to fall to freezing point
before morning. ' But here Mr. Thorn
bury came to the rescue and loaned
them a heavy'-pair' of blankets. The
next morning Casey swore he was going
back to Portland, if he had to walk, but
the. whole party-having come to the
same conclusion, it was not necessary to
put nis tnreat into execution. - J ahmeb,
; ; The only thing small about, Astoria
Sunday Herald is;the "price 10 cents.""
- " i." .K ' - '" ' . ' V '
''' Notice:' Sale of CIty'Xot.
Hotice is hereby-' given,' that by authority of
Ordinance No. 253, which pasea the Common
Council of -Dalles' City, June 50Ui, 1'J entitle
"An Ordinance entitled nn Ordinance to provide
ior me saie 01 certain vpia Deionging to uaues
t;ifv, a wilt on xuesaay ine itui aay ot August,
all of the - following described lots and pirtH o
lots situated in Ciatcs Addition to Dalles City,
1, Block fS: Heventy Jfoet off froni south side of
Lot No. 2, Block No. 18; the' south oiiehalf of
Lots o. a, , a ana h, in uiock io. as; Lots Mos.
2, 3,4, 5, 6,7,8, 9 and 10, in Block Mo. 19; "and
Lots Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12, in Block No. U
: Theappraise vniue of said lots aud for less
than which they will not be sold' is fixed- as
follows, to-wit: , .
70 feet off. the south end of Lot No. 1, in
BlockNo. 18....-.V 1123.00
70 feet off the south end of Lot No. 2, in
Block' No. IS. . . s 125.00
The sovth-one half .of Lot No. 8, in Block
-.NO. ISJ:':..:.. -...;. .s'.'.-.-.i-i .....vl 100.00
The south one-half of Lot No. 4, in Block
- -.No. ia. .. ..i --. .;:....... .-(. j 100.00
iar WDurtme-iuui oi uot AO.- o, in uiocg
; No. ;V .... . .. . . 100.00
The south one-half of Lot No. 6, In Block
, No. 18 .... 100.00.
xjya nnmoerea s, . 6, , 7, 8,9 and 10, in
y Block.No.19, and- Lots numbered 7, 8, , .
. .11 and 12, in Block No. 14, each ap
praised at 100 00
' Each of said lots "will be- soldi upon the lot,
respectively, and none of i them -shall oesoold for
a less sum than the value as above stated. i
One-third of the- nrice ' bid on nnv nt. n1f 1nt
shftll beykid in eauh at time of sale.'. one-third
on or before one year from.' date of sale, and one
third on or before two years fronv date of sale,
with Interest at the rate-of .tea -ner. cent.-tier
annum upon deferred payments, payable
annually. ,
The sale -will; begin with. -the-, first lot-herein.
avuc U1CUUUUW LI L LtU o UIC1VS. M. III. AUgUSl lb,
1892, and continue with each lot in the order as
herein named until all of said lorn shall be sold.
Dated this 11th day of July, IsOi
7.13-8-13w-d. Recorder of Dalles City. '
On one point all will be agreed, and-
that is regret for the deplorable occur
rences in the Ceuer.d' Alenes yesterday.
Judge Walter Q. Greshaiu. is one of
the few' Americans fer "whpm' various
offices have gone out and hunted night
and dav.
A girl to do general housework, good
wages, apply at this office.
Will Want The Chronicle, t
After the Fourth the . usual, hegira to
the- sea coast and mountains will begin.
Orders may be left at The Chronicxk
office for the paper, which will be mail
ed free of postage daily, and which : in
camp, cottage or tent, will be found a -welcome
visitor from home. You will
want Thb Chronicle. Don't, forget to-.
leave yonr orders. , - k
'-.- ; '. .At Coat, v
For the next thirty days we will sell
wall naper at cost, . 10, 15, and 20 cents
double roll to make room for new stock.
. Snipes & Kinersly,
9.6t Leading Druggists, The Dalles, Or.
Between the postoffice and the Wasco
academy grounds, or on the grounds,
two small gold pins attached by a chain
with initialed bangle. Finder rewarded
at this office. 3td
All Dalles City warrants registered
prior to October 7, 1800, will be paid if '
presented at my office. Interest ceases
from and after this date.
Dated July 7th, 1892.
L- Hordes,'
" tf. Treaa. Dalles City,
' City taxes for 1392 are now due anct
payable within sixty days, at the office
pf the undersigned.
L. Rokdkn, Citv Treasurer.
Dalles Citv, July 6th, 1892.
Chamberlain's -. Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de
pended upon, it is pleasant to take and,,
will cure cramp, cholera morbus, dysen
tery and diarrhoea in their 'worst forms.
Every family should be provided with
it. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. d&w
The Ie:Wagn. .
The ice wagon of Cates &' Allison is on
the streets every -morning from -6 to 8
o'clock. Any orders for ice left with
Will Van bibber's express or at the store
of Chas. , Lauer will be promptly; at-
tended to.'
, Cates & Ai.i.ibojt.
Flsher'a Sharing and Wathlng fmrlw
From and after this date my place of
business 'will be closed -on 'Saturday
evenings after 10 o'clock, and open on
Sundays from 7 a. m-t until 12 ..o'clock
noph " .., -;' '-v
" "' Julius FisSsuev
; ' ' Secend Street, The Dalles, Or.
i Instantaneous Perlraitsp " Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon. .
iCrjIIdren Cry for Pitchers Castorfa.
T "-..-( -.V
' iWben Baby waa Blot, wo gare her Caitoria.
.,Wbenhe was ChiMT.slie cried fbrCaxtorM,
When she beeam Miss, she cjuns1o ftaStoris,
. When anebad Children, she give thera Caatariai