The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL VAl'ER OF DALLES CITY. ANU WASCO COUNTY. . rublislittl Daily, Suiidny Excepted. BY IHE CHUOXICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, The Dulie, orvgon. Terms of Sulxwrlplion Vr Ycnr Per month, by carrier tiinglu cony .6 00 STAIK OFFICIALS. (iowmrii Secretary of Stute Treasurer Supt. of I'ubllc Instruction. euators 'inirressmnii State Printer S. Pennoyer ...... ti.W. McBride . ...Phillip 3ltMChan E. is. McElroy (J. X. Dolph " Jj. It. Mitchell K. Ilcmuiiui Frank Baker CJOO'TY OFFICIALS Countv Judge.... Sheriff Clerk Treasurer Commishioners. . . . . . Atfesif ( X. Ttiornbary I. Jj. Gates . ...J. B. Croiweu Oeo. Kuch !H' A. IjeavctiH Frank KincHid ohn E. Harnett tturveyor Superintendent uf I'nblie Schools. . . Troy Shelley Coroner William Michell THE ERA OF CASALS. Finain-icrs and men who sire making a study of commercial conditions are sat isfied .that the United States is just en--tering tiixu an era of canal building:, and that 'by -lHi'8 the conntry will le bisected by several jrrtiat ship euuala which shall practically overcome the limit put upon ocean .:oinkueree ly the coast. The chamber of coiniuerce of New York has inforuittlly expressed an opinion that, the Krie canal, stretchintt from Buffalo to the Hudson, must be deepened so as to admit sHipp of considerable burthen. Col. Frank ltond, wJio is well known among railway managers as a man of f?reat ability, declares that it is inevita ble that a ship canal be cut across the state of Michigan, say from Grand Haven to the !t. Clair river. Capitalists are already in consultation over the con struction of a ship canal across New Jersey to the Delaware, thence across Maryland to the Chesapeake, with a view ultimately of extending it through the Jorth Carolina sounds to Charleston ar Savannah. The expectation is that early in the next century a ship canal, capable of floating as great vessels as are carried through the Suez or will be car ried through the Nicaragua canal, will be .cut across the upper part of the .Florida peninsula thus shortening by 3,000 miles the trip from the coast cities to the Nicaragua canal. Thegreat West ;is determined that a ship canal shall be built from Chicago to the Mississippi. It is reasonable to expect, therefore, that . by the one hundred and fiftieth anni rversary of the Nation's birth there may have been developed the most stupen . dons canal system -the world has ever known, effecting; in a manner of which . it is impossible to estimate the extent; the commercial relations of the United Slates with other countries as well as the relations between the various cities . of this country. '"No matter what the weather man says or where, the mercury in the thermome ter may be, the season of outdoor sports ud outdoor life is upon us. With the aidvent of fervid Suly the wearing of a wtraw hat and u blazer cannot longer be regarded as disorderly conduct by fastid- ' ious connoisseurs of the proprieties of drees. Therefore, if summer clothes with -shivering inmates or picknickers drenched with rain put in an occasional .appearenc-e it. must be remembered that " theweath-er is out of order ami not they -According to the eternal fitness of ' things outdoor sports are due and past dae. Boating, excursions, fishing and all manner of outings are nt the front. To those whose means afford a choice of ftuinsement for tho summer the oppor tunities are varied. To those less fortu nate, and those on the seamy side of life even, the doors are not wholly closed. The charming performance at the beach of a sylvan drama in the open air beneath natural trees, stirred by real breezes and touched by genuine eun thine enforces the conclusion that sum mer is indeed upon us in all its glory. It was frequently asked during the session of the late democratic conven lion at Chicago why Boss Mclaughlin av-ho was accused of selling out Kings county to Hamson in 1888, was not in attendance. Gath answers the question in this way : "Because he saw that if he gave assistance to the subjugation of Tammany Hall in New York the axe might next be turned against his firm and long hold upon Brooklyn, the second xity in the state, and the fourth in the nnion." ' Mr. Austin Corbin designs to plant 20,009 hawthorn trees on his great game nark in New Hampshire. The trees have all been imported from England, and 4,000 so far have been set out, They are to serve as a hedge to retain -the buffalo and other large game within -the limits of the reserve. -"Private Joe comes from the saui8 town aa "Gen." Stevenson and did more fighting in- war time than the general But then hie military title is not in pate. . ' " ' dis Gen. Eppa Hanton, Virginia's new senator, rose in four year9 from the con federate ranks to a major-generalship. Wtuita a Companion Thia Vcnr. The "Hermit of the Soanbiick," Peter Lechner, who last year passed the win ter months in the observatory on the t of that lonely peak, now de clares that he will not stay there anl other winter unless he has a companion with him. He wotdd, he says, prefer a wife, If he could find one. Otherwise he will be content with a male compan ion, who could take turns with him in his constant task of reading the scien tific instruments. This decision on the part of the "Hermit of the Sonnblick" really threatens the further existence of the highest observatory in Europe. For the Austrian Meteorological institute locks the funds to support a companion for Lechner, and the small sum, about 100 a year, that is wanted for the pur pose is not forthcoming from private sources. It is believed that the real explanation of the discontent of Herr Lechner is that he is annoyed at being forgotten by the public, who have neither sent him Christmaa presents nor published lauda tory paragraphs about him in the news papers of late. Three years back he said he wanted a wife, and hundreds of offers at once poured in from all quar ters, including several rich and many good looking women, but he then langhed at the idea, and continued to 'prefer tho state of single blessedness. It would be a distinct loss to meteorologi cal and physical science if the Sonnblick observatory were to be closed, but some nif-arcb will probably be found of recon ciling Herr Peter to his lonely but lofty labors for another winter. Vionna Cor. London Standard. TiUies at the Prico of Grain. The difference between the method of paying the clergy of tho Church of Eng land, who receive the tithe as their liv ing, and the clergy of tho Church of Scotland, who enjoy what are known in the north as tiands, will . be very appar ent in this year. On both sides of th Tweed grain prices are higher for the year, bnt in England tho clergy will re ceive little iramedirtte benefit from the rise, because by the seven years' average it is spread over so long time that the most that cin be hoped for from the good prices of IK) I is to stop the fall which has been going on every year without a breaik since JS78, a longer period of successive anneal declines in the value of the lithe than has evoe be fore occurred. lint in ScottiMid the tiend is calculated On the grain prices fS each year, so that the parish minister who have endured the discoiufor t whicb tow prices brought with them when grain ws cheap will now nave- directly mr ad vantages ot higher prices when grain has risen. In England both the rise and the fall are- retarded bv the seven, years? aver:ige. In Scotland, the full effects of either the ono or the other are directly experienced in every year:. London draplnc. Unman Rein; Sa tlio M&?iuufe Jke. Near Brnnn. the capital of Moravia, important diseoveries of prehistoric re mains have been made which are likely to attract the attention of palaeontolo gists ali over the globe. As- a eana was being twig 4i:j skulls were- brought to light of dolieho-cephalous long headed) character aud of an exceedingly low stage of development. The same place contained bones and teeth of mammoth rhinoceros and reindeer. Close to tho skulls lay more- thai 500 fo3.sil snails, several calcinous stones, with holes in the middle, a rod figure cut out of a mammoth's tooth, with a hole running through the middle. This discovery is the first of the- kind: in Austria and is highly important from being a proof that there were human beings in the mammoth periodt. Vienna Cor. London Standard. SpuriouN Klmwl. A jroud deal of indignation has- been excited by a discovery recently made by the Calcutta customs of a trade i spu rious Cashmere shawls. It. appears that large quantities of shawls have been- im ported into India from Germany, with imitation Cashmere marks on Hiem. On arrival in Calcutta the shawl are treated by some peculiar process and then sent into the . interior- and sold there as real Cashmere- productions. Their actual cost in Calcutta is about $5, and they fetch when sold about $35. Exchange. A Winter Charm, A Wilmington man carries in his vest pocket a piece of skin that was taken from a man's neck and then tanned. Ho the Wilmington man, not the other man claims that the possession of that piece of tanned skin will keep him from sliTminsr on tho ice. The- boys in the neighborhood are watching him now to see what virtue there is in the odd charm. The owner of the piece of skin argn es that if its possession does not pre vent him from falling it will, at least, not cause him to fall. Wilmington News. In Charge of One Family Forty Years. The postoffico at South Deerfield, N. H., has been in charge of one family for over forty years. F. J. White was ap pointed postmaster by President Pierce and held the otnee tor tmrty-nve years. At the time of his death his son, Charles E., was appointed and held the position until 1888, .when another son, W. K. White was appointed, wrucn po sition he held until the first of the pres ent year. -Exeter Letter. Supporting Ue Principle. Last June a young man was arrested in Natick, Mass.. because he would not pay his poll tax, amounting to two dol lars, and he has been kept in jail ever since at an expense to the taxpayers of $1.75 per week. " . The town is losing money on the transaction, but it is vin dicating an eternal principle with great success. New York Tribune. Government Control of Telephone. At the end of next year the Telephone Company of Austria will cease to exist, the government assuming control of all, the telephone lines in tho kingdom. New York Journal. . A Sw Kind of Insurance. For twenty-five cents you can insure yourself and family against any bad re sults from an attack of bowel complaint during the summer. One or two doses, of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure any ordi nary case. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. No family can afford to be without it. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Blakelev & Hough ton, druggists. d&w A rare opportnaity for the ladies is now afforded oy Mrs. Philips, who is of fering millinery at one third less, as she has decided to retire irom tue Dusinoss. See advertisement. C.lSdtf The Dalles, Portland & Astoria flay. Co. Until further notice the Regulator will make trips to the Cascades and return on Thursdays and Sundays, leaving The Dalles t 7 a. m. Excursion rates. 50 cents for the round trip. 5-23tf City Blacksmit Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, i THE DALLES, ' - OREGON." Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksrnitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed. GuHfllflG&HOCKTOJ ,Props. J. L. FISHER. W, J. MOSTAGUE. FISHER I MONTAGUE, PKOrUTETortS OF TTIK Elete Shaving- Parlors -A'I- Bath Rooms. SE002TLV STBEET. THE DALLES 0E.. Gontlemw will find THE ELKTK fully up to the times ir? every respect. Hair Cuttiag in the beet manner, in every style oi the art. Sraooth Shaving and "Perfect Baths. Honrs : TCvery day and evening" dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nings after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun days from 7 to 12 o'clock noon COLUMBIA M CO 104 Second Street, ICE! ICE ! ICE! Having over 1009 tons of ice on baud, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be delivered through the summer. Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season wiTiioirr advawe is l'RJCK, and may depend that w have j nothing but j PURE, HEALTHFUL, ICE ! i Cut from mountain water: no slo-jgh or I slush ponds. Jjeave orders at the- Columbia Candy Factory, 104 Second.' street, op Ice Wagon. W. S. CRAM. Manager. FIRE WORKS ! E Jaeobsen & 162 Seco&tl Street. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS. IN- PAINTS, OILS And tile Moat Complete anS the SJTraetical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of tle Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masory's Paints used in all our work, and none feat the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masary Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly, attended to.. Store and Paint Shop corset Tired and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon SKIBBEi'HOTEL, W. Xj. STCTT.BB, IX'OXy. 'i - 02? Z. lift w S r-r- I SS FOR CHURCHES. Superior In tune to Pipe Organs, easier played and cheaper, are the ESTEY PHILHARMONICS HOlJimilflWii. :- SucccMors to C. E. Iimlisii. " Druggists and Chemists. Pare Dropani Medicines. Dispensiag Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cori Second and Union THE DALIES, OKEGOX. Sts., STAGY SHOSIH, Tfte Wat JJKALKK IX Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Eta All kinds of repniriiifr specinlty, nnd all work guaranteed and promptly nttouded to- Call and see his stock of clocks before yon leave an order elsewhertt , v J. B. SCHKSCK, President. . M. Bkaij. Cashier. first Kational Back. "HE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections msd and proceeds prompMv remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange eold cx Xeir York, Francisco-and Port land. DIRSCTOKS. I. P. Thompson. .Tno. S. .Schexck. E. M. "Williawss. Geo. A. JLiske. H. M. Bkall. W. E. GaRRETSON. Mil - Jeweler. flK AtiKTTT' FflC IHr AH Watch Wors. Warranted. Jewelry Mads1 to Order. 13SKad St.. T Oallw, Or. FIRE WORKS Co.'s. THE DALLES.-ORECON. AND GLASS, Latest Patterns and Designs in 7 c . o THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. V ' t". CLEVELAND. The liatch String Sprip aid Summer, "But word are things, and hIUdk. like dew, upon a tfiougut. produces - . Thut which makes thoosando, perhaps millions, think." ' "VK Ti:ttST TO INTEREST ASI) BO TOT GOOD. Buv Oun Shoes -1 THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE. AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrugated Kulldins next Court Hone.- . HaiisimelT Fnriisttea Emis to Bent tjj tie Day,. Weetor HoiflL : Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms ' for Commercial Mem. GlotBier and Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Grents' FxirjilBliins CKNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTOX, HEW SPRING OP COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods,, Hats; - Boots and Shoes,. Full Assortment of the teh Bayers mill save money by examining ouf ahd prices before WM. -DEALERS IN- Building Material, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Lime. Plaster; Hair and Cement- A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled, by us. JEFFERSON STREET, .between Second and Railroad,. THE DALLES, Oifi -WiK (tfth flail PS Washissta J1V1 VI vxawwj - SITU ATED AT THE Destined to te the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate 0. D. TAYLOR, Tiis Mes, Or. 12 WasMBjiM St., PorUasft. Or. STEVENSON. is Rltxiays Out I SEASON 4- 1892. ' a amnll drop of ink, -MANUFACTCEED BY WALTER H. TEN NY & CO. " BOSTON, 3HOISS.! oods, THE DALLES, OREGON . SDn DRY GOODS Caps, Leading Manufacturers- stock piehasing elsemliere. j Herbring. CO., HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west.; 7". " ' - . :"